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- ;;Program manager WBT script. Adding/Deleting/Showing Program Manager Groups and Icons.
- ;;Written February 1994 by Wilson WindowWare, Inc.
- ;;Modifed July 1995
- ;;Sept 96 Fixed bug in Reload. Added ListIcons Removed ProgBuild
- ;;Call Progman.wil
- ;;Syntax of commands:
- ;; Call("progman.wil", "AddGroup 'Group Title'")
- ;; ( , "DelGroup 'Group Title'")
- ;; ( , "AddIcon 'Group Title' 'File and Path' 'Icon Description''wrk dir'")
- ;; ( , "DelIcon 'Group Title' 'Icon Description'")
- ;; ( , "ShowGroup 'Group Title' ShowCommand")
- ;; ( , "ReplaceItem 'Group Title' 'Icon Description'")
- ;; ( , "Reload 'Group Title'")
- ;; ( , "IconDump 'Group Title''Icon Description' 'variable name'")
- ;; ( , "ListGroups 'variable name'") ; Sets variable to tab delimited list of groups
- ;; ( , "ListIcons 'Group Title' 'variable name'") ; Creates a tab delimited list of icons.
- ;; Call("progman.wil", "AddNewData '%grptitle%' '%data%'")
- ;;Show command is an integer which specifies the action Program Manager is to perform on the group window.
- ;; 1 Restores group to its original size and position.
- ;; 2 Displays group as an icon.
- ;; 3 Displays group as a maximized window.
- ;; 6 Minimizes the group window.
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;Check to see if Program manager is running. If not, run it.
- AX=DDEInitiate("Progman", "Progman")
- IF AX==0 ; Hmmm nobody's home
- run("progman.exe","")
- delay(2)
- AX=DDEInitiate("Progman", "Progman")
- If AX==0 ; ooooo its really dead. Give up
- Message("Program Manager DDE Initiate", "Didn't work. Giving up. Going home")
- return
- endif
- endif
- ErrorMode(@OFF)
- If AppExist("Progman.exe") then WinActivate("Program Manager")
- ErrorMode(@ON)
- ErrorMSG=""
- ; Fake a case statement with a string for a variable
- Goto %Param1%
- ;Add a group to program manager.
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[CreateGroup(%param2%)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[CreateGroup(%param2%)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- :ListGroups
- ;List groups.
- %param2%=DDERequest(AX,"Groups")
- If %param2%==0 then ErrorMSG="Groups Failed"
- %param2%=strreplace(%param2%,@crlf,@tab)
- goto byebye
- ;Delete a group from the program manager.
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[DeleteGroup(%param2%)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[DeleteGroup(%param2%)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- ;Add an icon to a program group.
- ;show or create the group first.
- DDEExecute(AX,"[CreateGroup(%param2%)]")
- ;Add the item.
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[AddItem(%param3%,%param4%,,,-1,-1,%param5%,0)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[AddItem(%param3%,%param4%,,,-1,-1,%param5%,0)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- ;Delete an icon from the program manager.
- ;show or create the group
- DDEExecute(AX,"[ShowGroup(%param2%,1)]")
- ;Delete the icon.
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[DeleteItem(%param3%)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[DeleteItem(%param3%)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- ;Show a program group.
- ;show or create the group
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[ShowGroup(%param2%,%param3%,)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[ShowGroup(%param2%,%param3%,)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- ;This command instructs Program Manager to remove and reload an existing group.
- ;Show the group.
- DDEExecute(AX,"[ShowGroup(%param2%,1)]")
- delay(2)
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[Reload(%param2%)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[Reload("")] Failed"
- goto byebye
- ;This command deletes an item and records the position. A new item can be added to this
- ;position using AddIcon.
- ;Show the group.
- DDEExecute(AX,"[ShowGroup(%param2%,1)]")
- delay(2)
- ;record the position and delete existing group.
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[ReplaceItem(%param3%)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[ReplaceItem(%param3%)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- ;Add an icon by adding all information. Use with Progbuild or IconDump to create line.
- ;show or create the group first.
- DDEExecute(AX,"[CreateGroup(%param2%)]")
- ;Add the item.
- Err=DDEExecute(AX,"[AddItem(%param3%)]")
- If Err==0 then ErrorMSG="[AddItem(%param3%)] Failed"
- goto byebye
- :IconDump
- ;;This command accesses a group and then searches the group for a specific icon title.
- ;;The DDE Syntax for the icon is returned to the calling program as a variable.
- ;;Open a channel to a specified Group
- groups= DDERequest(AX, param2)
- groups = StrReplace(groups, @crlf, @tab)
- groups = ItemSort(groups, @tab)
- count=ItemCount(groups,@tab)
- For j = 1 to count by 1
- item = ItemExtract(j, groups, @tab)
- itemicon=ItemExtract(1, item, ",")
- if '"%param3%"'==itemicon then break ;; Compare each line to the specified icon title.
- Next
- if '"%param3%"'!=itemicon ;;If the specified icon title is found, break loop.
- ErrorMSG="[IconDump] Failed"
- break
- else
- %param4%=item ;;icon title is set to equal and then returned as the supplied variable name.
- endif
- goto byebye
- ;;
- items = DDERequest(AX, param2) ;;Create a list of icons within chosen group.
- If items==0 then errormsg="Ack, Ack, List Icon Error"
- items = StrReplace(items, @crlf, @tab)
- %param3%=items ;;icon title is set to equal and then returned as the supplied variable name.
- goto byebye
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- :byebye
- DDETerminate(AX)
- If ErrorMSG!="" then message("Progman DDE Failed", ErrorMSG)