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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Generic Initialization ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- IntControl(1008,1,0,0,0)
- IntControl(12,5,0,0,0)
- ;;;;;;;; Assorted Colors ;;;;;;;;;
- DKBLUE="0,0,128"
- BLUE="0,0,255"
- LTGRAY="192,192,192"
- GRAY="128,128,128"
- DKGRAY="64,64,64"
- GREEN="0,255,0"
- RED="255,0,0"
- BLACK="0,0,0"
- WHITE="255,255,255"
- YELLOW="255,255,0"
- ;;;;; Generic code for drawing a box and adding text to it.
- ;Get title on screen
- ;wbid = 99
- ;BoxNew(wbid,rectTitle,1)
- ;BoxColor(wbid,BLACK,0)
- ;BoxDrawRect(wbid,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- ;BoxTextFont(wbid,"Arial",TitleHeight,170,0) ; san-srif, ariel, size 20, bold, noitalic
- ;BoxTextColor(wbid,RED)
- ;BoxDrawText(wbid,rectTitleText,"Acme Aardvarks",0,32)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; This Example ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;; Drawing the Main Box ;;;;;;;;
- ;; Note the use of while 1. This use of while maintains
- ;; the boxes until a user clicks on a button and exits
- ;; the while construction
- BoxesUp("100,100,900,900",@NORMAL)
- while 1
- BoxColor(1,"0,0,128",4)
- BoxCaption(1,"Graphical WinBatch")
- ;; Note: Here we specify 8 buttons numbered 1 to 8.
- ;; You can change this. Edit the list of buttons here,
- ;; go to the "Select a button" routine and add or subtract
- ;; your button selection information. Then create a subroutine
- ;; at the end of this script to do what you need done when
- ;; the button is pushed. There is a sample for you to use.
- bExit=1
- bHelp=2
- bTherm=3
- bDots=4
- bBoxes=5
- bLines=6
- bDraw=7
- bText=8
- bEmpty=9
- BoxDrawRect(1,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Times",150,80,0|0)
- BoxTextColor(1,"255,255,0")
- BoxDrawText(1,"325,550,1000,1000","Pick a Demo",0,0);;;
- ;;;;; This section creates the fancy banner headline in a box
- rectNote="100,30,900,270"
- NoteHeight=400
- rectNoteText="70,200,950,800"
- rectnoteline1="0,0,1000,0"
- rectNoteline2="1000,1000,1000,0"
- rectNoteLine3="0,1000,1000,1000"
- rectNoteLine4="0,0,0,1000"
- notepenwidth=20
- rectnoteline1b="40,150,960,150"
- rectNoteline2b="960,840,960,150"
- rectNoteLine3b="40,840,960,840"
- rectNoteLine4b="40,150,40,840"
- notepenwidthb=10
- wbid=2
- Thermid=3
- Noteid=4
- BoxNew(Noteid,rectNote,1)
- BoxColor(Noteid,LTGRAY,0) ; Light Gray no gradient
- BoxDrawRect(Noteid,"",2)
- ;;;;; --------- This line changes the headline font -----------------
- BoxTextFont(Noteid,"Arial",NoteHeight,170,0)
- BoxTextColor(Noteid,RED)
- BoxPen(Noteid,WHITE,notepenwidth)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine1)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine4)
- BoxPen(Noteid,GRAY,notepenwidth)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine2)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine3)
- BoxPen(Noteid,WHITE,notepenwidthb)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine2b)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine3b)
- BoxPen(Noteid,GRAY,notepenwidthb)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine1b)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine4b)
- ;BoxDataTag(Noteid,"NOTE")
- ; BoxDataClear(NoteId,"NOTE")
- ;;;;; ----------- The BoxDrawText line creates the headline text. Copy (don't move)
- ;;;;; this line anywhere in this script you need to change the headline text.
- BoxDrawText(Noteid,rectNoteText,"WinBatch Graphics",1,4)
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bTherm, "&Progress", "100,320,250,390")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bDots, "&Dots", "100,410,250,480")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bBoxes, "&Boxes", "100,500,250,570")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bLines, "&Lines", "100,590,250,660")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bDraw, "&Draw", "100,680,250,750")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bText, "&Text", "100,770,250,840")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bEmpty, "&Spare", "100,860,250,930")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bHelp, "&Help", "550,860,700,930")
- BoxButtonDraw(1,bExit, "E&xit", "750,860,900,930")
- iBox=0
- BoxButtonWait()
- while iBox==0
- for x=1 to 9
- if BoxButtonStat(1,x) then iBox=x
- next
- end while
- ;;; Select a button ;;;;
- if iBox
- BoxDataClear(1,"TOP")
- switch iBox
- case bDraw
- gosub DoDraw
- break
- case bLines
- gosub DoLines
- break
- case bBoxes
- gosub DoBoxes
- break
- case bDots
- gosub DoDots
- break
- case bExit
- exit
- break
- case bText
- gosub DoText
- break
- case bTherm
- gosub DoTherm
- break
- case bHelp
- gosub DoHelp
- break
- case bEmpty
- gosub Empty
- break
- end switch
- endif
- end while
- exit
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- BoxCaption(1,"Scribble")
- BoxNew(2,"0,0,1000,1000",0)
- BoxPen(2,RED,1)
- BoxButtonDraw(2,bExit, "E&xit", "750,860,900,930") ;mw991008
- BoxDataTag(2,"FRED")
- Exclusive(@ON)
- olda="500,500"
- while 1
- BoxDataClear(2,"FRED")
- a=MouseInfo(6)
- a=strreplace(a," ",",")
- BoxDrawLine(2,"%olda%,%a%")
- olda=a
- if BoxButtonStat(2,bExit)==1 then break ; mw991008
- endwhile
- BoxDestroy(2)
- Return
- BoxCaption(1,"That Old Line")
- BoxNew(2,"0,0,1000,1000",0)
- BoxColor(2,BLACK,0)
- BoxDrawRect(2,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- BoxButtonDraw(2,bExit, "E&xit", "750,860,900,930") ;mw991008
- BoxDataTag(2,"APPLE")
- p1=200
- p2=200
- p3=400
- p4=400
- v1=10
- v2=-20
- v3=-5
- v4=15
- bb=1
- ErrorMode(@OFF)
- while 1
- if BoxButtonStat(2,bExit)==1 then break ; mw990108
- if LastError()==10108
- BoxDataClear(2,"APPLE")
- BoxPen(2,"%r%,%g%,%b%",1)
- endif
- if bb==1
- BoxDataClear(2,"APPLE")
- gosub randcolor
- BoxPen(2,"%r%,%g%,%b%",1)
- bb=0
- endif
- BoxDrawLine(2,"%p1%,%p2%,%p3%,%p4%")
- bb=0
- for q=1 to 4
- p%q%=p%q%+v%q%
- if p%q% <= 0
- p%q%=0
- v%q%=Int(Random(10))+1
- bb=1
- endif
- if p%q% >= 1000
- p%q%=1000
- v%q%=-Int(Random(10))-1
- bb=1
- endif
- next
- endwhile
- BoxDestroy(2)
- Return
- BoxCaption(1,"Random Rectangles")
- BoxNew(2,"0,0,1000,1000",0)
- BoxButtonDraw(2,bExit, "E&xit", "750,860,900,930") ; mw991008
- BoxDataTag(2,"ACORN")
- ErrorMode(@OFF)
- while 1
- if BoxButtonStat(2,bExit)==1 then break ; mw991008
- x=Random(1000)
- y=Random(1000)
- s=Random(1000)
- t=Random(1000)
- r=Random(255)
- g=Random(255)
- b=Random(255)
- BoxColor(2,"%r%,%g%,%b%",0)
- BoxDrawRect(2,"%x%,%y%,%s%,%t%",2)
- if LastError()==10108
- BoxDataClear(2,"ACORN")
- BoxUpdates(1,3)
- endif
- endwhile
- ErrorMode(@CANCEL)
- BoxDestroy(2)
- Return
- BoxCaption(1,"Driving Me Dotty")
- BoxNew(2,"0,0,1000,1000",0)
- BoxButtonDraw(2,bExit, "E&xit", "750,860,900,930") ;mw991008
- BoxColor(2,BLACK,0)
- BoxDrawRect(2,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- brk=0
- x=500
- y=500
- oldxx=0
- oldyy=0
- z=5
- z2=10
- BoxDataTag(2,"SAM")
- while 1
- BoxDataClear(2,"SAM")
- gosub RandColor
- BoxColor(2,"%r%,%g%,%b%",0)
- for q=1 to 100
- x1=x-z
- x2=x+z
- y1=y-z
- y2=y+z
- BoxDrawCircle(2,"%x1%,%y1%,%x2%,%y2%",2)
- ww=Int(Random(100))
- if ww>16
- xx=oldxx
- yy=oldyy
- else
- xx=ww&3
- if xx==3 then xx=0
- yy=(ww&12)>>2
- if yy==3 then yy=0
- endif
- if x<=0 then xx=2
- if x>=1000 then xx=1
- if y<=0 then yy=2
- if y>=1000 then yy=1
- oldxx=xx
- oldyy=yy
- if xx==2 then x=x+z2
- if xx==1 then x=x-z2
- if yy==2 then y=y+z2
- if yy==1 then y=y-z2
- if BoxButtonStat(2,bExit)==1 ;mw991008
- brk=1
- break
- endif
- next
- if brk==1 then break
- endwhile
- BoxDestroy(2)
- Return
- BoxCaption(1,"Fontopia")
- BoxNew(2,"0,0,1000,500",0)
- BoxColor(2,LTGRAY,2)
- BoxColor(1,LTGRAY,0)
- BoxButtonDraw(2,bExit,"E&xit","750,860,900,930") ; mw991008
- BoxDrawRect(2,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- BoxDrawRect(1,"0,500,1000,1000",2)
- words="The quick brown fox went happy stroll dark woods looking for something tasty dinner soon found picnic basket full yummy goodies "
- wc=ItemCount(words," ")
- BoxTextColor(1,BLACK)
- ;;;;;;;;;
- BoxTextFont(1,"",20,0,0)
- BoxTextColor(1,RED)
- BoxDrawText(1,"25,510,1000,545","Results shown will vary with installed fonts...",0,0)
- BoxTextColor(1,BLACK)
- fonttype=0
- xxx=25
- yyy=xxx+225
- BoxTextFont(1,"",30,fonttype,0)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,550,%yyy%,600","Normal",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Times New Roman",30,fonttype,4)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,625,%yyy%,675","Times New Roman",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Arial",30,fonttype,8)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,700,%yyy%,750","Arial",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Modern",30,fonttype,12)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,775,%yyy%,825","Modern",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Script",30,fonttype,16)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,850,%yyy%,900","Script",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Old English Text MT",30,fonttype,22)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,925,%yyy%,975","Old English",0,0)
- fonttype=100
- xxx=275
- yyy=xxx+225
- BoxTextFont(1,"",30,fonttype,0)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,550,%yyy%,600","Italic",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Times New Roman",30,fonttype,4)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,625,%yyy%,675","Times New Roman",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Arial",30,fonttype,8)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,700,%yyy%,750","Arial",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Modern",30,fonttype,12)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,775,%yyy%,825","Modern",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Script",30,fonttype,16)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,850,%yyy%,900","Script",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Old English Text MT",30,fonttype,20)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,925,%yyy%,975","Old English",0,0)
- fonttype=70
- xxx=525
- yyy=xxx+225
- BoxTextFont(1,"",30,fonttype,0)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,550,%yyy%,600","Bold",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Times New Roman",30,fonttype,4)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,625,%yyy%,675","Times New Roman",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Arial",30,fonttype,8)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,700,%yyy%,750","Arial",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Modern",30,fonttype,12)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,775,%yyy%,825","Modern",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Script",30,fonttype,16)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,850,%yyy%,900","Script",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Old English Text MT",30,fonttype,20)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,925,%yyy%,975","Old English",0,0)
- fonttype=170
- xxx=775
- yyy=xxx+225
- BoxTextFont(1,"",30,fonttype,0)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,550,%yyy%,600","Bold Italic",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Times New Roman",30,fonttype,4)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,625,%yyy%,675","Times New Roman",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Arial",30,fonttype,8)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,700,%yyy%,750","Arial",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Modern",30,fonttype,12)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,775,%yyy%,825","Modern",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Script",30,fonttype,16)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,850,%yyy%,900","Script",0,0)
- BoxTextFont(1,"Old English Text MT",30,fonttype,20)
- BoxDrawText(1,"%xxx%,925,%yyy%,975","Old English",0,0)
- BoxDataTag(2,"PEACHY")
- brk=0
- cnt=0
- wash=0
- while 1
- for i=1 to wc
- cnt=cnt+1
- gosub randcolor
- BoxTextColor(2,"%r%,%g%,%b%")
- x=Random(800)
- y=Random(800)
- s=x+Random(200)
- t=y+Random(200)
- fontsize=max(10,min(t-y,Random(200)))
- BoxTextFont(2, "", fontsize, 10+Random(80)+ (100*Int(Random(1))), (Int(Random(4)+1)*4 ))
- BoxDrawText(2,"%x%,%y%,%s%,%t%",ItemExtract(i,words," "),0,0)
- if BoxButtonStat(2,bExit) ;mw991008
- brk=1
- break
- endif
- if cnt==200
- cnt=0
- wash=wash+1
- if wash==8 then wash=0
- BoxColor(2,"%r%,%g%,%b%",wash)
- BoxDrawRect(2,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- endif
- next i
- BoxDataClear(2,"PEACHY")
- if brk then break
- endwhile
- BoxDestroy(2)
- Return
- rectutext="100,100,1000,900"
- rectTherm="200,350,800,650"
- rectButton="0,0,100,100"
- rectThermLine1="100,550,900,550"
- rectThermLine2="900,550,900,800"
- rectThermLine3="900,800,100,800"
- rectThermLine4="100,800,100,550"
- ThermPenWidth=20
- rectThermText1="100,50,1000,199"
- rectThermPercent="490,625,550,725"
- rectTopHalf="0,0,1000,210"
- rectBotHalf="0,210,1000,1000"
- rectTitle="100,20,900,170"
- rectTitleText="10,10,790,140"
- TitleHeight=950
- rectNote="100,30,900,270"
- NoteHeight=400
- rectNoteText="70,200,950,800"
- rectnoteline1="0,0,1000,0"
- rectNoteline2="1000,1000,1000,0"
- rectNoteLine3="0,1000,1000,1000"
- rectNoteLine4="0,0,0,1000"
- notepenwidth=20
- rectnoteline1b="40,150,960,150"
- rectNoteline2b="960,840,960,150"
- rectNoteLine3b="40,840,960,840"
- rectNoteLine4b="40,150,40,840"
- notepenwidthb=10
- Thermid=3
- Noteid=4
- ; Make main window look nice
- BoxColor(1,"128,0,0",1)
- BoxDrawRect(1,"0,0,1000,1000",2)
- BoxCaption(1,"Are we making any progress here?")
- ;;;;Do note box
- BoxNew(Noteid,rectNote,1)
- BoxColor(Noteid,LTGRAY,0) ; Light Gray no gradient
- BoxDrawRect(Noteid,"",2)
- BoxTextFont(Noteid,"Arial",NoteHeight,170,0)
- BoxTextColor(Noteid,RED)
- BoxPen(Noteid,WHITE,notepenwidth)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine1)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine4)
- BoxPen(Noteid,GRAY,notepenwidth)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine2)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine3)
- BoxPen(Noteid,WHITE,notepenwidthb)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine2b)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine3b)
- BoxPen(Noteid,GRAY,notepenwidthb)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine1b)
- boxdrawline(Noteid,rectNoteLine4b)
- BoxDataTag(Noteid,"NOTE")
- BoxDrawText(Noteid,rectNoteText,"Initializing...",1,4)
- ;Draw thermoneter outline
- BoxNew(Thermid,rectTherm,2)
- BoxUpdates(Thermid,0)
- BoxCaption(Thermid,"Name Goes Here")
- BoxColor(Thermid,LTGRAY,0)
- BoxDrawRect(Thermid,"",2)
- ; Draw updating thermometer here
- ; there are 3 virtual pixels per percent
- ; we have to draw 3 boxes and some text...
- BoxDataTag(Thermid,"FRED")
- BoxCaption(Thermid,"Please wait. Stepping through example...")
- FilesToCopy=16
- FilesCopied=0
- for FilesCopied=1 to FilesToCopy
- BoxDataClear(Thermid,"FRED")
- BoxUpdates(Thermid,0)
- BoxColor(Thermid,GREEN,0)
- xxx= 100+((800*FilesCopied)/FilesToCopy)
- per=(100.0*FilesCopied)/FilesToCopy
- per=Int(per)
- BoxDrawRect(Thermid,"104,554,%xxx%,796",2)
- BoxColor(Thermid,GRAY,0)
- BoxDrawRect(Thermid,"%xxx%,554,896,796",2)
- BoxPen(Thermid,BLACK,ThermPenWidth)
- boxdrawline(Thermid,rectThermLine1)
- boxdrawline(Thermid,rectThermLine2)
- boxdrawline(Thermid,rectThermLine3)
- boxdrawline(Thermid,rectThermLine4)
- if per<50 then BoxTextColor(Thermid,WHITE)
- BoxDrawText(Thermid,rectThermPercent,"%per%%%",0,0)
- BoxTextColor(Thermid,BLACK)
- BoxColor(Thermid,LTGRAY,0)
- BoxDrawText(Thermid,rectThermText1,"Steps completed: %FilesCopied%",1,0)
- BoxDataClear(NoteId,"NOTE");;;
- BoxDrawText(Noteid,rectNoteText,"Showing Progress",1,4);;;
- BoxUpdates(Thermid,2)
- TimeDelay(Random(1.0)) ;Fake passage of time
- next
- BoxTextColor(Noteid,GREEN)
- BoxDrawText(Noteid,rectNoteText,"Example Complete",1,4)
- Message("Company Name Goes Here","Example Complete!!")
- BoxDestroy(Thermid)
- BoxDestroy(Noteid)
- Return
- r=Int(Random(255))
- g=Int(Random(255))
- b=Int(Random(255))
- q=min(r,g,b)
- if q==r then r=0
- if q==g then g=0
- if q==b then b=0
- q=max(r,g,b)
- if q==r then r=255
- if q==g then g=255
- if q==b then b=255
- Return
- :DoHelp
- text1="You can add help text to your script easily. "
- text2="Just edit the DoHelp sub routine to add your instructions."
- text3="Remember, you can always use the WinHelp() function to call Windows help files."
- text=StrCat(text1, text2, text3)
- Message("Help",text)
- Return
- :Empty
- Message("Empty","This can be used for your own purposes.")
- Return