2068 Null character encountered in file. Replace null characters with ASCII value 255?
2502 The settings for '%s' have changed. Would you like to save these changes?
7001 WinBatch Beta Warning
7003 Fatal Error
7004 Window Creation Error
7005 DLL(s) not found or created
7006 not found
7007 Err num
7008 Batch DLL initialization error
7009 This is an unlicensed evaluation copy\nof WinBatch\nThank you for using our software.
7010 This is an unlicensed evaluation copy\nof WinBatch.\nThank you for trying WinBatch.
7011 This is an unlicensed evaluation copy\nof WinBatch for Windows 32.\nThank you for trying WinBatch.
7012 \nPrice: $99.95 - Includes disk, and 500+ page manual.\nShipping: $5.00 to USA and Canada, $14.50 international.\n\n
7013 \nPrice: $99.95 - Includes disk, and 500+ page manual.\n\nThe package includes the 32-bit version for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.\n\nShipping: $5.00 to USA and Canada, $14.50 international.\n\n
7014 This is an unlicensed evaluation copy\nof the WinBatch Compiler\nThank you for using our software.
7015 WinBatch licensing error
7016 This product not currently licensed\nfor network server installation.\nPlease call customer service at\n(206) 938-1743 if you need assistance.
7017 End Session
7018 OK to terminate batch file
7019 Attention
7020 Please wait. WinBatch processing...
7022 OLE Init Failed
7023 Unlicensed
7024 Disk Space Lookup Error
7025 Compiler Runtime Error
7026 EXE file open failed
7027 Winbatch Runtime Error #9999
7028 EXE file damaged, is not usable
7029 Older version of DLL found on path.\nUpdate DLL from WinBatch Compiler disks,\nor other source of correct DLL's.
7030 DLL File not found in path.\nEither incorrect compile option used,\nor system/file server setup incorrect.
7031 Required DLL File could not be created.\nInsufficient disk space exists on drive to\nwrite the DLL file above.
7032 Approx
7033 needed
7034 DLL File could not be created.\nProbable cause of error is that you cannot\nwrite to the disk or directory shown above.
7035 DLL File could not be created.\nProbable cause of error is that the disk\ncontaining the Windows directory is write\nprotected from this user.
7036 Low memory error
7037 Could not allocate memory for batch code
7038 Memory error
7039 Could not lock memory for batch code
7040 Encode Error
7041 Input filename not specified
7042 Illegal/Missing encryption string
7043 Input file not found
7044 Could not allocate work buffer
7045 Could not lock work buffer
7046 Error reading input file
7047 Input file too big
7048 Invalid Global Handle Passed
7049 Output filename not specified
7050 Output file open failed
7051 Could not lock work buffer (2)
7052 Attention: This software is part of a\npublic beta test. Even though this software\nis considered safe for public use, reasonable\ncaution, including a backed up system, is\nrecommended.
7053 Due to the powerful nature of\nthis new version of WinBatch we simply\ncannot be at all responsible for any problems\nthis software may cause on your system.\n\nNow... be sure to have fun!\n\nDo you want this warning to continue to appear.
7054 WinBatch Shutdown Notification
7055 Please close all other open windows and then select OK,\nor select Cancel to stop the shutdown process.
10103 10103: WinBatch Compiler - CallExt not available
10104 10104: WinBatch: EnvironSet Var and/or Value too long
10105 10105: WinBatch: EnvironSet - Failed. No space?
10106 10106: WinBatch: EnvironGet - Failed. Name too long?
10107 10107: WinBatch: EnvironGet - Failed. Value too long?
10108 10108: Box functions: Box command stack full
10109 10109: Box functions: Invalid box ID
10110 10110: BoxButtonDraw: Invalid button ID
10111 10111: BoxButtonDraw: Invalid 'rect' string
10112 10112: BoxButtonStat: Invalid button ID
10113 10113: BoxColor: Invalid color string
10114 10114: BoxColor: Invalid 'wash' color
10115 10115: BoxDrawRect: Invalid 'rect' string
10116 10116: BoxDrawLine: Invalid 'rect' string
10117 10117: BoxNew: Invalid 'rect' string
10118 10118: BoxNew: Invalid 'style' flag
10119 10119: BoxNew: Unable to create box
10120 10120: BoxPen: Invalid color string
10121 10121: BoxPen: Invalid pen width
10122 10122: BoxTextColor: Invalid color string
10123 10123: BoxTextFont: Invalid font size
10124 10124: BoxTextFont: Invalid font style
10125 10125: BoxTextFont: Invalid font family
10126 10126: BoxDrawText: Invalid 'erase' flag
10127 10127: BoxDrawText: Invalid 'alignment' flag
10128 10128: BoxDrawText: Invalid 'rect' string
10129 10129: BoxUpdates: Invalid 'update' flag
10130 10130: BoxesUp: Invalid 'rect' string
10131 10131: BoxesUp: Invalid 'show' mode
10132 10132: BoxMapMode: Invalid map mode
10133 10133: BoxDrawRect: Invalid style
10134 10134: BoxDrawCircle: Invalid 'rect' string
10135 10135: BoxDrawCircle: Invalid style
10136 10136: BoxButtonDraw: Unable to create button
10137 10137: BoxButtonKill: Invalid button ID
10138 10138: BoxDataClear: Specified tag not found
10139 10139: IntControl: Unrecognised Request
10140 10140: BoxBitmap: Invalid 'stretch' mode
12000 12000: This command is not available as a WinBatch Studio menu command
20611 You must select a shortcut before clicking Remove.
20612 You must select a macro before clicking Create.
20613 Reset All will set all shortcuts back to their defaults. Any shortcuts you have created will be forgotten. Are you sure you want to do this?
20614 (Unassigned)
20615 That key combination is reserved and may not be reassigned.
20616 &Other...
20617 New (Insert)
20618 Delete (Delete)
20619 Move Up (Alt+Up Arrow)
20620 Move Down (Alt+Down Arrow)
20621 Press the Ctrl key to prevent docking.
20622 &Reset
20623 &Delete
20624 Customize
20663 Enter
20664 Error
21000 Command not supported for Read Only files.
21003 Cannot complete operation. Maximum line length would be exceeded.
21010 ShiftBlock is not supported with column selection.
21011 The string '%s' was not found.
21013 Finished searching for '%s'.
21016 Tab size
21017 Keep tabs
21018 Show tabs
21019 Font name
21020 Font size
21022 Insert
21023 Lock files
21024 Line end type
21025 Settings\Find
21026 Regular expressions
21027 Match case
21028 Forward
21029 Find%d
21030 Replace%d
21031 Wrap search
21034 Chroma
21035 Nulls encounterd in file. Use another editor to edit this file.
21036 This file contains lines longer than the %d character maximum.\nThe lines will be wrapped.
21037 Font weight
21038 Font Italic
21039 CharSet
24600 Moves the current position down one line\nDown
24601 Moves the current position up one line\nUp
24602 Moves the current position one character to the left\nLeft
24603 Moves the current position one character to the right\nRight
24604 Moves the current position one screenful up\nPage Up
24605 Moves the current position one screenful down\nPage Down
24606 Moves the current position to the beginning of the line\nHome
24607 Moves the current position to the end of the line\nEnd
24608 Moves the current position to the top of the file\nTop of File
24609 Moves the current position or selection to the bottom of the file\nBottom of File
24610 Moves the current position one word to the left\nWord Left
24611 Moves the current position one word to the right\nWord Right
24612 Merges the contents of a disk file into this document at the current position\nMerge
24613 Extends the selection one line up\nSelect Up
24614 Extends the selection one character to the left\nSelect Left
24615 Extends the selection down one line\nSelect Down
24616 Extends the selection to the end of the line\nSelect End
24617 Extends the selection to the beginning of the line\nSelect Home
24618 Extends the selection one screenful down\nSelect Page Down
24619 Extends the selection one word to the left\nSelect Word Left
24620 Extends the selection one screenful up\nSelect Page Up
24621 Extends the selection one character to the right\nSelect Right
24622 Extends the selection one word to the right\nSelect Word Right
24623 Deletes the character to the left of the current position\nBackspace
24624 Moves the current position or selection one tabstop to the right\nTab
24625 Moves the current position or selection one tabstop to the left\nBackTab
24626 Finds the next occurence of the search text\nFind Next
24627 Toggles a bookmark at the current line\nToggle Bookmark
24628 Moves to the next bookmark\nNext Bookmark
24629 Moves to the previous bookmark\nPrevious Bookmark
24630 Clears all bookmarks in this window\nClear All Bookmarks
24631 Changes the page layout settings\nPage Setup
24634 Selects the entire document
25100 wDownLine
25101 wUpLine
25102 wLeft
25103 wRight
25104 wPageUp
25105 wPageDown
25106 wHome
25107 wEnd
25108 wTopOfFile
25109 wEndOfFile
25110 wWordLeft
25111 wWordRight
25112 wFileMerge
25113 wSelUp
25114 wSelLeft
25115 wSelDown
25116 wSelEnd
25117 wSelHome
25118 wSelPgDn
25119 wSelWordLeft
25120 wSelPgUp
25121 wSelRight
25122 wSelWrdRight
25123 wBackSpace
25124 wTab
25125 wBackTab
25126 wFindNext
25132 wSelBottom
25133 wSelTop
25134 wSelectAll
25527 Moves to the line containing the previous error\nPrevious Error
30999 Displays information about the current file Properties
32100 Starts and stops macro recording\nRecord Macro
32101 Plays back the recorded macro\nPlay Macro
32102 Saves recorded macro as a script file\nSave Macro
32103 Stop Recording
32104 Record Macro
32771 Saves all the open files\nSave All
32775 Starts or continues the script\nGo
32776 Steps into the next statement in the script\nStep Into
32777 Inserts or removes a breakpoint on the current line\nInsert/Remove Breakpoint
32778 Removes all breakpoints\nRemove All Breakpoints
32779 Shows all currently defined variables\nShow Variables
32780 Runs the script to the line containing the cursor\nRun To Cursor
32785 Settings\Options
32786 Settings\Find\Folders
32787 Folder%d
32788 Settings\Find\File Masks
32789 Mask%d
32799 Steps over the next statement in the script\nStep Over
32810 Inserts the complete path name
32811 Changes editor and file specific settings\nOptions
32813 Run the current document\nRun
32815 View documents as worksheets in workbook mode\nToggle Workbook mode
32817 Activates the Output window\nToggle Output
32819 Settings\Main Window
32823 Customize the Tools menu items and contents\nTools
32826 Activates User Tool 1\nUser Tool 1
32827 Activates User Tool 2\nUser Tool 2
32828 Activates User Tool 3\nUser Tool 3
32829 Activates User Tool 4\nUser Tool 4
32830 Activates User Tool 5\nUser Tool 5
32831 Activates User Tool 6\nUser Tool 6
32832 Activates User Tool 7\nUser Tool 7
32833 Activates User Tool 8\nUser Tool 8
32834 Activates User Tool 9\nUser Tool 9
32835 Activates User Tool 10\nUser Tool 10
32836 Activates User Tool 11\nUser Tool 11
32837 Activates User Tool 12\nUser Tool 12
32838 Searches for a string in multiple files\nFind in Files
32840 Moves to the line containing the next error\nNext Error
32841 Activates the Directory Tree Window\nToggle Directory Tree
32842 Stop the current script\nStop Debugging
32843 Activates the Script Variables window\nToggle Watch
32844 Customize the keyboard accelerators\nKeyboard Commands
32845 File:New
32846 File:Open
32847 File:Page Setup
32848 File:Print
32849 File:Print Setup
32850 File:Print Preview
32851 Edit:Find In Files
32852 File:Merge
32853 File:Close
32854 File:Save
32855 File:Save As
32856 File:Save All
32857 Edit:Backspace
32858 Edit:Backtab
32859 Edit:Bottom Of File
32860 Edit:Top Of File
32861 Edit:Down
32862 Edit:Up
32863 Edit:Copy
32864 Edit:Cut
32865 Edit:Paste
32866 Edit:Redo
32867 Edit:Undo
32868 Edit:End
32869 Edit:Erase
32870 Edit:Home
32871 Edit:Left
32872 Edit:Bookmark Next
32873 Edit:Bookmark Previous
32874 Edit:Bookmark Toggle
32875 Edit:Bookmark Clear All
32876 Edit:Page Down
32877 Edit:Page Up
32878 Edit:Right
32879 Edit:Tab
32880 Search:Find
32881 Search:Find Next
32882 Search:Replace
32883 Select:Down
32884 Select:End
32885 Select:Home
32886 Select:Left
32887 Select:Page Down
32888 Select:Page Up
32889 Select:Right
32890 Select:Up
32891 Select:Word Left
32892 Select:Word Right
32893 Debug:Break
32894 Debug:Go
32895 Debug:Set Breakpoint
32896 Debug:Remove All Breakpoints
32897 Debug:Run To Cursor
32898 Debug:Step Into
32899 Project:Close
32900 Project:Run
32901 Project:Customize Tools
32902 Project:Delete
32903 Project:New
32904 Project:Save As
32905 Help:Context Help
32906 Help:Help
32907 Help:About
32908 Help:Topics
32909 View:Directory
32910 View:Keyboard Commands
32911 View:Options
32912 View:Output
32913 View:Status Bar
32914 View:Toolbar
32915 View:Watch
32916 View:Workbook Mode
32917 Window:Arrange Icons
32918 Window:Cascade
32919 Window:Tile Horizontal
32920 Window:Tile Vertical
32921 Window:New
32922 Project:User Tool 1
32923 Project:User Tool 2
32924 Project:User Tool 3
32925 Project:User Tool 4
32926 Project:User Tool 5
32927 Project:User Tool 6
32928 Project:User Tool 7
32929 Project:User Tool 8
32930 Project:User Tool 9
32931 Project:User Tool 10
32932 Project:User Tool 11
32933 Project:User Tool 12
32934 Edit:Word Left
32935 Edit:Word Right
32936 Debug:Step Over
32937 Project:Next Error
32938 Project:Previous Error
32939 Settings\File mapping
32940 Settings\File types
32941 Settings\File types\%s Files
32942 Settings\File types\Default Files
32943 Autoindent
32944 Capture output
32945 Run command
32948 Select:All
32949 Search:MatchBrace
32950 Edit:CaseInvert
32951 Edit:CaseUpper
32952 Edit:CaseLower
32953 Edit:ColumnBlockMode
32954 Edit:DeleteEndOfLine
32955 Edit:DeleteWord
32956 Search:GoToLine
32957 Do you want to revert to the last saved version of %s?
32958 WinBatch Studio can't print due to an error in your printer setup.
32960 Macro:Play
33000 Search:Find Previous
33311 wViewOptions
33338 wFindInFiles
36000 Dir%d
36001 Settings\Main Window\Directories
36002 %s\n\nThis file has been modified outside WinBatch Studio.\nDo you want to reload the modified file and lose the changes made in WinBatch Studio?
36003 %s\n\nThis file has been modified outside WinBatch Studio. Do you want to reload it?
36004 Edit:CopyAppend
36005 Edit:CopyLine
36006 Edit:CopyMarkedLines
36007 Edit:CopyLineAppend
36008 Edit:CopyMarkedLinesAppend
36009 Edit:CutAppend
36010 Edit:CutLine
36011 Edit:CutLineAppend
36012 Edit:CutMarkedLinesAppend
36013 Edit:CutMarkedLines
36014 Color syntax
36015 Twoup
36016 Line numbers
36017 Use printer font
36018 Footer
36019 Header
36020 %s\nThis file is already open in an editor window and cannot be overwritten.\nPlease choose a different name, or close the existing window.
40036 PageSetup
40037 TwoUp
40038 Window:Window Manager
40039 Would you like to convert the line ending characters for this file to %s?
40040 CR (carriage return only)
40041 LF (linefeed only)
40042 CR/LF (carriage return/linefeed)
40043 LF/CR (linefeed/carriage return)
40044 Cannot send a modified document. Would you like to save the document first?
40900 Closes all open documents\nClose All
41000 Copy the selection and append it to the clipboard.
41001 Copy the current line to the clipboard.
41002 Copy all marked lines to the clipboard.
41003 Copy the current line and append it to the clipboard.
41004 Copy all marked lines and append them to the clipboard.
41006 Cut the current selection and append it to the clipboard.
41007 Cut the current line to the clipboard.
41008 Cut the current line and append it to the clipboard.
41009 Cut all marked lines to the clipboard.
41010 Cut all marked lines and append them to the clipboard.
41013 Toggle column/stream block selection
41015 Find the differences between two files or directories
41032 Invert the case of the current selection or character
41033 Change the current selection or character to upper case
41034 Change the current selection or character to lower case
41037 Delete from the current position to the end of the line
41038 Delete the current word
41039 Go to specified line
41040 Find matching brace or bracket
41041 Revert to the original saved version of the current document
41069 Activates the next open document window\nNext Window
41078 Open document(s) from list of Previous Files\nPrevious Files
41081 Manage open windows\nWindow Manager
41400 wWincloseAll
41500 wCopyAppend
41501 wCopyLine
41502 wCopyMarked
41506 wCutAppend
41507 wCutLine
41509 wCutMarked
41513 wColumnBlock
41532 wInvertCase
41533 wUpperCase
41534 wLowerCase
41541 wRevert
41543 Find the previous occurence of the search text\nFind Previous
45060 Show all windows in a dialog
45061 Load a previously saved project
45062 Save the open windows and their position on the desktop
45063 Create a new project
45064 Open an existing project
45065 Save the active project
45066 Save your desktop to the named project
45067 Close the active project
45068 Close the active project
45069 Saves the currently open windows to the selected project
45070 Delete the selected project
45071 Activate selected window
45072 Activate selected window
45073 Activate selected window
45074 Activate selected window
45075 Activate selected window
45076 Activate selected window
45077 Activate selected window
45078 Activate selected window
45079 Activate selected window
45080 Activate selected window
45081 Activate selected window
45082 Activate selected window
45083 Activate selected window
45084 Activate selected window
45085 Activate selected window
45086 Activate selected window
45087 Open the selected project
45088 Open the selected project
45089 Open the selected project
45090 Open the selected project
45091 Open the selected project
45092 Open the selected project
45093 Open the selected project
45094 Open the selected project
45095 Open the Project Manager
45097 Allow Docking
45098 Hide
45099 Float In Main Window
45100 Toggle the active window between docked and undocked
45102 Activates user-defined tool 1\nUser-Tool 1
45103 Activates user-defined tool 2\nUser-Tool 2
45104 Activates user-defined tool 3\nUser-Tool 3
45105 Activates user-defined tool 4\nUser-Tool 4
45106 Activates user-defined tool 5\nUser-Tool 5
45107 Activates user-defined tool 6\nUser-Tool 6
45108 Activates user-defined tool 7\nUser-Tool 7
45109 Activates user-defined tool 8\nUser-Tool 8
45110 Activates user-defined tool 9\nUser-Tool 9
46005 wNewLine
57344 WinBatch Studio
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57608 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57612 Send the active document through electronic mail\nSend Mail
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Delete the current selection or character\nDelete
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 Show help contents\nHelp
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
58100 wFileNew
58101 wFileOpen
58102 wWinClose
58103 wFileSave
58104 wFileSaveAs
58107 wFilePrint
58108 wPrintDirect
58132 wDelete
58134 wCopy
58135 wCut
58136 wFind
58137 wPaste
58143 wUndo
58144 wRedo
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59142 COL
59392 Show, hide, or customize the toolbars\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
59999 Commands
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents