home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;This file traverses the directory tree and computes the total
- ;size of all files on the drive.
- ;
- ;This code uses two UDF's - user Defined functions. One of them,
- ;GetDirSize is a recursive function (it calls itself) and does
- ;most of the work.
- ;
- ;The AddCommas function simply formats the output.
- ;
- ;
- ;NOTE: This code is just an example. WinBatch has built in functions
- ; (namely DirSize) that can do this operation much faster.
- ;
- ;This file traverses the directory tree and computes the total
- ;size of all files on the C:\ drive.
- ;UDF AddCommas to format our final answer for display (only)
- #DefineFunction AddCommas(passednumstring)
- ; Grab everything to the left of the decimal (if any)
- intpart=ItemExtract(1,passednumstring, ".")
- ;Grab everything to the right of the decimal
- fractpart=ItemExtract(2,passednumstring,".")
- ;Compute how many comma seperated groups we need
- groups= ((strlen(intpart)-1) / 3 ) +1
- ;Initialize an answer variable to a null string
- answer=""
- ;Figure out what each group looks like
- ;and add each group to the answer variable with
- ;a comma
- for y=1 to groups
- if y==1
- ptr=( (strlen(intpart)-1) mod 3) +1
- answer=strsub(intpart,1, ptr )
- ptr=ptr +1
- else
- answer=strcat(answer, ",", strsub(intpart, ptr , 3))
- ptr=ptr+3
- endif
- next
- ;Now that we have the numbers to the left of the decimal
- ;point "comma-ized" properly, see if there is any
- ;fractional part to worry about.
- ;If there is a fractional part, glue it onto the end
- ;of he "comma-ized" number along with a decimal
- if fractpart!=""
- answer=strcat(answer,".",fractpart)
- endif
- ;Return the comma-ized answer
- return (answer)
- #endfunction
- ;Define the function that does all the real work
- #DefineFunction GetDirSize(dir)
- ;Save original directory
- origdir=DirGet()
- ;Change to directory to inspect
- DirChange(dir)
- ;Display current directory for warm fuzzy feeling
- BoxText(DirGet())
- ;Get total size of files in this directory
- ;and make sure it is a floating point number
- ;by adding 0.0 as it can get very large.
- total=FileSizeEx("*.*")+0.0
- ;Get a list of subdirectories in this directory
- ;and count how many there are.
- dirlist=DirItemize("*.*")
- dircount=ItemCount(dirlist,@tab)
- ;For each subdirectory, call out GetDirSize UDF
- ;to determin its size.
- for xx=1 to dircount
- ;Pick off a subdirectory name
- thisdir=ItemExtract(xx,dirlist,@tab)
- ;Add size of that subdirectory to our running total
- total=total+GetDirSize(thisdir)
- next
- ;Change back to the directory we entered with
- DirChange(origdir)
- ;Return current value of total to caller.
- return total
- #EndFunction
- ;True start of program
- ;Allow system and hidden files to be counted
- IntControl(5,1,0,0,0)
- ;Open a Box to display warm fuzzy progress to user
- BoxOpen("File Size Inspector","Reading Initial Directories")
- ;Call our UDF to compute size of C: drive
- tot=GetDirSize("C:\")
- ; Convert to KB
- totKB = INT(tot/1024)
- ;Display Results
- totKB = AddCommas(totKB)
- Message("Total File Size of C:\", Strcat(totKB," KB"))
- Exit