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- 1 "Introduction" "introductiontoppwizardhtmlpreprocessor.htm"
- 2 "Operating System Status" "opsysstatus.htm"
- 3 "Amiga" "opsysstatusamiga.htm"
- 3 "DOS" "opsysstatusdos.htm"
- 3 "OS/2" "opsysstatusos2.htm"
- 3 "UNIX" "opsysstatusunix.htm"
- 3 "WINDOWS" "opsysstatuswindows.htm"
- 2 "Change History" "changehistory.htm"
- 3 "Change History - Older Entries" "changehistoryolder.htm"
- 2 "Installing PPWIZARD" "installing_ppwizard.htm"
- 3 "Hand Installation" "hand_installation.htm"
- 3 "Window's PPWW32.EXE" "windowsinstall.htm"
- 3 "OS/2's OS2SETUP.CMD" "os2install.htm"
- 2 "FAQ" "faq.htm"
- 2 "Bugs, Problems or Suggestions" "bugs_or_suggestions.htm"
- 2 "Disclaimer" "disclaimer.htm"
- 1 "Beginners Guide" "begin_g.htm"
- 1 "Converting From ORB To PPWIZARD" "orb2ppw.htm"
- 1 "Converting From SSI To PPWIZARD" "ssi2ppw.htm"
- 1 "PPWIZARD Command Line" "commandline.htm"
- 2 "Project Files" "project_files.htm"
- 2 "Curley Codes" "curlycodes.htm"
- 2 "/BaseDir" "basedir.htm"
- 2 "/Beep" "beep.htm"
- 2 "/CGI" "cgi.htm"
- 2 "/Color" "color.htm"
- 2 "/ConsoleFile" "consolefile.htm"
- 2 "/Copy" "copy.htm"
- 2 "/CopyRight" "copyright.htm"
- 2 "/CrLf" "crlf.htm"
- 2 "/Debug" "debug.htm"
- 2 "/DebugChars" "debugchars.htm"
- 2 "/DebugCols" "debugcols.htm"
- 2 "/DebugTime" "debugtime.htm"
- 2 "/Define" "define.htm"
- 2 "/DeleteOnError" "deleteonerror.htm"
- 2 "/DeletePrev" "deleteprev.htm"
- 2 "/DependsOn" "dependson.htm"
- 2 "/DependsOnComplete" "dependsoncomplete.htm"
- 2 "/DependsOnWarnings" "dependsonwarnings.htm"
- 2 "/DropFiles" "dropfiles.htm"
- 2 "/Exclude" "exclude.htm"
- 2 "/Exec" "exec.htm"
- 2 "/ErrorFile" "errorfile.htm"
- 2 "/FileNames" "filenames.htm"
- 2 "/FilterInput" "filterinput.htm"
- 2 "/FilterOutput" "filteroutput.htm"
- 2 "/GetEnv" "getenv.htm"
- 2 "/HideCmd" "hidecmd.htm"
- 2 "/Hook" "hook.htm"
- 2 "/HTML" "html.htm"
- 2 "/HtmlGenerator" "htmlgenerator.htm"
- 2 "/Inc2Cache" "inc2cache.htm"
- 2 "/IncludePath" "includepath.htm"
- 2 "/Info" "info1.htm"
- 2 "/Input" "input.htm"
- 2 "/List" "list.htm"
- 2 "/Making" "making.htm"
- 2 "/OnERROR" "onerror.htm"
- 2 "/OnOK" "onok.htm"
- 2 "/Other" "other.htm"
- 2 "/Option" "option.htm"
- 2 "/Output" "output.htm"
- 2 "/OutHeader" "outheader.htm"
- 2 "/Pack" "pack.htm"
- 2 "/Rexx" "rexx1.htm"
- 2 "/RegSyntax" "regsyntax.htm"
- 2 "/Require" "require.htm"
- 2 "/RedirMethod" "redirmethod.htm"
- 2 "/SpellAddWord" "spelladdword.htm"
- 2 "/SpellCheck" "spellcheck.htm"
- 2 "/SpellShowAll" "spellshowall.htm"
- 2 "/Sleep" "sleep.htm"
- 2 "/Syntax" "syntax.htm"
- 2 "/Template" "template.htm"
- 2 "/UNC" "unc.htm"
- 2 "/Validate" "validate.htm"
- 2 "/WarningsRc" "warningsrc.htm"
- 2 "/XSlash" "xslash.htm"
- 2 "/0OK" "0ok.htm"
- 2 "/**/" "_.htm"
- 2 "/#Include" "include.htm"
- 2 "/$Trace" "trace.htm"
- 2 "/@EXTN" "extn.htm"
- 1 "The Source Code" "sourcecode.htm"
- 2 "White Space" "white_space.htm"
- 2 "Commenting" "commenting.htm"
- 2 "Line Continuation" "line_continuation.htm"
- 2 "Quoted Text - qTextq" "quoted_text_qtextq.htm"
- 2 "Quoted Text - qRestq" "quoted_text_qrestq.htm"
- 1 "Macros" "macros.htm"
- 2 "Simplest Macros" "macrossimple.htm"
- 2 "Multi Line Macros" "macrosmultiline.htm"
- 2 "Macros With Mandatory Parameters" "macrosmanparms.htm"
- 2 "Macros With Optional Parameters" "macrosoptparms.htm"
- 2 "Macro Parameters without values (Keyword)" "macroswithoutvalues.htm"
- 2 "Positional Parameters (not named)" "macrospositionalparms.htm"
- 2 "Using Standard Definitions + Using REXX Logic" "macroswithrexx.htm"
- 2 "Multi Line Macros With Logic" "macrosmultilinelogic.htm"
- 2 "Die When Unused Parms" "macrosdiewhenunusedparms.htm"
- 2 "Expand All Unused Parameters" "macrosexpandallunusedparms.htm"
- 2 "Expand All Parameters As Rexx Code" "macrosexpandparmsasrexxcode.htm"
- 2 "Expand Macro Name" "macrosexpandmacroname.htm"
- 2 "Macro Tranformations" "dollardollarcommands.htm"
- 2 "Macro Indirection" "macro_indirection.htm"
- 1 "Dependancies" "dependancies.htm"
- 1 "Commands" "commands.htm"
- 2 "#(" "hash1line.htm"
- 2 "#)" "hash1lineend.htm"
- 2 "#{" "loopstart.htm"
- 2 "#}" "loopend.htm"
- 2 "#AsIs" "hashasis.htm"
- 2 "#AutoTag" "hashautotag.htm"
- 2 "#AutoTagClear" "autotagclear.htm"
- 2 "#AutoTagState" "hashautotagstate.htm"
- 2 "#Break" "hashbreak.htm"
- 2 "#Continue" "continue.htm"
- 2 "#Debug" "debug2.htm"
- 2 "#define[+|?]" "hashdefine.htm"
- 2 "#DefineRexx[+]" "hashdefinerexx.htm"
- 2 "#DependsOn" "hashdependson.htm"
- 2 "#elseif" "hashelseif.htm"
- 2 "#endif" "hashendif.htm"
- 2 "#EOF" "eof.htm"
- 2 "#evaluate[+]" "hashevaluate.htm"
- 2 "#Error" "hasherror.htm"
- 2 "#if" "hashif.htm"
- 2 "#ifdef" "ifdef.htm"
- 2 "#ifndef" "hashifndef.htm"
- 2 "#import" "hashimport.htm"
- 3 "#import - Delimited Records" "importdel.htm"
- 3 "#import - Fixed Field Records" "import_fixed_field_records.htm"
- 3 "#import - Multi Line Records" "import_multi_line_records.htm"
- 3 "#import - SQL" "importsql.htm"
- 3 "#import - T2H" "t2h.htm"
- 3 "#import - WRAP" "wrap.htm"
- 2 "#include" "hashinclude.htm"
- 2 "#Info" "hashinfo.htm"
- 2 "#intercept" "intercept.htm"
- 2 "#MacroSpace" "macrospace.htm"
- 2 "#NextId" "nextid.htm"
- 2 "#OnExit" "onexit.htm"
- 2 "#option" "hashoption.htm"
- 3 "AllowPack" "allowpack.htm"
- 3 "AllowSpell" "allowspell.htm"
- 3 "AtChangeType" "atchangetype.htm"
- 3 "CsReplacement" "csreplacement.htm"
- 3 "DebugLevel" "debuglevel.htm"
- 3 "DefineMacroReplace" "definemacroreplace.htm"
- 3 "ExtraIndent" "extraindent.htm"
- 3 "ExpandX" "expandx.htm"
- 3 "HashPrefix" "hashprefix.htm"
- 3 "KeepIndent" "keepindent.htm"
- 3 "LeaveBlankLines" "leaveblanklines.htm"
- 3 "LineComment" "linecomment.htm"
- 3 "LineContinuation" "linecontinuation.htm"
- 3 "MacroParmTags" "macroparmtags.htm"
- 3 "ParmVal" "parmval.htm"
- 3 "Replace" "replace.htm"
- 3 "ReplacementTags" "replacementtags.htm"
- 3 "Tabs" "tabs.htm"
- 3 "Warnings" "warnings.htm"
- 3 "WhiteSpace" "whitespace.htm"
- 2 "#output" "output1.htm"
- 2 "#OutputHold" "outputhold.htm"
- 2 "#push" "push.htm"
- 2 "#pop" "pop.htm"
- 2 "#Require" "require1.htm"
- 2 "#RexxVar" "hashrexxvar.htm"
- 2 "#transform" "transform.htm"
- 2 "#undef" "hashundef.htm"
- 2 "#Warning" "warning1.htm"
- 2 "#Unknown Commands" "unknown_commands.htm"
- 1 "Standard Definitions" "standard_definitions.htm"
- 2 "<??RexxVariable>" "lt_rexxvariable_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?=RexxExpression>" "lt_rexxexpression_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?/>" "lt_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?BaseDir>" "lt_basedir_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?CgiStart>" "lt_cgistart_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?CmdLineTotal>" "lt_cmdlinetotal_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?CompileTime>" "lt_compiletime_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?DebugOn>" "lt_debugon_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?DirSlash>" "lt_dirslash_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?Dollar>" "lt_dollar_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?Hash>" "lt_hash_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?HashPrefix>" "lt_hashprefix_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?IncludeLevel>" "lt_includelevel_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?InputComponent>" "lt_inputcomponent_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?InputComponentLine>" "lt_inputcomponentline_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?InputFile>" "lt_inputfile_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?LessThan>" "lt_lessthan_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?NewestFileDateTime>" "lt_newestfiledatetime_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?NewLine>" "lt_newline_gt1.htm"
- 2 "<?NewLine?>" "lt_newline_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?OpSys>" "lt_opsys_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?OpSysSpecific>" "lt_opsysspecific_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?OutputFile>" "lt_outputfile_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?OutputLevel>" "lt_outputlevel_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?OutputLine>" "lt_outputline_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardAuthor>" "lt_ppwizardauthor_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardAuthorBaseWebDir>" "lt_ppwizardauthorbasewebdir_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardAuthorEmail>" "lt_ppwizardauthoremail_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardAuthorHomePage>" "lt_ppwizardauthorhomepage_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardGeneratorMetaTags>" "lt_ppwizardgeneratormetatags_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardHomePage>" "lt_ppwizardhomepage_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?PpwizardPgm>" "lt_ppwizardpgm_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?ProcessingMode>" "lt_processingmode_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?ProtectFromPpwStart>" "lt_protectfromppwstart_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?ProtectFromPpwEnd>" "lt_protectfromppwend_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?QuestionMark>" "lt_questionmark_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?RestartLine>" "lt_restartline_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?RexxSkip>" "lt_rexxskip_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?RexxSkipTo>" "lt_rexxskipto_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?SemiColon>" "lt_semicolon_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?Space>" "lt_space_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?TemplateDataFile>" "lt_templatedatafile_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?TotalOutputLines>" "lt_totaloutputlines_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?Unique>" "lt_unique_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?Version>" "lt_version_gt.htm"
- 2 "<?xXX>" "lt_xxx_gt.htm"
- 1 "Rexx" "rexx.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Variables" "rexx_variables.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Expressions" "rexx_expressions.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Conditional Logic" "rexx_conditional_logic.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Looping" "rexx_looping.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Parsing" "rexx_parsing.htm"
- 2 "Standard Rexx Routines" "standard_rexx_routines.htm"
- 3 "translate()" "translate.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Fragments - Kick Start" "rexx_fragments_kick_start.htm"
- 2 "Inbuilt PPWIZARD Functions" "rexx_extensions.htm"
- 3 "Add2()" "add2.htm"
- 3 "AddCommasToDecimalNumber()" "addcommastodecimalnumber.htm"
- 3 "AddInputFileToDependancyList()" "addinputfiletodependancylist.htm"
- 3 "AddOutputFileToDependancyList()" "addoutputfiletodependancylist.htm"
- 3 "AddTempFileToDependancyList()" "addtempfiletodependancylist.htm"
- 3 "AddressCmd()" "addresscmd.htm"
- 3 "ArrayRemoveDup()" "arrayremovedup.htm"
- 3 "ArrayReverse()" "arrayreverse.htm"
- 3 "ArraySort()" "arraysort.htm"
- 3 "ArraySplit()" "arraysplit.htm"
- 3 "ArrayTranslate()" "arraytranslate.htm"
- 3 "AsIs()" "asis.htm"
- 3 "AsIsPrepare()" "asisprepare.htm"
- 3 "AutoTag()" "autotag.htm"
- 3 "Bd2Date()" "bd2date.htm"
- 3 "BaseDate()" "basedate.htm"
- 3 "BreakAt()" "breakat.htm"
- 3 "BulkChar2String()" "bulkchar2string.htm"
- 3 "BulkChangePrepare()" "bulkchangeprepare.htm"
- 3 "Chars()" "chars.htm"
- 3 "CompareReplaceFixed()" "comparereplacefixed.htm"
- 3 "DataGet()" "dataget.htm"
- 3 "DataSave()" "datasave.htm"
- 3 "Debug()" "debug1.htm"
- 3 "DebugDec()" "debugdec.htm"
- 3 "DebugInc()" "debuginc.htm"
- 3 "DebugOff()" "debugoff.htm"
- 3 "DebugOn()" "debugon.htm"
- 3 "Defined()" "defined.htm"
- 3 "DieIfIoErrorOccurred()" "dieifioerroroccurred.htm"
- 3 "EnsureFileHasCorrectCase()" "ensurefilehascorrectcase.htm"
- 3 "Error()" "error.htm"
- 3 "ErrorSql()" "errorsql.htm"
- 3 "ExpandXCodes()" "expandxcodes.htm"
- 3 "FindFile()" "findfile.htm"
- 3 "FindFileInPath()" "findfileinpath.htm"
- 3 "FileCopy()" "filecopy.htm"
- 3 "FormatTime()" "formattime.htm"
- 3 "GenerateFileName()" "generatefilename.htm"
- 4 "Generate Mask" "generate_mask.htm"
- 3 "GetAmPmTime()" "getampmtime.htm"
- 3 "GetAmPmTimeFromHhMmSs()" "getampmtimefromhhmmss.htm"
- 3 "GetDependancyInfo()" "getdependancyinfo.htm"
- 3 "GetEnv()" "getenv1.htm"
- 3 "GetFileLineBeingProcessed()" "getfilelinebeingprocessed.htm"
- 3 "GetFileTimeStamp()" "getfiletimestamp.htm"
- 3 "GetId()" "getid.htm"
- 3 "GetIdPrepare()" "getidprepare.htm"
- 3 "GetImageHeightWidth()" "getimageheightwidth.htm"
- 3 "GetInputFileNameAndLine()" "getinputfilenameandline.htm"
- 3 "GetLineBeingProcessed()" "getlinebeingprocessed.htm"
- 3 "GetQuotedRest()" "getquotedrest.htm"
- 3 "GetQuotedText()" "getquotedtext.htm"
- 3 "Info()" "info.htm"
- 3 "InputComponentLevel()" "inputcomponentlevel.htm"
- 3 "InputComponentLineLevel()" "inputcomponentlinelevel.htm"
- 3 "LoadRexxSql()" "loadrexxsql.htm"
- 3 "IsDebugOn()" "isdebugon.htm"
- 3 "MacroGet()" "macroget.htm"
- 3 "MacroSet()" "macroset.htm"
- 3 "MakeWebLinks()" "makeweblinks.htm"
- 3 "MustDeleteFile()" "mustdeletefile.htm"
- 3 "OptionGet()" "optionget.htm"
- 3 "OptionSet()" "optionset.htm"
- 3 "PadString()" "padstring.htm"
- 3 "ProcessNext()" "processnext.htm"
- 3 "QueryExists()" "queryexists.htm"
- 3 "QuoteIt()" "quoteit.htm"
- 3 "RandomString()" "randomstring.htm"
- 3 "ReplaceCurlyHexCodes()" "replacecurlyhexcodes.htm"
- 3 "ReplaceMacros()" "replacemacros.htm"
- 3 "ReplaceString()" "replacestring.htm"
- 3 "ReplaceStringCI()" "replacestringci.htm"
- 3 "RexxVarDefined()" "rexxvardefined.htm"
- 3 "RexGetTmpFileName()" "rexgettmpfilename.htm"
- 3 "Say()" "say.htm"
- 3 "SetEnv()" "setenv.htm"
- 3 "SetId()" "setid.htm"
- 3 "SetXCode()" "setxcode.htm"
- 3 "SStrip()" "sstrip.htm"
- 3 "StackPush()" "stackpush.htm"
- 3 "StackPop()" "stackpop.htm"
- 3 "Summary()" "summary.htm"
- 3 "Tabs2Spaces()" "tabs2spaces.htm"
- 3 "TimeStamp()" "timestamp.htm"
- 3 "ToLowerCase()" "tolowercase.htm"
- 3 "UpdateCrc32()" "updatecrc32.htm"
- 3 "UrlDecode()" "urldecode.htm"
- 3 "UrlEncode()" "urlencode.htm"
- 3 "Warning()" "warning.htm"
- 3 "WriteLineToTmpImportFile()" "writelinetotmpimportfile.htm"
- 3 "_filespec()" "filespec.htm"
- 3 "_SysFileDelete()" "sysfiledelete.htm"
- 3 "_SysFileTree()" "sysfiletree.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Subroutines in PPWIZARD" "rexx_subroutines_in_ppwizard.htm"
- 1 "Related Tools & Links" "links.htm"
- 1 "PPWIZARD Extensions" "ppwizard_extensions.htm"
- 2 "VALRURL.H - Remote Resource Validation" "valrurl_h.htm"
- 2 "PPWSORT.H - Sorting" "ppwsort_h.htm"
- 1 "Performance" "performance.htm"
- 1 "e-Zine! Articles" "thirdpartyppw.htm"
- 1 "Examples / Tips" "examples.htm"
- 2 "A Macro Which Expands Another" "tipexpandmacro.htm"
- 2 "Wise Installer OLE Automation" "wiseinstalleroleautomation.htm"
- 3 "The Header File - BSD.WIH" "wiseinstalleroleautomationbsdheader.htm"
- 3 "The Header File - WISEINST.WIH" "wiseinstalleroleautomationwiseinstheader.htm"
- 2 "Creating HTML pages from Windows URL Shortcuts or OS/2 URL Objects" "bookmarks.htm"
- 2 "Importing fields into 3 HTML documents" "importtomulthtmlpages1.htm"
- 2 "Importing Fields, Each Record To It's Own File" "importtomulthtmlpages2.htm"
- 2 "#import - EXCEL via VbScript" "importexcel.htm"
- 2 "Automatically Create Chart Images" "createcharts.htm"
- 2 "Create Multiple Files From Template" "create_multiple_files_from_template.htm"
- 2 "Resource Validation - Local" "resource_validation_local.htm"
- 2 "SHARING HEADERS - HTML + REXX CGI" "sharing_headers_html_rexx_cgi.htm"
- 2 "TEXTEDIT with PPWIZARD" "textedit_with_ppwizard.htm"
- 2 "Accessing SQL DATABASES Directly" "importsqlviarexx.htm"
- 2 "Rexx Preprocessing" "rexxpreprocessing.htm"
- 3 "Rexx Example" "rexxexample.htm"
- 4 "REXAMPLE.X" "rexamplex.htm"
- 4 "REXAMPLE.XH" "rexamplexh.htm"
- 4 "REXAMPLE.REX (generated output)" "rexamplerex.htm"