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- ; English language file
- [fMain]
- ToolButton5.Hint=Setup
- ToolButton6.Hint=Address book
- ToolButton8.Hint=Queue
- ToolButton9.Hint=History
- ToolButton10.Hint=Groups
- ToolButton7.Hint=Links
- ToolButton4.Hint=Preset messges
- ToolButton19.Hint=Turn group mode off (Alt+G)
- ToolButton11.Hint=Flash SMS (Alt+D)
- ToolButton12.Hint=Advice of delivery (Alt+P)
- ToolButton3.Hint=Identification (Alt+I)
- ToolButton17.Hint=Internet registration
- ToolButton20.Hint=Lock switches (Flash, AoD and Idnetification)
- ToolButton15.Hint=Exit
- ComboEdit1.Hint=Enter name or number
- ComboEdit1.ButtonHint=Locate
- RadioButton1.Hint=Send via web (Ctrl+1)
- Image4.Hint=Send via web (Ctrl+1)
- RadioButton2.Hint=Send smsemail (Ctrl+2)
- Image2.Hint=Send smsemail (Ctrl+2)
- RadioButton3.Hint=Send email (Ctrl+3)
- Image3.Hint=Send email (Ctrl+3)
- SpeedButton15.Caption=SEND
- SpeedButton15.Hint=Send message now
- SpeedButton17.Caption=TIME
- SpeedButton17.Hint=Specify time of sending
- GateCombo.Hint=Script - SMS gate (Ctrl+0)
- SpeedButton5.Hint=Interrupt sending of selected message
- SpeedButton6.Hint=Remove message from queue
- SpeedButton7.Hint=Edit selected message
- SpeedButton8.Hint=Send selected message now
- SpeedButton9.Hint=Send all messages in queue now
- SpeedButton10.Hint=Stop sending
- Label1.Caption=Subject:
- Panel1.Caption=Empty group
- Program1.Caption=Progra&m
- Novzprva2.Caption=New message
- Poslat1.Caption=Send now
- Jindy1.Caption=Set sending time...
- Uloitdatabze1.Caption=Save database
- Zlohadatabz1.Caption=Database backup
- Obnovadatabz1.Caption=Database recovery
- ImportkontaktzOutlooku1.Caption=Import from MS Outlook
- Smazatdoasnpoloky1.Caption=Delete temporary items...
- AUpdate1.Caption=Update...
- Pipojitse1.Caption=Dialup connection...
- Minimalizovat1.Caption=Minimize
- Ukonit1.Caption=Exit
- Nastaven1.Caption=S&etup
- Adres1.Caption=Address book...
- Fronta1.Caption=Queue...
- Historie1.Caption=History...
- Skupiny1.Caption=Groups...
- SMSEmail1.Caption=SMSEmail...
- Prednastav1.Caption=Preset messages...
- Kdystt1.Caption=Country codes...
- Skripty1.Caption=Skcipts...
- Odkazy1.Caption=Links...
- Nastavenprogramu1.Caption=Program setup...
- Zobrazen1.Caption=V&iew
- Adres2.Caption=Address book window
- Fronta2.Caption=Queue window
- Oknoudlost1.Caption=Log window
- Npovda1.Caption=H&elp
- Registrace1.Caption=Registration
- Npovdakprogramu1.Caption=Main help
- Oprogramu1.Caption=About program...
- ShowWindow1.Caption=&Show window
- HideWindow1.Caption=&Hide window
- Exit1.Caption=&Exit
- Novzprva1.Caption=New message
- Undo1.Caption=Undo
- Znovu1.Caption=Redo
- Zkopruj1.Caption=Copy
- Vlo1.Caption=Paste
- Vyjmi1.Caption=Cut
- Vybratve1.Caption=Select all
- Zobrazitoknoadrese1.Caption=Show address book window
- Zobrazitoknofronty1.Caption=Show queue window
- Zobrazitoknoudlost1.Caption=Show log window
- Pidat1.Caption=Add new contact...
- Editovat1.Caption=Edit contact...
- Oznaitve1.Caption=Select all
- Zrusitozn1.Caption=Clear selection
- ImportkontaktzOutlooku2.Caption=Import from Outlook
- Smazadoasnpoloky1.Caption=Delete temporary items...
- Skrtoknoadrese1.Caption=Hide address book window
- Skrtoknofronty1.Caption=Hide queue window
- Skrtoknoudlost1.Caption=Hide log window
- Pozastavit1.Caption=Suspend
- Odstranit1.Caption=Remove
- Upravit1.Caption=Edit...
- Odeslatihned1.Caption=Send now
- Odelsatveihned1.Caption=Send all now
- Podvatsenachybu1.Caption=View error
- Zobrazithistorii1.Caption=Show history...
- Vymazatzznamy1.Caption=Delete all records
- Vymazatvekromchyb1.Caption=Delete all but errors
- Upravitskupinu1.Caption=Edit group...
- Smazatskupinu1.Caption=Delete group...
- [fSetup]
- fSetup.Caption=Setup
- BitBtn1.Caption=OK
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- TabSheet1.Caption=Options
- Label18.Caption=Language file
- GroupBox6.Caption=Program layout
- CheckBox2.Caption=Tray icon
- CheckBox3.Caption=Hide when minimized
- CheckBox17.Caption=Show address book window
- CheckBox12.Caption=Show queue window
- CheckBox13.Caption=Show log window
- CheckBox16.Caption=Start minimized
- GroupBox2.Caption=Text properties
- SpeedButton26.Caption=Background color...
- SpeedButton26.Hint=Change background color of text
- SpeedButton1.Caption=Even messages font...
- SpeedButton1.Hint=Change color of even parts of message
- SpeedButton2.Caption=Odd messages font...
- SpeedButton2.Hint=Change color of odd parts of message
- GroupBox5.Caption=Automation
- CheckBox8.Caption=Append sign
- CheckBox4.Caption=Remove diacritics
- CheckBox6.Caption=Insert header
- Edit3.Hint=Default sign
- CheckBox9.Caption=Insert country code
- CheckBox9.Hint=Insert country code when not present
- Button2.Caption=Set up
- Button2.Hint=Assign specified sign to all contacts in address book
- Button3.Caption=Set up
- Button3.Hint=Assign specified header to all contacts in address book
- GroupBox10.Caption=Preferences
- Label12.Caption=History password
- CheckBox5.Caption=Disconnect after send
- CheckBox10.Caption=Look for updates
- CheckBox14.Caption=Check nonempty queue
- CheckBox15.Caption=New number as temporary item
- Button1.Caption=Change...
- CheckBox20.Caption=Warn on group sending
- TabSheet2.Caption=Sending
- GroupBox4.Caption=SMSEmail
- Label3.Caption=After send delay
- CheckBox1.Caption=Keep whole words
- CheckBox1.Hint=Only for email method
- CheckBox7.Caption=Send in reverse order
- CheckBox7.Hint=Send 3-2-1 instead of 1-2-3 (only for email method)
- GroupBox3.Caption= WWW proxy set up
- Label8.Caption=Name:
- Label9.Caption=Address:
- Label11.Caption=Passwd:
- Edit7.Hint=Address of proxy server
- Proxyb.Caption=Use proxy
- Edit14.Hint=Port of proxy server
- GroupBox1.Caption= SMTP options
- Label4.Caption=User ID:
- Label2.Caption=Port:
- Label1.Caption=Host:
- Edit4.Hint=User name
- Edit2.Hint=usually 25
- Edit1.Hint=SMTP server of your internet provider
- Button5.Caption=Detect
- GroupBox7.Caption=User
- Label5.Caption=Name:
- Label6.Caption=Email:
- Label10.Caption=Tel. num:
- Edit10.Hint=Your mobile tel. number (with country code)
- GroupBox8.Caption=Time limits
- Label14.Caption=Page read limit
- Label16.Caption=After interruption delay
- GroupBox9.Caption=Internet connection
- RadioButton1.Caption=Dial up (modem, ISDN)
- RadioButton2.Caption=Permanent (LAN, Cable modem)
- [fAktualizace]
- fAktualizace.Caption=Update from internet
- GroupBox1.Caption=New version of program
- CheckBox1.Caption=Download new version of DreamCom
- BitBtn1.Caption=Download
- BitBtn2.Caption=Close
- GroupBox2.Caption=New scripts
- Panel2.Caption=No new scripts available.
- [fHeslo]
- Label1.Caption=Password
- Label2.Caption=Confirm
- BitBtn1.Caption=OK
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- [fDownLoad]
- fDownLoad.Caption=Downloading...
- Button1.Caption=Stop
- [fDatabaze]
- fDatabaze.Caption=Database
- TabSheet2.Caption=Address book
- ToolButton10.Hint=Add contact
- ToolButton12.Hint=Edit contact
- ToolButton63.Hint=Group changes in address book
- ToolButton11.Hint=Delete contact
- ToolButton52.Hint=Delete all contacts
- ToolButton14.Hint=Import from text file
- ToolButton53.Hint=Import from MS Outlook
- ToolButton15.Hint=Export into text file
- ToolButton17.Hint=Find
- SpeedButton1.Caption=Close
- TabSheet4.Caption=Queue
- ToolButton4.Hint=Send selected messages
- ToolButton5.Hint=Send all messages
- ToolButton41.Hint=Edit selected message
- ToolButton19.Hint=Delete selected messages
- ToolButton20.Hint=Delete all messages
- SpeedButton2.Caption=Close
- TabSheet5.Caption=History
- ToolButton1.Hint=Send message
- ToolButton42.Hint=Edit selected message
- ToolButton22.Hint=Delete selected messages
- ToolButton23.Hint=Delete all messages
- ToolButton16.Hint=Time interval deletion
- ToolButton25.Hint=Export into text file
- ToolButton27.Hint=Find
- SpeedButton3.Caption=Close
- TabSheet3.Caption=Groups
- ToolButton2.Hint=Add new group
- ToolButton3.Hint=Delete selected group
- ToolButton64.Hint=One position up
- ToolButton65.Hint=One position down
- SpeedButton4.Caption=Close
- SpeedButton20.Caption=Add
- SpeedButton21.Caption=Remove
- GroupBox5.Caption=Available names
- GroupBox4.Caption=Assigned names
- GroupBox1.Caption=Group names
- TabSheet1.Caption=Messages
- ToolButton7.Hint=New message
- ToolButton8.Hint=Delete selected messages
- ToolButton34.Hint=Delete all messages
- ToolButton36.Hint=Import messages from text file
- ToolButton37.Hint=Export messages into text file
- SpeedButton5.Caption=Close
- TabSheet6.Caption=States
- ToolButton6.Hint=Add new country code
- ToolButton28.Hint=Delete selected country codes
- ToolButton29.Hint=Delete all country codes
- ToolButton31.Hint=Import from text file
- ToolButton33.Hint=Export into text file
- SpeedButton6.Caption=Close
- TabSheet7.Caption=SMSEmail
- ToolButton9.Hint=Add new operator
- ToolButton39.Hint=Edit operator
- ToolButton38.Hint=Delete selected operator
- SpeedButton7.Caption=Close
- TabSheet8.Caption=Scripts
- ToolButton26.Hint=Create new script
- ToolButton40.Hint=Edit selected script
- ToolButton32.Hint=Reload scripts
- SpeedButton8.Caption=Close
- TabSheet9.Caption=Links
- ToolButton43.Hint=Add new link
- ToolButton44.Hint=Delete selected links
- ToolButton45.Hint=Delete all links
- ToolButton49.Hint=Open link in web browser
- ToolButton47.Hint=Import from text file
- ToolButton50.Hint=Export into text file
- ToolButton48.Hint=Find
- SpeedButton9.Caption=Close
- PidatJmno1.Caption=Add contact
- Upravitjmno1.Caption=Edit contact
- Hromadnnastaven1.Caption=Group changes...
- Smazatjmno1.Caption=Delete contact
- Smazatvechny6.Caption=Delete all
- ImportAdrese1.Caption=Import from text file...
- ImportzOutlooku1.Caption=Import from Outlook
- ExportAdrese1.Caption=Export
- Hledej2.Caption=Find
- Poslatoznaen1.Caption=Send selected
- Poslatvechny1.Caption=Send all
- Editovatzprvu1.Caption=Edit message
- Smazatoznaen1.Caption=Delete selected
- Smazatvechny1.Caption=Delete all
- Poslatzprvu1.Caption=Send message
- Editovatvybranou1.Caption=Edit selected
- Smazatoznaen2.Caption=Delete selected
- Smazatvechny2.Caption=Delete all
- Smazatvasovmintervalu1.Caption=Time interval deletion
- ImportAdrese2.Caption=Export
- Hledad1.Caption=Find
- Pidatskupinu1.Caption=Add group
- Smazatskupinu1.Caption=Delete group
- Novzprva1.Caption=New message
- Smazatoznaen3.Caption=Delete selected
- Smazatvechny3.Caption=Delete all
- Importzprv1.Caption=Import
- Exportzprv1.Caption=Export
- Pidatkd1.Caption=Add country code
- Smazatoznaen4.Caption=Delete selected
- Smazatvechny4.Caption=Delete all
- Importkd1.Caption=Import
- Hledat2.Caption=Find
- Pidatopertora1.Caption=Add operator
- Upravitopertora1.Caption=Edit operator
- Smazatopertora1.Caption=Delete operator
- Vytvoitnovskript1.Caption=Create new script
- Editovatskript1.Caption=Edit script
- Nastskripty1.Caption=Reload scripts
- Novzprva2.Caption=New link
- Smazatoznaen5.Caption=Delete selected
- Smazatvechny5.Caption=Delete all
- Otevtvprohlei1.Caption=Open in browser
- Importzprv2.Caption=Import
- Exportzprv2.Caption=Export
- [fAdrEdit]
- fAdrEdit.Caption=Address book list
- Label1.Caption=&Name
- Label2.Caption=&Tel. number (with country code)
- Label5.Caption=&SMSEmail
- Label6.Caption=&Email
- Label7.Caption=&Header
- Label9.Caption=Si&gn
- SpeedButton1.Caption=Add
- SpeedButton2.Caption=Remove
- BitBtn1.Caption=Cancel
- BitBtn2.Caption=OK
- GroupBox1.Caption=Assigned groups
- GroupBox2.Caption=Available groups
- GroupBox3.Caption=Method of sending
- Label4.Caption=&Default
- Label3.Caption=S&cript
- DBCheckBox1.Caption=Flash SMS
- DBCheckBox2.Caption=Advice of delivery
- DBCheckBox3.Caption=Identification
- Button1.Caption=Generate
- [fFrontaEdit]
- fFrontaEdit.Caption=Edit message in queue
- BitBtn1.Caption=OK
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- GroupBox1.Caption=Send:
- Label4.Caption=To:
- Label5.Caption=Method:
- Label1.Caption=Script:
- CheckBox1.Caption=Advice of delivery
- CheckBox2.Caption=Flash SMS
- CheckBox3.Caption=Identification
- [fRozsah]
- fRozsah.Caption=Delete time interval
- BitBtn1.Caption=OK
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- GroupBox1.Caption=Date of sending
- Label1.Caption=From:
- Label2.Caption=Till:
- [fSkript]
- GroupBox1.Caption=Parameters
- RxSpeedButton2.Caption=Section
- RxSpeedButton2.Hint=Insert parametr section
- RxSpeedButton1.Caption=New
- RxSpeedButton1.Hint=Insert new parameter
- GroupBox2.Caption=Switches
- RxSpeedButton3.Caption=AoD
- RxSpeedButton3.Hint=Insert Advice of Delivery section
- RxSpeedButton4.Caption=Flash SMS
- RxSpeedButton4.Hint=Insert Flash section
- RxSpeedButton5.Caption=Identification
- RxSpeedButton5.Hint=Insert Ident section
- GroupBox3.Caption=Pages
- RxSpeedButton6.Hint=Insert GetPage section
- RxSpeedButton7.Hint=Insert PostPage section
- RxSpeedButton8.Caption=Variables
- RxSpeedButton8.Hint=Insert new variable
- GroupBox4.Caption=Messages
- RxSpeedButton9.Caption=Section
- RxSpeedButton9.Hint=Insert Msg section
- RxSpeedButton10.Caption=Action
- RxSpeedButton10.Hint=Insert new variable
- BitBtn1.Caption=Save
- BitBtn1.Hint=Save the script and close script editor
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- BitBtn2.Hint=Close script editor
- Version1.Hint=Script version
- CountryCode1.Hint=Script default country code (without +)
- Prefixes1.Hint=Semicolon separated list of prefixes accepted by script
- FirstMsgSize1.Hint=Max length of first message
- OtherMsgSize1.Hint=Max length of other messages
- MsgCount1.Hint=Max count of messages
- MsgTime1.Hint=Time interval between messages
- QueueTime1.Hint=Time when the gate is ready for sending
- Password1.Hint=Password
- UserPar11.Hint=User defined parameter
- UserPar21.Hint=User defined parameter
- UserPar12.Hint=User defined parameter
- UserPar41.Hint=User defined parameter
- Prefix1.Hint=Prefix with leading zero
- CPrefix01.Hint=Prefix without leading zero
- Phone1.Hint=Tel. number with prefix
- PhoneNP1.Hint=Tel. number without prefix
- ICode1.Hint=Country code (with +)
- IPhone1.Hint=Tel. number including country code (with +)
- MyPrefix1.Hint=My prefix with leading zero
- MyPrefix01.Hint=My prefix without leading zero
- MyPhone1.Hint=My tel. number including prefix
- CMyPhoneNP1.Hint=My tel. number without prefix
- MyICode1.Hint=My country code (with +)
- MyIPhone1.Hint=My tel. number including country code (with +)
- MyName1.Hint=My name
- CMyEmail1.Hint=My email
- Message1.Hint=Message text
- MsgParts1.Hint=Number of parts after message division
- MsgLen1.Hint=Total message length
- MsgRemain1.Hint=Number of remaining chars
- AoD1.Hint=Advice of delivery
- Flash1.Hint=Flash SMS
- Ident1.Hint=Identification
- Success1.Hint=Message will be removed from queue and inserted into history
- Again1.Hint=Message will be sent again immediately
- Queue1.Hint=Message will be sent again after time limit
- Cancel1.Hint=Message will be removed from gueue
- QueueWhen1.Hint=Message will wait for the time when the gate is ready for sending
- [fCas]
- fRozsah.Caption=Delete time interval
- fCas.Caption=Set time of sending
- GroupBox2.Caption=Date and time
- BitBtn1.Caption=OK
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- GroupBox1.Caption= Repeat
- Label2.Caption=Send
- Label3.Caption=times
- Label4.Caption=every
- [fOpEdit]
- fOpEdit.Caption=Operator
- BitBtn1.Caption=OK
- BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
- Label1.Caption=Name of operator
- Label2.Caption=Prefixes (semicolon separated list)
- Label3.Caption=Message length
- Label4.Caption=Email host
- Label5.Caption=Country code (with +)
- [fStart]
- Panel2.Caption=Loading data...
- [fAbout]
- Comments.Caption=Use this program to send SMS messages via internet.
- Label1.Caption=Beta testing and user support:
- Label2.Caption=Bugs and new ideas:
- Label5.Caption=Conference:
- Label4.Caption=Registred users:
- URLLabel6.Caption=Registration information
- Label7.Caption=Development and coding:
- Label9.Caption=WWW phorum:
- [Strings]
- UnhandledEx=An error has occured:\n\n%s.\n\nYou can try to continue and save data. Do you want to terminate program?
- RecNotFound=Record "%s" not found.
- AddNumberAsk=Add new number in adress book?
- AddNumberInfo=If you choose No, temporary item will be created.
- NotConnected=No internet connection detected.
- DBSaved=Database was saved.
- ConvBackupMsg=Backup of old version database done.
- BackupMsg=Backup of database done.
- RecoveryMsg=Recovery of database done.
- GrpSendQuestion=Do you realy want to send this message to %d persons?
- QueueCheckQuestion=There are unsent messages in the queue, do you realy want to exit?
- BackupAsk=Backup directory already exists, do you realy want to replace existing files?
- RecoveryAsk=Do you realy want to recover data from backup directory?
- DelTempAsk=Do you realy want to delete all temporary items?
- DelItemAsk=Do you realy want to delete selected item?
- SignAsk=Do you realy want to set %s "%s" in all items in address book?
- SignInfo=If you choose No, only items with empty %s will be set.
- SignTitle=Group assigment
- SignDoneInfo=Modified %d items from total %d.
- DisconnectAsk=All messages has been sent, do you want do hang up modem?
- DisconnectTitle=Disconnect
- OutlookFail=Connecting to MS Outlook has failed.
- GrpOutlookFail=Creation of group Outlook has failed.
- ImpOutlookOK=Import successfuly done.
- DelSelItems=Do you realy want to delete all selected items?
- DelAllItems=Do you realy want to delete all items?
- TextNotFound=Text was not found.
- DisconnEr=An error has occured while disconnecting:
- RasapiFail=Loading of library RASAPI32.DLL has failed.
- BatchNotFound=Batch file was not found.
- SaveFailed=Unable to save instalation file.
- RunInstall=Do you want to start instalation of new version? If you choose Yes, program will be terminated before instalation.
- MassChange=All records in database will be changed. Do you realy want to continue?
- ChangeSave=Changes successfuly saved.
- WriteFialed=Unable to write file %s.
- Download=Download: %d B / %d B
- ScriptNofFound=Script %s was not found.
- LookForUpdate=Looking for na update.
- NoUpdate=No update was found.
- UpdateDone=Update done.
- DownloadFialed=An error has occured while downloading a file.
- UnknownPar=Unknown argument
- MsgFileNotFound=File with message was not found.
- NoContact=No contact selected.
- NoGate=No sms gate selected.
- NoSendMethod=No send method specified.
- MsgMissing=Message is missing.
- WrongAC=Wrong argument combination.
- SendingSMSE=Sending sms-email %d/%d.
- Msg_Sent=Message was successfuly sent.
- Msg_Loading=Loading page.
- Msg_Sending=Sending message.
- Msg_Expired=Page has expired.
- Msg_Later=Message will be sent later.
- Msg_WrongNum=Wrong telephone number.
- Msg_Logging=Validating user name and password.
- Msg_Limit=Limit of sent messages exceeded.
- Msg_Accepted=User name and password accepted.
- Msg_WrongPass=Wrong user name or password.
- Msg_Reg=You are not registered user.
- SentFail=Unable to sent the message.
- SMTPConFail=SMTP connection failed.
- ReqFail=HTTP request failed.
- UnknownEr=Unknown error.
- PageLoadEr=Unable to load web page.
- DlgYes=&Yes
- DlgNo=&No
- DlgOK=&OK
- DlgCancel=&Cancel
- DlgExit=&Exit
- DlgRetry=&Retry
- DlgIgnore&=Ignore
- DlgAll=&All
- DlgWarning=Warnning
- DlgError=Error
- DlgInfo=Information
- DlgConfirm=Confirmation
- DelRec=Delete record...
- RemoveFromGrp=Remove from group
- Chars=Chars
- Remain=Remain
- Msgs=Msgs
- NewPass=Enter new password
- EnterPass=Enter password
- HideAdr=Hide address book window (F2)
- ShowAdr=Show Address book window (F2)
- UpdateLog=Update
- lvTime=Time
- lvInfo=Information
- lvName=Name
- lvBody=Msg body
- Number=Number
- Method=Method
- Written=Written
- ScrSubj=Script/Subject
- Flash=Flash
- AoD1=AoD
- Ident1=Ident.
- Shortc=Shortcut
- Country=Country
- Prefix=Prefix
- Sent=Sent
- Sign=Sign
- Header=Header
- WrongPass=Wrong password
- WrongDate=Wrong date
- Version=Version
- GrdDown=Download
- File=File
- Size=Size
- SendingE=Sending email.
- GrpAll=All
- ScriptEd=Script editor
- NewScript=New script
- Script=Script
- Send=Send
- Minute=minute(s)
- Hour=hour(s)
- Day=day(s)
- Week=week(s)
- Month=month(s)
- Year=year(s)
- MsgLen=Message length
- TempNum=Temporary
- PresetMsg=Preset messages
- DataLoad=Loading data...
- BanClick=You must click on the banner.
- ; max. length of DontChange is 10 chars
- DontChange=No change