home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; This script creates a report on the windows visible at the time
- ; the report is run. Run the script. Choose a top-level
- ; window of interest, and it will show pertainent information
- ; that may be necessary to use the Control Manager extender.
- ; Note that Tabbed dialogs sometimes must be displayed before
- ; their controls are brought into existance. So when using
- ; tabbed dialogs, tab to the correct dialog first. The
- ; cWndInfo example shows how to move thru a tabbed dialog.
- AddExtender("wwctl34i.dll")
- verx=cGetInfo(0)
- fname="trash.txt"
- a=WinItemize()
- b=AskItemList("Choose a Window",a,@tab,@unsorted,@single)
- hwnd=DllHwnd(b)
- myfile=FileOpen(fname,"WRITE")
- workwnd=hwnd
- gosub gettextandclass
- FileWrite(myfile,"Control Manager version %verx%")
- FileWrite(myfile,"")
- FileWrite(myfile,"")
- FileWrite(myfile,"P C C C C")
- FileWrite(myfile,"A H H H H")
- FileWrite(myfile,"R I I I I")
- FileWrite(myfile,"E L L L L")
- FileWrite(myfile,"N D D D D")
- FileWrite(myfile,strcat(strfix("T 2 3 4 5"," ",21),strfix("CLASS"," ",26),strfix("IDENT"," ",7),"TITLE"))
- FileWrite(myfile,strfill("-",80))
- FileWrite(myfile,strcat(strfix("TOP"," ",21),strfix(class," ",26),strfix(ident," ",7),text))
- gosub ProcessChildren
- FileClose(myfile)
- Run("notepad.exe",fname)
- exit
- :ProcessChildren
- nextchild=cWndInfo(workwnd,8)
- ChildCount=0
- if nextchild==0
- FileWrite(myfile," X NONE")
- else
- while nextchild
- ChildCount=ChildCount+1
- workwnd=nextchild
- gosub gettextandclass
- FileWrite(myfile," ")
- FileWrite(myfile,strcat(" ",strfix(ChildCount," ",17),strfix(class," ",26),strfix(ident," ",7),text))
- nextchild=cWndInfo(workwnd,6)
- gosub ProcessGrandchildren ; note this destroys workwnd variable....
- endwhile
- endif
- return
- :ProcessGrandchildren
- grandchild=cWndInfo(workwnd,8)
- GrandCount=0
- if grandchild==0
- FileWrite(myfile," X NONE")
- else
- while grandchild
- GrandCount=GrandCount+1
- workwnd=grandchild
- gosub gettextandclass
- FileWrite(myfile,strcat(" ",strfix(GrandCount," ",13),strfix(class," ",26),strfix(ident," ",7),text))
- grandchild=cWndInfo(workwnd,6)
- gosub ProcessGreatGrandChildren
- endwhile
- endif
- return
- :ProcessGreatGrandchildren
- greatgrandchild=cWndInfo(workwnd,8)
- greatGrandCount=0
- if greatgrandchild==0
- FileWrite(myfile," X NONE")
- else
- while greatgrandchild
- greatGrandCount=greatGrandCount+1
- workwnd=greatgrandchild
- gosub gettextandclass
- FileWrite(myfile,strcat(" ",strfix(greatGrandCount," ",9),strfix(class," ",26),strfix(ident," ",7),text))
- greatgrandchild=cWndInfo(workwnd,6)
- gosub processlevel5
- endwhile
- endif
- return
- :ProcessLevel5
- L5child=cWndInfo(workwnd,8)
- L5Count=0
- if l5child==0
- FileWrite(myfile," X NONE")
- else
- while l5child
- l5count=L5Count+1
- workwnd=l5child
- gosub gettextandclass
- FileWrite(myfile,strcat(" ",strfix(L5Count," ",5),strfix(class," ",26),strfix(ident," ",7),text))
- l5child=cWndInfo(workwnd,6)
- gosub processlevel5
- endwhile
- endif
- return
- text=cWndInfo(workwnd,0)
- ident=cWndInfo(workwnd,1)
- class=cWndInfo(workwnd,2)
- return