; The English section here is not used (generally), but is included so that
; anyone wanting to translate this to another language can refer to this
; section for how we worded it. It is also a good idea to look at the
; translations of the same string for the other languages to help add a
; little context. If some string seems terribly strange, it probably is,
; simply don't worry about it. Some of these strings are never displayed
; to most users. If a string is missing from the translation, we'll just
; use the English string. There are a few strings that cannot be
; translated.
; This a the language file for the WIL processor DLL. It really is
; just an INI file. The "Description=" entry below should tell you
; what language it is designed for.
; The "MAIN" section contains codes for all translatable strings in the WIL
; DLL. This is followed by several sections for individual programs, such
; as "WinBatch", for strings specific to those programs.
; The algorithm is as follows:
; The WWWBATCH.INI file's MAIN section is checked for a "Language" keyword.
; If the "Language" keyword exists (grm for example), then a file of the name
; WWWDLANG.grm is used to look up strings. If the string is not defined,
; the internal English string is used.
; If no Language keyword is specified in the WWWBATCH.INI file,
; the program looks in WIN.INI, INTL section, "sLanguage" Keyword and grabs
; the three letter language code found there instead.
; The ~ character signifies a new line
; The | character signifies a tab character
; The Description=entry describes the language involved here. It is used
; by a small WBT file shipped with assorted products, making it easy for
; users to select assorted languages.
Description=North American English
X102=Specified menu/batch file not found
X104=&Quit Now
X105=Enter &License Info
X107=You are on day
X108=of your
X109=-day evaluation period.
X110=&Buy Now
X111=Execution Error
X122=Warning: File is about to be overwritten
X124=Overwrite &All
X128=&Show Var
X129=Please enter name of the licensee of this product:
X130=Please enter your licensing information below:
X131=Registration ID:
X132=Control Number:
X133=Next Statement...
X134=File Overwrite Warning
X135=with file:
X136=Use &Newer
X137=Use Ne&wer All
X138=Use O&lder
X139=Use Ol&der All
X192=Execution ended
X193=Execution terminated by user request or error
X194=Execution terminated by user request
X203=Unable to allocate memory for menu/batch file
X204=Unable to lock memory for menu/batch file
X205=Batch file >64K. Too Large.
X206=File I/O error reading batch file
X208=Runtime Error
X211=Encrypted/Encoded verification failed
X212=Memory Error in verification
X213=Authorization Code?
X214=Line too long (>256 characters)
X215=Error converting Unicode batch/menu file
X216=Could not allocate (or lock) work buffer
X217=Unable to access or process specified #include file
X231=On line:
X232=Go to Tech Support &Web Page
X236=Incorrect Licensing Data
X237=Thank you for your support.
X238=Software is already licensed
X239=Software has been damaged. Do not use.
X502=Unexpected menu line. Check for proper indentation.
X503=Undefined error code ->
X504=Menu file file open error. Maybe it does not exist???
X505=Could not allocate menu build workarea
X506=Could not lock menu build workarea
X507=File I/O error reading menu file
X512=Need First level menu title. Not found.
X513=Could not create menu bar
X514=Need batch code or second level menu title. Not found.
X515=Need batch code or top level menu title. Not found.
X516=First level popup menu creation failed.
X517=Second level popup menu creation failed.
X518=Third level popup menu creation failed.
X519=Need batch code or third level menu title. Not found.
X520=Need batch code or 1st or 2nd level menu title. Not found.
X521=Need batch code or fourth level menu title. Not found.
X522=Menu file re-open error
X523=Could not allocate menu scan workarea -- Low on menory?
X524=Could not lock menu scan workarea
X525=File I/O error scanning menu file
X527=WIL Processor menu error 527
X528=WIL Processor menu(s) will reloaded~to reflect recent changes.~Reselect menu option when reload complete.
X530=Menu/Batch file too big >>64K
X540=Cannot run selected file:
X556=WIL Processor Initialization Failure
X557=Illegal passed parameter.
X575=Menu/Batch Terminated
X576=Processing failed validity check
X579=Need batch code, 1st, 2nd or 3rd level menutitle. Not found
X580=Need batch code after fourth level menutitle. Not found
X581=Need batch code or 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th level menutitle. Not found
X599=Too many menu items defined for current application.
X700=Resize window on screen
X701=Move window on screen
X702=Reduce window to an icon
X703=Zoom window to maximum size
X704=Switch to the next child window
X705=Switch to the previous child window
X706=Close down application
X707=Scroll child windows vertically
X708=Scroll child windows horizontally
X717=Arrange Windows
X718=Restore window to previous state
X719=Get Task Manager
X730=popup menu
X731=menu item
X801=NT DLLCall: Bad Parameter List
X802=Old SP
X803=New SP
X804=DLL: Bad Parameter List
X806== ??? Unknown Variable
X807=*** Debug Initialized ***
X810===>FALSE=> (skipped)
X820=FOR TRUE==>
X834=WIL Script Processor DLL
X835=DLL Load Error
X837=Internal Error
X838=Dialog not found in parent table
X839=(File not found)
X840=WIL Script Processor Demo
X843=Shareware evaluation copy
X844=Please call customer service at~(206) 938-1743 for information~on network licensing.~~Single-PC version not licensed~for use on a network server.~~Use optional WinBatch compiler~to use batch files from a server.
X846=Tag Overwrite 1
X847=Tag Overwrite 2
X848=Valid but unrecognised EXE
X849=WIL Version:
X850=WIL Extender load error
X851=Extender DLL could not be loaded. It requires one or more dependent DLL's, which are invalid or unavailable. If you are loading a network extender, make sure you have the appropriate network client software installed.
X852=Extender DLL is invalid. You may be trying to load a DLL designed for Windows 95 from Windows NT.
X853=Extender DLL is invalid. You may be trying to load a DLL designed for Windows 95 from Windows NT (or vice versa). Or, you may not have the appropriate network client software installed.
X854=Extender DLL is invalid.
X855=Unable to initialize the extender DLL.
X856=Extender DLL is invalid, or a DLL required by the extender is invalid (outdated NWCALLS.DLL?). Or, the system is out of memory.
X857=Incorrect Windows version or platform. Or, you may be trying to load WWN3Z16I.DLL, which is not an extender DLL.
X858=Incorrect operating system. You may not have the appropriate network client software installed.
X859=Extender DLL is compressed, and must be expanded (via the setup program).
X860=Extender DLL is invalid, or a DLL required by the extender is missing or invalid.
X861=Unable to load 32-bit DLL from a 16-bit application.
X862=Error code
X863=Could not access Extender Entry 0x02
X864=Could not access Extender Entry 0x03
X865=WIL Extender Error:
X866=Extender Error: Undefined error occurred
X867=Invalid shortcut (.LNK) file
X868=1932: WinExec:
X869=Normal termination
X870=*** Error Dump Initialized ***
X875=In UDF
X876=Leaving UDF
X879=User-Defined Error:
X1900=WinExec 0: Out of Memory
X1902=WinExec 2: File Not Found
X1903=WinExec 3: Path Not Found
X1905=WinExec 5: Attempt to dynlink to a task
X1906=WinExec 6: Lib requires data segs for each task
X1908=WinExec 8: Insufficient contiguous memory for application
X1910=WinExec 10: Incorrect Windows Version
X1911=WinExec 11: Invalid EXE file
X1912=WinExec 12: Cannot run OS/2 application
X1913=WinExec 13: Cannot run DOS4.0 application
X1914=WinExec 14: Unknown EXE type
X1915=WinExec 15: Attempt to run old EXE in protect mode
X1916=WinExec 16: Attempted 2nd EXE with multiple writeable datasegs
X1917=WinExec 17: Nonshareable DLLs already in use
X1918=WinExec 18: App marked for protected mode only
X1919=WinExec 19: EXE is is compressed. Cannot run
X1920=WinExec 20: DLL invalid or corrupt
X1921=WinExec 21: EXE requires 32-bit Windows
X1932=WinExec: Undefined Error
X1933=WinExec: No application defined for data file
X1002=File List Processing - No Match
X1003=FileMove: Failed
X1004=FileMove: FROM file open failed
X1005=FileMove: TO file open failed
X1006=FileMove: I/O error
X1007=FileMove: Could not delete FROM file
X1008=FileCopy: Failed
X1009=FileCopy: FROM file open failed
X1010=FileCopy: TO file open failed
X1011=FileCopy: I/O error
X1012=FileAppend: FROM file open failed
X1013=FileAppend: TO file open failed
X1014=FileAppend: I/O error
X1015=FileRename: Failed
X1016=FileDelete: File not found
X1017=TimeDiff: Time parameter error - bad value
X1018=TimeDiff: Out of Range (over 60 years)
X1019=TimeAdd: Cannot add supplied times
X1020=TimeAdd: Time parameter error - bad value
X1021=WaitLong: Could not properly compute time for delay
X1022=WaitUntil: Passed time not in proper format
X3023=BinaryData: Invalid Binary Data handle passed
X3024=BinaryData: Too many open Binary Data Handles
X1025=File Rename: Rename failed
X3026=LogDisk: Illegal disk drive
X3027=LogDisk: DOS reports no disks!! ???
X1028=LogDisk: Requested drive not online
X1029=DirMake: Dir not created
X1030=DirRemove: Dir not removed
X1031=DirChange: Dir not found/changed
X3032=GoTo unable to lock memory for batch file
X3033=GoTo label not found
X1034=Clipboard owned by another app. Cannot open.
X1035=Clipboard does not contain text for CLIPAPPEND.
X1036=Clipboard cannot hold that much text (>64000 bytes)
X1037=Unable to get memory for clipboard. Close some apps
X2038=WinCloseNot Function Syntax error
X1039=WinClose: Window not found
X1040=WinHide: Window not found
X1041=WinIconize: Window not found
X1042=WinZoom: Window not found
X1043=WinShow: Window not found
X1044=WinPlace: Window not found
X1045=WinActivate: Window not found
X3046=Internal Error 3046. Function not defined
X3047=Variable name over 30 chars. Too Long
X3048=Substitution %Variable% not followed by a % (Use %% for %)
X3049=No variables exist??!!
X3050=No IF to relate to THEN or ELSE is currently valid
X3051=Undefined variable or function
X3052=Uninitialized variable or undefined function
X3053=Character string too long (>256 chars??)
X3054=Unrecognizable item found on line
X3055=Variable name over 30 chars. Too Long
X3056=Variable could not be converted to string
X3057=Variable could not be converted to a valid number
X2058=StrCat: Function syntax error
X3059=Illegal Bounds for STRSUB function
X2060=AVERAGE function syntax error
X3061=Illegal Syntax
X3062=Attempt to divide by zero
X3063=Binary operation not legal for type of number
X3064=Unary operation not legal for type of number
X1552=BinaryWriteEx: Unable to allocate (or lock) memory
X1553=BinaryConvert: Invalid type
X1554=BinaryConvert: Invalid flags
X1555=BinaryConvert: Invalid combination of flags
X1556=BinaryConvert: Insufficient free space in binary buffer
X1557=BinaryConvert: Error converting buffer
X1558=BinaryConvert: Unicode not supported in 16-bit version
X1559=BinaryClip: Unable to open clipboard
X1560=BinaryClip: Specified clipboard format is not available
X1561=BinaryClip: Error retrieving clipboard data
X1562=BinaryClip: Error accessing clipboard data (maybe unsupported format)
X1563=BinaryClip: Insufficient space in binary buffer
X1564=BinaryClip: Unable to allocate (or lock) memory
X1565=BinaryClip: Error storing data in the clipboard
X1566=RegDeleteKey: Subkey cannot be blank
X1567=WinVersion: Invalid level
X1568=FileTimeGet/SetEx: Function not supported in 16-bit version
X1569=FileTimeGet/SetEx: Invalid time-field
X1570=Ole: Invalid parameter(s)
X1571=StrFix: Invalid 'length'
X1572=Ole: Invalid YmdHms date string
X1573=DirSize: Directory not found
X1574=DirSize: Function not supported in 16-bit version
X1575=IntControl: Invalid YmdHms date string
X1576=IntControl: Unable to set NT security privilege for operation
X1577=IntControl 60: Device name must be specified
X1578=AskDirectory: Function requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (or higher)
X1579=AskDirectory: Function not supported in 16-bit version
X1580=BinaryTagInit: Blank tag specified
X1581=BinaryTag[..]: Invalid binary tag structure
X1582=BinaryTag[..]: Unable to allocate (or lock) memory
X1583=WinItemProcId: Invalid process ID
X1584=WinItemProcId: Function not supported in 16-bit version
X1585=WinItemProcId: Invalid flags
X1586=WinItemProcId: Invalid return type
X1587=MouseCoords: Function failed
X1588=Unable to allocate or lock memory
X1589=Ole: Method or property name too long
X1590=FileDelete: File could not be deleted
X1591=FileRead: Line too long
X1592=BinaryComp: Error compressing data
X1593=BinaryUncomp: Error uncompressing data
X1594=OLE: Unable to access or initialize required file ACTIVEDS.DLL
X1595=IntControl 32: Invalid operation
X1596=IntControl 32: Unable to read from specified memory location
X1597=IntControl 32: Unable to write to specified memory location
X1598=IniItemizePvt: File not found; may be a mapped INI file
X1599=FP Math: Function returned invalid floating point number (NAN)
X1600=MousePlay: Invalid time delay
X1601=MousePlay: Function failed
X1602=MousePlay: Function not supported in 16-bit version
X1603=MousePlay: Invalid X Y coordinates
X1611=AskFileName: Invalid flag
X1612=BinaryRead: Error reading file
X1613=BinaryWrite: Error writing file
X1614=BinaryReplace: Data to store would overrun binary buffer
X1615=IntControl 56: Invalid name type
X1616=StrClean: Invalid 'match-case' flag
X1617=StrClean: Invalid 'mode'
X3618=Unable to call Cancel Handler: Nesting of structures is too complex
X3619=Unable to call Error Handler: Nesting of structures is too complex
X1620=RegOpenKeyEx: Function not supported in 16-bit version
X1621=RegOpenKeyEx: Invalid mode
X1622=IntControl 77: Invalid request
X3623=Cannot have nested #DefineFunction (missing #EndFunction)
X3624=Syntax error in #DefineFunction statement
X3625=#EndFunction with no matching #DefineFunction
X3626=Maximum number of user-defined functions exceeded
X3627=Error processing user-defined function
X1628=ArrDimension: Invalid array dimension
X1629=ArrDimension: Dimension 1 cannot be 0
X1630=ArrDimension: Cannot have 0 dimension followed by non-0 dimension
X1631=ArrDimension: Unable to allocate or lock memory
X1632=Array variable must include dimensions
X1633=Array variable illegal syntax
X1634=Array dimensions must be numeric
X1635=Array variable with incorrect number of dimensions
X1636=Array subscript out of bounds
X1637=Error accessing array data
X1638=Array variable assignment error
X1639=Cannot reassign an array variable
X1640=Uninitialized array element
X1641=Array functions: Parameter is not an array
X1642=ArrInfo: Invalid request
X1643=Cmd Extender: Error creating array
X1644=ArrDimension: Array too large
X1645=RegQueryStr: Registry value is not a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ
X1646=Arrayize: List is empty
X3647=Cannot create embedded arrays
X1648=Invalid currency format string
X1649=Invalid decimal format string
X3650=Variable is not an array
X1651=AddExtender: Unsupported extender version
X1652=FileCreateTemp: Unable to get temporary path
X1653=FileCreateTemp: Unable to create temporary file
X1654=AddExtender: Extender version is lower than specified required-version
X1655=BinaryTag[..]: Invalid 'mode'
X1656=BinaryXlate: Invalid 'mode'
X1657=BinaryXlate: Translation table for mode 0 must be 256 bytes long
X1658=BinaryXlate: Translation table for mode 1 must be 512 bytes long
X1659=BinaryXlate: Translation table for mode 2 must be 65536 bytes long
X1660=BinaryXlate: Translation table for mode 3 must be 131072 bytes long
X1661=BinaryXlate: Data buffer must contain an even number of bytes for modes 2-3
X1662=BinaryXlate: Unable to allocate (or lock) memory
X1663=BinaryXlate: Insufficient free space in binary buffer
X1664=AddExtender: Extender version is outdated; need newer version of extender
X1665=IntControl 78: Cannot use while a UDF is currently executing
X1666=IntControl 79: Invalid 'severity'
X1667=IntControl 79: Invalid error code
X1668=Minor user-defined error
X2669=Moderate user-defined error
X3670=Severe user-defined error
X1671=ArrInitialize: 'value' is invalid type
X1672=Unable to allocate memory for user-defined function
X3673=Unable to lock memory for user-defined function
X1674=BinaryReadEx: Data to read cannot exceed 2147483647 bytes
X1675=Ole: Unable to access SAFEARRAY information
X1676=Ole: Unable to access SAFEARRAY data
X1677=Ole: Error creating SAFEARRAY
X1678=Ole Object: Binary buffer too small
X1679=DirWindows: Invalid request
X1680=IconReplace: Error accessing icon group resource in EXE
X1681=RunWithLogon: Function not supported in this version of Windows
; 5600 to 5699 reserved for wininfo.exe strings
X5600=Hit Spacebar to copy to clipboard
X5601=XXX Not Active XXX
X5615=Use ESC to terminate
X5616=Window Title
; 5700 - 5799 reserved for WinMacro
X5700=&About / Reload ...
X5701=Err: No Title or Hotkey specification
X5702=Err: :Action part of line missing
X5703=Err: HotKey specs and Action missing
X5704=Err: Redundant backslashes found
X5705=Err: No :Action found
X5706=Err: Multiple backslashes found
X5707=Err: No Action found following colon
X5708=Err: Illegal characters found in Action
X5709=Err: :Action found when HotKeys expected
X5710=Err: Only A-Z and F1-F16 may be hotKeys
X5711=Err: Ctrl(^) needed for HotKeys
X5712=&Terminate Windows
X5720=&Begin Macro Record|CtrlShift+HOME
X5721=&End Macro Record|CtrlShift+END
X5722=Filename error: Wildcards (* or ?) not allowed
X5723=FileName error: Filename must end in .WBT or .WBM
X5724=~already exists. OverWrite?
X5725=~File Error. Recording probably incorrect.
X5728=Please register WinBatch if you like WinMacro.~Just call (800) 762-8383
X9002=Previously reported error
X9999=User requested Cancel
X7001=WinBatch Beta Warning
X7003=Fatal Error
X7004=Window Creation Error
X7005=DLL(s) not found or created
X7006=not found
X7007=Err num
X7008=Batch DLL initialization error
X7009=This is an unlicensed evaluation copy~of WinBatch~Thank you for using our software.
X7010=This is an unlicensed evaluation copy~of WinBatch.~Thank you for trying WinBatch.
X7011=This is an unlicensed evaluation copy~of WinBatch for Windows 32.~Thank you for trying WinBatch.
X7012=Order online or check out our excellent Tech Support Database at~http://www.winbatch.com~WinBatch is US$99.95. Price includes a copy of WinBatch, WinBatch Studio,~PopMenu and FileMenu on CD-ROM along with a 500+ page manual.~Shipping is $5.00 to the USA and Canada, and $14.50 international.
X7013=Price: $99.95 - Includes disk, and 400+ page manual.~~The package includes the 16-bit version for Windows 3.1x,~and the 32-bit version for Windows 95 and Windows NT.~~Shipping: $5.00 to USA and Canada, $14.50 international.
X7014=This is an unlicensed evaluation copy~of the WinBatch Compiler~Thank you for using our software.
X7015=WinBatch licensing error
X7016=This product not currently licensed~for network server installation.~Please call customer service at~(206) 938-1743 if you need assistance.
X7017=End Session
X7018=OK to terminate batch file
X7020=Please wait. WinBatch processing...
X7022=OLE Init Failed
X7024=Disk Space Lookup Error
X7025=Compiler Runtime Error
X7026=EXE file open failed
X7027=Winbatch Runtime Error #9999
X7028=EXE file damaged, is not usable
X7029=Older version of DLL found on path.~Update DLL from WinBatch Compiler disks,~or other source of correct DLL's.
X7030=DLL File not found in path.~Either incorrect compile option used,~or system/file server setup incorrect.
X7031=Required DLL File could not be created.~Insufficient disk space exists on drive to~write the DLL file above.
X7034=DLL File could not be created.~Probable cause of error is that you cannot~write to the disk or directory shown above.
X7035=DLL File could not be created.~Probable cause of error is that the disk~containing the Windows directory is write~protected from this user.
X7036=Low memory error
X7037=Could not allocate memory for batch code
X7038=Memory error
X7039=Could not lock memory for batch code
X7040=Encode Error
X7041=Input filename not specified
X7042=Illegal/Missing encryption string
X7043=Input file not found
;X7044=Could not allocate (or lock) work buffer
X7045=Could not lock work buffer
X7046=Error reading input file
X7047=Input file too big
X7048=Invalid Global Handle Passed
X7049=Output filename not specified
X7050=Output file open failed
X7051=Could not lock work buffer (2)
X7052=Attention: This software is part of a~public beta test. Even though this software~is considered safe for public use, reasonable~caution, including a backed up system, is~recommended.
X7053=Due to the powerful nature of~this new version of WinBatch we simply~cannot be at all responsible for any problems~this software may cause on your system.~~Now... be sure to have fun!~~Do you want this warning to continue to appear?
X7054=WinBatch Shutdown Notification
X7055=Please close all other open windows and then select OK,~or select Cancel to stop the shutdown process.
X7056=Unable to access or process specified #include file
X10136=10136: BoxButtonDraw: Unable to create button
X10137=10137: BoxButtonKill: Invalid button ID
X10138=10138: BoxDataClear: Specified tag not found
X10139=10139: IntControl: Unrecognised Request
X10140=10140: BoxBitmap: Invalid 'stretch' mode
[WinBatch FileMenu]
X7001=FileMenu Error
X7002=Unable to load batch DLL
X7003=This is an unlicensed evaluation copy~of WinBatch~Thank you for using our software.
X7004=This is an unlicensed evaluation~copy of WinBatch.~Thank you for trying WinBatch.
X7005=Order online or check out our excellent Tech Support Database at~http://www.winbatch.com~WinBatch is US$99.95. Price includes a copy of WinBatch, WinBatch Studio,~PopMenu and FileMenu on CD-ROM along with a 500+ page manual.~Shipping is $5.00 to the USA and Canada, and $14.50 international.
X7006=WinBatch licensing error
X7007=This product not currently licensed~for network server installation.~Please call customer service at~(206) 938-1743 if you need assistance.
X10102=10102: Unrecognised Command
X10103=10103: IntControl: Unrecognised Request
X10104=10104: FileItemize/DirItemize: Function failed
X7009=This program requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0+
X7010=Unable to create window
X7011=Unable to load batch DLL
X7012=Please wait. PopMenu processing...
X7013=Unable to load menu file
X7014=This is an unlicensed evaluation\ncopy of WinBatch.\nThank you for trying WinBatch.
X7015=\nWinBatch is US$99.95. Price includes a copy of WinBatch, WinBatch Studio, PopMenu and FileMenu on CD-ROM along with a 500+ page manual.\nShipping is $5.00 to the USA and Canada, and $14.50 international.\n\n
X7016=This is an unlicensed evaluation copy\nof WinBatch\nThank you for using our software.
X7017=WinBatch licensing error
X7018=This product not currently licensed\nfor network server installation.\nPlease call customer service at\n(206) 938-1743 if you need assistance.
X7019=Unable to create menu file
X7021=Unable to start WinMacro. The version you have may be\nout of date.
X7022=Unable to find WinMacro or one of its components.
X7023=An error has occurred while loading an application's\ncomponent. You will not be able to play macros.
X1010=10102: Unrecognised Command
X1010=10103: IntControl: Unrecognised Request
X1010=Unable to open the macro archive.
X1010=Unable to play the macro
X10111=Page Up
X7024=Unable to find an application component. You will not be able\nto play macros.
X7025=Stop Macro Playback
X7026=Some menu hotkeys are duplicated or already used by other applications.\nYou can still activate the affected menu items with the mouse.