home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit RackCtls;
- { RackControls:
- TLEDButton, TButtonPanel, TScrewPanel, TLEDDisplay, TLEDMeter
- (C)opyright 2000 Version 1.04
- Autor : Simon Reinhardt
- eMail : reinhardt@picsoft.de
- Internet : http://www.picsoft.de
- RackControls ist eine Komponentensammlung zur Erstellung von
- Audiorack-Σhnlichen OberflΣchen. Diese Komponenten sind
- Public Domain, das Urheberrecht liegt aber beim Autor.
- Die Komponente TLEDDisplay ist eine Weiterentwicklung
- der Komponente TLCDDisplay von Luis Iglesias:
- luis.iglesias@vigo.org
- ─nderungen, die bei LEDDisplay nachfolgende Nullen bei LeadingZeros=False doch zeichnet
- ErgΣnzt von Wolfgang Kleinrath
- Eigenschaft FSingleLED ergΣnzt von U. Conrad }
- interface
- {$I SRDefine.inc}
- uses
- {$IFDEF SR_Win32} Windows, {$ELSE} WinTypes, WinProcs, Menus, {$ENDIF} Classes,
- Graphics, Controls, ExtCtrls, SysUtils, Messages, Forms;
- type
- TBorderStyle = (bsNone, bsSingle);
- TButtonDirection = (bdBottomUp, bdLeftUp, bdNone, bdRightUp, bdTopUp);
- TContrast = 0..9;
- TDecSeperator = (dsPoint,dsComma,dsDoublePoint,dsMinus);
- TMeterDirection = (mdDown, mdLeft, mdRight, mdUp);
- TNumGlyphs = 0..4;
- TScrewSize = 1..8;
- TSegmentStyle = (ssRectangular, ssBeveled);
- TTextPosition = (tpAbove, tpBelow, tpNone, tpOnButton);
- TLEDButton = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- FBeveled: boolean;
- FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
- FButtonDirection: TButtonDirection;
- FColor: TColor;
- FColorHighlight: TColor;
- FColorLED: TColor;
- FColorLEDOff: TColor;
- FColorShadow: TColor;
- FDepth: integer;
- FDown: boolean;
- FFont: TFont;
- FGlyph: TBitmap;
- FLEDContrast: TContrast;
- FNumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs;
- FShowLED: boolean;
- FStateOn: boolean;
- FSwitching: boolean;
- FTextPosition: TTextPosition;
- FMouseDown: boolean;
- FOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- protected
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- override;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- override;
- procedure SetBeveled(newValue: boolean);
- procedure SetBorderStyle(newBorderStyle: TBorderStyle);
- procedure SetButtonDirection(NewDirection: TButtonDirection);
- procedure SetColor(newColor: TColor);
- procedure SetColorLED(newColor: TColor);
- procedure SetDepth(newValue: integer);
- procedure SetFont(newFont: TFont);
- procedure SetGlyph(newGlyph: TBitmap);
- procedure SetLEDContrast(newContrast: TContrast);
- procedure SetNumGlyphs(newNumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs);
- procedure SetShowLED(newValue: boolean);
- procedure SetStateOn(newValue: boolean);
- procedure SetTextPosition(newValue: TTextPosition);
- procedure DrawBorder(Dest:TRect);
- procedure DrawCaption(Dest:TRect);
- procedure DrawGlyph(Dest:TRect);
- procedure DrawLED(var Dest:TRect);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure CMTextChanged(var msg: TMessage);message CM_TEXTCHANGED;
- procedure CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar);message CM_DIALOGCHAR;
- published
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi5_Up}
- property Action;
- property Anchors;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Beveled: boolean read FBeveled write SetBeveled;
- property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle;
- property ButtonDirection: TButtonDirection read FButtonDirection write SetButtonDirection;
- property Caption;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor;
- property ColorLED: TColor read FColorLED write SetColorLED;
- property Depth: integer read FDepth write SetDepth;
- property Enabled;
- property Font: TFont read FFont write SetFont;
- property Glyph: TBitmap read FGlyph write SetGlyph;
- property LEDContrast: TContrast read FLEDContrast write SetLEDContrast;
- property NumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs read FNumGlyphs write SetNumGlyphs default 1;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi3_Up}
- property PopupMenu;
- {$ENDIF}
- property ShowHint;
- property ShowLED: boolean read FShowLED write SetShowLED;
- property StateOn: boolean read FStateOn write SetStateOn;
- property Switching: boolean read FSwitching write FSwitching;
- property TextPosition: TTextPosition read FTextPosition write SetTextPosition;
- property Visible;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- end;
- TButtonPanel = class(TCustomPanel)
- private
- FBeveled: boolean;
- FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
- FColor: TColor;
- FColorHighlight: TColor;
- FColorShadow: TColor;
- FDepth: integer;
- FPanelDirection: TButtonDirection;
- FShowLED: boolean;
- protected
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure SetBeveled(newValue: boolean);
- procedure SetBorderStyle(newBorderStyle: TBorderStyle);
- procedure SetColor(newColor: TColor);
- procedure SetDepth(newValue: integer);
- procedure SetPanelDirection(NewDirection: TButtonDirection);
- procedure SetShowLED(newValue: boolean);
- procedure DrawBorder(Dest:TRect);
- procedure DrawCaption(Dest:TRect);
- procedure DrawLED(var Dest:TRect);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Align;
- property Alignment;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi5_Up}
- property Anchors;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Beveled: boolean read FBeveled write SetBeveled;
- property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle;
- property Caption;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor;
- property Ctl3D;
- property Depth: integer read FDepth write SetDepth;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi3_Up}
- property FullRepaint;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Font;
- property Locked;
- property PanelDirection: TButtonDirection read FPanelDirection write SetPanelDirection;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property ShowLED: boolean read FShowLED write SetShowLED;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Visible;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi3_Up}
- property OnStartDrag;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- TScrewPanel = class(TCustomPanel)
- private
- FColor: TColor;
- FColorHighlight: TColor;
- FColorShadow: TColor;
- FMargin: integer;
- FScrewSize: TScrewSize;
- FShowScrews: boolean;
- protected
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure SetColor(newColor: TColor);
- procedure SetMargin(newValue: integer);
- procedure SetScrewSize(newValue: TScrewSize);
- procedure SetShowScrews(newValue: boolean);
- procedure DrawScrew(X,Y:integer);
- procedure DrawBevel(ARect:TRect;Raised:boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Align;
- property Alignment;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi5_Up}
- property Anchors;
- {$ENDIF}
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelOuter;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BorderWidth;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Caption;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi3_Up}
- property FullRepaint;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Font;
- property Locked;
- property Margin: integer read FMargin write SetMargin;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ScrewSize: TScrewSize read FScrewSize write SetScrewSize;
- property ShowHint;
- property ShowScrews: boolean read FShowScrews write SetShowScrews;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Visible;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi3_Up}
- property OnStartDrag;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- TLEDDisplay = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- FBevelStyle : TPanelBevel;
- FBorderStyle : TBorderStyle;
- FColorBackGround,
- FColorLED : TColor;
- FDecSeperator : TDecSeperator;
- FDigit : array [0..10] of TBitmap;
- FDigitHeight,
- FDigitWidth,
- FFractionDigits : integer;
- FLEDContrast : TContrast;
- FLEDOffColor : TColor;
- FLineWidth,
- FNumDigits : integer;
- FLeadingZeros : boolean;
- FSegCl : array [0..10, 1..7] of TColor;
- FSegmentStyle : TSegmentStyle;
- FValue : extended;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetBevelStyle (newValue: TPanelBevel);
- procedure SetBorderStyle (newValue: TBorderStyle);
- procedure SetColorBackGround (newValue: TColor);
- procedure SetColorLED (newValue: TColor);
- procedure SetDecSeperator (newValue: TDecSeperator);
- procedure SetDigitHeight (newValue: integer);
- procedure SetDigitWidth (newValue: integer);
- procedure SetFractionDigits (newValue: integer);
- procedure SetLeadingZeros (newValue: boolean);
- procedure SetLEDContrast(newContrast: TContrast);
- procedure SetLineWidth (newValue: integer);
- procedure SetNumDigits (newValue: integer);
- procedure SetSegmentStyle (newValue: TSegmentStyle);
- procedure SetValue (newValue: extended);
- procedure GenerateBitMaps;
- procedure AssignColors (seg: integer; s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure paint; override;
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi5_Up}
- property Anchors;
- {$ENDIF}
- property BevelStyle: TPanelBevel read FBevelStyle write SetBevelStyle;
- property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle;
- property ColorBackGround: TColor read FColorBackGround write setColorBackGround default clOlive;
- property ColorLED: TColor read FColorLED write setColorLED default cllime;
- property DecSeperator: TDecSeperator read FDecSeperator write setDecSeperator;
- property DigitHeight: integer read FDigitHeight write setDigitHeight default 30;
- property DigitWidth: integer read FDigitWidth write setDigitWidth default 20;
- property DigitLineWidth: integer read FLineWidth write setLineWidth default 3;
- property FractionDigits: integer read FFractionDigits write setFractionDigits default 0;
- property Height default 36;
- property LeadingZeros: boolean read FLeadingZeros write setLeadingZeros default true;
- property LEDContrast: TContrast read FLEDContrast write SetLEDContrast;
- property NumDigits: integer read FNumDigits write setNumDigits default 6;
- property SegmentStyle: TSegmentStyle read FSegmentStyle write setSegmentStyle;
- property Value: extended read FValue write setValue;
- property Visible;
- property Width default 168;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- end;
- TLEDMeter = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- FBevelStyle : TPanelBevel;
- FColorLED1,
- FColorLED2,
- FColorLED3,
- FColorOff1,
- FColorOff2,
- FColorOff3,
- FColorSeperator : TColor;
- FDirection : TMeterDirection;
- FLEDContrast : TContrast;
- FMax, FMin,
- FNumDigits,
- FPosition : integer;
- FSingleLED : boolean;
- FStartColor2,
- FStartColor3 : integer;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetBevelStyle(newVal : TPanelBevel);
- procedure SetColorLED1(newVal : tColor);
- procedure SetColorLED2(newVal : tColor);
- procedure SetColorLED3(newVal : tColor);
- procedure SetColorSeperator(newVal : tColor);
- procedure SetDirection(newVal : TMeterdirection);
- procedure SetLEDContrast(newContrast: TContrast);
- procedure SetMax(newVal : integer);
- procedure SetMin(newVal : integer);
- procedure SetNumDigits(newVal : integer);
- procedure SetPosition(newVal : integer);
- procedure SetSingleLED(newVal : boolean);
- procedure SetStartColor2(newVal : integer);
- procedure SetStartColor3(newVal : integer);
- protected
- procedure Paint;override;
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);override;
- destructor Destroy ; override;
- published
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi5_Up}
- property Anchors;
- {$ENDIF}
- property BevelStyle: TPanelBevel read FBevelStyle write SetBevelStyle;
- property ColorLED1 : TColor read FColorLED1 write setColorLED1;
- property ColorLED2 : TColor read FColorLED2 write setColorLED2;
- property ColorLED3 : TColor read FColorLED3 write setColorLED3;
- property ColorSeperator: TColor read FColorSeperator write setColorSeperator;
- property Cursor;
- property Direction: TMeterDirection read FDirection write setDirection;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property LEDContrast: TContrast read FLEDContrast write SetLEDContrast;
- property Max: integer read FMax write setMax;
- property Min: integer read FMin write setMin;
- property NumDigits: integer read FNumDigits write setNumDigits;
- property Position: integer read FPosition write setPosition;
- property SingleLED : boolean read FSingleLED write setSingleLED;
- property StartColor2: integer read FStartColor2 write setStartColor2;
- property StartColor3: integer read FStartColor3 write setStartColor3;
- property Visible;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi2_Up}
- {$R *.D32}
- uses rrColors;
- {$ELSE}
- {$R *.D16}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- DefaultWidth = 45;
- DefaultHeight = 45;
- DefaultDepth = 3;
- FHLContrast = 5;
- FShContrast = 4;
- function IsAccellerator(VK: Word; const Str: string): Boolean;
- var
- P : Integer;
- begin
- P := Pos('&', Str);
- Result := (P <> 0) and (P < Length(Str)) and
- (Upcase(Str[P + 1])=Upcase(Char(VK)));
- end;
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi1}
- function ChangeBrightness(Color:TColor;Percentage:longint):TColor;
- var RGBColor : longint;
- Red,Green,Blue : byte;
- NewR,NewG,NewB : longint;
- Overflow : longint;
- begin
- RGBColor:=ColorToRGB(Color);
- Overflow:=0;
- { Rot }
- Red:=GetRValue(RGBColor);
- NewR:=Red+(Percentage*Red div 100);
- if NewR>255 then begin
- Overflow:=NewR-255;
- NewG:=Overflow;
- NewB:=Overflow;
- end
- else begin
- NewG:=0;
- NewB:=0;
- end;
- { Grⁿn }
- Green:=GetGValue(RGBColor);
- NewG:=NewG+Green+(Percentage*Green div 100);
- if NewG>255 then begin
- Overflow:=NewG-255;
- NewR:=NewR+Overflow;
- NewB:=Overflow;
- end;
- { Blau }
- Blue:=GetBValue(RGBColor);
- NewB:=NewB+Blue+(Percentage*Blue div 100);
- if NewB>255 then begin
- Overflow:=NewB-255;
- if NewG<=255 then
- NewR:=NewR+Overflow;
- end;
- if NewR>255 then
- NewR:=255;
- if NewG>255 then
- NewG:=255;
- if NewB>255 then
- NewB:=255;
- if NewR<0 then
- NewR:=0;
- if NewG<0 then
- NewG:=0;
- if NewB<0 then
- NewB:=0;
- Result:=NewR+(NewG shl 8)+(NewB shl 16);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AssignBevelColors(FaceColor:TColor;var HighlightColor,ShadowColor:TColor;HLContrast,ShContrast:integer);
- begin
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi1}
- HighlightColor:=ChangeBrightness(FaceColor,100 div 10*HLContrast);
- ShadowColor:=ChangeBrightness(FaceColor,-100 div 10*ShContrast);
- {$ELSE}
- Get3DColors(FaceColor,HighlightColor,ShadowColor,(10-HLContrast)/10,(10-ShContrast)/10);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { Komponente TLEDButton }
- constructor TLEDButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- { Vorgabewerte setzen }
- FBeveled:=true;
- FBorderStyle:=bsSingle;
- FButtonDirection:=bdBottomUp;
- FColor:=clGray;
- AssignBevelColors(FColor,FColorHighlight,FColorShadow,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- FColorLED:=clBlue;
- FLEDContrast:=6;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED,Dummy,FColorLEDOff,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- FDepth:=DefaultDepth;
- FDown:=false;
- FFont:=TFont.Create;
- FGlyph:=TBitmap.Create;
- FNumGlyphs:=1;
- FShowLED:=true;
- FStateOn:=false;
- FSwitching:=true;
- FTextPosition:=tpNone;
- Height:=DefaultHeight;
- Width:=DefaultWidth;
- FMouseDown:=False;
- end;
- destructor TLEDButton.Destroy;
- begin
- FFont.Free;
- FGlyph.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetBeveled(NewValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FBeveled<>NewValue then begin
- FBeveled:=NewValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetBorderStyle(NewBorderStyle: TBorderStyle);
- begin
- if FBorderStyle<>NewBorderStyle then begin
- FBorderStyle:=NewBorderStyle;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetButtonDirection(NewDirection: TButtonDirection);
- begin
- if FButtonDirection<>NewDirection then begin
- FButtonDirection:=NewDirection;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetColor(newColor: TColor);
- begin
- if FColor<>newColor then begin
- FColor:=newColor;
- AssignBevelColors(FColor,FColorHighlight,FColorShadow,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetColorLED(newColor: TColor);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if FColorLED<>newColor then begin
- FColorLED:=newColor;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED,Dummy,FColorLEDOff,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetDepth(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FDepth<>newValue then begin
- FDepth:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetFont(newFont: TFont);
- begin
- FFont.Assign(NewFont);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetGlyph(newGlyph: TBitmap);
- begin
- if(Assigned(FGlyph)) then begin
- FGlyph.Assign(newGlyph);
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
- { Glyph 1: Normal, 2: Disabled, 3: Down;
- Mu▀ die Ausma▀e (Height * NumGlyphs) = Width haben}
- if (newGlyph.width mod newGlyph.height = 0) then
- FNumGlyphs:= newGlyph.width div newGlyph.height
- else
- FNumGlyphs:= 1;
- end;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetLEDContrast(newContrast: TContrast);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if (FLEDContrast<>newContrast) and (newContrast>=0) and (newContrast<10) then begin
- FLEDContrast:=newContrast;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED,Dummy,FColorLEDOff,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetNumGlyphs(newNumGlyphs: TNumGlyphs);
- begin
- if FNumGlyphs<>newNumGlyphs then begin
- FNumGlyphs:=newNumGlyphs;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetShowLED(newValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FShowLED<>newValue then begin
- FShowLED:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetStateOn(newValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FStateOn<>newValue then begin
- FStateOn:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.SetTextPosition(newValue: TTextPosition);
- begin
- if FTextPosition<>newValue then begin
- FTextPosition:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.DrawBorder(Dest:TRect);
- var i : integer;
- begin
- Dest:=GetClientRect;
- if FTextPosition=tpAbove then
- Dest.Top:=Dest.Top+Canvas.TextWidth('W')+2;
- if FTextPosition=tpBelow then
- Dest.Bottom:=Dest.Bottom-Canvas.TextWidth('W')-2;
- with Canvas do begin
- if FBorderStyle=bsSingle then begin
- Brush.Color:=clWindowFrame;
- FrameRect(Dest);
- InflateRect(Dest,-1,-1);
- end;
- Pen.Width:=1;
- if FButtonDirection=bdBottomUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- { links }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Left+(i div 2),Dest.Bottom-1)
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Right-(i div 2)-1,Dest.Bottom-1)
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- { unten }
- if FDown then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if FButtonDirection=bdTopUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- if FDown then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top+i);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- end;
- { links }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Left+(i div 2),Dest.Top)
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Right-(i div 2)-1,Dest.Top)
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- { unten }
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end;
- if FButtonDirection=bdLeftUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top+(i div 2))
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- { links }
- if FDown then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- { unten }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-(i div 2)-1)
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- if FButtonDirection=bdRightUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top+(i div 2))
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- { links }
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- if FDown then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- { unten }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- if FDown then
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-(i div 2)-1)
- else
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.DrawCaption(Dest:TRect);
- var OutText : array [0..79] of char;
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- Brush.Style:=bsClear;
- StrPCopy(OutText, Caption);
- if not Enabled then
- Font.Color:=clGrayText;
- if FTextPosition=tpAbove then
- DrawText(Handle, OutText, length(Caption), Dest, dt_center or dt_top or dt_singleline);
- if FTextPosition=tpBelow then
- DrawText(Handle, OutText, length(Caption), Dest, dt_center or dt_bottom or dt_singleline);
- if FTextPosition=tpOnButton then
- DrawText(Handle, OutText, length(Caption), Dest, dt_center or dt_vcenter or dt_singleline);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.DrawGlyph(Dest:TRect);
- var
- Source : TRect;
- outWidth : integer;
- outHeight : integer;
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- { Gr÷▀e des Destination-Rechtecks }
- outWidth:= FGlyph.Width div FNumGlyphs;
- outHeight:= FGlyph.Height;
- with Source do begin
- Top:=0;
- Bottom:=FGlyph.Height;
- { Glyph 1: Normal, 2: Disabled, 3: Down;}
- if Enabled then begin
- if FStateOn and (FNumGlyphs>2) then
- Left:=(outWidth*2)+1
- else
- Left:=0;
- end
- else
- Left:=outWidth+1;
- Right:= Left+outWidth;
- end;
- Dest.Left:= ((Dest.Right +Dest.Left - outWidth) shr 1);
- Dest.Right:= Dest.Left+outWidth;
- Dest.Top:= ((Dest.Bottom + Dest.Top - outHeight) shr 1);
- Dest.Bottom:=Dest.Top+outHeight;
- Pen.Color := Color;
- BrushCopy(Dest,FGlyph,Source,FGlyph.Canvas.Pixels[0,FGlyph.Height-1]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.DrawLED(var Dest:TRect);
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- if FStateOn then
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED
- else
- Brush.Color:=FColorLEDOff;
- if not Enabled then
- Brush.Color:=FColor;
- case ButtonDirection of
- bdLeftUp : begin
- if FDown then
- OffsetRect(Dest,-FDepth div 2,0);
- Rectangle(Dest.Left+FDepth+9,Dest.Top+FDepth+3,Dest.Left+FDepth+4,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-3);
- Dest.Left:=Dest.Left+FDepth+9;
- end;
- bdRightUp : begin
- if FDown then
- OffsetRect(Dest,FDepth div 2,0);
- Rectangle(Dest.Right-FDepth-9,Dest.Top+FDepth+3,Dest.Right-FDepth-4,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-3);
- Dest.Right:=Dest.Right-FDepth-9;
- end;
- bdTopUp : begin
- if FDown then
- OffsetRect(Dest,0,-FDepth div 2);
- Rectangle(Dest.Left+FDepth+3,Dest.Top+FDepth+4,Dest.Right-FDepth-3,Dest.Top+FDepth+9);
- Dest.Top:=Dest.Top+FDepth+7;
- end;
- else begin
- if FDown then
- OffsetRect(Dest,0,FDepth div 2);
- Rectangle(Dest.Left+FDepth+3,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-9,Dest.Right-FDepth-3,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-4);
- Dest.Bottom:=Dest.Bottom-FDepth-7;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.Paint;
- var ARect : TRect;
- begin
- Canvas.Font.Assign(Font);
- with Canvas do begin
- ARect:=GetClientRect;
- if (Caption<>'') and (FTextPosition<>tpOnButton) and (FTextPosition<>tpNone) then
- DrawCaption(ARect);
- if FTextPosition=tpAbove then
- ARect.Top:=ARect.Top+TextWidth('W')+2;
- if FTextPosition=tpBelow then
- ARect.Bottom:=ARect.Bottom-TextWidth('W')-2;
- Brush.Style:=bsSolid;
- Brush.Color:=FColor;
- FillRect(ARect);
- DrawBorder(ARect);
- Pen.Color:=clBlack;
- if FShowLED then
- DrawLED(ARect);
- if (Caption<>'') and (FTextPosition=tpOnButton) then
- DrawCaption(ARect);
- Brush.Color:=Self.Color;
- if Assigned(FGlyph) and (FNumGlyphs > 0) and (FTextPosition<>tpOnButton) then
- DrawGlyph(ARect);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.CMDialogChar(var Message: TCMDialogChar);
- begin
- with Message do begin
- if IsAccellerator(CharCode, Caption) then begin
- if Enabled then begin
- Click;
- if FSwitching then
- FStateOn:=not FStateOn;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- Result := 1;
- end
- else
- inherited;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- if Enabled then begin
- FDown:=true;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- FMouseDown:= True;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- if Enabled then begin
- FDown:=false;
- if FSwitching then
- FStateOn:=not FStateOn;
- Paint;
- if Assigned(FOnClick) then
- FOnClick(Self);
- end;
- FMouseDown:= False;
- end;
- procedure TLEDButton.CMTextChanged(var msg: TMessage);
- begin
- Invalidate;
- end;
- { Komponente TButtonPanel }
- constructor TButtonPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- { Vorgabewerte setzen }
- FBeveled:=true;
- FBorderStyle:=bsSingle;
- FPanelDirection:=bdBottomUp;
- FColor:=clGray;
- AssignBevelColors(FColor,FColorHighlight,FColorShadow,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- FDepth:=DefaultDepth;
- FShowLED:=true;
- Height:=DefaultHeight;
- Width:=DefaultWidth;
- end;
- destructor TButtonPanel.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.SetBeveled(NewValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FBeveled<>NewValue then begin
- FBeveled:=NewValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.SetBorderStyle(NewBorderStyle: TBorderStyle);
- begin
- if FBorderStyle<>NewBorderStyle then begin
- FBorderStyle:=NewBorderStyle;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.SetPanelDirection(NewDirection: TButtonDirection);
- begin
- if FPanelDirection<>NewDirection then begin
- FPanelDirection:=NewDirection;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.SetColor(newColor: TColor);
- begin
- if FColor<>newColor then begin
- FColor:=newColor;
- AssignBevelColors(FColor,FColorHighlight,FColorShadow,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.SetDepth(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FDepth<>newValue then begin
- FDepth:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.SetShowLED(newValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FShowLED<>newValue then begin
- FShowLED:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.DrawBorder(Dest:TRect);
- var i : integer;
- begin
- Dest:=GetClientRect;
- with Canvas do begin
- if FBorderStyle=bsSingle then begin
- Brush.Color:=clWindowFrame;
- FrameRect(Dest);
- InflateRect(Dest,-1,-1);
- end;
- Pen.Width:=1;
- if FPanelDirection=bdBottomUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- { links }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- { unten }
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if FPanelDirection=bdTopUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top+i);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- end;
- { links }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-i-1,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- { unten }
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end;
- if FPanelDirection=bdLeftUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- { links }
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- { unten }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Left+i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- if FPanelDirection=bdRightUp then begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- { oben }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Top);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Top+i);
- end;
- { links }
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- { rechts }
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Top);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Top+i);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- { unten }
- if not FBeveled then begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1,Dest.Bottom-1);
- end
- else
- for i:=0 to FDepth do begin
- MoveTo(Dest.Left,Dest.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Dest.Right-1-i,Dest.Bottom-i-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.DrawCaption(Dest:TRect);
- var OutText : array [0..79] of char;
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- Brush.Style:=bsClear;
- StrPCopy(OutText, Caption);
- DrawText(Handle, OutText, length(Caption), Dest, dt_center or dt_vcenter or dt_singleline);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.DrawLED(var Dest:TRect);
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- Brush.Color:=clWindowFrame;
- case PanelDirection of
- bdLeftUp : begin
- FrameRect(Rect(Dest.Left+FDepth+9,Dest.Top+FDepth+3,Dest.Left+FDepth+4,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-3));
- Dest.Left:=Dest.Left+FDepth+9;
- end;
- bdRightUp : begin
- FrameRect(Rect(Dest.Right-FDepth-9,Dest.Top+FDepth+3,Dest.Right-FDepth-4,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-3));
- Dest.Right:=Dest.Right-FDepth-9;
- end;
- bdTopUp : begin
- FrameRect(Rect(Dest.Left+FDepth+3,Dest.Top+FDepth+4,Dest.Right-FDepth-3,Dest.Top+FDepth+9));
- Dest.Top:=Dest.Top+FDepth+7;
- end;
- else begin
- FrameRect(Rect(Dest.Left+FDepth+3,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-9,Dest.Right-FDepth-3,Dest.Bottom-FDepth-4));
- Dest.Bottom:=Dest.Bottom-FDepth-7;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TButtonPanel.Paint;
- var ARect : TRect;
- begin
- Canvas.Font.Assign(Font);
- with Canvas do begin
- ARect:=GetClientRect;
- Brush.Style:=bsSolid;
- Brush.Color:=FColor;
- FillRect(ARect);
- DrawBorder(ARect);
- Pen.Color:=clBlack;
- if FShowLED then
- DrawLED(ARect);
- if Caption<>'' then
- DrawCaption(ARect);
- end;
- end;
- { Komponente TScrewPanel }
- constructor TScrewPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {Vorgabewerte setzen}
- FColor:=clBtnFace;
- AssignBevelColors(FColor,FColorHighlight,FColorShadow,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- FMargin:=2;
- FScrewSize:=2;
- FShowScrews:=true;
- Height:=DefaultHeight;
- Width:=DefaultWidth;
- end;
- destructor TScrewPanel.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.SetColor(newColor: TColor);
- begin
- if FColor<>newColor then begin
- FColor:=newColor;
- AssignBevelColors(FColor,FColorHighlight,FColorShadow,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.SetMargin(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if (NewValue<(Width-FScrewSize)) and (NewValue<(Height-FScrewSize)) and (FMargin<>newValue) then begin
- FMargin:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.SetScrewSize(newValue: TScrewSize);
- begin
- if (NewValue<Width) and (NewValue<Height) and (FScrewSize<>newValue) then begin
- FScrewSize:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.SetShowScrews(newValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FShowScrews<>newValue then begin
- FShowScrews:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.DrawScrew(X,Y:integer);
- var Size : integer;
- begin
- Size:=FScrewSize*4;
- with Canvas do begin
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- Brush.Color:=clSilver;
- Ellipse(X,Y,X+Size,Y+Size);
- Arc(X,Y,X+Size,Y+Size,
- X+((Size div 4)*3),Y+(Size div 4),
- X+(Size div 4),Y+((Size div 4)*3));
- Pen.Color:=clGray;
- MoveTo(X+(Size div 4)-1,Y+((Size div 4)*3)-1);
- LineTo(X+((Size div 4)*3),Y+(Size div 4)-2);
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- Arc(X,Y,X+Size,Y+Size,
- X+(Size div 4),Y+((Size div 4)*3),
- X+((Size div 4)*3),Y+(Size div 4));
- Pen.Color:=clWhite;
- MoveTo(X+(Size div 4),Y+((Size div 4)*3));
- LineTo(X+((Size div 4)*3)+1,Y+(Size div 4)-1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.DrawBevel(ARect:TRect;Raised:boolean);
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- Pen.Width:=BevelWidth;
- if Raised then
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight
- else
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow;
- MoveTo(ARect.Right-1,ARect.Top);
- LineTo(ARect.Left,ARect.Top);
- LineTo(ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-1);
- if Raised then
- Pen.Color:=FColorShadow
- else
- Pen.Color:=FColorHighlight;
- MoveTo(ARect.Right-1,ARect.Top);
- LineTo(ARect.Right-1,ARect.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScrewPanel.Paint;
- var ARect : TRect;
- Border : integer;
- outText : array [0..79] of char;
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- Brush.Style:=bsSolid;
- Brush.Color:=Self.Color;
- ARect:=GetClientRect;
- FillRect(ARect);
- if BevelOuter<>bvNone then begin
- DrawBevel(ARect,BevelOuter=bvRaised);
- Border:=BevelWidth+BorderWidth;
- end
- else
- Border:=BorderWidth;
- InflateRect(ARect,-Border,-Border);
- if BevelInner<>bvNone then begin
- DrawBevel(ARect,BevelInner=bvRaised);
- InflateRect(ARect,-BevelWidth,-BevelWidth);
- end;
- if FShowScrews then begin
- DrawScrew(ARect.Left+FMargin,ARect.Top+FMargin);
- DrawScrew(ARect.Right-FMargin-(FScrewSize*4),ARect.Top+FMargin);
- DrawScrew(ARect.Left+FMargin,ARect.Bottom-FMargin-(FScrewSize*4));
- DrawScrew(ARect.Right-FMargin-(FScrewSize*4),ARect.Bottom-FMargin-(FScrewSize*4));
- end;
- Font:=Self.Font;
- Brush.Style:=bsClear;
- StrPCopy(outText,Caption);
- if Alignment=taCenter then
- DrawText(Handle,outText,length(Caption),Arect,DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER or DT_CENTER);
- if Alignment=taLeftJustify then
- DrawText(Handle,outText,length(Caption),Arect,DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER or DT_LEFT);
- if Alignment=taRightJustify then
- DrawText(Handle,outText,length(Caption),Arect,DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER or DT_RIGHT);
- end;
- end;
- { Komponente TLEDDisplay }
- procedure TLEDDisplay.AssignColors(seg:integer; s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7:Boolean);
- begin
- if s1 then
- FSegCl[seg, 1] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 1] := FLEDOffColor;
- if s2 then
- FSegCl[seg, 2] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 2] := FLEDOffColor;
- if s3 then
- FSegCl[seg, 3] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 3] := FLEDOffColor;
- if s4 then
- FSegCl[seg, 4] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 4] := FLEDOffColor;
- if s5 then
- FSegCl[seg, 5] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 5] := FLEDOffColor;
- if s6 then
- FSegCl[seg, 6] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 6] := FLEDOffColor;
- if s7 then
- FSegCl[seg, 7] := FColorLED
- else
- FSegCl[seg, 7] := FLEDOffColor;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.GenerateBitMaps;
- var
- BTR, BR : TPoint;
- c, wAlt, LineW : integer;
- begin
- LineW:=FLineWidth+2;
- wAlt := FDigitHeight;
- { Polygonpunkte zuweisen }
- TL.x := 0;
- TL.y := 0;
- TR.x := FDigitWidth-1;
- TR.y := 0;
- TBL.x := LineW - 1;
- TBL.y := LineW -1;
- TBR.x := FDigitWidth - LineW;
- TBR.y := TBL.y;
- ML.x := 0;
- ML.y := wAlt div 2;
- MTL.x := TBL.x;
- MTL.y := ML.y - (LineW div 2);
- MTR.x := TBR.x;
- MTR.y := MTL.y;
- MR.x := TR.x;
- MR.y := ML.y;
- MBL.x := TBL.x;
- MBL.y := ML.y + (LineW div 2);
- MBR.x := MTR.x; MBR.y := MBL.y;
- BL.x := 0;
- BL.y := wAlt - 1;
- BR.x := TR.x;
- BR.y := BL.y;
- BTL.x := TBL.x;
- BTL.y := wAlt - LineW;
- BTR.x := TBR.x;
- BTR.y := BTL.y;
- { Segmentfarben zuweisen }
- AssignColors (0, true, true, true, false, true, true, true);
- AssignColors (1, false, false, true, false, false, true, false);
- AssignColors (2, true, false, true, true, true, false, true);
- AssignColors (3, true, false, true, true, false, true, true);
- AssignColors (4, false, true, true, true, false, true, false);
- AssignColors (5, true, true, false, true, false, true, true);
- AssignColors (6, false, true, false, true, true, true, true);
- AssignColors (7, true, false, true, false, false, true, false);
- AssignColors (8, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
- AssignColors (9, true, true, true, true, false, true, true);
- AssignColors (10, false, false, false, true, false, false, false);
- { Bitmap erstellen }
- for c := 0 to 10 do begin
- FDigit[c].free;
- FDigit[c] := TBitmap.create;
- FDigit[c].width := FDigitWidth;
- FDigit[c].height := wAlt;
- with FDigit[c].canvas do begin
- Pen.Color := FColorBackGround;
- Brush.Color := FColorBackGround;
- Brush.style := bsSolid;
- Pen.Width := 1;
- Rectangle (TL.x, TL.y, BR.x+1, BR.y+1);
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then
- Pen.Width:=FLineWidth;
- { Segment 1 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 1];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 1];
- MoveTo(FLineWidth, FLineWidth div 2);
- LineTo(FDigit[c].Width-FLineWidth-1, FLineWidth div 2);
- end
- else
- Polygon ([TL, TR, TBR, TBL]);
- { Segment 2 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 2];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 2];
- MoveTo(FLineWidth div 2, FLineWidth*3 div 2);
- LineTo(FLineWidth div 2, (FDigit[c].Height div 2)-FLineWidth);
- end
- else
- Polygon ([TL, TBL, MTL, ML]);
- { Segment 3 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 3];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 3];
- MoveTo(FDigit[c].Width-(FLineWidth div 2)-1, FLineWidth*3 div 2);
- LineTo(FDigit[c].Width-(FLineWidth div 2)-1, (FDigit[c].Height div 2)-FLineWidth);
- end
- else
- Polygon ([TR, MR, MTR, TBR]);
- { Segment 4 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 4];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 4];
- MoveTo(FLineWidth, FDigit[c].Height div 2);
- LineTo(FDigit[c].Width-FLineWidth, FDigit[c].Height div 2);
- end
- else
- Polygon ([ML, MTL, MTR, MR, MBR, MBL]);
- { Segment 5 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 5];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 5];
- MoveTo(FLineWidth div 2, (FDigit[c].Height div 2)+FLineWidth);
- LineTo(FLineWidth div 2, FDigit[c].Height-(FLineWidth*3 div 2));
- end
- else
- Polygon ([ML, MBL, BTL, BL]);
- { Segment 6 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 6];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 6];
- MoveTo(FDigit[c].Width-(FLineWidth div 2)-1, (FDigit[c].Height div 2)+FLineWidth);
- LineTo((FDigit[c].Width-FLineWidth div 2)-1, FDigit[c].Height-(FLineWidth*3 div 2));
- end
- else
- Polygon ([MR, BR, BTR, MBR]);
- { Segment 7 }
- Brush.Color := FSegCl[c, 7];
- if FSegmentStyle=ssRectangular then begin
- Pen.Color := FSegCl[c, 7];
- MoveTo(FLineWidth, FDigit[c].Height-(FLineWidth div 2)-1);
- LineTo(FDigit[c].Width-FLineWidth, FDigit[c].Height-(FLineWidth div 2)-1);
- end
- else
- Polygon ([BL, BTL, BTR, BR]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TLEDDisplay.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- inherited Create (AOwner);
- FBevelStyle:= bvLowered;
- FBorderStyle:= bsSingle;
- FColorBackGround:= clBlack;
- FColorLED:= clLime;
- FLEDContrast:=7;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED,Dummy,FLEDOffColor,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- FDecSeperator:= dsComma;
- FDigitHeight:= 30;
- FDigitWidth:= 20;
- FLineWidth:= 3;
- FLeadingZeros:= true;
- FNumDigits:= 6;
- FSegmentStyle:= ssBeveled;
- FValue:= 0;
- Height:= 36;
- Width:= 168;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- end;
- destructor TLEDDisplay.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited destroy;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.Change;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.Paint;
- var
- Area : TRect;
- outText : string;
- anchoPosi,
- posiLeft,
- PosiTop, c,
- DigitIndex,
- SepPosition : integer;
- ANZeroDigit : Boolean;
- function GetDigitIndex(C:Char):integer;
- begin
- case C of
- '0'..'9' : Result:=StrToIntDeF(C, -1);
- '-' : Result:=10;
- else Result:=-1;
- end;
- end; {GetDigitIndex}
- begin
- Area := getClientRect;
- try
- outText:=FloatToStrF(FValue, ffFixed, 18, FFractionDigits);
- except
- outText:='';
- end;
- SepPosition:=Pos(DecimalSeparator, outText);
- if SepPosition>0 then
- delete(outText, SepPosition, 1);
- while length(outText)<FNumDigits do begin
- outText:='0'+outText;
- if SepPosition>0 then
- inc(SepPosition);
- end;
- ANZeroDigit:=False; { bis jetzt noch keine Ziffer von 1..9 }
- with canvas do begin
- Brush.Color:=FColorBackGround;
- FillRect(Area);
- anchoPosi:=Self.width div FNumDigits;
- PosiTop:=(Self.height-DigitHeight) div 2;
- posiLeft:=(anchoPosi-FDigitwidth) div 2;
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED;
- Pen.Color:=ColorLED;
- { Bitmaps und DecSeperator zeichnen }
- for c:=1 to FNumDigits do begin
- { nachfolgende Nullen mⁿssen gezeichnet werden! }
- if FLeadingZeros or (strToInt(outText[c])<>0) or ANZeroDigit then begin
- DigitIndex:=GetDigitIndex(outText[c]);
- if (DigitIndex>=0) and (DigitIndex<=10) then
- Draw(posiLeft, posiTop, FDigit[DigitIndex]);
- ANZeroDigit:=True; { spΣtestens jetzt isse da... }
- end;
- inc(posiLeft, anchoPosi);
- if c=(SepPosition-1) then begin
- Pen.Width:=1;
- if FDecSeperator=dsPoint then
- Ellipse(posiLeft-6, posiTop+FDigitHeight-5, posiLeft-2, posiTop+FDigitHeight-1);
- if FDecSeperator=dsComma then begin
- Ellipse(posiLeft-6, posiTop+FDigitHeight-8, posiLeft-2, posiTop+FDigitHeight-4);
- MoveTo(posiLeft-3, posiTop+FDigitHeight-5);
- LineTo(posiLeft-6, posiTop+FDigitHeight-1);
- LineTo(posiLeft-2, posiTop+FDigitHeight-6);
- end;
- if FDecSeperator=dsDoublePoint then begin
- Ellipse(posiLeft-6, posiTop+(FDigitHeight div 3)-2, posiLeft-2, posiTop+(FDigitHeight div 3)+2);
- Ellipse(posiLeft-6, posiTop+(FDigitHeight*2 div 3)-2, posiLeft-2, posiTop+(FDigitHeight*2 div 3)+2);
- end;
- if FDecSeperator=dsMinus then begin
- Pen.Width:=FLineWidth;
- MoveTo(posiLeft-6, posiTop+((FDigitHeight) div 2));
- LineTo(posiLeft-FLineWidth, posiTop+((FDigitHeight) div 2));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { Bevel zeichnen }
- if BevelStyle<>bvNone then begin
- if BevelStyle=bvRaised then
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighlight
- else
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow;
- MoveTo(Area.Right-1, Area.Top);
- LineTo(Area.Left, Area.Top);
- LineTo(Area.Left, Area.Bottom-1);
- if BevelStyle=bvRaised then
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow
- else
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighlight;
- MoveTo(Area.Left, Area.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Area.Right-1, Area.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(Area.Right-1, Area.Top);
- InflateRect(Area, -1, -1);
- end;
- { Border zeichnen }
- if BorderStyle<>bsNone then begin
- Brush.Color:=clWindowFrame;
- FrameRect(Area);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetBevelStyle(newValue: TPanelBevel);
- begin
- if FBevelStyle<>newValue then begin
- FBevelStyle:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetBorderStyle(newValue: TBorderStyle);
- begin
- if FBorderStyle<>newValue then begin
- FBorderStyle:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetColorBackGround(newValue: TColor);
- begin
- if FColorBackGround<>NewValue then begin
- FColorBackGround:=NewValue;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetColorLED(newValue: TColor);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if FColorLED<>newValue then begin
- FColorLED:=newValue;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED,Dummy,FLEDOffColor,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetDecSeperator(newValue: TDecSeperator);
- begin
- if FDecSeperator<>newValue then begin
- FDecSeperator:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetDigitHeight(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FDigitHeight<>newValue then begin
- FDigitHeight:=newValue;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetDigitWidth(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FDigitWidth<>newValue then begin
- FDigitWidth:=newValue;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetFractionDigits(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FFractionDigits<>newValue then begin
- FFractionDigits:=newValue;
- if FFractionDigits>(FNumDigits-1) then
- FFractionDigits:=FNumDigits-1;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetLeadingZeros(newValue: boolean);
- begin
- if FLeadingZeros<>newValue then begin
- FLeadingZeros:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetLEDContrast(newContrast: TContrast);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if (FLEDContrast<>newContrast) and (newContrast>=0) and (newContrast<10) then begin
- FLEDContrast:=newContrast;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED,Dummy,FLEDOffColor,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetLineWidth(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FLineWidth<>newValue then begin
- FLineWidth:=newValue;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetNumDigits(newValue: integer);
- begin
- if FNumDigits<>newValue then begin
- FNumDigits:=newValue;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetSegmentStyle(newValue: TSegmentStyle);
- begin
- if FSegmentStyle<>newValue then begin
- FSegmentStyle:=newValue;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDDisplay.SetValue(newValue: extended);
- begin
- if FValue<>NewValue then begin
- FValue:=NewValue;
- GenerateBitMaps;
- Invalidate;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- { Komponente TLEDMeter }
- constructor TLEDMeter.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FBevelStyle:=bvlowered;
- FColorLED1:=clLime;
- FColorLED2:=clYellow;
- FColorLED3:=clRed;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED1,Dummy,FColorOff1,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED2,Dummy,FColorOff2,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED3,Dummy,FColorOff3,FHLContrast,FShContrast);
- FColorSeperator:=clBlack;
- FDirection:=mdRight;
- FMax:=100;
- FMin:=0;
- FLEDContrast:=6;
- FNumDigits:=20;
- FPosition:=0;
- FStartColor2:=75;
- FStartColor3:=90;
- Height:=16;
- Width:=143;
- end;
- destructor TLEDMeter.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetBevelStyle(newVal: TPanelBevel);
- begin
- if newVal<>FBevelStyle then begin
- FBevelStyle:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetColorLED1(newVal: TColor);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if newVal<>FColorLED1 then begin
- FColorLED1:=newVal;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED1,Dummy,FColorOff1,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetColorLED2(newVal: TColor);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if newVal<>FColorLED2 then begin
- FColorLED2:=newVal;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED2,Dummy,FColorOff2,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetColorLED3(newVal: TColor);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if newVal<>FColorLED3 then begin
- FColorLED3:=newVal;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED3,Dummy,FColorOff3,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetColorSeperator(newVal: TColor);
- begin
- if newVal<>FColorSeperator then begin
- FColorSeperator:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetDirection(newVal: TMeterDirection);
- begin
- if newVal<>FDirection then begin
- FDirection:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetLEDContrast(newContrast: TContrast);
- var Dummy : TColor;
- begin
- if (FLEDContrast<>newContrast) and (newContrast>=0) and (newContrast<10) then begin
- FLEDContrast:=newContrast;
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED1,Dummy,FColorOff1,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED2,Dummy,FColorOff2,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- AssignBevelColors(FColorLED3,Dummy,FColorOff3,FLEDContrast,FLEDContrast);
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetMax(newVal: integer);
- begin
- if newVal<>FMax then begin
- FMax:=newVal;
- if newVal<FStartColor2 then
- FStartColor2:=newVal;
- if newVal<FStartColor3 then
- FStartColor3:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetMin(newVal: integer);
- begin
- if newVal<>FMin then begin
- FMin:=newVal;
- if newVal>FStartColor2 then
- FStartColor2:=newVal;
- if newVal>FStartColor3 then
- FStartColor3:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetNumDigits(newVal: integer);
- begin
- if newVal<>FNumDigits then begin
- FNumDigits:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetPosition(newVal: integer);
- begin
- if newVal<>FPosition then begin
- if newVal>FMax then
- newVal:=FMax;
- if newVal<FMin then
- newVal:=FMin;
- FPosition:=newVal;
- Paint;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetStartColor2(newVal: integer);
- begin
- if newVal<>FStartColor2 then begin
- if newVal>Max then
- newVal:=Max;
- if newVal<Min then
- newVal:=Min;
- if newVal>FStartColor3 then
- newVal:=FStartColor3;
- FStartColor2:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetStartColor3(newVal: integer);
- begin
- if newVal<>FStartColor3 then begin
- if newVal>Max then
- newVal:=Max;
- if newVal<Min then
- newVal:=Min;
- if newVal<FStartColor2 then
- newVal:=FStartColor2;
- FStartColor3:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.SetSingleLED(newVal: boolean);
- begin
- if newVal<>FSingleLED then begin
- FSingleLED:=newVal;
- Paint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.Change;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TLEDMeter.Paint;
- var ARect : TRect;
- NumPos,DPos,
- FirstYel,
- FirstRed,
- DigitLeft,
- DigitTop,i,
- DigitWidth,
- DigitHeight,
- BevelWidth : integer;
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- NumPos:=FMax-FMin;
- if BevelStyle<>bvNone then
- BevelWidth:=1
- else
- BevelWidth:=0;
- if (FDirection=mdRight) or (FDirection=mdLeft) then begin
- DigitWidth:=(Width-(2*BevelWidth)) div FNumDigits;
- DigitHeight:=Height-(2*BevelWidth);
- DigitLeft:=BevelWidth;
- DigitTop:=BevelWidth;
- end
- else begin
- DigitWidth:=Width-(2*BevelWidth)-1;
- DigitHeight:=(Height-(2*BevelWidth)) div FNumDigits;
- DigitTop:=BevelWidth;
- DigitLeft:=BevelWidth;
- end;
- if (NumPos>0) and (FPosition>0) then
- DPos:=round(FNumDigits/(NumPos/FPosition))
- else
- DPos:=0;
- if (NumPos>0) and (FStartColor2>0) then
- FirstYel:=round(FNumDigits/(NumPos/FStartColor2))
- else
- FirstYel:=0;
- if (NumPos>0) and (FStartColor3>0) then
- FirstRed:=round(FNumDigits/(NumPos/FStartColor3))
- else
- FirstRed:=0;
- for i:=0 to FNumDigits-1 do begin
- if i>=DPos then begin
- if i<FirstYel then
- Brush.Color:=FColorOff1
- else
- if i<FirstRed then
- Brush.Color:=FColorOff2
- else
- Brush.Color:=FColorOff3;
- end
- else begin
- if FSingleLED then begin
- if (i=DPos-1) then begin
- if i<FirstYel then
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED1
- else
- if i<FirstRed then
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED2
- else
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED3;
- end
- else begin
- if i<FirstYel then
- Brush.Color:=FColorOff1
- else
- if i<FirstRed then
- Brush.Color:=FColorOff2
- else
- Brush.Color:=FColorOff3;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if i<FirstYel then
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED1
- else
- if i<FirstRed then
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED2
- else
- Brush.Color:=FColorLED3;
- end;
- end;
- if FDirection=mdRight then
- DigitLeft:=BevelWidth+(i*DigitWidth);
- if FDirection=mdLeft then
- DigitLeft:=Width-BevelWidth-((i+1)*DigitWidth)-1;
- if FDirection=mdUp then
- DigitTop:=Height-BevelWidth-((i+1)*DigitHeight);
- if FDirection=mdDown then
- DigitTop:=BevelWidth+(i*DigitHeight);
- Pen.Color:=FColorSeperator;
- Rectangle(DigitLeft,DigitTop,DigitLeft+DigitWidth+1,DigitTop+DigitHeight);
- end;
- if BevelStyle<>bvNone then begin
- if BevelStyle=bvRaised then
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighlight
- else
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow;
- ARect:=GetClientRect;
- MoveTo(ARect.Right-1,ARect.Top);
- LineTo(ARect.Left,ARect.Top);
- LineTo(ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-1);
- if BevelStyle=bvRaised then
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow
- else
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighlight;
- MoveTo(ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(ARect.Right-1,ARect.Bottom-1);
- LineTo(ARect.Right-1,ARect.Top);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Simon', [TLEDButton]);
- RegisterComponents('Simon', [TButtonPanel]);
- RegisterComponents('Simon', [TScrewPanel]);
- RegisterComponents('Simon', [TLEDDisplay]);
- RegisterComponents('Simon', [TLEDMeter]);
- end;
- end.