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- <!-- Player:Standard mode -->
- <groupdef id="drawer" background="option-drawer">
- <!-- the different eq switches -->
- <button
- id="on"
- action="EQ_TOGGLE"
- x="14" y="89" w="29" h="14"
- image="player.eq.switch.on.disabled"
- downImage="player.eq.switch.on.pressed"
- activeImage="player.eq.switch.on.enabled"
- tooltip="Toggle EQ processing"
- />
- <button
- id="on"
- action="EQ_AUTO"
- x="49" y="89" w="36" h="14"
- image="player.eq.switch.auto.disabled"
- downImage="player.eq.switch.auto.pressed"
- activeImage="player.eq.switch.auto.enabled"
- tooltip="Toggle EQ automatic processing"
- />
- <button
- id="on"
- action="MENU" param="presets"
- x="91" y="89" w="52" h="14"
- image="player.eq.button.presets"
- downImage="player.eq.button.presets.pressed"
- tooltip="Display Presets menu"
- />
- <layer x="11" y="43" image="eq.slider.bar"/>
- <slider
- id="preamp"
- action="EQ_PREAMP"
- x="11" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- downThumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="38" y="41"/>
- <slider
- id="eq1"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="1"
- x="37" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="100" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq2"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="2"
- x="48" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="118" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq3"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="3"
- x="59" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="136" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq4"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="4"
- x="70" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="154" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq5"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="5"
- x="81" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="172" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq6"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="6"
- x="92" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="190" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq7"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="7"
- x="103" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="208" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq8"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="8"
- x="114" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="226" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq9"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="9"
- x="125" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <layer x="244" y="38"/>
- <slider
- id="eq10"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="10"
- x="136" y="43"
- w="5" h="42"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="eq.slider.button"
- />
- <!-- The spline display -->
- <eqvis id="spline" x="13" y="23" w="127" h="11"
- colortop="226,82,82" colormiddle="226,82,82" colorbottom="226,82,82"
- colorpreamp="128,128,128" gamma="192" />
- <!-- Thing-ah-ma-bob -->
- <button
- id="ScrollLeft"
- action="CB_PREV"
- x="164" y="23"
- image="thinger-left"
- downImage="thinger-right"
- tooltip="Scroll Left"
- />
- <button
- id="ScrollRight"
- action="CB_NEXT"
- x="191" y="23"
- image="thinger-right"
- downImage="thinger-left"
- tooltip="Scroll Right"
- />
- <componentbucket
- id="Component list"
- x="163" y="47"
- w="50" h="35"
- />
- </groupdef>
- <layout id="normal" background="player.main.bg" desktopalpha="1">
- <group id="drawer" x="38" y="12" move="0" sysregion="1"/>
- <layer id="cover-up" image="player.main.drawercover" />
- <!-- Playback buttons -->
- <button
- id="Play"
- action="PLAY"
- x="62" y="89"
- image="player.play"
- downImage="player.play.prs"
- tooltip="Play"
- />
- <button
- id="Previous"
- action="PREV"
- x="33" y="89"
- image="previous"
- downImage="previous.prs"
- tooltip="Previous"
- />
- <button
- id="Pause"
- action="PAUSE"
- x="91" y="89"
- image="pause"
- downImage="pause.prs"
- tooltip="Pause"
- />
- <button
- id="Stop"
- action="STOP"
- x="120" y="89"
- image="stop"
- downImage="stop.prs"
- tooltip="Stop"
- />
- <button
- id="Next"
- action="NEXT"
- x="149" y="89"
- image="next"
- downImage="next.prs"
- tooltip="Next"
- />
- <button
- id="Eject"
- action="EJECT"
- x="178" y="89"
- image="eject"
- downImage="eject.prs"
- tooltip="Eject"
- />
- <!-- Sliders -->
- <slider
- id="Volume"
- action="VOLUME"
- x="33" y="77"
- w="100" h="6"
- thumb="vol-button"
- downThumb="vol-button.prs"
- />
- <slider
- id="Seeker"
- action="SEEK"
- x="165" y="77"
- w="100" h="6"
- thumb="seek-button"
- downThumb="seek-button.prs"
- />
- <!-- Ze Toggle buttons -->
- <togglebutton
- id="Crossfade"
- x="136" y="64"
- image="player.toggler.crossfade.disabled"
- downImage="player.toggler.crossfade.pressed"
- activeImage="player.toggler.crossfade.enabled"
- tooltip="Crossfade"
- />
- <togglebutton
- id="Shuffle"
- x="122" y="46"
- image="player.toggler.shuffle.disabled"
- downImage="player.toggler.shuffle.pressed"
- activeImage="player.toggler.shuffle.enabled"
- tooltip="Shuffle"
- />
- <togglebutton
- id="Repeat"
- x="151" y="46"
- image="player.toggler.repeat.disabled"
- downImage="player.toggler.repeat.pressed"
- activeImage="player.toggler.repeat.enabled"
- tooltip="Repeat"
- />
- <!-- Ze System Stuff -->
- <text
- id="songticker" ticker="1"
- display="songname" default=""
- x="117" y="19"
- w="152" h="17"
- font="player.main.ttf" fontsize="17" align="right" color="0,0,0"
- />
- <text
- id="timer" timeroffstyle="1"
- display="time"
- x="196" y="43"
- w="75" h="23"
- font="player.main.ttf" fontsize="20" align="right" color="0,0,0"
- />
- <!-- Info line -->
- <text
- id="infoline" ticker="1"
- display="songinfo" default=""
- x="180" y="35"
- w="88" h="12"
- font="player.main.ttf" fontsize="14" align="center" color="0,0,0"
- />
- <vis
- id="visual"
- x="30" y="20"
- w="81" h="43"
- colorband1="0,25,43"
- colorband2="0,25,43"
- colorband3="0,25,43"
- colorband4="0,25,43"
- colorband5="0,25,43"
- colorband6="0,25,43"
- colorband7="0,25,43"
- colorband8="0,25,43"
- colorband9="0,25,43"
- colorband10="0,25,43"
- colorband11="0,25,43"
- colorband12="0,25,43"
- colorband13="0,25,43"
- colorband14="0,25,43"
- colorband15="0,25,43"
- colorband16="0,25,43"
- colorbandpeak="235,235,255"
- colorosc1="0,25,43"
- colorosc2="178,181,209"
- colorosc3="0,0,0"
- colorosc4="178,181,209"
- colorosc5="0,25,43"
- />
- <button
- id="sysbutton"
- action="SYSMENU"
- x="26" y="5"
- image="player.button.menu"
- downImage="player.button.menu.pressed"
- />
- <button
- id="Minimize"
- action="MINIMIZE"
- x="249" y="5"
- image="player.button.minimize"
- downImage="player.button.minimize.pressed"
- tooltip="Minimize Winamp"
- />
- <button
- id="winshade" tooltip="Toggle Windowshade mode"
- action="SWITCH" param="shade"
- x="259" y="5"
- image="player.button.winshade"
- downImage="player.button.winshade.pressed"
- />
- <button
- id="Close"
- action="CLOSE"
- x="268" y="5"
- image="player.button.close"
- downImage="player.button.close.pressed"
- tooltip="Exit Winamp"
- />
- <layer
- id="blah"
- dblClickAction="SWITCH;shade"
- x="129" y="3"
- image="player.dbl.click.mode"
- />
- <layer id="glass" x="26" y="18" image="dirt" ghost="1" />
- <AnimatedLayer
- id="laser-sig"
- x="212" y="94"
- w="48" h="16"
- frameHeight="16"
- image="laser-sig"
- move="1"
- speed="100"
- autoplay="1"
- autoreplay="1"
- />
- </layout>