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Text File | 2002-01-22 | 116.3 KB | 2,966 lines |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To read documentation regarding the fixes and improvements to earlier
- versions of Winbatch prior to what is documented in this file, please
- go to the following URL:
- http://techsupt.windowware.com
- and on that web page, click on the link entitled, "Winbatch", then scroll
- down to the bottom of the page, and see the links:
- "Winbatch Fixes and Improvements 5.0H Through 97D"
- and
- "Winbatch Fixes and Improvements 98A through 2000C".
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WB 2000A Feb 24, 2000
- Fixed problem in FileMenu with FileItemize("") and DirItemize("")
- sometimes returning a "function failed" error.
- BoxDrawCircle and BoxDrawRect no longer draw anything if all the
- coordinates are 0.
- FileMenu supports new FileItemPath("") function (see below under WIL DLL).
- DLL 3.0abv First showing up in WB 2000A
- New functions:
- FileItemPath(file-list)
- Returns a delimited list of file paths.
- This function is like FileItemize, but the list of file names it
- returns contains full path information.
- ItemReplace(item, index, list, delimiter)
- Replaces an item in a list.
- (s) item the replacement item.
- (i) index the position in list that will be replaced by the item.
- (s) list a string containing a list of items.
- (s) delimiter a character to act as a delimiter between items in the list.
- This function replaces an item in a list with a new item. It returns
- a new list, with the specified replacement made; the original list
- ("list") is unchanged. For example, specifying an index of 1 causes
- the first item in the list to be replaced with the new item ("item").
- AskTextBox(title, prompt, default, flags, reserved)
- Prompts the user for multiple lines of input.
- (s) title title of the dialog box.
- (s) prompt question to be put to the user.
- (s) default default answer.
- (i) flags see below.
- (i) reserved reserved for future use, should be set to 0.
- "default" can contain multiple lines of text, using embedded @CRLF's.
- "flags" can be set to 0, or can specify one or more of the following
- values combined with the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
- Value Meaning
- ----- -------
- 1 do not automatically wrap text
- 2 place cursor at end of default text (instead of highlighting it)
- The return value is whatever the user enters in the edit box. If
- multiple lines of text are entered, they will be delimited in the
- returned string with @CRLF's.
- StrClean(s:source-string, s:characters, s:replacement, i:match-case, i:mode)
- Removes or replaces characters in a string.
- "source-string" is the string to be operated upon.
- "characters" is a string specifies the characters in "source-string"
- to be replaced or retained. This parameter can be a single character
- (eg, "x"), a list of characters (eg, "~!@#"), or a blank string ("").
- "replacement" specifies the replacement string to be inserted in
- place of matching (or non-matching) characters. It can be a string,
- one or more characters long. It can also be a blank string (""), in
- which case matching characters are removed.
- "match-case" can be @TRUE or @FALSE, indicating whether string
- comparisons are case-sensitive or case-insensitive, respectively.
- "mode" can be one of the following:
- Value Meaning
- ----- -------
- 1 Replace all occurrences of "characters" with "replacement"
- 2 Replace all non-occurrences of "characters" with "replacement"
- This function can be used to remove or replace specific characters in a
- string, or to retain only specific characters in a string.
- If "mode" is 1, then any characters which appear in "characters" will
- be replaced with "replacement". If "replacement" is a blank string,
- then any characters which appear in "characters" will be removed. If
- "characters" is a blank string, then no chnges will be made.
- If "mode" is 2, then any characters which DON'T appear in "characters"
- will be replaced with "replacement". If "replacement" is a blank string,
- then any characters which DON'T appear in "characters" will be removed.
- If "characters" is a blank string, then ALL characters will be replaced.
- The return value is the new string, with all changes made. The original
- string ("source-string") is untouched.
- Examples:
- ; Remove all spaces from a string
- StrClean("Have a nice day", " ", "", @FALSE, 1)
- ; Replace all ampersands with the HTML code "&"
- StrClean("Here & there & everywhere", "&", "&", @FALSE, 1)
- ; Remove all characters other then letters and spaces
- StrClean("Healthy, wealthy, & wise.", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ", "", @FALSE, 2)
- New IntControl:
- IntControl(38, p1, p2, 0, 0) (not really new, but previously undocumented)
- Sets quiet mode.
- P1 Meaning
- -- -------
- -1 Don't change (just return current setting)
- 0 Disable quiet mode (default).
- 1 Enable quiet mode.
- p2 = error log filename, or a blank string ("") for no error log.
- In "quiet mode":
- 1. No error messages are displayed. If an error log filename is
- specified, then error messages will be written to that file.
- 2. You MUST set the "warning" parameter in any FileCopy or FileMove
- commands to @FALSE, or else a fatal error will occur.
- 3. Sounds that would normally be controlled by the Sounds() function
- are suppressed.
- Returns previous setting.
- "#include" directives can have leading whitespace (ie, they can be indented
- with spaces or tabs). Note that an "#include" directive appearing in a menu
- file MUST be indented at least 4 columns, just like all menu code must be.
- DirExist no longer returns true if the directory name is followed by "*.*".
- Fixed a problem with numeric strings containing an "e" incorrectly being
- treated as floating point numbers.
- For DebugTrace, you can now specify a mode of 2, in which case when a
- terminal error occurs, the error message and the WIL variable table will
- be dumped to the debug log file. This mode is entirely separate from
- DebugTrace(@ON) (ie, only one of the modes can be active at any time, and
- each mode has different types of output information, with no overlap).
- If you use IntControl(28) to specify a fixed pitch font for list boxes,
- a fixed pitch font will now also be used for ITEMBOX controls in dialogs.
- IntControl(56) can now terminate an application based on its module or
- file name as well as its window name. The expanded syntax is:
- IntControl(56, p1, p2, 0, 0)
- p1 = window or application name
- p2 = name type specified by p1:
- 0 window name
- 1 module or file name (with optional path)
- FileVerInfo can now return numeric version fields, by preceding the resource
- string name with a '#'. The following are available:
- "#FileVersion"
- "#ProductVersion"
- "#FileFlagsMask"
- "#FileFlags"
- "#FileOS"
- "#FileType"
- "#FileSubtype"
- "#FileVersion" and "#ProductVersion" are 64-bit numbers, and are returned
- as comma-separated strings in the form "n1,n2,n3,n4", where n1 is the
- most significant word and n4 is the least significant word. The other
- fields each return a single 32-bit number.
- WaitForKey now supports punctuation keys.
- Improved speed of BinaryReplace.
- Fixed a problem with RegQueryMulSz crashing with NULL (blank) registry values.
- BinaryStrCount now returns an error if the specified end-offset is past
- the binary EOD.
- Windows NT extender 11015 First showing up in WB 2000A
- New functions:
- wntServerInfo(s:server-name, i:request)
- Returns information about a server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "request" specifies the information about "server-name" to be
- returned, and can be one of the following:
- 1 (i) major version
- 2 (i) minor version
- 3 (i) type (see wntServiceAt for a list of server types)
- 4 (s) comment
- 5 (i) maximum users who can log on
- 6 (i) auto-disconnect time, in minutes, or -1 if no auto-disconnect
- 7 (i) hidden to other computers in domain? (0 = visible, 1 = hidden)
- 8 (i) network announce rate, in seconds
- 9 (i) delta value by which announce rate can vary, in milliseconds
- 10 (s) path to user directories
- wntShareList(s:server-name, i:share-type, i:flags)
- Returns a list of shares on a server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "share-type" is a bitmask specifying the type(s) of shares that
- should be returned. It can be set to 0 to return all shares, or it
- can be one or more of the following values combined with the bitwise
- OR ('|') operator:
- Value Share type
- ----- ----------
- 1 Disk drive
- 2 Print queue
- 4 Communication device
- 8 Interprocess communication (IPC)
- 16 Administrative or special share (eg: C$, D$, ADMIN$, IPC$)
- "flags" is reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
- This function returns a tab-delimited list of shared resources on a
- server, including hidden shares.
- Example:
- wntShareList("\\SERVER", 1 | 16, 0))
- wntShareUsers(s:server-name, s:share/computer-name, i:share-type, i:format, i:flags)
- Returns a list of users connected to a share or server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "share/computer-name" specifies either a share name (eg, "PUBLIC")
- on "server-name", or a computer name (eg, "\\FRED"). See explanation
- below.
- "share-type" is a bitmask specifying the type(s) of shares that
- should be returned if "share/computer-name" specifies a computer name.
- It can be set to 0 to return all shares, or it can be one or more of
- the following values combined with the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
- Value Share type
- ----- ----------
- 1 Disk drive
- 2 Print queue
- 4 Communication device
- 8 Interprocess communication (IPC)
- 16 Administrative or special share (eg: C$, D$, ADMIN$, IPC$)
- "format" specifies the information that will be returned for each
- connection. It can be one of the following values (see explanation
- below):
- Value Return format
- ----- -------------
- 1 username
- 2 netname
- 3 username|netname
- "flags" is reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
- This function can return either a list of users connected to a share,
- or a list of computers connected to a server. If "share/computer-name"
- specifies a share name, then the function will return a list of users
- connected to that share. If "share/computer-name" specifies a computer
- name, then the function will return a list of shares on "server-name"
- (filtered by "share-type") to which that computer is connected.
- This function returns a tab-delimited list of user names and/or net
- names, depending on "format". The values returned are as follows:
- username:
- If "server-name" is running with user-level security, then
- "username" will be the name of the user who made the connection.
- If "server-name" is running with share-level security, then
- "username" eill be the computer that made the connection.
- netname:
- "netname" is the opposite of "share/computer-name". In other words,
- if "share/computer-name" specifies a share name, then "netname"
- will be the name of the computer connected to that share, and if
- "share/computer-name" specifies a computer name, then "netname"
- will be the name of the share to which that computer is connected.
- Example:
- wntShareUsers("", "PUBLIC", 1, 1, 0)
- wntRemoteTime(s:server-name, i:format)
- Gets the time of day from a server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "format" specifies the format in which the time will be returned,
- and can be one of the following values:
- Value Format
- ----- ------
- 1 UTC/GMT time, in YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss format
- 2 local time (on local machine), in YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss format
- wntShutdown(s:computer-name, s:message, i:timeout, i:force, i:reboot)
- Shuts down (and optionally restarts) a computer.
- "computer-name" is the name of an NT machine (eg, "FRED" or "\\FRED"),
- or a blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "message" is an message to be displayed in the shutdown dialog box,
- or a blank string ("") if no message is desired.
- "timeout" is the amount of time, in seconds, that a shutdown dialog
- box should be displayed on the specified computer before the computer
- is shut down. While the dialog is displayed, a countdown timer shows
- the number of seconds remaining, and when it reaches 0 the computer
- is shut down. "timeout" can be set to 0, in which case no dialog is
- displayed and the computer is shut down immediately.
- If "force" is @TRUE, then applications with unsaved data will be
- forcibly closed. If "force" is @FALSE, then the user will be
- prompted to close such applications, and if the user cancels (or
- doesn't respond) then the computer will not be shut down.
- If "reboot" is @TRUE, the computer will be automatically restarted
- after shutting down. If "reboot" is @FALSE, the system flushes all
- caches to disk, clears the screen, and displays a message indicating
- that it is safe to power down.
- In order to shut down a remote computer, the caller must have the
- privilege "Force shutdown from a remote system" (SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege).
- Returns 1 on success, or an error. Note that this function returns
- immediately, so the return value does not indicate whether the computer
- is actually shut down or not.
- wntDomainSync(s:server-name, i:request)
- Synchronizes domain controllers.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of the PDC (Primary Domain Controller)
- or BDC (Backup Domain Controller) on which the operation will be
- performed (eg, "\\SERVER"), or a blank string ("") to indicate the
- local machine.
- "request" specifies the operation to perform, and can be one of the
- following values:
- Value Meaning
- ----- -------
- 2 Force replicate on BDC (standard replication).
- "server-name" should be a BDC.
- 3 Force synchronize on BDC (full replication).
- "server-name" should be a BDC.
- 4 Force PDC to broadcast change. "server-name" should be a PDC.
- 5 Force to re-discover trusted domain DCs.
- 7 Notify netlogon that a new transport has come online.
- Returns 1.
- wntAcctPolSet(s:server-name, i:request, i:value)
- Sets account policy information for a server.
- "value" is the new value to be set for "request".
- See wntAcctPolGet for additional information.
- Note: This function can only be performed by members of the
- Administrators or Account Operators local group.
- Returns 1.
- Fixed a problem with wntFilesOpen possibly crashing.
- Changed the error message from "password too short" to "password is
- unacceptable", unless it's clear that the password really is too short
- (Windows returns a "password too short" error for various unrelated error
- conditions). This affects wntChgPswd, wntUserAdd, and wntUserSetDat.
- Fixed a problem with wntAcctInfo(1) returning a SID that only included the
- last subauthority, instead of all of them.
- Windows 95 extender 11007 First showing up in WB 2000A
- New functions:
- w95ServerInfo(s:server-name, i:request)
- Returns information about a server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "request" specifies the information about "server-name" to be
- returned, and can be one of the following:
- 1 (i) major version
- 2 (i) minor version
- 3 (i) type (see w95ServiceAt for a list of server types)
- 4 (s) comment
- w95ShareList(s:server-name, i:share-type, i:flags)
- Returns a list of shares on a server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "share-type" is a bitmask specifying the type(s) of shares that
- should be returned. It can be set to 0 to return all shares, or it
- can be one or more of the following values combined with the bitwise
- OR ('|') operator:
- Value Share type
- ----- ----------
- 1 Disk drive
- 2 Print queue
- 4 Communication device
- 8 Interprocess communication (IPC)
- "flags" is reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
- This function returns a tab-delimited list of shared resources on a
- server, including hidden shares.
- Example:
- w95ShareList("\\SERVER", 1 | 2, 0))
- w95ShareUsers(s:server-name, s:share/computer-name, i:share-type, i:format, i:flags)
- Returns a list of users connected to a share or server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of a server (eg, "\\SERVER1"), or a
- blank string ("") to indicate the local machine.
- "share/computer-name" specifies either a share name (eg, "PUBLIC")
- on "server-name", or a computer name (eg, "\\FRED"). See explanation
- below.
- "share-type" is a bitmask specifying the type(s) of shares that
- should be returned if "share/computer-name" specifies a computer name.
- It can be set to 0 to return all shares, or it can be one or more of
- the following values combined with the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
- Value Share type
- ----- ----------
- 1 Disk drive
- 2 Print queue
- 4 Communication device
- 8 Interprocess communication (IPC)
- "format" specifies the information that will be returned for each
- connection. It can be one of the following values (see explanation
- below):
- Value Return format
- ----- -------------
- 1 username
- 2 netname
- 3 username|netname
- "flags" is reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
- This function can return either a list of users connected to a share,
- or a list of computers connected to a server. If "share/computer-name"
- specifies a share name, then the function will return a list of users
- connected to that share. If "share/computer-name" specifies a computer
- name, then the function will return a list of shares on "server-name"
- (filtered by "share-type") to which that computer is connected.
- This function returns a tab-delimited list of user names and/or net
- names, depending on "format". The values returned are as follows:
- username:
- If "server-name" is running with user-level security, then
- "username" will be the name of the user who made the connection.
- If "server-name" is running with share-level security, then
- "username" eill be the computer that made the connection.
- netname:
- "netname" is the opposite of "share/computer-name". In other words,
- if "share/computer-name" specifies a share name, then "netname"
- will be the name of the computer connected to that share, and if
- "share/computer-name" specifies a computer name, then "netname"
- will be the name of the share to which that computer is connected.
- Example:
- w95ShareUsers("", "PUBLIC", 1, 1, 0)
- Windows 9x extender 10004 First showing up in WB 2000A
- New functions:
- w9xGetDc(s:server-name, s:domain-name, i:flag)
- Returns the domain controller for a domain.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of the NT server on which the function
- will execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER").
- "domain-name" is the name of a domain, or a blank string ("") to
- indicate the primary domain.
- "flag" must be set to 1:
- Flag Meaning
- ---- -------
- 1 Return the primary domain controller for the specified domain
- Returns a domain controller name in UNC format (eg, "\\MYSERVER").
- w9xRemoteTime(s:server-name, i:format)
- Gets the time of day from a server.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of an NT server (eg, "\\SERVER1").
- "format" specifies the format in which the time will be returned,
- and can be one of the following values:
- Value Format
- ----- ------
- 1 UTC/GMT time, in YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss format
- 2 local time (on local machine), in YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss format
- WB 2000B Mar 20, 2000
- Compiler now sets the numeric FileVersion and ProductVersion fields to
- match the corresponding string fields. The strings should be specified as
- a series of up to four numeric fields, delimited by periods or commas or
- spaces (eg, "3.01" or "5,1,2,0" or "2000 1 2". Any missing or non-numeric
- fields will be converted to 0.
- If file specified by #include directive didn't exist, it was incorrectly
- returning an "unable to allocate memory" error.
- DLL 3.0bbv First showing up in WB 2000B
- New IntControls:
- IntControl(72, p1, 0, 0, 0)
- Sets Cancel handler.
- This IntControl lets you specify what should happen when the next
- Cancel event occurs in the script.
- P1 Meaning
- -- -------
- -1 Don't change (just return current setting)
- 0 Normal cancel processing (ie, the script exits)
- 1 Goto the label :CANCEL
- 2 Gosub the label :CANCEL
- By default, if you don't use this IntControl at all, then every time a
- Cancel event occurs, WIL does a "Goto Cancel". The first time you use
- this IntControl, the behavior changes to being a one-time flag, which
- gets reset to 0 after the next Cancel event occurs.
- When processing goes to :CANCEL, the following WIL variables are
- automatically set:
- Variable Type Meaning
- -------- ---- -------
- wberrorhandlerline string Cancel line (ie, line in script that caused Cancel)
- wberrorhandleroffset integer offset into script of Cancel line, in bytes
- wberrorhandlerassignment string variable being assigned on Cancel line, or "" if none
- Note: The :CANCEL label must be in the same script where the Cancel
- event occurred. If a Cancel event occurs in a called script, it will
- go to the label in the called script, not the calling script.
- Returns previous setting, or -1 if the setting had not previously
- been changed from the default behavior.
- IntControl(73, p1, 0, 0, 0)
- Sets Error handler.
- This IntControl lets you specify what should happen when the next
- error occurs in the script.
- P1 Meaning
- -- -------
- -1 Don't change (just return current setting)
- 0 Normal error processing (default)
- 1 Goto the label :WBERRORHANDLER
- 2 Gosub the label :WBERRORHANDLER
- This is a one-time flag, which gets reset to 0 after the next error
- occurs.
- When processing goes to :WBERRORHANDLER, the following WIL variables
- are automatically set:
- Variable Type Meaning
- -------- ---- -------
- wberrorhandlerline string error line (ie, line in script that caused error)
- wberrorhandleroffset integer offset into script of error line, in bytes
- wberrorhandlerassignment string variable being assigned on error line, or "" if none
- Note: The :WBERRORHANDLER label must be in the same script where the
- error occurred. If an error occurs in a called script, it will go to
- the label in the called script, not the calling script.
- Returns previous setting.
- Fixed a problem (introduced in WinBatch 2000A) with WaitForKey not
- detecting some of the special keycodes.
- In 32-bit version, if you use IntControl(49) to add system menus to dialog
- boxes, the icon in the title bar will now be the application icon instead
- of a generic Windows icon.
- Fixed a problem with DirSize returning incorrect numbers for directories
- containg files larger than 4 gigabytes.
- Windows NT extender 11016 First showing up in WB 2000B
- New functions:
- wntSvcCreate(s:server, s:string-values, s:numeric-values, s:dependencies, s:reserved)
- Adds a service to the service control manager database.
- "server" is the UNC name of the server on which the function will
- execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or "" for the local computer.
- "string-values" is a is a tab-delimited or vertical-bar ('|')
- delimited list of string properties for the service being created,
- in the following format:
- "ServiceName | DisplayName | BinaryPathName | LoadOrderGroup | ServiceStartName | Password"
- (Spaces around the delimiters are permitted, but not necessary.)
- "numeric-values" is a is a tab-delimited or vertical-bar ('|')
- delimited list of numeric properties for the service being created,
- in the following format:
- "ServiceType | StartType | ErrorControl"
- (Spaces around the delimiters are permitted, but not necessary.)
- "dependencies" is a tab-delimited or vertical-bar ('|') delimited
- list of dependencies of the service being created. There should be
- no spaces around the delimiters.
- "reserved" is reserved for future use, and should be set to "".
- See wntSvcCfgSet for information on the elements specifies in
- "string-values" and "numeric-values".
- Returns 1.
- wntSvcDelete(s:server, s:service-name, i:flags)
- Marks a service for deletion from the service control manager database.
- "server" is the UNC name of the server on which the function will
- execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or "" for the local computer.
- "service-name" is the name of a service.
- "flags" specifies the type of name that "service-name" represents:
- 0 display name (the name shown in Control Panel)
- 1000 service name (the actual registry key name)
- Returns @TRUE on success, or @FALSE if the specified service has
- already been marked for deletion.
- wntGroupEdit(s:server-name, s:group, i:group-type, i:request, s/i:value)
- Modifies information about a group.
- "server" is the UNC name of the server on which the function will
- execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or "" for the local computer.
- "group-type" can be @LOCALGROUP or @GLOBALGROUP.
- "request" specifies the element to be modified, and can be the
- following:
- Request Element
- ------- -------
- 1 group comment
- "value" specifies the new value to be set for the element.
- Note: This function can only be performed by members of the
- Administrators or Account Operators local group.
- Returns 1.
- WB 2000C May 3, 2000
- Fixed a problem with the compiler sometimes setting the "Src" key in the
- project configuration (.CMP) file to the wrong source file name.
- Changed BoxButtonWait to be more responsive to window messages during the
- wait period.
- DLL 3.0cbv First showing up in WB 2000C
- New IntControl:
- IntControl(74, p1, 0, 0, 0) (32-bit only)
- Set idle wait after Run commands.
- "p1" specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the WIL
- Interpreter will wait, after launching an application with the Run
- (and similar) commands, for the application to become "idle" (ie,
- ready for user input). The default is 10000 (ie, 10 seconds).
- Specify 0 for no idle wait.
- See also IntControl(43).
- Returns previous setting.
- Added new "function" to WinHelp (32-bit only):
- "HTML" Launches HH.EXE to view a topic in an HTML help (.CHM) file.
- "Keyword" specifies the topic to display, or "" to view the
- starting topic in the file.
- Example:
- WinHelp("iexplore.chm", "HTML", "web_collect_favorites.htm")
- Which is identical to:
- Run("HH.EXE", "iexplore.chm::/web_collect_favorites.htm")
- In AskTextBox, "default" is no longer truncated at 256 characters. Also,
- a horizontal scroll bar is added if "flag" number 1 is specified. Also,
- the cursor is now scrolled into view if "flag" number 2 is specified.
- WinMetrics(-5) and (-6) now return floating point values (they are no
- longer rounded to an integer).
- Added new request to IntControl(54):
- P2 Meaning
- -- -------
- -1 Return window's current topmost state (@TRUE = topmost, @FALSE = not)
- In 32-bit version, you can now specify a negative number for TimeDelay, in
- which case the negative number will be treated as a positive number (eg,
- -5 will be treated as 5), and an alternate delay routine will be used.
- In NT, several functions may not have worked properly after using
- wntRunAsUser to impersonate a different user:
- IntControl(58)
- IntControl(67)
- IntControl(68)
- RegLoadHive
- RegUnloadHive
- Changed the internal routine used to create delays (eg, to wait for a
- window to appear or a program to finish), so that during the delay the WIL
- Interpreter is now more responsive to window messages.
- Fixed a problem with ItemReplace crashing when replacing the last item in
- a list.
- Windows NT extender 11017 First showing up in WB 2000C
- wntSvcCreate now prepends '.\' to the specified ServiceStartName, if it
- doesn't already contain a contain a '\' (unless it's "LocalSystem"). This
- matches the behavior of wntSvcCfgSet.
- NetWare 4 extender 14027 First showing up in WB 2000C
- n4UserGroups now returns a blank string ("") instead of an error
- if the specified user doesn't belong to any groups.
- WB 2001B Feb 27, 2001
- 16-bit version is no longer being developed (so no more references to
- "32-bit only").
- Added additional option for IntControl(1007):
- p1 Meaning
- -- -------
- 4 Modify currently-running script in the system tray
- If p1 == 4 (modify icon), then p2 can be one or more of the following
- flags, combined with the bitwise OR ("|") operator:
- p2 Meaning
- -- -------
- 1 Modify tool tip (p3 specifies the new tool tip)
- 2 Modify icon (p4 specifies the new icon file)
- IntControl 1004 now returns a full path for uncompiled WinBatch scripts.
- The extension for extender data files used by the compiler has been
- changed from ".DAT" to ".EXT".
- Fixed some problems with overlapping boxes
- Fixed some problems with button focus in boxes.
- DLL 3.2bcb First showing up in WB 2001B
- *** Important: The following changes alter (break) previous behavior ***
- In DiskFree and DiskSize, the items in "drive-list" can no longer be
- separated with spaces (in order to now support UNC's containing spaces).
- In ItemCount, trailing delimiters are now significant. This means that
- the comma-delimited list "a,b,c," has 4 items in it.
- In ItemInsert, trailing delimiters are now significant. This means that
- if you specify a blank item ("") and an offset of -1, a blank item will
- be added to the end of the list, even if the list already has a trailing
- delimiter.
- The following functions no longer add a trailing delimiter to the
- returned list (some of these are "legacy" functions that are no longer
- documented):
- AskFileText
- AskItemList
- ItemSelect
- RegQueryItem
- TextBox
- TextBoxSort
- TextSelect
- Changed the format of the string for OLE return types of VT_DECIMAL
- (this was previously undocumented). The new format is described below.
- FileExist now returns @FALSE if the file name contains any '/'
- characters (this change was actually made in WB 99M).
- 16-bit version is no longer being developed (so no more references to
- "32-bit only").
- New -- user-defined functions!
- WIL now supports user-defined functions (UDF's). A UDF is defined as
- follows:
- #DefineFunction functname([param1, param2, ..., param16])
- <code>
- Return retval
- #EndFunction
- "#DefineFunction" and "#EndFunction" are the keywords indicating the
- beginning and end of the UDF.
- "functname" is a placeholder for the name of the function. The
- function name must begin with a letter, can contain letters, numbers,
- and underscores, and can be up to 30 characters long. You may not
- use a function name that is the same as the name of a WIL DLL function,
- but you may override a function name that's in an extender DLL.
- You may specify up to 16 optional parameters. "param1" - "param16"
- are placeholders for your actual variable names. These are the names
- of the variables that your UDF will receive when it is called.
- Between the "#DefineFunction" and "#EndFunction" keywords is the code
- that will get executed when the UDF is called. It may contain a
- Return command followed by a value (or an expression that evaluates to
- a value), in which case the UDF will end and return this value. If
- you specify a Return command without a value, the UDF will return 0.
- If a UDF does not contain a Return command, it will execute to the end
- of the UDF and return 0. An Exit command in a UDF will cause the
- entire script to end, not just the UDF.
- A UDF must be defined anywhere in a script, as long as it is defined
- prior to being used for the first time. A UDF may be defined or used in
- a separate script that is called with the Call command, as long as it is
- defined before it is used. You may not have nested UDF definitions (ie,
- each "#DefineFunction" must be followed by an "#EndFunction" as a pair).
- A UDF will not have access to any variables in the main WIL script,
- other than the variables passed as param1 - param16. Any variables set
- in a UDF will be destroyed when the UDF returns, other than the return
- value of the UDF. Any percent signs in the UDF code will be expanded at
- runtime (when the code is called), not at define time.
- You may return a file handle, binary buffer, OLE object, or array from a
- UDF using the Return command. However, if you create one of these types
- of objects in your UDF and do not return it using the Return command,
- you are responsible for freeing it before the UDF returns, using the
- appropriate WIL function (ie, FileClose, BinaryFree, ObjectClose, or
- Drop, respectively); otherwise, the object will become an "orphan" and
- will no longer be accessible and may not be automatically freed when the
- script exits.
- Example:
- ; Define three UDF's
- #DefineFunction Done()
- Message("All done", "Script processing is complete")
- #EndFunction
- #DefineFunction Square(number)
- Return (number * number)
- #EndFunction
- #DefineFunction AddListItem(list, newitem, delimiter)
- list = ItemInsert(newitem, -1, list, delimiter)
- list = ItemSort(list, delimiter)
- Return list
- #EndFunction
- ; Now use them
- list = "apples,bananas,peaches"
- list = AddListItem(list, "cherries", ",")
- Message("New list", list)
- Message("The square of 5 is", Square(5))
- Done()
- New -- arrays!
- WIL now supports arrays. Arrays are created using the new ArrDimension
- function (see below). An array may have from 1 to 5 dimensions, and each
- dimension may contain up to 65,535 elements. Array elements are
- referenced with their subscripts enclosed in square brackets. If an array
- has more than one dimension, the subscripts are separated with commas. Eg:
- arrayvar[1]
- arrayvar[1, 1]
- arrayvar[0, 5, 2]
- Array subscripts are 0-based; ie, the first element in an array is array[0].
- Array elements can contain any type of WIL value: string, integer, float,
- etc. You can have different types of values within an array.
- You may not pass an array as a parameter to a WIL function (except for
- functions which state they accept an array), or use it in any sort of
- operation. For example, the following are NOT legal:
- arrayvar = 5 ; NOT legal
- x = arrayvar ; NOT legal
- Message("Value is", arrayvar) ; NOT legal
- On the other hand, the following are all legal:
- arrayvar[0] = 5
- x = arrayvar[0]
- Message("Value is", arrayvar[0])
- You can pass arrays to user-defined functions, and you can return arrays
- with the Return command.
- When you pass an array name (ie, not an array element) as a parameter to
- a function, the array gets passed "by reference". That is, the function
- receives a pointer to the array, and is therefore able to make changes
- to it "in place". This is similar to passing a binary buffer handle to
- a function, where the function is then able to make wholesale changes to
- the binary buffer.
- In contrast, passing an array element (ie, with a subscript) to a
- function is like passing a regular string or integer parameter to a
- function -- it gets passed "by value". Ie, the function receives the
- value of the array element, but is not able to modify the array itself.
- By the same token, when you pass a string to a function like StrUpper:
- newstring = StrUpper(oldstring)
- The function does not modify the variable "oldstring" at all. If you
- want to modify the existing variable, you can assign to it the return
- value of the function, eg:
- mystring = StrUpper(mystring)
- array[2] = StrUpper(array[2])
- New functions:
- ArrDimension(i:dim1 [, i:dim2 [, i:dim3 [, i:dim4 [, i:dim5]]]])
- Creates an array.
- This function creates an array of 1 to 5 dimensions. Each dimension
- ("dim1" through "dim5") specifies a dimension size up to 65,535. At
- least one dimension must be specified; the other parameters are
- optional and will default to 0 (ie, unused dimension). For example:
- 1-dimension array: array1 = ArrDimension(10)
- 2-dimension array: array2 = ArrDimension(10, 10)
- 3-dimension array: array3 = ArrDimension(10, 10, 10)
- 4-dimension array: array4 = ArrDimension(10, 10, 10, 10)
- 5-dimension array: array5 = ArrDimension(10, 10, 10, 10, 10)
- ArrDimension(10) creates a 1-dimension array with a size of 10 (10
- elements). Since array subscripts are 0-based, the first element is
- arrayvar[0] and the last element is arrayvar[9].
- An array can theoretically contain up to 200,000,000 elements in total.
- Of course this will be further limited by your available system memory.
- You can not create embedded arrays (ie, an array within an array).
- You can use the Drop command to free an array. This will also Drop
- any OLE object handles within the array, as well as any WIL string
- variables. It will NOT close any file handles or binary buffers.
- The return value is the array that was created.
- ArrInfo(a:array, i:request)
- Gets information about an array.
- "array" specifies an array.
- "request" can be one of the following:
- request returns
- ------- -------
- 0 number of dimensions in the array
- 1 number of elements in dimension 1
- 2 number of elements in dimension 2 (or 0 if unused)
- 3 number of elements in dimension 3 (or 0 if unused)
- 4 number of elements in dimension 4 (or 0 if unused)
- 5 number of elements in dimension 5 (or 0 if unused)
- 6 number of elements in the entire array
- ArrInitialize(a:array, i:value)
- Initializes an array.
- "array" specifies an array.
- "value" specifies an integer value.
- This function sets all elements of "array" to "value".
- Returns @TRUE.
- Arrayize(s:list, s:delimiter)
- Converts a delimited list to an array.
- This function takes a delimited list, and creates a one-dimension
- array with the same number of elements as the number of items in the
- list, setting each element to the value of the corresponding item in
- the list. Ie, it converts a delimited list to an array.
- Returns the array that was created.
- RegOpenKeyEx(i:handle, s:subkey-string, s/i:mode, s:reserved-1, s:reserved-2)
- Opens a registry key with specified access rights.
- "handle" handle to a registration database key
- "subkey-string" a path from the key provided to the desired key
- "mode" access mode (see below)
- "reserved-1" reserved for future use; should be set to "".
- "reserved-2" reserved for future use; should be set to "".
- This function is like RegOpenKey, but lets the user specify the desired
- access rights (RegOpenKey opens a key with default access, so may fail
- if the user only has read permission for the key).
- "Mode" may be one of the following pre-defined string values:
- Value Name Meaning (see below for bit descriptions)
- ----- ---- ----------------------------------------
- Or, "mode" may be a bitmask comprised of one or more of the following
- integer values, combined using the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
- Value Name Meaning
- ----- ---- -------
- 1 KEY_QUERY_VALUE Permission to query subkey data.
- 2 KEY_SET_VALUE Permission to set subkey data.
- 4 KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY Permission to create subkeys.
- 8 KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS Permission to enumerate subkeys.
- 16 KEY_NOTIFY Permission for change notification.
- 32 KEY_CREATE_LINK Permission to create a symbolic link.
- Returns a handle to the newly-opened key.
- VarType(s:varname)
- Gets the type of a WIL variable.
- This function returns the type of WIL variable that "varname"
- specifies. The return value will be one or more of the following type
- flags, combined using the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
- Type Meaning
- ---- -------
- 0 undefined
- 1 integer
- 2 string
- 5 file handle
- 17 OLE object
- 32 floating point value
- 65 binary buffer
- 256 array
- RegQueryStr(i:handle, s:subkey)
- Retrieves and expands a string value from the registry.
- This function can be used to read a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ value
- from the registry. If the value is a REG_EXPAND_SZ, any environment
- strings will be expanded to their defined values in the string
- returned by this function (the registry entry itself is untouched).
- See RegQueryValue for parameter information.
- Returns the expanded registry value.
- FileSizeEx(s:file-list)
- Finds the total size of a group of files (including open files).
- This function is like FileSize, but can be used to get the size of
- files that are open by other applications (which FileSize cannot).
- See FileSize for additional information.
- FileCreateTemp(s:prefix)
- Creates a temporary file.
- This function creates a 0-byte file with a unique name, in the
- directory designated for temporary files (as specified by the "TMP"
- or "TEMP" environment variable).
- "prefix" specifies a prefix for the file name, up to 3 characters
- long (the string may be longer than that, but only the first 3
- characters are used).
- The temporary file name will have the form:
- preXXXX.tmp
- Where "pre" is the prefix specified by the user, and "XXXX" is a
- 4-character hexadecimal string generated to guarantee a unique file
- name. The file name will have an extension of ".tmp".
- The return value is the full path name of the temporary file created.
- Note that this file will not be automatically deleted by the system.
- ClipHasFormat(i:format)
- Determines if the clipboard contains a particular format.
- This function returns @TRUE if the clipboard contains data in the
- format specified by "format", or @FALSE if it does not.
- See BinaryClipGet for a list of clipboard formats.
- BinaryTagIndex(s:tag-struct, i:mode)
- Returns the offset of a binary tag in a buffer.
- mode returns
- ---- -------
- 0 offset of text
- 1 offset of start tag
- This function can be used after a successful BinaryTagFind, to
- return the offset where the binary tag was found. It must be used
- before any subsequent BinaryReplace, since BinaryReplace will change
- the tag structure.
- See BinaryTagFind for additional information.
- BinaryTagLen(s:tag-struct, i:mode)
- Returns the length of a binary tag.
- mode returns
- ---- -------
- 0 length of text
- 1 length of text + tags
- This function can be used after a successful BinaryTagFind, to
- return the length of the text that was found. It must be used
- before any subsequent BinaryReplace, since BinaryReplace will change
- the tag structure.
- See BinaryTagFind for additional information.
- BinaryXlate(i:data-buffer, i:table-buffer, i:mode)
- Converts a binary buffer using a translation table.
- "data-buffer" is a binary buffer containing data to be converted.
- "table-buffer" is a binary buffer containing a translation table.
- "mode" can be one of the following:
- Mode Source buffer Target buffer Table size
- ---- ------------- ------------- ----------
- 0 byte byte 256
- 1 byte word 512
- 2 word byte 65536
- 3 word word 131072
- This function looks up a byte or word in "data-buffer", uses that
- number to compute an index into "table-buffer", looks up the byte or
- word there, and places the result in a temporary buffer. It does
- this for each byte or word in "data-buffer". When it's finished
- processing "data-buffer", it copies the new (temporary) buffer back
- to "data-buffer", and sets the binary EOD appropriately.
- For mode 1, "data-buffer" must be large enough to hold at least
- twice as much data as is currently in the buffer.
- New IntControls:
- IntControl(69, p1, p2, 0, 0)
- Suspends machine by shutting power down.
- P1 Meaning (NT/2000 only)
- -- -------
- 0 hibernate mode
- 1 suspend mode
- P2 Meaning
- -- -------
- 0 don't force apps to suspend
- 1 force apps to suspend
- This IntControl puts the system into standby mode, if supported by the
- hardware and device drivers.
- IntControl(75, p1, 0, 0, 0)
- Gets last dialog coordinates.
- P1 Meaning
- -- -------
- 1 Returns last X coordinate
- 2 Returns last Y coordinate
- This IntControl returns the X or Y coordinate of the most recently
- displayed dialog (created with the Dialog function), at the time the
- previous dialog was closed. Coordinates are in dialog units. Returns
- -1 if there was no previous dialog.
- IntControl(76, p1, 0, 0, 0)
- Sets the computer name.
- This IntControl sets the NetBIOS name of the local computer, specified
- by P1. The change does not take effect until the computer is restarted.
- The name may not be longer than 30 characters. It may contain letters,
- numbers, and the following symbols:
- ! @ # $ % ^ & ' ) ( . - _ { } ~
- In Windows 95/98, if the name contains invalid characters, they will
- be replaced with valid characters. In Windows NT/2000, if the name
- contains invalid characters, the function will fail.
- Returns @TRUE on success, or @FALSE on failure.
- IntControl(77, p1, 0, 0, 0)
- Gets internal operating parameters.
- This IntControl returns internal values which may be useful in script
- debugging. P1 specifies one of the following request codes:
- Request Meaning
- ------- -------
- 0 total memory allocated for strings, in bytes
- 10 number of variables assigned
- 11 number of variable slots available
- 12 tab-delimited list of variables assigned
- 20 number of files open
- 21 number of file slots available
- 30 number of binary buffers open
- 31 number of binary buffer slots available
- 40 number of extenders loaded
- 41 number of extender slots available
- 42 tab-delimited list of extenders loaded
- 50 number of extender functions loaded
- 51 number of extender function slots available
- 60 number of OLE objects open
- 61 number of OLE object slots available
- 70 current structure depth
- 71 current structure slots remaining
- 80 current Call level depth
- 90 number of UDF's defined
- 91 number of UDF slots available
- 100 tab-delimited list of WIL function table entries
- 101 tab-delimited list of parent application function table entries
- 102 tab-delimited list of loaded extender function table entries
- 103 tab-delimited list of UDF's
- Requests 101, 102, and 103 return a tab-delimited list of table
- entries. Each entry consists of a list of fields delimited with an
- ASCII 255 character, as follows:
- index
- entry type:
- parameter type mask
- parameter count OR constant value
- name length
- name
- Returns the indicated integer or string.
- IntControl(78, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- Frees all UDF's.
- This IntControl frees (undefines) all user-defined functions. It
- cannot be used while a UDF is currently executing.
- Returns the number of UDF's that were freed.
- Changed RegExistKey and RegQueryItem to work if the current user only has
- read access (not full access) to the specified key.
- IniItemize / IniItemizePvt no longer has a 32K limit on the size of the
- returned list.
- If you specify -1 for the X or Y coordinate of a Dialog, the corresponding
- coordinate (X or Y) from the most recently displayed dialog will be used.
- If there was no previous dialog, the dialog will be centered.
- The file name following an "#include" pre-processor directive no longer
- needs to be quote-delimited. Any of the following are now permitted:
- #include "filename"
- #include 'filename'
- #include `filename`
- #include filename
- If the file name is not delimited, it may not have any trailing whitespace.
- Can now pass an OLE object handle as a parameter to an OLE function.
- DirItemize wasn't returning directory names beginning with a period.
- Fixed problem with BinaryReplace giving a "Data to store would overrun
- binary buffer" error when replacing a NULL byte.
- In BinaryReadEx, if "file-offset" + "count" is larger than the file size,
- or if "count" is -1, "count" will be ignored and it will be treated as a
- request to read from "file-offset" to the end of the file.
- Debug and DebugTrace modes are now reset to @OFF before a Call command,
- and automatically set back to their previous states after the Call returns.
- You will need to put Debug and/or DebugTrace commands in the Call'ed script
- if you want it to be debugged.
- The Return command can now return a value, by specifying a value (or an
- expression that evaluates to a value) after the "Return" keyword. The
- value or expression may optionally be enclosed in parentheses. This
- feature can be used with the Call command, and with the new user-defined
- functions (see above). It does not affect the Gosub command.
- Examples:
- Return
- Return (10)
- Return "Okay"
- Return myvariable * 10
- Return (ItemCount(list, @TAB))
- A script run with the Call command can now return a value by using a
- Return command with a value (see above). If a Return command without a
- value is used, or the called script does not contain a Return command, the
- called script will return 0.
- Example:
- result = Call("other.wbt", "")
- ClipPut no longer has a 64K limit.
- Drop and DropWild can accept array names as parameters.
- IsDefined can accept an array name as a parameter.
- Fixed crash problem when doing an ObjectClose (or Drop, or variable
- reassignment) of an OLE object that was assigned to more than one variable
- name and had already been freed.
- OLE objects are now automatically attempted to be closed on shutdown.
- However, if you have a dependent OLE object open (eg, a document within an
- application), it may prevent the application from being closed.
- Fixed a problem where, if you assigned an OLE object handle to a second
- variable and then Drop'ed or reassigned the original variable, the OLE
- object would be closed and the second variable would therefore no longer
- refer to a valid OLE object.
- No longer receive an "unable to process include file" message when running
- an empty script file.
- Fixed problem with WallPaper function using tile and stretch options.
- DiskFree and DiskSize now support UNC's containing spaces (note that the
- items in "drive-list" can be UNC's corresponding to drives, as well as
- drive letters).
- Fixed a problem with AskFileName not bringing the window to the foreground.
- Fixed a problem with the BinaryTag[..] functions when the found text was
- larger than 64K.
- Directory functions now automatically return failure for directory names
- ending with two backslashes.
- Added new "select mode" to AskItemList and AskFileText:
- @extended
- to allow selection of multiple items by extending the selection with the
- mouse or shift key.
- AskItemList and AskFileText now support multiple selection up to 32,767
- items (previous limit was 100 items).
- Added additional special characters to the SendKey (and SendKeysTo and
- SendKeysChild) functions. These may or may not work for any particular
- application or situation:
- Key SendKey equivalent
- --- ------------------
- Ctrl-Break {CANCEL}
- Pause {PAUSE}
- OLE now supports return values of type VT_CURRENCY and VT_DECIMAL. They
- are returned as strings with prefixes:
- "#CURRENCY:value" (VT_CY)
- where 'value' is the decimal or currency value, converted to a string.
- You can also pass these types as parameters to an OLE function by
- prefacing the string with the appropriate prefix:
- Type Name Format
- ---- ---- ------
- For FileOpen, increased the maximum number of open files from 5 to 128.
- For BinaryAlloc, increased the maximum number of current binary buffers
- from 10 to 128.
- WinActivChild has been renamed to WinActiveChild (the old name will
- continue to work).
- Added new request # to IntControl(71):
- P1 Meaning
- -- -------
- 3 Dump WIL variable table to the debug log file.
- Added new request # to MouseInfo:
- Req# Return value
- ---- ------------
- 9 WinID of top level parent window under mouse
- Added new flag to AskFileName:
- 3 for Save style, with no "Replace" confirmation.
- AskFileText no longer truncates lines at 254 characters. It now uses the
- line length set by IntControl(65) (4096 characters by default).
- AskFileText now treats line feeds as line terminators, instead of carriage
- returns. It therefore now supports both DOS files (which have CR/LF
- terminators) and UNIX files (which have LF terminators).
- Cleared up some confusion with AskDirectory by setting the edit field (if
- present) to a blank value, so the user will not try appending a
- subdirectory name to the text in the field. Any text entered in the edit
- field is treated as a subdirectory name under the selected directory.
- Also added a static text field showing the name of the selected directory.
- In BinaryWriteEx, if you specify -1 for "count", then "handle" and
- "binary-offset" are now ignored (there was previously a discrepency in the
- documentation about this).
- The following functions now return a file time of 1/1/1980 at 00:00:00 if
- the specified file has an invalid time field:
- FileTimeCode
- FileTimeGet
- FileTimeGetEx
- FileYmdHms
- The following file time get functions no longer round the seconds field of
- the file's time stamp to a multiple of 2 seconds, if a more accurate time
- format is supported by the operating system:
- FileTimeGet
- FileTimeGetEx
- FileYmdHms
- The file time compare routines in the following functions no longer round
- the seconds fields of the files' time stamps to a multiple of 2 seconds,
- if a more accurate time format is supported by the operating system. They
- now compare the full seconds and milliseconds fields of the time stamps:
- FileCompare
- FileCopy
- FileMove
- InstallFile
- Fixed a problem with DebugTrace where if you specified a filename that did
- not include a full path, and then changed directories while the script was
- running, a new debug file would be written in whatever the current
- directory was.
- Changed the output strings for FileTime and TimeDate to more correctly
- reflect the date and time format preferences set through Control Panel.
- This also affects the File Overwrite confirmation dialog displayed by
- FileCopy and FileMove.
- Changed the following error codes from fatal (3000-) to minor (1000-):
- Old New Error
- --- --- -----
- 3210 1393 Cmd Extender: Out of memory to save result
- 3393 1394 AddExtender: Too many extenders added
- 3394 1395 AddExtender: Extender DLL not found
- 3395 1396 AddExtender: Not a valid extender
- 3396 1399 AddExtender: Extender table full
- 3437 1437 AddExtender: Extender DLL load failed
- Added an optional parameter to AddExtender:
- AddExtender(s:filename [, i:required-version])
- "required-version" is the minimum acceptable version. If the version
- of the extender being loaded is less than "required-version", the
- AddExtender command will fail. The default value is 0 (ie, no
- required version).
- IntControl(73) now works with errors from extenders.
- Under Windows NT (and Windows 2000), AppExist and AppWaitClose now try to
- match the root + extension of "program-name", as well as just the root
- part, against any running application module names. So if you specify
- "program.exe", it will match either a module named "program.exe" or a
- module named "program".
- Now suppressing a Windows crash error that can occur when doing an
- ObjectClose on an object that has already been freed by another process.
- Fixed problem using ObjectOpen after AskFileName.
- Optimized StrFill.
- Fixed problem with "multi-type" WIL variables being passed to OLE
- functions (ie, integers or floating point numbers that had been converted
- to strings, or vice versa). If a variable has a floating point value, it
- will now be passed as a floating point value (even if it also has a string
- and/or integer value). If a variable has both an integer and string
- value, it will now be passed as an integer.
- Fixed a string memory leak when converting string variables to integers.
- Windows NT extender 32000 First showing up in WB 2001B
- New functions:
- wntLsaPolGet(s:server-name, s:class, i:element)
- Gets LSA (Local Security Authority) policy information.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of the server on which the function
- will execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or a blank string ("") to indicate
- the current machine.
- "Class" is one of the following:
- "AuditEvents"
- "PrimaryDomain"
- "AccountDomain"
- "LsaServerRole"
- "DnsDomain" (Windows 2000 only)
- For each class, the possible elements are shown:
- "AuditEvents"
- -1 Auditing mode (1 if auditing is enabled, 0 if not)
- 0 Event count
- 1+ Audit Category (depending on NT version, use "Event count" to determine):
- 1 System
- 2 Logon
- 3 ObjectAccess
- 4 PrivilegeUse
- 5 DetailedTracking
- 6 PolicyChange
- 7 AccountManagement
- 8 DirectoryServiceAccess (Windows 2000)
- 9 AccountLogon (Windows 2000)
- Each audit category returns an integer indicating the
- auditing options for that category:
- 0 None
- 1 Success
- 2 Failure
- 3 Success and Failure
- "PrimaryDomain"
- 1 Name
- 2 Sid
- "AccountDomain"
- 1 Domain Name
- 2 Domain Sid
- "LsaServerRole"
- 1 Server Role (2=backup, 3=primary)
- "DnsDomain" (Windows 2000 only)
- 1 Name
- 2 Dns Domain Name
- 3 Dns Forest Name
- 4 Domain Guid
- 5 Sid
- Returns a string or integer value.
- wntLsaPolSet(s:server-name, s:class, i:element, s/i:value)
- Sets LSA (Local Security Authority) policy information.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of the server on which the function
- will execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or a blank string ("") to indicate
- the current machine.
- "Class" is one of the following:
- "AuditEvents"
- "PrimaryDomain"
- "AccountDomain"
- "LsaServerRole"
- "DnsDomain" (Windows 2000 only)
- For each class, the possible elements are shown:
- "AuditEvents"
- -1 Auditing mode (1 to enable auditing, 0 to disable it)
- 1+ Audit Category (depending on NT version):
- 1 System
- 2 Logon
- 3 ObjectAccess
- 4 PrivilegeUse
- 5 DetailedTracking
- 6 PolicyChange
- 7 AccountManagement
- 8 DirectoryServiceAccess (Windows 2000)
- 9 AccountLogon (Windows 2000)
- For each audit category, you may specify one of the following
- integer values to set the auditing options for that category:
- 0 None
- 1 Success
- 2 Failure
- 3 Success and Failure
- "PrimaryDomain"
- 1 Name
- 2 Sid
- "AccountDomain"
- 1 Domain Name
- 2 Domain Sid
- "LsaServerRole"
- 1 Server Role (2=backup, 3=primary)
- "DnsDomain" (Windows 2000 only)
- 1 Name
- 2 Dns Domain Name
- 3 Dns Forest Name
- 4 Domain Guid
- 5 Sid
- Returns 1.
- wntUserSidChk(i:request, s:SID, i:reserved-1, i:reserved-2, i:reserved-3)
- Checks SID's in an access token.
- This function checks whether the current user's access token
- contains a given SID.
- "request":
- Request Meaning
- ------- -------
- 0 Check if the specified SID is present and enabled in the token.
- "SID" specifies a security identifier, in string form (eg, "S-1-5-32-544",
- which is the well-known SID of the local Administrators group).
- The three "reserved" parameters should be set to 0.
- Returns @TRUE or @FALSE;
- wntAccessAdd2(s:server-name, s:resource/share-name, s:user/group name, i:object-type, s:access-string)
- Adds or updates access (permission) records for a resource.
- This function is like wntAccessAdd, but uses a different method of
- updating the access control list that may work better on Windows
- 2000 machines. It can also be used on Windows NT 4.0 machines.
- wntAuditAdd2(server-name, resource/share-name, user/group name, object-type, access-string)
- Adds audit records for a resource.
- This function is like wntAuditAdd, but uses a different method of
- updating the access control list that may work better on Windows
- 2000 machines. It can also be used on Windows NT 4.0 machines.
- wntEventLog(s:server-name, s:text)
- Writes a "WBMSG" entry to the NT application event log.
- "server-name" is the UNC name of the server on which the function
- will execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or a blank string ("") to indicate
- the current machine.
- "text" is a string that will be stored with the event, or "" for none.
- This function will write an event with the message "WBMSG: xxx" to the
- NT application event log on the specified server, with "xxx" being
- replaced by the specified "text" string, and with an EventID of 1.
- This function will attempt to set the following values in the registry
- on the local machine, to specify the location of the message file:
- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\WBMSG]
- "EventMessageFile"="c:\\program files\\winbatch\\system\\wwwnt32i.dll"
- "TypesSupported"=dword:00000004
- If that key is not writable, or needs to be set on a remote machine,
- you will need to set those values manually before using this function.
- Note that the value "EventMessageFile" must be set to the full path of
- the Windows NT extender DLL.
- The message file is part of the extender DLL itself. Since the Event
- Viewer locks and caches message files being used, you may need to
- close the Event Viewer before replacing or moving the extender DLL.
- Returns 1.
- wntGroupRen(s:server-name, s:group, i:group-type, s:new-name)
- Renames a group.
- "server" is the UNC name of the server on which the function will
- execute (eg, "\\MYSERVER"), or "" for the local computer.
- "group-type" can be @LOCALGROUP or @GLOBALGROUP.
- "new-name" specifies the new name for the group.
- Note: This function can only be performed by members of the
- Administrators or Account Operators local group.
- Returns 1.
- wntOwnerSet wasn't enabling the SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege to allow you to
- set ownership of an object to a different user.
- Fixed problem with wntUserAddDat("", "") not freeing some global memory.
- Fixed problem with wntUserAddDat possibly overwriting part of a different
- parameter value that had been previously set (with wntUserAddDat).
- Modified wntAccessAdd and wntAuditAdd to be more compatible with Windows
- 2000 machines (also see new wntAccessAdd2 and wntAuditAdd2 functions).
- Added new predefined access strings for Windows 2000. These are the same
- for files and directories:
- Access-string Meaning Specific equivalent
- -------------- -------------- -------------------
- "Win2000:Full" Full Control "0:3:2032127"
- "Win2000:Modify" Modify "0:3:1245631"
- "Win2000:ReadExecute" Read & Execute "0:3:1179817"
- "Win2000:List" List "0:2:1179817"
- "Win2000:Read" Read "0:3:1179785"
- "Win2000:Write" Write "0:3:1048854"
- "Win2000:None" No Access "1:3:983551"
- wntAccessList now returns a sorted list with no duplicate items.
- wntAccess[..], wntAudit[..], and wntShare[..] functions specifying a
- printer may have returned an "Access Denied" error, because they were
- trying to open the printer with an excessive level of access requested
- (especially under Windows 2000).
- wntPrivAdd and wntPrivDel may have failed with an "Access Denied" error
- because they were trying to open the policy object with an excessive level
- of access requested.
- Fixed problem with wntMemberLst2 returning users with blank names in local
- groups (ie, just "domain\").
- Changed wntServerInfo so that request #'s 1-4 can be called by any user.
- All other request #'s can can only be called by members of the
- Administrators or Account Operators local group, or those with
- Communication, Print, or Server operator group membership.
- Fixed a problem with wntMemberGrps that could have caused the script to
- hang if there were a very large number of groups that needed to be processed.
- Changed wntAccessAdd, wntAccessAdd2, wntAuditAdd, and wntAuditAdd2, so
- that if you specify one of the recursive object types (301, 302, 303, or
- 401) and the function is unable to modify one of the objects it attempts,
- it will skip that object and continue, and won't return an error. The
- function will return 0 if it was unable to modify an object.
- Fixed problem with wntRunAsUser with "allow interactive" flag set, where
- running an application could cause "abnormal termination" error.
- Added an additional flag to wntRunAsUser:
- Flag Meaning
- ---- -------
- 2 Load user profile into HKEY_USERS\<User SID>
- Fixed problem with wntAcctPolGet and wntAcctPolSet, where request #3 was
- getting/setting the password age in seconds rather than days.
- The wntAccess[..] and wntAudit[..] functions have been improved to work
- better under Windows 2000.
- Windows 95 extender 32000 First showing up in WB 2001B
- Fixed a problem with the following enumeration-type functions that could
- have caused the script to hang if there were a very large number of items
- (files or shares) that needed to be processed:
- w95FileClose
- w95FileUsers
- w95ShareList
- w95ShareUsers
- Note that these functions are limited to using 64K buffers. If that is
- not sufficient to accomodate all items, some items will not be processed.
- Fixed a problem with w95AccessAdd and w95AccessDel not working with a
- remote machine.
- Windows 9x extender 32000 First showing up in WB 2001B
- Fixed a problem with w9xMemberGrps that could have caused the script to
- hang if there were a very large number of groups that needed to be processed.
- WILX extender 32000 First showing up in WB 2001B
- Removed xCursorSet (not useful in 32-bit versions of Windows).
- Removed xMemCompact (not useful in 32-bit versions of Windows).
- Fixed problem with xGetChildHwnd returning the wrong window handle if
- 'child-text' was blank.
- xBaseConvert now properly handles numbers beginning with a leading '-' or
- '+' sign.
- WB 2001C Mar 5, 2001
- DLL 3.2ccb First showing up in WB 2001C
- Fixed a problem with the OK button in AskDirectory being disabled under
- Windows 2000.
- In OLE functions, fixed a problem handling VT_DATE values outside the
- range 1/1/1980 to 12/31/2099.
- RegQueryKeys no longer adds a tab to the end of the list.
- Windows NT extender 32001 First showing up in WB 2001C
- Fixed a problem with the wntAccess[..] and wntAudit[..] functions
- returning an Access Denied error.
- Fixed a problem with wntAccess[..] crashing when specifying a file in a
- FAT paartition.
- WB 2001D Mar 6, 2001
- Windows NT extender 32002 First showing up in WB 2001D
- Fixed a problem with wntAccessList and wntAuditList adding a tab to the
- end of the list.
- WB 2001E Mar 8, 2001
- DLL 3.2ecb First showing up in WB 2001E
- IniItemizePvt now supports itemizing the sections of Unicode INI files.
- Windows NT extender 32003 First showing up in WB 2001E
- Fixed a problem with wntAccessDel and wntAuditDel crashing if the only
- access record for the object was being deleted.
- Fixed a problem with the wntAccess[..] and wntAudit[..] functions
- creating ACL's with access records that were incorrectly sequenced.
- WB 2001F Mar 15, 2001
- DLL 3.3fcc First showing up in WB 2001F
- In Windows 95/98, FILELISTBOX controls in dialogs no longer display files
- or directories marked as hidden or system, unless you first use
- IntControl(5) to enable that behavior.
- In Windows NT/2000, FILELISTBOX controls in dialogs now display files and
- directories marked as hidden or system, if you have first used
- IntControl(5) to enable that behavior.
- Fixed a problem with FILELISTBOX controls in dialogs not displaying
- directories beginning with a '.'.
- WB 2001G Mar 27, 2001
- Fixed a problem with BoxButtonWait failing to wait if you had pressed the
- same button twice without calling BoxButtonStat in between.
- Fixed a problem with areas of the Box windows not getting repainted
- properly when the windows were resized.
- Fixed a problem with OLE objects becoming invalid after being passed as
- parameters to OLE methods or properties.
- In FileMenu, the functions FileItemize(""), FileItemPath(""), and
- DirItemize("") no longer add a trailing delimiter to the list.
- DLL 3.3gcc First showing up in WB 2001G
- Fixed a problem where the floating point number 0.0 was being displayed in
- scientific notation.
- Fixed a problem with IniItemizePvt returning an extra item with stray
- characters when itemizing sections in the file, if the file was over 32K.
- Fixed a problem with the parameter of a Return statement being validated
- even if the Return was in a conditional block that wasn't being executed.
- Fixed a problem with ItemInsert, ItemRemove, and ItemReplace removing
- blank items at the end of the list.
- Fixed a problem with ItemInsert inserting an item at the wrong position if
- it were being inserted between blank items at the end of the list.
- Fixed a problem with ItemReplace not replacing an item following a blank
- item at the end of the list.
- Fixed a problem with ItemSort removing blank items from the list.
- Windows NT extender 33001 First showing up in WB 2001G
- Fixed a problem with wntServerList hanging if the list of servers returned
- was larger than 64K.
- Windows 9x extender 33001 First showing up in WB 2001G
- Fixed a problem with w9xServerList hanging if the list of servers returned
- was larger than 64K.
- WB 2001H Apr 2, 2001
- Fixed a problem with the compiler not being able to compile extenders into
- a large EXE (introduced in 2001G).
- Windows NT extender 33002 First showing up in WB 2001H
- The wntPriv[..] functions can now be used on a local workstation for
- domain accounts, by specifying the user/group name in the form
- "domain_name\account_name". Note that wntPrivAdd and wntPrivDel require
- administrator privileges on the local workstation.
- Fixed a problem with the wntShare[..] functions failing with "access
- denied" errors when the target object was a printer.
- WB 2001J May 25, 2001
- New functions, only when running as a service:
- SvcSetAccept(i:codes)
- Specifies the control codes that the service will accept.
- "codes" can be 0 to specify that no, or it can be one or more of the following control
- codes, combined using the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
- Value Controls accepted Meaning
- ----- ----------------- -------
- 1 SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP The service can be stopped
- 2 SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE The service can be paused and continued
- 4 SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN The service is notified when system shutdown occurs
- 32768 Notify of logoffs.
- By default, a WinBatch service will accept and automatically process
- SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP commands. If you use the SvcSetAccept function,
- you will be responsible for processing any of the control codes that
- are received, including SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP (ie, it will no longer
- be processed automatically).
- Returns the previous value for "codes", or -1 if not running as a service.
- See also SvcSetState and SvcWaitForCmd.
- SvcSetState(i:state)
- Updates the service control manager's status information for the service.
- "state" can be one of the following service states:
- Value Service state Meaning
- ----- ------------ -------
- 1 SERVICE_STOPPED The service is not running
- 3 SERVICE_STOP_PENDING The service is stopping
- 4 SERVICE_RUNNING The service is running
- 5 SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING The service continue is pending
- 6 SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING The service pause is pending
- 7 SERVICE_PAUSED The service is paused
- Returns the previous state, or -1 if not running as a service.
- See also SvcSetAccept and SvcWaitForCmd.
- SvcWaitForCmd(i:timeout)
- Waits or checks for receipt of a service control code.
- "timeout" specifies the timeout flag, in milliseconds.
- If any control codes have been received but not yet processed (using
- this function), this function immediately returns the value of that
- control code. WinBatch maintains a list of up to 16 unprocessed
- control codes that have been received, and this function returns the
- first (oldest) one in the list, then clears that code from the list,
- so the next time this function is called it will return the next
- control code in the list, if any.
- If there are no unprocessed control codes in the list, the behavior
- depends on the value specified by "timeout". If "timeout" is -1, the
- function will wait until a control code is received, and then return
- its value. If "timeout" is 0, the function will immediately return a
- value of 0. If "timeout" is any other value, then it specifies a
- timeout period (in milliseconds), and the function will wait until
- a control code is received or until the timeout period elapses,
- whichever comes first. If a control code is received before the
- timeout period elapses, the function will return its value, otherwise
- it will time out and return 0 indicating no control code was received.
- The following control codes may be returned:
- Value Control code Meaning
- ----- ------------ -------
- 1 SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP Requests the service to stop
- 2 SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE Requests the service to pause
- 3 SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE Requests the paused service to resume
- 5 SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN Requests the service to perform cleanup tasks, because the system is shutting down
- 128-255 User-defined control code
- 32768 Logoff notification
- Returns 0 or a control code value, or -1 if not running as a service.
- See also SvcSetState and SvcWaitForCmd.
- The compiler now properly handles "#include" directives with leading
- whitespace (ie, indented with spaces or tabs).
- The compiler now properly handles double byte characters in the
- customizable version strings.
- DLL 3.3jcc First showing up in WB 2001J
- New IntControl:
- IntControl(79, p1, p2, p3, 0)
- Causes a user-defined error.
- P1 = severity, which can be one of the following:
- -1 minor error
- -2 moderate error
- -3 severe error
- P2 = error code, which must be a number between 7000 and 7999.
- P3 = error message, which is a string describing the error.
- Returns 1.
- Fixed a problem with Arrayize crashing with large lists.
- In ItemLocate you can now specify a delimiter of "" to indicate a tab.
- Fixed a problem with Drop not returning a value. It now returns 1, as
- documented.
- Fixed a problem with AppExist no longer working after being called
- thousands of times.
- The Print command now ignores the "waitflag" parameter, as documented.
- Fixed a problem converting strings like "-.2", where a signed floating
- point decimal value did not have a 0 before the decimal point.
- Fixed a problem handling OLE object names longer than 30 characters where
- the variable name (the part before the '.') contained an underscore.
- ShortcutDir now supports registry strings of type REG_EXPAND_SZ.
- Increased the maximum number of open OLE objects from 20 to 128.
- Windows NT extender 33003 First showing up in WB 2001J
- New functions:
- wntAccessMod(server-name, resource, object-type, request, flags)
- wntAuditMod(server-name, resource, object-type, request, flags)
- server-name:
- Same as "server-name" as used in wntAccessAdd() and wntAuditAdd()
- resource:
- For object type 300, a file or folder specified with either a drive
- letter specification or a UNC specification.
- For object type 400, a registry handle that points to
- an open registry key.
- object-type:
- 300 file [either a drive letter or a UNC spec]
- 400 registry key handle [for a local registry key]
- No other object types are valid with wntAccessMod() and wntAuditMod().
- Please note that registry key handles must have been obtained by opening
- a registry key on the local system. Registry key handles for registry
- keys on remote systems cannot be processed by this function. Attempting
- to modify the ACL inheritance flags for a remote registry key will result
- in an error being returned.
- request:
- 1 For WinNT, remove all explicit ACEs from all child objects [e.g
- subfolders & files or subkeys] and then re-propagate all inheritable
- ACEs from the specified folder or key to all child objects under the
- specified folder or key. In effect, this resets the security on a
- tree of folders & files or subkeys and makes it consistent with the
- DACL or SACL settings of the parent folder at the root of that branch
- of the folder hierarchy on a volume or a branch of the registry.
- For Win2K, re-enable either DACL or SACL inheritance on all child
- objects, remove all explicitly assigned ACEs on all child objects
- then re-propagate all inheritable ACEs to all child objects.
- 2 For Win2K only, disable either DACL or SACL inheritance on the specified
- object. If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then all currently inherited
- ACEs will be converted to explicit ACEs. If Bit 0 in the flags mask is
- set then all currently inherited ACEs will be removed. All child objects
- will have their DACLs or SACLs updated as necessary to reflect the possible
- changes in their parent object's DACL or SACL w/respect to inheritable ACE
- changes.
- 3 For Win2K only, re-enable either DACL or SACL inheritance on the specified
- object. If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then all explicitly asisgned
- ACEs will be kept. If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then all explicity
- assigned ACEs will be removed. All child objects will have their DACLs or
- SACLs updated as necessary to reflect the possible changes in their parent
- object's DACL or SACL w/respect to inheritable ACE changes.
- Please note that Request #3 cannot be used with the root folder of
- a network drive letter that is connected to a share that does not
- share out the root of a physical drive letter. The reason for this
- is that it is impossible to get the DACL or SACL from the specified
- folder's parent in order to determine if the specified folder should
- inherit any inheritable ACEs from the parent folder's DACL or SACL.
- This same problem will occur if a UNC specification is passed in and
- the UNC spec only contains the server and share information [e.g. no
- subfolder information] and the share does not share the root of a
- physical disk drive on the server. Attempting to re-enable the ACL
- inheritance for either the DACL or SACL of a folder whose parent
- folder cannot be accessed will result in an error being generated.
- For example, we have a workstation computer named WS1 and server named
- SRV1. Server SRV1 has a local drive named D: and there is a user share
- named JOHN_DOE that shares out the directory D:\HOME\JOHN_DOE. If the
- user "johndoe" logs in on WS1 and connects the drive letter H: to the
- share \\SRV1\JOHN_DOE and then tries to use wntAccessMod() with request
- #3 and passes in "H:\" as the value for "resource" then the function
- will return an error. The reason for this is that it is impossible for
- wntAccessMod() [being executed in a script on WS1] to get the DACL of
- the folder "D:\HOME" on SRV1. If the DACL of "D:\HOME" on SRV1 is not
- obtainable then wntAccessMod() cannot determine if there any ACEs in
- the DACL of "D:\HOME" on SRV1 that are inheritable by "D:\HOME\JOHN_DOE"
- and thus need to be propagated to the DACL of "D:\HOME\JOHN_DOE". This
- same problem would occur if the value of "resource" had been specified
- as "\\SRV1\JOHN_DOE" [as opposed to something like "H:\FOLDER1" or
- "\\SRV1\JOHN_DOE\FOLDER1", both of which would be OK because the parent
- of "FOLDER1" could be accessed to find inheritable ACEs to add to the
- DACL or SACL of "FOLDER1"].
- flags:
- This is a bit masked integer value. The effects caused by having various
- bits set or cleared varies with the particular request # that has been
- specified. Refer to the documentation of the various request #'s in order
- to determine which flags values are valid in any particular situation.
- wntMemberList() now accepts an optional parameter to allow members of
- local groups to be returned with domain and/or server information (as a
- prefix before the user/group name, e.g. "domain\user",
- "domain\global-group" or "server\user").
- Improved support for managing permissions and auditing of printer objects
- (e.g. traditionally called "printers") and printer shares, and added new
- pre-defined access strings for printer objects and printer shares.
- wntMemberList now properly returns domain names and/or server names for
- standalone systems and workstations.
- wntAccess[..] and wntAudit[..] functions specifying a registry key may
- have returned an "Access Denied" error, because they were trying to open
- the key with an excessive level of access requested.
- Fixed a problem with the wntShare[..] functions, where specifying a
- printer name or printer share as "resource/share-name" didn't work
- properly.
- Windows 9x extender 33003 First showing up in WB 2001J
- Fixed a problem with the w9xShare[..] functions, where specifying a
- printer name or printer share as "resource/share-name" didn't work
- properly.
- WB 2001K Jun 1, 2001
- Changed SvcWaitForCmd to use less CPU time.
- WB 2001M Aug 8, 2001
- BoxesUp was returning positive values on success, other than @TRUE.
- DLL 3.3mcc First showing up in WB 2001M
- New function:
- DllLastError()
- Returns the most recent error returned by a DllCall to a Win32 API.
- If you call this function after using DllCall to call a Win32 API
- function which set a "last-error code" value (or another function
- which used the "SetLastError" API to set a last-error code), this
- function will return that value.
- Returns an integer.
- Decimals() was not returning the previous setting.
- IntControl 56 could not be used to kill a service.
- BinaryPeekStr no longer returns an error if "offset" is within the binary
- buffer but "offset + maxsize" is past the end of the binary buffer.
- Statements such as "If x" and "While x", where 'x' is a floating point
- number that is too large or small to convert to an integer, no longer
- return an error.
- Fixed a problem with the Run[..] commands crashing with very long command
- lines.
- Fixed problem with Arrayize with large lists.
- IntControl 45 is now enabled for Windows 95/98/ME, which should result in
- faster SendKey and SendKeysTo to DOS windows on those platforms. This
- functionality is now the same on all Windows platforms. If the "SendKey
- speedup" causes a problem, you can turn it off with IntControl(45,0,0,0,0).
- In ArrInitialize, "value" may now be an integer, floating point, or string.
- Fixed problem with Debug and DebugTrace displaying an incorrect result on
- a line of the form "If ... Then Call(...)".
- Fixed problem with DebugTrace causing an "Unrecognised Request" error in
- WIL applications other than WinBatch.
- Windows NT extender 33005 First showing up in WB 2001M
- New function:
- wntSecurityGet(server-name, resource, object-type, request, flags)
- server-name:
- Same as "server-name" as used in wntAccessAdd() and wntAuditAdd()
- resource:
- For object type 300, a file or folder specified with either a drive
- letter specification or a UNC specification.
- For object type 400, a registry handle that points to
- an open registry key.
- object-type:
- 300 file [either a drive letter or a UNC spec]
- 400 registry key handle [for a local registry key]
- No other object types are valid with wntAccessQuery() and wntAuditQuery().
- request:
- 1 For Win2K, return @TRUE if the specified object has the protected [D|S]ACL flag
- set. Please note that top level registry keys and root folders on
- NTFS volumes will generally have this flag enabled, but their children will have
- this flag disabled. A protected DACL or SACL means that ACEs may not be inherited
- from the object's parent.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the permission [e.g. DACL] protected
- flag value will be queried.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the audit [e.g. SACL] protected flag
- value will be queried.
- For WinNT this function will always return @FALSE since ACL inheritance is not
- implemented on WinNT and thus the concept of a protected DACL/SACL does not exist
- on WinNT.
- 2 For Win2K, return @TRUE if the specified object has a [D|S]ACL that is marked as
- having been auto-inherited from the object's parent.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the permission [e.g. DACL] auto-inherited
- flag value will be queried.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the audit [e.g. SACL] auto-inherited flag
- value will be queried.
- For WinNT this function will always return @FALSE since ACL inheritance is not
- implemented on WinNT and thus the concept of an auto-inherited DACL/SACL does not
- exist on WinNT.
- 3 For both WinNT and Win2K, return @TRUE if the specified object has a [D|S]ACL present.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the permission [e.g. DACL] presence flag
- value will be queried.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the audit [e.g. SACL] presence flag value
- will be queried.
- 4 For both WinNT and Win2K, return @TRUE if the specified object has a default [D|S]ACL.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the permission [e.g. DACL] defaulted flag
- value will be queried.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the audit [e.g. SACL] defaulted flag value
- will be queried.
- 5 For both WinNT and Win2K, return the number of ACEs present in the [D|S]ACL. If there
- is no [D|S]ACL present then zero (0) will be returned.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the # of ACEs in the permission list [e.g. DACL]
- will be returned.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the # of ACEs in the audit list [e.g. SACL] will be
- returned.
- 6 For both WinNT and Win2K, return the number of bytes that are free in the [D|S]ACL. If
- there is no [D|S]ACL present then zero (0) will be returned.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the # of free bytes in the permission list [e.g.
- DACL] will be returned.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the # of free bytes in the audit list [e.g. SACL]
- will be returned.
- 7 For both WinNT and Win2K, return the number of bytes that are used in the [D|S]ACL. If
- there is no [D|S]ACL present then the value that will be returned will be the # of bytes
- that are required to store an ACL structure with zero ACEs in it.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is clear then the # of used bytes in the permission list [e.g.
- DACL] will be returned.
- If Bit 0 in the flags mask is set then the # of used bytes in the audit list [e.g. SACL]
- will be returned.
- 8 For both WinNT and Win2K, return @TRUE if the group SID value associated with the
- ownership of the object has been supplied through some default mechanism instead
- of having been directly assigned to the object.
- The flags mask value is ignored for this request number.
- 9 For both WinNT and Win2K, return @TRUE if the owner SID value associated with the
- ownership of the object has been supplied through some default mechanism instead
- of having been directly assigned to the object.
- The flags mask value is ignored for this request number.
- flags:
- This is a bit masked integer value. The effects caused by having various
- bits set or cleared varies with the particular request # that has been
- specified. Refer to the documentation of the various request #'s in order
- to determine which flags values are valid in any particular situation.
- wntAccessMod and wntAuditMod now support registry keys (object type 400)
- on the local system.
- Improved the way the wntAccess[..] and wntAudit[..] functions handle
- registry key branches (object type 401), to solve "Access Denied" errors.
- wntAccessAdd2 and wntAuditAdd2 have been removed.
- Fixed problem accepting the group name "Everyone" as a parameter on
- non-English versions of Windows.
- WB 2001N Aug 31, 2001
- Fixed a resource (handle) leak in SvcWaitForCmd.
- DLL 3.3ncc First showing up in WB 2001N
- BinaryPeekStr now returns a blank string instead of an error if "offset"
- is set to the binary EOD and "maxsize" is 0.
- Fixed a problem with DirSize crashing with excessively long (illegal)
- directory names. It now ignores (skips) invalid directory names.
- Fixed a problem with ShortcutInfo returning an invalid value for "hotkey"
- if the shortcut had a non-blank description and did not have a hotkey set.
- In ShortcutEdit, you can now specify "-1" for "target", "params", or
- "start-dir" to set NULL values.
- In ShortcutExtra, you can now specify "-1" for "description", "hotkey", or
- "icon-file" to set NULL values.
- In IntControl 34, if you specify -1 for "p1" it will return the string
- corresponding to the last extender error or user-defined error.
- New parameter type "huge number", used by several functions (below). This
- is a long decimal number string, which may represent a number too large to
- be converted to an integer. If the number is larger than 2147483647, it
- must be a string.
- Added an optional "format" parameter to DirSize, FileSize, and FileSizeEx:
- DirSize(dir-name, flags [, format])
- FileSize(file-list [, format])
- FileSizeEx(file-list [, format])
- This controls the format in which the size is returned if it is too large
- to be returned as an integer. The default format, 0, is floating point.
- If you specify "format" of 1, the size will be returned as a huge number.
- BinaryReadEx and BinaryWriteEx now accept a huge number for "file-offset".
- In a Switch statement, a "Case" keyword followed by an invalid expression
- will now cause an error.
- WB 2001P Dec 10, 2001
- DLL 3.4pcd First showing up in WB 2001P
- New function:
- RunWithLogon(s:program-name, s:params, s:directory, i:display mode, i:waitflag, s:username, s:domain, s:password, i:logon-flags) (Windows 2000/XP only)
- Runs a program as a specified user
- "username" specifies the name of the user account to log on to. If
- you use the UPN format (user@DNS_domain_name), "domain" must be a
- blank string ("").
- "domain" specifies the name of the domain or server whose account
- database contains the "username" account. If this parameter is a
- blank string, "username" must be specified in UPN format.
- Windows XP: If "domain" is ".", the function validates the account
- using only the local account database.
- "password" specifies the password for the "username" account.
- "logon-flags" can be 0, or one of the following values:
- Value Name Meaning
- ----- ---- -------
- 1 LOGON_WITH_PROFILE Log on, then load the user's profile. Loading the profile
- can be time-consuming, so it is best to use this value
- only if you must access the user's profile information.
- 2 LOGON_NETCREDENTIALS_ONLY Log on, but use the specified credentials on the
- network only. This value can be used to create a process
- that uses a different set of credentials locally than it
- does remotely. This is useful in inter-domain scenarios
- where there is no trust relationship.
- See RunShell for additional information.
- IsDefined and VarType now return -1 (instead of an error) if the specified
- name is a function name or other reserved word.
- New data types for BinaryOleType:
- 3 byte array (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
- 4 I1 pointer (VT_I1 | VT_BYREF)
- 5 I2 pointer (VT_I2 | VT_BYREF)
- 6 I4 pointer (VT_I4 | VT_BYREF)
- 7 UI1 pointer (VT_UI1 | VT_BYREF)
- 8 UI2 pointer (VT_UI2 | VT_BYREF)
- 9 UI4 pointer (VT_UI4 | VT_BYREF)
- Added support for OLE functions that return byte arrays (variant type =
- VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY). In this case, the function will copy the data to a
- newly-allocated binary buffer of the required size, with the binary EOD
- properly set, and the return value will be the binary buffer handle.
- The user is responsible for freeing this binary buffer.
- BinaryReadEx was returning 1 instead of 0 for a 0-byte file.
- If the following clipboard functions are unable to open the clipboard,
- they will now retry for up to 30 seconds:
- BinaryClipGet
- BinaryClipPut
- ClipAppend
- ClipGet
- ClipGetEx
- ClipHasFormat
- ClipPut
- SnapShot
- Added support for OLE variant types VT_I1, VT_UI1, VT_UI2, and VT_UI4.
- Fixed a problem with BinaryReplace replacing text past the binary EOD.
- Fixed a problem with the following functions crashing if the space bar and
- Esc keys were pressed simultaneously:
- AskFileText
- AskItemList
- AskTextBox
- ItemSelect
- TextBox
- TextBoxSort
- TextSelect
- In FileVerInfo, if you specify a blank string for "language-key" it will
- now additionally try to look up the item under the language key
- "000004B0" (Neutral, Unicode).
- Added two optional parameters to ShortcutDir:
- ShortcutDir(s:name [, i:source [, i:add-slash]])
- "source" specifies the location from which the information will be
- retrieved:
- source location
- ------ --------
- 0 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders (default)
- 1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
- "add-slash": if @TRUE, a backslash will be appended to the returned
- string if it doesn't already have a trailing backslash. The default
- is @FALSE.
- Added a new request # to DirWindows:
- 2 = shared Windows directory on a multi-user system (Windows 2000 and XP only).
- On other versions of Windows, this will return the same value as request 0.
- Fixed a problem with the StrFix[..] functions with "length" > 64K.
- Changed the behavior of IconReplace and IntControl(37). Instead of
- replacing an individual icon image in an EXE file, they now replace
- multiple images in an icon group in an EXE file. An icon group is a set
- of one or more associated icon images, of different dimensions and color
- depths. An EXE file can contain multiple icon groups; an icon (.ICO) file
- contains a single icon group. The difference betwwen the two functions is
- that IconReplace will modify the first icon group in the EXE, while
- IntControl(37) lets you specify which icon group to modify. The "p3"
- parameter in IntControl(37) now specifies the ordinal position of the icon
- group to modify. In both cases, each icon image in the targeted icon
- group in the EXE file is compared with each icon image in the specified
- .ICO file, and if the .ICO file contains an icon image whose size (and
- dimensions and color depth) is the same as the targeted icon image in the
- EXE, then the targeted icon image in the EXE is replaced with the
- corresponding icon image from the .ICO file. If no suitable replacement
- icon is found in the .ICO file, then that particular icon image in the EXE
- is left unchanged. The return value of the function is the number of
- icon images in the EXE that were successfully replaced.
- Added an additional optional parameter to the following shortcut functions:
- ShortcutEdit(link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, i:shortcut-type])
- ShortcutExtra(link-name, description, hotkey, icon-file, icon-index [, i:shortcut-type])
- ShortcutInfo(link-name [, i:shortcut-type])
- ShortcutMake(link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, i:shortcut-type])
- "shortcut-type" specifies the type of shortcut, and can be one of the following:
- Type Meaning
- ---- -------
- 0 Normal shortcut (default)
- 1 Folder shortcut (Windows 2000/XP only)
- An extension of ".LNK" is assumed for "link-name" for normal shortcuts,
- but not for folder shortcuts.
- In AskFileName, if you specify a blank string ("") for "directory", the
- current working directory will be used.
- Windows NT extender 34005 First showing up in WB 2001P
- New function:
- wntLastErrMsg()
- Retrieves the error message text for an extender error.
- Fixed problem with wntShareAdd under non-English versions of
- WinNT/Win2K.
- wntAccessList and wntAuditList now strip off the domain
- Added a new optional flag parameter to wnt[Access|Audit][Add|Del|Get].
- Added new flags to wnt[Access|Audit]List.
- Added a new request number (#2) to wntAcctInfo.
- Added a new optional flags parameter to wntAcctInfo.
- Changed wntOwnerSet so that if the 'account-name' parameter's value is an
- empty string [e.g. ""], then the current user's account-name will be used
- as the value for this parameter.
- Improved/corrected the way wntOwnerSet handles folder/file and registry
- key objects under Win2K.
- Changed the flags that are valid for wntOwnerGet.
- Added a new optional flags parameter to wntOwnerSet.
- Added a flag to enable the display of a progress dialog box for
- wnt[Access|Audit][Add|Del|Mod] and wntOwnerSet.
- wntOwnerSet can now perform recursive processing of an entire folder &
- file hierarchy or a branch of the registry, by specifying new object types
- 301, 302, 303 and 401.
- wntOwnerGet and wntOwnerSet now support printer objects [object-type =
- 200].
- Improved the way wnt[Access|Audit][Add|Del|Mod] and wntOwnerSet handle
- excessively long path names for recursive file object types 301, 302, and
- 303.
- wntLsaPolGet and wntLsaPolSet now support named LSA Private Data Objects,
- using the new class name "PrivateData".
- Changed wnt[Access|Audit][Add|Del], wntAccessMod, and wntOwnerSet so that
- recursive operation failures that used to return an error 575 now return 0
- instead.
- Fixed a problem with wntRunAsUser with flag 1 hanging under Windows XP.
- Fixed problem with DLL not loading on NT 3.51.
- For wntShutdown, you can now specify a "timeout" of -1 to indicate that a
- time delayed shutdown request should be aborted, provided that the time
- delay has not already expired.
- WB 2002A Dec 24, 2001
- Added warning message to compiler when attempting to use an improper
- icon.
- Fixed problem in Winbatch Studio with new BinaryBuffer/Array views.
- DLL 3.5acd First showing up in WB 2002A
- WB 2002B Jan 22, 2001
- New function:
- BoxBitmap(box ID, coordinates, filename, stretch-mode)
- Displays a bitmap in a WinBatch box.
- (s) "filename" specifies the name of a BMP file.
- (i) stretch-mode specifies the mode to use when resizing the bitmap,
- and can be one of the following:
- Value Name Meaning
- ----- ---- -------
- 1 BLACKONWHITE Performs a Boolean AND operation using the color values for the
- eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap,
- this mode preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels.
- 2 WHITEONBLACK Performs a Boolean OR operation using the color values for the
- eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap,
- this mode preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels.
- 3 COLORONCOLOR Deletes the pixels. This mode deletes all eliminated lines of pixels
- without trying to preserve their information.
- 4 HALFTONE Maps pixels from the source rectangle into blocks of pixels in the
- destination rectangle. The average color over the destination block
- of pixels approximates the color of the source pixels. Supported on
- Windows NT/2000/XP only.
- The stretching mode defines how the system combines rows or
- columns of a bitmap with existing pixels. The BLACKONWHITE and
- WHITEONBLACK modes are typically used to preserve foreground
- pixels in monochrome bitmaps. The COLORONCOLOR mode is typically
- used to preserve color in color bitmaps. The HALFTONE mode is
- slower and requires more processing of the source image than the
- other three modes, but produces higher quality images.
- DLL 3.5bcd First showing up in WB 2002B
- New IntControl:
- IntControl(80, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- Waits until no keys on the keyboard are pressed.
- Returns 1.
- IgnoreInput is now supported on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. It will return -1
- if run on an unsupported platform. Also you can now specify a "flag" of
- -1 to query the current state.
- Fixed problem with ArrInitialize not freeing any previous string values in
- the array.
- Added additional special characters to the SendKey (and SendKeysTo and
- SendKeysChild) functions. These may or may not work for any particular
- application or situation:
- Key SendKey equivalent
- --- ------------------
- Print Screen {PRTSC}
- Left Alt key, standalone {LALT}
- Right Alt key, standalone {RALT}
- Left Control key, standalone {LCONTROL}
- Right Control key, standalone {RCONTROL}
- Left Shift key, standalone {LSHIFT}
- Right Shift key, standalone {RSHIFT}
- Left Windows key, standalone {LWIN}
- Right Windows key, standalone {RWIN}
- Applications key, standalone {APPS}
- Left Alt key, combination {*LALT}
- Right Alt key, combination {*RALT}
- Left Control key, combination {*LCONTROL}
- Right Control key, combination {*RCONTROL}
- Left Shift key, combination {*LSHIFT}
- Right Shift key, combination {*RSHIFT}
- Left Windows key, combination {*LWIN}
- Right Windows key, combination {*RWIN}
- Applications key, combination {*APPS}
- "Standalone" means the key is pressed and then released. "Combination"
- means the key is held down while the following key is pressed.
- The left and right Alt, Control, and Shift keys can only be
- distinguished on Windows NT/2000/XP. On other platforms they are
- treated as plain Alt, Control, and Shift keys, respectively.
- The "Windows" and "Applications" keys are on the Microsoft Natural
- keyboaard.
- Fixed a problem with empty WIL scripts causing an error, especially under
- Windows XP.
- Added an optional "format" parameter to DiskFree and DiskSize:
- DiskFree(drive-list [, format])
- DiskSize(drive-list [, format])
- This controls the format in which the size is returned if it is too large
- to be returned as an integer. The default format, 0, is floating point.
- If you specify "format" of 1, the size will be returned as a huge number.
- Changed error 3385 ("DiskExist: Invalid Disk Argument") to 1385.
- Windows NT extender 35001 First showing up in WB 2002B
- New functions:
- wntPrivUsers(server-name, privilege[, output-format-flag])
- This function accepts a privilege name as input and returns a list of
- account names [or SID strings] that have been granted that privilege.
- wntSvcList(server-name, service/group-name, flags)
- This function allows services to be listed. On Win2K [and newer]
- systems, it is possible to selectively list services based on the
- groups to which they belong, based on the service type, and based on
- the service status. On WinNT [and newer] systems it is possible to
- list services based on service types and service status. On WinNT
- [and newer] systems it is possible to list all services [by type and
- status] that are dependent on a specified service.
- The following functions can now accept SID strings in place of group
- names. They can also return SID strings in place of account names for
- either all SIDs or only for SIDs that cannot be resolved to account names:
- wntMemberDel
- wntMemberGet
- wntMemberGrps
- wntMemberList
- wntMemberSet
- wntGroupDel
- wntGroupEdit
- wntGroupInfo
- wntGroupRen
- wntListGroups
- wntPrivAdd
- wntPrivDel
- wntPrivGet
- wntPrivList
- wntRasUserGet
- wntRasUserSet
- wntUserDel
- wntUserExist
- wntUserGetDat
- wntUserList
- wntUserProps
- wtUserSetDat
- wntUserRename
- wntWtsUserGet
- wntWtsUserSet
- The following functions now accept 2 new object types, 500 and 501:
- wntAccessAdd
- wntAccessDel
- wntAccessGet
- wntAccessList
- wntAuditAdd
- wntAuditDel
- wntAuditGet
- wntAuditList
- Object type 500 is for window station objects and object type 501 is for
- desktop objects. It is now possible to manipulate the security settings
- on window stations and desktops. Currently there is no function to
- list/enumerate window stations and desktop on the system, so you have to
- already know the name of the window station &| desktop that you want to
- manipulate. The default window station associated the keyboard, monitor &
- mouse [e.g. the console window station] is "WinSta0". The default desktop
- on the console window station named "Default", and it is referred to as
- "WinSta0\Default". All desktop objects must have their corresponding
- window station name prefixed onto them so that the format of the name is
- "window-station\desktop".
- The functions wntSvcCfgGet() and wntSvcCfgSet() have been modified. On
- Win2K [and newer systems] they are now capable of getting & setting
- service descriptions and service failure recovery settings.