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- Software for every family and company, software to keep you in good shape !
- Data-Info-Memory
- -universal personal information system
- VHB Soft emerged in 2000 from a similar successful construction and software company as a specialist in construction work optimalization.
- CAD Software ... HiCAD + TechDok
- Automation of engineering drawing, high productivity.
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- Software fⁿr jede Firma, fⁿr jede Familie
- Data-Info-Memory
- - pers÷nliches Informationssystem.
- CAD Software ... HiCAD + TechDok
- ...Automatisierung der Konstruktionsarbeit, Generierung der technische Dokumentation.
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- automatizace kancelßrsk²ch a konstrukcnφch rutinnφch pracφ, databßzovΘ programy do kazdΘ firmy i rodiny
- Produkty:
- CAD Software ... HiCAD + TechDok ... bezkonkurencnφ automatizace rutinnφ cßsti konstrukcnφch pracφ.
- DIM - osobnφ informacnφ system pro kazdΘho zamestnance, podnikatele i studenta.
- Kryptografie - ochrana dat, bezpecnost privßtnφch informacφ.
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