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- unit IniList;
- { TIniList (C)opyright 2001 Version 1.00
- Autor : Simon Reinhardt
- eMail : reinhardt@picsoft.de
- Internet : http://www.picsoft.de
- Die Klasse TIniList ist eine Stringliste, die um die Methoden
- von TIniFile erweitert wurde. Man hat somit eine M÷glichkeit,
- Werte verschiedener Formate im Speicher zu halten und diese
- erst bei Bedarf in ein Inifile zu speichern oder aus einem
- Inifile zu laden.
- Die Komponente ist Public Domain, das Urheberrecht liegt aber
- beim Autor. }
- interface
- {$I SRDefine.inc}
- uses Classes;
- type
- TIniList = class(TComponent)
- private
- FLines : TStringList;
- FSeparator : char;
- FCaseSens,
- FDateFloat : boolean;
- FFileName,
- FTitle : string;
- FOnChange,
- FOnChanging,
- FOnSectionChange,
- FOnKeyChange,
- FOnValueChange : TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetSeparator(NewValue: char);
- procedure SetTitle(NewValue: string);
- protected
- procedure Changed; virtual;
- procedure Changing; virtual;
- procedure SectionChange; virtual;
- procedure KeyChange; virtual;
- procedure ValueChange; virtual;
- function AddKey(const SectionIdx:integer;const Key, Value: string):integer;
- function AddSection(const Section: string):integer;
- function GetKeyFromLine(const Line:string):string;
- function GetKeyIndex(const Section, Key: string):integer;
- function GetKeyIndexFromLine(const SectionIdx:integer;const Key: string):integer;
- function GetSectionIndex(const Section: string):integer;
- function GetValueFromLine(const Line:string):string;
- function ReadValue(const Section, Key: string):string;
- procedure WriteValue(const Section, Key: string; Value: string);
- public
- constructor Create(AComponent: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- function LoadFromFile:boolean;
- function LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream):boolean;
- function SaveToFile:boolean;
- function SaveToStream(AStream: TStream):boolean;
- procedure DeleteKey(const Section, Key: String);
- procedure EraseSection(const Section: string);
- function KeyCount(const Section: string):integer;
- function SectionCount:integer;
- function ReadBool(const Section, Key: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean;
- function ReadDate(const Section, Key: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- function ReadDateTime(const Section, Key: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- function ReadFloat(const Section, Key: string; Default: Double): Double;
- function ReadInteger(const Section, Key: string; Default: Longint): Longint;
- function ReadString(const Section, Key, Default: string): string;
- function ReadTime(const Section, Key: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- procedure ReadSection(const Section: string; AStrings: TStrings);
- procedure ReadSections(AStrings: TStrings);
- procedure ReadSectionKeys(const Section: string; AStrings: TStrings);
- procedure ReadSectionValues(const Section: string; AStrings: TStrings);
- procedure WriteBool(const Section, Key: string; Value: Boolean);
- procedure WriteDate(const Section, Key: string; Value: TDateTime);
- procedure WriteDateTime(const Section, Key: string; Value: TDateTime);
- procedure WriteFloat(const Section, Key: string; Value: Double);
- procedure WriteInteger(const Section, Key: string; Value: Longint);
- procedure WriteString(const Section, Key, Value: String);
- procedure WriteTime(const Section, Key: string; Value: TDateTime);
- published
- property CaseSensitive: boolean read FCaseSens write FCaseSens;
- property DateTimeAsFloat: boolean read FDateFloat write FDateFloat;
- property IniFilename: string read FFileName write FFileName;
- property Separator: char read FSeparator write SetSeparator;
- property Title: string read FTitle write SetTitle;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
- property OnSectionChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnSectionChange write FOnSectionChange;
- property OnKeyChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnKeyChange write FOnKeyChange;
- property OnValueChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnValueChange write FOnValueChange;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- {$IFDEF SR_Delphi2_Up}
- {$R *.D32}
- {$ELSE}
- {$R *.D16}
- {$ENDIF}
- uses Consts, SysUtils, SRUtils;
- constructor TIniList.Create(AComponent: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AComponent);
- FSeparator:='=';
- FCaseSens:=false;
- FDateFloat:=false;
- FFileName:='';
- FTitle:='';
- FLines:=TStringList.Create;
- FLines.Add('; NoTitle');
- end;
- destructor TIniList.Destroy;
- begin
- FOnChange := nil;
- FOnChanging := nil;
- if assigned(FLines) then
- FreeAndNil(FLines);
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {Destroy}
- function TIniList.AddKey(const SectionIdx:integer;const Key, Value: string):integer;
- var AIndex : integer;
- begin
- Changing;
- AIndex:=GetKeyIndexFromLine(SectionIdx, Key);
- if AIndex>=0 then begin
- Result:=AIndex;
- FLines[AIndex]:=Key+FSeparator+Value;
- ValueChange;
- end
- else begin
- Result:=SectionIdx+1;
- FLines.Insert(SectionIdx+1, Key+FSeparator+Value);
- KeyChange;
- end;
- Changed;
- end; {AddKey}
- function TIniList.AddSection(const Section: string):integer;
- var AIndex : integer;
- begin
- AIndex:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if AIndex>=0 then
- Result:=AIndex
- else begin
- Changing;
- FLines.Add('');
- Result:=FLines.Add('['+Section+']');
- SectionChange;
- Changed;
- end;
- end; {AddSection}
- procedure TIniList.Changed;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
- end; {Changed}
- procedure TIniList.Changing;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChanging) then
- FOnChanging(Self);
- end; {Changing}
- procedure TIniList.SectionChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnSectionChange) then
- FOnSectionChange(Self);
- end; {Changed}
- procedure TIniList.KeyChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnKeyChange) then
- FOnKeyChange(Self);
- end; {Changed}
- procedure TIniList.ValueChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnValueChange) then
- FOnValueChange(Self);
- end; {Changed}
- procedure TIniList.Clear;
- begin
- Changing;
- FLines.Clear;
- Changed;
- end; {Clear}
- procedure TIniList.DeleteKey(const Section, Key: String);
- var KeyIndex : integer;
- begin
- KeyIndex:=GetKeyIndex(Section, Key);
- if KeyIndex>=0 then begin
- Changing;
- FLines.Delete(KeyIndex);
- KeyChange;
- if KeyCount(Section)=0 then
- EraseSection(Section);
- Changed;
- end;
- end; {DeleteKey}
- procedure TIniList.EraseSection(const Section: string);
- var SectIndex : integer;
- ALine : string;
- Abort : boolean;
- begin
- SectIndex:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if SectIndex>=0 then begin
- if SectIndex>0 then begin
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[SectIndex-1]);
- if ALine='' then begin
- dec(SectIndex);
- FLines.Delete(SectIndex);
- end;
- end;
- ALine:='';
- Abort:=false;
- Changing;
- FLines.BeginUpdate;
- repeat
- FLines.Delete(SectIndex);
- if SectIndex<FLines.Count then
- ALine:=FLines[SectIndex]
- else
- Abort:=true;
- until Abort or (ALine='') or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- FLines.EndUpdate;
- SectionChange;
- Changed;
- end;
- end; {EraseSection}
- function TIniList.GetKeyFromLine(const Line:string):string;
- var P : integer;
- begin
- Result:='';
- P:=Pos(FSeparator, Line);
- if P>1 then
- Result:=copy(Line, 1, P-1);
- end; {GetKeyFromLine}
- function TIniList.GetKeyIndex(const Section, Key: string):integer;
- var AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine,
- Key1,
- Key2 : string;
- begin
- Result:=-1;
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- AIndex:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if (ACount>0) and (AIndex>=0) then begin
- if FCaseSens then
- Key1:=Key
- else
- Key1:=UpperCase(Key);
- repeat
- inc(AIndex);
- if AIndex<ACount then begin
- ALine:=FLines[AIndex];
- if FCaseSens then
- Key2:=GetKeyFromLine(ALine)
- else
- Key2:=UpperCase(GetKeyFromLine(ALine));
- if Key1=Key2 then
- Result:=AIndex;
- end;
- until (Result>=0) or (AIndex>=ACount) or (ALine='')
- or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- end;
- end; {GetKeyIndex}
- function TIniList.GetKeyIndexFromLine(const SectionIdx:integer;const Key: string):integer;
- var AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine,
- Key1,
- Key2 : string;
- begin
- Result:=-1;
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- if (ACount>0) and (SectionIdx>=0) then begin
- if FCaseSens then
- Key1:=Key
- else
- Key1:=UpperCase(Key);
- AIndex:=SectionIdx;
- repeat
- inc(AIndex);
- if AIndex<ACount then begin
- ALine:=FLines[AIndex];
- if FCaseSens then
- Key2:=GetKeyFromLine(ALine)
- else
- Key2:=UpperCase(GetKeyFromLine(ALine));
- if Key1=Key2 then
- Result:=AIndex;
- end;
- until (Result>=0) or (AIndex>=ACount) or (ALine='')
- or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- end;
- end; {GetKeyIndexFromLine}
- function TIniList.GetSectionIndex(const Section: string):integer;
- var AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ASect,
- ALine : string;
- begin
- Result:=-1;
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- if ACount>0 then begin
- if FCaseSens then
- ASect:=UpperCase(Section)
- else
- ASect:=Section;
- for AIndex:=0 to ACount-1 do begin
- if FCaseSens then
- ALine:=UpperCase(FLines[AIndex])
- else
- ALine:=FLines[AIndex];
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='[') and
- (copy(ALine, 2, length(ALine)-2)=ASect) then begin
- Result:=AIndex;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end; {GetSectionIndex}
- function TIniList.GetValueFromLine(const Line:string):string;
- var P,L : integer;
- begin
- Result:='';
- P:=Pos(FSeparator, Line);
- L:=length(Line);
- if (P>0) and (P<L) then
- Result:=copy(Line, P+1, L-P);
- end; {GetValueFromLine}
- function TIniList.KeyCount(const Section: string):integer;
- var SectionIdx,
- KCount,
- AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine : string;
- begin
- KCount:=0;
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- SectionIdx:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if (ACount>0) and (SectionIdx>=0) then begin
- AIndex:=SectionIdx;
- repeat
- inc(AIndex);
- if AIndex<ACount then begin
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[AIndex]);
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]<>'[') and (ALine[1]<>';') then
- inc(KCount);
- end;
- until (AIndex>=ACount) or (ALine='')
- or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- end;
- Result:=KCount;
- end; {KeyCount}
- function TIniList.LoadFromFile:boolean;
- begin
- Result:=false;
- if FFileName<>'' then begin
- try
- Changing;
- FLines.LoadFromFile(FFileName);
- SetTitle(FTitle);
- Changed;
- Result:=true;
- except
- Raise;
- end;
- end;
- end; {LoadFromFile}
- function TIniList.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream):boolean;
- begin
- Result:=false;
- if assigned(AStream) then begin
- try
- Changing;
- FLines.LoadFromStream(AStream);
- SetTitle(FTitle);
- Changed;
- Result:=true;
- except
- Raise;
- end;
- end;
- end; {LoadFromStream}
- function TIniList.ReadBool(const Section, Key: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- Result:=Default;
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- if AText='0' then
- Result:=false;
- if AText='1' then
- Result:=true;
- end; {ReadBool}
- function TIniList.ReadDate(const Section, Key: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- if FDateFloat then
- Result:=StrToFloatDef(AText, Default)
- else
- Result:=StrToDateDef(AText, Default);
- end; {ReadDate}
- function TIniList.ReadDateTime(const Section, Key: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- if FDateFloat then
- Result:=StrToFloatDef(AText, Default)
- else
- Result:=StrToDateTimeDef(AText, Default);
- end; {ReadDateTime}
- function TIniList.ReadFloat(const Section, Key: string; Default: Double): Double;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- Result:=StrToFloatDef(AText, Default);
- end; {ReadFloat}
- function TIniList.ReadInteger(const Section, Key: string; Default: Longint): Longint;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- Result:=StrToIntDef(AText, Default);
- end; {ReadInteger}
- function TIniList.ReadString(const Section, Key, Default: string): string;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- if AText='' then
- Result:=Default
- else
- Result:=AText;
- end; {ReadString}
- function TIniList.ReadTime(const Section, Key: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- var AText : string;
- begin
- AText:=ReadValue(Section, Key);
- if FDateFloat then
- Result:=StrToFloatDef(AText, Default)
- else
- Result:=StrToTimeDef(AText, Default);
- end; {ReadTime}
- procedure TIniList.ReadSection(const Section: string; AStrings: TStrings);
- var SectionIdx,
- AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine : string;
- begin
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- SectionIdx:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if (ACount>0) and (SectionIdx>=0) and assigned(AStrings) then begin
- AStrings.BeginUpdate;
- AStrings.Clear;
- AIndex:=SectionIdx;
- repeat
- inc(AIndex);
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[AIndex]);
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]<>'[') and (ALine[1]<>';') then
- AStrings.Add(ALine);
- until (AIndex>=ACount) or (ALine='')
- or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- AStrings.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end; {ReadSection}
- procedure TIniList.ReadSections(AStrings: TStrings);
- var AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine : string;
- begin
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- if (ACount>0) and assigned(AStrings) then begin
- AStrings.BeginUpdate;
- AStrings.Clear;
- for AIndex:=0 to ACount-1 do begin
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[AIndex]);
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='[') and (ALine[length(ALine)]=']') then
- AStrings.Add(copy(ALine, 2, length(ALine)-2));
- end;
- AStrings.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end; {ReadSections}
- procedure TIniList.ReadSectionKeys(const Section: string; AStrings: TStrings);
- var SectionIdx,
- AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine : string;
- begin
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- SectionIdx:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if (ACount>0) and (SectionIdx>=0) and assigned(AStrings) then begin
- AStrings.BeginUpdate;
- AStrings.Clear;
- AIndex:=SectionIdx;
- repeat
- inc(AIndex);
- if AIndex<ACount then begin
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[AIndex]);
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]<>'[') and (ALine[1]<>';') then
- AStrings.Add(GetKeyFromLine(ALine));
- end;
- until (AIndex>=ACount) or (ALine='')
- or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- AStrings.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end; {ReadSectionKeys}
- procedure TIniList.ReadSectionValues(const Section: string; AStrings: TStrings);
- var SectionIdx,
- AIndex,
- ACount : integer;
- ALine : string;
- begin
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- SectionIdx:=GetSectionIndex(Section);
- if (ACount>0) and (SectionIdx>=0) and assigned(AStrings) then begin
- AStrings.BeginUpdate;
- AStrings.Clear;
- AIndex:=SectionIdx;
- repeat
- inc(AIndex);
- if AIndex<ACount then begin
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[AIndex]);
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]<>'[') and (ALine[1]<>';') then
- AStrings.Add(GetValueFromLine(ALine));
- end;
- until (AIndex>=ACount) or (ALine='')
- or ((ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='['));
- AStrings.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end; {ReadSectionValues}
- function TIniList.ReadValue(const Section, Key: string):string;
- var KeyIndex : integer;
- begin
- Result:='';
- KeyIndex:=GetKeyIndex(Section, Key);
- if KeyIndex>=0 then
- Result:=GetValueFromLine(FLines[KeyIndex]);
- end; {ReadValue}
- function TIniList.SaveToFile:boolean;
- begin
- Result:=false;
- if FFileName<>'' then begin
- try
- FLines.SaveToFile(FFileName);
- Result:=true;
- except
- Raise;
- end;
- end;
- end; {SaveToFile}
- function TIniList.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream):boolean;
- begin
- Result:=false;
- if assigned(AStream) then begin
- try
- FLines.SaveToStream(AStream);
- Result:=true;
- except
- Raise;
- end;
- end;
- end; {SaveToStream}
- function TIniList.SectionCount:integer;
- var AIndex,
- ACount,
- SCount : integer;
- ALine : string;
- begin
- SCount:=0;
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- if ACount>0 then begin
- for AIndex:=0 to ACount-1 do begin
- ALine:=Trim(FLines[AIndex]);
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]='[') and (ALine[length(ALine)]=']') then
- inc(SCount);
- end;
- end;
- Result:=SCount;
- end; {SectionCount}
- procedure TIniList.SetSeparator(NewValue: char);
- var ACount,
- i,P : integer;
- ALine : string;
- Modified : boolean;
- begin
- if NewValue<>FSeparator then begin
- ACount:=FLines.Count;
- if ACount>0 then begin
- Changing;
- Modified:=false;
- for i:=0 to ACount-1 do begin
- ALine:=FLines[i];
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]<>';') and (Pos('[', ALine)=0) then begin
- P:=Pos(FSeparator, ALine);
- if P>0 then begin
- ALine[P]:=NewValue;
- FLines[i]:=ALine;
- Modified:=true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Modified then
- Changed;
- end;
- FSeparator:=NewValue;
- end;
- end; {SetSeparator}
- procedure TIniList.SetTitle(NewValue: string);
- var ALine : string;
- begin
- FTitle:=NewValue;
- if NewValue='' then
- NewValue:='NoTitle';
- if FLines.Count>0 then begin
- ALine:=FLines[0];
- if (ALine<>'') and (ALine[1]=';') then begin
- ALine:='; '+NewValue;
- FLines[0]:=ALine;
- end
- else begin
- FLines.Insert(0, '');
- FLines.Insert(0, '; '+NewValue);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- FLines.Add('; '+NewValue);
- FLines.Add('');
- end;
- end; {SetTitle}
- procedure TIniList.WriteBool(const Section, Key: string; Value: Boolean);
- begin
- WriteValue(Section, Key, IntToStr(ord(Value)));
- end; {WriteBool}
- procedure TIniList.WriteDate(const Section, Key: string; Value: TDateTime);
- var AText : string;
- begin
- if FDateFloat then
- AText:=FloatToStr(Value)
- else
- AText:=DateToStrDef(Value, '', false);
- if AText<>'' then
- WriteValue(Section, Key, AText);
- end; {WriteDate}
- procedure TIniList.WriteDateTime(const Section, Key: string; Value: TDateTime);
- var AText : string;
- begin
- if FDateFloat then
- AText:=FloatToStr(Value)
- else
- AText:=DateTimeToStrDef(Value, '', false);
- if AText<>'' then
- WriteValue(Section, Key, AText);
- end; {WriteDateTime}
- procedure TIniList.WriteFloat(const Section, Key: string; Value: Double);
- begin
- WriteValue(Section, Key, FloatToStr(Value));
- end; {WriteFloat}
- procedure TIniList.WriteInteger(const Section, Key: string; Value: Longint);
- begin
- WriteValue(Section, Key, IntToStr(Value));
- end; {WriteInteger}
- procedure TIniList.WriteString(const Section, Key, Value: String);
- begin
- WriteValue(Section, Key, Value);
- end; {WriteString}
- procedure TIniList.WriteTime(const Section, Key: string; Value: TDateTime);
- var AText : string;
- begin
- if FDateFloat then
- AText:=FloatToStr(Value)
- else
- AText:=TimeToStrDef(Value, '');
- if AText<>'' then
- WriteValue(Section, Key, AText);
- end; {WriteTime}
- procedure TIniList.WriteValue(const Section, Key: string; Value: string);
- var SectIdx : integer;
- begin
- SectIdx:=AddSection(Section);
- if SectIdx>=0 then
- AddKey(SectIdx, Key, Value);
- end; {WriteBool}
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Simon', [TIniList]);
- end;
- end.