2 You need to unlock FileQuest XP before using this optimized version \n\nPlease reinstall your original retail version before attempting to use this version.
3 Map Network Drive
4 Disconnect Network Drive
80 File Type
81 Ftp Sites
82 Click button to test address
83 Login Type
84 Send To
85 Invalid Size!
86 Uploading:
87 Import From...
88 Export To...
91 modified:
92 This folder already contains a file named %s
93 Adding Results...
94 Splitting...
95 Splitting
96 Invalid INI file! Please re-export settings and try again
97 &Show All Drives
98 - Filtered
99 Select the Following Files
100 Description
101 http://www.piquest.com/products/fqxplite.txt
102 Mapi32.Dll missing or invalid!
103 This task has no action defined!\n\nDo you want to open the properties dialog in order to add actions?
104 http://www.piquest.com/products/fqxp.txt
105 Too many criteria! Delete some criteria from the list and try again
106 Do you want FileQuest XP to clear existing objects?
107 FileQuest XP will now restart to reflect new settings
166 Please close FileQuest XP before installing the newer version.
167 Do you to check for a newer version of FileQuest XP?
168 File Type
169 Can't run this task because no action is defined for it. Open My Tasks to edit this task and try again
170 Rarely Used Files
171 Thank you for trying FileQuest XP
172 Create original folder structure of source?
173 Click button to choose folders
174 Click button to choose a file
175 Bookmark Number
176 Months
177 Days
178 No new files were find!
179 Undefined
180 Click button to move item up
181 Click button to move item down
182 Click button to choose a folder
183 Sync %d file(s) with %s?
184 There are no files to delete, all files are either locked or can't be deleted.
185 Windows ME
186 About &Windows ME
187 Search for Computers...
188 Search...
189 Temp Folder
190 Click button to choose drives
191 Do you want to apply the new search settings?
192 The Task Bar is hidden in 'Windows Explorer' mode\n\nWould you like FileQuest XP to cancel 'Explorer' mode?
193 Clean my temp folder
194 Can't close FileQuest XP, File Operation is still in progress\n\nPlease wait for the operation to complete and try again
195 Lite
196 Can not complete operation because there is no criteria!\n\nClick the properties button to add a criteria and try again
197 Building File List
198 I want my FREE copy of FastOpen XP Gold
199 Gold
200 I want to know more about FileQuest XP
201 Feature suggestion for FileQuest XP
202 License file not present in %s.\n\nPlease copy your license file to the above location and try again. If you need more information please contact technical support.
203 Bug report for FileQuest XP
204 %s is now unlocked. Thank you for buying %s.
205 Destroyed files and folders can't be undeleted and are permanently removed from your hard disk!\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
207 Create Script
208 You are trying to group to many tasks! Select fewer tasks and try again
209 Do you want to create a new script or add tasks to %s?
210 Are you sure you want to remove %s?
211 Can't delete task! Task is present in other tasks, remove task from other tasks and try again
212 No files to copy. To create original tree structure for a folder, copy all files within this folder.
213 Only the first 20 files will be used for this task! Do you want to continue?
60067 Changing the filename extension, might make the file unusable.\n\nAre you sure you want to change it?
60071 Rename Extensions
60072 Changing the filenames extensions, might make the files unusable.\n\nAre you sure you want to change it?
60073 Some items were not renamed! These items remain selected.
60074 &Hide
60075 &Delete
61191 &Restore FileQuest XP
61449 Too many objects!\n\nDo you want to view available objects?
61451 Failed to open window
61452 Choose Folder(s)
61453 Open Folder
61459 Object(s)
61460 (Disk free space:
61461 Selected
61462 Local hard drives
61465 Too many personal folders!\n\nPlease use the delete button to remove unused folders.
61472 Too many objects!!\n\n
61473 &Open Folder...
61477 Attempt to access drive / folder failed! Please make sure the drive is ready and the folder name is valid.
61478 Report
61481 Folder
61483 Task
61485 About &Windows 98
61486 Windows 98
61487 &Open
61489 &Explore
61490 &Find...
61491 Favorite
61492 &Stop
61493 Ftp Site
61494 Update in progress
61496 Criteria
61497 User
61500 Folder already exists! Please type in a different folder name.
61514 &Remove From Folder
61515 Copy from
61516 Sync With...
61517 Some items cannot be copied. They were deselected from the view.\n\nDo you want to continue?
61521 from
61522 to
61523 To:
61524 All the file(s) to be copied already exist in the target folder.\n\nDo you want to continue?
61525 Copying
61526 From:
61527 Terminate the current file operation and try again.
61531 Searching
61532 Updating Folder
61533 Folders left:
61536 Files left
61537 Personal folders left:
61538 Finished updating all personal folders.
61539 Tasks left
61540 &Open Original Folder
61541 Cannot locate target. Please make sure the file exists.
61542 New Search
61544 Copy items to folder %s?
61545 Add item(s) to folder
61548 Copy
61550 Some items cannot be deleted. They were deselected from the view.\n\nDo you want to continue?
61551 Warning! Deleting items from a Personal folder will delete them from your hard drive!\nIf you only want to remove items from a personal folder press CTRL + Delete instead of Delete.\n\nDo you want to continue?
61552 &Delete
61555 Are you sure you want to remove all items from this personal folder?\n\nNote: Items will only be removed from this folder and will not be deleted from your hard drive!
61558 New &Criteria...
61559 Add Local Criteria
61560 New Folder
61562 Some items cannot be moved. They were deselected from the view.\n\nDo you want to continue?
61563 NewFolder
61565 Warning! Moving items from a Personal folder will move them from their original folders!\n\nDo you want to continue?