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- ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ Dennis Bareis ║
- ║ dbareis@labyrinth.net.au ║
- ║ ║
- ║ http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/ppwizard.htm ║
- ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- PPWIZARD is a powerful but simple to use free preprocessor that can
- greatly simplify the creation of HTML.
- It works in all windows operating systems as well as in OS/2, UNIX,
- DOS and BeOS.
- At its simplest you can create definitions such as:
- #define MyEmailAddress dbareis@labyrinth.net.au
- #define HttpAnExternalSite http://www.laybrinth.net.au
- These are defined once (normally in a seperate file called a header
- file which probably also contains your standard headers and footers)
- and then referred to throughout your pages. If you need to change
- the address its a simple change to one location and then a rebuild.
- PPWIZARD can be told to automatically only rebuild those files that need
- to be (it tracks what input files make each output file).
- Example of using one of the definitions defined above:
- My email address is <$MyEmailAddress>, please ...
- PPWIZARD is powerful (more details below) but just being able to use the
- "#define" command to create simple definitions as show above and including
- the header files in your pages with "#include" would be more than enough
- justification for its use and many people won't use the more advanced
- features (at least not initially). I am more than happy to help anyone
- who can provide a detailed description of any problem and what they have
- tried to do to resolve it.
- PPWIZARD can import data from databases. It can be extended through a
- simple (but very powerful) processing language called rexx. The following
- is an example of me creating a reasonably complex macro and using it
- twice to include some images (the height and width of these are determined
- by the macro - it would generally be in a seperate header):
- ****************************************************************************
- ***************************** START EXAMPLE ********************************
- ****************************************************************************
- ;--- Photo macro will either use passed size or work out correct size for you ---
- #define Photo \
- ;--- Where is file on local file system? ---------------------- \
- #evaluate+ LocalFileName ^"..\graphics\{$Image}"^ \
- \
- ;--- The output depends on this image ------------------------- \
- #DependsOn INPUT "<$LocalFileName>" \
- \
- ;--- Start a new table row ------------------------------------ \
- <TR> \
- \
- ;--- If user did not pass the size then work it out ----------- \
- #if "{$Size=''}" <> "" \
- #define+ TmpSize {$Size} ;;User told us size \
- #elseif \
- #evaluate+ TmpSize ^GetImageHeightWidth("<$LocalFileName>")^ \
- #endif \
- \
- ;--- Generate some code --------------------------------------- \
- <IMG SRC="graphics/clear1x1.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 VSPACE=20> \
- {$Title}<BR><BR> \
- <IMG SRC="graphics/{$Image}" BORDER=0 <$TmpSize> ALT="{$Title}"> \
- <IMG SRC="graphics/clear1x1.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 VSPACE=20> \
- </TR>
- ;--- Start the table --------------------------------------------------------
- <TR>
- </TR>
- ;--- Use the macro to generate photo cells -------------------------------
- <$Photo Image="dbareis.jpg" Title="Me hard at work">
- <$Photo Image="kpaw_ff.jpg" Title="Kangaroo Paws along Front Fence">
- ;--- Complete table ---------------------------------------------------------
- ****************************************************************************
- ***************************** END EXAMPLE ********************************
- ****************************************************************************
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- There are two Windows downloads "PPWW32.ZIP" and "PPWW32.EXE", the self
- extracting EXE is easier to use but both have the same contents,
- as follows:
- * PPWIZARD itself
- * The free Regina interpreter
- * PPWIZARD's documentation in html format (main page is "ppwizard.htm")
- Documentation is also online at:
- "http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/ppwizard/ppwizard.htm".
- Your drive must support long filenames for the documentation!
- I recommend that ppwizard be installed into the "C:\Program Files\ppwizard"
- directory. These are the steps:
- 1. Win 95 users make sure that you have "msvcrt.dll" in your
- "c:\windows\system" directory etc.
- If you DON'T then I have a copy on the ppwizard download page as
- a self extracting EXE.
- Install this before doing anything else.
- 2. If you have the EXE simply execute it to unzip the contents and
- run the installation.
- If you have the ZIP you need to unzip it with WinZip or similar tools
- and then run "SETUP.EXE" to start the setup.
- 3. Follow bouncing ball...
- PPWIZARD creates a sample html page which it displays as part of the
- setup.
- 4. Right click options should have been installed on ppwizard extensions
- such as ".IT", ".IH", ".X", ".XH" and ".PPW".
- 5. Shutdown and reboot before continuing.
- 6. You could try right clicking on "tryme.it" and selecting the build
- option that should recreate the HTML and display ppwizard output in
- your editor.
- As part of the installation a small fairly simplistic html page is
- created. This tests the installation as well as giving you a simple example
- to play with. To rebuild the html if you change source you can choose the
- "build" option when you right click on the file in explorer or type the
- following from a command prompt:
- If the above command did not work (you are probably using Windows 95/98/ME)
- then use:
- This should create "TRYME.HTM", view it in your browser if you wish.
- The command we used left everything as default which is why the output has
- the extension ".htm", you can change this to ".html" or tell ppwizard
- to place the output into a specific directory if you wish (as the explorer
- method does).
- There are many ppwizard options that allow you to customise its operation
- for your needs, for example leading and trailing spaces are removed by
- default (for faster download). There are situations where you do not
- wish to occur, you can turn the space removal and all other ppwizard
- magic on and off as required.
- Note that ppwizard is enhanced quite frequently so you may wish to
- check my site out for a new version!
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Simply install the new version.
- If you wish you could uninstall the older version first.
- If you don't mind older documentation (or other features) you could simply
- extract "ppwizard.rex" from my "ppwall.zip" download as it is a fraction
- of the size of the windows download.
- I do not wish to support this so if you have any problems please uninstall,
- download the latest windows download and reinstall.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- PPWIZARD has its own page which contains some more examples of what you
- can do:
- "http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/ppwizard.htm".
- If you find this program useful please consider linking to the above
- page, you can use the supplied "madewppw.jpg" (120x35) image for this
- purpose if you wish.
- Note that there are many PPWIZARD add-ons available from the PPWIZARD
- download page, these cover link and documention generation as well as
- thumnail and MP3 related stuff.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please see "PPWIZARD.LIC" for more information.
- This information is displayed during the install.