Tip of the Day contains a large number of tips of interest to both novices and experts. If you leave it turned on it will teach you something new every time you start DeviceLock!
You can quickly close Tip of the Day by pressing Escape. To see more tips, click the Next Tip button.
You can get more useful programs from SmartLine, the creators of DeviceLock. Their Internet address is www.ntutility.com
DeviceLock can not protect devices on Windows 95/98/Me but there is special version of DeviceLock Me for Windows 9x/Me! Please visit www.ntutility.com/dlme/ to get the trial version.
To quickly refresh a current list of computers, press F5.
You can email suggestions for future versions of DeviceLock to dl@protect-me.com
Press F2 to quickly access Set Permissions.
The status bar always displays the current computer name.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), choose "FAQ" from DeviceLock's Help (?) menu.
You can press Shift+F5 to refresh a selected computer only.
You can double-click a record on a Types list to open the Permissions dialog.
You can select "Always on Top" from the "Options" menu to keep the window in view as you switch between applications.