home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
/* * Generator : PPWIZARD version 02.012 * : FREE tool for Windows, OS/2, DOS and UNIX by Dennis Bareis (dbareis@labyrinth.net.au) * : http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/ppwizard.htm * Time : Thursday, 17 Jan 2002 6:27:06pm * Input File : C:\DBAREIS\Projects\MultiOs\PPWIZARD\ppwizard.x * Output File : C:\DBAREIS\Projects\MultiOs\PPWIZARD\out\ppwizard.rex */ if arg(1)="!CheckSyntax!" then exit(21924) PgmVersion="02.017" SupportedReginaVersions='2.0, 2.2 or 3.0BETA2' RecommendedReginaVersions='2.2' PpwStartSec=(time('S') || substr(time('L'),9,3)) TrapHandler='' RedirMethod='' call InitCommandLineOptions arg(1) call InitConsoleOutputVarsPass1 PpwDoing='Initializing' Dummy=time('Reset') b2rNewSingleQuote="' || " || '"' || "'" || '" || ' || "'" b2rAllHexCodes='' b2rAllAsciiCodes='' do b2rCharCode=0 to 31 b2rAllHexCodes=b2rAllHexCodes||d2c(b2rCharCode) end do b2rCharCode=32 to 126 b2rAllAsciiCodes=b2rAllAsciiCodes||d2c(b2rCharCode) end do b2rCharCode=127 to 255 b2rAllHexCodes=b2rAllHexCodes||d2c(b2rCharCode) end signal EndBIN2REXPXh _QuoteAscii: b2rAscii2Quote=arg(1) if pos("'",b2rAscii2Quote)=0 then return("'" || b2rAscii2Quote || "'") else do if pos('"',b2rAscii2Quote)=0 then return('"' || b2rAscii2Quote || '"') else do return("'" || ReplaceString(b2rAscii2Quote, "'", b2rNewSingleQuote) || "'") end end _FormatHex: b2rHexString=arg(1) b2rLengthHex=length(b2rHexString) b2rFormattedHex="'" if b2rLengthHex>7 then do b2rLeft1=left(b2rHexString,1) b2rLeft1Pos=verify(b2rHexString,b2rLeft1) if b2rLeft1Pos=0 then return( "copies('" || c2x(b2rLeft1) || "'x, " || b2rLengthHex || ")" ) else do if b2rLeft1Pos>7 then do b2rFormattedHex="copies('" || c2x(b2rLeft1) || "'x, " || b2rLeft1Pos-1 || ") || '" b2rHexString=substr(b2rHexString,b2rLeft1Pos) b2rLengthHex=b2rLengthHex-(b2rLeft1Pos-1) end end end do b2rCharPosn=1 to b2rLengthHex if(b2rCharPosn//8)=1 then do if b2rCharPosn<>1 then b2rFormattedHex=b2rFormattedHex|| ' ' end b2rFormattedHex=b2rFormattedHex||c2x(substr(b2rHexString,b2rCharPosn,1)) end b2rFormattedHex=b2rFormattedHex|| "'x" return(b2rFormattedHex) _QuoteAsciiBreakIfRequired: qabAscii=arg(1) qabLength=length(qabAscii) qabReturn='' do while qabLength>256 qabLeft=left(qabAscii,256) qabAscii=substr(qabAscii,256+1) qabLength=qabLength-256 if qabReturn='' then qabReturn=_QuoteAscii(qabLeft) else qabReturn=qabReturn|| " || " ||_QuoteAscii(qabLeft) end if qabLength=0 then return(qabReturn) else do if qabReturn='' then return(_QuoteAscii(qabAscii)) else return(qabReturn|| " || " ||_QuoteAscii(qabAscii)) end _FormatHexBreakIfRequired: fhbHex=arg(1) fhbLength=length(fhbHex) fhbReturn='' do while fhbLength>80 fhbLeft=left(fhbHex,80) fhbHex=substr(fhbHex,80+1) fhbLength=fhbLength-80 if fhbReturn='' then fhbReturn=_FormatHex(fhbLeft) else fhbReturn=fhbReturn|| " || " ||_FormatHex(fhbLeft) end if fhbLength=0 then return(fhbReturn) else do if fhbReturn='' then return(_FormatHex(fhbHex)) else return(fhbReturn|| " || " ||_FormatHex(fhbHex)) end BIN2REXP: call BIN2REXP_START b2rValue=arg(1) b2rValueLength=length(b2rValue) if b2rValueLength=0 then call BIN2REXP_ONEBIT '""' else do do while b2rValue\=='' b2rEndAsciiPos=verify(b2rValue,b2rAllAsciiCodes) if b2rEndAsciiPos=0 then do call BIN2REXP_ONEBIT _QuoteAsciiBreakIfRequired(b2rValue) b2rValue='' end else do if b2rEndAsciiPos<>1 then do call BIN2REXP_ONEBIT _QuoteAsciiBreakIfRequired(left(b2rValue,b2rEndAsciiPos-1)) b2rValue=substr(b2rValue,b2rEndAsciiPos) end else do b2rEndBinaryPos=verify(b2rValue,b2rAllHexCodes) if b2rEndBinaryPos=0 then do call BIN2REXP_ONEBIT _FormatHexBreakIfRequired(b2rValue) b2rValue='' end else do call BIN2REXP_ONEBIT _FormatHexBreakIfRequired(left(b2rValue,b2rEndBinaryPos-1)) b2rValue=substr(b2rValue,b2rEndBinaryPos) end end end end end call BIN2REXP_END return EndBIN2REXPXh: signal EndDUMPVARXh DumpVarsInExpression: dv_RexxExp=arg(1) dv_Stem=translate(arg(2)) dv_VarHeading=arg(3) dv_LineRoutine=arg(4) if dv_Stem<> '' then do dv_AutoDump='N' dv_StemDot=dv_Stem|| '.' if symbol(dv_StemDot|| '0') = 'VAR' then dv_VarCount=value(dv_StemDot|| '0') else do call _DumpVarsLineOutput 'DumpVar: Could not find "' || dv_StemDot || '0' || '"' return(0) end end else do dv_AutoDump='Y' dv_Stem='DV_VARLIST' dv_StemDot=dv_Stem|| '.' dv_VarCount=0 end if dv_VarCount=0 then dv_MaxVarLng=0 do while dv_RexxExp<> '' parse value strip(dv_RexxExp, 'L')with dv_1stChar+1 dv_RexxExp select when datatype(dv_1stChar, 'S')then do dv_OneVar=dv_1stChar do while dv_RexxExp<> '' parse var dv_RexxExp dv_1stChar+1 dv_RexxExp if datatype(dv_1stChar, 'S')then dv_OneVar=dv_OneVar||dv_1stChar else do dv_RexxExp=dv_1stChar||dv_RexxExp leave end end call _RememberDumpedVar dv_OneVar if pos('.',dv_OneVar)<>0 then do do while dv_OneVar<> '' parse var dv_OneVar dv_ThisBit '.' dv_OneVar call _RememberDumpedVar dv_ThisBit end end end when dv_1stChar='"' | dv_1stChar = "'" then do dv_EndQuotePos=pos(dv_1stChar,dv_RexxExp) if dv_EndQuotePos=0 then dv_RexxExp='' else dv_RexxExp=substr(dv_RexxExp,dv_EndQuotePos+1) end otherwise nop end end call value dv_StemDot|| '0',dv_VarCount if dv_AutoDump='Y' then call DumpVarsInExpressionNow dv_Stem,dv_VarHeading,dv_LineRoutine return(dv_VarCount) DumpVarsInExpressionNow: dv_StemDot=arg(1)|| '.' dv_VarHeading=arg(2) dv_LineRoutine=arg(3) if symbol(dv_StemDot|| '0') = 'VAR' then dv_VarCount=value(dv_StemDot|| '0') else do call _DumpVarsLineOutput 'DumpVar: could not find "' || dv_StemDot || '0' || '"' return(0) end if dv_VarCount<>0&dv_VarHeading<> '' then do call _DumpVarsLineOutput '' call _DumpVarsLineOutput dv_VarHeading call _DumpVarsLineOutput copies('~',length(dv_VarHeading)) end dv_ShowVarLng=dv_MaxVarLng if dv_MaxVarLng>30 then dv_ShowVarLng=30 do dv_Index=1 to dv_VarCount dv_OneVar=value(dv_StemDot||dv_Index) if length(dv_OneVar)>=dv_ShowVarLng then ShowVar=dv_OneVar else ShowVar=right(dv_OneVar,dv_ShowVarLng) dv_OneVarValue=value(translate(dv_OneVar)) if datatype(dv_OneVarValue, 'N')=0 then do call BIN2REXP dv_OneVarValue dv_OneVarValue=dv_Value end call _DumpVarsLineOutput ShowVar|| ' = ' ||dv_OneVarValue end return _RememberDumpedVar: dv_ThisVar=arg(1) if symbol(dv_ThisVar)='VAR' then do dv_AlreadyHave='N' dv_ThisVarUpper=translate(dv_ThisVar) do dv_Index=1 to dv_VarCount if dv_ThisVarUpper=translate(value(dv_StemDot||dv_Index))then do dv_AlreadyHave='Y' leave end end if dv_AlreadyHave='N' then do dv_VarCount=dv_VarCount+1 call value dv_StemDot||dv_VarCount,dv_ThisVar if length(dv_ThisVar)>dv_MaxVarLng then dv_MaxVarLng=length(dv_ThisVar) end end return _DumpVarsLineOutput: if dv_LineRoutine='' then say arg(1) else interpret 'call ' || dv_LineRoutine || ' arg(1)' return BIN2REXP_START: dv_Value='' return BIN2REXP_ONEBIT: if dv_Value<> '' then dv_Value=dv_Value|| ' || ' dv_Value=dv_Value||arg(1) return BIN2REXP_END: return EndDUMPVARXh: HaveCapturedTrapDetails='N' MacroBeingExpanded='' LastLineAfterMacroRep='' LastFileLine='' LastLine='' ErrorHookCount=0 call RexxHookInit signal on NOVALUE name SimpleRexxTrapUninitializedVariable signal on SYNTAX name SimpleRexxTrapSyntaxError TrapHandler='SIMPLE' MyBaseHomeDir="http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/" PgmHomePage=MyBaseHomeDir|| "ppwizard.htm" PgmAuthorHomePage=MyBaseHomeDir|| "index.htm" PgmAuthor="Dennis Bareis" PgmAuthorEmail="dbareis@labyrinth.net.au" ExpressionKilledUs='' SyntaxOkRc=21924 SyntaxOkText='!CheckSyntax!' CopyrightDisplayed='N' CurrentOutFile='' OutSyntaxMsg='' OutSyntaxCmd='' OutSyntaxRc='' IncludeLevel=0 Warnings=0 LineSourceBeingProcessed='?' OnExitSleepForOk=0 OnExitSleepForError=2 SleepSwitch='N' call RemoveColorCodes call RemoveBeepCode if translate(strip(arg(1)))='DEBUG' then call DisplayCopyright /* *REXSYSTM.XH Version 01.331 By Dennis Bareis *http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/index.htm(db0@anz.com) */ trace off RexSystmRexxPgmName='?' if '1' == 'F1'x then RexIsAscii='N' else RexIsAscii='Y' parse version RexVersionInfo if pos('REGINA',translate(RexVersionInfo))<>0 then do RexWhich='REGINA' parse value translate(RexVersionInfo)with . 'REGINA_' RexVerRegina ' ' RexVerRegina=translate(RexVerRegina, '.', '_') end else do RexVerRegina='' if pos('REXX370',translate(RexVersionInfo))<>0 then do RexWhich='REXX370' end else do RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' end end parse source RexSystemOpSys . RexSystemOpSysREAL=RexSystemOpSys if RexWhich='REGINA' then do if RexSystemOpSys="WIN32" then parse value uname()with RexSystemOpSysREAL . if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then parse value uname()with RexSystemOpSysREAL . end if RexSystemOpSys="BEOS" then RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" if RexSystemOpSys="TSO" then do call syscalls 'ON' RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" end RexSystmRexxPgmName=RexGetFullSourceName() if RexIsAscii='N' then do RexEOL='15'x end else do if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then RexEOL='0A'x else RexEOL='0D0A'x end if arg(2)<> '' then call RexSystemFailure 'ARG(2) contains unexpected data of ' || arg(2) || '.' if translate(strip(arg(1)))='DEBUG' then do call RexDumpSystemInfo exit(0) end if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then do call RxFuncAdd 'SysSleep', 'RexxUtil', 'SysSleep' call RxFuncAdd 'SysFileDelete', 'RexxUtil', 'SysFileDelete' call RxFuncAdd 'SysSearchPath', 'RexxUtil', 'SysSearchPath' call RxFuncAdd 'SysFileTree', 'RexxUtil', 'SysFileTree' call RxFuncAdd 'SysTempFileName', 'RexxUtil', 'SysTempFileName' call SetLocal RexEnvVarPool='OS2ENVIRONMENT' RexStdoutStream='STDOUT' RexStderrStream='STDERR' RexTmpFileCntr=random(90000) end else do OPTIONS 'NOEXT_COMMANDS_AS_FUNCS' numeric digits 11 RexEnvVarPool='SYSTEM' RexStdoutStream='<stdout>' RexStderrStream='<stderr>' end if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then do RexDirChar='\' RexOptionChar='/' end else do RexDirChar='/' RexOptionChar='-' end signal REXSYSTM_1 RexDumpSystemInfo: say 'Program Name : ' ||RexSystmRexxPgmName say 'Op System : ' ||RexSystemOpSys say 'Rexx Ver : ' ||RexVersionInfo say 'Which System : ' ||RexWhich if RexWhich='REGINA' then say 'regina uname(): ' ||uname() return RexNeedReginaWorkAround: if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then return('N') else return('Y') RexGetFullSourceName: parse source . . TmpRexxSrc if RexWhich='REGINA' then TmpRexxSrc=FileQueryExists(strip(TmpRexxSrc)) if RexSystemOpSysREAL="TSO" then do TmpRexxSrc=word(TmpRexxSrc,1) TmpRexxSrc=FileQueryExists(TmpRexxSrc) end if TmpRexxSrc='' then call RexSystemFailure 'Could not determine the name of the rexx program!' return(TmpRexxSrc) RexGetNameOfTmpDir:call TRACE "OFF" TmpDir=strip(GetEnv('TMP')) if TmpDir='' then TmpDir=strip(GetEnv('TEMP')) if TmpDir='' then do if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then TmpDir='/tmp' end if right(TmpDir,1)==RexDirChar then TmpDir=left(TmpDir,length(TmpDir)-1) if RexWhich='REXX370' then do if TmpDir="SYSTEM" then TmpDir="TMP" end return(TmpDir) RedirectStdOutAndErr2: if RedirMethod<> '' then do select when RedirMethod="@bash" then return(' >' || arg(1) || ' 2>&1') when RedirMethod="@csh" then return(' >& ' ||arg(1)) otherwise do r12Meth=RedirMethod r12Pos=pos('{?}',r12Meth) do while r12Pos<>0 r12Meth=left(r12Meth,r12Pos-1)||arg(1)||substr(r12Meth,r12Pos+3) r12Pos=pos('{?}',r12Meth) end end end return(' ' ||r12Meth) end if RexSystemOpSys="DOS" | RexSystemOpSysREAL = "WIN95" | RexSystemOpSysREAL = "WIN98" | RexSystemOpSysREAL = "WINME" then do return(' >' ||arg(1)) end else do return(' >' || arg(1) || ' 2>&1') end NameOfNulDevice: if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then return('/dev/null') else return('nul') AllCmdOutput2Nul: return(RedirectStdOutAndErr2(NameOfNulDevice())) AddressCmd:call TRACE "OFF" SysCmd2Exec=arg(1) if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then SysCmd2Exec='@' ||SysCmd2Exec call DebugAddressCmdBefore SysCmd2Exec SysCmd2Exec SysCmdRc=Rc FileIndex=2 SysCmdFile=arg(FileIndex) do while SysCmdFile<> '' call DebugAddressCmdOutput SysCmdFile, 'H1' call DebugAddressCmdOutput copies('~', length(SysCmdFile)), 'H2' if FileQueryExists(SysCmdFile)='' then call DebugAddressCmdOutput '*File does not exist*', '!' else do SysCmdLine=0 call FileClose SysCmdFile do while lines(SysCmdFile)<>0 SysCmdLine=SysCmdLine+1 call DebugAddressCmdOutput linein(SysCmdFile),SysCmdLine end call FileClose SysCmdFile end FileIndex=FileIndex+1 SysCmdFile=arg(FileIndex) end call DebugAddressCmdAfter SysCmdRc Rc=SysCmdRc return(SysCmdRc) _filespec:call TRACE "OFF" fsCmd=translate(arg(1)) select when fsCmd='D' | fsCmd = 'DRIVE' then do if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then return('') fsPos=pos(':',arg(2)) if fsPos=0 then return('') else return(left(arg(2),fsPos)) end when fsCmd='P' | fsCmd = 'PATH' then do fsStartWith=substr(arg(2),length(_filespec('D',arg(2)))+1) fsPos=lastpos(RexDirChar,fsStartWith) if fsPos=0 then return('') else return(left(fsStartWith,fsPos)) end when fsCmd='N' | fsCmd = 'NAME' then do return(substr(arg(2),length(_filespec('L',arg(2)))+1)) end when fsCmd='L' | fsCmd = 'LOCATION' then do return(_filespec('D', arg(2)) || _filespec('P',arg(2))) end when fsCmd='E' | fsCmd = 'EXTN' then do fsDotPos=lastpos('.',arg(2)) if fsDotPos=0 then return('') else return(substr(arg(2),fsDotPos+1)) end when fsCmd='W' | fsCmd = 'WITHOUTEXTN' then do fsDotPos=lastpos('.',arg(2)) if fsDotPos=0 then return(arg(2)) else return(left(arg(2),fsDotPos-1)) end when fsCmd='B' | fsCmd = 'BASENAME' then do return(_filespec('W', _filespec('N',arg(2)))) end otherwise call RexSystemFailure 'Unknown _filespec() command of "' || arg(1) || '"' end return _SysSleep:call TRACE "OFF" if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then do call SysSleep arg(1) return end call sleep arg(1) return _SysFileTree:call TRACE "OFF" a_Mask=arg(1) a_Stem=arg(2) if pos('D',arg(3))<>0 then a_Type='D' else a_Type='F' if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then do a_P3=a_Type|| 'O' if pos('S',arg(3))<>0 then a_P3=a_P3|| 'S' return(SysFileTree(a_Mask,a_Stem,a_P3)) end a_TmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName() if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then do a_Cmd='dir /B ' if pos('S',arg(3))<>0 then a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| "/S " if a_Type='F' then a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| "/A-D " else a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| "/AD " if RexSystemOpSys="DOS" then a_CmdMask=a_Mask else a_CmdMask='"' || a_Mask || '"' a_Cmd=a_Cmd||a_CmdMask||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(a_TmpFile) end else do a_Cmd='find ' || _filespec('L', a_Mask) || ' ' if RexSystemOpSysREAL<> "FREEBSD" & RexSystemOpSysREAL <> "Darwin" & RexSystemOpSysREAL <> "TSO" then a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| '-noleaf ' if pos('S',arg(3))=0 then do if RexSystemOpSysREAL<> "FREEBSD" & RexSystemOpSysREAL <> "Darwin" & RexSystemOpSysREAL <> "TSO" then a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| '-maxdepth 1 ' else a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| '-prune ' end if a_Type='F' then a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| "-type f " else a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| "-type d " stfSName=_filespec('N',a_Mask) if stfSName<> '' then a_Cmd=a_Cmd|| '-name "' || stfSName || '"' a_Cmd=a_Cmd||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(a_TmpFile) end Rc=AddressCmd(a_Cmd,a_TmpFile) LastSlash=lastpos(RexDirChar,a_Mask) call FileClose a_TmpFile a_FileCnt=0 do while lines(a_TmpFile)<>0 a_AFile=linein(a_TmpFile) if a_AFile='' | a_AFile = '.' | a_AFile = '..' then iterate if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" & a_Type = 'D' then do if a_AFile=_filespec('L',a_Mask)then iterate end if LastSlash<>0 then do if pos(RexDirChar,a_AFile)==0 then a_AFile=left(a_Mask,LastSlash)||a_AFile end if a_Type='F' then do a_AFile=FileQueryExists(a_AFile) if a_AFile='' then iterate end else do if RexWhich='REGINA' then do if DirQueryExists(a_AFile)='' then iterate end else do if pos(' ',a_AFile)<>0 then iterate end end a_FileCnt=a_FileCnt+1 call _valueS a_Stem|| '.' ||a_FileCnt,strip(a_AFile) end call FileClose a_TmpFile DeleteRc=_SysFileDelete(a_TmpFile) call _valueS a_Stem|| '.0',a_FileCnt return(0) _SysFileDelete:call TRACE "OFF" if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then return(SysFileDelete(arg(1))) b_F=arg(1) if RexSystemOpSys<> "DOS" then b_F='"' || b_F || '"' if RexSystemOpSys="DOS" | RexSystemOpSysREAL = "WIN95" | RexSystemOpSysREAL = "WIN98" | RexSystemOpSysREAL = "WINME" then return(AddressCmd('if exist ' || b_F || ' del ' ||b_F||AllCmdOutput2Nul())) else do if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then return(AddressCmd('rm -f ' ||b_F||AllCmdOutput2Nul())) else return(AddressCmd('del ' ||b_F||AllCmdOutput2Nul())) end RexGetTmpFileName:call TRACE "OFF" if arg(1)<> '' then TmpFileM=arg(1) else do if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then TmpFileM='RSTM????.TMP' else do TmpFileM=GetEnv('USER') if TmpFileM='' then TmpFileM=GetEnv('user') if TmpFileM='' then TmpFileM='?????.rstm' else TmpFileM=TmpFileM|| '_?????.rstm' end end TmpFileM=RexGetNameOfTmpDir()||RexDirChar||TmpFileM if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then do TmpFileF=SysTempFileName(TmpFileM) if TmpFileF='' then do RexTmpFileCntr=RexTmpFileCntr+1 TmpFileF='C_' || right(RexTmpFileCntr, 6, '0') || '.TMP' end return(TmpFileF) end TmpRandom=right(time('S'),3)||random(99999) TmpRandomAdd=0 do until FileQueryExists(TmpFileA)='' TmpRandomS=reverse(d2x(TmpRandom+TmpRandomAdd)) TmpRandomAdd=TmpRandomAdd+1 TmpFileA=TmpFileM TmpWhich=1 QmPos=pos('?',TmpFileA) do while QmPos<>0 TmpReplace=substr(TmpRandomS,TmpWhich,1) TmpWhich=TmpWhich+1 if TmpReplace='' then TmpWhich=1 else do TmpFileA=overlay(TmpReplace,TmpFileA,QmPos) QmPos=pos('?',TmpFileA) end end end return(TmpFileA) GetEnv:call TRACE "OFF" if RexWhich<> 'REXX370' then rsGetEnv=value(arg(1),,RexEnvVarPool) else do rsGetEnv='' end if rsGetEnv=='' & arg(2) = 'Y' then call RexSystemFailure 'Could not find the environment variable "' || arg(1) || '"' call DebugGetEnv arg(1),rsGetEnv return(rsGetEnv) SetEnv:call TRACE "OFF" if RexWhich<> 'REXX370' then return(value(arg(1),arg(2),RexEnvVarPool)) else do return('') end _valueS:call TRACE "OFF" if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then return(value(arg(1),arg(2))) return(value(translate(arg(1)),arg(2))) _valueG:call TRACE "OFF" if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then return(value(arg(1))) return(value(arg(1))) /* * DB$STUBS - Keep indent (not so easy for comments) * for this bit until finished! */ DirGetCurrent: return( directory() ) DirQueryExists: if arg(1) = '' then return('') select when RexWhich = 'REGINA' then do return( stream(arg(1) || '\.', 'c', 'query exists') ) end when RexWhich = 'STANDARD_OS/2' then do c_CDir = directory() c_NewDir = directory(arg(1)) call directory c_CDir return(c_NewDir) end when RexWhich = 'REXX370' then do /* DB$390 - return passed name (BAD! - ppwizard might fail in parts) */ return(arg(1)) end otherwise do return(arg(1)) end end FileQueryExists: if arg(1) = '' then return('') if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'c', 'query exists') ) else do /* DB$390 - return passed name (BAD! - ppwizard might fail in parts) */ return(arg(1)) end FileQueryDateTime: if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'c', 'query datetime') ) else do /* DB$390 - Return valid but fixed value */ return('01-01-01 12:00:00') end FileQuerySize: if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'c', 'query size') ) else do /* DB$390 - Return valid but fixed value */ return('219') end FileOpenReadOnly: if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'c', 'open read') ) else do /* DB$390 - For now do nothing (so file opens read/write - so what) */ return('') end FileClose: if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'c', 'close') ) else do /* DB$390 - Worth a try */ call lineout arg(1) return('') end FileState: if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'State') ) else do /* DB$390 - Stream Description */ return('') end FileDescription: if RexWhich <> 'REXX370' then return( stream(arg(1), 'Description') ) else do /* DB$390 - Stream Description */ return('') end /* REXSYSTM.XH - a few stream there (need to move stubs there) DirMake FileCharin ? FileCharout ? FileLinein ? FileLineOut ? */ REXSYSTM_1: PpWizardPgmName=RexSystmRexxPgmName PpWizardOpSysREAL=RexSystemOpSysREAL PpWizardOpSys=RexSystemOpSys WizName=translate(_filespec('name',PpWizardPgmName)) TryQuoteListSd="'" || '"' TryQuoteListDs='"' || "'" TryQuoteListAny=TryQuoteListDs|| '^~!@#$%&*-+=?/\|`:;._' NullChar='00'x TabChar='09'x CrLf=RexEOL if RexIsAscii='N' then do MarksNewLine='15'x end else do MarksNewLine='0A'x TryQuoteListAny=TryQuoteListAny||xrange('DB'x, 'FE'x) || xrange('80'x, 'DA'x) end call InitConsoleOutputVarsPass2 if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then call SetDebugChars '96,96,25', 'Y' else call SetDebugChars '34,-1,165', 'Y' numeric digits 14 trace off if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then NewLineChars=MarksNewLine else NewLineChars=CrLf MarksNewLineInHashDefine='<{nl}>' MarksNewLineInHashDefine2=MarksNewLineInHashDefine||MarksNewLineInHashDefine Ignore=0 LowerCase="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" UpperCase="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" DecimalDigits="0123456789" CharsLUN=LowerCase||UpperCase||DecimalDigits DebugOnStuffOutputted='N' WantedWarningRc=1 NotEqualInC='!' || '=' EofChar=d2c(26) RexxCmtStart='/' || '*' RexxCmtEnd='*' || '/' TagSvNewLine='<' || '?NewLine>' LastSystemCmd="none" LastSystemCmdFull="none" LastSystemRc=999 signal System_2 ProcessSystem: Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) Log2File=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") LastSystemCmd=GetQuotedRest(Rest) select when RexSystemOpSys="OS/2" then CmdProc='CMD.EXE /c ' otherwise CmdProc='' end LastSystemCmdFull=CmdProc||LastSystemCmd DeleteFileAfter='N' select when translate(Log2File)='ASIS' then Log2File='' when Log2File='-' then Log2File=NameOfNulDevice() when Log2File='?' then do Log2File=RexGetTmpFileName() DeleteFileAfter='Y' end otherwise nop end if Log2File<> '' then LastSystemCmdFull=LastSystemCmdFull||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(Log2File) LastSystemRc=AddressCmd(LastSystemCmdFull,Log2File) if DeleteFileAfter='Y' then call _SysFileDelete(Log2File) return(0) System_2: signal stack_3 StackInitForBuild: STK_CNT=0 return StackValidation: call DBG "Validating the " || STK_CNT || " stack(s)" call DBGIND+1 d_Invalid=0 do d_S=1 to STK_CNT d_ID=STK.d_S d_Desc=value(d_ID|| '_DESC') call DBG 'Validating: ' ||d_Desc d_Lvl=value(d_ID|| '.0') call DBGIND+1 if d_Lvl=0 then call DBG 'OK' else do d_Invalid=d_Invalid+1 call DBG 'There are ' || d_Lvl || ' items still on the stack!' d_T='STACK "' || d_Desc || '" has ' || d_Lvl || ' errors' call Say '' call Say d_T call Say copies('~',length(d_T)) do d_Inv=1 to d_Lvl call say 'Push #:' ||d_Inv call say 'Locn :' || value(d_ID || '_LOCN.' ||d_Inv) call say 'Doing :' || value(d_ID || '_DOING.' ||d_Inv) call say '' end end call DBGIND-1 end if d_Invalid<>0 then CryAndDie('There are ' || d_Invalid || ' stacks with errors (details above).') call DBGIND-1 return StackPush:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg e_Desc,e_What,e_Doing e_ID='STK_' ||c2x(e_Desc) if symbol(e_ID|| '.0') = 'VAR' then e_L=value(e_ID|| '.0')+1 else do e_L=1 STK_CNT=STK_CNT+1 STK.STK_CNT=e_ID call value e_ID|| '_DESC',e_Desc end call value e_ID|| '.0',e_L call value e_ID|| '.' ||e_L,e_What call value e_ID|| '_LOCN.' ||e_L,GetInputFileNameAndLine() if e_Doing='' then e_Doing=GetFileLineBeingProcessed() call value e_ID|| '_DOING.' ||e_L,e_Doing return StackPop:call TRACE "OFF" f_ID='STK_' ||c2x(arg(1)) if symbol(f_ID|| '.0') <> 'VAR' then CryAndDie('Can''t pop the non-existant stack "' || arg(1) || '"') f_L=value(f_ID|| '.0') if f_L<=0 then CryAndDie('Nothing to pop on the stack "' || arg(1) || '"') call value f_ID|| '.0',f_L-1 return(value(f_ID|| '.' ||f_L)) ProcessPush: g_R=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) g_Typ=translate(GetQuotedText(g_R, "g_R")) do until g_R='' g_I=GetQuotedText(g_R, "g_R") select when g_Typ='MACRO' then do call StackPush '#Push MACRO',MacroGet(g_I) end when g_Typ='REXXVAR' then do call StackPush '#Push REXXVAR',_valueG(g_I) end otherwise CryAndDie('Unsupported #PUSH type of ' ||g_Typ) end end return(0) ProcessPop: h_R=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) h_Typ=translate(GetQuotedText(h_R, "h_R")) h_C=0 do until h_R='' h_C=h_C+1 h_S.h_C=GetQuotedText(h_R, "h_R") end do h_I=h_C to 1 by-1 select when h_Typ='MACRO' then do call MacroSet h_S.h_I,StackPop('#Push MACRO'), 'Y' end when h_Typ='REXXVAR' then do call _valueS h_S.h_I,StackPop('#Push REXXVAR') end otherwise CryAndDie('Unsupported #POP type of ' ||h_Typ) end end return(0) stack_3: call InitTransformationCode signal Transfrm_4 InitTransformationCode: TransformCode='' return ProcessTransform: HashDefRexx=arg(1) if HashDefRexx<> '' then do HashDefRexx=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(HashDefRexx) HashDefRexx=GetQuotedText(HashDefRexx) end if HashDefRexx<> '' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Start of transformation block "' || HashDefRexx || '"' if TransformCode<> '' then CryAndDie("Already in tranformation block started at " ||TransformStartLoc) TransformStartLoc=CurrentSourceLocation() TransformCode=MacroGet(HashDefRexx) TransformCode=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(TransformCode) end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG "End of transformation block" if TransformCode='' then CryAndDie('We were not in a tranformation block!') TransformCode='' end return(0) Transfrm_4: ReplaceCount=0 NextIdUnique=0 NextIdReplOn='N' NextIdMarker='@' || '@' NextIdMask='*_' NextIdNewCounter=NextIdUnique NextIdNew=_GetNextIdPrefix() NextIdUsed='N' NextIdLocked='' signal NextId_5 ProcessNextId: i_P=arg(1) if i_P='' then call _NextIdInc else do i_P=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(i_P) i_Cmd=GetQuotedText(i_P, 'i_P') i_CmdU=translate(i_Cmd) select when i_CmdU='OFF' then NextIdReplOn='N' when i_CmdU='ON' then NextIdReplOn='Y' when i_CmdU='LOCK' then do call _DieIfLocked i_Cmd if i_P='' then i_P='"?"' NextIdLocked=GetQuotedRest(i_P) if NextIdLocked='' then CryAndDie('You must specify a KEY to lock Next ID incrementing.') end when i_CmdU='UNLOCK' then do if NextIdLocked='' then CryAndDie('Not locked!') if i_P='' then i_P='"?"' i_Key=GetQuotedRest(i_P) if i_Key<>NextIdLocked then CryAndDie('Incorrect key used, required "' || NextIdLocked || '"') NextIdLocked='' end when i_CmdU='REPLACE' then do call _DieIfLocked i_Cmd NextIdMarker=GetQuotedRest(i_P) if NextIdMarker='' then NextIdMarker='@' || '@' end when i_CmdU='MASK' then do call _DieIfLocked i_Cmd NextIdMask=GetQuotedRest(i_P) if NextIdMask='' then NextIdMask='*_' NextIdNew=_GetNextIdPrefix() end when i_CmdU='PUSH' then do i_Info=NextIdReplOn|| '00'x || NextIdMarker || '00'x || NextIdMask || '00'x || NextIdNew || '00'x || NextIdNewCounter || '00'x || NextIdUsed || '00'x||NextIdLocked call StackPush "#NextId PUSH",i_Info NextIdLocked='' NextIdUsed='Y' call _NextIdInc NextIdReplOn='N' end when i_CmdU='POP' then do i_Info=StackPop("#NextId PUSH") parse var i_Info NextIdReplOn '00'x NextIdMarker '00'x NextIdMask '00'x NextIdNew '00'x NextIdNewCounter '00'x NextIdUsed '00'x NextIdLocked end otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown #NextID command of "' || i_Cmd || '"') end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if NextIdReplOn='N' then i_T='off' else i_T='on' i_I=NextIdLocked if i_I='' then i_I='unlocked' else i_I='locked (KEY = "' || NextIdLocked || '")' call DBG '#NextID processing is turned ' ||i_T call DBG '#NextID incrementing is ' ||i_I call DBG 'If ON, any "' || NextIdMarker || '" strings will be replaced with "' || NextIdNew || '"' end return(0) _NextIdInc: call _DieIfLocked 'increment' NextIdReplOn='Y' if NextIdUsed='Y' then do NextIdUnique=NextIdUnique+1 NextIdNewCounter=NextIdUnique NextIdNew=_GetNextIdPrefix() end return _DieIfLocked: if NextIdLocked<> '' then CryAndDie('Operation (' || arg(1) || ') not allowed as #NextId ID is locked, KEY = "' || NextIdLocked || '"') return _GetNextIdPrefix: j_Dec=NextIdNewCounter j_Digits=LowerCase j_Base=length(j_Digits) j_P='' do until j_Dec=0 j_P=substr(j_Digits,(j_Dec//j_Base)+1,1)||j_P j_Dec=j_Dec%j_Base end j_P=ReplaceString(NextIdMask, '*',j_P) NextIdUsed='N' return(j_P) NextId_5: call InitINTERCEPTCode signal Intercpt_6 InitINTERCEPTCode: InterceptCode='' InterceptStartLoc='' InterceptOffMarker='' return ProcessIntercept: RexxCode=arg(1) if RexxCode<> '' then do RexxCode=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(RexxCode) RexxCode=GetQuotedText(RexxCode) end if RexxCode<> '' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Start of INTERCPT block "' || RexxCode || '"' if InterceptCode<> '' then CryAndDie("Already in tranformation block started at " ||InterceptStartLoc) InterceptStartLoc=CurrentSourceLocation() InterceptOffMarker=arg(2) InterceptCode=MacroGet(RexxCode) InterceptCode=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(InterceptCode) end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG "End of INTERCPT block" if InterceptCode='' then CryAndDie('We were not in a INTERCPT block!') InterceptCode='' end return(0) Intercpt_6: OutputHoldLvl=0 call InitOutputHold signal OutpHold_7 InitOutputHold: HoldingOutput='N' HeldOutput='' OutpHoldStartLoc='' return OutputHoldPushAndClear: OutputHoldLvl=OutputHoldLvl+1 OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!HoldingOutput=HoldingOutput OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!HeldOutput=HeldOutput OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!OutpHoldStartLoc=OutpHoldStartLoc call InitOutputHold return OutputHoldPop: HoldingOutput=OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!HoldingOutput HeldOutput=OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!HeldOutput OutpHoldStartLoc=OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!OutpHoldStartLoc OutputHoldLvl=OutputHoldLvl-1 return DieIfHoldingOutput: if HoldingOutput='Y' then CryAndDie('Missing #OutputHold (end)', 'Block started at ' ||OutpHoldStartLoc) return ProcessHashOutputHold: OrexxRexx=arg(1) if OrexxRexx='' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Start of hold output block' if HoldingOutput='Y' then CryAndDie("Already in hold output block started at " ||OutpHoldStartLoc) call FlushQueuedOutput HoldingOutput='Y' OutpHoldStartLoc=CurrentSourceLocation() end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG "End of hold output block - Held " || length(HeldOutput) || ' byte(s)' if HoldingOutput='N' then CryAndDie('We were not in a hold output block!') call FlushQueuedOutput OrexxRexx=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(OrexxRexx) OrexxRexx=GetQuotedText(OrexxRexx) if translate(OrexxRexx)='DROP' then HeldOutput='' else do OutputModCode=MacroGet(OrexxRexx) OutputModCode=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(OutputModCode) call ExecRexxCmd OutputModCode end if HeldOutput\=='' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Writing ' || length(HeldOutput) || ' byte(s) to output' call DirectToOutputFile HeldOutput end call InitOutputHold end return(0) OutpHold_7: signal RexxHook_8 RexxHookSetBuildingParms: parse arg HookBuildParmInput,HookBuildParmOutput,HookBuildParmTemplate return RexxHookInit: RexxHookBefore='' RexxHookAfter='' RexxHookWarning='' RexxHookError='' RexxHookGetFileList='' call RexxHookSetBuildingParms return RexxHookSet: parse arg ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions parse var ThisCmdOptions rhWhen';'rhCmd rhWhen=translate(rhWhen) do until rhWhen='' parse var rhWhen rhWhen1','rhWhen rhDone='N' if rhWhen1='' | abbrev("BEFORE",rhWhen1)then do rhDone='Y' RexxHookBefore=rhCmd end if rhWhen1='' | abbrev("AFTER",rhWhen1)then do rhDone='Y' RexxHookAfter=rhCmd end if rhWhen1='' | abbrev("WARNING",rhWhen1)then do rhDone='Y' RexxHookWarning=rhCmd end if rhWhen1='' | abbrev("ERROR",rhWhen1)then do rhDone='Y' RexxHookError=rhCmd end if rhWhen1='' | abbrev("GETFILELIST",rhWhen1)then do rhDone='Y' RexxHookGetFileList=rhCmd end if rhDone='N' then CryAndDie('The hook type of "' || rhWhen1 || '" is unknown') end return CallHook: parse arg CallHook,CallHookOkParmsOk,Parm1,Parm2,Parm3,Parm4 BuildDetailParms=', HookBuildParmInput, HookBuildParmOutput, HookBuildParmTemplate' HookSpecificParms=', Parm1, Parm2, Parm3, Parm4' select when CallHook="WARNING" then HookRexxCmd=RexxHookWarning when CallHook="BEFORE" then HookRexxCmd=RexxHookBefore when CallHook="AFTER" then HookRexxCmd=RexxHookAfter when CallHook="ERROR" then do ErrorHookCount=ErrorHookCount+1 if ErrorHookCount>1 then return HookRexxCmd=RexxHookError end when CallHook="GETFILELIST" then do HookRexxCmd=RexxHookGetFileList BuildDetailParms='' end end SrcLineLoc=CurrentSourceLocation('') if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'Calling hook: ' || CallHook || ' - ' ||HookRexxCmd call DBGIND 1 end HookCmd='HookRc = "' || HookRexxCmd || '"("00.050", SrcLineLoc, "' || CallHook || '"' || BuildDetailParms || HookSpecificParms || ')' HookRc='?' signal ON SYNTAX NAME SyntaxErrorInHook Interpret HookCmd if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Rc = ' ||HookRc if abbrev(HookRc, 'OK:')=0 then do call DumpVarsInExpression HookCmd,, 'HOOK VARIABLES', 'Line1' CryAndDie('Hook Command Failed: ' || HookCmd, "Hook's Return Code : " ||HookRc) end OkParms=substr(HookRc,4) if OkParms<> '' & CallHookOkParmsOk <> 'Y' then CryAndDie('OK parameters not allowed on "' || CallHook || '" hooks.') if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return(OkParms) SyntaxErrorInHook: CryAndDie('Hook Cmd Failed: ' ||HookCmd) RexxHook_8: WarningSpecs='' signal Warning_9 OutputWarningToScreen: WarningPrefix=strip( 'WARNING ' ||strip(arg(1))) WarningTextP=arg(2) if IncludeLevel=0 then LineText='' else LineText='(@' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(IncludeLineNumber) || ')' WarningTextUn=WarningPrefix|| ': ' ||WarningTextP WarningText=LineText||WarningTextUn WarningTextU=translate(WarningText) IgnoreList=WarningSpecs do while IgnoreList<> '' parse var IgnoreList IgnoreThis (PathDelimiterChar) IgnoreList IgnoreThis1=left(IgnoreThis,1) IgnoreThisR=substr(IgnoreThis,2) if IgnoreThis1<> '-' & IgnoreThis1 <> '+' & IgnoreThis1 <> '!' then do IgnoreThis1='-' IgnoreThisR=IgnoreThis IgnoreThis=IgnoreThis1||IgnoreThisR end if IgnoreThisR='' then iterate if IgnoreThisR='*' |pos(IgnoreThisR,WarningTextU)<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Warning matched the spec => ' ||IgnoreThis select when IgnoreThis1='!' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Normal Warning => ' ||WarningText leave end when IgnoreThis1='+' then do CryAndDie(WarningTextUn,, 'This warning was promoted to a fatal error by "' || IgnoreThis || '"') end when IgnoreThis1='-' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Ignoring Warning => ' ||WarningText return end end end end if RexxHookWarning<> '' then do WarnHookRc=translate(CallHook("WARNING", 'Y',WarningTextP)) if WarnHookRc='IGNORE+' then Warnings=Warnings+1 if WarnHookRc='IGNORE' | WarnHookRc = 'IGNORE+' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG "HOOK said to drop warning: " ||WarningTextP return end if WarnHookRc<> '' then CryAndDie('Unknown warning hook return code of: ' ||WarnHookRc) end call Line1 copies(" ", IncludeLevel) || WarningColor || ' ' ||WarningText||Reset Warnings=Warnings+1 return WarnAboutDepreciatedFeature: call OutputWarningToScreen 'DEP0', 'Replace OBSOLETE Feature ASAP -> ' ||arg(1) return ProcessHashWarning: Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) WarningCde=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") WarningMsg=GetQuotedRest(Rest) call OutputWarningToScreen WarningCde,WarningMsg return(0) WARNINGS_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'WARNINGS', 'Ignoring any warnings containing "' || WarningSpecs || '"' return WARNINGS_SET: Tags=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'WARNINGS', 'Setting default ignore warnings to "' || Tags || '"' Default4_WarningSpecs=Tags return(0) end if Tags=='' then Tags=Default4_WarningSpecs if translate(Tags)=='NULL' then Tags='' WarningSpecs=Tags call WARNINGS_DEBUG return WARNINGS_GET: call WARNINGS_DEBUG return(WarningSpecs) Warning_9: signal Tabs_10 TABS_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'TABS', 'TABS is set to "' || OptionTabsString || '" (' || TabsMode || ')' return TABS_SET: OptionTabsString=translate(arg(1)) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'TABS', 'Setting default TABS to "' || OptionTabsString || '"' DefaultTabsString=OptionTabsString return(0) end if OptionTabsString=='' then OptionTabsString=DefaultTabsString WidthOfTab=0 OptionTabs=left(OptionTabsString,1) select when datatype(OptionTabsString, 'W')then do OptionTabs='E' WidthOfTab=OptionTabsString TabsMode='expanding tabs, fixed tab stop every ' || WidthOfTab || ' characters' end when OptionTabsString='WARNINGS' then TabsMode='display warnings' when OptionTabsString='IGNORE' then TabsMode='ignore tabs, leave in place' when OptionTabsString='TOSPACES' then TabsMode='converting each tab to one space' otherwise CryAndDie('Invalid TABS option of "' || OptionTabsString || '"') end call TABS_DEBUG return TABS_GET: call TABS_DEBUG return(OptionTabsString) Tabs_10: SrTypePre=d2c(254)||d2c(174) SrTypeSuf=d2c(175) call SrInit signal SR_TYPE_11 SrInit: SrCaseIns=SrTypePre|| 'CI' ||SrTypeSuf SrCaseIns_P=length(SrCaseIns)+1 SrFixed=SrTypePre|| 'FiX' ||SrTypeSuf SrFixed_P=length(SrFixed)+1 return CompareReplaceFixed:call TRACE "OFF" CompareReplaceFixed2: sr_FromOrig=arg(1) sr_SSpec=arg(2) sr_CaseInSens='N' sr_From=sr_FromOrig sr_From_L=length(sr_From) if arg(3, 'E')=1 then sr_NoMatch=sr_From else sr_NoMatch=0 do while sr_SSpec<> '' parse var sr_SSpec sr_CmdChar +1 sr_SSpec select when sr_CmdChar='@' then do parse var sr_SSpec sr_Operator ',' sr_Posn '=' +1 sr_Delim +1 sr_CompWith (sr_Delim) sr_SSpec sr_Length=length(sr_CompWith) if datatype(sr_Posn, 'W')=0 then CryAndDie("CompareReplaceFixed()", "The position must be a whole number, '" || sr_Posn || "' is invalid") if sr_Posn<0 then do sr_Posn=sr_From_L+sr_Posn+1 if sr_Posn<1 then return(sr_NoMatch) end if sr_CaseInSens='N' then sr_bit=substr(sr_From,sr_Posn,sr_Length) else sr_bit=translate(substr(sr_From,sr_Posn,sr_Length)) select when sr_Operator='=' then srCompRc=sr_bit=sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='<>' then srCompRc=sr_bit<>sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='==' then srCompRc=sr_bit==sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='\==' then srCompRc=sr_bit\==sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='<' then srCompRc=sr_bit<sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='>' then srCompRc=sr_bit>sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='<=' then srCompRc=sr_bit<=sr_CompWith when sr_Operator='>=' then srCompRc=sr_bit>=sr_CompWith otherwise CryAndDie("CompareReplaceFixed()", "Unsupported operator of '" || sr_Operator || "' used", '', 'ONLY "=, <>, ==, \==, <, >, <=, >=" are supported!') end if srCompRc=0 then return(sr_NoMatch) end when sr_CmdChar='!' then do parse var sr_SSpec sr_CmdChar2 +1 sr_SSpec select when sr_CmdChar2='B' | sr_CmdChar2 = 'L' | sr_CmdChar2 = 'T' then do sr_From=strip(sr_From,sr_CmdChar2) sr_From_L=length(sr_From) end when sr_CmdChar2='I' then do sr_From=space(sr_From) sr_From_L=length(sr_From) end when sr_CmdChar2='S' then sr_CaseInSens='N' when sr_CmdChar2='i' then sr_CaseInSens='Y' otherwise CryAndDie("CompareReplaceFixed()", 'Invalid "!" command of "' || sr_CmdChar2 || '"') end end when sr_CmdChar='?' then do parse var sr_SSpec sr_Operator +1 sr_Delim +1 sr_LookFor (sr_Delim) sr_SSpec if sr_CaseInSens='N' then sr_Pos=pos(sr_LookFor,sr_From) else sr_Pos=pos(sr_LookFor,translate(sr_From)) if sr_Operator='=' then do if sr_Pos=0 then return(sr_NoMatch) end else do if sr_Pos<>0 then return(sr_NoMatch) end end otherwise CryAndDie("CompareReplaceFixed()", 'Invalid compare command of "' || sr_CmdChar || '"') end end if arg(3, 'O')=1 then return(1) sr_RSpec=arg(3) ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 sr_From=sr_FromOrig sr_From_L=length(sr_From) sr_output='' do forever parse var sr_RSpec sr_Before '@' sr_RSpec sr_Output = sr_Output || sr_Before if sr_RSpec=='' then return(sr_Output) parse var sr_RSpec sr_CmdChar +1 sr_RSpec select when sr_CmdChar='$' then do parse var sr_RSpec sr_Posn ',' sr_Length ';' sr_RSpec if sr_Posn<0 then do sr_Posn=sr_From_L+sr_Posn+1 if sr_Posn<1 then return(sr_From) end if sr_Length='*' then sr_Output=sr_Output||substr(sr_From,sr_Posn) else sr_Output=sr_Output||substr(sr_From,sr_Posn,sr_Length) end when sr_CmdChar='=' then do parse var sr_RSpec sr_Delim +1 sr_Exec (sr_Delim) sr_RSpec CompareString=sr_From call ExecRexxCmd('sr_Output = sr_Output || ' ||sr_Exec) end when sr_CmdChar='@' then sr_Output=sr_Output|| '@' otherwise CryAndDie("CompareReplaceFixed()", 'Invalid replace command of "' || sr_CmdChar || '"') end end SR_TYPE_11: SpellDelChars=d2c(9)|| ',.=:;<>&-%()!/~' || '?#${}[]"' SpellDictFileCount=0 SpellDelChangeCount=0 SpellingPrompts='N' SpellShowEachError='N' SpellingAddFile='' SpellWordCount=0 SpellMistakeCount=0 SpellingAddCount=0 BadlySpellWordCount=0 CheckSpelling='N'; signal SPELLING_12 PrepareSpellingForThisBuild: if OptionCompleteAddToToDepFile='Y' then do do DictIndex=1 to SpellDictFileCount call AddInputFileToDependancyList SpellDictFile.DictIndex,SpellDictTime.DictIndex end end Drop ?BADWORDEB. return LoadSpellingDictionary: DictFileS=arg(1) call DBG_SPELLING 'User wants the dictionary "' || DictFileS || '"' DictFile=FindFile(DictFileS) if DictFile='' then CryAndDie('The dictionary file "' || DictFileS || '" does not exist!') call DBG_SPELLING 'Loading "' || DictFile || '"' SpellDictFileCount=SpellDictFileCount+1 SpellDictFile.SpellDictFileCount=DictFile SpellDictTime.SpellDictFileCount=GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError(DictFile) call FileClose DictFile do while lines(DictFile)<>0 ThisWord=translate(strip(linein(DictFile))) if ThisWord='' then iterate if left(ThisWord,1)=';' then iterate if left(ThisWord,1)<> '$' then do SpellWordCount=SpellWordCount+1 call _valueS '?SPELLDICT.?' || c2x(ThisWord), '' end else do parse var ThisWord DictCmd Rest select when DictCmd='$MISTAKE' then do parse var Rest SpeltWrong SpeltCorrectly . SpellMistakeCount=SpellMistakeCount+1 call _valueS '?SPELLERR.?' ||c2x(SpeltWrong),SpeltCorrectly end when DictCmd='$DELIMITERS' then do call DBG_SPELLING 'Dictionary is changing spelling delimiters' SpellDelChangeCount=SpellDelChangeCount+1 if SpellDelChangeCount>1 then call OutputWarningToScreen 'SPL9', 'Spell check delimiters already modified!' call ExecRexxCmd "SpellDelChars = " ||strip(Rest) end otherwise do SpellWordCount=SpellWordCount+1 call _valueS '?SPELLDICT.?' || c2x(ThisWord), '' end end end end call FileClose DictFile call DBG_SPELLING 'Now have ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(SpellWordCount) || ' word(s) in dictionary and ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(SpellMistakeCount) || ' common mistakes noted!' CheckSpelling='Y'; return SpellCheckOneLine: SpellLine=space(arg(1)) if 1=1 then do RightBit=SpellLine SpellLine='' StartPos=pos('<',RightBit) do while StartPos<>0 EndPos=pos('>',RightBit,StartPos+1) if EndPos=0 then EndPos=StartPos SpellLine=SpellLine||left(RightBit,StartPos-1)|| ' ' RightBit=substr(RightBit,EndPos+1) StartPos=pos('<',RightBit) end SpellLine=SpellLine||RightBit if SpellLine='' then return end SpellLine=translate(translate(SpellLine), '', SpellDelChars, ' ') do WordIndex=1 to words(SpellLine) ThisWord=Word(SpellLine,WordIndex) if left(ThisWord,1)="'" then ThisWord=substr(ThisWord,2) if right(ThisWord,1)="'" then ThisWord=left(ThisWord,length(ThisWord)-1) if length(ThisWord)>100 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_SPELLING 'Word too big to safely handle "' || ThisWord || '"' iterate end ThisWordC2X=c2x(ThisWord) if SpellMistakeCount<>0 then do MistakeId='?SPELLERR.?' ||ThisWordC2X if symbol(MistakeId)='VAR' then do if SpellShowEachError='Y' then ShowThisError='Y' else do DuplicatedId='?BADWORDEB.?' ||ThisWordC2X if symbol(DuplicatedId)='VAR' then ShowThisError='N' else do ShowThisError='Y' call _valueS DuplicatedId, '' end end if ShowThisError='Y' then do CorrectWord=_valueG(MistakeId) if CorrectWord='' then call OutputWarningToScreen 'SPL0', 'Common Mistake: ' ||ThisWord else call OutputWarningToScreen 'SPL0', 'Common Mistake: ' || ThisWord || ' (use "' || CorrectWord || '" instead)' end iterate end end if SpellWordCount=0&SpellingPrompts='N' then iterate ValidId='?SPELLDICT.?' ||ThisWordC2X if symbol(ValidId)<> 'VAR' then do if datatype(ThisWord)<> 'NUM' then do WordWarningId='' WordWarningMsg='' if SpellingPrompts<> 'N' then do DuplicatedId='?BADWORDPI.?' ||ThisWordC2X if symbol(DuplicatedId)='VAR' then do BadIndex=_valueG(DuplicatedId) if BadIndex<> '' then do WordWarningId='SPL1' WordWarningMsg='Added "' || ThisWord || '" to "' || SpellingAddFile || '"' SpellingAddOccurs.BadIndex=SpellingAddOccurs.BadIndex+1 end end else do DuplicatedIdValue='' if SpellingAddFile<> '' & SpellingPrompts <> 'N' then do if SpellingPrompts='OK' then UserResp='Y' else do do until UserResp='Y' | UserResp = 'N' | UserResp = 'Q' | UserResp = 'A' call charout,ThisWord|| ' <- OK (Yes/yes All/No/Quit asking)?' UserResp=translate(left(linein(),1)) end end if UserResp='A' then do SpellingPrompts='OK' UserResp='Y' end if UserResp='Y' then do SpellingAddCount=SpellingAddCount+1 DuplicatedIdValue=SpellingAddCount SpellingAddWord.SpellingAddCount=ThisWord SpellingAddOccurs.SpellingAddCount=1 if SpellingPrompts='OK' then do WordWarningId='SPL1' WordWarningMsg='Added "' || ThisWord || '" to "' || SpellingAddFile || '"' end end else do if UserResp='Q' then SpellingPrompts='N' end end BadlySpellWordCount=BadlySpellWordCount+1 call _valueS DuplicatedId,DuplicatedIdValue end end if SpellShowEachError='Y' then ShowThisError='Y' else do DuplicatedId='?BADWORDEB.?' ||ThisWordC2X if symbol(DuplicatedId)='VAR' then ShowThisError='N' else do ShowThisError='Y' call _valueS DuplicatedId, '' end end if ShowThisError='Y' then do if WordWarningId='' then do WordWarningId='SPL1' WordWarningMsg='Spelling? : ' ||ThisWord end call OutputWarningToScreen WordWarningId,WordWarningMsg end end end end return OutputAnySpellingAdditions: if SpellingAddCount=0 then return call DBG_SPELLING 'Adding spelling words to file "' || SpellingAddFile || '"' call DBGIND 1 if MacroExists("PPWIZARD_DONT_SORT_ADD_WORDS") = 'N' then do call DBG_SPELLING 'Sorting ' || SpellingAddCount || ' "bad" word(s) by number of occurences!' SpellingAddWord.0=SpellingAddCount SpellingAddOccurs.0=SpellingAddCount SrtM=1 SrtCount=SpellingAddOccurs.0 do while(9*SrtM+4)<SrtCount SrtM=SrtM*3+1 end do while SrtM>0 SrtK=SrtCount-SrtM do SrtJ=1 to SrtK SrtIndex1=SrtJ do while SrtIndex1>0 SrtIndex2=SrtIndex1+SrtM SrtGreater=SpellingAddOccurs.SrtIndex1>SpellingAddOccurs.SrtIndex2 if SrtGreater then do SrtTemp=SpellingAddOccurs.SrtIndex1;SpellingAddOccurs.SrtIndex1=SpellingAddOccurs.SrtIndex2;SpellingAddOccurs.SrtIndex2=SrtTemp;SrtTemp=SpellingAddWord.SrtIndex1;SpellingAddWord.SrtIndex1=SpellingAddWord.SrtIndex2;SpellingAddWord.SrtIndex2=SrtTemp end else leave SrtIndex1=SrtIndex1-SrtM end end SrtM=SrtM%3 end call ArrayReverse "SpellingAddWord" call ArrayReverse "SpellingAddOccurs" end call FileClose SpellingAddFile if QueryExists(SpellingAddFile)<> "" then do call DBG_SPELLING 'Deleting existing "' || SpellingAddFile || '"' call MustDeleteFile SpellingAddFile end call DBG_SPELLING 'Writing words to file' call DBGIND 1 do WordIndex=1 to SpellingAddCount call lineout SpellingAddFile,SpellingAddWord.WordIndex if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_SPELLING 'The word "' || SpellingAddWord.WordIndex || '" occured ' || SpellingAddOccurs.WordIndex || ' time(s).' end call DBGIND-1 call DieIfIoErrorOccurred SpellingAddFile call FileClose SpellingAddFile call OutputInformationToScreen AddCommasToDecimalNumber(SpellingAddCount)|| ' word(s) added to "' || SpellingAddFile || '"' call DBGIND-1 return SPELLING_12: OptionDebugOn='N' OptionMaxCol=500 if RexWhich='REGINA' then do if pos('0.0',RexVerRegina)<>0 then OptionDebugTime='L' else OptionDebugTime='S' end else do OptionDebugTime='S' end call DBGINDInit signal Debug_13 DebugInc:call TRACE "OFF" call DBGIND 1 return DebugDec:call TRACE "OFF" call DBGIND-1 return DebugOn:call TRACE "OFF" call _DebugOnOff 'Y' return DebugOff:call TRACE "OFF" call _DebugOnOff 'N' return _DebugOnOff: if DebugSwitchUsed='Y' then call DBG 'Command ignored as "/debug" used' else do OptionDebugOn=arg(1) call DebugStateChanged end return DebugIndent:call TRACE "OFF" DBGIND: DebugIndent=DebugIndent+(arg(1)*2) if DebugIndent<0 then DebugIndent=0 return Debug:call TRACE "OFF" DBG: if OptionDebugOn='N' then return DBG2: call _DBG1 _DebugPrefix()|| ' >' ||translate(arg(1),DebugNewline,MarksNewLine) return _DebugPrefix: if OptionDebugTime='N' then return(copies(" ",IncludeLevel+DebugIndent)) else do if OptionDebugTime='L' then return( '[' || left(time('L'),11) || ']' || copies(" ",IncludeLevel+DebugIndent)) else return( '[' || (time('S') || substr(time('L'), 9, 3)) - PpwStartSec || ']' || copies(" ",IncludeLevel+DebugIndent)) end YorN2OnorOff: if arg(1)='Y' then return('ON') else return('OFF') DebugShowCurrentLineWithLineNumber: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do FmtLineNum=IncludeLineNumber if length(FmtLineNum)<4 then FmtLineNum=right(FmtLineNum,4, '0') if arg(2)<> '' then FmtLineNum=copies(arg(2),length(FmtLineNum)) if IncludeMemHandle='' then FmtLineNum='{' || DebugCurrentFileNumber || '}' ||FmtLineNum else FmtLineNum='[' || DebugCurrentFileNumber || ']' ||FmtLineNum select when AsIsModeOn='Y' & AutoTagOn = 'Y' then DebugSym='> ' when AsIsModeOn='Y' then DebugSym='} ' when AutoTagOn='Y' then DebugSym=') ' otherwise DebugSym=': ' end if arg(1)=='' then call _DBG1 _DebugPrefix()||FmtLineNum||DebugSym else call _DBG1 _DebugPrefix()||FmtLineNum||DebugSym||DebugRightArrow||translate(arg(1),DebugNewline,MarksNewLine)||DebugLeftArrow end return DebugShowLineDropped: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call _DBG1 _DebugPrefix()||left(arg(1),length(FmtLineNum), ' ') || '-' end return DebugGetEnv: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'GetEnv(): "' || arg(1) || '" = ' ||DebugRightArrow||arg(2)||DebugLeftArrow return DebugWarning: if OptionDebugOn='N' then return DbgWarning='!!! ' || arg(1) || ' !!!' DbgLine=copies('!',length(DbgWarning)) call DBG2 '' call DBG2 left('!!!![ DEBUG WARNING ]', length(DbgWarning), '!') call DBG2 DbgWarning call DBG2 left('', length(DbgWarning), '!') call DBG2 '' return DebugOutputVariableInfo: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG2 '? ' ||translate(arg(1),DebugNewline,MarksNewLine) return DBGINDInit: DebugIndent=0 return DebugGetOpSysText: if PpWizardOpSys=PpWizardOpSysREAL then return(PpWizardOpSys) else return(PpWizardOpSys|| ' ("' || PpWizardOpSysREAL || '")') DebugStateChanged: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DisplayCopyright if DebugOnStuffOutputted='N' then do SourceTime=FileQueryDateTime(PpWizardPgmName) call DBG 'Debug Header' call DBG '~~~~~~~~~~~~' call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Started@: "' || PpwCompTime || '"' call DBG 'Program : "' || PpWizardPgmName || '" (' || SourceTime || ')' call DBG 'OptionE : "' || OptionsEnvironment || '"' call DBG 'OptionC : "' || OptionsCmdLine || '"' call DBG 'Src Type: "' || ProcessingMode || '"' call DBG 'OpSystem: "' ||DebugGetOpSysText() call DBG 'Rexx Ver: "' || RexVersionInfo || '"' call DBG 'Mode : "' || RexWhich || '"' if RexWhich='REGINA' then call DBG 'uname() : "' || uname() || '"' if OptionFilterIn<> '' then call DBG 'Filter I: ' || FunctionFilterIn || '(' || InputInterfaceVer || ')' if OptionFilterOut<> '' then call DBG 'Filter O: "' || OptionFilterOut || '" (interface version ' || OutputInterfaceVer || ')' call _DBG1 '' DebugOnStuffOutputted='Y' call DBGIND-1 end end call SetEnv "PPWIZARD_DEBUG",OptionDebugOn return ProcessHashDebug: if DebugSwitchUsed='Y' then call DBG 'Command ignored as "/debug" used' else do ReturnRc=SetOnorOffVariable(arg(1), 'OptionDebugOn') call DebugStateChanged end return(0) DebugShowAsMuchEnvironmentDetailAsPossible: if OptionDebugOn='N' then return call DBG 'Dumping Environmental Info' TmpSetFile=RexGetTmpFileName() RedirBit=RedirectStdOutAndErr2(TmpSetFile) call _EnvAddCmd 'set' if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then do select when RexSystemOpSys="OS/2" then VerCmd = 'VER /R' otherwise VerCmd='VER' end call _EnvAddCmd VerCmd end if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then call _SysFileDelete TmpSetFile return _EnvAddCmd: call AddressCmd arg(1)||RedirBit,TmpSetFile if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then call _SysFileDelete TmpSetFile return _DBG1: k_Line=arg(1) if OptionMaxCol=0 then call Line1 k_Line else do if length(k_Line)<=OptionMaxCol then call Line1 k_Line else call Line1 left(k_Line,OptionMaxCol)|| ' <-[' || OptionMaxCol || ']' end return _SetDebugChar: l_Var=arg(1) l_CurValVar=arg(2) parse value strip(value(l_Var)) with l_Val ',' l_Rest call value l_Var,l_Rest if l_Val=-1 then l_NewVal='' else do l_Val=strip(l_Val) if l_Val='' then l_NewVal=value(l_CurValVar) else do if datatype(l_Val, 'W')then l_NewVal=d2c(l_Val) else l_NewVal=l_Val end end return(l_NewVal) SetDebugChars: m_Chars=arg(1) m_MakDef=arg(2) if m_Chars='' then do DebugLeftArrow=_DebugLeftArrow DebugRightArrow=_DebugRightArrow DebugNewline=_DebugNewline end else do DebugRightArrow=_SetDebugChar('m_Chars', 'DebugRightArrow') DebugLeftArrow=_SetDebugChar('m_Chars', 'DebugLeftArrow' ) DebugNewline=_SetDebugChar('m_Chars', 'DebugNewline' ) end if m_MakDef='Y' then do _DebugLeftArrow=DebugLeftArrow _DebugRightArrow=DebugRightArrow _DebugNewline=DebugNewline end call DBG 'New debug characters are "LEFT=' || DebugRightArrow || ', RIGHT=' || DebugLeftArrow || ', NL=' || DebugNewline || '"' return Debug_13: AllBitsOff='000000'x AllBitsOn='FFFFFF'x UserBitsOn='000003'x AllBitsOnExceptUser=bitxor(AllBitsOn,UserBitsOn) DebugLevel=AllBitsOnExceptUser DebugLevelCnt=0 SeeLevelAll=_SaveDebugLevel("ALL", "FFFFFF") DummyUser1=_SaveDebugLevel("USER1", "000001") DummyUser2=_SaveDebugLevel("USER2", "000002") SeeLevelConditional=_SaveDebugLevel("CONDITIONAL", "000004") SeeFoundVar=_SaveDebugLevel("FOUNDVAR", "000008") SeeFoundVarParms=_SaveDebugLevel("FOUNDVARPARMS", "000010") SeeFoundStdVar=_SaveDebugLevel("FOUNDSTDVAR", "000020") SeeAfterReplace=_SaveDebugLevel("AFTERREPLACE", "000040") SeeOptions=_SaveDebugLevel("OPTIONS", "000080") SeeOpSys=_SaveDebugLevel("OPSYS", "000100") SeeDefining=_SaveDebugLevel("DEFINING", "000200") SeeDefaultOrMacroValue=_SaveDebugLevel("MACROVALORDEF", "000400") SeeAsIs=_SaveDebugLevel("ASIS", "000800") SeeAutoTag=_SaveDebugLevel("AUTOTAG", "001000") SeeRexxVar=_SaveDebugLevel("REXXVAR", "002000") SeeRexxTrace=_SaveDebugLevel("REXXTRACE", "004000") SeeInterpret=_SaveDebugLevel("INTERPRET", "008000") SeeEvaluate=_SaveDebugLevel("EVALUATE", "010000") SeeImport=_SaveDebugLevel("IMPORT", "020000") SeeSpelling=_SaveDebugLevel("SPELLING", "040000") SeeQuoting=_SaveDebugLevel("QUOTING", "080000") SeeImport=bitand(SeeImport,SeeDefaultOrMacroValue) signal DebugOpt_14 IsDebugOn:call TRACE "OFF" ido1=arg(1) if ido1='' then return(OptionDebugOn) else do if OptionDebugOn='N' then return(0) else do idoUBits=bitand(DebugLevel,UserBitsOn) idoUBits=bitand(idoUBits,x2c(right(ido1,6, '0'))) return(c2d(idoUBits)) end end DebugAddressCmdBefore: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeOpSys)==SeeOpSys then do call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Executing: ' ||arg(1) call DBGIND-1 end end return DebugAddressCmdOutput: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeOpSys)==SeeOpSys then do call DBGIND 2 DbgLineNumber=arg(2) if datatype(DbgLineNumber, 'W')=0 then call DBG '> ' ||arg(1) else do if DbgLineNumber<999 then DbgLineNumber=right(DbgLineNumber,3, '0') call DBG '> ' || DbgLineNumber || ': ' ||arg(1) end call DBGIND-2 end end return DebugAddressCmdAfter: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeOpSys)==SeeOpSys then do call DBGIND 2 call DBG ' Rc = ' ||arg(1) call DBGIND-2 end end return DebugOutputAfterReplacement: if OptionDebugOn='N' then return if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeAfterReplace)==SeeAfterReplace then call DBG2 arg(2)||DebugRightArrow||translate(arg(1),DebugNewline,MarksNewLine)||DebugLeftArrow return DBG_DEFINING: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeDefining)==SeeDefining then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_ASIS: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeAsIs)==SeeAsIs then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_REXXVAR: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeRexxVar)==SeeRexxVar then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_INTERPRET: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeInterpret)==SeeInterpret then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_EVALUATE: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeEvaluate)==SeeEvaluate then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_SPELLING: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeSpelling)==SeeSpelling then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_QUOTING: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeQuoting)==SeeQuoting then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_IMPORT: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeImport)==SeeImport then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_AUTOTAG: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeAutoTag)==SeeAutoTag then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_MACROVALORDEF: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeDefaultOrMacroValue)==SeeDefaultOrMacroValue then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_OPTIONS: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeOptions)==SeeOptions then call DBG arg(1) return DBG_CONDITIONAL: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeLevelConditional)==SeeLevelConditional then call DBG arg(1) return DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDSTDVAR: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeFoundStdVar)==SeeFoundStdVar then call DebugOutputVariableInfo arg(1) return DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVAR: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeFoundVar)==SeeFoundVar then call DebugOutputVariableInfo arg(1) return DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeFoundVarParms)==SeeFoundVarParms then call DebugOutputVariableInfo arg(1) return DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDSTDVAR: if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeFoundVar)==SeeFoundVar then call DebugOutputVariableInfo arg(1) return _SaveDebugLevel: DebugLevelCnt=DebugLevelCnt+1 DebugLevelNme.DebugLevelCnt=translate(arg(1)) DebugLevelVal.DebugLevelCnt=arg(2) return(x2c(arg(2))) GetDebugLevel: WantedName=translate(arg(1)) do DbgIndex=1 to DebugLevelCnt if WantedName=DebugLevelNme.DbgIndex then return(DebugLevelVal.DbgIndex) end return('') _WorkOutDebugLevelText: DbgLvlTxt="ALL" do DbgIndex=1 to DebugLevelCnt if bitand(DebugLevel,x2c(DebugLevelVal.DbgIndex))=AllBitsOff then DbgLvlTxt=DbgLvlTxt|| ',-' ||DebugLevelNme.DbgIndex end return(DbgLvlTxt) DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'DEBUGLEVEL', 'Debug level (when on) is ' ||_WorkOutDebugLevelText() return DEBUGLEVEL_GET: call DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG return(_WorkOutDebugLevelText()) DEBUGLEVEL_SET: DebugCmdsIn=arg(1) DebugCmds=DebugCmdsIn do while DebugCmds<> '' parse var DebugCmds OneDebugOpt','DebugCmds OptionAction=left(OneDebugOpt,1) if OptionAction='+' then OneDebugOpt=substr(OneDebugOpt,2) else do if OptionAction='-' then OneDebugOpt=substr(OneDebugOpt,2) else OptionAction='+' end OptionBinary=x2c(GetDebugLevel(OneDebugOpt)) if OptionBinary='' then CryAndDie('Invalid debug option of "' || OneDebugOpt || '"') if OptionAction='+' then DebugLevel=bitor(DebugLevel,OptionBinary) else DebugLevel=bitxor(DebugLevel,OptionBinary) end if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'DEBUGLEVEL', 'Setting default value of debug level to "' || _WorkOutDebugLevelText() || '"' Default4_DebugLevel=DebugLevel return(0) end if DebugCmdsIn='' then DebugLevel=Default4_DebugLevel call DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG return DebugOpt_14: OptionCgiModeOn='N' CgiOutputFile='' CgiFatalError='N' signal CGI_15 InitConsoleOutputVarsPass1: ConsoleFile='' OutputToConsoleLog='N' OutputToErrorLog='N' ConsoleErrorFile='PPWIZARD.ERR' TruncateDefaultErrorFile='Y' return InitConsoleOutputVarsPass2: call UserIsSpecifyingConsoleFileName GetEnv("PPWIZARD_CONSOLEFILE") call UserIsSpecifyingErrorFileName GetEnv("PPWIZARD_ERRORFILE") if ConsoleErrorFile='' then ConsoleErrorFile='PPWIZARD.ERR' return UserIsSpecifyingErrorFileName: ConsoleErrorFile=arg(1) if ConsoleErrorFile<> '' then do if left(ConsoleErrorFile,1)='+' then do ConsoleErrorFile=substr(ConsoleErrorFile,2) TruncateDefaultErrorFile='N' end else do TruncateDefaultErrorFile='Y' end end return UserIsSpecifyingConsoleFileName: n_ConFile=arg(1) if ConsoleFile<> '' then do call FileClose ConsoleFile ConsoleFile='' end if n_ConFile<> '' then do if left(n_ConFile,1)='+' then do n_ConFile=substr(n_ConFile,2) end else do call MustDeleteFile n_ConFile end end if n_ConFile='' then OutputToConsoleLog='N' else do call MakeDirectoryTree _filespec('Location',n_ConFile) OutputToConsoleLog='y' ConsoleFile=n_ConFile end return AllFollowingOutputGoesToErrorFile: if ConsoleErrorFile='' then return if TruncateDefaultErrorFile='Y' then do TruncateDefaultErrorFile='N' call MustDeleteFile ConsoleErrorFile end call MakeDirectoryTree _filespec('Location',ConsoleErrorFile) TheTime=NiceDateTime() if symbol('InputFileFull') <> 'VAR' then TheFile='' else TheFile=InputFileFull OutputToErrorLog='Y' call Say2ErrorFile '' call Say2ErrorFile '' call Say2ErrorFile copies('*+',38) if TheFile<> '' then call Say2ErrorFile copies(' ',(78-length(TheFile))%2)||TheFile call Say2ErrorFile copies(' ',(78-length(TheTime))%2)||TheTime call Say2ErrorFile copies('*+',38) call Say2ErrorFile '' return Say2ErrorFile: if OutputToErrorLog='Y' then do o_L=arg(1) do until o_L=='' parse var o_L o_Nxt (MarksNewLine) o_L call lineout ConsoleErrorFile,o_Nxt end end return Char1ToErrorFile: if OutputToErrorLog='Y' then call charout ConsoleErrorFile,arg(1) return AddConsoleHdr: OutputToConsoleLog='N' TheTime=NiceDateTime() OutputToConsoleLog='Y' call _Lne2CFle '' call _Lne2CFle '' call _Lne2CFle copies('*+',38) call _Lne2CFle copies(' ',(78-length(TheTime))%2)||TheTime call _Lne2CFle copies('*+',38) call _Lne2CFle '' return _Lne2CFle: if OutputToConsoleLog<> 'N' then do p_L=arg(1) do until p_L=='' parse var p_L p_Nxt (MarksNewLine) p_L call lineout ConsoleFile,p_Nxt end end return _Chr2CFle: if OutputToConsoleLog<> 'N' then call charout ConsoleFile,arg(1) return Say:call TRACE "OFF" Line1: parse arg Lne1S,Lne1L if Lne1L='' then Lne1L=Lne1S if OptionCgiModeOn='N' then do say Lne1S if OutputToErrorLog='Y' then call Say2ErrorFile Lne1L if OutputToConsoleLog<> 'N' then do if OutputToConsoleLog='y' then call AddConsoleHdr call _Lne2CFle Lne1L end end else do if CgiOutputFile<> '' then call lineout CgiOutputFile,Lne1S if CgiFatalError='Y' then say _MustSeeAsIsInHtmlViewer(Lne1S) end return Chars:call TRACE "OFF" Char1: TheChar1=arg(1) if OptionCgiModeOn='N' then do call charout,TheChar1 if OutputToErrorLog='Y' then call Char1ToErrorFile TheChar1 if OutputToConsoleLog<> 'N' then do if OutputToConsoleLog='y' then call AddConsoleHdr call _Chr2CFle TheChar1 end end else do if CgiOutputFile<> '' then call charout CgiOutputFile,TheChar1 if CgiFatalError='Y' then call charout,_MustSeeAsIsInHtmlViewer(TheChar1) end return DieIfCgiModeOn: if OptionCgiModeOn='Y' then call CryAndDie "This feature is not allowed in CGI mode" return TurnCgiModeOn: OptionCgiModeOn='Y' CgiOutputFile=ThisCmdOptions if pos('?',CgiOutputFile)<>0 then do PartSecond=time('Long') parse var PartSecond .'.'PartSecond RandomBit=right(time('Seconds'), 5, '0') RandomBit=RandomBit||left(strip(PartSecond),3) RandomBit=RandomBit|| '.' || right( date('Days'), 3, '0') CgiOutputFile=ReplaceString(CgiOutputFile, '?',RandomBit) end if CgiOutputFile<> '' then do if FileQueryExists(CgiOutputFile)<> '' then do call FileClose CgiOutputFile DeleteRc=_SysFileDelete(CgiOutputFile) if DeleteRc<>0 then call DBG 'Could not delete "' || CgiOutputFile || '" (Rc = ' || DeleteRc || ')' end end call RemoveColorCodes call RemoveBeepCode return CloseCgiFileIfOpen: if OutputToConsoleLog<> 'N' then do call FileClose ConsoleFile OutputToConsoleLog='N' end if OutputToErrorLog='Y' then do call FileClose ConsoleErrorFile OutputToErrorLog='N' end if CgiOutputFile<> '' then call FileClose CgiOutputFile return CgiStartFatalError: if OptionCgiModeOn='N' then return CgiDoVar='CGI_FATAL_MY_MESSAGE_ONLY' if MacroExists(CgiDoVar)='Y' then do CgiErrorCodes=CfgMacro(CgiDoVar, '') if CgiErrorCodes='' then call DBG 'We do not want any error indication in user output' else call DBG 'Displaying user message only (no error details)' say CgiErrorCodes return end call DBG 'Will show user error output as "' || CgiDoVar || '" was not defined' CgiErrDefault='<P><HR><FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=RED><CENTER><H1>FATAL ERROR</H1></CENTER><P><PRE>' CgiErrorCodes=CfgMacro("CGI_FATAL_HEADER",CgiErrDefault) say CgiErrorCodes CgiErrDefault='</PRE><HR></FONT>' CgiErrorCodes=CfgMacro("CGI_FATAL_TRAILER",CgiErrDefault) CgiFatalError='Y' return CgiEndFatalError: if OptionCgiModeOn='N' then return if CgiFatalError='N' then return say CgiErrorCodes CgiFatalError='N' return _MustSeeAsIsInHtmlViewer: BrowserOk=ReplaceString(arg(1), "<", "<") BrowserOk=ReplaceString(BrowserOk, ">", ">") return(BrowserOk) CGI_15: signal EndLineCrLfXH CrLfClose: _CrlfBuffer='' return(FileClose(arg(1))) CrLfOpen: call CrLfClose arg(1) _CrLfEOL=CrLf _CrLfEOLLng=length(_CrLfEOL) if arg(2)<> '' then do if chars(arg(1))<>0 then do _CrLf2Read=arg(2) if _CrLf2Read<5000 then _CrLf2Read=5000 _CrlfBuffer=charin(arg(1),,_CrLf2Read) if pos(_CrLfEOL,_CrlfBuffer)=0 then do if pos(MarksNewLine,_CrlfBuffer)<>0 then do _CrLfEOL=MarksNewLine _CrLfEOLLng=1 end end end end return(0) CrLfLines: if _CrlfBuffer<> '' then return(1) else do if chars(arg(1))=0 then return(0) else return(1) end CrLfLineIn: _CrLfPos=pos(_CrLfEOL,_CrlfBuffer) do while _CrLfPos=0 if chars(arg(1))=0 then leave _CrlfBuffer=_CrlfBuffer||charin(arg(1),,5000) _CrLfPos=pos(_CrLfEOL,_CrlfBuffer) end if _CrLfPos=0 then do _CrLfReturn=_CrlfBuffer _CrlfBuffer='' end else do _CrLfReturn=left(_CrlfBuffer,_CrLfPos-1) _CrlfBuffer=substr(_CrlfBuffer,_CrLfPos+_CrLfEOLLng) end return(_CrLfReturn) EndLineCrLfXH: ReplaceCount=0 CiSelfRef="{*}" signal EndREPLSTR ReplaceString:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg rs?TheString,rs?ChangeFrom rs?FoundPosn=pos(rs?ChangeFrom,rs?TheString) if rs?FoundPosn=0 then return(rs?TheString) rs?ChangeTo=arg(3) rs?ChangeFromLength=length(rs?ChangeFrom) rs?LeftPart='' do until rs?FoundPosn=0 rs?LeftPart=rs?LeftPart||left(rs?TheString,rs?FoundPosn-1)||rs?ChangeTo rs?TheString=substr(rs?TheString,rs?FoundPosn+rs?ChangeFromLength) ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 rs?FoundPosn=pos(rs?ChangeFrom,rs?TheString) end return(rs?LeftPart||rs?TheString) ReplaceStringCi:call TRACE "OFF" rsi?TheString=arg(1) rsi?TheStringU=translate(rsi?TheString) rsi?ChangeFrom=translate(arg(2)) rsi?FoundPosn=pos(rsi?ChangeFrom,rsi?TheStringU) if rsi?FoundPosn=0 then return(rsi?TheString) rsi?ChangeTo=arg(3) if pos(CiSelfRef,rsi?ChangeTo)=0 then rsi?Ref='N' else rsi?Ref='Y' rsi?ChangeFromLength=length(rsi?ChangeFrom) rsi?LeftPart='' do until rsi?FoundPosn=0 if rsi?Ref='N' then rsi?SubWith=rsi?ChangeTo else do rsi?SaveCount=ReplaceCount rsi?SubWith=ReplaceString(rsi?ChangeTo,CiSelfRef,substr(rsi?TheString,rsi?FoundPosn,rsi?ChangeFromLength)) ReplaceCount=rsi?SaveCount end rsi?LeftPart=rsi?LeftPart||left(rsi?TheString,rsi?FoundPosn-1)||rsi?SubWith rsi?TheString=substr(rsi?TheString,rsi?FoundPosn+rsi?ChangeFromLength) rsi?TheStringU=substr(rsi?TheStringU,rsi?FoundPosn+rsi?ChangeFromLength) ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 rsi?FoundPosn=pos(rsi?ChangeFrom,rsi?TheStringU) end return(rsi?LeftPart||rsi?TheString) EndREPLSTR: ReplaceCount=0 signal EndBULK_C2S BulkChar2String:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg brRightBit,brArray brModifyThese=value(brArray) brPos=verify(brRightBit,brModifyThese, 'M') if brPos=0 then return(brRightBit) brLeftBit='' brArray=brArray|| '.' do until brPos=0 brLeftBit=brLeftBit||left(brRightBit,brPos-1)||value(brArray||pos(substr(brRightBit,brPos,1),brModifyThese)) brRightBit=substr(brRightBit,brPos+1) ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 brPos=verify(brRightBit,brModifyThese, 'M') end return(brLeftBit||brRightBit) BulkChangePrepare:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg brArray,brChar,brString if brChar=='' then call value brArray, '' else do brValue=value(brArray)||BrChar call value brArray,brValue call value brArray|| '.' ||length(brValue),brString end return EndBULK_C2S: _C.0='00000000'x _C.1='77073096'x _C.2='EE0E612C'x _C.3='990951BA'x _C.4='076DC419'x _C.5='706AF48F'x _C.6='E963A535'x _C.7='9E6495A3'x _C.8='0EDB8832'x _C.9='79DCB8A4'x _C.10='E0D5E91E'x _C.11='97D2D988'x _C.12='09B64C2B'x _C.13='7EB17CBD'x _C.14='E7B82D07'x _C.15='90BF1D91'x _C.16='1DB71064'x _C.17='6AB020F2'x _C.18='F3B97148'x _C.19='84BE41DE'x _C.20='1ADAD47D'x _C.21='6DDDE4EB'x _C.22='F4D4B551'x _C.23='83D385C7'x _C.24='136C9856'x _C.25='646BA8C0'x _C.26='FD62F97A'x _C.27='8A65C9EC'x _C.28='14015C4F'x _C.29='63066CD9'x _C.30='FA0F3D63'x _C.31='8D080DF5'x _C.32='3B6E20C8'x _C.33='4C69105E'x _C.34='D56041E4'x _C.35='A2677172'x _C.36='3C03E4D1'x _C.37='4B04D447'x _C.38='D20D85FD'x _C.39='A50AB56B'x _C.40='35B5A8FA'x _C.41='42B2986C'x _C.42='DBBBC9D6'x _C.43='ACBCF940'x _C.44='32D86CE3'x _C.45='45DF5C75'x _C.46='DCD60DCF'x _C.47='ABD13D59'x _C.48='26D930AC'x _C.49='51DE003A'x _C.50='C8D75180'x _C.51='BFD06116'x _C.52='21B4F4B5'x _C.53='56B3C423'x _C.54='CFBA9599'x _C.55='B8BDA50F'x _C.56='2802B89E'x _C.57='5F058808'x _C.58='C60CD9B2'x _C.59='B10BE924'x _C.60='2F6F7C87'x _C.61='58684C11'x _C.62='C1611DAB'x _C.63='B6662D3D'x _C.64='76DC4190'x _C.65='01DB7106'x _C.66='98D220BC'x _C.67='EFD5102A'x _C.68='71B18589'x _C.69='06B6B51F'x _C.70='9FBFE4A5'x _C.71='E8B8D433'x _C.72='7807C9A2'x _C.73='0F00F934'x _C.74='9609A88E'x _C.75='E10E9818'x _C.76='7F6A0DBB'x _C.77='086D3D2D'x _C.78='91646C97'x _C.79='E6635C01'x _C.80='6B6B51F4'x _C.81='1C6C6162'x _C.82='856530D8'x _C.83='F262004E'x _C.84='6C0695ED'x _C.85='1B01A57B'x _C.86='8208F4C1'x _C.87='F50FC457'x _C.88='65B0D9C6'x _C.89='12B7E950'x _C.90='8BBEB8EA'x _C.91='FCB9887C'x _C.92='62DD1DDF'x _C.93='15DA2D49'x _C.94='8CD37CF3'x _C.95='FBD44C65'x _C.96='4DB26158'x _C.97='3AB551CE'x _C.98='A3BC0074'x _C.99='D4BB30E2'x _C.100='4ADFA541'x _C.101='3DD895D7'x _C.102='A4D1C46D'x _C.103='D3D6F4FB'x _C.104='4369E96A'x _C.105='346ED9FC'x _C.106='AD678846'x _C.107='DA60B8D0'x _C.108='44042D73'x _C.109='33031DE5'x _C.110='AA0A4C5F'x _C.111='DD0D7CC9'x _C.112='5005713C'x _C.113='270241AA'x _C.114='BE0B1010'x _C.115='C90C2086'x _C.116='5768B525'x _C.117='206F85B3'x _C.118='B966D409'x _C.119='CE61E49F'x _C.120='5EDEF90E'x _C.121='29D9C998'x _C.122='B0D09822'x _C.123='C7D7A8B4'x _C.124='59B33D17'x _C.125='2EB40D81'x _C.126='B7BD5C3B'x _C.127='C0BA6CAD'x _C.128='EDB88320'x _C.129='9ABFB3B6'x _C.130='03B6E20C'x _C.131='74B1D29A'x _C.132='EAD54739'x _C.133='9DD277AF'x _C.134='04DB2615'x _C.135='73DC1683'x _C.136='E3630B12'x _C.137='94643B84'x _C.138='0D6D6A3E'x _C.139='7A6A5AA8'x _C.140='E40ECF0B'x _C.141='9309FF9D'x _C.142='0A00AE27'x _C.143='7D079EB1'x _C.144='F00F9344'x _C.145='8708A3D2'x _C.146='1E01F268'x _C.147='6906C2FE'x _C.148='F762575D'x _C.149='806567CB'x _C.150='196C3671'x _C.151='6E6B06E7'x _C.152='FED41B76'x _C.153='89D32BE0'x _C.154='10DA7A5A'x _C.155='67DD4ACC'x _C.156='F9B9DF6F'x _C.157='8EBEEFF9'x _C.158='17B7BE43'x _C.159='60B08ED5'x _C.160='D6D6A3E8'x _C.161='A1D1937E'x _C.162='38D8C2C4'x _C.163='4FDFF252'x _C.164='D1BB67F1'x _C.165='A6BC5767'x _C.166='3FB506DD'x _C.167='48B2364B'x _C.168='D80D2BDA'x _C.169='AF0A1B4C'x _C.170='36034AF6'x _C.171='41047A60'x _C.172='DF60EFC3'x _C.173='A867DF55'x _C.174='316E8EEF'x _C.175='4669BE79'x _C.176='CB61B38C'x _C.177='BC66831A'x _C.178='256FD2A0'x _C.179='5268E236'x _C.180='CC0C7795'x _C.181='BB0B4703'x _C.182='220216B9'x _C.183='5505262F'x _C.184='C5BA3BBE'x _C.185='B2BD0B28'x _C.186='2BB45A92'x _C.187='5CB36A04'x _C.188='C2D7FFA7'x _C.189='B5D0CF31'x _C.190='2CD99E8B'x _C.191='5BDEAE1D'x _C.192='9B64C2B0'x _C.193='EC63F226'x _C.194='756AA39C'x _C.195='026D930A'x _C.196='9C0906A9'x _C.197='EB0E363F'x _C.198='72076785'x _C.199='05005713'x _C.200='95BF4A82'x _C.201='E2B87A14'x _C.202='7BB12BAE'x _C.203='0CB61B38'x _C.204='92D28E9B'x _C.205='E5D5BE0D'x _C.206='7CDCEFB7'x _C.207='0BDBDF21'x _C.208='86D3D2D4'x _C.209='F1D4E242'x _C.210='68DDB3F8'x _C.211='1FDA836E'x _C.212='81BE16CD'x _C.213='F6B9265B'x _C.214='6FB077E1'x _C.215='18B74777'x _C.216='88085AE6'x _C.217='FF0F6A70'x _C.218='66063BCA'x _C.219='11010B5C'x _C.220='8F659EFF'x _C.221='F862AE69'x _C.222='616BFFD3'x _C.223='166CCF45'x _C.224='A00AE278'x _C.225='D70DD2EE'x _C.226='4E048354'x _C.227='3903B3C2'x _C.228='A7672661'x _C.229='D06016F7'x _C.230='4969474D'x _C.231='3E6E77DB'x _C.232='AED16A4A'x _C.233='D9D65ADC'x _C.234='40DF0B66'x _C.235='37D83BF0'x _C.236='A9BCAE53'x _C.237='DEBB9EC5'x _C.238='47B2CF7F'x _C.239='30B5FFE9'x _C.240='BDBDF21C'x _C.241='CABAC28A'x _C.242='53B39330'x _C.243='24B4A3A6'x _C.244='BAD03605'x _C.245='CDD70693'x _C.246='54DE5729'x _C.247='23D967BF'x _C.248='B3667A2E'x _C.249='C4614AB8'x _C.250='5D681B02'x _C.251='2A6F2B94'x _C.252='B40BBE37'x _C.253='C30C8EA1'x _C.254='5A05DF1B'x _C.255='2D02EF8D'x signal CRC32REX_16 Crc32PrePostConditioning:call TRACE "OFF" if arg(1)='' then return('FFFFFFFF'x) else return(bitxor(arg(1), 'FFFFFFFF'x)) UpdateCrc32:call TRACE "OFF" q_Crc=arg(1) q_Buffer=arg(2) q_BufferLng=length(q_Buffer) do while q_BufferLng<>0 if q_BufferLng<=2000 then do q_UseSize=q_BufferLng q_PerfBuffer=q_Buffer end else do q_UseSize=2000 q_PerfBuffer=left(q_Buffer,q_UseSize) q_Buffer=substr(q_Buffer,q_UseSize+1) end q_BufferLng=q_BufferLng-q_UseSize do q_ThisByte=1 to q_UseSize q_ArrayEl=c2d(right(bitand(bitxor(q_Crc, '000000'x || substr(q_PerfBuffer, q_ThisByte, 1)), '000000FF'x),1)) q_Crc=Bitxor(bitand('00'x || left(q_Crc, 3), '00FFFFFF'x),_C.q_ArrayEl) end end return(q_Crc) Crc32InDisplayableForm:call TRACE "OFF" return(c2x(arg(1))) CRC32REX_16: signal EndBASEDATEXh BaseDate:procedure;call TRACE "OFF" TheDate=translate(arg(1), ' ', '/-') if TheDate='' then TheDate=date('Sorted') parse var TheDate Year MM DD if length(Year)>=8 then do DD=substr(Year,7,2) MM=substr(Year,5,2) Year=left(Year,4) end DaysInMonth='31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31' if datatype(Year, 'WholeNumber')<>1 then return(-10) if datatype(MM, 'WholeNumber')<>1 then return(-20) if datatype(DD, 'WholeNumber')<>1 then return(-30) if MM<0|MM>12 then return(-21) DaysThisMonth=word(DaysInMonth,MM) if MM=2 then DaysThisMonth=DaysThisMonth+1 if DD<0|DD>DaysThisMonth then return(-31) if length(strip(Year))=2 then do if Year>=80 then Year='19' ||Year else Year='20' ||Year end y=Year;m=MM;d=DD z=y+(m-14)%12 f=word('306 337 0 31 61 92 122 153 184 214 245 275',m) b=d+f+365*z+z%4-z%100+z%400-307 return(b) BD2DATE:procedure;call TRACE "OFF" parse arg rd,Format,Delimiter z=rd+307 h=100*z-25 a=h%3652425 b=a-a%4 year=(100*b+h)%36525 c=b+z-365*year-year%4 month=(5*c+456)%153 day=c-word('0 31 61 92 122 153 184 214 245 275 306 337',month-2) if month>12 then do year=year+1 month=month-12 end yyyy=right(year,4, '0') mm=right(month,2, '0') dd=right(day,2, '0') return(yyyy||Delimiter||mm||Delimiter||dd) EndBASEDATEXh: signal PREFIX_17 HASHPREFIX_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'HASHPREFIX', 'Hash prefix is now "' || HashPrefix || '" (' || HashPrefix || 'define etc)' return HASHPREFIX_GET: call HASHPREFIX_DEBUG return(HashPrefix) HASHPREFIX_SET: HashPrefix=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'HASHPREFIX', 'Setting default value of hash Prefix to "' || HashPrefix || '"' Default4_HashPrefix=HashPrefix return(0) end if HashPrefix=='' then HashPrefix=Default4_HashPrefix AfterPrefix=translate(HashPrefix, '',LowerCase) if AfterPrefix<>HashPrefix then CryAndDie('A hash prefix should not include lower case characters!') HashPrefixLng=length(HashPrefix) call HASHPREFIX_DEBUG CmdHashAsIs=HashPrefix|| 'ASIS' CmdHashAutoTag=HashPrefix|| 'AUTOTAG' CmdHashAutoTagClear=HashPrefix|| 'AUTOTAGCLEAR' CmdHashAutoTagState=HashPrefix|| 'AUTOTAGSTATE' CmdHashLoopBreak=HashPrefix|| 'BREAK' CmdHashLoopContinue=HashPrefix|| 'CONTINUE' CmdHashDebug=HashPrefix|| 'DEBUG' CmdHashDefine=HashPrefix|| 'DEFINE' CmdHashDefinePlus=HashPrefix|| 'DEFINE+' CmdHashDefineIfReq=HashPrefix|| 'DEFINE?' CmdHashDefineRexx=HashPrefix|| 'DEFINEREXX' CmdHashDefineRexxPlus=HashPrefix|| 'DEFINEREXX+' CmdHashDependsOn=HashPrefix|| 'DEPENDSON' CmdHashElseifL=HashPrefix|| 'ELSEIF' CmdHashEndifL=HashPrefix|| 'ENDIF' CmdHashEof=HashPrefix|| 'EOF' CmdHashErrorL=HashPrefix|| 'ERROR' CmdHashEvaluateL=HashPrefix|| 'EVALUATE' CmdHashEvaluatePlusL=HashPrefix|| 'EVALUATE+' CmdHashIf=HashPrefix|| 'IF' CmdHashIfdef=HashPrefix|| 'IFDEF' CmdHashIfndef=HashPrefix|| 'IFNDEF' CmdHashImport=HashPrefix|| 'IMPORT' CmdHashInclude=HashPrefix|| 'INCLUDE' CmdHashInfo=HashPrefix|| 'INFO' CmdHashIntercept=HashPrefix|| 'INTERCEPT' CmdHashMacroSpace=HashPrefix|| 'MACROSPACE' CmdHashNextId=HashPrefix|| 'NEXTID' CmdHashOnExit=HashPrefix|| 'ONEXIT' CmdHashOption=HashPrefix|| 'OPTION' CmdHashOutput=HashPrefix|| 'OUTPUT' CmdHashOutputHold=HashPrefix|| 'OUTPUTHOLD' CmdHashPush=HashPrefix|| 'PUSH' CmdHashPop=HashPrefix|| 'POP' CmdHashRequire=HashPrefix|| 'REQUIRE' CmdHashSystem=HashPrefix|| 'SYSTEM' CmdHashTransform=HashPrefix|| 'TRANSFORM' CmdHashRexxVar=HashPrefix|| 'REXXVAR' CmdHashUndefL=HashPrefix|| 'UNDEF' CmdHashWarningL=HashPrefix|| 'WARNING' CmdHashLoopS=HashPrefix|| '{' CmdHashLoopE=HashPrefix|| '}' CmdHash1Line=HashPrefix|| '(' CmdHash1LineEnd=HashPrefix|| ')' CmdHashOneLine=HashPrefix|| 'ONELINE' CmdHashEvaluateS=HashPrefix|| 'E' CmdHashEvaluatePlusS=HashPrefix|| 'E+' CmdHashUndefS=HashPrefix|| 'U' CmdHashElseifS=HashPrefix|| 'ELSE' CmdHashEndifS=HashPrefix|| 'END' CmdHashErrorS=HashPrefix|| '!' CmdHashWarningS=HashPrefix|| 'W' return PREFIX_17: signal LineCmt_18 LINECOMMENT_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if LineComment<>NullChar then call OptionDebugShow 'LINECOMMENT', 'Lines starting with "' || LineComment || '" are comments ("' || InLineComment || '" for inline comments)' else call OptionDebugShow 'LINECOMMENT', 'Comment removal has been turned off' end return LINECOMMENT_GET: call LINECOMMENT_DEBUG return(LineCommentSet2) LINECOMMENT_SET: LineComment=arg(1) LineCommentSet2=LineComment if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'LINECOMMENT', 'Setting default value of line comment to "' || LineComment || '"' Default4_LineComment=LineComment return(0) end if LineComment=='' then LineComment=Default4_LineComment if translate(LineComment)='NULL' then LineComment=NullChar else do if length(LineComment)<>1 then CryAndDie('A comment char should be one character long') end InLineComment=LineComment||LineComment call LINECOMMENT_DEBUG return LineCmt_18: signal WhiteSpc_19 _WsFmt: dbgExtra='' do CharIndex=1 to length(ExtraWhiteSpace) if CharIndex<>1 then dbgExtra=dbgExtra|| ', ' dbgExtra=dbgExtra||c2x(substr(ExtraWhiteSpace,CharIndex,1)) end return(dbgExtra) WHITESPACE_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if ExtraWhiteSpace=='' then call OptionDebugShow 'WHITESPACE', 'No extra whitespace characters defined' else call OptionDebugShow 'WHITESPACE', 'Extra whitespace characters are hexadecimal ' ||_WsFmt() end return WHITESPACE_GET: call WHITESPACE_DEBUG return(ExtraWhiteSpace) WHITESPACE_SET: ExtraWhiteSpace=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do Default4_ExtraWhiteSpace=ExtraWhiteSpace if ExtraWhiteSpace=='' then call OptionDebugShow 'WHITESPACE', 'Setting default to no extra whitespace' else call OptionDebugShow 'WHITESPACE', 'Setting default to extra whitespace characters are hexadecimal ' ||_WsFmt() return(0) end if ExtraWhiteSpace=='NULL' then ExtraWhiteSpace=Default4_ExtraWhiteSpace call WHITESPACE_DEBUG return WhiteSpc_19: signal LineCont_20 LINECONTINUATION_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if LineContChar=NullChar then call OptionDebugShow 'LINECONTINUATION', 'Line continuation handling has been turned off' else do call OptionDebugShow 'LINECONTINUATION', 'The line continuation marker is now "' || LineContChar || '"' if symbol('CodexNewLine') = 'VAR' then DbgText='"' || CodexNewLine || '"' else DbgText="'X' code for newline" call DBGIND 1 call DBG '"' || LineContAddNewLine || '" = Join with ' ||DbgText call DBG '"' || LineContWithoutSpace || '" = Join without space' call DBG '"' || LineContWithSpace || '" = Join with space' call DBG '"' || LineContDefault || '" = Join with space' call DBGIND-1 end end return LINECONTINUATION_GET: call LINECONTINUATION_DEBUG return(LineContCharList) LINECONTINUATION_SET: LineContParm=arg(1) LineContParmSet2=LineContParm if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'LINECONTINUATION', 'Setting default value of line continuation chars to "' || LineContParm || '"' Default4_LineContParm=LineContParm LineContCharList=LineContParm return(0) end if LineContParm=='' then LineContParm=Default4_LineContParm if translate(LineContParm)='NULL' then LineContParm=NullChar else do if length(LineContParm)<>1&length(LineContParm)<>5 then CryAndDie('Invalid line continuation spec of "' || LineContParm || '"') end LineContCharList=overlay(LineContParm,LineContCharList) LineContChar=substr(LineContCharList,1,1) LineContAddNewLine=substr(LineContCharList,2,1)||LineContChar LineContAddNewLineObs=d2c(25)||LineContChar LineContWithoutSpace=substr(LineContCharList,3,1)||LineContChar LineContWithSpace=substr(LineContCharList,4,1)||LineContChar LineContDefault=substr(LineContCharList,5,1)||LineContChar call LINECONTINUATION_DEBUG return LineCont_20: AsIsCount=0 AsIsUsing='' signal AsIs_21 AsIsPrepare:call TRACE "OFF" AsIsParms=space(arg(1)) AsIsUsing=AsIsParms AsIsCount=0 AsIsIndex=0 AsIsCollecting='' call DBG_ASIS 'AsIsPrepare(): Cleared memory. Processing "' || AsIsUsing || '"' call DBGIND 1 aiOptCnt=0 do while AsIsParms<> '' call _SetUpAsIsTagging translate(GetQuotedText(AsIsParms, "AsIsParms")) end if AsIsCount<>0 then do if aiOptCnt=0 then aiMsg='none' else do if aiOptCnt=AsIsCount then aiMsg='all' else aiMsg=aiOptCnt end call DBG_ASIS 'Have ' || AsIsCount || ' "as is" tags (' || aiMsg || ' optimised)' end call DBGIND-1 return(AsIsCount) ExpandAsIsTags: if AsIsModeOn='N' then return(arg(1)) AsIs:call TRACE "OFF" if AsIsCount=0 then return(arg(1)) EaiString=arg(1) AsIsCnt=ReplaceCount do Tag=1 to AsIsIndex if AsIsBef.Tag=='' then EaiString=BulkChar2String(EaiString,AsIsAft.Tag) else do if left(AsIsBef.Tag,2)<>SrTypePre then EaiString=ReplaceString(EaiString,AsIsBef.Tag,AsIsAft.Tag) else do select when abbrev(AsIsBef.Tag,SrCaseIns)then EaiString=ReplaceStringCI(EaiString,substr(AsIsBef.Tag,SrCaseIns_P),AsIsAft.Tag) when abbrev(AsIsBef.Tag,SrFixed)then EaiString=CompareReplaceFixed2(EaiString,substr(AsIsBef.Tag,SrFixed_P),AsIsAft.Tag) otherwise EaiString=ReplaceString(EaiString,AsIsBef.Tag,AsIsAft.Tag) end end end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if AsIsCnt<>ReplaceCount then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement EaiString, 'ASIS' end return(EaiString) ProcessAsIs: HashCmdParms=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) AsIsCmd=translate(GetQuotedText(HashCmdParms, "AsIsParms")) if AsIsCmd='SETUP' then do AsIsPrepCache='?' call SetupNamedAsIsStorage GetQuotedText(AsIsParms) return(0) end call SetOnorOffVariable AsIsCmd, 'AsIsModeOn' if AsIsModeOn='N' then do AsIsCount=0 if AsIsParms<> '' then CryAndDie('Did not expect more than the "OFF" parameter') call OptionsPop end else do call OptionsPush call OptionOnOrOff_SET "KEEPINDENT", "KeepIndent", "ON" call OptionOnOrOff_SET "LEAVEBLANKLINES", "LeaveBlankLines", "ON" call LINECOMMENT_SET "NULL" call LINECONTINUATION_SET "NULL" call AsIsPrepare AsIsParms end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if AsIsCount=0 then call DBG_ASIS 'AsIs mode is ' || YorN2OnorOff(AsIsModeOn) || '. No tags prepared.' else call DBG_ASIS 'AsIs mode is ' || YorN2OnorOff(AsIsModeOn) || '. Have ' || AsIsCount || ' tags from "' || AsIsUsing || '"' end return(0) SetupNamedAsIsStorage: AsIsNameU=translate(arg(1)) AsIsName='AI_' ||c2x(AsIsNameU) AsIsAltCnt=arg(2) AsIsCounter=0 if AsIsAltCnt='' then do TagFrom=AutoTagFirst TagTo=AutoTagLast end else do TagFrom=1 TagTo=AsIsAltCnt end do Tag=TagFrom to TagTo AsIsCounter=AsIsCounter+1 if AsIsAltCnt='' then do AsIsBef.AsIsCounter.AsIsName=AutoTagOnB.Tag AsIsAft.AsIsCounter.AsIsName=AutoTagOnA.Tag end else do AsIsBef.AsIsCounter.AsIsName=ImportB.Tag AsIsAft.AsIsCounter.AsIsName=ImportA.Tag end end call _valueS AsIsName,AsIsCounter if AsIsAltCnt='' then call ClearAutoTags 'N' call DBG_ASIS 'Captured ' || AsIsCounter || ' tags as "' || AsIsNameU || '"' return _SetUpAsIsTagging: AsIsNameU=translate(arg(1)) AsIsName='AI_' ||c2x(AsIsNameU) call DBG_ASIS 'Getting tags from storage named "' || AsIsNameU || '"' call DBGIND 1 if symbol(AsIsName)<> 'VAR' then CryAndDie('#AsIs "SETUP" has not been run for "' || AsIsNameU || '"') AsIsCopyCount=_valueG(AsIsName) do Index=1 to AsIsCopyCount ThisBefore=AsIsBef.Index.AsIsName ThisAfter=AsIsAft.Index.AsIsName AsIsCount=AsIsCount+1 call DBG_ASIS 'AsIs #' || AsIsCount || ': From=' || DebugRightArrow || ThisBefore || DebugLeftArrow || ', To=' ||DebugRightArrow||ThisAfter||DebugLeftArrow if length(ThisBefore)<>1 then do AsIsCollecting='' AsIsIndex=AsIsIndex+1 AsIsBef.AsIsIndex=ThisBefore AsIsAft.AsIsIndex=ThisAfter end else do if AsIsCollecting=='' then do AsIsCollecting='OptAsIs' ||AsIsIndex call _valueS AsIsCollecting, '' AsIsIndex=AsIsIndex+1 AsIsBef.AsIsIndex='' AsIsAft.AsIsIndex=AsIsCollecting end aiOptCnt=aiOptCnt+1 aiOptList=_valueG(AsIsCollecting)||ThisBefore aiIndex=length(aiOptList) call _valueS AsIsCollecting,aiOptList call _valueS AsIsCollecting|| '.' ||aiIndex,ThisAfter end end call DBG_ASIS 'Copied ' || AsIsCopyCount || ' tags' call DBGIND-1 return AsIs_21: AtChangeType='' AtChangeTypeDesc="CASESENSITIVE" signal AutoTag_22 ShowAutoTagStateWhenDebugOn: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if AutoTagName='' then DbgText1='' else DbgText1=' (named "' || AutoTagName || '")' call DBG_AUTOTAG 'AutoTagging is ' || YorN2OnorOff(AutoTagOn) || '. Have ' || ((AutoTagLast - AutoTagFirst) + 1) || ' tags available in state #' ||AutoTagStateCnt||DbgText1 if arg(1)='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 do Tag=AutoTagFirst to AutoTagLast call DBG_AUTOTAG 'AutoTag #' || Tag || ': From=' || DebugRightArrow || AutoTagOnB.Tag || DebugLeftArrow || ', To=' ||DebugRightArrow||AutoTagOnA.Tag||DebugLeftArrow end call DBGIND-1 end end return CompletelyInitializeAutoTagState: AutoTagOn='N' call ClearAutoTags 'Y' return ClearAutoTags: if arg(1)='N' then do if AutoTagStateCnt=0 then AutoTagLast=0 else AutoTagLast=AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.Last end else do AutoTagLast=0 AutoTagStateCnt=0 AutoTagFirst=1 AutoTagName='' end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if AutoTagStateCnt=0 then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'Cleared ALL autotags (no state information saved - State #0).' else call ShowAutoTagStateWhenDebugOn end return AutoTag:call TRACE "OFF" EatString=arg(1) if AutoTagFirst>AutoTagLast then return(EatString) AtCnt=ReplaceCount do Tag=AutoTagFirst to AutoTagLast if left(AutoTagOnB.Tag,2)<>SrTypePre then EatString=ReplaceString(EatString,AutoTagOnB.Tag,AutoTagOnA.Tag) else do select when abbrev(AutoTagOnB.Tag,SrCaseIns)then EatString=ReplaceStringCI(EatString,substr(AutoTagOnB.Tag,SrCaseIns_P),AutoTagOnA.Tag) when abbrev(AutoTagOnB.Tag,SrFixed)then EatString=CompareReplaceFixed2(EatString,substr(AutoTagOnB.Tag,SrFixed_P),AutoTagOnA.Tag) otherwise EatString=ReplaceString(EatString,AutoTagOnB.Tag,AutoTagOnA.Tag) end end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if AtCnt<>ReplaceCount then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement EatString, 'ATAG' end return(EatString) ProcessAutoTagClear: if arg(1)='' then AtClearAll='N' else do AtParm=GetQuotedText(arg(1)) if translate(AtParm)<> 'ALL' then CryAndDie('Invalid parameter of "' || AtParm || '" specified!') AtClearAll='Y' end call ClearAutoTags AtClearAll return(0) _GetStateIndexForNameOrDie: gsiName=arg(1) do NameIndex=1 to AutoTagStateCnt if gsiName=AutoTagState.NameIndex.Name then return(NameIndex) end CryAndDie('There is no state known as "' || gsiName(1) || '"') MatchesAutoTagStateIncDebugText: MatchIndex=arg(1) if MatchIndex<=0 then return('') else return(' (matches "#AutoTagState +" at ' || AutoTagState.MatchIndex.AtLine || ')') ProcessAutoTagState: Rest=strip(arg(1)) Ats1stParm=left(Rest,1) if Ats1stParm='+' | Ats1stParm = '-' then Rest=substr(Rest,2) else Ats1stParm=GetQuotedText(arg(1), "Rest") select when Ats1stParm='+' then do AutoTagStateCnt=AutoTagStateCnt+1 AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.First=AutoTagFirst AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.Last=AutoTagLast AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.Name=AutoTagName AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.AtOnOff=AutoTagOn AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.AtLine=CurrentSourceLocation() BeforeFirst=AutoTagFirst BeforeLast=AutoTagLast AutoTagFirst=AutoTagLast+1 AutoTagName='' do while Rest<> '' StateAlias=translate(GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest")) if StateAlias="REMEMBER" then do CopyFrom=BeforeFirst Copyto=BeforeLast end else do NameIndex=_GetStateIndexForNameOrDie(StateAlias) CopyFrom=AutoTagState.NameIndex.First Copyto=AutoTagState.NameIndex.Last end do AddTagIndex=CopyFrom to CopyTo call _AddAutoTag AutoTagOnB.AddTagIndex,AutoTagOnA.AddTagIndex end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'Remembering current #AutoTag state, now in state #' ||AutoTagStateCnt end when Ats1stParm='-' then do if AutoTagStateCnt<=0 then CryAndDie('No #autotag states memorised!') if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'This restore matches the setup at ' ||AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.AtLine BeforeFirst=AutoTagFirst BeforeLast=AutoTagLast AutoTagFirst=AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.First AutoTagLast=AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.Last AutoTagOn=AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.AtOnOff AutoTagName=AutoTagState.AutoTagStateCnt.Name AutoTagStateCnt=AutoTagStateCnt-1 if Rest='' then Remember='N' else do Rest=translate(GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest")) if Rest="REMEMBER" then Remember='Y' else CryAndDie('Invalid parameter of "' || Rest || '" specified (expected "REMEMBER")') end if Rest='' then DbgWord='dropping' else do Rest=translate(GetQuotedText(Rest)) if Rest<> "REMEMBER" then CryAndDie('Invalid parameter of "' || Rest || '" specified (expected "REMEMBER")') DbgWord='remembering' AutoTagLast=AutoTagFirst-1 do AddTagIndex=BeforeFirst to BeforeLast call _AddAutoTag AutoTagOnB.AddTagIndex,AutoTagOnA.AddTagIndex end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'Restoring #AutoTag state #' || AutoTagStateCnt || ', we are ' || DbgWord || ' any new tags you may have defined' end otherwise AutoTagName=translate(Ats1stParm) if Rest<> '' then call DieIfExtraUnexpectedParms Rest if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'This state is now named "' || AutoTagName || '"' end call ShowAutoTagStateWhenDebugOn AutoTagOn return(0) _AddAutoTag: TheTagB=arg(1) TheTagA=arg(2) ThePosn=arg(3) if ThePosn='' then ThePosn='999999' ThePosn=(ThePosn+AutoTagFirst)-1 if ThePosn>AutoTagLast then do AutoTagLast=AutoTagLast+1 SlotIndex=AutoTagLast end else do ToIndex=AutoTagLast+2 do MoveIndex=ThePosn to AutoTagLast ToIndex=ToIndex-1 FromIndex=ToIndex-1 AutoTagOnB.ToIndex=AutoTagOnB.FromIndex AutoTagOnA.ToIndex=AutoTagOnA.FromIndex end SlotIndex=ThePosn AutoTagLast=AutoTagLast+1 end AutoTagOnB.SlotIndex=TheTagB AutoTagOnA.SlotIndex=TheTagA return _DeleteAutoTag: TheTagB=arg(1) do Tag=AutoTagFirst to AutoTagLast if TheTagB=AutoTagOnB.Tag then do AutoTagLast=AutoTagLast-1 do ToIndex=Tag to AutoTagLast FromIndex=ToIndex+1 AutoTagOnB.ToIndex=AutoTagOnB.FromIndex AutoTagOnA.ToIndex=AutoTagOnA.FromIndex end return('Y') end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'No need to delete the tag (it does not exist)' return('N') ProcessAutoTag: AtBefore=GetQuotedText(arg(1), "Rest") if AtBefore='' then CryAndDie("You did not supply text to be replaced (can't replace empty string)!") AtDumpList='N' OnOrOff=IsStringOnOrOffCmd(AtBefore) if OnOrOff<> '' & Rest = '' then do AutoTagOn=OnOrOff if AutoTagOn='Y' then AtDumpList='Y' end else do AtBefore_NoCT=AtBefore AtBefore=AtChangeType||AtBefore if Rest='' then call _DeleteAutoTag AtBefore else do AtAfter=ReplaceString(GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest"),AutoTagSelf,AtBefore_NoCT) if ReplacementsAllowed='Y' then do do while pos(StartsMacroReplacement,AtAfter)<>0 BeforeCount=ReplaceCount AtAfterR=_ReplaceAllHashDefinedVariables(AtAfter) if pos(MarksNewLine,AtAfterR)<>0 then leave AtAfter=AtAfterR if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if BeforeCount<>ReplaceCount then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement AtAfter, 'VP2O' end end if pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,AtAfter)<>0 then do if pos(MarksNewLine,AtAfter)=0 then do BeforeCount=ReplaceCount AtAfterR=ReplaceStandardDefinitions(AtAfter) if BeforeCount<>ReplaceCount then do if pos(MarksNewLine,AtAfterR)=0 then do AtAfter=AtAfterR if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement AtAfter, 'SP2O' end end end end end AtSlot='' if Rest<> '' then do SlotSpec=word(rest,1) Rest=subword(rest,2) if left(SlotSpec,1)<> '#' then CryAndDie('Invalid slot specification of "' || SlotSpec || '" supplied, must begin with a "#"!') AtSlot=substr(SlotSpec,2) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_AUTOTAG 'Assigning ' || DebugRightArrow || AtBefore_NoCT || DebugLeftArrow || ' = ' || DebugRightArrow || AtAfter || DebugLeftArrow || ' (TYPE=' || AtChangeTypeDesc || ')' call _AddAutoTag AtBefore,AtAfter,AtSlot end end call ShowAutoTagStateWhenDebugOn AtDumpList if Rest<> '' then CryAndDie('Too many parameters!') return(0) ATCHANGETYPE_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'ATCHANGETYPE', 'AutoTag change type is "' || AtChangeTypeDesc || '"' return ATCHANGETYPE_GET: call ATCHANGETYPE_DEBUG return(AtChangeTypeDesc) ATCHANGETYPE_SET: AtChangeTypeDesc=translate(arg(1)) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'ATCHANGETYPE', 'Setting default change type to "' || AtChangeTypeDesc || '"' Default4_ATCHANGETYPEDESC=AtChangeTypeDesc return(0) end if AtChangeTypeDesc=='' then AtChangeTypeDesc=Default4_ATCHANGETYPEDESC SelectOn=translate(AtChangeTypeDesc) select when SelectOn="CASESENSITIVE" then AtChangeType='' when SelectOn="CASEINSENSITIVE" then AtChangeType=SrCaseIns when SelectOn="FIXED" then AtChangeType=SrFixed otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown ATCHANGETYPE option of "' || AtChangeTypeDesc || '"') end call ATCHANGETYPE_DEBUG return AutoTag_22: OptionCount=0 LongestPpwOptionLng=0 call _OptionsAdd "ALLOWPACK" call _OptionsAdd "ALLOWSPELL" call _OptionsAdd "CSREPLACEMENT" call _OptionsAdd "DEFINEMACROREPLACE" call _OptionsAdd "KEEPINDENT" call _OptionsAdd "LEAVEBLANKLINES" call _OptionsAdd "REPLACE" call _OptionsAdd "ATCHANGETYPE" call _OptionsAdd "DEBUGLEVEL" call _OptionsAdd "EXTRAINDENT" call _OptionsAdd "EXPANDX" call _OptionsAdd "HASHPREFIX" call _OptionsAdd "LINECOMMENT" call _OptionsAdd "LINECONTINUATION" call _OptionsAdd "MACROPARMTAGS" call _OptionsAdd "PARMVAL" call _OptionsAdd "REPLACEMENTTAGS" call _OptionsAdd "TABS" call _OptionsAdd "WARNINGS" call _OptionsAdd "WHITESPACE" signal OPTION_23 _OptionsAdd: OptionCount=OptionCount+1 OptionList.OptionCount=arg(1) ThisLng=length(arg(1)) if ThisLng>LongestPpwOptionLng then LongestPpwOptionLng=ThisLng return SetUpPpwizardOptionDefaults: if RexIsAscii='N' then DefWhite='' else do if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then DefWhite=d2c(26)||d2c(27) else DefWhite=d2c(13)||d2c(26)||d2c(27) end ProcessedCmdLine='N' call DBG_OPTIONS 'Setting PPWIZARD defaults (may be overriden with ' || OptChar || 'option switch)' call DBGIND 1 call OptionOnOrOff_SET "ALLOWPACK", "AllowPack", "ON" call OptionOnOrOff_SET "ALLOWSPELL", "AllowSpell", "ON" call ATCHANGETYPE_SET "CASESENSITIVE" call OptionOnOrOff_SET "CSREPLACEMENT", "CsReplacement", "OFF" call DEBUGLEVEL_SET 'ALL,-USER1,-USER2' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "DEFINEMACROREPLACE", "DefineMacroReplace", "OFF" call EXPANDX_SET 'LATE' call EXTRAINDENT_SET 'NULL' call HASHPREFIX_SET '#' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "KEEPINDENT", "KeepIndent", "OFF" call OptionOnOrOff_SET "LEAVEBLANKLINES", "LeaveBlankLines", "OFF" call LINECOMMENT_SET ';' call LINECONTINUATION_SET '\%-+ ' call MACROPARMTAGS_SET '{}$' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "REPLACE", "ReplacementsAllowed", "ON" call PARMVAL_SET "SOME" call REPLACEMENTTAGS_SET '<>$?[]' call TABS_SET 'Warnings' call WARNINGS_SET '' call WHITESPACE_SET DefWhite call DBGIND-1 return SetUpOptionsForThisBuild: ProcessedCmdLine='Y' call DBG_OPTIONS 'Initializing #options for this build of ' ||CurrentOutFile call DBGIND 1 call OptionOnOrOff_SET "ALLOWPACK", "AllowPack", "" call OptionOnOrOff_SET "ALLOWSPELL", "AllowSpell", "" call ATCHANGETYPE_SET '' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "CSREPLACEMENT", "CsReplacement", "" call DEBUGLEVEL_SET '' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "DEFINEMACROREPLACE", "DefineMacroReplace", "" call EXPANDX_SET '' call EXTRAINDENT_SET '' call HASHPREFIX_SET '' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "KEEPINDENT", "KeepIndent", "" call OptionOnOrOff_SET "LEAVEBLANKLINES", "LeaveBlankLines", "" call LINECOMMENT_SET '' call LINECONTINUATION_SET '' call MACROPARMTAGS_SET '' call OptionOnOrOff_SET "REPLACE", "ReplacementsAllowed", "" call PARMVAL_SET '' call REPLACEMENTTAGS_SET '' call TABS_SET '' call WARNINGS_SET '' call WHITESPACE_SET 'NULL' call DBGIND-1 return MatchesOptionStackPushDebugText: MatchIndex=arg(1) if MatchIndex<=0 then return('') else return(' (matches "#option PUSH" at ' || OptPush.MatchIndex || ')') OptionsPush: OptionStackCnt=OptionStackCnt+1 OptPush.OptionStackCnt=CurrentSourceLocation() PushName='OptPush' ||OptionStackCnt if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_OPTIONS 'Saving current options on stack as #' ||OptionStackCnt call DBGIND 1 do OptionIndex=1 to OptionCount call _valueS PushName|| '.' ||OptionIndex,OptionGetValue(OptionList.OptionIndex) end call DBGIND-1 return OptionsPop: if OptionStackCnt<=0 then CryAndDie('There are no options on the stack to pop!') if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_OPTIONS 'Restoring current options from #' || OptionStackCnt || ' (pushed at ' || OptPush.OptionStackCnt || ')' call DBGIND 1 PushName='OptPush' ||OptionStackCnt do OptionIndex=1 to OptionCount call OptionSetValue OptionList.OptionIndex,_valueG(PushName|| '.' ||OptionIndex) end call DBGIND-1 OptionStackCnt=OptionStackCnt-1 return ProcessOption: Options=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='Y' then Options=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(Options) if Options='' then CryAndDie('No options specified!') do while Options<> '' parse var Options Word1' 'RestOptions Word1=translate(word1) select when Word1="PUSH" | Word1 = "+" then do Options=RestOptions call OptionsPush end when Word1="POP" | Word1 = "-" then do Options=RestOptions call OptionsPop end otherwise do if pos('=',Options)=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find an "=" sign in "' || Options || '"') parse var Options ThisOption'='Options ThisOption=translate(strip(ThisOption)) ThisValue=GetQuotedText(Options, "Options") call OptionSetValue ThisOption,ThisValue end end end return(0) OptionDebugShow: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_OPTIONS left(arg(1),LongestPpwOptionLng)|| ': ' ||arg(2) return OptionOnOrOff_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow arg(1), 'Currently set to ' ||YorN2OnorOff(_valueG(arg(2))) return OptionOnOrOff_SET: parse arg OptionName,OnOffVar2Set,OnOffValue if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow OptionName, 'Setting default to "' || OnOffValue || '"' call _valueS "Default4_" ||OnOffVar2Set,OnOffValue return(0) end if OnOffValue=='' then OnOffValue=_valueG("Default4_" ||OnOffVar2Set) OnOrOff=IsStringOnOrOffCmd(OnOffValue) if OnOrOff='' then CryAndDie('Tried to set "' || OnOffVar2Set || '" to an invalid value of "' || OnOffValue || '"') call _valueS OnOffVar2Set,OnOrOff call OptionOnOrOff_DEBUG OptionName,OnOffVar2Set return(0) OptionOnOrOff_GET: parse arg OptionName,OnOffVar2Get VarState=YorN2OnorOff(_valueG(OnOffVar2Get)) call OptionOnOrOff_DEBUG OptionName,OnOffVar2Get return(VarState) OptionSetValue: parse arg sOption,sValue select when sOption="ALLOWPACK" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "ALLOWPACK", "AllowPack",sValue when sOption="ALLOWSPELL" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "ALLOWSPELL", "AllowSpell",sValue when sOption="ATCHANGETYPE" then call ATCHANGETYPE_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="CSREPLACEMENT" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "CSREPLACEMENT", "CsReplacement",sValue when sOption="DEBUGLEVEL" then call DEBUGLEVEL_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="DEFINEMACROREPLACE" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "DEFINEMACROREPLACE", "DefineMacroReplace",sValue when sOption="EXPANDX" then call EXPANDX_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="EXTRAINDENT" then call EXTRAINDENT_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="HASHPREFIX" then call HASHPREFIX_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="KEEPINDENT" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "KEEPINDENT", "KeepIndent",sValue when sOption="LEAVEBLANKLINES" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "LEAVEBLANKLINES", "LeaveBlankLines",sValue when sOption="LINECOMMENT" then call LINECOMMENT_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="LINECONTINUATION" then call LINECONTINUATION_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="MACROPARMTAGS" then call MACROPARMTAGS_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="PARMVAL" then call PARMVAL_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="REPLACE" then call OptionOnOrOff_SET "REPLACE", "ReplacementsAllowed",sValue when sOption="REPLACEMENTTAGS" then call REPLACEMENTTAGS_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="TABS" then call TABS_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="WARNINGS" then call WARNINGS_SET sValue,sOption when sOption="WHITESPACE" then call WHITESPACE_SET sValue,sOption otherwise CryAndDie("Can't set '" || sOption || "' as this option is unknown") end return OptionGetValue: parse arg gOption select when gOption="ALLOWPACK" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("ALLOWPACK", "AllowPack")) when gOption="ALLOWSPELL" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("ALLOWSPELL", "AllowSpell")) when gOption="ATCHANGETYPE" then return(ATCHANGETYPE_GET(gOption)) when gOption="CSREPLACEMENT" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("CSREPLACEMENT", "CsReplacement")) when gOption="DEBUGLEVEL" then return(DEBUGLEVEL_GET(gOption)) when gOption="DEFINEMACROREPLACE" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("DEFINEMACROREPLACE", "DefineMacroReplace")) when gOption="EXPANDX" then return(EXPANDX_GET(gOption)) when gOption="EXTRAINDENT" then return(EXTRAINDENT_GET(gOption)) when gOption="HASHPREFIX" then return(HASHPREFIX_GET(gOption)) when gOption="KEEPINDENT" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("KEEPINDENT", "KeepIndent")) when gOption="LEAVEBLANKLINES" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("LEAVEBLANKLINES", "LeaveBlankLines")) when gOption="LINECOMMENT" then return(LINECOMMENT_GET(gOption)) when gOption="LINECONTINUATION" then return(LINECONTINUATION_GET(gOption)) when gOption="MACROPARMTAGS" then return(MACROPARMTAGS_GET(gOption)) when gOption="PARMVAL" then return(PARMVAL_GET(gOption)) when gOption="REPLACE" then return(OptionOnOrOff_GET("REPLACE", "ReplacementsAllowed")) when gOption="REPLACEMENTTAGS" then return(REPLACEMENTTAGS_GET(gOption)) when gOption="TABS" then return(TABS_GET(gOption)) when gOption="WARNINGS" then return(WARNINGS_GET(gOption)) when gOption="WHITESPACE" then return(WHITESPACE_GET(gOption)) otherwise CryAndDie("Can't get '" || gOption || "' as this option is unknown") end return OPTION_23: DefRexxSpecialSepTag='<' || '?xRexxEos>' call SetDollarTraceState 'N' call InitializeDefineRexx signal Def_Rexx_24 SetDollarTraceState: DefRexxDolTrace=arg(1) return MakeSafeInSQuotes: r_Str=arg(1) r_Str=ReplaceString(r_Str, "'", "''") r_L1M=left(StartsMacroReplacement,1) r_Str=ReplaceString(r_Str,r_L1M, "' || '" || r_L1M || "' || '") r_L1P=left(StartsMacroParm,1) r_Str=ReplaceString(r_Str,r_L1P, "' || '" || r_L1P || "' || '") return(r_Str) InitializeDefineRexx: DefRexxVar='' DefRexxAddType='' DefRexxCode='' DefRexxStartLoc='' DefRexxPack='Y' DefRexxTraceNext='N' DefRexxLineCnt=0 DefRexxTraceAll=DefRexxDolTrace DefRexxNumTrace=0 DefRexxTraceAllowed='Y' return ProcessDefineRexx: if arg(1)='' then do if DefRexxVar='' then CryAndDie("Not currently defining rexx code!", 'To execute you need to specify a parameter of ""') if DefRexxNumTrace<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if DefRexxVar<> '?JustExec?';then EndCmt='@Finished@ (Executing rexx from macro "' || DefRexxVar || '")' else EndCmt="@Finished@" call DefRexxAddLine "call RexxTrace '" || EndCmt || "','?'" DefRexxNumTrace=DefRexxNumTrace+1 end call DBG_DEFINING DefRexxNumTrace|| ' $trace statements inserted' end if DefineMacroReplace='Y' then DefRexxCode=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(DefRexxCode) if DefRexxVar<> '?JustExec?';then do call AddHashDefine DefRexxVar,DefRexxCode,DefRexxAddType end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING 'Rexx code will be immediately executed but not saved' DefRexxCode=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(DefRexxCode) call ExecRexxCmd DefRexxCode end call InitializeDefineRexx end else do if DefRexxVar<> '' then CryAndDie("Already in rexx code block started at " ||DefRexxStartLoc) call InitializeDefineRexx DefRexxStartLoc=CurrentSourceLocation() DefRexxAddType=arg(2) DefRexxVar=GetQuotedText(PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)), "Rest") if DefRexxVar='' then DefRexxVar='?JustExec?'; if Rest<> '' then do Rest=translate(Rest) do until Rest='' DefSpec=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") select when DefSpec='NOPACK' then DefRexxPack='N' when DefSpec='$TRACE' then DefRexxTraceAll='Y' when DefSpec='$TRACE_OFF' then DefRexxTraceAll='N' otherwise CryAndDie('Invalid option of "' || DefSpec || '" used') end end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if DefRexxPack='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING "AllowPack option is currently " ||YorN2OnorOff(AllowPack) if DefRexxTraceAll='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING '$Trace statements for each line are being inserted!' else call DBG_DEFINING '$Trace statements for each line are NOT being inserted!' if DefRexxVar<> '?JustExec?';then StrCmt='@Starting@ (Executing rexx from macro "' || DefRexxVar || '")' else StrCmt="@Starting@" call DefRexxAddLine "call RexxTrace '" || StrCmt || "','?'" DefRexxNumTrace=DefRexxNumTrace+1 end end return(0) AddDefineRexxLine: NewRexxLine=strip(arg(1)) DefRexxLineCnt=DefRexxLineCnt+1 if right(NewRexxLine,2)=RexxCmtEnd then do StartCmtPos=lastpos(RexxCmtStart,NewRexxLine) if StartCmtPos<>0 then do if StartCmtPos=0 then NewRexxLine='' else NewRexxLine=strip(left(NewRexxLine,StartCmtPos-1), 'T') end end do while right(NewRexxLine,1)=';' NewRexxLine=strip(left(NewRexxLine,length(NewRexxLine)-1), 'T') end if NewRexxLine='' then return UnpackedLine=space(NewRexxLine) if DefRexxPack='Y' then do if AllowPack='Y' then NewRexxLine=CompressRexxLine(NewRexxLine) end DropLine='N' if translate(word(NewRexxLine,1))="$TRACE" then do Rest=translate(subword(NewRexxLine,2)) select when Rest="ON" then do DefRexxTraceAllowed='Y' DropLine='Y' end when Rest="OFF" then do DefRexxTraceAllowed='N' DropLine='Y' end otherwise do DropLine='Y' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do UserTraceCmt=subword(NewRexxLine,2) if UserTraceCmt='' then DefRexxTraceNext="Y" else do call DBG_DEFINING '$tracing comment: ' ||UserTraceCmt DefRexxTraceNext="N" UserTraceCmt=MakeSafeInSQuotes(UserTraceCmt) NewRexxLine="call RexxTrace '" || UserTraceCmt || "','?'" call DefRexxAddLine NewRexxLine DefRexxNumTrace=DefRexxNumTrace+1 end end end end end if DropLine='Y' then DropLine='N' else do if DefRexxTraceNext="Y" then TraceThis='Y' else do if DefRexxTraceAll='N' then TraceThis='N' else do if pos('/' || translate(NewRexxLine) || '/', "/THEN/DO/ELSE/")=0 then TraceThis='Y' else TraceThis='N' end end if TraceThis='Y' then do DefRexxTraceNext="N" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if DefRexxTraceAllowed='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING '$tracing: ' ||UnpackedLine TraceThis=MakeSafeInSQuotes(UnpackedLine) NewRexxLine="call RexxTrace '@" || DefRexxLineCnt || " -> " || TraceThis || "',,'Y'" ||DefRexxSpecialSepTag||NewRexxLine DefRexxNumTrace=DefRexxNumTrace+1 end end end call DefRexxAddLine NewRexxLine end return DefRexxAddLine: if DefRexxCode='' then DefRexxCode=arg(1) else DefRexxCode=DefRexxCode||DefRexxSpecialSepTag||arg(1) return Def_Rexx_24: NameOfOs2ReginaRexxInterpreter="" signal Rexx_25 _GetNameOfMacroSpaceExe: if Symbol('MacroSpaceExe') <> 'VAR' then do MacroSpaceExeBase='MacroSpc.EXE' MacroSpaceExe=_filespec('drive', PpWizardPgmName) || _filespec('Path',PpWizardPgmName)||MacroSpaceExeBase if QueryExists(MacroSpaceExe)='' then do MacroSpaceExe=FindFileInPath(MacroSpaceExeBase, '*PATH') if MacroSpaceExe="" then MacroSpaceExe=FindFileInPath(MacroSpaceExeBase, '*DPATH') end call DBG 'Macro Space Pgm: ' ||MacroSpaceExe end return(MacroSpaceExe) _GetNameOfOs2ReginaExe: if Symbol('Os2ReginaExe') <> 'VAR' then do Os2ReginaExeBase='ROS2REXX.EXE' Os2ReginaExe=_filespec('drive', PpWizardPgmName) || _filespec('Path',PpWizardPgmName)||Os2ReginaExeBase if QueryExists(Os2ReginaExe)='' then do Os2ReginaExe=FindFileInPath(Os2ReginaExeBase, '*PATH') end end return(Os2ReginaExe) DoMacroSpaceOperation: parse arg MsCommand,MsFile,MsFunction,MsQuiet CallersLine=SIGL call DBG 'Trying to macrospace "' || MsCommand || '" "' || MsFile || '" alias (' || MsFunction || ')' TmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName() CheckPgm=_GetNameOfMacroSpaceExe() if CheckPgm='' then do if MsQuiet="QUIET" then return else CryAndDie("Can't perform macro space command as " || MacroSpaceExeBase || ' is unavailable.') end FailMsg='MACRO SPACE COMMAND FAILED' call AddressCmd CheckPgm|| ' ' || MsCommand || ' ' || MsFile || ' ' || MsFunction || ' >' || TmpFile || ' 2>&1' if MsQuiet="QUIET" then return else signal CheckMacroSpaceRc CheckRexxModuleForSyntaxErrors: call DBG 'CheckRexxModuleForSyntaxErrors()' if RexWhich='REGINA' then do call CallStubInGeneratedCodeToCheckSyntax return end CallersLine=SIGL TmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName() CheckPgm=_GetNameOfMacroSpaceExe() if CheckPgm='' then do call DBG "Can't use normal validation method on the rexx syntax - " || MacroSpaceExeBase || ' file not found!' call CallStubInGeneratedCodeToCheckSyntax return end FailMsg='INVALID SYNTAX' call AddressCmd CheckPgm|| ' CheckSyntax ' || Output.1.File || ' >' || NameOfNulDevice() || ' 2>' ||TmpFile CheckMacroSpaceRc: CheckRc=Rc if CheckRc=0 then do DosDelRc=_SysFileDelete(TmpFile) call UseOs2ReginaToDoubleCheckSyntax return end call Line1 '' call Char1 ErrorColor call Line1 FailMsg call Line1 copies('~',length(FailMsg)) do while lines(TmpFile)<>0 call Line1 linein(TmpFile) end call Char1 Reset|| '' call FileClose TmpFile DosDelRc=_SysFileDelete(TmpFile) AbnormalExit(CallersLine, "Syntax Error in generated rexx code") CallStubInGeneratedCodeToCheckSyntax: CheckingFile=Output.1.File call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Calling stub in generated code' signal ON SYNTAX NAME SyntaxErrorInGeneratedCode CheckRc='*?*' interpret 'CheckRc = "' || CheckingFile || '"("' || SyntaxOkText || '")' if CheckRc<>SyntaxOkRc then CryAndDie('Probably Syntax Error, got unexpected RC of "' || CheckRc || '"') call DBGIND-1 return SyntaxErrorInGeneratedCode: CryAndDie('Faulty syntax in generated "' || CheckingFile || '"!') UseOs2ReginaToDoubleCheckSyntax: if RexWhich='REGINA' then return if NameOfOs2ReginaRexxInterpreter='-' then return call DBG 'OS/2 rexx already passed code, can we double check using OS/2 regina?' UseExe=NameOfOs2ReginaRexxInterpreter if UseExe='' then UseExe=_GetNameOfOs2ReginaExe() if UseExe='' then return CheckingFile=Output.1.File call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Checking using "' || UseExe || '"' call AddressCmd UseExe|| ' ' || CheckingFile || ' ' ||SyntaxOkText if Rc<>SyntaxOkRc&Rc<>255 then CryAndDie('Probably syntax error in "' || Output.1.File || '"', 'Got unexpected RC of "' || Rc || '" from ' ||UseExe) call DBGIND-1 return Rexx_25: InfiniteLoopDetected='N' InfiniteLoopWhen=0 InfiniteIncludeLoopWhen=0 RexxSkipCounter=0 ArePositionalChars='"' || "'=" MarksPhpXml='<' || '?' signal Define_26 InitCondNlCount: CondNlCount=0 return _RXQuote: parse arg t_Right,t_Quote,t_OpQuote t_Break=t_Quote|| '||,' ||DefRexxSpecialSepTag||t_Quote t_DQuote=t_Quote||t_Quote t_Left='' do while length(t_Right)>100 if t_Left=='' then t_Left=ReplaceString(left(t_Right,100),t_Quote,t_DQuote) else t_Left=t_Left||t_Break||ReplaceString(left(t_Right,100),t_Quote,t_DQuote) t_Right=substr(t_Right,100+1) end return(t_Left||ReplaceString(t_Right,t_Quote,t_DQuote)) _MacroBitNotFoundText: if CsReplacement='N' then return('') else return('Macro names & parameters are case sensitive (check case)') InitializeHashDefinesForThisCompile: call DBG_DEFINING 'Initializing all #defines, got ' || OptionDefineCount || ' /define definitions to load up.' drop MACRO?. call AddHashDefine '_PPWIZARD_', '' if OptionDefineCount<>0 then do do Index=1 to OptionDefineCount call AddHashDefine OptionDefine.Index.Var,OptionDefine.Index.Cont end end call _GetUserOptionsViaDefineSwitch return _GetUserOptionsViaDefineSwitch: call DBG_MACROVALORDEF 'Getting some lesser options (not worth specific commands)' call DBGIND 1 if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then PathDelimiterChar=':' else PathDelimiterChar=';' PathDelimiterChar=CfgMacro("PATH_DELIMITER_CHAR",PathDelimiterChar) if length(PathDelimiterChar)<>1 then CryAndDie("Invalid path delimiter (expected 1 only character)") RexxLocalVar=CfgMacro("REXX_MAKE_LOCAL_VAR", '@' || '@') InfiniteLoopWhen=CfgMacro("INFINITE_MACRO_LOOP_WHEN",20) InfiniteIncludeLoopWhen=CfgMacro("INFINITE_INCLUDE_LOOP_WHEN",20) call DBGIND-1 return PARMVAL_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if OptionParmVal="S" then u_D="SOME" else u_D=YorN2OnorOff(OptionParmVal) call OptionDebugShow 'PARMVAL', 'Currently set to "' || u_D || '"' end return PARMVAL_SET: v_Value=translate(arg(1)) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'PARMVAL', 'Setting default to "' || v_Value || '"' DefaultParmVal=v_Value return(0) end if v_Value=='' then v_Value=DefaultParmVal if v_Value="SOME" then OptionParmVal="S" else do OptionParmVal=IsStringOnOrOffCmd(v_Value) if OptionParmVal='' then CryAndDie('Invalid PARMVAL option of "' || v_Value || '"') end call PARMVAL_DEBUG return PARMVAL_GET: call PARMVAL_DEBUG if OptionParmVal="S" then w_Value="SOME" else w_Value=YorN2OnorOff(OptionParmVal) return(w_Value) REPLACEMENTTAGS_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'REPLACEMENTTAGS', 'Replace tags now look like "' || StartsMacroReplacement || 'MacroVar' || EndsMacroReplacement || '" and "' || StartsStdSymbolReplacement || 'StandardMacroVar' || EndsMacroReplacement || '", Indirection like "' || MacroIndLeft || 'symbol' || MacroIndRight || '"' return REPLACEMENTTAGS_SET: Tags=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'REPLACEMENTTAGS', 'Setting default value of replacement tags to "' || Tags || '"' Default4_ReplacementTags=Tags return(0) end if Tags=='' then Tags=Default4_ReplacementTags w_L=length(Tags) if w_L<>4&w_L<>6 then CryAndDie('Tried to set invalid replace tags of "' || Tags || '"') StartsMacroReplacement=substr(Tags,1,1)||substr(Tags,3,1) StdSymbolReplacementChar=substr(Tags,4,1) StartsStdSymbolReplacement=substr(Tags,1,1)||StdSymbolReplacementChar EndsMacroReplacement=substr(Tags,2,1) if w_L=6 then do MacroIndLeft=substr(Tags,5,1) MacroIndRight=substr(Tags,6,1) end EndsVar=' ' ||EndsMacroReplacement StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x=StartsStdSymbolReplacement|| 'x' CodexNewLine=StartsStdSymbolReplacement|| "NewLine" ||EndsMacroReplacement if RexIsAscii='N' then do CodexHexNewLine=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "15" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexSpace=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "40" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexHash=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "7B" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexDollar=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "5B" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexQuestionMark=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "1A" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexLessThan=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "4C" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexSemiColon=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "5E" ||EndsMacroReplacement end else do CodexHexNewLine=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "0A" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexSpace=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "20" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexHash=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "23" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexDollar=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "24" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexQuestionMark=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "3F" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexHexLessThan=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "3C" ||EndsMacroReplacement CodexSemiColon=StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x|| "3B" ||EndsMacroReplacement end call REPLACEMENTTAGS_DEBUG return REPLACEMENTTAGS_GET: call REPLACEMENTTAGS_DEBUG return(substr(StartsMacroReplacement,1,1)||EndsMacroReplacement||substr(StartsMacroReplacement,2,1)||substr(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,2,1)||MacroIndLeft||MacroIndRight) MACROPARMTAGS_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'MACROPARMTAGS', 'Macro parameters now look like "' || StartsMacroParm || 'MacroParameter' || EndsMacroParm || '"' return MACROPARMTAGS_SET: Tags=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'MACROPARMTAGS', 'Setting default value of macro parameter tags to "' || Tags || '"' Default4_MacroParameterTags=Tags return(0) end if Tags=='' then Tags=Default4_MacroParameterTags if length(Tags)<>3 then CryAndDie('Tried to set invalid macro parameter tags of "' || Tags || '"') StartsMacroParm=substr(Tags,1,1)||substr(Tags,3,1) EndsMacroParm=substr(Tags,2,1) HidesMacroParm=substr(Tags,1,1)|| '_' ||substr(Tags,3,1) AutoTagSelf=StartsMacroParm|| 'AT' ||EndsMacroParm call MACROPARMTAGS_DEBUG return MACROPARMTAGS_GET: call MACROPARMTAGS_DEBUG return(substr(StartsMacroParm,1,1)||EndsMacroParm||substr(StartsMacroParm,2,1)) ProcessDefine: Rest=arg(1) if DefineMacroReplace='Y' then Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(Rest) if pos(MarksNewLineInHashDefine,Rest)<>0 then do Rest=ReplaceString(arg(1),MarksNewLineInHashDefine2,MarksNewLine) Rest=ReplaceString(Rest,MarksNewLineInHashDefine,MarksNewLine) end parse var Rest HashDefineV HashDefineC return(AddHashDefine(HashDefineV,strip(HashDefineC),arg(2))) ProcessEvaluate: Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) HashDefineAnswerName=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") if Rest='' then CryAndDie('Evaluate what command?') CmdToEvaluate=GetQuotedRest(Rest) HashDefineRc=0 if HashDefineAnswerName='' then call ExecRexxCmd CmdToEvaluate else do CmdToEvaluate='EvaluateAnswer = ' ||CmdToEvaluate call ExecRexxCmd CmdToEvaluate HashDefineRc=AddHashDefine(HashDefineAnswerName,EvaluateAnswer,arg(2)) end return(HashDefineRc) MacroExists: if verify(arg(1),EndsVar, 'M') <> 0 then CryAndDie('The macro name "' || arg(1) || '" is invalid (Any of "' || EndsVar || '" are invalid)') s_MacName=arg(1) s_MacNameO=s_MacName s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) if s_RbPos<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING '[indirection]: ' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end do while s_RbPos<>0 s_LbPos=lastpos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName,s_RbPos) if s_LbPos=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndLeft || '" character for "' || MacroIndRight || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) s_L=left(s_MacName,s_LbPos-1) s_M=substr(s_MacName,s_LbPos+1,s_RbPos-s_LbPos-1) s_R=substr(s_MacName,s_RbPos+1) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING 'Looking for: ' ||s_M call DBGIND 1 end s_RepType='' if symbol(s_M)='VAR' then do s_RepType='REXX' s_RepWith=value(s_M) end else do if CsReplacement='N' then s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_M)) else s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_M) if symbol(s_SavedAs)='VAR' then do s_RepType='PPWIZARD' s_RepWith=value(s_SavedAs) end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if s_RepType='' then call DBG_DEFINING 'No such REXX or PPWIZARD symbol!' else call DBG_DEFINING s_RepType|| ' symbol contained: ' ||s_RepWith call DBGIND-1 end if s_RepType='' then do if s_MacName=s_MacNameO then s_Show=s_MacName else s_Show=s_MacName|| ' <= "' ||s_MacNameO CryAndDie("Could not find a REXX variable or PPWIZARD macro matching:", ' ' || s_M, 'In the macro reference:', ' ' ||s_Show) end s_MacName=s_L||s_RepWith||s_R if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING 'New macro reference is "' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 end if pos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName)<>0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndRight || '" character for "' || MacroIndLeft || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) x_Dummy=s_MacName if CsReplacement='N' then x_As='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_MacName)) else x_As='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_MacName) if symbol(x_As)='VAR' then return('Y') else return('N') HandleUndefCommand: y_Ud=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) if verify(y_Ud,EndsVar, 'M') <> 0 then CryAndDie('The macro name "' || y_Ud || '" is invalid (Any of "' || EndsVar || '" are invalid)') s_MacName=y_Ud s_MacNameO=s_MacName s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) if s_RbPos<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING '[indirection]: ' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end do while s_RbPos<>0 s_LbPos=lastpos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName,s_RbPos) if s_LbPos=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndLeft || '" character for "' || MacroIndRight || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) s_L=left(s_MacName,s_LbPos-1) s_M=substr(s_MacName,s_LbPos+1,s_RbPos-s_LbPos-1) s_R=substr(s_MacName,s_RbPos+1) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING 'Looking for: ' ||s_M call DBGIND 1 end s_RepType='' if symbol(s_M)='VAR' then do s_RepType='REXX' s_RepWith=value(s_M) end else do if CsReplacement='N' then s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_M)) else s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_M) if symbol(s_SavedAs)='VAR' then do s_RepType='PPWIZARD' s_RepWith=value(s_SavedAs) end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if s_RepType='' then call DBG_DEFINING 'No such REXX or PPWIZARD symbol!' else call DBG_DEFINING s_RepType|| ' symbol contained: ' ||s_RepWith call DBGIND-1 end if s_RepType='' then do if s_MacName=s_MacNameO then s_Show=s_MacName else s_Show=s_MacName|| ' <= "' ||s_MacNameO CryAndDie("Could not find a REXX variable or PPWIZARD macro matching:", ' ' || s_M, 'In the macro reference:', ' ' ||s_Show) end s_MacName=s_L||s_RepWith||s_R if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING 'New macro reference is "' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 end if pos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName)<>0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndRight || '" character for "' || MacroIndLeft || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) y_Dummy=s_MacName if CsReplacement='N' then SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_MacName)) else SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_MacName) if symbol(SavedAs)='VAR' then drop(SavedAs) return(0) MacroSet:call TRACE "OFF" AddHashDefine: parse arg HashDefineU,HashDefineC,DefineMode if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING 'Defining "' || HashDefineU || '" <- ' ||DebugRightArrow||HashDefineC||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end if verify(HashDefineU,EndsVar, 'M') <> 0 then CryAndDie('The macro name "' || HashDefineU || '" is invalid (Any of "' || EndsVar || '" are invalid)') s_MacName=HashDefineU s_MacNameO=s_MacName s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) if s_RbPos<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING '[indirection]: ' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end do while s_RbPos<>0 s_LbPos=lastpos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName,s_RbPos) if s_LbPos=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndLeft || '" character for "' || MacroIndRight || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) s_L=left(s_MacName,s_LbPos-1) s_M=substr(s_MacName,s_LbPos+1,s_RbPos-s_LbPos-1) s_R=substr(s_MacName,s_RbPos+1) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING 'Looking for: ' ||s_M call DBGIND 1 end s_RepType='' if symbol(s_M)='VAR' then do s_RepType='REXX' s_RepWith=value(s_M) end else do if CsReplacement='N' then s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_M)) else s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_M) if symbol(s_SavedAs)='VAR' then do s_RepType='PPWIZARD' s_RepWith=value(s_SavedAs) end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if s_RepType='' then call DBG_DEFINING 'No such REXX or PPWIZARD symbol!' else call DBG_DEFINING s_RepType|| ' symbol contained: ' ||s_RepWith call DBGIND-1 end if s_RepType='' then do if s_MacName=s_MacNameO then s_Show=s_MacName else s_Show=s_MacName|| ' <= "' ||s_MacNameO CryAndDie("Could not find a REXX variable or PPWIZARD macro matching:", ' ' || s_M, 'In the macro reference:', ' ' ||s_Show) end s_MacName=s_L||s_RepWith||s_R if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING 'New macro reference is "' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 end if pos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName)<>0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndRight || '" character for "' || MacroIndLeft || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) y_Dummy=s_MacName if CsReplacement='N' then SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_MacName)) else SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_MacName) if symbol(SavedAs)='VAR' then do select when DefineMode='Y' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING 'User said OK to redefine so no warning' end when DefineMode='' then do call OutputWarningToScreen 'R000', 'Redefine of "' || HashDefineU || '".' end when DefineMode='?' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING 'Macro already defined, conditional definition aborted!' call DBGIND-1 end return(0) end otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown define mode of "' || DefineMode || '"') end end call _valueS SavedAs,HashDefineC if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return(0) PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters: cpParms=ReplaceHashAndStandardDefines(arg(1), "PRM") if ExpandXCmd='Y' then do if pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x,cpParms)<>0 then cpParms=ReplaceTheXCodesWeKnowExist(cpParms) end if pos(MarksNewLine,cpParms)<>0 then do Line1='The commands parameters expanded a macro that generated multiple lines!' Line2='The parameters are now:' Line3=copies(' ',8)||translate(cpParms,DebugNewline,MarksNewLine) CryAndDie(Line1,Line2,Line3) end return(cpParms) ReplaceMacros:call TRACE "OFF" signal _ReplaceMacros ReplaceHashAndStandardDefines: if ReplacementsAllowed='N' then return(arg(1)) _ReplaceMacros: parse arg HashDefineString,HashDefPrefix,HashDefRecord ReplLoop=0 do while pos(StartsMacroReplacement,HashDefineString)<>0 BeforeCount=ReplaceCount HashDefineString=_ReplaceAllHashDefinedVariables(HashDefineString) if HashDefRecord='Y' then LastLineAfterMacroRep=HashDefineString if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if BeforeCount<>ReplaceCount then do if HashDefPrefix='' then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement HashDefineString, 'VCMD' else call DebugOutputAfterReplacement HashDefineString, 'V' ||HashDefPrefix end end if pos(MarksNewLine,HashDefineString)<>0 then leave if ReplLoop>=InfiniteLoopWhen then do if InfiniteLoopWhen<>0 then do InfiniteLoopDetected='Y' if ReplLoop=InfiniteLoopWhen then do OptionDebugOn='Y' call DBG 'Infinite loop detected, debug forced on for a few loops' call DBGIND 1 call DBG InfiniteLoopWhen|| ' loops detected, possible actions:' call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Have have you forgotten to use "#option DefineMacroReplace=ON" somewhere?' call DBG 'Use "/define:INFINITE_MACRO_LOOP_WHEN=0" to turn off detection' call DBG 'Use "/define:INFINITE_MACRO_LOOP_WHEN=1000" to increase detection threshold' call DBGIND-2 say '' call DebugStateChanged end say '' if ReplLoop>InfiniteLoopWhen+50 then CryAndDie("Infinite loop detected (debug turned on above), current line now:", "",HashDefineString) end end ReplLoop=ReplLoop+1 end if InfiniteLoopDetected='Y' then CryAndDie("Increase your loop detection value from " || InfiniteLoopWhen || ' with "/define:INFINITE_MACRO_LOOP_WHEN=Value"', "Increase to at least " || ReplLoop || '!') if pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,HashDefineString)<>0 then do BeforeCount=ReplaceCount HashDefineString=ReplaceStandardDefinitions(HashDefineString) if HashDefRecord='Y' then LastLineAfterMacroRep=HashDefineString if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if BeforeCount<>ReplaceCount then do if HashDefPrefix='' then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement HashDefineString, 'SCMD' else call DebugOutputAfterReplacement HashDefineString, 'S' ||HashDefPrefix end end end return(HashDefineString) _UnknownStandardSymbol: call CryAndDie 'The standard symbol "' || StartsStdSymbolReplacement || SymbolName || EndsMacroReplacement || '" is unknown!' ReplaceStandardDefinitions: RightBit=arg(1) if pos(MarksNewLine,RightBit)<>0 then return(RightBit) LeftBit='' StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,RightBit) do while StartPos<>0 if StartsStdSymbolReplacement==MarksPhpXml then do Left4=substr(RightBit,StartPos+2,3) if Left4='xml' then do LeftBit=LeftBit|| '<' ||CodexHexQuestionMark RightBit=substr(RightBit,3) StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,RightBit) iterate end if Left4='php' then do StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,RightBit,StartPos+2) iterate end if left(Left4,1)=' ' then do StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,RightBit,StartPos+2) iterate end end EndPos=pos(EndsMacroReplacement,RightBit,StartPos+1) if EndPos=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find the "' || EndsMacroReplacement || '" end of variable started at: ' ||substr(RightBit,StartPos)) LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,StartPos-1) SymbolNameC=substr(RightBit,StartPos+2,(EndPos-StartPos)-2) RightBit=substr(RightBit,EndPos+1) if left(SymbolNameC,1)='x' then do ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount-1 SymbolValue=StartsStdSymbolReplacement||SymbolNameC||EndsMacroReplacement end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDSTDVAR 'Found : ' ||StartsStdSymbolReplacement||SymbolNameC||EndsMacroReplacement SymbolName=translate(SymbolNameC) Left1=left(SymbolName,1) if Left1='=' then DdCodes='' else do SpcPos=pos(' ',SymbolName) if SpcPos=0 then DdCodes='' else do DdCodes=substr(SymbolName,SpcPos+1) SymbolName=left(SymbolName,SpcPos-1) end end select when Left1='?' then do SymbolName=substr(SymbolName,2) if symbol(SymbolName)<> 'VAR' then do call DumpVarsIfCompoundVariable SymbolName call CryAndDie 'The rexx variable "' || SymbolName || '" is unknown!' end SymbolValue=_valueG(SymbolName) end when Left1='I' then do select when SymbolName="INPUTFILE" then SymbolValue=InputFileFull when SymbolName="INPUTCOMPONENT" then SymbolValue=IncludeFileName when SymbolName="INPUTCOMPONENTLINE" then SymbolValue=IncludeLineNumber when SymbolName="INCLUDELEVEL" then SymbolValue=IncludeLevel otherwise call _UnknownStandardSymbol end end when Left1='S' then do select when SymbolName="SPACE" then SymbolValue=CodexHexSpace when SymbolName="SEMICOLON" then SymbolValue=CodexSemiColon otherwise call _UnknownStandardSymbol end end when Left1='O' then do select when SymbolName="OUTPUTLINE" then SymbolValue=CurrentOutLine+1 when SymbolName="OUTPUTLEVEL" then SymbolValue=OutputLevel when SymbolName="OPSYS" then SymbolValue=PpWizardOpSys when SymbolName="OPSYSSPECIFIC" then SymbolValue=PpWizardOpSysREAL when SymbolName="OUTPUTFILE" then do call FileClose CurrentOutFile SymbolValue=QueryExists(CurrentOutFile) if SymbolValue='' then CryAndDie('Could not obtain file name information for the "' || StartsStdSymbolReplacement || 'OutputFile>" variable!') end otherwise call _UnknownStandardSymbol end end when Left1='P' then do select when SymbolName='PROCESSINGMODE' then SymbolValue=ProcessingMode when SymbolName='PROTECTFROMPPWSTART' then SymbolValue=MarksNewLine||HashPrefix||ProtectFromPpwS||MarksNewLine when SymbolName='PROTECTFROMPPWEND' then SymbolValue=MarksNewLine||ProtectFromPpwE||MarksNewLine when SymbolName='PPWIZARDAUTHORHOMEPAGE' then SymbolValue=PgmAuthorHomePage when SymbolName='PPWIZARDAUTHOR' then SymbolValue=PgmAuthor when SymbolName='PPWIZARDAUTHOREMAIL' then SymbolValue=PgmAuthorEmail when SymbolName='PPWIZARDPGM' then SymbolValue=PpWizardPgmName when SymbolName='PPWIZARDHOMEPAGE' then SymbolValue=PgmHomePage when SymbolName='PPWIZARDGENERATORMETATAGS' then SymbolValue=PgmDefaultHtmlMetaTags when SymbolName='PPWIZARDAUTHORBASEWEBDIR' then SymbolValue=MyBaseHomeDir otherwise call _UnknownStandardSymbol end end when Left1='D' then do select when SymbolName='DEBUGON' then SymbolValue=OptionDebugOn when SymbolName='DOLLAR' then SymbolValue=CodexHexDollar when SymbolName='DIRSLASH' then SymbolValue=RexDirChar otherwise call _UnknownStandardSymbol end end when SymbolName='NEWLINE' then SymbolValue=CodexHexNewLine when SymbolName='NEWLINE?' then do CondNlCount=CondNlCount+1 SymbolValue="{?WaNtNl?}" end when SymbolName='/' then SymbolValue=OptionXSlash when SymbolName='COMPILETIME' then do z_Fmt=CfgMacro("PPWIZARD_FORMAT_COMPILETIME", '%c') SymbolValue=FormatTime(z_Fmt,PpwCompTs, "PPWIZARD") end when SymbolName='CMDLINETOTAL' then SymbolValue=CmdLineTotal when SymbolName='VERSION' then SymbolValue=PgmVersion when SymbolName='HASH' then SymbolValue=CodexHexHash when SymbolName='HASHPREFIX' then SymbolValue=HashPrefix when SymbolName='RESTARTLINE' then SymbolValue=MarksNewLine when SymbolName='TOTALOUTPUTLINES' then SymbolValue=GeneratedLines+1 when SymbolName='NEWESTFILEDATETIME' then SymbolValue=NewestSourcefile when SymbolName='LESSTHAN' then SymbolValue=CodexHexLessThan when SymbolName='QUESTIONMARK' then SymbolValue=CodexHexQuestionMark when SymbolName='BASEDIR' then SymbolValue=BaseDir4CurrentInputFile when SymbolName='UNIQUE' then do PPwizardUnique=PPwizardUnique+1 SymbolValue=PPwizardUnique end when SymbolName='TEMPLATEDATAFILE' then SymbolValue=TemplateDataFile when SymbolName='CGISTART' then SymbolValue='Content-type: text/html' ||CodexHexNewLine||CodexHexNewLine when SymbolName='REXXSKIP' then do RexxSkipCounter=RexxSkipCounter+1 RexxLbl=_filespec("WITHOUTEXTN", _filespec("NAME", IncludeFileName)) || '_' ||RexxSkipCounter SymbolValue=MarksNewLine||HashPrefix|| 'RexxVar "RexxSkipLbl" = "' || RexxLbl || '"' ||MarksNewLine SymbolValue=SymbolValue|| 'signal ' || RexxLbl || ';' ||MarksNewLine SymbolValue=SymbolValue||MarksNewLine||HashPrefix|| 'RexxVar "RexxSkipLbl" PUSH' ||MarksNewLine end when SymbolName='REXXSKIPTO' then do SymbolValue=MarksNewLine||HashPrefix|| 'RexxVar "RexxSkipLbl" POP' ||MarksNewLine SymbolValue=SymbolValue||RexxSkipLbl|| ':' ||MarksNewLine end when Left1='=' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND 1 call ExecRexxCmd 'SymbolValue = ' ||substr(SymbolNameC,2) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 end otherwise call _UnknownStandardSymbol end if DdCodes<> '' then do do until DdCodes='' parse var DdCodes DdCode DdCodes if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDSTDVAR '$$Bef : ' ||SymbolValue call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDSTDVAR '$$Cmd : ' ||DdCode end select when DdCode='$$DSQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(SymbolValue,TryQuoteListDs) SymbolValue=QChar||SymbolValue||QChar end when DdCode='$$SDQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(SymbolValue,TryQuoteListSd) SymbolValue=QChar||SymbolValue||QChar end when DdCode='$$AQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(SymbolValue,TryQuoteListAny) SymbolValue=QChar||SymbolValue||QChar end when DdCode='$$UPPER' then SymbolValue=translate(SymbolValue) when DdCode='$$LOWER' then SymbolValue=ToLowerCase(SymbolValue) when DdCode='$$ADDCOMMA' then SymbolValue=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(SymbolValue) when DdCode='$$HTMLQ' then SymbolValue=ReplaceString(SymbolValue, '"', '"') when DdCode='$$SQX2' then SymbolValue=ReplaceString(SymbolValue, "'" , "''") when DdCode="$$RX'" then SymbolValue=_RXQuote(SymbolValue, "'") when DdCode='$$RX"' then SymbolValue=_RXQuote(SymbolValue, '"') when DdCode='$$SPCPLUS' then do if SymbolValue\=='' then SymbolValue=' ' ||SymbolValue end when DdCode='$$RXEXEC' then do RxExec='' call ExecRexxCmd SymbolValue SymbolValue=RxExec end otherwise do UserRexx=CfgMacro("REXX_" || DdCode, '') if UserRexx='' then CryAndDie('The $$ replacement command of "' || DdCode || '" is unknown!') TheMacro="" TheName=SymbolName TheValue=SymbolValue call ExecRexxCmd UserRexx if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if SymbolValue=TheValue then do call DBGIND 1 call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'The user rexx code did not modify the "TheValue" variable' call DBGIND-1 end end SymbolValue=TheValue end end end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDSTDVAR 'Value : ' ||DebugRightArrow||SymbolValue||DebugLeftArrow end LeftBit=LeftBit||SymbolValue ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 if pos(MarksNewLine,SymbolValue)<>0 then leave StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement,RightBit) end return(LeftBit||RightBit) GetDefineContents: if verify(arg(1),EndsVar, 'M') <> 0 then CryAndDie('The macro name "' || arg(1) || '" is invalid (Any of "' || EndsVar || '" are invalid)') s_MacName=arg(1) s_MacNameO=s_MacName s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) if s_RbPos<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING '[indirection]: ' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end do while s_RbPos<>0 s_LbPos=lastpos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName,s_RbPos) if s_LbPos=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndLeft || '" character for "' || MacroIndRight || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) s_L=left(s_MacName,s_LbPos-1) s_M=substr(s_MacName,s_LbPos+1,s_RbPos-s_LbPos-1) s_R=substr(s_MacName,s_RbPos+1) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_DEFINING 'Looking for: ' ||s_M call DBGIND 1 end s_RepType='' if symbol(s_M)='VAR' then do s_RepType='REXX' s_RepWith=value(s_M) end else do if CsReplacement='N' then s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_M)) else s_SavedAs='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_M) if symbol(s_SavedAs)='VAR' then do s_RepType='PPWIZARD' s_RepWith=value(s_SavedAs) end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if s_RepType='' then call DBG_DEFINING 'No such REXX or PPWIZARD symbol!' else call DBG_DEFINING s_RepType|| ' symbol contained: ' ||s_RepWith call DBGIND-1 end if s_RepType='' then do if s_MacName=s_MacNameO then s_Show=s_MacName else s_Show=s_MacName|| ' <= "' ||s_MacNameO CryAndDie("Could not find a REXX variable or PPWIZARD macro matching:", ' ' || s_M, 'In the macro reference:', ' ' ||s_Show) end s_MacName=s_L||s_RepWith||s_R if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_DEFINING 'New macro reference is "' ||DebugRightArrow||s_MacName||DebugLeftArrow s_RbPos=pos(MacroIndRight,s_MacName) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 end if pos(MacroIndLeft,s_MacName)<>0 then CryAndDie('Could not find a matching "' || MacroIndRight || '" character for "' || MacroIndLeft || '"', 'The invalid macro is:', ' ' ||s_MacName) ba_MN=s_MacName if CsReplacement='N' then ba_SA='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(translate(s_MacName)) else ba_SA='MACRO?.M?'||c2x(s_MacName) if symbol(ba_SA)='VAR' then return(_valueG(ba_SA)) if arg(1)=ba_MN then ba_New='' else ba_New=' ("' || ba_MN || '")' CryAndDie('Macro named "' || arg(1) || '"' || ba_New || ' does not exist!',_MacroBitNotFoundText()) _SpecialPrm: call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS "This is a special variable, it's value is: " ||arg(1) return _DieInvPrm: CryAndDie('The "' || StartsMacroParm || ThisParmName || EndsMacroParm || '" parameter was not supplied (and there is no default value)', '', 'Did you mean to use "' || HidesMacroParm || ThisParmName || EndsMacroParm || '" to hide the reference?',_MacroBitNotFoundText()) return ReplaceDefinitionsParameters: do ParmIndex=1 to ParmCount ParmUsed.ParmIndex='N' end bb_DieIfNotUsed='N' bb_ValPointless='N' DefaultCnt=0 ParmLeftBit='' ParmRightBit=VariableCont ParmPos=pos(StartsMacroParm,ParmRightBit) do while ParmPos<>0 ParmLeftBit=ParmLeftBit||left(ParmRightBit,ParmPos-1) ParmRightBit=substr(ParmRightBit,ParmPos+2) EqualPos=pos('=',ParmRightBit) MaybeEndPos=pos(EndsMacroParm,ParmRightBit) if MaybeEndPos=0 then CryAndDie('Incorrect use of macro parameter, no matching "' || EndsMacroParm || '" for "' || StartsMacroParm || '"') if EqualPos<>0&EqualPos<MaybeEndPos then do if CsReplacement='N' then ThisParmName=translate(strip(left(ParmRightBit,EqualPos-1))) else ThisParmName=strip(left(ParmRightBit,EqualPos-1)) ParmRightBit=substr(ParmRightBit,EqualPos+1) ParmDefault=GetQuotedText(ParmRightBit, "ParmRightBit",EndsMacroParm) HaveDefault='Y' CurlyPos=pos(EndsMacroParm,ParmRightBit) if CurlyPos=0 then CryAndDie("Expected to find '" || EndsMacroParm || "' " || 'after the parameter default of "' || ParmDefault || '"!') ParmCmds=left(ParmRightBit,CurlyPos-1) ParmRightBit=substr(ParmRightBit,CurlyPos+1) FoundIndex=0 do DefaultIndex=1 to DefaultCnt if ThisParmName=PrmDefaultName.DefaultIndex then do FoundIndex=DefaultIndex leave end end if FoundIndex=0 then do DefaultCnt=DefaultCnt+1 FoundIndex=DefaultCnt end PrmDefaultName.FoundIndex=ThisParmName PrmDefaultValue.FoundIndex=ParmDefault end else do HaveDefault='N' if CsReplacement='N' then ThisParmName=translate(strip(left(ParmRightBit,MaybeEndPos-1))) else ThisParmName=strip(left(ParmRightBit,MaybeEndPos-1)) SpcPos=pos(' ',ThisParmName) if SpcPos=0 then ParmCmds='' else do ParmCmds=substr(ThisParmName,SpcPos+1) ThisParmName=left(ThisParmName,SpcPos-1) end ParmRightBit=substr(ParmRightBit,MaybeEndPos+1) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'Parm : ' ||ThisParmName FndVarIndex=0 do ParmIndex=1 to ParmCount if ParmName.ParmIndex<> '' then do if ThisParmName=ParmName.ParmIndex then do ParmUsed.ParmIndex='Y' FndVarIndex=ParmIndex end end end if FndVarIndex<>0 then ReplaceParmWith=ParmValue.FndVarIndex else do if HaveDefault='Y' then ReplaceParmWith=ParmDefault else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'Parameter not supplied. No default given. Default value stored?' end do DefaultIndex=1 to DefaultCnt if ThisParmName=PrmDefaultName.DefaultIndex then do ReplaceParmWith=PrmDefaultValue.DefaultIndex HaveDefault='Y' leave end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if HaveDefault='N' then Ans='Oops - not user defined!' else Ans='Lucky!' call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS Ans call DBGIND-1 end if HaveDefault='N' then do bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='N' select when ThisParmName='?' then do bb_ValPointless='Y' bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='Y' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call _SpecialPrm 'is all unused parms' ReplaceParmWith='' do ParmIndex=1 to ParmCount if ParmName.ParmIndex<> '' then do if ParmUsed.ParmIndex='N' then do if ReplaceParmWith=='' then LSPC='' else LSPC=' ' if ParmValueT.ParmIndex='NV' then ReplaceParmWith=ReplaceParmWith||LSPC||ParmNameC.ParmIndex else do if ParmCmds='' then do QChar=QuoteIt(ParmValue.ParmIndex,TryQuoteListAny) ReplaceParmWith=ReplaceParmWith||LSPC||ParmNameC.ParmIndex|| '=' ||QChar||ParmValue.ParmIndex||QChar end else do ReplaceParmWith=ReplaceParmWith||LSPC||StartsMacroParm||ParmNameC.ParmIndex|| ' ' ||ParmCmds||EndsMacroParm end end end end end ParmCmds='' end when ThisParmName='??' then do bb_ValPointless='Y' bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='Y' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call _SpecialPrm 'all parms as rexx array' RepWith='' ArrayCnt=0 do ParmIndex=1 to ParmCount if ParmName.ParmIndex<> '' then do MpTmp=ParmValue.ParmIndex if length(MpTmp)<=200 then do MpRepVW=QuoteAsRexxLit(MpTmp) end else do MpRepVW='MpTmpV' MpTmpF='Y' do while length(MpTmp)>200 RepWith=RepWith|| 'MpTmpV=' if MpTmpF='Y' then MpTmpF='N' else RepWith=RepWith|| 'MpTmpV||' RepWith=RepWith||QuoteAsRexxLit(left(MpTmp,200))||DefRexxSpecialSepTag MpTmp=substr(MpTmp,200+1) end if MpTmp\=='' then RepWith=RepWith|| 'MpTmpV=MpTmpV||' ||QuoteAsRexxLit(MpTmp)||DefRexxSpecialSepTag end ArrayCnt=ArrayCnt+1 RepWith=RepWith|| 'MP.' || ArrayCnt || ".MPNAME = " ||QuoteAsRexxLit(ParmNameC.ParmIndex)||DefRexxSpecialSepTag RepWith=RepWith|| 'MP.' || ArrayCnt || ".MPVALUE = " ||MpRepVW||DefRexxSpecialSepTag RepWith=RepWith|| 'MP.' || ArrayCnt || ".MPUSED = '" || ParmUsed.ParmIndex || "'" ||DefRexxSpecialSepTag RepWith=RepWith|| 'MP.' || ArrayCnt || ".MPTYPE = '" || ParmValueT.ParmIndex || "'" ||DefRexxSpecialSepTag end end ReplaceParmWith=RepWith|| 'MP.0 = ' ||ArrayCnt||DefRexxSpecialSepTag ParmCmds='' end when translate(ThisParmName)='?MACNAME' then do bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='Y' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call _SpecialPrm 'name of macro being expanded' ReplaceParmWith=VariableName end when translate(ThisParmName)='?RESETUSED' then do bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='Y' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call _SpecialPrm 'All parms now marked unused' do ParmIndex=1 to ParmCount ParmUsed.ParmIndex='N' end bb_ValPointless='Y' ReplaceParmWith='' ParmCmds='' end when ThisParmName='!' then do bb_DieIfNotUsed="Y" bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='Y' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call _SpecialPrm 'Empty - It is a parameter validation command' ReplaceParmWith='' ParmCmds='' end otherwise do if bb_ReginaBugWorkAround='N' then call _DieInvPrm end end end end end if ParmCmds<> '' then do ParmCmds=translate(strip(ParmCmds)) do until ParmCmds='' parse var ParmCmds ParmCmd ParmCmds if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS '$Bef: ' ||ReplaceParmWith call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS '$Cmd: ' ||ParmCmd call DBGIND-1 end select when ParmCmd='$$PASSAQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(ReplaceParmWith,TryQuoteListAny) ReplaceParmWith=ThisParmName|| '=' ||QChar||ReplaceParmWith||QChar end when ParmCmd='$$PASSDSQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(ReplaceParmWith,TryQuoteListDs) ReplaceParmWith=ThisParmName|| '=' ||QChar||ReplaceParmWith||QChar end when ParmCmd='$$IGNORE' then ReplaceParmWith='' when ParmCmd='$$DSQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(ReplaceParmWith,TryQuoteListDs) ReplaceParmWith=QChar||ReplaceParmWith||QChar end when ParmCmd='$$SDQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(ReplaceParmWith,TryQuoteListSd) ReplaceParmWith=QChar||ReplaceParmWith||QChar end when ParmCmd='$$AQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(ReplaceParmWith,TryQuoteListAny) ReplaceParmWith=QChar||ReplaceParmWith||QChar end when ParmCmd='$$UPPER' then ReplaceParmWith=translate(ReplaceParmWith) when ParmCmd='$$LOWER' then ReplaceParmWith=ToLowerCase(ReplaceParmWith) when ParmCmd='$$ADDCOMMA' then ReplaceParmWith=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(ReplaceParmWith) when ParmCmd='$$HTMLQ' then ReplaceParmWith=ReplaceString(ReplaceParmWith, '"', '"') when ParmCmd='$$SQX2' then ReplaceParmWith=ReplaceString(ReplaceParmWith, "'" , "''") when ParmCmd="$$RX'" then ReplaceParmWith=_RXQuote(ReplaceParmWith, "'") when ParmCmd='$$RX"' then ReplaceParmWith=_RXQuote(ReplaceParmWith, '"') when ParmCmd='$$SPCPLUS' then do if ReplaceParmWith\=='' then ReplaceParmWith=' ' ||ReplaceParmWith end when ParmCmd='$$RXEXEC' then do RxExec='' call ExecRexxCmd ReplaceParmWith ReplaceParmWith=RxExec end otherwise do UserRexx=CfgMacro("REXX_" || ParmCmd, '') if UserRexx='' then CryAndDie('The $$ replacement command of "' || ParmCmd || '" is unknown!') TheMacro=VariableName TheName=ThisParmName TheValue=ReplaceParmWith call ExecRexxCmd UserRexx if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if ReplaceParmWith=TheValue then do call DBGIND 1 call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'The user rexx code did not modify the "TheValue" variable' call DBGIND-1 end end ReplaceParmWith=TheValue end end end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'Use : ' ||ReplaceParmWith call DBGIND-1 end ParmRightBit=ReplaceParmWith||ParmRightBit ParmPos=pos(StartsMacroParm,ParmRightBit) end ParmLeftBit=ParmLeftBit||ParmRightBit if bb_ValPointless='N' then do if OptionParmVal<> "S" then do bb_DieIfNotUsed=OptionParmVal end if bb_DieIfNotUsed='Y' | OptionDebugOn = 'Y' then do bb_UnUsed='' do ParmIndex=1 to ParmCount if ParmUsed.ParmIndex='N' then do call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'The "' || ParmName.ParmIndex || '" parameter was not referred to by the "' || VariableName || '" macro (either invalid or referenced only in unused default value of another parameter).' if bb_UnUsed='' then bb_UnUsed=ParmName.ParmIndex else bb_UnUsed=bb_UnUsed|| ', ' ||ParmName.ParmIndex end end if bb_DieIfNotUsed='Y' then do if bb_UnUsed<> '' then do bb_UnUsed=' ' ||bb_UnUsed if DefaultCnt=0 then bb_Def='No macro parameters used default values' else do bb_Def='' do DefaultIndex=1 to DefaultCnt if bb_Def='' then bb_Def=PrmDefaultName.DefaultIndex else bb_Def=bb_Def|| ', ' ||PrmDefaultName.DefaultIndex end end bb_Def=' ' ||bb_Def CryAndDie('The "' || VariableName || '" macro was supplied parameters it', 'does not require! These are:', bb_UnUsed, '', 'These macro parameters used default values:',bb_Def) end end end end if pos('{',ParmLeftBit)<>0 then do if pos(StartsMacroParm,ParmLeftBit)<>0 then CryAndDie('Not all "' || VariableName || '" parameters replaced!') ParmLeftBit=ReplaceString(ParmLeftBit,HidesMacroParm,StartsMacroParm) end return(ParmLeftBit) _ReplaceAllHashDefinedVariables: RightBit=arg(1) LeftBit='' ChangesMade='N' VarPos=pos(StartsMacroReplacement,RightBit) do while VarPos<>0 LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,VarPos-1) RightBit=substr(RightBit,VarPos+2) DelPos=verify(RightBit,EndsVar, 'M') if DelPos=0 then CryAndDie("Can't find the end of the macro reference at " ||DebugRightArrow||StartsMacroReplacement||RightBit||DebugLeftArrow) VariableName=left(RightBit,DelPos-1) MacroBeingExpanded=VariableName RightBit=strip(substr(RightBit,DelPos), 'L') if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVAR 'Found : ' || StartsMacroReplacement || VariableName || ' ...' ||EndsMacroReplacement call DBGIND 1 end DefnAsIs='N' VariableCont=GetDefineContents(VariableName) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVAR 'Value : ' ||DebugRightArrow||VariableCont||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end ParmCount=0 DDCmdCount=0 PositionalParmCount=0 EndParmDelimiters=EndsMacroReplacement|| '= ' Left1=left(RightBit,1) do while Left1<>EndsMacroReplacement if pos(Left1,ArePositionalChars)<>0 then do PositionalParmCount=PositionalParmCount+1 ThisParmNameC='#' ||PositionalParmCount if CsReplacement='N' then ThisParmName=translate(ThisParmNameC) else ThisParmName=ThisParmNameC ThisParmValType='V' if Left1='=' then ThisParmVal=GetQuotedText(substr(RightBit,2), "RightBit",EndsMacroReplacement) else ThisParmVal=GetQuotedText(RightBit, "RightBit",EndsMacroReplacement) end else do DelPos=verify(RightBit,EndParmDelimiters, 'M') if DelPos=0 then CryAndDie('Macro reference incorrectly formatted, missing "' || EndsMacroReplacement || '"?') ThisParmNameC=strip(left(RightBit,DelPos-1)) if CsReplacement='N' then ThisParmName=translate(ThisParmNameC) else ThisParmName=ThisParmNameC DelChar=substr(RightBit,DelPos,1) if DelChar='=' then do ThisParmVal=GetQuotedText(substr(RightBit,DelPos+1), "RightBit",EndsMacroReplacement) ThisParmValType='V' end else do RightBit=strip(substr(RightBit,DelPos), 'L') if left(ThisParmName,2)<> '$$' then do ThisParmVal=ThisParmName ThisParmValType='NV' end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS '$$Cmd: ' ||ThisParmName select when ThisParmName='$$ASIS' then DefnAsIs='Y' otherwise do DDCmdCount=DDCmdCount+1 DDCmd.DDCmdCount=ThisParmName end end Left1=left(RightBit,1) iterate end end end do ChkIndex=1 to ParmCount if ThisParmName=ParmName.ChkIndex then CryAndDie('The macro parameter "' || ThisParmName || '" was specified more than once!') end ParmCount=ParmCount+1 ParmName.ParmCount=ThisParmName ParmNameC.ParmCount=ThisParmNameC ParmValue.ParmCount=ThisParmVal ParmValueT.ParmCount=ThisParmValType Left1=left(RightBit,1) end if DefnAsIs='Y' then do if ParmCount<>0 then CryAndDie('You wanted "' || VariableName || '" subsituted ASIS but then specified parameters!') end else do if ParmCount<>0 then VariableCont=ReplaceDefinitionsParameters() else do if pos(StartsMacroParm,VariableCont)<>0 then VariableCont=ReplaceDefinitionsParameters() else VariableCont=ReplaceString(VariableCont,HidesMacroParm,StartsMacroParm) end end if DDCmdCount<>0 then do do ddIndex=1 to DDCmdCount ThisDdCmd=DDCmd.ddIndex select when ThisDdCmd='$$DSQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(VariableCont,TryQuoteListDs) VariableCont=QChar||VariableCont||QChar end when ThisDdCmd='$$SDQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(VariableCont,TryQuoteListSd) VariableCont=QChar||VariableCont||QChar end when ThisDdCmd='$$AQ' then do QChar=QuoteIt(VariableCont,TryQuoteListAny) VariableCont=QChar||VariableCont||QChar end when ThisDdCmd='$$UPPER' then VariableCont=translate(VariableCont) when ThisDdCmd='$$LOWER' then VariableCont=ToLowerCase(VariableCont) when ThisDdCmd='$$ADDCOMMA' then VariableCont=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(VariableCont) when ThisDdCmd='$$HTMLQ' then VariableCont=ReplaceString(VariableCont, '"', '"') when ThisDdCmd='$$SQX2' then VariableCont=ReplaceString(VariableCont, "'" , "''") when ThisDdCmd="$$RX'" then VariableCont=_RXQuote(VariableCont, "'") when ThisDdCmd='$$RX"' then VariableCont=_RXQuote(VariableCont, '"') when ThisDdCmd='$$SPCPLUS' then do if VariableCont\=='' then VariableCont=' ' ||VariableCont end when ThisDdCmd='$$RXEXEC' then do RxExec='' call ExecRexxCmd VariableCont VariableCont=RxExec end otherwise do UserRexx=CfgMacro("REXX_" || ThisDdCmd, '') if UserRexx='' then CryAndDie('The $$ replacement command of "' || ThisDdCmd || '" is unknown!') TheMacro="" TheName=VariableName TheValue=VariableCont call ExecRexxCmd UserRexx if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if VariableCont=TheValue then do call DBGIND 1 call DebugOutputVariableInfo_FOUNDVARPARMS 'The user rexx code did not modify the "TheValue" variable' call DBGIND-1 end end VariableCont=TheValue end end end end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-2 RightBit=substr(RightBit,2) LeftBit=LeftBit||VariableCont ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 if pos(MarksNewLine,LeftBit)<>0 then leave VarPos=pos(StartsMacroReplacement,RightBit) end MacroBeingExpanded='' TheString=LeftBit||RightBit return(TheString) CfgMacro: DefVar=arg(1) if MacroExists(DefVar)='N' then do DefValue=arg(2) DefDbgWrd='not' end else do DefValue=GetDefineContents(DefVar) DefDbgWrd='was' end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_MACROVALORDEF 'Option(Macro) "' || DefVar || '" ' || DefDbgWrd || ' found. Using ' ||DebugRightArrow||DefValue||DebugLeftArrow return(DefValue) Define_26: RexxTokens='|=+-/%*<>\,;:()&' signal LineOut_27 GenerateOneLine: if CondNlCount=0 then call GenerateOneLineAsIs arg(1) else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Looking for Conditional newline codes' BefCodeCount=ReplaceCount Line2Gen=ReplaceString(arg(1), "{?WaNtNl?}",MarksNewLine) if BefCodeCount<>ReplaceCount then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Found ' ReplaceCount - BefCodeCount || ' conditional newline codes' CondNlCount=CondNlCount-(ReplaceCount-BefCodeCount) do until BefCodeCount=ReplaceCount BefCodeCount=ReplaceCount Line2Gen=ReplaceString(Line2Gen,MarksNewLine||MarksNewLine,MarksNewLine) end if Line2Gen\=='' then do if left(Line2Gen,1)=MarksNewLine then Line2Gen=substr(Line2Gen,2) if Line2Gen\=='' then do if right(Line2Gen,1)=MarksNewLine then Line2Gen=left(Line2Gen,length(Line2Gen)-1) end end end do until Line2Gen=='' parse var Line2Gen This1 (MarksNewLine) Line2Gen call GenerateOneLineAsIs This1 end end return GenerateOneLineAsIs: Line2Gen2=arg(1) if CheckSpelling='Y';then do if AllowSpell='Y' & Line2Gen2 <> '' then call SpellCheckOneLine Line2Gen2 end if OptionFilterOut='' then do if HoldingOutput='N' then call DirectToOutputFile Line2Gen2||NewLineChars else HeldOutput=HeldOutput||Line2Gen2||NewLineChars GeneratedLines=GeneratedLines+1 CurrentOutLine=CurrentOutLine+1 end else do FilterRc=HtmlFilterOut("O",Line2Gen2,CurrentOutFile,CurrentOutLine,GeneratedLines,NewLineChars) if Left(FilterRc,3)<> "OK:" then CryAndDie(FilterRc) else do NumWritten=substr(FilterRc,4) GeneratedLines=GeneratedLines+NumWritten CurrentOutLine=CurrentOutLine+NumWritten end end return DirectToOutputFile: if 0=charout(CurrentOutFile,arg(1))then return IoReason=FileDescription(CurrentOutFile) CryAndDie('Write to "' || CurrentOutFile || '" failed (' || IoReason || ')!') OutputRexxLine: RexxLine=arg(1) if right(RexxLine,1)=';' then RexxLine=left(RexxLine,length(RexxLine)-1) if OptionPack='Y' & KeepIndent = 'N' then do if AllowPack='Y' then RexxLine=CompressRexxLine(RexxLine) else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Not allowed to pack this line' end end ElPos=pos(':',RexxLine) if ElPos<>0 then do PossLabel=strip(left(RexxLine,ElPos-1)) if datatype(PossLabel, 'S')=1 then call GenerateOneLine '' end if pos(NotEqualInC,RexxLine)<>0 then call OutputInformationToScreen '"' || NotEqualInC || '" found. Did you mean to use "<>" or "\="?' call GenerateOneLine RexxLine return CompressRexxLine: RexxLine=arg(1) Spos=lastpos("'",RexxLine) Dpos=lastpos('"',RexxLine) EndPos=max(Spos,Dpos) if EndPos=0 then return(_CompressRexx(RexxLine)) else do Spos=pos("'",RexxLine) Dpos=pos('"',RexxLine) StartPos=min(Spos,Dpos) if StartPos=0 then StartPos=max(Spos,Dpos) LeftBit=left(RexxLine,StartPos-1) RightBit=substr(RexxLine,EndPos+1) if right(LeftBit,1, "*") == ' ' then LeftSpace=' ' else LeftSpace='' if left(RightBit,1, "*") == ' ' then RightSpace=' ' else RightSpace='' LeftBit=_CompressRexx(LeftBit) RightBit=_CompressRexx(RightBit) if LeftSpace==' ' then do if right(LeftBit,1)='=' then LeftSpace='' end LeftBit=_CompressRexx(LeftBit) RightBit=_CompressRexx(RightBit) return(LeftBit||LeftSpace||substr(RexxLine,StartPos,(EndPos-StartPos)+1)||RightSpace||RightBit) end _CompressRexx: ToCompress=space(arg(1)) Compressed='' TokenPos=verify(ToCompress,RexxTokens, 'M') do while TokenPos<>0 Compressed=Compressed||strip(left(ToCompress,TokenPos-1), 'T')||substr(ToCompress,TokenPos,1) ToCompress=strip(substr(ToCompress,TokenPos+1), 'L') TokenPos=verify(ToCompress,RexxTokens, 'M') end return(Compressed||ToCompress) LineOut_27: call InitializeOneLine signal OneLine_28 InitializeOneLine: OneLineLevel=0 OneLineBuffer='' OneLineGCount=0 return InitializeOneLine4ThisLevel: OneLineSeperator.OneLineLevel='' OneLineStartLoc.OneLineLevel='' OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel='' OneLineNonPpwCnt.OneLineLevel=0 OneLineCount.OneLineLevel=0 return AddToOneLine: _OneLineBit=arg(1) _Word1=word(_OneLineBit,1) if translate(_Word1)=CmdHash1Line then do if OneLineBuffer\=='' then do OneLineBuffer=OneLineBuffer||OneLineSeperator.OneLineLevel end call ProcessOneLine subword(_OneLineBit,2),CmdHash1LineEnd return('') end if strip(_OneLineBit)<>OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel then do OneLineCount.OneLineLevel=OneLineCount.OneLineLevel+1 OneLineGCount=OneLineGCount+1 if OneLineGCount=1 then do if translate(left(_Word1,length(CmdHashDefine)))=CmdHashDefine then do PpwCmdDivider2=MarksNewLineInHashDefine OneLineBuffer=OneLineBuffer||_OneLineBit|| ' ' end else do PpwCmdDivider2=MarksNewLine OneLineNonPpwCnt.OneLineLevel=OneLineNonPpwCnt.OneLineLevel+1 OneLineBuffer=OneLineBuffer||_OneLineBit end end else do if left(_Word1,HashPrefixLng)<>HashPrefix then do if OneLineNonPpwCnt.OneLineLevel=0 then OneLineBuffer=OneLineBuffer||_OneLineBit else OneLineBuffer=OneLineBuffer||OneLineSeperator.OneLineLevel||_OneLineBit OneLineNonPpwCnt.OneLineLevel=OneLineNonPpwCnt.OneLineLevel+1 end else do parse var _OneLineBit _ppwCmd _ppwCmdParm _OneLineBit=_ppwCmd|| ' ' ||strip(_ppwCmdParm) OneLineBuffer=OneLineBuffer||PpwCmdDivider2||_OneLineBit||PpwCmdDivider2 end end return('') end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'End of #( block - ' || OneLineCount.OneLineLevel || ' line(s)' OneLineLevel=OneLineLevel-1 call StackPop "PPWIZARD's #( Command" if OneLineLevel<>0 then return('') else do _OneLineBit=OneLineBuffer call InitializeOneLine return(_OneLineBit) end ProcessOneLine: OneLineLevel=OneLineLevel+1 call StackPush "PPWIZARD's #( Command",,"#( command - level " ||OneLineLevel call InitializeOneLine4ThisLevel OneLineStartLoc.OneLineLevel=CurrentSourceLocation() Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) if Rest='' then OneLineSeperator.OneLineLevel=' ' else do OneLineSeperator.OneLineLevel=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") end if Rest<> '' then OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel=GetQuotedText(Rest) else do OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel=arg(2) if OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel='' then OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel=HashPrefix|| 'OneLineEnd' end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'Line separator = ' ||DebugRightArrow||OneLineSeperator.OneLineLevel||DebugLeftArrow call DBG 'End of block marker = ' || DebugRightArrow || OneLineStopper.OneLineLevel || DebugLeftArrow || ' (case sensitive!)' end return(0) OneLine_28: UserHashCmds='' signal CMDNFND_29 LookForUnknownCmdHandler: UserHashCmds=CfgMacro("UNKNOWN_HASH_COMMANDS", '') return ProcessUnknownHashCommand: parse arg HashCmd,HashParms CmdGenerates='' call ExecRexxCmd UserHashCmds if CmdGenerates\=='' then do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=CmdGenerates else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=CmdGenerates||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine end return(0) CMDNFND_29: OptChar='/' CmdLineQL='"' || "'~`!#$%^=([" CmdLineQR='"' || "'~`!#$%^=)]" signal CmdLine_30 InitCommandLineOptions: OptChar1='/' OptChar2='-' OptionsCmdLine=strip(arg(1)) OptionDebugOn='N' OptionMaxCol=500 DepDelPrev='N' OptionBaseDirectory='' InputMasksAllowed='Y' OptionPrjExtn='DEF_*' CgiOutputFile='' OptionCgiModeOn='N' ProcessingMode='' call MakingText "HTML" call MakingText "OTHER" call MakingText "REXX" call MakingText "COPY" PpwOnOK='' PpwOnERROR='' OptionUncUsed='N' OptionValidation='' OptionValidationRc='' OptionOutput='' OptionDependsOn='' OptionWantInfoMsgs='Y' OptionHashIncludeCnt=0 OptionIncludePathCnt=0 OptionTemplate='' OptionQuietDependsOn='N' OptionSummary='Y' OptionPack='N' OptionTranslateFileNames='N' OptionFilterIn='' OptionFilterOut='' OptionDefineCount=0 OptionKeepRexxCmts='N' OptionCompleteAddToToDepFile='Y' OptionAtEndCommand='' OptionAtEndCommandOkTest='' HaveGeneratorTags='N' OptionHtmlGeneratorTags='' OptionNoDepFileOnWarnings='Y' OptionHideCmdS='' OptionHideCmdE='' OptionHideCmdS_L=0 OptionHideCmdE_L=0 Option0FilesPerMaskOk='N' Option0FilesTotalOk='N' Option0FilesTotalAfterExcludeOk='N' OptionXSlash='' OptionDeleteOnError='Y' bc_Line=copies('*+',20) call StoreOutHeader "|VBS|'" || bc_Line || "|' |'" || bc_Line || "|" return QuickCheckForDebugSwitch: OptionsEnvironment=GetEnv('PPWIZARD_OPTIONS') UpperTheCmdLine=translate(OptionsEnvironment|| ' ' ||OptionsCmdLine) if pos(OptChar1|| 'DEBUG ', UpperTheCmdLine || ' ') <> 0 | pos(OptChar2 || 'DEBUG ', UpperTheCmdLine || ' ')<>0 then do OptionDebugOn='Y' OptionWantInfoMsgs='Y' call DebugStateChanged end return ProcessCommandLine: call SetUpPpwizardOptionDefaults call InitializeCharCodes PpwDoing='Starting to processing parameters (from command line + Environment)' call DBG PpwDoing InputMaskCount=0 DebugSwitchUsed='N' OptionWantCopyright='Y' CmdLineTotal='' PpwClDep='' call ProcessCommandLineBit "environment",OptionsEnvironment PpwDefaultProject=FindProjectFile('ppwizard') if PpwDefaultProject<> '' then call ProcessCommandLineBit PpwDefaultProject,OptChar|| 'LIST:' || ReplaceString(PpwDefaultProject, ' ', '{x20}') call ProcessCommandLineBit "command line",OptionsCmdLine call DBG 'Finished Processing : ' ||CmdLineTotal PpwDoing='' return AddToSwitchList: bd_ForDep=arg(1) bd_ThisParm=ReplaceString(ThisParm, ' ', '{x20}') if CmdLineTotal='' then CmdLineTotal=bd_ThisParm else CmdLineTotal=CmdLineTotal|| ' ' ||bd_ThisParm if bd_ForDep='Y' then do if PpwClDep='' then PpwClDep=bd_ThisParm else PpwClDep=PpwClDep|| ' ' ||bd_ThisParm end return ProcessCommandLineBit: parse arg be_What,be_CmdLine call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Processing switches - ' ||be_What call DBGIND 1 do while be_CmdLine<> '' be_CmdLine=strip(be_CmdLine) be_QPos=pos(left(be_CmdLine,1),CmdLineQL) if be_QPos<>0 then do be_SQ=substr(CmdLineQL,be_QPos,1) be_EQ=substr(CmdLineQR,be_QPos,1) call DBG 'Item quoted. Left Quote = ' || be_SQ || ', Looking for end quote of ' ||be_EQ be_Start=be_CmdLine be_CmdLine=substr(be_CmdLine,2) be_QPos=pos(be_EQ,be_CmdLine) if be_QPos=0 then UserSyntaxError('Could not find the ending quote of ' || be_EQ || ' at ==> ' ||be_Start) ThisParm=left(be_CmdLine,be_QPos-1) be_CmdLine=substr(be_CmdLine,be_QPos+1) if be_CmdLine<> '' then do if left(be_CmdLine,1)\==' ' then UserSyntaxError('Invalid quoted parameter (space must follow quoted item) at ==> ' ||be_Start) end end else do parse var be_CmdLine ThisParm be_CmdLine end ParmType=left(ThisParm,1) select when ParmType=OptChar1|ParmType=OptChar2 then do ThisParmT='Switch' OptChar=ParmType end when ParmType='@' then ThisParmT='Project' when ParmType=';' then ThisParmT='Commented out' otherwise do ThisParmT='FileMask' ParmType='' end end call DBG ThisParmT|| ' <- "' || ThisParm || '"' if ParmType=';' then iterate call DBGIND 1 ThisParm=ReplaceCurlyHexCodes(ThisParm) PpwDoing='Processing command line: ' ||ThisParm if ParmType='@' then do PrjFile=substr(ThisParm,2) PrjFileF=FindProjectFile(PrjFile) if PrjFileF='' then CryAndDie('The specified project "' || PrjFile || '" does not exist') ThisParm=OptChar|| 'LIST:' || ReplaceString(PrjFileF, ' ', '{x20}') be_CmdLine=ThisParm|| ' ' ||be_CmdLine call DBGIND-1 iterate end if ParmType='' then do if InputMasksAllowed='N' then CryAndDie('Sorry but no more input masks can be accepted', 'Input mask "' || ThisParm || '" specified in:', ' ' ||be_What) call AddToSwitchList 'N' be_FM=MakeAbsolute(ThisParm) be_FF='?' ||RexDirChar if left(be_FM,2)=be_FF then do be_Find=substr(be_FM,3) be_FM=FindFile(be_Find) if be_FM='' then CryAndDie('Could not locate the file "' || be_Find || '"!') end be_Marker='{ENDBASE}' if pos(be_Marker,be_FM)<>0 then do parse var be_FM be_BD (be_Marker) be_FM be_FM=be_BD||be_FM call DBG 'Without base dir marker = "' || be_FM || '"' if left(be_BD,1)='+' then be_BD=substr(be_BD,2) end else do if OptionBaseDirectory<> '' then do be_BD=OptionBaseDirectory end else do if left(be_FM,1)='+' then be_BD=substr(be_FM,2) else be_BD=be_FM be_BD=_filespec('Location',be_BD) end end call ValidateBaseDirUse be_BD,be_FM, 'Y' be_PM=ProcessingMode be_OM=OptionOutput be_DM=OptionDependsOn InputMaskCount=InputMaskCount+1 InputMaskBDir.InputMaskCount=be_BD InputMaskPMode.InputMaskCount=be_PM InputMaskOutMask.InputMaskCount=be_OM InputMaskDepMask.InputMaskCount=be_DM InputMask0FilesOk.InputMaskCount=Option0FilesPerMaskOk be_U="<Unknown at this time>" if be_PM='' then be_PM=be_U if be_OM='' then be_OM=be_U if be_DM='' then be_DM=be_U call DBG 'Base Directory = "' || be_BD || '"' call DBG 'Processing Mode = "' || be_PM || '"' call DBG 'Output Mask = "' || be_OM || '"' call DBG 'Depends On Mask = "' || be_DM || '"' call DBG '0 Files OK = ' ||Option0FilesPerMaskOk InputMask.InputMaskCount=be_FM call DBGIND-1 iterate end ParmPos=verify(ThisParm, ':=', 'M') if ParmPos=0 then do ThisCmd=ThisParm ThisCmdOptions='' end else do ThisCmd=left(ThisParm,ParmPos-1) ThisCmdOptions=substr(ThisParm,ParmPos+1) end ThisCmd=translate(substr(ThisCmd,2)) RecordSwitch='Y' IsDepSwitch='Y' select when ThisCmd='PACK' then OptionPack=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='DELETEPREV' then DepDelPrev=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='CRLF' then do if SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') = 'Y' then NewLineChars=CrLf else NewLineChars=MarksNewLine end when ThisCmd='COPY' then call PModeSwitch ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='OTHER' then call PModeSwitch ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='HTML' then call PModeSwitch ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='REXX' then call PModeSwitch ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='OUTPUT' then OptionOutput=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) when ThisCmd='DEPENDSON' then do OptionDependsOn=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) if left(OptionDependsOn,1)<> '-' then OptionQuietDependsOn='N' else do OptionQuietDependsOn='Y' OptionDependsOn=substr(OptionDependsOn,2) end end when ThisCmd='DEPENDSONCOMPLETE' then OptionCompleteAddToToDepFile=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='0OK' then do if ThisCmdOptions='' then ThisCmdOptions='YES,YES,YES' parse var ThisCmdOptions be_P1 ',' be_P2 ',' be_P3 if be_P1<> '' then Option0FilesPerMaskOk=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,be_P1, 'Y') if be_P2<> '' then Option0FilesTotalOk=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,be_P2, 'Y') if be_P3<> '' then Option0FilesTotalAfterExcludeOk=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,be_P3, 'Y') end when ThisCmd='TEMPLATE' then OptionTemplate=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) when ThisCmd='COLOR' | ThisCmd = 'COLOUR' then do WantColor=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') if WantColor='N' then call RemoveColorCodes else do call NotAvailableUnderNtYet ThisCmd call SetColorCodes end end when ThisCmd='BEEP' then do WantBeep=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') if WantBeep='N' then call RemoveBeepCode else call SetBeepCode end when ThisCmd='WARNINGSRC' then do if ThisCmdOptions='' then WantedWarningRc=1 else do WantedWarningRc=GetQuotedText(ThisCmdOptions) if datatype(WantedWarningRc, 'W')=0 then CryAndDie('Invalid warning return code of "' || WantedWarningRc || '" supplied!') end end when ThisCmd='OUTHEADER' then call StoreOutHeader GetQuotedText(ThisCmdOptions) when ThisCmd='SYNTAX' then call StoreSyntaxCheckCode4Header GetQuotedText(ThisCmdOptions) when ThisCmd='FILENAMES' then do call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions OptionTranslateFileNames=translate(strip(ThisCmdOptions)) if OptionTranslateFileNames<> "LOWER" & OptionTranslateFileNames <> "UPPER" then UserSyntaxError('Expected "UPPER" or "LOWER" on the "' || TheCmd || '" command, not "' || ThisCmdOptions || '"!') end when ThisCmd='DEFINE' then do call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions parse var ThisCmdOptions DefineVar'='DefineContents OptionDefineCount=OptionDefineCount+1 OptionDefine.OptionDefineCount.Var=DefineVar OptionDefine.OptionDefineCount.Cont=strip(DefineContents) end when ThisCmd='OPTION' then do call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions call ProcessOption ThisCmdOptions end when ThisCmd='REQUIRE' then do be_P=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) call ProcessRequireCommon translate(be_P, ' ', ',') end when ThisCmd='FILTERINPUT' then do call NotAvailableUnderNtYet ThisCmd OptionFilterIn=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) call DoMacroSpaceOperation "ADD", OptionFilterIn, "HtmlFilterIn" end when ThisCmd='FILTEROUTPUT' then do call NotAvailableUnderNtYet ThisCmd OptionFilterOut=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) call DoMacroSpaceOperation "ADD", OptionFilterOut, "HtmlFilterOut" end when ThisCmd='SPELLSHOWALL' then SpellShowEachError=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='SPELLCHECK' then do call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions call LoadSpellingDictionary ThisCmdOptions end when ThisCmd='SPELLADDWORD' then do call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions SpellingAddFile=ThisCmdOptions if left(SpellingAddFile,1)<> '-' then SpellingPrompts='Y' else do SpellingPrompts='OK' SpellingAddFile=substr(SpellingAddFile,2) end end when ThisCmd='**/' then OptionKeepRexxCmts=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='INFO' then OptionWantInfoMsgs=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='#INCLUDE' | ThisCmd = 'INCLUDE' then do if ThisCmdOptions='' then OptionHashIncludeCnt=0 else do OptionHashIncludeCnt=OptionHashIncludeCnt+1 OptionHashInclude.OptionHashIncludeCnt=ThisCmdOptions end call DBG OptionHashIncludeCnt|| ' /#Include items stored' end when ThisCmd='BASEDIR' then do OptionBaseDirectory=MakeAbsolute(ThisCmdOptions) call DBG "BASEDIR: " ||OptionBaseDirectory end when ThisCmd='INCLUDEPATH' then do if ThisCmdOptions='' then OptionIncludePathCnt=0 else do OptionIncludePathCnt=OptionIncludePathCnt+1 OptionIncludePath.OptionIncludePathCnt=ThisCmdOptions end end when ThisCmd='CGI' then call TurnCgiModeOn ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='HTMLGENERATOR' then do HaveGeneratorTags='Y' OptionHtmlGeneratorTags=ThisCmdOptions end when ThisCmd='EXCLUDE' then do IsDepSwitch='N' call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions ExcludeList.0=0 TmpMask=ThisCmdOptions call DBG 'Looking for files matching "' || TmpMask || '"' if left(TmpMask,1)<> '+' then FollowDirs='N' else do FollowDirs='Y' TmpMask=substr(TmpMask,2) end call GetListOfFiles TmpMask, 'ExcludeList',FollowDirs call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Found ' || ExcludeList.0 || ' files(s) to exclude' call DBGIND 1 do InputIndex=1 to ExcludeList.0 TheFile=ExcludeList.InputIndex call DBG TheFile call _valueS "_EXCLUDE_._EXF_" || c2x(TheFile), 'you used "' || OptChar || ThisCmd || ':' || ThisCmdOptions || '"' end call DBGIND-2 end when ThisCmd='INC2CACHE' then IncludeIntoMemory=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='$TRACE' then call SetDollarTraceState SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='DEBUGTIME' then OptionDebugTime=left(SwitchOptionsValidateAgainstList(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, "N,NO,L,LONG,S,SHORT"),1) when ThisCmd='DEBUGCHARS' then call SetDebugChars ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='HOOK' then call RexxHookSet ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='REGSYNTAX' then do if RexWhich='REGINA' then call DBG "/RegSyntax has no effect under Regina!" NameOfOs2ReginaRexxInterpreter=ThisCmdOptions end when ThisCmd='REDIRMETHOD' then RedirMethod=ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='DEBUG' then do call RemoveBeepCode call RemoveColorCodes call SwitchMustNotHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions DebugSwitchUsed='Y' OptionDebugOn='Y' OptionWantInfoMsgs='Y' call DebugStateChanged end when ThisCmd='COPYRIGHT' then OptionWantCopyright=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='XSLASH' then do YesOrNo=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') if YesOrNo='N' then OptionXSlash='' else OptionXSlash=' /' end when ThisCmd='GETENV' then do FromEnv=GetEnv(ThisCmdOptions) if FromEnv='' then CryAndDie('The environment variable "' || ThisCmdOptions || '" does not exist.') call DBG 'Contained: ' ||FromEnv be_CmdLine=FromEnv|| ' ' ||be_CmdLine end when ThisCmd='INPUT' then be_CmdLine='"' || SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd, ThisCmdOptions) || '" ' ||be_CmdLine when ThisCmd='LIST' then do RecordSwitch='N' ListFile=QueryExists(ThisCmdOptions) if ListFile='' then CryAndDie('The list file "' || ThisCmdOptions || '" does not exist') call DBG 'Processing: "' || ListFile || '"' call DBGIND 1 call FileClose ListFile LCmt=';' || ';' LineNum=0 SpecList='' do while lines(ListFile)<>0 OneSpec=strip(linein(ListFile)) CmtPos=lastpos(LCmt,OneSpec) LineNum=LineNum+1 if CmtPos<>0 then OneSpec=strip(left(OneSpec,CmtPos-1), 'T') if OneSpec='' | left(OneSpec, 1) = ';' then iterate OneSpec=ReplaceString(OneSpec, ' ', '{' || 'x20}') call DBG 'Line #' || LineNum || ': ' ||OneSpec SpecList=SpecList|| ' ' ||OneSpec end call DBGIND-1 be_CmdLine=strip(SpecList)|| ' ' ||be_CmdLine call DieIfIoErrorOccurred ListFile call FileClose ListFile end when ThisCmd='DEPENDSONWARNINGS' then OptionNoDepFileOnWarnings=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='@EXTN' then OptionPrjExtn=ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='CONSOLEFILE' then call UserIsSpecifyingConsoleFileName ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='ERRORFILE' then call UserIsSpecifyingErrorFileName ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='DEBUGCOLS' then do TheValue=SwitchMustHaveOptions(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions) OptValid='N' if datatype(TheValue, 'W')=1 then do if TheValue>=0 then OptValid='Y' end if OptValid='N' then UserSyntaxError('Invalid /DebugCols value of "' || TheValue || '" supplied!') OptionMaxCol=TheValue end when ThisCmd='DROPFILES' then do call DBG 'Dropping all stored input file masks' InputMaskCount=0 call SwitchMustNotHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions end when ThisCmd='ONOK' then PpwOnOK=ThisCmdOptions when ThisCmd='ONERROR' then do PpwOnERROR=ThisCmdOptions if SleepSwitch='N' then OnExitSleepForError=0 end when ThisCmd='HIDECMD' then do if translate(ThisCmdOptions)='HTML[]' then ThisCmdOptions='<!--[{?}]-->' parse var ThisCmdOptions OptionHideCmdS '{?}' OptionHideCmdE OptionHideCmdS_L=length(OptionHideCmdS) OptionHideCmdE_L=length(OptionHideCmdE) if OptionHideCmdS_L=0|OptionHideCmdE_L=0 then CryAndDie('Your hide template must include "{?}" to indicate where the', 'command would be and must not start or end the template') end when ThisCmd='EXEC' then do call SplitOffRcTest call RunExecOrValidateCmd ThisCmd,ExecRcTest,ExecCmd end when ThisCmd='VALIDATE' then do call SplitOffRcTest OptionValidationRc=ExecRcTest OptionValidation=ExecCmd end when ThisCmd='SLEEP' then do SleepSwitch='Y' call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions parse var ThisCmdOptions OnExitSleepForOK ',' OnExitSleepForError if OnExitSleepForError='' then OnExitSleepForError=2 end when ThisCmd='DELETEONERROR' then OptionDeleteOnError=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='MAKING' then do call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions parse var ThisCmdOptions '/' be_M '/' be_T call MakingText be_M,be_T end when ThisCmd='UNC' then OptionUncUsed=SwitchWantsYesOrNo(ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions, 'Y') when ThisCmd='?' then UserSyntaxError('?') otherwise UserSyntaxError('Unknown switch of "' || OptChar || ThisCmd || '" specified') end call DBGIND-1 if RecordSwitch='Y' then call AddToSwitchList IsDepSwitch end call DBGIND-3 return UserSyntaxError: call AllFollowingOutputGoesToErrorFile call CgiStartFatalError call DisplayCopyright if arg(1)='?' then Title='SYNTAX' else do call Line1 ErrorColor|| "SYNTAX ERROR" call Line1 "~~~~~~~~~~~~" call Line1 ' ' ||arg(1) Title='CORRECT SYNTAX' end call CgiEndFatalError call Line1 '' call Line1 Title call Line1 copies('~',length(Title)) call Line1 ' ' || WizName || ' InputMask1 [-Option1 InputMask2 /Option2 ...]' call Line1 '' call Line1 'SOME COMMON OPTIONS' call Line1 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' call Line1 OptChar|| 'Output:Mask = Call output what? Place it where? (example "out\*.html")' call Line1 OptChar|| 'Rexx ' || OptChar || 'Other = Not HTML mode (rexx preprocessor or "OTHER")' call Line1 OptChar|| 'DependsOn:Mask = Generate/Check dependencies (makefile type functionality)' call Line1 OptChar|| 'Debug = Show debug information (diagnose problems or learning)' call Line1 '' call Line1 "Please see PPWIZARD's documentation for more details (and more options)." ||Beep||Beep||Reset if arg(1)<> '?' then AbnormalExit(MyLineNumber(), "Invalid Command Line - " ||arg(1)) else do parse version ThisRexxVer call Line1 '' call Line1 'ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION' call Line1 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' call Line1 'Rexx Version : ' ||ThisRexxVer call Line1 'Operating Syst: ' ||DebugGetOpSysText() call Line1 'PPWIZARD : ' ||PgmVersion call Line1 ' : "' || PpWizardPgmName || '"' AbnormalExit(MyLineNumber(), "User just wanted version number information") end SwitchMustHaveOptions: parse arg TheCmd,TheOptions if TheOptions='' then UserSyntaxError('You must supply parameters on the "' || OptChar || TheCmd || '" switch!') return(TheOptions) SwitchMustNotHaveOptions: parse arg TheCmd,TheOptions,Value2Set if TheOptions<> '' then UserSyntaxError('No parameters are expected for the "' || OptChar || TheCmd || '" switch!') return(Value2Set) SwitchOptionsValidateAgainstList: TheCmd=arg(1) TheOption=translate(arg(2)) ValidList=',' || translate(arg(3)) || ',' if pos(',' || TheOption || ',',ValidList)<>0 then return(TheOption) UserSyntaxError('An invalid parameter of "' || TheOption || '" was specified on the "' || OptChar || TheCmd || '" switch!') SwitchWantsYesOrNo: TheCmd=arg(1) TheOption=translate(arg(2)) Default=arg(3) if TheOption='' then return(Default) else return(left(SwitchOptionsValidateAgainstList(TheCmd,TheOption, "Y,N,YES,NO"),1)) NotAvailableUnderNtYet: TheCmd=arg(1) if RexWhich='REGINA' then UserSyntaxError('"' || OptChar || TheCmd || '" can not be performed under Windows (or regina).... Yet...') return FindProjectFile: bf_PrjFile=arg(1) if pos('.',bf_PrjFile)=0 then bf_PrjFile=bf_PrjFile|| '.ppw' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Looking for the project file "' || bf_PrjFile || '"' call DBGIND 1 end bf_Full=FindFile(bf_PrjFile) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 if bf_Full='' then call DBG 'Project file not found.' else call DBG 'Found project file "' || bf_Full || '"' call DBGIND-3 end return(bf_Full) SplitOffRcTest: call SwitchMustHaveOptions ThisCmd,ThisCmdOptions if left(ThisCmdOptions,1)='{' then parse var ThisCmdOptions '{' ExecRcTest '}' ExecCmd else do ExecCmd=ThisCmdOptions ExecRcTest='' end return RunExecOrValidateCmd: parse arg bg_Switch,bg_CmdRc,bg_Cmd if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Performing ' || OptChar || bg_Switch || ' command' bg_Exec=ReplaceString(bg_Cmd, "{?}",CurrentOutFile) if left(bg_Exec,1)<> '!' then bg_Redirect='Y' else do bg_Redirect='N' bg_Exec=substr(bg_Exec,2) end if bg_Redirect='N' then do call AddressCmd bg_Exec CmdRc=Rc end else do TmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName() call AddressCmd bg_Exec||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(TmpFile),TmpFile CmdRc=Rc call _SysFileDelete TmpFile end if bg_CmdRc<> '' then do call DBGIND 1 bg_ExecOk=0 bg_ExecThis='bg_ExecOk = ' || '(' || bg_CmdRc || ')' if ProcessedCmdLine='Y' then call ExecRexxCmd bg_ExecThis else do call DBG 'Interpreting: ' ||bg_ExecThis interpret bg_ExecThis end call DBGIND-1 if\bg_ExecOk then CryAndDie('User command failed (CmdRc was ' || CmdRc || '):', ' ' || bg_Exec, 'Test was:', ' ' ||bg_CmdRc) end return MakeAbsolute: bh_Path=arg(1) if left(bh_Path,1)<> '+' then bh_Plus='' else do bh_Path=substr(bh_Path,2) bh_Plus='+' end bh_File=bh_Path if left(bh_File,1)='.' |pos(RexDirChar,bh_File)=0 then do DotSlash='.' ||RexDirChar DotDotSlash='.' ||DotSlash maDir=GetCurrentDirectory() if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'Converting relative "' || bh_File || '"' call DBGIND 1 end if pos(RexDirChar,bh_File)<>0 then do do forever select when left(bh_File,2)==DotSlash then do bh_File=substr(bh_File,3) end when left(bh_File,3)==DotDotSlash then do LastChar=right(maDir,1) SlashPos=lastpos(RexDirChar,maDir) if SlashPos=0|LastChar=RexDirChar|LastChar=':' then CryAndDie('The spec "' || bh_Path || '" can not be converted to absolute', 'from the current directory "' || GetCurrentDirectory() || '"') maDir=left(maDir,SlashPos-1) bh_File=substr(bh_File,4) end otherwise leave end end end if right(maDir,1)=RexDirChar then bh_File=maDir||bh_File else bh_File=maDir||RexDirChar||bh_File if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'To Absolute "' || bh_File || '"' call DBGIND-1 end end return(bh_Plus||bh_File) ValidateBaseDirUse: parse arg bi_BD,bi_FM,bi_MayHavePlus call DBG 'Validating base directory "' || bi_BD || '" against "' || bi_FM || '"' if bi_MayHavePlus='Y' then do if left(bi_FM,1)='+' then bi_FM=substr(bi_FM,2) end if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then do bi_BdU=bi_BD bi_FmU=bi_FM end else do bi_BdU=translate(bi_BD) bi_FmU=translate(bi_FM) end if bi_BdU\==left(bi_FmU,length(bi_BdU))then CryAndDie('The file mask "' || bi_FmU || '"', 'does not begin with "' || bi_BdU || '"') return PModeSwitch: parse arg bj_PM,bj_Prm call SwitchMustNotHaveOptions bj_PM,bj_Prm ProcessingMode=bj_PM return MakingText: parse arg bk_M,bk_T if bk_T='' then do if translate(bk_M)='COPY' then bk_T='Coping: "{IS}" -> "{OL}"' else bk_T='Making ({PM}) - {OL}' end call value 'PPWMAKING_' ||bk_M,bk_T call DBG '/Making Text for ' || bk_M || ' mode is: ' ||bk_T return CmdLine_30: DependsOnFmtVer="FORMAT 00.157" call ClearCollectedDependancyInfo call ClearDependancyTimeStampCache signal DEPENDON_31 _CheckedLineout: bl_File=arg(1) bl_Line=arg(2) if 0<>lineout(bl_File,bl_Line)then CryAndDie('Write to "' || bl_File || '" failed!') return NeedToRemake: DepFile4=arg(1) if OptionDependsOn='' then do call DBG 'No Dependancy file to check - Need to make' DepFileName='' return("Y") end DepFileName=GenerateFileName(DepFile4,OptionDependsOn) if _NeedToRemakeCheckDependencies()='N' then do if OptionQuietDependsOn='N' then call Line1 '' return('N') end if DepDelPrev='Y' then do call DBG 'Delete all output dependancy files (made last build)' call DBGIND 1 call FileOpenReadOnly DepFileName do while lines(DepFileName)<>0 bm_Line=linein(DepFileName) if bm_Line='' then iterate parse var bm_Line bm_Type bm_Line if bm_Type='output' then do bm_LastTime=GetQuotedText(bm_Line, "bm_Line") call MustDeleteFile bm_LastTime end end call FileClose DepFileName call DBGIND-1 end call MustDeleteFile DepFileName return('Y') ClearCollectedDependancyInfo: DepTmpCnt=0 DepInCnt=0 DepOutCnt=0 return ClearDependancyTimeStampCache: TimeStampCount=0 return GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError: tsFile=arg(1) if QueryExists(tsFile)=='' then Ts=-1 else Ts=GetFileTimeStamp(tsFile) return(Ts) _ShowDependancyCheckProgress: if OptionQuietDependsOn='N' then call Line1 ' ?> ' ||arg(1) else call DBG arg(1) return _NeedToRemakeCheckDependencies: TitleText='Checking Dependencies - "' || _filespec('name', CurrentOutFile) || '"' if OptionQuietDependsOn='Y' then call DBG TitleText else do call Line1 TitleColor||TitleText call Line1 copies('~',length(TitleText))||Reset end if QueryExists(DepFileName)='' then do call _ShowDependancyCheckProgress DepFileName|| ' does not exist.' return('Y') end call FileClose DepFileName OpenRc=FileOpenReadOnly(DepFileName) DependLine=linein(DepFileName) if DependLine<>DependsOnFmtVer then do call _ShowDependancyCheckProgress 'Dependency formatting is not at current level' call FileClose DepFileName return('Y') end ReMake='N' DepLineNum=1 do while lines(DepFileName)<>0 DependLine=linein(DepFileName) DepLineNum=DepLineNum+1 if DependLine='' then iterate call DBG 'Line #' || DepLineNum || ': ' ||DependLine call DBGIND 1 parse var DependLine DepType DependLine WhatStamped=GetQuotedText(DependLine, "DependLine") LineStamp=GetQuotedRest(DependLine) call _ShowDependancyCheckProgress 'Checking: "' || WhatStamped || '"' DependantTime=GetDependsStamp("WhatStamped") if DependantTime=-1 then do call _ShowDependancyCheckProgress "Can't locate the dependant file (" || DepType || ")!" ReMake='Y' call DBGIND-1 leave end if DependantTime<>LineStamp then do call _ShowDependancyCheckProgress "The " || DepType || " dependancy stamp differs from last make." ReMake='Y' call DBGIND-1 leave end call DBGIND-1 end call FileClose DepFileName if ReMake='N' then call _ShowDependancyCheckProgress 'No need to remake...' return(ReMake) IsTempFile: bn_File=translate(arg(1)) do bn_I=1 to DepTmpCnt if bn_File=DepTmp.bn_I then return(bn_I) end return(0) AddTempFileToDependancyList:call TRACE "OFF" bo_TFile=arg(1) if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then bo_TFile=translate(bo_TFile) if IsTempFile(bo_TFile)<>0 then return('N') DepTmpCnt=DepTmpCnt+1 DepTmp.DepTmpCnt=bo_TFile return('Y') AddInputFileToDependancyList:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg bp_IFile,bp_TS if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then bp_IFile=translate(bp_IFile) if IsTempFile(bp_IFile)<>0 then return('N') if bp_TS='' then bp_TS=GetDependsStamp("bp_IFile") do bp_I=1 to DepInCnt if bp_IFile=DepIn.bp_I then return('N') end DepInCnt=DepInCnt+1 DepIn.DepInCnt=bp_IFile DepInTs.DepInCnt=bp_TS return('Y') AddOutputFileToDependancyList:call TRACE "OFF" bq_OFile=arg(1) if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then bq_OFile=translate(bq_OFile) if IsTempFile(bq_OFile)<>0 then return('N') do bq_I=1 to DepOutCnt if bq_OFile=DepOut.bq_I then return('N') end DepOutCnt=DepOutCnt+1 DepOut.DepOutCnt=bq_OFile return('Y') DeletingOnError: if symbol('DepOutCnt') <> 'VAR' then return if OptionDeleteOnError='N' then return call DBG 'Deleting any files we created for this build' call DBGIND 1 do br_I=1 to DepOutCnt br_File=DepOut.br_I call FileClose br_File if QueryExists(br_File)<> "" then do DeleteRc=_SysFileDelete(br_File) if QueryExists(br_File)<> "" then call DBG 'Could not delete "' || br_File || '"' end end call DBGIND-1 return _OutputDepWhatToFile: DepWhat=arg(1) DepWhatQ=QuoteIt(DepWhat) DepWhat=DepWhatQ||DepWhat||DepWhatQ return(DepWhat) CreateDependancyFileFromLists: if DepFileName='' then return call DBG 'Making the dependancy file (' || DepFileName || ')' call DBGIND 1 DepDrop='' DepHook=CfgMacro("HOOK_DEPENDSON", '') if DepHook<> '' then do DepIn.0=DepInCnt DepOut.0=DepOutCnt call ExecRexxCmd DepHook DepInCnt=DepIn.0 DepOutCnt=DepOut.0 end if DepDrop<> '' then call DBG "User hook said don't create dependancy file : " ||DepDrop else do call MakeDirectoryTree _filespec('drive', DepFileName) || _filespec('path',DepFileName) call ClearDependancyTimeStampCache call _CheckedLineout DepFileName,DependsOnFmtVer call _CheckedLineout DepFileName, '' DepWhatPad=0 do br_I=1 to DepOutCnt if DepOut.br_I<> '' then do call DBG 'Add OUTPUT dependancy : ' ||DepOut.br_I OutputFileTs=GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError(DepOut.br_I) call _CheckedLineout DepFileName, 'output ' || _OutputDepWhatToFile(DepOut.br_I) || ' ~' || OutputFileTs || '~' end end call _CheckedLineout DepFileName, '' do br_I=1 to DepInCnt if DepIn.br_I<> '' then do call DBG 'Add INPUT dependancy : ' ||DepIn.br_I call _CheckedLineout DepFileName, 'input ' || _OutputDepWhatToFile(DepIn.br_I) || ' ~' || DepInTs.br_I || '~' end end call FileClose DepFileName end call DBGIND-1 return ProcessDependsOn: Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) DepType=translate(GetQuotedText(Rest, "DependsOnList")) if DependsOnList='' then CryAndDie('No files supplied on "#DependsOn ' || DepType || '" command!') do while DependsOnList<> '' ThisOne=GetQuotedText(DependsOnList, "DependsOnList") select when DepType='OUTPUT' then Added=AddOutputFileToDependancyList(ThisOne) when DepType='INPUT' then Added=AddInputFileToDependancyList(ThisOne) when DepType='TEMP' then Added=AddTempFileToDependancyList(ThisOne) otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown dependancy type of "' || DepType || '"!') end if Added='Y' then call DBG DepType|| ' dependancy : ' ||ThisOne end return(0) GetDependancyInfo:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg bs_Type,bs_Which bs_Type=translate(bs_Type) if bs_Which='' then do select when bs_Type='INPUT' then return(DepInCnt) when bs_Type='OUTPUT' then return(DepOutCnt) otherwise _GetDependancyInfoErr(bs_Type) end end else do select when bs_Type='INPUT' then return(DepIn.bs_Which) when bs_Type='OUTPUT' then return(DepOut.bs_Which) otherwise _GetDependancyInfoErr(bs_Type) end end _GetDependancyInfoErr: CryAndDie('Invalid dependanct type of "' || arg(1) || '"') GetDependsStamp: bt_4WhatVar=arg(1) bt_4What=value(bt_4WhatVar) if left(bt_4What,1)<> '*' then do bt_Ret=GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError(bt_4What) end else do Stamp4U=translate(bt_4What) select when abbrev(Stamp4U, "*TODAY")then do bt_Ret=date('S') end when Stamp4U="*CMDLINE" then do bt_Ret=PpwClDep end when Stamp4U="*PPWPGM" then do bt_Ret=PgmVersion||' '||FileQuerySize(PpWizardPgmName)||' '||GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError(PpWizardPgmName) end when abbrev(Stamp4U, "*REXX=")then do bt_RexxExp=translate(substr(bt_4What,7)) if pos('DEPVALUE',translate(bt_RexxExp))=0 then bt_RexxExp='DepValue = ' ||bt_RexxExp DepValue=time('L') call ExecRexxCmd bt_RexxExp bt_Ret=DepValue end when abbrev(Stamp4U, "*EXPIRES=")then do bt_ExpWhen=translate(substr(bt_4What,10)) parse var bt_ExpWhen bt_ExpCmd ';' bt_ExpTs if bt_ExpWhen='NOW' then bt_ExpWhen=0 bt_CurrTs=TimeSTamp() if bt_ExpTs='' then do bt_ExpTs=TimeSTamp(bt_ExpWhen) bt_4What=bt_4What|| ';' ||bt_ExpTs call value bt_4WhatVar,bt_4What end if bt_CurrTs<=bt_ExpTs then bt_Ret='Tick Tock...' else bt_Ret='Expired!' end when abbrev(Stamp4U, "*EXEC=")then do TheCmd=substr(bt_4What,7) TmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName("DEPON???.???") call AddressCmd TheCmd|| ' >' || TmpFile || ' 2>&1' ExecRc=Rc call DBG 'Depend value is result of (Rc=' || ExecRc || '): ' ||TheCmd call FileClose TmpFile TheCmdVal=charin(TmpFile,,999999) call FileClose TmpFile TheCmdVal=translate(TheCmdVal,, '0D0A1A'x, ' ') TheCmdVal='RC=' || ExecRc || '->' ||TheCmdVal bt_Ret=TheCmdVal end when abbrev(Stamp4U, "*FILES=")then do TheMask=substr(bt_4What,8) if left(TheMask,1)<> '+' then sdDo='N' else do sdDo='Y' TheMask=substr(TheMask,2) end call GetListOfFiles TheMask, 'DepDirList',sdDo DirStamp=DepDirList.0|| ' files' do DepIndex=1 to DepDirList.0 DirStamp=DirStamp|| '; ' || DepDirList.DepIndex || '=' ||GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError(DepDirList.DepIndex) end bt_Ret=DirStamp end otherwise CryAndDie('An incorrectly formatted "special" input dependancy was specified', 'You used "' || bt_4What || '"') end end call DBG 'Stamp: ' ||bt_Ret return(bt_Ret) DEPENDON_31: DoingImport='' signal IMPORT_32 ProcessImport: if DoingImport<> '' then CryAndDie("Can't nest #import (started at " || DoingImport || ')') else DoingImport=CurrentSourceLocation() ImportParms=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) if AsIsModeOn='Y' then CryAndDie("Please turn off #AsIs mode before importing.") call _InitImportAsIsMemories ImportFileName=GetQuotedText(ImportParms, "ImportParms") if ImportParms='' then CryAndDie('#import is missing import type (parm #2)!') ImportFileType=translate(GetQuotedText(ImportParms, "ImportParms")) if substr(ImportFileType,4)<> '-' then DropLine=0 else do ImportFileType=left(ImportFileType,3) DropLine=1 end FirstChar=left(ImportFileType,1) DelimiterSpec=FirstChar||FirstChar||FirstChar CustomDelimiter='NO' if(ImportFileType==DelimiterSpec)|(ImportFileType==DelimiterSpec|| '-')then do CustomDelimiter=FirstChar TmpFilePart='' end else do TmpFilePart=ImportFileType if pos('*' || ImportFileType || '*', '*TAB*CMA*FIX*SQL*WRAP*T2H*ML*')=0 then CryAndDie('Invalid #import type of "' || ImportFileType || '" specified!') end if ImportFileType<> 'SQL' then do if ImportFileName='' then CryAndDie('#import has no parameters!') call FileClose ImportFileName FullImportName=FileQueryExists(ImportFileName) if FullImportName='' then CryAndDie('The #import file "' || ImportFileName || '" does not exist!') call OutputProcessingFileStringToScreen FullImportName call AddInputFileToDependancyList FullImportName end ToInclude=RexGetTmpFileName('I_' || left(TmpFilePart, 4, '_') || '??.???') call MustDeleteFile ToInclude if ImportParms='' then CryAndDie('#import is missing macro name (parm #3)!') MacroName=GetQuotedText(ImportParms, "ImportParms") if MacroName='' then do select when ImportFileType='WRAP' then MacroName='WRAP' when ImportFileType='T2H' then MacroName='T2H' when ImportFileType='ML' then MacroName='ML' otherwise MacroName='IMPORT' end end call AsIsPrepare '' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_IMPORT 'Generating "' || ToInclude || '" for later inclusion (#include).' ReplaceNewLineChar='' ReplaceTabChar='' DisplayingFields='' ReplaceNewLineChar='' ReplaceTabChar='' DoPass2=translate(GetImportValue('DO_PASS_2', 'Y')) select when ImportFileType='WRAP' then ImpLinCnt=HandleLineWrapping() when ImportFileType='T2H' then ImpLinCnt=HandleTextToHtmlImport() otherwise do call ImportTablePreparation select when ImportFileType='ML' then ImpLinCnt=HandleMultiLineImport() when CustomDelimiter<> 'NO' then ImpLinCnt=HandleSimpleCharDelimitedFile(CustomDelimiter) when ImportFileType='TAB' then ImpLinCnt=HandleSimpleCharDelimitedFile(TabChar) when ImportFileType='CMA' then ImpLinCnt=HandleSimpleCharDelimitedFile(',') when ImportFileType='FIX' then ImpLinCnt=HandleFixedFieldFile() when ImportFileType='SQL' then ImpLinCnt=HandleSQLDataBase() otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown import type of "' || ImportFileType || '"') end call ImportTableTermination end end if ImportFileType<> 'SQL' then call FileClose FullImportName if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_IMPORT 'Imported ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(ImpLinCnt) || ' line(s) in "' || ImportFileType || '" mode.' call FileClose ToInclude call AsIsPrepare '' if DoPass2='N' then call DBG_IMPORT 'You have disabled PASS2 processing' else do call DBG_IMPORT 'Now #include the generated temporary file ("' || ToInclude || '").' call RecursiveIncludeSave call ProcessInputFile ToInclude,, 'N', 'N' call RecursiveIncludeRestore call OutputProcessingFileStringToScreen end if GetImportValue('KEEP_TMP_FILE', OptionDebugOn) = 'N' then DeleteRc=_SysFileDelete(ToInclude) DoingImport='' return(0) _ImportValueSpacer: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_MACROVALORDEF '' if arg(1)<> '' then call DBG_MACROVALORDEF arg(1) end return ImportValueExists: ImportVar=MacroName|| '_' ||arg(1) iveAnswer=MacroExists(ImportVar) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_MACROVALORDEF 'Option(Macro) "' || ImportVar || '" Exists? : ' ||iveAnswer return(iveAnswer) GetImportValue: ImportVar=MacroName|| '_' ||arg(1) if MacroExists(ImportVar)='N' then do ImportMask=arg(2) DebugWord='not' end else do ImportMask=GetDefineContents(ImportVar) DebugWord='was' end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_MACROVALORDEF 'Option(Macro) "' || ImportVar || '" ' || DebugWord || ' found. Using ' ||DebugRightArrow||ImportMask||DebugLeftArrow if ImportFileType<> "WRAP" & ImportFileType <> "T2H" then ImportMask=ReplaceString(ImportMask,StartsMacroParm|| 'Columns' ||EndsMacroParm,DisplayingFields) return(ImportMask) GetImportValue_Tabs: ReplaceTabChar=GetImportValue('TAB_CHAR', '') return GetImportValue_RecordFilter: return(GetImportValue('RECORD_FILTER', '')) GetImportValue_LineFilter: LineFilter=GetImportValue('LINE_FILTER', '') GetImportValue_Comments: call _ImportValueSpacer 'Get comment options' call DBGIND 1 ImportLineCmtChars=GetImportValue( 'LINECMT_CHARS',arg(1)) ImportInlineCmtChars=GetImportValue('INLINECMT_CHARS',arg(2)) call DBGIND-1 return IsCmtLine: if ImportLineCmtChars='' then return(0) else return(abbrev(arg(1),ImportLineCmtChars)) ImportOneLine: if arg(1)='Y' then FileLine=CrLflinein(FullImportName) else FileLine=linein(FullImportName) if LineFilter<> '' then do call DBG_IMPORT 'Calling specified line filter' call DBGIND 1 call ExecRexxCmd LineFilter call DBGIND-1 end if ImportInlineCmtChars<> '' then do ilcPos=pos(ImportInlineCmtChars,FileLine) if ilcPos<>0 then FileLine=strip(left(FileLine,ilcPos-1), 'Trailing') end if arg(2)='Y' then FileLine=AsIs(translate(FileLine, '',EofChar)) else FileLine=translate(FileLine, '',EofChar) if ReplaceNewLineChar\=='' then FileLine=ReplaceString(FileLine,MarksNewLine,ReplaceNewLineChar) if ReplaceTabChar\=='' then FileLine=ReplaceString(FileLine,TabChar,ReplaceTabChar) return(FileLine) PpwLineout: parse arg gFile,gLine do until gLine=='' parse var gLine This1 (MarksNewLine) gLine if 0<>charout(gFile,This1||NewLineChars)then do IoReason=FileDescription(gFile) CryAndDie('Write to "' || gFile || '" failed (' || IoReason || ')!') end end return GenerateTagsIfNonEmpty: OptionalTags=GetImportValue(arg(1),arg(2)) if OptionalTags\=='' then call PpwLineout ToInclude,OptionalTags return GenerateProtectStartTags: call GenerateTagsIfNonEmpty 'PROTECT_START', StartsStdSymbolReplacement || 'ProtectFromPpwStart' ||EndsMacroReplacement return GenerateProtectEndTags: call GenerateTagsIfNonEmpty 'PROTECT_END', StartsStdSymbolReplacement || 'ProtectFromPpwEnd' ||EndsMacroReplacement return GenerateBeforeTags: call GenerateTagsIfNonEmpty 'BEFORE',arg(1) return GenerateAfterTags: call GenerateTagsIfNonEmpty 'AFTER',arg(1) return HandleImportAsIsOptions: call _ImportValueSpacer 'Prepare "AS IS" tagging' call DBGIND 1 ImportAsIsMemory=GetImportValue('ASIS_TAGGING',arg(1)) call DBGIND 1 call AsIsPrepare ImportAsIsMemory call DBGIND-2 return _InitImportAsIsMemories: if symbol('ImpMemInit') = 'VAR' then return ImpMemInit='Y' call DBG_IMPORT 'Initializing named #AsIs tags for HTML Importing' call DBGIND 1 call _ClearTempMemory call _AddToTempMemory '&', '&' call _AddToTempMemory '<', '<' call _AddToTempMemory '>', '>' call SetupNamedAsIsStorage 'IMPORT_HTML_BASIC',TmpAtCount call _ClearTempMemory call _AddToTempMemory '╔', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '═', '-' call _AddToTempMemory '╗', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '║', '|' call _AddToTempMemory '╝', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '╚', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '┌', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '─', '-' call _AddToTempMemory '┐', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '│', '|' call _AddToTempMemory '┘', '+' call _AddToTempMemory '└', '+' call SetupNamedAsIsStorage 'IMPORT_HTML_BOXGRAPHIC_TO_BOXTEXT',TmpAtCount call DBGIND-1 return _ClearTempMemory: TmpAtCount=0 return _AddToTempMemory: TmpAtCount=TmpAtCount+1 ImportB.TmpAtCount=arg(1) ImportA.TmpAtCount=arg(2) return WriteLineToTmpImportFile:call TRACE "OFF" call PpwLineout ToInclude,arg(1) return IMPORT_32: signal IMPORTT_33 ImportTablePreparation: if ImportParms='' then CryAndDie('#import is missing field names (parm #4 onwards)!') NumberOfFields=0 DisplayingFields=0 do while ImportParms<> '' NumberOfFields=NumberOfFields+1 HeadingInfo=GetQuotedText(ImportParms, "ImportParms") ColumnNumber=DisplayingFields+1 ExtraInfo='' if left(HeadingInfo,1)='{' then do EndPosn=pos('}',HeadingInfo) if EndPosn=0 then CryAndDie('Leading field codes on heading "' || HeadingInfo || '" invalid (expected "}")') ExtraInfo=substr(HeadingInfo,2,EndPosn-2) HeadingInfo=substr(HeadingInfo,EndPosn+1) if ImportFileType<> 'SQL' then do parse var ExtraInfo MaybeColumnNumber','ExtraInfo if MaybeColumnNumber<> '' & MaybeColumnNumber <> '*' then ColumnNumber=MaybeColumnNumber end end FieldHeading.NumberOfFields=HeadingInfo FieldExtra.NumberOfFields=ExtraInfo if HeadingInfo<> '' then do FieldColumn.NumberOfFields=ColumnNumber DisplayingFields=DisplayingFields+1 end end call _ImportValueSpacer 'Assorted options' call DBGIND 1 DropBlankLines=translate(GetImportValue('DROP_BLANK_LINES', 'Y')) DropLine=GetImportValue('DROP_LINE_COUNT',DropLine) ReplaceNewLineChar=GetImportValue('NEWLINE_CHAR', '<BR>') call GetImportValue_Tabs call GetImportValue_LineFilter RecordFilter=GetImportValue_RecordFilter() call DBGIND-1 call _ImportValueSpacer 'What happens to blank fields?' call DBGIND 1 ReplaceBlankFields=GetImportValue('BLANK_FIELD', '') do Index=1 to DisplayingFields RepBlankCol.Index=GetImportValue('BLANK_COLUMN_' ||Index,ReplaceBlankFields) end call DBGIND-1 call _ImportValueSpacer 'What do we do with column titles?' call DBGIND 1 if ImportValueExists('HEADER') = 'Y' then ForHeader=GetImportValue('HEADER', '!BUG!') else do DefaultColFormatting=GetImportValue('HEADING_COLUMNS', 'ALIGN=CENTER') DefaultBeforeData=GetImportValue('HEADING_BEFORE_DATA', '') DefaultAfterData=GetImportValue('HEADING_AFTER_DATA', '') ForHeader='<TR>' do Index=1 to DisplayingFields ThisColFormatting=GetImportValue('HEADING_COLUMN_' ||Index,DefaultColFormatting) ThisBeforeData=GetImportValue('HEADING_BEFORE_DATA_' ||Index,DefaultBeforeData) ThisAfterData=GetImportValue('HEADING_AFTER_DATA_' ||Index,DefaultAfterData) ForHeader=ForHeader|| '<TH ' || ThisColFormatting || '>' || ThisBeforeData || StartsMacroParm || 'Column' || Index || EndsMacroParm || ThisAfterData || '</TH>' end ForHeader=ForHeader|| '</TR>' end call DBGIND-1 call _ImportValueSpacer 'Working out what table data row looks like' call DBGIND 1 if ImportValueExists('RECORD') = 'Y' then ForEachRecord=GetImportValue('RECORD', '!BUG!') else do DefaultColFormatting=GetImportValue('RECORD_COLUMNS', 'ALIGN=CENTER') DefaultBeforeData=GetImportValue('RECORD_BEFORE_DATA', '') DefaultAfterData=GetImportValue('RECORD_AFTER_DATA', '') ForEachRecord='<TR>' do Index=1 to DisplayingFields ThisColFormatting=GetImportValue('RECORD_COLUMN_' ||Index,DefaultColFormatting) ThisBeforeData=GetImportValue('RECORD_BEFORE_DATA_' ||Index,DefaultBeforeData) ThisAfterData=GetImportValue('RECORD_AFTER_DATA_' ||Index,DefaultAfterData) ForEachRecord=ForEachRecord|| '<TD ' || ThisColFormatting || '>' || ThisBeforeData || StartsMacroParm || 'Column' || Index || EndsMacroParm || ThisAfterData || '</TD>' end ForEachRecord=ForEachRecord|| '</TR>' end call DBGIND-1 call _ImportValueSpacer 'Start output' call DBGIND 1 call GenerateProtectStartTags TableAttribs=GetImportValue('TABLE_ATTRIBS', 'BORDER=5 CELLSPACING=5') if TableAttribs<> '' then TableAttribs=' ' ||strip(TableAttribs) BeforeRecordsDefault='<TABLE' || TableAttribs || '>' call GenerateBeforeTags BeforeRecordsDefault call DBG_IMPORT 'Outputting heading fields' call DBGIND 1 call _NewRecord 'H' do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields call _AddField2Record FieldHeading.FieldIndex end call GenerateRecordFromFields call DBGIND-2 call GetImportValue_Comments ';', ';' || ';' if ProcessingMode='HTML' then call HandleImportAsIsOptions "IMPORT_HTML_BASIC" return ImportTableTermination: call GenerateAfterTags '</TABLE>' call GenerateProtectEndTags return HandleFixedFieldFile: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_IMPORT 'Importing fixed field file' do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields parse var FieldExtra.FieldIndex StartCol'-'EndCol if EndCol='' | EndCol = '*' then FieldLength='' else FieldLength=(EndCol-StartCol)+1 FieldStartCol.FieldIndex=StartCol FieldLength.FieldIndex=FieldLength end ImportFileLine=0 call DBG_IMPORT 'Reading "' || FullImportName || '"...' do while lines(FullImportName)<>0 CurrentRecord=ImportOneLine('N', 'Y') ImportFileLine=ImportFileLine+1 if CurrentRecord='' then iterate if ImportFileLine<=DropLine then iterate if IsCmtLine(ImportFileLine)then iterate call _NewRecord do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields if FieldLength.FieldIndex='' then ThisField=substr(CurrentRecord,FieldStartCol.FieldIndex) else ThisField=substr(CurrentRecord,FieldStartCol.FieldIndex,FieldLength.FieldIndex) call _AddField2Record strip(ThisField) end if GenerateRecordFromFields()then leave end return(ImportFileLine) HandleSimpleCharDelimitedFile: FieldDelimiter=arg(1) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do DelimiterText=c2d(FieldDelimiter) if DelimiterText> '32' then DelimiterText=DelimiterText|| ' ("' || FieldDelimiter || '")' call DBG_IMPORT 'Importing simple delimited file - delimiter = ASCII ' ||DelimiterText end UseCrLfRoutines=GetImportValue('HANDLE_IMBEDDED_NEWLINES', 'N') if UseCrLfRoutines='N' then call DBG_IMPORT 'Special imbedded newline detecting code is not being used' else do UseCrLfRoutines='Y' call DBG_IMPORT 'We are using special imbedded newline detecting code' end call DBG_IMPORT 'Reading "' || FullImportName || '"...' if UseCrLfRoutines='Y' then OpenRc=CrlfOpen(FullImportName,10000) ImportFileLine=0 do forever if UseCrLfRoutines='Y' then EofIf0=CrLflines(FullImportName) else EofIf0=lines(FullImportName) if EofIf0=0 then leave CurrentRecord=ImportOneLine(UseCrLfRoutines, 'Y') ImportFileLine=ImportFileLine+1 if CurrentRecord='' then do if DropBlankLines='Y' then iterate end if ImportFileLine<=DropLine then iterate if IsCmtLine(CurrentRecord)then iterate call _NewRecord bv_L=CurrentRecord bv_Del=FieldDelimiter bv_MinF=NumberOfFields bv_MaxF=NumberOfFields bv_FC=0 bv_Q='"' bv_Q2='""' do while bv_L<> '' bv_Fc=bv_Fc+1 if left(bv_L,1)<>bv_Q then do bv_DelPos=pos(bv_Del,bv_L) if bv_DelPos<>0 then do bv_F=left(bv_L,bv_DelPos-1) bv_L=substr(bv_L,bv_DelPos+1) end else do bv_F=bv_L bv_L='' end end else do bv_LookFrom=2 do forever bv_QPos=pos(bv_Q,bv_L,bv_LookFrom) if bv_QPos=0 then do CryAndDie('Import of line ' || ImportFileLine || ' failed','No ending quote on field #' || bv_Fc,, 'RECORD', '~~~~~~', CurrentRecord, 'DETECTED AT', '~~~~~~~~~~~',bv_L) end if substr(bv_L,bv_QPos+1,1)=bv_Q then bv_LookFrom=bv_QPos+2 else leave end bv_F=ReplaceString(substr(bv_L,2,bv_QPos-2),bv_Q2,bv_Q) bv_L=substr(bv_L,bv_QPos+1) if bv_L<> '' then do if left(bv_L,1)<>bv_Del then do CryAndDie('Import of line ' || ImportFileLine || ' failed','Expected delimiter after field #' || bv_Fc,, 'RECORD', '~~~~~~', CurrentRecord, 'DETECTED AT', '~~~~~~~~~~~',bv_L) end bv_L=substr(bv_L,2) end end bw_Fld.bv_Fc=bv_F if bv_MaxF<>0 then do if bv_Fc>=bv_MaxF then leave end end if bv_Fc<bv_MinF then do do while bv_Fc<bv_MinF bv_Fc=bv_Fc+1 bw_Fld.bv_Fc='' end end bw_Fld.0=bv_Fc do bw_i=1 to bw_Fld.0 call _AddField2Record bw_Fld.bw_i end if GenerateRecordFromFields()then leave end if UseCrLfRoutines='Y' then CloseRc=CrlfClose(FullImportName) return(ImportFileLine) _NewRecord: RecordType=arg(1) if RecordType='H' then ThisRecordsCodes=ForHeader else ThisRecordsCodes=ForEachRecord FieldCounter=0 ColumnCounter=0 DroppedCounter=0 NonBlankFieldCounter=0 return _AddField2Record: FieldCounter=FieldCounter+1 if FieldHeading.FieldCounter='' then do DroppedCounter=DroppedCounter+1 Dropped.DroppedCounter=arg(1) end else do ColumnCounter=ColumnCounter+1 NewValue=arg(1) if NewValue='' then NewValue=RepBlankCol.ColumnCounter else NonBlankFieldCounter=NonBlankFieldCounter+1 SaveAsIndex=FieldColumn.FieldCounter Column.SaveAsIndex=NewValue end return GenerateRecordFromFields: call DBGIND 1 if DropBlankLines='Y' then do if NonBlankFieldCounter=0 then do call DBG_IMPORT 'Dropping record as all fields were blank' call DBGIND-1 return(0) end end if RecordFilter<> '' then do if RecordType<> 'H' then do Column.0=ColumnCounter Dropped.0=DroppedCounter call DBG_IMPORT 'Calling specified filter' call DBGIND 1 Remove='' call ExecRexxCmd RecordFilter if Remove<> '' then do if abbrev(Remove, "EOF:")then do call DBG_IMPORT 'This Record and all following dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-2 return(1) end else do call DBG_IMPORT 'Record dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-2 return(0) end end call DBGIND-1 end end do ThisOne=1 to ColumnCounter ThisRecordsCodes=ReplaceString(ThisRecordsCodes,StartsMacroParm|| 'Column' ||ThisOne||EndsMacroParm,Column.ThisOne) end if ThisRecordsCodes<> '' then do call DBG_IMPORT 'Generating: ' ||DebugRightArrow||ThisRecordsCodes||DebugLeftArrow call PpwLineout ToInclude,ThisRecordsCodes end call DBGIND-1 return(0) IMPORTT_33: signal REXXSQL_34 LoadRexxSql: signal on SYNTAX name RexxSqlMissing bx_Rc=RXFuncAdd('SQLLoadFuncs', 'rexxsql', 'SQLLoadFuncs') call DBG_IMPORT "RXFuncAdd(rexxsql.dll), RC = " ||bx_Rc call SQLLoadFuncs call DBG_IMPORT "rexxsql.dll functions loaded" return RexxSqlMissing: by_Em="Can't locate/load rexxsql.dll (Mark Hessling's SQL support)!" by_Reason='UNKNOWN' signal on SYNTAX name RexxSqlEmFailed if RexWhich='REGINA' then do by_Tmp=RxFuncErrMsg() by_Reason=by_Tmp end RexxSqlEmFailed: CryAndDie(by_Em, 'REASON:',by_Reason) by_Line: by_Count=by_Count+1 by_L.by_Count=arg(1) return ErrorSql: do by_I=1 to 10 by_L.by_I='' end by_Count=0 do by_I=1 to arg() call by_Line arg(by_I) end if by_Count>6 then by_Count=6 if by_L.1='' then do by_Count=1 by_L.1='REXXSQL ' || SQLCA.FUNCTION || '() call failed' end call by_Line '' if sqlca.intcode=-1 Then do call by_Line 'SQLCODE:' sqlca.sqlcode call by_Line 'SQLERRM:' sqlca.sqlerrm call by_Line 'SQLTEXT:' sqlca.sqltext end else do call by_Line 'INTCODE:' sqlca.intcode call by_Line 'INTERRM:' sqlca.interrm end CryAndDie(by_L.1,by_L.2,by_L.3,by_L.4,by_L.5,by_L.6,by_L.7,by_L.8,by_L.9,by_L.10) HandleSqlDataBase: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_IMPORT "Importing SQL via Mark Hessling's REXXSQL interface" call DBGIND 1 end call LoadRexxSql bz_Imported=0 call DBG_IMPORT "REXXSQL VERSION: " || SqlVariable("VERSION") do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields bz_FNAME=FieldExtra.FieldIndex if bz_FNAME='' then bz_FNAME=FieldHeading.FieldIndex FieldName.FieldIndex=bz_FNAME end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call SqlVariable "DEBUG", GetImportValue('SQL_DEBUG', '3') end bz_Id="SQL" bz_UserId=GetImportValue('SQL_USERID', "") bz_Password=GetImportValue('SQL_USERPW', "") bz_DataSourceId=GetImportValue('SQL_DATABASE', "") if bz_DataSourceId='' then CryAndDie('An SQL database was not specified') bz_Server=GetImportValue('SQL_SERVER', "") call DBG_IMPORT "Connecting to the database" if SQLConnect(bz_Id,bz_UserId,bz_Password,bz_DataSourceId,bz_Server)<0 then ErrorSql('Connection failed to "' || bz_DataSourceId || '", have you set up ODBC datasource (control panel)?') call DBG_IMPORT "DATABASE INFO: " || SqlGetInfo(bz_Id, 'DBMSNAME') bz_Cmds=GetImportValue('SQL_COMMANDS', "") if bz_Cmds<> '' then do call DBGIND 1 do bz_I=1 to words(bz_Cmds) bz_Mac=word(bz_Cmds,bz_I) bz_Cmd=GetDefineContents(bz_Mac) if left(bz_Cmd,1)<> '-' then bz_Doe='Y' else do bz_Doe='N' bz_Cmd=substr(bz_Cmd,2) end call DBG_IMPORT "Executing: " ||bz_Cmd bz_Rc=SQLCommand(bz_Mac,bz_Cmd) call DBGIND 1 if bz_Rc>=0 then call DBG_IMPORT "OK, RC=" ||bz_Rc else do if bz_Doe='Y' then ErrorSql('User command from "' || bz_Mac || '" failed!') if sqlca.intcode=-1 Then do bz_1='SQLCODE:' sqlca.sqlcode bz_2='SQLERRM:' sqlca.sqlerrm bz_3='SQLTEXT:' sqlca.sqltext end else do bz_1='INTCODE:' sqlca.intcode bz_2='INTERRM:' sqlca.interrm bz_3='' end call DBG_IMPORT "Command failed" call DBG_IMPORT bz_1 call DBG_IMPORT bz_2 call DBG_IMPORT bz_3 end call DBGIND-1 end call DBGIND-1 end bz_Query=GetImportValue('SQL_QUERY', "") if bz_Query='' then CryAndDie('An SQL query was not specified') if SqlPrepare('SQLQUERY',bz_Query)<0 then ErrorSql() if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_IMPORT "Returned Column information" call DBGIND 1 bz_Attribs=SqlGetInfo(bz_Id, 'DESCRIBECOLUMNS') if sqlca.intcode<0 then bz_Attribs='NAME TYPE SIZE SCALE NULLABLE PRECISION' bz_Pad2=0 do bz_I=1 to words(bz_Attribs) bz_This=word(bz_Attribs,bz_I) if length(bz_This)>bz_Pad2 then bz_Pad2=length(bz_This) end bz_NumCols=SqlDescribe('SQLQUERY', 'bz_Det') if bz_NumCols<0 then ErrorSql() do bz_ColIndex=1 to bz_NumCols call DBG_IMPORT "Query Field " ||bz_ColIndex call DBGIND 1 do bz_I=1 to words(bz_Attribs) bz_Attrib=word(bz_Attribs,bz_I) bz_Value=value('bz_Det.COLUMN.' || bz_Attrib || '.bz_ColIndex') if left(bz_Value,1)='' | right(bz_Value, 1) = '' then bz_Value='""' call DBG_IMPORT right(bz_Attrib,bz_Pad2)|| ' = ' ||bz_Value end call DBGIND-1 end call DBGIND-1 end if SqlOpen('SQLQUERY')<0 then ErrorSql() bz_Rc=SqlFetch('SQLQUERY') do while bz_Rc>0 call _NewRecord do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields bz_ColVar='SQLQUERY.' ||FieldName.FieldIndex if bz_Imported=0 then do if symbol(bz_ColVar)<> 'VAR' then CryAndDie('The query did not return a field called "' || FieldName.FieldIndex || '"') end call _AddField2Record value(bz_ColVar) end bz_Imported=bz_Imported+1 if GenerateRecordFromFields()then leave bz_Rc=SqlFetch('SQLQUERY') end if bz_Rc<0 then ErrorSql() if SqlClose('SQLQUERY')<0 then ErrorSql() if SqlDispose('SQLQUERY')<0 then ErrorSql() call DBG_IMPORT "Disconnecting from the database" if SQLDisconnect(bz_Id)<0 then ErrorSql() if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return(bz_Imported) REXXSQL_34: signal IMPORTTX_35 HandleTextToHtmlImport: if ProcessingMode<> 'HTML' then CryAndDie("Text to html file importing is only allowed when generating HTML") if ImportParms<> '' then CryAndDie('There are too many parameters on the T2H #import!') UrlNameVar=StartsMacroParm|| 'Url' ||EndsMacroParm UrlTypeVar=StartsMacroParm|| 'UrlType' ||EndsMacroParm HeadingVar=StartsMacroParm|| 'Heading' ||EndsMacroParm call GenerateProtectStartTags call GenerateBeforeTags '<PRE><FONT SIZE=-1>' T2hFilter=GetImportValue_RecordFilter() call GetImportValue_LineFilter call GetImportValue_Tabs BlankLinesTo=GetImportValue('BLANK_LINES_TO', '') HttpLink=GetImportValue('HTTP_LINK', '<A HREF="' || UrlTypeVar || UrlNameVar || '" TARGET=_top>' || UrlTypeVar || UrlNameVar || '</A>') FtpLink=GetImportValue('FTP_LINK', '<A HREF="' || UrlTypeVar || UrlNameVar || '">' || UrlTypeVar || UrlNameVar || '</A>') MailLink=GetImportValue('MAILTO_LINK', '<A HREF="mailto:' || UrlNameVar || '">' || UrlNameVar || '</A>') DefaultAllStd=UpperCase||LowerCase||DecimalDigits AlwaysOkInUrl=GetImportValue('ALWAYS_OK_IN_URL_CHARS',DefaultAllStd) if AlwaysOkInUrl\=='' then DefaultAllStd='' ExtraValidHttpChar=GetImportValue('EXTRA_VALID_HTTP_CHARS', DefaultAllStd || './?%+:~_') ExtraValidFtpChar=GetImportValue('EXTRA_VALID_FTP_CHARS',ExtraValidHttpChar) ExtraValidEmailName=GetImportValue('EXTRA_VALID_EMAIL_NAME_CHARS', DefaultAllStd || '_.') ExtraValidEmailSvr=GetImportValue('EXTRA_VALID_EMAIL_SVR_CHARS', DefaultAllStd || '_.') ValidEmailDelimiters=GetImportValue('EXTRA_VALID_EMAIL_DELIMITERS', " '" || '",;') ValidInHttpUrl=AlwaysOkInUrl||ExtraValidHttpChar ValidInFtpUrl=AlwaysOkInUrl||ExtraValidFtpChar ValidInEmailL=AlwaysOkInUrl||ExtraValidEmailName ValidInEmailR=AlwaysOkInUrl||ExtraValidEmailSvr call GetImportValue_Comments '', '' if ProcessingMode='HTML' then call HandleImportAsIsOptions "IMPORT_HTML_BASIC IMPORT_HTML_BOXGRAPHIC_TO_BOXTEXT" T2hLineNumber=0 call DBG_IMPORT 'Reading "' || FullImportName || '"...' do while lines(FullImportName)<>0 T2hFileLine=ImportOneLine('N', 'Y') T2hLineNumber=T2hLineNumber+1 if IsCmtLine(T2hFileLine)then iterate if T2hFileLine='' then do if BlankLinesTo\=='' then T2hNewLine=BlankLinesTo else T2hNewLine='' end else do T2hNewLine=T2hFileLine if MailLink\=='' then T2hNewLine=_MakeTextImportEmailChanges(T2hNewLine,ValidInEmailL,ValidInEmailR,ValidEmailDelimiters,MailLink) if HttpLink\=='' then T2hNewLine=_MakeTextImportLinkChanges(T2hNewLine, 'http:',ValidInHttpUrl,HttpLink) if FtpLink\=='' then T2hNewLine=_MakeTextImportLinkChanges(T2hNewLine, 'ftp:',ValidInFtpUrl,FtpLink) end if T2hFilter<> '' then do call DBG_IMPORT 'Calling specified filter' call DBGIND 1 Remove='' call ExecRexxCmd T2hFilter if Remove<> '' then do if abbrev(Remove, "EOF:")then do call DBG_IMPORT 'This Record and all following dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-1 leave end else do call DBG_IMPORT 'Record dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-1 iterate end end call DBGIND-1 end call PpwLineout ToInclude,T2hNewLine end call GenerateAfterTags '</FONT></PRE>' call GenerateProtectEndTags return(T2hLineNumber) _MakeTextImportLinkChanges: parse arg RightBit,UrlType,tlOkInUrl,tlTransformSpec LeftBit='' UrlPos=pos(UrlType,RightBit) lUrlType=length(UrlType) do while UrlPos<>0 LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,UrlPos-1) RightBit=substr(RightBit,UrlPos+lUrlType) NotUrlCharPos=verify(RightBit,tlOkInUrl) if NotUrlCharPos=0 then do TheUrl=RightBit RightBit='' end else do TheUrl=left(RightBit,NotUrlCharPos-1) RightBit=substr(RightBit,NotUrlCharPos) end UrlBit=ReplaceString(tlTransformSpec,UrlTypeVar,UrlType) UrlBit=ReplaceString(UrlBit,UrlNameVar,TheUrl) LeftBit=LeftBit||UrlBit UrlPos=pos(UrlType,RightBit) end return(LeftBit||RightBit) _MakeTextImportEmailChanges: parse arg RightBit,tlOkInEmailName,tlOkInEmailSvr,tlDelimiters,tlTransformSpec LeftBit='' SnailPos=pos('@',RightBit) do while SnailPos<>0 lRightBit=length(RightBit) if SnailPos=1|SnailPos=lRightBit then do LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,SnailPos) RightBit=substr(RightBit,SnailPos+1) end else do LeftPos=SnailPos-1 do until LeftPos=0 OneChar=substr(RightBit,LeftPos,1) if pos(OneChar,tlDelimiters)<>0 then do LeftPos=LeftPos+1 leave end LeftPos=LeftPos-1 end if LeftPos=0 then LeftPos=LeftPos+1 EmailLeftBit=substr(RightBit,LeftPos,SnailPos-LeftPos) RightPos=SnailPos+1 do until RightPos>lRightBit OneChar=substr(RightBit,RightPos,1) if pos(OneChar,tlDelimiters)<>0 then do RightPos=RightPos-1 leave end RightPos=RightPos+1 end if RightPos>lRightBit then RightPos=lRightBit if substr(RightBit,RightPos,1)='.' then RightPos=RightPos-1 EmailRightBit=substr(RightBit,SnailPos+1,RightPos-SnailPos) if verify(EmailLeftBit,tlOkInEmailName)<>0|verify(EmailRightBit,tlOkInEmailSvr)<>0|pos('.',EmailRightBit)=0 then do LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,SnailPos) RightBit=substr(RightBit,SnailPos+1) end else do EmailBit=ReplaceString(tlTransformSpec,UrlTypeVar, 'mailto:') EmailBit=ReplaceString(EmailBit,UrlNameVar,EmailLeftBit|| '@' ||EmailRightBit) LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,LeftPos-1)||EmailBit RightBit=substr(RightBit,RightPos+1) end end SnailPos=pos('@',RightBit) end return(LeftBit||RightBit) IMPORTTX_35: signal IMPORTWR_36 HandleLineWrapping: if ImportParms<> '' then CryAndDie('There are too many parameters on the WRAP #import!') DropBlankLines=translate(GetImportValue('DROP_BLANK_LINES', 'Y')) call GetImportValue_Tabs WrapFilter=GetImportValue_RecordFilter() call GetImportValue_LineFilter call GetImportValue_Comments ';', ';' || ';' if ProcessingMode='HTML' then call HandleImportAsIsOptions "" WrapLineNumber=0 NewDoubleQuote='" || d2c(34) || "' call DBG_IMPORT 'Reading "' || FullImportName || '"...' do while lines(FullImportName)<>0 WrapLine=ImportOneLine('N', 'Y') WrapLineNumber=WrapLineNumber+1 if WrapLine='' then do if DropBlankLines='Y' then iterate end if IsCmtLine(WrapLine)then iterate if WrapFilter='' then do RebuildCmd='"' || ReplaceString(WrapLine, '"', NewDoubleQuote) || '"' SafeQuote=QuoteIt(RebuildCmd,TryQuoteListAny) call PpwLineout ToInclude,StartsMacroReplacement||MacroName|| ' Line=' ||SafeQuote||RebuildCmd||SafeQuote||EndsMacroReplacement end else do call DBG_IMPORT 'Calling filter for line #' ||WrapLineNumber call DBGIND 1 Remove='' call ExecRexxCmd WrapFilter if Remove<> '' then do if abbrev(Remove, "EOF:")then do call DBG_IMPORT 'This Record and all following dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-1 leave end else do call DBG_IMPORT 'Line dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-1 iterate end end call DBGIND-1 call PpwLineout ToInclude,WrapLine end end return(WrapLineNumber) IMPORTWR_36: MultiLineImportInProgress='N' signal I_ML_37 HandleMultiLineImport: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_IMPORT 'Importing multi line record file' mlDelimiter=GetImportValue('DELIMITER', '=') mlLineSep=GetImportValue('SEPARATOR', ' ') mlStripL=translate(GetImportValue('STRIP_LEADING', 'Y')) mlLineCmtChar=GetImportValue('LINE_COMMENT_CHAR',LineComment) if mlLineCmtChar='' then mlLineCmtChar=' ' call GetImportValue_LineFilter MultiLineFilter=GetImportValue('MULTILINE_FILTER', '') drop mlFIndex?. do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields parse value translate(FieldExtra.FieldIndex)with FieldName ',' FieldOptions if FieldName='' then CryAndDie('No {field name} supplied for field #' ||FieldIndex) call _valueS 'mlFIndex?.mli?' ||c2x(FieldName),FieldOptions MlFieldName.FieldIndex=FieldName end MultiLineImportInProgress='Y' LastMlStoredAs='' ImportFileLine=0 LastCommentLine='' call DBG_IMPORT 'Reading "' || FullImportName || '"...' call _MlNewRecord do while lines(FullImportName)<>0 MultiLine=strip(ImportOneLine('N', 'N')) ImportFileLine=ImportFileLine+1 if MultiLine='' then do if MlFieldCnt<>0 then do ca_Eof=_MlGenerateRecord() call _MlNewRecord if ca_Eof then leave end end else do if left(MultiLine,1)=LineComment then iterate if MultiLineFilter<> '' then do call DBG_IMPORT 'Calling specified multi line filter' call DBGIND 1 Remove='' call ExecRexxCmd MultiLineFilter if Remove<> '' then do if abbrev(Remove, "EOF:")then do call DBG_IMPORT 'Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' to EOF dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-1 leave end else do call DBG_IMPORT 'Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' dropped ==> ' ||Remove call DBGIND-1 iterate end end call DBGIND-1 end parse var MultiLine MultiVar (mlDelimiter) MultiValue if mlStripL='Y' then MultiValue=strip(MultiValue, 'L') else do if left(MultiValue,1)=' ' then MultiValue=substr(MultiValue,2) end if MultiVar<> '' then call _MlRememberFieldsValue strip(MultiVar, 'T'),MultiValue else do if LastMlStoredAs='' then CryAndDie('Line #' || ImportFileLine || ': No field to continue!') mlNew=_valueG(LastMlStoredAs)||mlLineSep||MultiValue call _valueS LastMlStoredAs,mlNew end end end call FileClose FullImportName if MlFieldCnt<>0 then call _MlGenerateRecord MultiLineImportInProgress='N' return(ImportFileLine) _MlNewRecord: call _NewRecord MlFieldCnt=0 drop mlFValues?. return _MlRememberFieldsValue: parse arg FieldN,FieldV UFieldN=translate(FieldN) StoredAs='mlFIndex?.mli?' ||c2x(UFieldN) if symbol(StoredAs)<> 'VAR' then CryAndDie('Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' - Unknown field name of "' || FieldN || '"') FieldOptions=_valueG(StoredAs) StoredAs='mlFValues?.mlv?' ||c2x(UFieldN) LastMlStoredAs=StoredAs if symbol(StoredAs)='VAR' then CryAndDie('Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' - Field name of "' || FieldN || '" specified more than once') if FieldV='' then do if pos('NONBLANK',FieldOptions)<>0 then CryAndDie('Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' - Field "' || FieldN || '" contains a blank value') end if pos('NOASIS',FieldOptions)=0 then call _valueS StoredAs,AsIs(FieldV) else call _valueS StoredAs,FieldV MlFieldCnt=MlFieldCnt+1 return _MlGenerateRecord: do FieldIndex=1 to NumberOfFields FieldName=MlFieldName.FieldIndex StoredAs='mlFValues?.mlv?' ||c2x(FieldName) if symbol(StoredAs)='VAR' then call _AddField2Record _valueG(StoredAs) else do FieldOptions=_valueG('mlFIndex?.mli?' ||c2x(FieldName)) if pos('REQUIRED',FieldOptions)<>0 then CryAndDie('Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' - Required field "' || FieldName || '" was not specified') call _AddField2Record '' end end cb_Eof=GenerateRecordFromFields() LastMlStoredAs='' return(cb_Eof) GetMlField:call TRACE "OFF" if MultiLineImportInProgress<> 'Y' then CryAndDie('GetMlField(): Multi line import is not in progress!') FieldName=translate(arg(1)) StoredAs='mlFValues?.mlv?' ||c2x(FieldName) if symbol(StoredAs)='VAR' then return(_valueG(StoredAs)) CryAndDie('Line #' || ImportFileLine || ' - GetMlField(): Field "' || FieldName || '" is unknown!') I_ML_37: call LoopInit signal LOOP_38 LoopInit: InLoop='N' LoopCnt=0 LoopLine=1 LoopID=0 LoopContinueIndex=0 LoopFirstLineNumber=-1 LoopAtEndLineNumber=-1 LoopIfNesting=-1 LoopLinesFromFile=-1 return LoopPush: SavedAs=arg(1) SFI_InLoop.SavedAs=InLoop SFI_LoopCnt.SavedAs=LoopCnt SFI_LoopLine.SavedAs=LoopLine SFI_LoopLinesFromFile.SavedAs=LoopLinesFromFile SFI_LoopFirstLineNumber.SavedAs=LoopFirstLineNumber SFI_LoopAtEndLineNumber.SavedAs=LoopAtEndLineNumber SFI_LoopIfNesting.SavedAs=LoopIfNesting SFI_LoopContIndex.SavedAs=LoopContinueIndex do SaveIndex=1 to LoopCnt SavedPpwLoop.SaveIndex.SavedAs=PpwLoop.SaveIndex end call LoopInit return LoopPop: SavedAs=arg(1) InLoop=SFI_InLoop.SavedAs LoopCnt=SFI_LoopCnt.SavedAs LoopLine=SFI_LoopLine.SavedAs LoopLinesFromFile=SFI_LoopLinesFromFile.SavedAs LoopFirstLineNumber=SFI_LoopFirstLineNumber.SavedAs LoopAtEndLineNumber=SFI_LoopAtEndLineNumber.SavedAs LoopIfNesting=SFI_LoopIfNesting.SavedAs LoopContinueIndex=SFI_LoopContIndex.SavedAs do SaveIndex=1 to LoopCnt PpwLoop.SaveIndex=SavedPpwLoop.SaveIndex.SavedAs end return ProcessLoopStart: if InLoop='Y' then CryAndDie("Can't nest loops (within one source file)") InLoop='Y' LoopID=LoopID+1 LoopCnt=0 LoopLine=1 cc_A=arg(1) if cc_A="" then cc_LoopType='' else do cc_A=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(cc_A) parse var cc_A cc_LoopType cc_A cc_LoopType=translate(cc_LoopType) select when cc_LoopType='FOR' then do parse value translate(cc_A)with cc_Var "=" cc_Strt " TO " cc_End if cc_End="" then CryAndDie("Incorrect FOR spec ==> " ||cc_A) cc_Var=strip(cc_Var) cc_Strt=strip(cc_Strt) call _valueS cc_Var,cc_Strt end when cc_LoopType='SET' then do if translate(word(cc_A,1))<> 'COUNTER' then cc_Var='SetLoopVar' ||LoopID else do cc_Var=word(cc_A,2) cc_A=subword(cc_A,3) end cc_SetCnt=0 cc_InitSet='' cc_LoopSetCnt=0 cc_IndexList='' cc_NewArray='SETITEMS' ||LoopID do while cc_A<> '' cc_SetName=GetQuotedText(cc_A, "cc_A") if pos('=',cc_SetName)<>0 then do parse var cc_SetName cc_SetName '=' cc_Rest parse var cc_Rest '{' cc_Del '}' cc_2Split if cc_2Split=='' then do cc_Del=' ' cc_2Split=cc_Rest end call ArraySplit cc_SetName,cc_2Split,cc_Del end cc_SetVAR="SET_" ||cc_SetName cc_SetStem=cc_SetName|| '.' cc_SetCnt=cc_SetCnt+1 cc_IndexVar='cc_' ||cc_SetCnt cc_InitSet=cc_InitSet|| 'do ' || cc_IndexVar || ' = 1 to ' || cc_SetStem || '0; ' if cc_SetCnt<>1 then cc_IndexList=cc_IndexList|| ' || ' cc_IndexList=cc_IndexList|| '"' || cc_SetVar || '=' || cc_SetStem || '" || ' || cc_IndexVar || ' || ";"' end cc_InitSet=cc_InitSet|| 'cc_LoopSetCnt=cc_LoopSetCnt+1; ' cc_InitSet=cc_InitSet||cc_NewArray|| '.cc_LoopSetCnt=strip(' || cc_IndexList || '); ' do cc_I=1 to cc_SetCnt cc_InitSet=cc_InitSet|| 'end; ' end call ExecRexxCmd cc_InitSet call _valueS cc_NewArray|| '.0',cc_LoopSetCnt cc_End=cc_LoopSetCnt call _valueS cc_Var,1 end otherwise CryAndDie('Invalid loop specification (command "' || cc_LoopType || '" unknown)') end end if cc_LoopType='FOR' | cc_LoopType = 'SET' then do call DBG 'Adding FOR/SET loop lines' LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 PpwLoop.LoopCnt='#if [' || cc_Var || ' > ' || cc_End || ']' LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 PpwLoop.LoopCnt='#break' LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 PpwLoop.LoopCnt='#endif' if cc_LoopType='SET' then do call DBG 'Adding SET loop lines for ' || cc_LoopSetCnt || ' loops' LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 PpwLoop.LoopCnt='#evaluate ^^ ^<' || '??' || cc_NewArray || '.' || cc_Var || '>^' end end LoopFirstLineNumber=IncludeLineNumber LoopIfNesting=IfNesting if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then LoopLinesFromFile=1 else LoopLinesFromFile=0 LengthEndCmd=length(CmdHashLoopE) FoundEnd='N' do forever if LoopLinesFromFile=1 then do if IncludeFileLines()=0 then leave LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 PpwLoop.LoopCnt=IncludeFileLineIn() InputLines=InputLines+1 end else do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then leave LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 parse var IncludeMemBufferNextLine PpwLoop.LoopCnt (MarksNewLine) IncludeMemBufferNextLine end MaybeEndCmd=left(strip(PpwLoop.LoopCnt, 'L'),LengthEndCmd) if MaybeEndCmd=CmdHashLoopE then do FoundEnd='Y' LoopCnt=LoopCnt-1 if LoopCnt=0 then CryAndDie("No commands found in body of loop!") leave end end LoopAtEndLineNumber=IncludeLineNumber if FoundEnd='N' then do if LoopLinesFromFile then eLoop='EOF' else eLoop='end of macro' CryAndDie('Could not find "' || CmdHashLoopE || '" before ' || eLoop, 'Searched ' || LoopCnt || ' line(s)') end if cc_LoopType='FOR' | cc_LoopType = 'SET' then do call DBG 'Adding FOR/SET loop lines' LoopCnt=LoopCnt+1 PpwLoop.LoopCnt='#RexxVar ^' || cc_Var || '^ + 1' LoopContinueIndex=LoopCnt end else do LoopContinueIndex=1 end call DBG 'Loop is ' || LoopCnt || ' line(s) long and ends on line ' ||AddCommasToDecimalNumber(IncludeLineNumber) return(0) GetLoopLineIntoFileLine: FileLine=PpwLoop.LoopLine if LoopLinesFromFile then IncludeLineNumber=LoopFirstLineNumber+LoopLine LoopLine=LoopLine+1 if LoopLine>LoopCnt then LoopLine=1 return(FileLine) ProcessLoopBreak: call DBG 'Exiting loop' InLoop='N' IfNesting=LoopIfNesting IncludeLineNumber=LoopAtEndLineNumber return(0) ProcessLoopContinue: LoopLine=LoopContinueIndex call DBG 'Back to "start" of loop - Loop Line #' ||LoopContinueIndex IfNesting=LoopIfNesting return(0) LOOP_38: _RestrictKeyMinimum=CharsLUN _giCounter=0 signal GetId_39 GetIdPrepare:call TRACE "OFF" giHandle=arg(1) giUniqueId=translate(arg(2)) interpret 'drop GI?' || giHandle || '.' call _valueS 'GI?' || giHandle || '.GI?UID',giUniqueId return SetId:call TRACE "OFF" giHandle=arg(1) giName=arg(2) giId=arg(3) giSaveAsPrefix='GI?' || giHandle || '.GI?' if giName\=='' then do if _valueG(giSaveAsPrefix|| 'UID') = 'Y' then CryAndDie("You have asked for UNIQUE ID's to be generated. Don't use SetId()!!!") giKeySavedAs=giSaveAsPrefix|| 'KEY_' ||c2x(giName) if symbol(giKeySavedAs)='VAR' then CryAndDie('SetId(): The KEY of "' || giName || '" has already been used') call _valueS giKeySavedAs,giId end IdSavedAs=giSaveAsPrefix|| 'ID_' ||c2x(giId) if symbol(IdSavedAs)='VAR' then CryAndDie('SetId(): The ID of "' || giId || '" has already been used') call _valueS IdSavedAs, '' return('') GetId:call TRACE "OFF" giHandle=arg(1) giType=translate(arg(2)) giName=arg(3) giSaveAsPrefix='GI?' || giHandle || '.GI?' giUniqueId=_valueG(giSaveAsPrefix|| 'UID') if giUniqueId<> 'Y' then do giKeySavedAs=giSaveAsPrefix|| 'KEY_' ||c2x(giName) if symbol(giKeySavedAs)='VAR' then return(_valueG(giKeySavedAs)) end GiMaxLength='' select when giType="MAXCHARS" then do CanBeDuplicated='Y' GiMaxLength=arg(5) if GiMaxLength='' then GiMaxLength=8 giId=_Id_2_(giName,arg(4)) if length(giId)>GiMaxLength then giId=left(giId,GiMaxLength) end when giType="C2X" then do CanBeDuplicated='N' giId=_Id_c2x(giName,arg(4)) end when giType="2_" then do CanBeDuplicated='Y' giId=_Id_2_(giName,arg(4)) end otherwise CryAndDie('GetId(): Invalid type of "' || giType || '" specified') end if CanBeDuplicated='Y' then do IdSavedAs=giSaveAsPrefix|| 'ID_' ||c2x(giId) if symbol(IdSavedAs)='VAR' then do GiIndex=1 do forever if GiMaxLength='' then giTryId=giId||GiIndex else do giChopLength=GiMaxLength-length(GiIndex) if length(giId)>giChopLength then giTryId=left(giId,giChopLength)||GiIndex else giTryId=giId||GiIndex end GiIndex=GiIndex+1 IdSavedAs=giSaveAsPrefix|| 'ID_' ||c2x(giTryId) if symbol(IdSavedAs)<> 'VAR' then do giId=giTryId leave end end end call _valueS IdSavedAs, '' end if giUniqueId<> 'Y' then call _valueS giKeySavedAs,giId return(giId) _Id_2_: parse arg KeyR,RestrictTo RestrictTo=_RestrictKeyMinimum||RestrictTo KeyL='' InvPos=verify(KeyR,RestrictTo) do while InvPos<>0 KeyL=KeyL||left(KeyR,InvPos-1)|| '_' KeyR=substr(KeyR,InvPos+1) InvPos=verify(KeyR,RestrictTo) end KeyL=strip(KeyL||KeyR,, '_') do until BeforeCount=ReplaceCount BeforeCount=ReplaceCount KeyL=ReplaceString(KeyL, "__", "_") end if KeyL='' then return('_') else return(KeyL) _Id_c2x: parse arg KeyR,RestrictTo RestrictTo=_RestrictKeyMinimum||RestrictTo KeyL='' InvPos=verify(KeyR,RestrictTo) do while InvPos<>0 KeyL=KeyL||left(KeyR,InvPos-1)|| 'x' ||c2x(substr(KeyR,InvPos,1)) KeyR=substr(KeyR,InvPos+1) InvPos=verify(KeyR,RestrictTo) end return(KeyL||KeyR) GetId_39: call GetIdPrepare "IMAGEHW" Add2Stem='' _ValCharsHttp=UpperCase||LowerCase||DecimalDigits|| "./?%+:~_-," _ValCharsFtp=_ValCharsHttp signal Evaluate_40 _ScaleSide: parse arg SideBefore,SideScale PercentPos=pos('%',SideScale) if PercentPos=0 then return(SideScale) else return((SideBefore*left(SideScale,PercentPos-1))%100) _GetSizeTags: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 call DBG_EVALUATE 'Real size = ' || ImageWidth || 'x' ||ImageHeight call DBGIND-1 end ImgScaleW=ImageScaleW ImgScaleH=ImageScaleH if ImgScaleW='?' | ImgScaleH = '?' then do if ImgScaleW='?' then do NewHeight=_ScaleSide(ImageHeight,ImgScaleH) ImgScaleW=(NewHeight*100)%ImageHeight|| '%' NewWidth=_ScaleSide(ImageWidth,ImgScaleW) end else do NewWidth=_ScaleSide(ImageWidth,ImgScaleW) ImgScaleH=(NewWidth*100)%ImageWidth|| '%' NewHeight=_ScaleSide(ImageHeight,ImgScaleH) end end else do NewWidth=_ScaleSide(ImageWidth,ImgScaleW) NewHeight=_ScaleSide(ImageHeight,ImgScaleH) end if ImageOldFormat='Y' then ImageReturn='WIDTH=' || NewWidth || ' HEIGHT=' ||NewHeight else ImageReturn='WIDTH="' || NewWidth || '" HEIGHT="' || NewHeight || '"' if ImageCacheKey<> '' then call value ImageCacheKey,ImageReturn return(ImageReturn) CheckFileInfo: parse arg iFile,iType,iId,iExpected if iId==iExpected then return call FileClose iFile Line1='"' || iFile || '" does not appear to be a "' || iType || '" file.' Line2='It is ' || FileQuerySize(iFile) || ' bytes long. ' if iId=='' then Line2=Line2|| 'This appears to be too short.' else Line2=Line2|| 'The ID is "x' || c2x(iId) || '" (expected "x' || c2x(iExpected) || '")' CryAndDie(Line1,Line2) _GetGifSize: GifFormatId=left(charin(ImageFile,1,6),3) call CheckFileInfo ImageFile, 'GIF', GifFormatId, 'GIF' WidthLow=charin(ImageFile,,1) WidthHigh=charin(ImageFile,,1) ImageWidth=c2d(WidthHigh||WidthLow) HeightLow=charin(ImageFile,,1) HeightHigh=charin(ImageFile,,1) ImageHeight=c2d(HeightHigh||HeightLow) call FileClose ImageFile return(_GetSizeTags()) _GetPngSize: PngFormatId=charin(ImageFile,1,8) call CheckFileInfo ImageFile, 'PNG', PngFormatId, '89'x || 'PNG' || '0D 0A 1A 0A'x PngFormatId=charin(ImageFile,,4) PngFormatId=charin(ImageFile,,4) call CheckFileInfo ImageFile, 'PNG', PngFormatId, 'IHDR' ImageWidth=c2d(charin(ImageFile,,4)) ImageHeight=c2d(charin(ImageFile,,4)) call FileClose ImageFile return(_GetSizeTags()) _GetJpgSize: FileType=c2x(Charin(ImageFile,1,2)) call CheckFileInfo ImageFile, 'JPEG', FileType, "FFD8" NxtSeg=3 ImageHeight="IMAGEHEIGHT" Type='' do while(Type<> "D9") & (NxtSeg <> -1) & (Imageheight = "IMAGEHEIGHT") NxtSeg=_ReadJpgSegment(NxtSeg) end call FileClose ImageFile return(_GetSizeTags()) _ReadJpgSegment: SegPos=arg(1) Marker=c2x(charIn(ImageFile,SegPos)) if Marker<> "FF" then return(-1) Type=c2x(charIn(ImageFile)) Res=SegPos+2 select when Type="01" | Type >= "D0" & Type <= "D9" then SegmentLength=0 otherwise SegmentLength=c2d(CharIn(ImageFile,,2)) End Res=Res+SegmentLength if Type="C0" | Type = "C2" then do Imagebps=c2d(CharIn(ImageFile)) ImageHeight=c2d(CharIn(ImageFile,,2)) ImageWidth=c2d(CharIn(ImageFile,,2)) end return(Res) GetImageHeightWidth:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg ImageFile,ImageScaleW,ImageScaleH,ImageOldFormat,ImageNoCache if ImageScaleW='' then ImageScaleW='100%' if ImageScaleH='' then ImageScaleH='?' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'GetImageHeightWidth("' || ImageFile || '", "' || ImageScaleW || '", "' || ImageScaleH || '")' if ImageNoCache='Y' then ImageCacheKey='' else do ImageCacheKey='I_' || ImageFile || '_w' || c2x(ImageScaleW) || '_h' || c2x(ImageScaleH) || '_f' ||ImageOldFormat ImageCacheKey=GetId("IMAGEHW", 'MAXCHARS',ImageCacheKey,,200) if symbol(ImageCacheKey)='VAR' then do if OptionDebugOn='N' then return(value(ImageCacheKey)) else do SizeString=value(ImageCacheKey) call DBG_EVALUATE 'Returning "' || SizeString || '" (from cache)' return(SizeString) end end end DotPos=lastpos('.',ImageFile) if DotPos=0 then CryAndDie('Unknown graphic file type on "' || ImageFile || '".') ImageExtn=translate(substr(ImageFile,DotPos+1)) if QueryExists(ImageFile)='' then do CryAndDie('Graphic file "' || ImageFile || '" does not exist.') return('') end call DBGIND 1 select when ImageExtn='GIF' then SizeString=_GetGifSize() when ImageExtn='PNG' then SizeString=_GetPngSize() when ImageExtn='JPG' | ImageExtn = 'JPEG' then SizeString=_GetJpgSize() otherwise CryAndDie('Currently only support "GIF", "JPEG" & "PNG" files.') end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Returning "' || SizeString || '"' call DBGIND-1 return(SizeString) ToLowerCase:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'ToLowerCase()' return(translate(arg(1),LowerCase,UpperCase)) EnsureFileHasCorrectCase:call TRACE "OFF" cFileI=arg(1) if OptionTranslateFileNames='N' then return(cFileI) if OptionTranslateFileNames='UPPER' then cFileO=translate(cFileI) else cFileO=ToLowerCase(cFileI) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if cFileI<>cFileO then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'A files case was adjusted' call DBGIND 1 call DBG_EVALUATE 'FROM: "' || cFileI || '"' call DBG_EVALUATE ' TO: "' || cFileO || '"' call DBGIND-1 end end return(cFileO) GetAmPmTime:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'GetAmPmTime()' return(GetAmPmTimeFromHhMmSs(time('N'),arg(1),arg(2))) GetAmPmTimeFromHhMmSs:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cd_PT,cd_AddSS,cd_AmPm if cd_AmPm='' then cd_AmPm='am;pm' parse var cd_AmPm cd_AmTxt ';' cd_PmTxt if pos(':',cd_PT)=0 then parse var cd_PT cd_HH 3 cd_MM 5 cd_SS else parse var cd_PT cd_HH ':' cd_MM ':' cd_SS if cd_HH>=12 then cd_AmPm=cd_PmTxt else cd_AmPm=cd_AmTxt if cd_HH>12 then cd_HH=cd_HH-12 cd_HH=cd_HH+0 cd_MM=right(cd_MM,2, '0') if cd_AddSS='' then do if cd_SS='' then cd_AddSS='N' else cd_AddSS='Y' end if cd_AddSS='N' then cd_SS='' else cd_SS=':' || right(cd_SS, 2, '0') cd_T=cd_HH|| ':' ||cd_MM||cd_SS||cd_AmPm if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'GetAmPmTimeFromHhMmSs(' || cd_PT || ') = ' ||cd_T return(cd_T) AddCommasToDecimalNumber:procedure;call TRACE "OFF" NoComma=strip(arg(1)) if pos(',',NoComma)<>0 then return(NoComma) DotPos=pos('.',NoComma) if DotPos=0 then AfterDecimal='' else do if DotPos=1 then return("0" ||NoComma) AfterDecimal=substr(NoComma,DotPos+1) NoComma=left(NoComma,DotPos-1) end NoComma=reverse(NoComma) ResultWithCommas="" do while length(NoComma)>3 ResultWithCommas=ResultWithCommas||left(NoComma,3)|| ',' NoComma=substr(NoComma,4) end ResultWithCommas=ResultWithCommas||NoComma ResultWithCommas=reverse(ResultWithCommas) if AfterDecimal<> '' then ResultWithCommas=ResultWithCommas|| '.' ||AfterDecimal return(ResultWithCommas) PadString:procedure;call TRACE "OFF" parse arg TheString,TheMaxSize,PadType StringSize=length(TheString) if StringSize>=TheMaxSize then return(TheString) SpacesRequired=TheMaxSize-StringSize if PadType='R' then return(copies(' ',SpacesRequired)||TheString) else do if PadType<> 'C' then return(TheString||copies(' ',SpacesRequired)) else do SpacesOnLeft=SpacesRequired%2 return(copies(' ', SpacesOnLeft) || TheString || copies(' ',SpacesRequired-SpacesOnLeft)) end end BreakAt:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'BreakAt()' parse arg baMaxSize,baString,baChars,baBreakWith if baChars=='' then baChars='./:#' if baBreakWith='' then baBreakWith='<BR>' baPos=pos('-',baMaxSize) if baPos=0 then baMinSize=baMaxSize%3 else parse var baMaxSize baMinSize'-'baMaxSize baReturn='' do while length(baString)>baMaxSize baLeftBit=left(baString,baMaxSize) baString=substr(baString,baMaxSize+1) baBestPos=0 baCharList=baChars do while baCharList\=='' baThisChar=left(baCharList,1) baCharList=substr(baCharList,2) baThisPos=lastpos(baThisChar,baLeftBit) if baThisPos>baBestPos then do baBestPos=baThisPos end end if baReturn<> '' then baReturn=baReturn||baBreakWith if baBestPos=0 then baReturn=baReturn||baLeftBit else do baReturn=baReturn||left(baLeftBit,baBestPos) baString=substr(baLeftBit,baBestPos+1)||baString end end if baReturn<> '' then return(baReturn||baBreakWith||baString) else return(baReturn||baString) MacroGet:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'MacroGet()' GotValue=GetDefineContents(arg(1)) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'MacroGet("' || arg(1) || '") = ' ||DebugRightArrow||GotValue||DebugLeftArrow return(GotValue) Defined:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Defined()' DefinedAnswer=MacroExists(arg(1)) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Defined("' || arg(1) || '") = "' || DefinedAnswer || '"' return(DefinedAnswer) DataSave:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'DataSave()' parse arg StoreApp,StoreKey,StoreData call _valueS "DSAP_" || c2x(StoreApp) || '.DSKY_' ||c2x(StoreKey),StoreData return DataGet:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'DataGet()' parse arg StoreApp,StoreKey,StoreDefault DataVarName="DSAP_" || c2x(StoreApp) || '.DSKY_' ||c2x(StoreKey) if symbol(DataVarName)<> 'VAR' then return(StoreDefault) else return(_valueG(DataVarName)) UrlEncode:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'UrlEncode()' UrlIn=arg(1) ueCmd=translate(arg(2)) SpaceToPlus='N' select when ueCmd='TO%' then do UrlBadChars=arg(3) if UrlBadChars=='' then UrlBadChars='+<>%"/?# ' end when ueCmd='TO%EXCEPT' then do UrlOkChars=arg(3) if UrlOkChars=='' then UrlOkChars=CharsLUN|| '-._' UrlBadChars=space(translate(xrange('00'x, 'FF'x), '',UrlOkChars),0) if pos(' ',UrlOkChars)=0 then UrlBadChars=UrlBadChars|| ' ' end when ueCmd='ENCODEALL' then UrlBadChars=xrange('00'x, 'FF'x) otherwise CryAndDie('Invalid UrlEncode() command of "' || ueCmd || '"') end UrlOut='' UrlCount=length(UrlIn) do CharPosn=1 to UrlCount ThisChar=substr(UrlIn,CharPosn,1) if pos(ThisChar,UrlBadChars)=0 then UrlOut=UrlOut||ThisChar else do if ThisChar==' ' & SpaceToPlus = 'Y' then UrlOut=UrlOut|| '+' else UrlOut=UrlOut|| '%' || right(c2x(ThisChar), 2, '0') end end return(UrlOut) UrlDecode:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'UrlDecode()' parse arg UrlIn,udCmd UrlPlusIsSpace='Y' if udCmd<> '' then do if translate(udCmd)='LEAVE+' then UrlPlusIsSpace='N' else CryAndDie('Invalid UrlDecode() command of "' || udCmd || '"') end UrlOut='' CharPosn=1 UrlCount=length(UrlIn) do while CharPosn<=UrlCount ThisChar=substr(UrlIn,CharPosn,1) CharPosn=CharPosn+1 if UrlPlusIsSpace<> 'N' & ThisChar = '+' then ThisChar=' ' else do if ThisChar='%' then do ThisChar=substr(UrlIn,CharPosn,2) CharPosn=CharPosn+2 if CharPosn>(UrlCount+1)then CryAndDie('Invalid URL encoding of "%' || strip(ThisChar) || '" at end of URL') ThisChar=x2c(ThisChar) end end UrlOut=UrlOut||ThisChar end return(UrlOut) GetFileTimeStamp:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg ce_FN,ce_OnErr ce_OnErr=translate(ce_OnErr) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'GetFileTimeStamp("' || ce_FN || '")' call DBGIND 1 end ce_ST=FileInMemoryTimeStamp(ce_FN) if ce_ST='' then do ce_FT=FileQueryDateTime(ce_FN) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Is time stamped : "' || ce_FT || '"' if ce_FT='' then do ce_M='The file "' || ce_FN || '" does not exist.' select when ce_OnErr='Q' then call DBG ce_M when ce_OnErr='D' then CryAndDie(ce_M) otherwise call OutputWarningToScreen 'TS00',ce_M end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return(-1) end ce_FT=space(ce_FT) parse var ce_FT Month'-'Day'-'Year' 'Hour':'Minute':'Second if Year<80 then Year=100+Year Year=1900+Year ce_ST=Year||Month||Day||Hour||Minute||Second end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'Returning : "' || ce_ST || '"' call DBGIND-1 end return(ce_ST) Warning:call TRACE "OFF" call OutputWarningToScreen arg(1),arg(2) return(0) Error:call TRACE "OFF" call CryAndDie 'Rexx code called Error()', '------------------------',arg(1),arg(2),arg(3),arg(4),arg(5),arg(6),arg(7),arg(8),arg(9),arg(10) return(0) Info:call TRACE "OFF" call OutputInformationToScreen arg(1) return(0) DieIfIoErrorOccurred:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'DieIfIoErrorOccurred("' || arg(1) || '")' FileState=FileState(arg(1)) if FileState='READY' then return IoReason=FileDescription(arg(1)) if IoReason\=='NOTREADY:EOF' then do if RexWhich='REGINA' & IoReason = '' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'DieIfIoErrorOccurred(): Bug first reported to Mark Hessling 3/10/99 for 0.08h beta' call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'I/O failure on "' || arg(1) || '" (' || IoReason || ').' call DBGIND-1 end return end call CryAndDie 'I/O failure on "' || arg(1) || '" (' || IoReason || ').' end return _ValidateIcLevel: icLevel=arg(1) if icLevel='' then icLevel=IncludeLevel if datatype(icLevel, 'WholeNumber')<>1 then return(0) if icLevel<1|icLevel>IncludeLevel then return(0) return(icLevel) InputComponentLevel:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'InputComponentLevel()' icLevel=_ValidateIcLevel(arg(1)) if icLevel=0 then return('') else return(IncludeFileName.icLevel) InputComponentLineLevel:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'InputComponentLineLevel()' icLevel=_ValidateIcLevel(arg(1)) if icLevel=0 then return('') else do if icLevel=IncludeLevel then return(IncludeLineNumber) else return(_IncludeLineNumber.icLevel) end GenerateFileName:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cf_SrcFile,cf_EdtMsk if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'GenerateFileName(' || cf_SrcFile || ') using "' || cf_EdtMsk || '"' call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Current directory is "' || GetCurrentDirectory() || '"' end ShortName=_filespec('name',cf_SrcFile) ShortNameNE=_filespec('withoutextn',ShortName) InputPath=_filespec('location',cf_SrcFile) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_EdtMsk, "?",InputPath) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "*.*",ShortName) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "*",ShortNameNE) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "{$PATH}",InputPath) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "{$BASE}",ShortNameNE) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "{$SHORT}",ShortName) cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "{$FULL}",cf_SrcFile) if pos('{$path}',cf_Full)<>0 then do call DBGIND 1 cf_Bd=BaseDir4CurrentInputFile call DBG '{$path} found, base directory is "' || cf_Bd || '"' call ValidateBaseDirUse cf_BD,cf_SrcFile cf_SrcDir=_filespec('Location',cf_SrcFile) cf_RelDir=substr(cf_SrcDir,length(cf_Bd)+1) call DBG '{$path} = "' || cf_RelDir || '"' cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full, "{$path}",cf_RelDir) call DBGIND-1 end if OptionUncUsed='N' then cf_Full=ReplaceString(cf_Full,RexDirChar||RexDirChar,RexDirChar) cf_Full=EnsureFileHasCorrectCase(cf_Full) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Generated Name = "' || cf_Full || '"' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND 1 call MakeDirectoryTree _filespec('drive', cf_Full) || _filespec('path',cf_Full) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-2 return(cf_Full) ProcessNext:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'ProcessNext()' if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=arg(1) else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=arg(1)||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine return Tabs2Spaces:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Tabs2Spaces()' ExpandTabs: parse arg t2sRightBit,t2sTabWidth if pos('09'x,t2sRightBit)=0 then return(t2sRightBit) t2sLeftBit='' t2sLeftBitL=0 t2sTabPos=pos('09'x,t2sRightBit) if t2sTabWidth='' then t2sTabWidth=8 do while t2sTabPos<>0 t2sLeftBit=t2sLeftBit||left(t2sRightBit,t2sTabPos-1) t2sLeftBitL=t2sLeftBitL+(t2sTabPos-1) Spaces4Tab=t2sTabWidth-((t2sLeftBitL+1)//t2sTabWidth) t2sLeftBit=t2sLeftBit||copies(' ',Spaces4Tab) t2sLeftBitL=t2sLeftBitL+Spaces4Tab t2sRightBit=substr(t2sRightBit,t2sTabPos+1) t2sTabPos=pos('09'x,t2sRightBit) end return(t2sLeftBit||t2sRightBit) RexxVarDefined:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'RexxVarDefined()' vsValue=symbol(arg(1)) if vsValue='BAD' then do vsLength=length(arg(1)) if symbol(copies('A', vsLength)) <> 'BAD' then Reason='' else Reason='A symbol length of "' || vsLength || ' bytes seems to be too long for your rexx interpreter!' CryAndDie('RexxVarDefined()', 'Invalid symbol of "' || arg(1) || '" passed.',Reason) end if vsValue='VAR' then return(1) else return(0) ReplaceCurlyHexCodes:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'ReplaceCurlyHexCodes()' Before=arg(1) RightBit=Before LeftBit='' StartPos=pos('{x',RightBit) do while StartPos<>0 Codes2=substr(RightBit,StartPos+2,2) if datatype(Codes2, 'X') <> 1 | substr(RightBit, StartPos+4, 1) <> '}' then do LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,StartPos+1) RightBit=substr(RightBit,StartPos+2) end else do LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,StartPos-1)||x2c(Codes2) RightBit=substr(RightBit,StartPos+5) end StartPos=pos('{x',RightBit) end LeftBit=LeftBit||RightBit if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if Before<>LeftBit then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement LeftBit, '{xXX}' end return(LeftBit) RandomString:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg RsString,RsPickFrom if RsPickFrom='' then RsPickFrom=DecimalDigits||UpperCase RsMax=length(RsPickFrom) QPos=pos('?',RsString) do while QPos<>0 RsString=left(RsString,QPos-1)||substr(RsPickFrom,random(1,RsMax),1)||substr(RsString,QPos+1) QPos=pos('?',RsString) end return(RsString) _FindFileInPathList: parse arg cg_Look4,cg_PathList call DBGIND 1 if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Searching for "' || cg_Look4 || '" in "' || cg_PathList || '"' if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then cg_SepChar=':' else cg_SepChar=';' cg_Found='' do while cg_PathList<> '' parse var cg_PathList cg_Path (cg_SepChar) cg_PathList if right(cg_Path,1)<>RexDirChar then cg_Path=cg_Path||RexDirChar cg_Found=FileQueryExists(cg_Path||cg_Look4) if cg_Found<> '' then leave end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Found "' || cg_Found || '"' call DBGIND-1 return(cg_Found) FindFileInPath:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg ch_Look4,ch_LookIn if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then ch_SepChar=':' else ch_SepChar=';' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'FindFileInPath(): Looking for "' || ch_Look4 || '" in "' || ch_LookIn || '"' call DBGIND 1 ch_Searched='' do while ch_LookIn<> '' parse var ch_LookIn ch_ThisBit (ch_SepChar) ch_LookIn if ch_ThisBit='' then iterate ch_Left1=left(ch_ThisBit,1) select when ch_Left1='*' then do ch_LookIn=GetEnv(substr(ch_ThisBit,2))||ch_SepChar||ch_LookIn end when ch_Left1='+' then do ch_List.0=0 ch_Mask=substr(ch_ThisBit,2)||RexDirChar|| '*.*' call _SysFileTree ch_Mask, 'ch_List', 'DOS' ch_Comb='' do ch_Index=1 to ch_List.0 if ch_Index=1 then ch_Comb=ch_List.ch_Index else ch_Comb=ch_Comb||ch_SepChar||ch_List.ch_Index end ch_LookIn=ch_Comb||ch_SepChar||ch_LookIn end otherwise do if ch_Searched='' then ch_Searched=ch_ThisBit else ch_Searched=ch_Searched||ch_SepChar||ch_ThisBit end end end ch_Found=_FindFileInPathList(ch_Look4,ch_Searched) if ch_Found<> '' then ch_Found=FileQueryExists(ch_Found) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Result: "' || ch_Found || '"' call DBGIND-1 return(ch_Found) FindFile:call TRACE "OFF" ci_Look4=arg(1) ci_Found='' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'FindFile(): Looking for "' || ci_Look4 || '"' call DBGIND 1 if ci_Found='' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'Looking in current directory' ci_Found=QueryExists(ci_Look4) end if ci_Found='' then do do ci_Index=1 to OptionIncludePathCnt until ci_Found<> '' ci_Found=FindFileInPath(ci_Look4,OptionIncludePath.ci_Index) end end if ci_Found='' then ci_Found=FindFileInPath(ci_Look4, '*PPWIZARD_INCLUDE') if ci_Found='' then ci_Found=FindFileInPath(ci_Look4, '*INCLUDE') if ci_Found='' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'Looking in same directory as PPWIZARD' parse source . . ci_Found ci_Found=_filespec('Location',ci_Found)||ci_Look4 if QueryExists(ci_Found)='' then ci_Found='' end if ci_Found<> '' then ci_Found=FileQueryExists(ci_Found) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Result: "' || ci_Found || '"' call DBGIND-1 return(ci_Found) _SysSearchPath:call TRACE "OFF" return(FindFileInPath(arg(2), '*' ||arg(1))) SSTRIP:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cj_S,cj_M,cj_C if cj_M=='' then cj_M='B' if cj_C=='' then cj_C='00'x cj_S=translate(cj_S, '', cj_C, ' ') return(strip(cj_S,cj_M)) Add2:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg ck_V,ck_S if ck_S<> '' then Add2Stem=ck_S|| '.' if Add2Stem='' then CryAndDie("Add to which array?") ck_CV=Add2Stem|| '0' if symbol(ck_CV)<> 'VAR' then ck_C=0 else ck_C=value(ck_CV) ck_C=ck_C+1 call value Add2Stem||ck_C,ck_V call value ck_CV,ck_C return(ck_C) QueryExists:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cl_File,cl_MustExist if cl_File='' then CryAndDie('The filename "" is invalid!') else do cl_Rc=FileQueryExists(cl_File) if cl_Rc='' & cl_MustExist = 'Y' then CryAndDie('The filename "' || cl_File || '" does not exist!') return(cl_Rc) end MustDeleteFile:call TRACE "OFF" cm_File=arg(1) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'MustDeleteFile(' || cm_File || ')' call DBGIND 1 end call FileClose cm_File if QueryExists(cm_File)='' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'File does not exist' end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'Deleting the file' call FileClose cm_File if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND 1 DeleteRc=_SysFileDelete(cm_File) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 if QueryExists(cm_File)<> "" then CryAndDie('Could not delete "' || cm_File || '", it must be in use (DosRc=' || DeleteRc || ')...') end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return OptionGet:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'OptionGet()' call DBGIND 1 cn_Ans=OptionGetValue(arg(1)) call DBGIND-1 return(cn_Ans) OptionSet:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'OptionSet()' call DBGIND 1 call OptionSetValue arg(1),arg(2) call DBGIND-1 return MakeWebLinks:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg co_R,co_ProtU,co_T co_Prot=co_ProtU|| '://' co_Pos=pos(co_Prot,co_R) if co_Pos=0 then return(co_R) if co_ProtU='ftp' then co_Valid=_ValCharsFtp else co_Valid=_ValCharsHttp co_ProtL=length(co_Prot) if co_T='' then co_T='<a href="{URL}">{URL}</a>' co_L='' do until co_Pos=0 co_L=co_L||left(co_R,co_Pos-1) co_R=substr(co_R,co_Pos) co_Pos=verify(co_R,co_Valid, 'N') if co_Pos=0 then do co_Url=co_R co_R='' end else do co_Url=left(co_R,co_Pos-1) co_R=substr(co_R,co_Pos) end co_Insert=ReplaceString(co_T, "{URL}",co_Url) co_Insert=ReplaceString(co_Insert, "{URL-}",substr(co_Url,co_ProtL+1)) co_L=co_L||co_Insert co_Pos=pos(co_Prot,co_R) end return(co_L||co_R) TimeStamp:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cp_CmdList,cp_Ts cp_AddSec=0 do while cp_CmdList<> '' parse var cp_CmdList cp_Cmd cp_CmdList cp_Unit=translate(right(cp_Cmd,1)) cp_Units=left(cp_Cmd,length(cp_Cmd)-1) select when cp_Unit='W' then cp_CmdSec=cp_Units*604800 when cp_Unit='D' then cp_CmdSec=cp_Units*86400 when cp_Unit='H' then cp_CmdSec=cp_Units*3600 when cp_Unit='M' then cp_CmdSec=cp_Units*60 when cp_Unit='S' then cp_CmdSec=cp_Units otherwise cp_CmdSec=cp_Cmd end cp_AddSec=cp_AddSec+cp_CmdSec end if cp_Ts='' then do cp_Bd=basedate() cp_Sec=time('S') end else do cp_Bd=basedate(left(cp_Ts,8)) parse value substr(cp_Ts,9)with cp_HH+2 cp_MM+2 cp_SS cp_Sec=(cp_HH*3600)+(cp_MM*60)+cp_SS end cp_TotSec=cp_Sec+cp_AddSec cp_PlusDay=cp_TotSec%86400 cp_Sec=cp_TotSec//86400 cp_Date=Bd2Date(cp_Bd+cp_PlusDay) cp_HH=right(cp_Sec%3600,2, '0') cp_Sec=cp_Sec//3600 cp_MM=right(cp_Sec%60,2, '0') cp_Sec=cp_Sec//60 cp_SS=right(cp_Sec,2, '0') return(cp_Date||cp_HH||cp_MM||cp_SS) ArraySplit:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cq_Stem,cq_Value,cq_Del,cq_Spaces,cq_KeepBlank cq_Stem=cq_Stem|| '.' if cq_Del=='' then cq_Del=' ' if cq_Spaces='' then cq_Spaces='B' cq_Cnt=0 do while cq_Value\=='' parse var cq_Value cq_Before (cq_Del) cq_Value if cq_Spaces<> 'K' then do if cq_Spaces='BM' then cq_Before=space(cq_Before) else cq_Before=strip(cq_Before,cq_Spaces) end if cq_Before='' then do if cq_KeepBlank<> 'Y' then iterate end cq_Cnt=cq_Cnt+1 call _valueS cq_Stem||cq_Cnt,cq_Before end call _valueS cq_Stem|| '0',cq_Cnt return(cq_Cnt) ArrayRemoveDup: parse arg cr_Stem,cr_MaxInRow if cr_MaxInRow='' then cr_MaxRpt=0 else cr_MaxRpt=cr_MaxInRow-1 cr_Stem=cr_Stem|| '.' cr_End=value(cr_Stem|| '0') cr_DstI=0 cr_Last='' cr_RepeatCnt=0 do cr_SrcI=1 to cr_End cr_Value=value(cr_Stem||cr_SrcI) if cr_Value\==cr_Last then cr_RepeatCnt=0 else do if cr_SrcI<>1 then do cr_RepeatCnt=cr_RepeatCnt+1 if cr_RepeatCnt>cr_MaxRpt then iterate end end cr_Last=cr_Value cr_DstI=cr_DstI+1 call value cr_Stem||cr_DstI,cr_Value end call value cr_Stem|| '0',cr_DstI return(cr_DstI) ArrayTranslate: parse arg cs_Stem,cs_Spaces,cs_Case cs_Stem=cs_Stem|| '.' if cs_Spaces='' then cs_Spaces='B' cs_End=value(cs_Stem|| '0') do cs_SrcI=1 to cs_End cs_Value=value(cs_Stem||cs_SrcI) if cs_Spaces<> 'K' then do if cs_Spaces='BM' then cs_Value=space(cs_Value) else cs_Value=strip(cs_Value,cs_Spaces) end if cs_Case<> '' then do if cs_Case='L' then cs_Value=ToLowerCase(cs_Value) else cs_Value=translate(cs_Value) end call value cs_Stem||cs_SrcI,cs_Value end return(cs_End) ReverseArray: ArrayReverse:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'ReverseArray()' riArray=translate(arg(1))|| '.' riCount=_valueG(riArray||0) riHalfWay=riCount%2 do riFrom=1 to riHalfWay riTo=(riCount-riFrom)+1 riTemp=_valueG(riArray||riFrom) call _valueS riArray||riFrom,_valueG(riArray||riTo) call _valueS riArray||riTo,riTemp end return(riCount) SortArray: ArraySort:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'ArraySort()' parse arg bsArray,bsStartCol,bsEndCol,bsStrict bsArray=translate(bsArray)|| '.' if bsStartCol='' then bsStartCol=0 else do if bsEndCol='' then bsLength=0 else bsLength=bsEndCol-bsStartCol end bsM=1 bsCount=_valueG(bsArray||0) do while(9*bsM+4)<bsCount bsM=bsM*3+1 end do while bsM>0 bsK=bsCount-bsM do bsJ=1 to bsK bsIndex1=bsJ do while bsIndex1>0 bsIndex2=bsIndex1+bsM if bsStartCol=0 then do bsVal1=_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX1) bsVal2=_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX2) end else do if bsLength=0 then do bsVal1=substr(_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX1),bsStartCol) bsVal2=substr(_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX2),bsStartCol) end else do bsVal1=substr(_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX1),bsStartCol,bsLength) bsVal2=substr(_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX2),bsStartCol,bsLength) end end if bsStrict='Y' then bsGreater=bsVal1>>bsVal2 else bsGreater=bsVal1>bsVal2 if bsGreater then do bsTemp=_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX1) call _valueS bsArray||BSINDEX1,_valueG(bsArray||BSINDEX2) call _valueS bsArray||BSINDEX2,bsTemp end else leave bsIndex1=bsIndex1-bsM end end bsM=bsM%3 end return(bsCount) MakeDirectoryTree:call TRACE "OFF" WholeDirectory=arg(1) if right(WholeDirectory,1)=RexDirChar then WholeDirectory=left(WholeDirectory,length(WholeDirectory)-1) if WholeDirectory='' then return(0) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'MakeDirectoryTree("' || WholeDirectory || '")' call DBGIND 1 end if RexWhich='REGINA' then do if DirQueryExists(WholeDirectory)<> '' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'Directory already exists (no need to make)' call DBGIND-1 end return(0) end end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG "Under OS/2 rexx we can't easily tell if directory already exists" end if RexSystemOpSys="DOS" then ct_Dq='' else ct_Dq='"' if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then MakeDirCmd='mkdir ' else MakeDirCmd='md ' SearchFromPosn=1 do until SlashPosn=0 SlashPosn=pos(RexDirChar,WholeDirectory,SearchFromPosn) if SlashPosn<>1 then do if SlashPosn=0 then MakeDir=WholeDirectory else MakeDir=left(WholeDirectory,SlashPosn-1) DirBit=filespec('name',MakeDir) if right(MakeDir,1)<> ':' & DirBit <> '.' & DirBit <> '..' then do if OptionDebugOn='N' then call AddressCmd MakeDirCmd||ct_Dq||MakeDir||ct_Dq||AllCmdOutput2Nul() else do TmpMkDirFile=RexGetTmpFileName() call AddressCmd MakeDirCmd||ct_Dq||MakeDir||ct_Dq||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(TmpMkDirFile),TmpMkDirFile if Rc=0 then call DBG 'Made Directory "' || MakeDir || '"' call _SysFileDelete TmpMkDirFile end end end SearchFromPosn=SlashPosn+1 end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return(0) FileCopy:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cu_Src,cu_Dst,cu_When,cu_ContOnError call DBG 'Copy "' || cu_Src || '" to "' || cu_Dst || '"?' call DBGIND 1 if FileQueryExists(cu_Src)='' then do if cu_ContOnError<> 'Y' then CryAndDie('The FileCopy() source file "' || cu_Src || '" does not exist...') return(2) end cu_When=translate(cu_When) cu_Do='' select when cu_When='' then cu_Do='we always copy' when cu_When='EQUAL' then do cu_Ss=stream(cu_Src, 'c', 'query size') || ' - ' || stream(cu_Src, 'c', 'query datetime') if FileQueryExists(cu_Dst)='' then cu_Ds='Destination does not exist' else cu_Ds=stream(cu_Dst, 'c', 'query size') || ' - ' || stream(cu_Dst, 'c', 'query datetime') call DBG 'Want files EQUAL...' call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'SRC: ' ||cu_Ss call DBG 'DST: ' ||cu_Ds call DBGIND-1 if cu_Ss<>cu_Ds then cu_Do='files unequal' end otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown FileCopy() mode of "' || cu_When || '"') end if cu_Do<> '' then call DBG 'Source will be copied as ' ||cu_Do else do call DBG 'The source does not need copying' call DBGIND-1 return(0) end call AddInputFileToDependancyList cu_Src call AddOutputFileToDependancyList cu_Dst cu_QSD='"' || cu_Src || '" "' || cu_Dst || '"' select when RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then cu_CpyS='cp --force --verbose' when RexSystemOpSys="WIN32" then cu_CpyS='copy /Y /B' when RexSystemOpSys="OS/2" then cu_CpyS='copy' otherwise cu_CpyS='copy' end CopyCmd=cu_CpyS|| ' ' ||cu_QSD TmpMkDirFile=RexGetTmpFileName() cu_CpyRc=AddressCmd(CopyCmd||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(TmpMkDirFile),TmpMkDirFile) call _SysFileDelete TmpMkDirFile if cu_CpyRc=0 then call DBG 'File successfully copied' else do call DBG 'Copy failed' if cu_ContOnError<> 'Y' then CryAndDie('File copy failed (Rc=' || cu_CpyRc || ')!', 'From: "' || cu_Src || '"', 'To : "' || cu_Dst || '"') end call DBGIND-1 return(cu_CpyRc) QuoteIt:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_EVALUATE 'QuoteIt()' parse arg cv_Q4,cv_TryQ,cv_RetQuotedStr if cv_RetQuotedStr='' then cv_RetQuotedStr='N' if cv_TryQ='' then cv_TryQ='"' || "'" else do if translate(cv_TryQ)='ANY' then cv_TryQ=TryQuoteListAny end TryQuoteLng=length(cv_TryQ) do cv_I=1 to TryQuoteLng cv_PosQ=substr(cv_TryQ,cv_I,1) if pos(cv_PosQ,cv_Q4)=0 then do if cv_RetQuotedStr='N' then return(cv_PosQ) else return(cv_PosQ||cv_Q4||cv_PosQ) end end CryAndDie('QuoteIt(): Could not find safe quote for ' ||DebugRightArrow||cv_Q4||DebugLeftArrow) QuoteAsRexxLit:call TRACE "OFF" return( "'" || ReplaceString(arg(1), "'", "''") || "'" ) FormatTime:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cw_Fmt,cw_Ts,cw_Pre if cw_Ts='' then cw_Ts=TimeStamp() if cw_Pre='' then cw_Pre='FORMATTIME' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'FormatTime(' || cw_Ts || ')' call DBGIND 1 end parse var cw_Ts cw_YYYY+4 cw_MM+2 cw_DD+2 cw_HH+2 cw_Min+2 cw_SS cw_R='' cw_Pos=pos('%',cw_Fmt) do while cw_Pos<>0 cw_R=cw_R||left(cw_Fmt,cw_Pos-1) cw_C=substr(cw_Fmt,cw_Pos+1,1) cw_Fmt=substr(cw_Fmt,cw_Pos+2) if cw_HH>12 then cw_II=cw_HH-12 else cw_II=cw_HH+0 if cw_II=0 then cw_II=12 select when cw_C='d' then cw_N=cw_DD when cw_C='e' then cw_N=right(cw_DD+0,2, ' ') when cw_C='#' then cw_N=cw_DD+0 when cw_C='m' then cw_N=cw_MM when cw_C='y' then cw_N=right(cw_YYYY,2) when cw_C='Y' then cw_N=cw_YYYY when cw_C='H' then cw_N=cw_HH when cw_C='!' then cw_N=cw_HH+0 when cw_C='I' then cw_N=right(cw_II,2, '0') when cw_C='@' then cw_N=cw_II when cw_C='M' then cw_N=cw_Min when cw_C='S' then cw_N=cw_SS when cw_C='j' then cw_N=right(BaseDate(cw_Ts)-basedate(cw_YYYY|| '0101')+1, 3, '0') when cw_C='$' then cw_N=BaseDate(cw_Ts)-basedate(cw_YYYY|| '0101')+1 when cw_C='Z' then cw_N='' when cw_C='%' then cw_N='%' when cw_C='a' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_DAY_NAMES_SHORT', 'Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun') cw_N=word(cw_N,(BaseDate(cw_Ts)//7)+1) end when cw_C='A' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_DAY_NAMES_LONG', 'Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday') cw_N=word(cw_N,(BaseDate(cw_Ts)//7)+1) end when cw_C='b' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_MONTH_NAMES_SHORT', 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec') cw_N=word(cw_N,cw_MM) end when cw_C='B' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_MONTH_NAMES_LONG', 'January February March April May June July August September October November December') cw_N=word(cw_N,cw_MM) end when cw_C='p' then do if cw_HH>=12 then cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_PM_TEXT', 'pm') else cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_AM_TEXT', 'am') end when cw_C='x' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_DATE_FORMAT', '%a %b %# %Y') cw_Fmt=cw_N||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='X' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_TIME_FORMAT', '%@:%M:%S%p') cw_Fmt=cw_N||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='c' then do cw_N=CfgMacro(cw_Pre|| '_DATE_TIME_FORMAT', '%x at %X') cw_Fmt=cw_N||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='D' then do cw_Fmt='%m/%d/%y' ||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='v' then do cw_Fmt='%e-%b-%Y' ||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='R' then do cw_Fmt='%H:%M' ||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='r' then do cw_Fmt='%I:%M:%S%p' ||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end when cw_C='T' then do cw_Fmt='%H:%M:%S' ||cw_Fmt cw_N='' end otherwise cw_N='%' ||cw_C end cw_R=cw_R||cw_N cw_Pos=pos('%',cw_Fmt) end cw_R=cw_R||cw_Fmt if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_EVALUATE 'Returning: ' ||cw_R call DBGIND-1 end return(cw_R) Evaluate_40: TraceBpListsLoaded='' TraceAutoAliasCnt=0 TraceAutoAliasMax=0 signal ExecCmd_41 ExecRexxCmd: InterpretThisAsPassed=arg(1) if RexWhich='REGINA' then UseEos=MarksNewLine else UseEos=';' InterpretThisC=ReplaceEos(InterpretThisAsPassed) InterpretThis=InterpretThisC TraceBreakPoint='' PrevTracedLine='' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_INTERPRET 'Interpreting ' ||DebugRightArrow||InterpretThisC||DebugLeftArrow call DBG_INTERPRET 'Rexx code is ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(length(InterpretThisC)) || ' bytes long' if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeRexxTrace)==SeeRexxTrace then do if RexWhich='REGINA' then TrcDef='OFF' else TrcDef='INTERMEDIATES' TraceLevel4Rexx=translate(CfgMacro('REXXTRACE',TrcDef)) if TraceLevel4Rexx<> 'OFF' then InterpretThis='TRACE ' || TraceLevel4Rexx || ';' || InterpretThisC || ';call TRACE "OFF";' TraceBreakPoint=strip(CfgMacro('REXX_BP', '')) if TraceBreakPoint='' then TraceBpList='' else do if length(TraceBreakPoint)>1&left(TraceBreakPoint,1)='=' then do TraceBreakPoint='=' ||MacroGet(strip(substr(TraceBreakPoint,2))) TraceBreakPoint=ReplaceEos(PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(TraceBreakPoint)) end if TraceAutoAliasMax=0 then do TraceAutoAliasMax=CfgMacro('REXX_BP_MAX_AUTO_CMD',22) if datatype(TraceAutoAliasMax, 'W')=0 then TraceAutoAliasMax=22 if TraceAutoAliasMax<10 then TraceAutoAliasMax=22 end TraceBpList=CfgMacro('REXX_BP_ALIAS', '') if TraceBpList<>TraceBpListsLoaded then TraceBpListsLoaded='' end call Line1 '' call Line1 '---------- REXX TRACE - START(' || TraceLevel4Rexx || ') ----------' end end signal ON SYNTAX NAME _SyntaxErrorDuringInterpret signal ON NOVALUE NAME _UnknownVariableDuringInterpret interpret InterpretThis TraceBreakPoint='' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeRexxTrace)==SeeRexxTrace then do call Line1 '---------- REXX TRACE - END(' || TraceLevel4Rexx || ') ----------' call Line1 '' end end return _UnknownVariableDuringInterpret: TrappingLine=SIGL call TRACE "OFF" call CommonTrapHandler TrappingLine, 'NoValue Abort!', 'Unknown Variable', condition('D'),space(InterpretThisAsPassed),TraceBreakPoint _SyntaxErrorDuringInterpret: TrappingLine=SIGL call TRACE "OFF" call CommonTrapHandler TrappingLine, 'Syntax Error!', 'Reason',errortext(Rc),space(InterpretThisAsPassed),TraceBreakPoint ReplaceEos: return(ReplaceString(arg(1),DefRexxSpecialSepTag,UseEos)) AddToBpSearch: RtSearchText=RtSearchText|| '{SOL}' || space(arg(1)) || '{EOL}' return RexxTrace:call TRACE "OFF" if OptionDebugOn='N' then return if bitand(DebugLevel,SeeRexxTrace)\==SeeRexxTrace then return signal on NOVALUE name RexxTrapUninitializedVariable signal on SYNTAX name RexxTrapSyntaxError parse arg rtText,rtDumpList,rtDbgCmd,rtDbgTrapped rtSay='$TRACE: ' ||rtText call Line1 PpwRexxTraceColor||rtSay||Reset RtSearchText='' call AddToBpSearch rtText if rtDbgTrapped<> 'Y' then do rtThis='' if rtDbgCmd='Y' then do rtThis=PrevTracedLine|| ' ' ||rtText PrevTracedLine=rtText end else rtThis=rtDumpList if rtThis<> '' then do if rtThis<> '?' then call DumpVarsInExpression rtThis, '', '', 'TraceVarSay' else do call Line1 'ALL KNOWN VARIABLES' call Line1 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' call DumpVarsInExpression InterpretThisC, '', '', 'TraceVarSay' end end end call Line1 '' if rtDbgTrapped='Y' then rtStop='Y' else do if TraceBreakPoint='' then rtStop='N' else do select when TraceBreakPoint='?' then rtStop='Y' when left(TraceBreakPoint,1)='=' then do rtStop='N' call ExecuteUsersTraceCmd substr(TraceBreakPoint,2) end otherwise do if pos(TraceBreakPoint,RtSearchText)<>0 then rtStop='Y' else rtStop='N' end end end end if rtStop='N' then return call LoadBpLists do forever call charout,InfoColor|| '<' || '$TRACE, ' || BpAliasCnt || ' aliases> ' ||Reset rtCmd=strip(linein()) if rtCmd='' then return rtCmdU=translate(rtCmd) select when left(rtCmd,1)='/' then do EqPos=pos('=',rtCmd) if EqPos<>0 then do call AddBpAlias rtCmd, "user" STo=SaveBpAliasFile() if STo='' then STxt='Done (not permanently saved)!' else STxt='Done, saved to "' || STo || '".' call Line1 HighlightColor||STxt||Reset end else do rtAlias=strip(substr(rtCmd,2)) if left(rtAlias,1)='#' | datatype(rtAlias, 'W')then do if left(rtAlias,1)='#' then rtAliasI=strip(substr(rtAlias,2)) else rtAliasI=rtAlias if rtAliasI>TraceAutoAliasCnt then do call Line1 ErrorColor|| '#Alias "#' || rtAliasI || '" does not exist!' ||Reset||Beep iterate end rtAliasI=(TraceAutoAliasCnt-rtAliasI)+1 rtCmd=Aalias.rtAliasI end else do rtCmd=FindBpAlias(rtAlias) if rtCmd='' then do call Line1 ErrorColor|| 'Alias "' || rtAlias || '" not found!' ||Reset||Beep iterate end end call Line1 HighlightColor||rtCmd||Reset call ExecuteUsersTraceCmd rtCmd end end when left(rtCmd,1)='?' then do rtCmdU=substr(rtCmdU,2) call Char1 PpwRexxTraceColor select when rtCmdU='' then do call Line1 PpwRexxTraceColor||rtText||Reset end when abbrev('VARIABLES',rtCmdU)then do call Line1 'ALL KNOWN VARIABLES' call Line1 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' call DumpVarsInExpression InterpretThisC, '', '', 'TraceVarSay' end when abbrev('ALIASES',rtCmdU)then do call Line1 'ALL ALIASES' call Line1 '~~~~~~~~~~~' do Index=1 to BpAliasCnt call Line1 left(BpAlias.Index.BpAName,BpLongestAlias)|| ' = ' ||BpAlias.Index.BpAValue end end when abbrev('#ALIASES',rtCmdU)then do if TraceAutoAliasCnt=0 then call Line1 ErrorColor|| 'No commands have been remembered yet!' ||Reset||Beep else do MaxLng=length(TraceAutoAliasCnt) call Line1 'ALL # ALIASES' call Line1 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~' do Index=1 to TraceAutoAliasCnt IndexR=(TraceAutoAliasCnt-Index)+1 call Line1 '/#' || left(IndexR, MaxLng) || ' = ' ||Aalias.Index end end end otherwise call Line1 ErrorColor|| 'Unknown ? command of "' || rtCmd || '"!' ||Reset||Beep end call Char1 Reset end when rtCmdU='BP' then do call charout,InfoColor|| "New Breakpoint (blank = none) => " ||Reset TraceBreakPoint=strip(linein()) end otherwise do if ExecuteUsersTraceCmd(rtCmd)=0 then do if AddAutoAlias(rtCmd)<>0 then call SaveBpAliasFile end end end end return TraceVarSay: call Line1 PpwRexxTraceColor|| " | " ||arg(1)||Reset call AddToBpSearch arg(1) return ExecuteUsersTraceCmd: signal ON SYNTAX NAME _SyntaxErrorDuringExecuteUsersTraceCmd signal ON NOVALUE NAME _UnknownVariableDuringExecuteUsersTraceCmd interpret arg(1) return(0) _SyntaxErrorDuringExecuteUsersTraceCmd: call Line1 ErrorColor|| 'SYNTAX ERROR: ' ||errortext(Rc)||Reset call Line1 Beep return(1) _UnknownVariableDuringExecuteUsersTraceCmd: call Line1 ErrorColor|| 'NOVALUE ERROR: VAR=' || condition('D')||Reset call Line1 Beep return(1) LoadBpLists: if TraceBpListsLoaded<> '' then return BpSaveTo='' BpList=TraceBpList BpAliasCnt=0 BpFileNumb=0 do while BpList<> '' parse var BpList BpList1';'BpList BpFileNumb=BpFileNumb+1 if BpFileNumb=1 then BpSaveTo=BpList1 if BpList1='' then iterate BpList1=FindFile(BpList1) if BpList1='' then iterate call FileClose BpList1 BpListLine=0 BpLongestAlias=0 do while lines(BpList1)<>0 CurrentLine=strip(linein(BpList1)) BpListLine=BpListLine+1 if CurrentLine='' | left(CurrentLine, 1) = ';' then iterate AliasSource='line #' || BpListLine || ' of ' ||BpList1 call AddBpAlias CurrentLine,AliasSource,BpFileNumb end call FileClose BpList1 end TraceBpListsLoaded=TraceBpList return AddBpAlias: parse arg AliasCmd,AliasSrc,FromFile parse var AliasCmd '/'BpAliasName'='BpAliasValue if BpAliasValue='' then do call DBG 'Alias Command from ' || AliasSrc || ' incorrectly formatted!' return end BpAliasName=translate(BpAliasName) if left(BpAliasName,1)=='#' then do call AddAutoAlias BpAliasValue return end if length(BpAliasName)>BpLongestAlias then BpLongestAlias=length(BpAliasName) FoundIndex=0 do Index=1 to BpAliasCnt if BpAliasName=BpAlias.Index.BpAName then do FoundIndex=Index leave end end if FoundIndex<>0 then do if FromFile<> '' then return end else do BpAliasCnt=BpAliasCnt+1 FoundIndex=BpAliasCnt end BpAlias.FoundIndex.BpAName=BpAliasName BpAlias.FoundIndex.BpAValue=BpAliasValue BpAlias.FoundIndex.BpFNumb=FromFile return FindBpAlias: BpAliasName=translate(strip(arg(1))) do Index=1 to BpAliasCnt if BpAliasName=BpAlias.Index.BpAName then return(BpAlias.Index.BpAValue) end return('') SaveBpAliasFile: if BpSaveTo='' then return('') call MustDeleteFile BpSaveTo call lineout BpSaveTo, ';***' call lineout BpSaveTo, ';*** Automatically saved at: ' ||NiceDateTime() call lineout BpSaveTo, ';***' call lineout BpSaveTo, '' FoundF='N' do Index=1 to BpAliasCnt if BpAlias.Index.BpFNumb=1 then do if FoundF='N' then call lineout BpSaveTo, ';--- Loaded From File ---' FoundF='Y' call lineout BpSaveTo, '/' || BpAlias.Index.BpAName || '=' ||BpAlias.Index.BpAValue end end call FileClose BpSaveTo FoundU='N' do Index=1 to BpAliasCnt if BpAlias.Index.BpFNumb=''then do if FoundU='N' then do if FoundF='Y' then call lineout BpSaveTo, '' call lineout BpSaveTo, ';--- User Modified This Session ---' end FoundU='Y' call lineout BpSaveTo, '/' || BpAlias.Index.BpAName || '=' ||BpAlias.Index.BpAValue end end call FileClose BpSaveTo if TraceAutoAliasCnt<>0 then do call lineout BpSaveTo, '' call lineout BpSaveTo, ';--- Last Few Commands Used ---' do Index=1 to TraceAutoAliasCnt IndexN=(TraceAutoAliasCnt-Index)+1 call lineout BpSaveTo, '/#' || IndexN || '=' ||Aalias.Index end end call FileClose BpSaveTo return(BpSaveTo) FindAutoAlias: FindWhat=arg(1) do FndIndex=1 to TraceAutoAliasCnt if FindWhat=Aalias.FndIndex then return(FndIndex) end return(0) DeleteAutoAlias: DelIndex=arg(1) do DelIndexT=DelIndex to TraceAutoAliasCnt-1 DelIndexF=DelIndexT+1 Aalias.DelIndexT=Aalias.DelIndexF end TraceAutoAliasCnt=TraceAutoAliasCnt-1 return AddAutoAlias: SaveWhat=strip(arg(1)) if SaveWhat='' then return(0) FoundAt=FindAutoAlias(SaveWhat) if FoundAt<>0 then call DeleteAutoAlias FoundAt if TraceAutoAliasCnt>=TraceAutoAliasMax then call DeleteAutoAlias 1 TraceAutoAliasCnt=TraceAutoAliasCnt+1 Aalias.TraceAutoAliasCnt=SaveWhat return(TraceAutoAliasCnt) ExecCmd_41: ExpandXEarly='N' ExpandXLate='N' ExpandXCmd='N' signal EndExpandX EXPANDX_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if ExpandX='NONE' then call OptionDebugShow 'EXPANDX', 'X codes are never expanded' else call OptionDebugShow 'EXPANDX', 'X codes are expanded "' || ExpandX || '"' end return EXPANDX_GET: call EXPANDX_DEBUG return(ExpandX) EXPANDX_SET: ExpandX=translate(arg(1)) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'EXPANDX', 'Setting default value of "X" var expansion to "' || EXPANDX || '"' Default4_EXPANDX=ExpandX return(0) end if ExpandX=='' then ExpandX=Default4_EXPANDX ExpandXEarly='N' ExpandXLate='N' ExpandXCmd='N' if ExpandX<> 'NONE' then do TmpList=translate(ExpandX) do while TmpList<> '' parse var TmpList ThisItem','TmpList select when ThisItem='COMMAND' then ExpandXCmd='Y' when ThisItem='EARLY' then ExpandXEarly='Y' when ThisItem='LATE' then ExpandXLate='Y' otherwise CryAndDie('Unknown EXPANDX option of "' || ThisItem || '"') end end end call EXPANDX_DEBUG return SetXCode:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg cx_N,cx_V cx_XN='XVAR?.X?' ||c2x(translate(cx_N)) call _valueS cx_XN,cx_V return InitializeCharCodes: call DBG_DEFINING 'Initializing <' || '?x00-FF> codes + <' || '?xRexxEos> + some others' do CharCode=0 to 255 call _valueS 'XVAR?.X?' ||c2x(translate(d2x(CharCode,2))),d2c(CharCode) end call _valueS 'XVAR?.X?' || c2x(translate("RexxEos")),RexEOL Val='<' || '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ||MarksNewLine Val=Val|| '<' || '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">' ||MarksNewLine Val=Val|| '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtm" xml:lang="en" lang="en">' ||MarksNewLine call _valueS 'XVAR?.X?' || c2x(translate("HTML10")),Val return ExpandXCodes:call TRACE "OFF" ReplaceXCodesIfNotDisabled: if pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x,arg(1))=0 then return(arg(1)) ReplaceTheXCodesWeKnowExist: LeftBit='' RightBit=arg(1) StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x,RightBit) do while StartPos<>0 ReplaceCount=ReplaceCount+1 EndPos=pos(EndsMacroReplacement,RightBit,StartPos+1) XVarName='XVAR?.X?' ||c2x(translate(substr(RightBit,StartPos+3,(EndPos-StartPos)-3))) if symbol(XVarName)='VAR' then LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,StartPos-1)||_valueG(XVarName) else do CryAndDie(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x||substr(RightBit,StartPos+3,(EndPos-StartPos)-3)||EndsMacroReplacement|| ' is not defined (use "#RexxVar =x=" command)!') end RightBit=substr(RightBit,EndPos+1) StartPos=pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x,RightBit) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugOutputAfterReplacement LeftBit||RightBit, '?xXX' return(LeftBit||RightBit) EndExpandX: call InitOnExitProcessing signal OnExit_42 InitOnExitProcessing: OnExitCnt=0 LinesFromOnExit='N' do cy_I=1 to 100 OnExitLst.cy_I='' end return SetUpOnExitProcessingIfEndOfMainFile: if IncludeLevel=1 then do if OnExitCnt<>0 then do call DBG '' call DBG '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' call DBG '!!! "#OnExit" processing follows !!!' call DBG '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' call DBG '' call DBGIND 1 cy_All='' do cy_I=1 to 100 cy_Txt=OnExitLst.cy_I if cy_Txt\=='' then do call DBG 'FROM: ' ||OnExitLoc.cy_I call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'SLOT #' || cy_I || ': ' ||cy_Txt call DBGIND-1 if cy_All='' then cy_All=cy_Txt else cy_All=cy_All||MarksNewLine||cy_Txt end end call DBGIND-1 IncludeMemBufferNextLine=cy_All LinesFromOnExit='Y' OnExitCnt=0 return('Y') end end return('N') ProcessOnExit: cz_R=strip(arg(1)) if left(cz_R,1)<> '#' then cz_Slot=50 else do cz_Slot=substr(word(cz_R,1),2) cz_R=subword(cz_R,2) if translate(cz_Slot)='EXEC' then do cz_R=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(cz_R) if left(cz_R,1)='{' then parse var cz_R '{' cz_RcTest '}' cz_R else do cz_R=cz_R cz_RcTest='' end if OptionValidation<> '' then CryAndDie("Already have a command specified for execution!") OptionValidation=cz_R OptionValidationRc=cz_RcTest return(0) end end if cz_R='' then CryAndDie('No #OnExit text specified!') if datatype(cz_Slot, 'W')=0|cz_Slot<1|cz_Slot>100 then CryAndDie('Invalid slot number of "' || cz_Slot || '"') call DBG '#OnExit (slot #' || cz_Slot || ') we will process => ' ||DebugRightArrow||cz_R||DebugLeftArrow OnExitCnt=OnExitCnt+1 if OnExitLst.cz_Slot='' then do OnExitLst.cz_Slot=cz_R OnExitLoc.cz_Slot=CurrentSourceLocation() end else do if cz_Slot<>50 then CryAndDie('You are attempting to reuse #OnExit slot ' || cz_Slot, 'The slot was already used at ' || OnExitLoc.cz_Slot, 'Only slot 50 can be reused.') OnExitLst.cz_Slot=OnExitLst.cz_Slot||MarksNewLine||cz_R end return(0) OnExit_42: IncludeIntoMemory='' signal Include_43 RecursiveIncludeSave: call LoopPush IncludeLevel _DebugCurrentFileNumber.IncludeLevel=DebugCurrentFileNumber _IncludeMemHandle.IncludeLevel=IncludeMemHandle _IncludeEofLine.IncludeLevel=IncludeEofLine _IncludeFragmentText.IncludeLevel=IncludeFragmentText _IncludeLineNumber.IncludeLevel=IncludeLineNumber _IncludeMemBufferNextLine.IncludeLevel=IncludeMemBufferNextLine _EofForced.IncludeLevel=EofForced EofForced='' return RecursiveIncludeRestore: DebugCurrentFileNumber=_DebugCurrentFileNumber.IncludeLevel IncludeMemHandle=_IncludeMemHandle.IncludeLevel IncludeEofLine=_IncludeEofLine.IncludeLevel IncludeFragmentText=_IncludeFragmentText.IncludeLevel IncludeLineNumber=_IncludeLineNumber.IncludeLevel IncludeMemBufferNextLine=_IncludeMemBufferNextLine.IncludeLevel EofForced=_EofForced.IncludeLevel IncludeFileName=IncludeFileName.IncludeLevel call LoopPop IncludeLevel return FileInMemoryTimeStamp: fimFullFileName=arg(1) if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then ifHandle='_IF_' || c2x(fimFullFileName) || '.' else ifHandle='_IF_' || c2x(translate(fimFullFileName)) || '.' if symbol(ifHandle|| '!TS') <> 'VAR' then return('') else do Ts=_valueG(ifHandle|| '!TS') if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Cached Timestamp: "' || Ts || '"' return(Ts) end IncludeFileOpen: ifFullFileName=arg(1) ifLoad2Mem=arg(2) if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then ifHandle='_IF_' || c2x(ifFullFileName) || '.' else ifHandle='_IF_' || c2x(translate(ifFullFileName)) || '.' if symbol(ifHandle|| '0') = 'VAR' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG '"' || ifFullFileName || '" will be read from memory cache' return(_valueG(ifHandle|| '0') || ';' ||ifHandle) end call FileClose ifFullFileName OpenRc=FileOpenReadOnly(ifFullFileName) if ifLoad2Mem='' then ifLoad2Mem=IncludeIntoMemory if ifLoad2Mem='N' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Will read "' || ifFullFileName || '" directly from file' return('') end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Will read "' || ifFullFileName || '" into memory cache' Ts=GetFileTimeStamp(ifFullFileName) call _valueS ifHandle|| '!TS',Ts ifLineNum=0 do while lines(ifFullFileName)<>0 ifLineNum=ifLineNum+1 ifLineTxt=linein(ifFullFileName) call _valueS ifHandle||ifLineNum,ifLineTxt end call _valueS ifHandle|| '0',ifLineNum call DieIfIoErrorOccurred ifFullFileName, 'Y' call FileClose ifFullFileName if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Read ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(ifLineNum) || ' lines' call DBGIND-1 end return(ifLineNum|| ';' ||ifHandle) IncludeFileClose: if IncludeMemHandle='' then do call DieIfIoErrorOccurred IncludeFileName, 'Y' call FileClose IncludeFileName end return IncludeFileLines: if IncludeMemHandle='' then return(lines(IncludeFileName)) else return(IncludeLineNumber<IncludeEofLine) IncludeFileLineIn: IncludeLineNumber=IncludeLineNumber+1 if IncludeMemHandle='' then ifLineTxt=linein(IncludeFileName) else ifLineTxt=_valueG(IncludeMemHandle||IncludeLineNumber) if ExtraWhiteSpace=='' then return(ifLineTxt) else return(translate(ifLineTxt, '', ExtraWhiteSpace, ' ')) Include_43: SummaryUserAllBldCount=0 SummaryUserOverallCount=0 SummaryUserThisBldCount=0 signal Summary_44 Summary:call TRACE "OFF" parse arg SummaryLeft,SummaryRight,SummaryMode SummaryLeft=strip(SummaryLeft) SummaryMode1=translate(left(SummaryMode,1)) select when SummaryMode1='D' then do call DBG "Don't" || ' want "' || SummaryLeft || '" in any summaries' call _valueS '!SUMMDROP.!' ||c2x(SummaryLeft),CurrentSourceLocation() end when SummaryMode1='O' then do SummaryUserOverallCount=SummaryUserOverallCount+1 SummaryUserOverallL.SummaryUserOverallCount=SummaryLeft SummaryUserOverallR.SummaryUserOverallCount=SummaryRight end when SummaryMode1='A' then do SummaryUserAllBldCount=SummaryUserAllBldCount+1 SummaryUserAllBldL.SummaryUserAllBldCount=SummaryLeft SummaryUserAllBldR.SummaryUserAllBldCount=SummaryRight end otherwise do SummaryUserThisBldCount=SummaryUserThisBldCount+1 SummaryUserThisBldL.SummaryUserThisBldCount=SummaryLeft SummaryUserThisBldR.SummaryUserThisBldCount=SummaryRight end end return GenerateUserSummaryThisBuild: do SummLine=1 to SummaryUserThisBldCount call AddSummaryLine SummaryUserThisBldL.SummLine,SummaryUserThisBldR.SummLine end SummaryUserThisBldCount=0 return GenerateUserSummaryAllBuilds: do SummLine=1 to SummaryUserAllBldCount call AddSummaryLine SummaryUserAllBldL.SummLine,SummaryUserAllBldR.SummLine end return GenerateUserSummaryOverall: do SummLine=1 to SummaryUserOverallCount call AddSummaryLine SummaryUserOverallL.SummLine,SummaryUserOverallR.SummLine end return AboutToGenerateSummary: MaxSummaryLeft=0 SummaryLines=0 call Line1 '' if arg(1)<> 'N' then do TitleText='Summary' call Line1 TitleColor call Line1 TitleText call Line1 copies('~',length(TitleText))||Reset end return AddSummaryLine: parse arg SummaryLeft,SummaryRight SummaryLeft=strip(SummaryLeft) DropSym='!SUMMDROP.!' ||c2x(SummaryLeft) if symbol(DropSym)='VAR' then do call DBG 'Summary line for "' || SummaryLeft || '" unwanted (dropped at ' || _valueG(DropSym) || ')' return end if length(SummaryLeft)>MaxSummaryLeft then MaxSummaryLeft=length(SummaryLeft) SummaryLines=SummaryLines+1 SummaryL.SummaryLines=SummaryLeft SummaryR.SummaryLines=SummaryRight return GenerateSummaryLines: do SummLine=1 to SummaryLines call Line1 " " || left(SummaryL.SummLine, MaxSummaryLeft) || ': ' ||SummaryR.SummLine end return Summary_44: PpwCompTime=NiceDateTime() PpwCompTs=TimeStamp() if RexSystemOpSys="OS/2" then do call SetColorCodes call SetBeepCode end else do call RemoveColorCodes call SetBeepCode end InputInterfaceVer="98.131" OutputInterfaceVer="98.132" call SetEnv "PPWIZARD_VER_II",InputInterfaceVer call SetEnv "PPWIZARD_VER_OI",OutputInterfaceVer ProtectPrefix='{PROTECT_' || time('Seconds') || '}' ProtectFromPpwS="option PUSH LeaveBlankLines=YES KeepIndent=YES linecomment='NULL' LineContinuation='NULL' HashPrefix='" || ProtectPrefix || "'" ProtectFromPpwE=ProtectPrefix|| 'option POP' call QuickCheckForDebugSwitch signal on NOVALUE name RexxTrapUninitializedVariable signal on SYNTAX name RexxTrapSyntaxError signal on HALT name RexxCtrlC TrapHandler='FULL' call ProcessCommandLine call CheckRexxInterpreter 'Y' call DebugShowAsMuchEnvironmentDetailAsPossible PpwUserDescription='PPWIZARD version ' || PgmVersion || ' on ' || PpWizardOpSysREAL || ', FREE tool for Windows, OS/2, DOS and UNIX by ' || PgmAuthor || ' (' || PgmHomePage || ')' PgmDefaultHtmlMetaTags='<meta name="GENERATOR" content="' || PpwUserDescription || '"' || OptionXSlash || '>' if HaveGeneratorTags='N' then OptionHtmlGeneratorTags=PgmDefaultHtmlMetaTags InputMasksAllowed='N' InpFileCount=0 InpFileCountActuallyMade=0 AllSameExtn='' do SpecIndex=1 to InputMaskCount InputList.0=0 TmpMask=InputMask.SpecIndex call DBG 'Looking for files matching "' || TmpMask || '"' if left(TmpMask,1)<> '+' then FollowDirs='N' else do FollowDirs='Y' TmpMask=substr(TmpMask,2) end call GetListOfFiles TmpMask, 'InputList',FollowDirs call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Found ' || InputList.0 || ' files(s)' call DBGIND 1 if InputList.0=0 then do call CheckForNotBeingAbleToExecAnything WeWantToDie='Y' if LookLikeASingleFile(TmpMask)='Y' then do if OptionDebugOn='N' then do call RemoveBeepCode call RemoveColorCodes OptionDebugOn='Y' OptionWantInfoMsgs='Y' call DebugStateChanged call DBG 'Debug forced on as we seem to have a file find problem!' call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'We could not find "' || TmpMask || '", yet it seems to exist! We will solder on!' call DBG 'Please send redirected output to "' || PgmAuthor || '" (' || PgmAuthorEmail || ')' call DBG 'You could easily use a "GetFileList" ' || OptChar || 'Hook to workaround this.' call DBGIND 1 call GetListOfFiles TmpMask, 'InputList',FollowDirs call DBGIND-2 call DBG 'Turning off debug again' OptionDebugOn='N' call DebugStateChanged end InputList.0=1 InputList.1=TmpMask WeWantToDie='N' end if WeWantToDie='Y' then do if InputMask0FilesOk.SpecIndex='Y' then call DBG 'You indicated that 0 files were OK...' else do Left1=left(InputMask.SpecIndex,1) if Left1<> '-' & Left1 <> '/' then Extra='' else Extra=' (all switches under ' || PpWizardOpSysREAL || ' must start with "' || OptChar || '")' UserSyntaxError('No input files matched "' || InputMask.SpecIndex || '"' ||Extra) end end end do InputIndex=1 to InputList.0 TheFile=InputList.InputIndex call DBG TheFile InpFileCount=InpFileCount+1 InpFile.InpFileCount=TheFile InpFileMaskIndex.InpFileCount=SpecIndex DotPos=lastpos('.',TheFile) if DotPos<>0 then do FileExtn=translate(substr(TheFile,DotPos+1)) if InpFileCount=1 then AllSameExtn=FileExtn if AllSameExtn<>FileExtn then AllSameExtn='' end end call DBGIND-2 end if InputMaskCount<>0&InpFileCount=0 then do if Option0FilesTotalOk='N' then UserSyntaxError('No files matched any of the input file masks (' || InputMaskCount || ') supplied!') end if AllSameExtn<> '' then do call DBG 'All input files end in the same extension (".' || AllSameExtn || '")' call DBGIND 1 if OptionPrjExtn='' then call DBG 'User has turned off Extensions based project files' else do ExtnFile=ReplaceString(OptionPrjExtn, '*',AllSameExtn) ExtnFile=FindProjectFile(ExtnFile) if ExtnFile<> '' then call ProcessCommandLineBit ExtnFile,OptChar|| 'LIST:' || ReplaceString(ExtnFile, ' ', '{x20}') end call DBGIND-1 end if ProcessingMode='' then do call DBG 'User did not specify what mode we are processing with, will default' select when AllSameExtn='X' then call PModeSwitch "REXX" otherwise call PModeSwitch "HTML" end call DBG 'Processing all input files in "' || ProcessingMode || '" mode' end if NewLineChars==CrLf then LinesEndWith="CR followed by LF" else LinesEndWith="LF only" call DBG 'Output lines are terminated with ' ||LinesEndWith if ProcessingMode='HTML' then OptionDefaultInputName="DEFAULT.IT" else OptionDefaultInputName="" if OptionDependsOn<> '' & OptionCgiModeOn = 'Y' then UserSyntaxError("Can't do dependancy checking in CGI mode!") if ProcessingMode<> 'HTML' & OptionCgiModeOn = 'Y' then UserSyntaxError("Must stay in HTML mode when /CGI switch used!") if ProcessingMode='HTML' then call DBG 'HTML Generator Tags are ' ||DebugRightArrow||OptionHtmlGeneratorTags||DebugLeftArrow else OptionHtmlGeneratorTags='' if OptionOutput='' then do if ProcessingMode='REXX' then do if RexSystemOpSys="OS/2" then da_O='*.cmd' else da_O='*.rex' end else do da_O='*.htm' end OptionOutput=da_O end if OptionWantCopyright='Y' then do if OptionQuietDependsOn='N' then call DisplayCopyright end call DebugStateChanged if InputMaskCount=0 then do call DBG 'No input masks were specified (or no files matched)...' if OptionDefaultInputName='' then UserSyntaxError('No input files were specified!') if FileQueryExists(OptionDefaultInputName)='' then UserSyntaxError('No input files were specified and "' || OptionDefaultInputName || '" not found!') InputMask.1=OptionDefaultInputName InpFileCount=1 InpFile.InpFileCount=OptionDefaultInputName InpFileMaskIndex.InpFileCount=1 end if IncludeIntoMemory='' then do if InpFileCount=1 then IncludeIntoMemory='N' else IncludeIntoMemory='Y' end call DBG 'Will read files into memory cache: ' ||IncludeIntoMemory LastProcessingMode=ProcessingMode LastOptionOutput=OptionOutput LastOptionDependsOn=OptionDependsOn PpwExitRc=0 ActuallyProcessed=0 FailedProcessingWarning=0 do InputIndex=1 to InpFileCount ThisFile=InpFile.InputIndex if symbol("_EXCLUDE_._EXF_" || c2x(ThisFile)) = 'VAR' then do call DBG ThisFile|| ' excluded - ' || _valueG("_EXCLUDE_._EXF_" ||c2x(ThisFile)) iterate end ActuallyProcessed=ActuallyProcessed+1 call _valueS "_EXCLUDE_._EXF_" || c2x(ThisFile), "Already processed" SpecIndex=InpFileMaskIndex.InputIndex BaseDir4CurrentInputFile=InputMaskBDir.SpecIndex da_Pm=InputMaskPMode.SpecIndex if da_Pm='' then da_Pm=LastProcessingMode ProcessingMode=da_Pm da_Om=InputMaskOutMask.SpecIndex if da_Om='' then da_Om=LastOptionOutput OptionOutput=da_Om da_Dm=InputMaskDepMask.SpecIndex if da_Dm='' then da_Dm=LastOptionDependsOn OptionDependsOn=da_Dm if OptionTemplate='' then GenerateRc=GenerateOutput(ThisFile, '') else GenerateRc=GenerateOutput(OptionTemplate,ThisFile) if GenerateRc>PpwExitRc then PpwExitRc=GenerateRc if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'The Exit Rc is currently "' || PpwExitRc || '"' end if ActuallyProcessed=0 then do if InpFileCount<>0 then do if Option0FilesTotalAfterExcludeOk='N' then UserSyntaxError('All input files (' || InpFileCount || ') were excluded by you!') end end call OutputAnySpellingAdditions if OptionQuietDependsOn='Y' &InpFileCountActuallyMade=0 then OptionSummary='N' if OptionSummary='Y' then do if ActuallyProcessed<>1 then do call AboutToGenerateSummary call GenerateUserSummaryOverall call AddSummaryLine 'Operating Syst' ,PpWizardOpSys call AddSummaryLine 'Rexx Version' ,RexVersionInfo if InpFileCount=InpFileCountActuallyMade then call AddSummaryLine '# files' ,InpFileCount else call AddSummaryLine '# files made' ,InpFileCountActuallyMade || ' out of ' ||InpFileCount call AddSummaryLine 'Exit Code' ,PpwExitRc if FailedProcessingWarning<>0 then call AddSummaryLine '# Warnings' ,FailedProcessingWarning call AddSummaryLine 'Elapsed Time' ,trunc(time('Elapsed'), 2) || ' seconds' call GenerateSummaryLines end end ThatsAllFolks(PpwExitRc) SetColorCodes: EscapeChar=d2c(27) Reset=EscapeChar|| '[0m' HighlightColor=EscapeChar|| '[1;35m' TitleColor=EscapeChar|| '[0;32m' PpwRexxTraceColor=EscapeChar|| '[0;32m' ErrorColor=EscapeChar|| '[1;31m' WarningColor=EscapeChar|| '[0;33m' InfoColor=EscapeChar|| '[0;1m' return RemoveColorCodes: Reset='' HighlightColor='' TitleColor='' ErrorColor='' WarningColor='' InfoColor='' PpwRexxTraceColor='' return SetBeepCode: Beep='' return RemoveBeepCode: Beep='' return GetSourceFileDateTimeDieOnError: DateTimeRc=GetFileDateTimeButDontWarnOnError(arg(1)) if DateTimeRc=-1 then CryAndDie('Could not get date/time stamp of "' || arg(1) || '".') return(DateTimeRc) GenerateOutput: InputFile=arg(1) TemplateDataFile=arg(2) call ClearCollectedDependancyInfo if OptionTemplate='' then do call DBG 'Main file is not a template, no point loading into memory' InFile=InputFile ForceBaseFile2Mem='N' end else do call DBG 'Main file is a template' InFile=TemplateDataFile ForceBaseFile2Mem='' end CurrentOutFile=GenerateFileName(InFile,OptionOutput) call ClearDependancyTimeStampCache if NeedToRemake(InFile)='N' then return(0) InpFileCountActuallyMade=InpFileCountActuallyMade+1 if OptionWantCopyright='Y' then do if OptionQuietDependsOn='Y' then call DisplayCopyright end InputFileFull=QueryExists(InputFile) db_T=value('PPWMAKING_' ||ProcessingMode) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{IS}', _filespec('N',InputFileFull)) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{OS}', _filespec('N',CurrentOutFile)) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{ID}', _filespec('L',InputFileFull)) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{OD}', _filespec('L',CurrentOutFile)) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{IL}',InputFileFull) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{OL}',CurrentOutFile) db_T=ReplaceString(db_T, '{PM}',ProcessingMode) call Line1 TitleColor||db_T if ProcessingMode<> 'COPY' then call Line1 copies('~',length(db_T))||Reset if OptionTemplate='' then TmpTemplate='' else TmpTemplate=TemplateDataFile call RexxHookSetBuildingParms InFile,CurrentOutFile,TmpTemplate if RexxHookBefore<> '' then call CallHook "BEFORE" call SetUpOptionsForThisBuild Dummy=time('Reset') call DBGINDInit call StackInitForBuild call CompletelyInitializeAutoTagState call InitTransformationCode call InitOutputHold call InitializeCharCodes call InitializeDefineRexx call InitializeOneLine call InitCondNlCount call InitOnExitProcessing DebugIncludeNumber=0 Warnings=0 LineSourceBeingProcessed='?' GeneratedLines=0 InputLines=0 PartialLine='' IncludeLevel=0 EofForced='' LineQueued='' PPwizardUnique=0 StackCnt=0 OptionStackCnt=0 HtmlGeneratorTags=OptionHtmlGeneratorTags AsIsModeOn='N' if OptionCompleteAddToToDepFile='Y' then do call AddInputFileToDependancyList "*PpwPgm" call AddInputFileToDependancyList "*CmdLine" end call PrepareSpellingForThisBuild NewestSourcefile=GetSourceFileDateTimeDieOnError(PpWizardPgmName) call InitializeHashDefinesForThisCompile IfNesting=0 IfState.WantLines.0='Y' IfState.IfTrue.0='Y' IfState.InTrue.0='Y' WantLineCache='Y' GenerateRc=0 call CheckRexxInterpreter if ProcessingMode='COPY' then do db_Rc=FileCopy(InputFileFull,CurrentOutFile, 'EQUAL') call CreateDependancyFileFromLists return(0) end OutputLevel=0 Ok2OutputHeader='Y' call HaveNewOutputFile CurrentOutFile,,'N',ProcessingMode do db_HI=1 to OptionHashIncludeCnt db_This=OptionHashInclude.db_HI call DBG '/#Include "' ||db_This GenerateRc=GenerateRc+ProcessInputFile(db_This) end GenerateRc=GenerateRc+ProcessInputFile(InputFile,,,ForceBaseFile2Mem) if GenerateRc=0 then do call StackValidation if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Generation successful so far, look for nesting and other errors' select when IfNesting<>0 then do do Index=1 to IfNesting NestingLevel=(IfNesting-Index)+1 call DBG 'Missing #endif at EOF - Nesting Level #' ||NestingLevel||MatchesIfDebugText(NestingLevel) end CryAndDie('Missing #endif at EOF' ||MatchesIfDebugText(IfNesting)) end when StackCnt<>0 then do do Index=1 to StackCnt NestingLevel=(StackCnt-Index)+1 call DBG 'Missing #RexxVar pop at EOF - Nesting Level #' ||NestingLevel||MatchesStackPushDebugText(NestingLevel) end CryAndDie('Incorrect #RexxVar push/pop nesting at EOF' ||MatchesStackPushDebugText(StackCnt)) end when OptionStackCnt<>0 then do do Index=1 to OptionStackCnt NestingLevel=(OptionStackCnt-Index)+1 call DBG 'Missing pop() at EOF - Nesting Level #' ||NestingLevel||MatchesOptionStackPushDebugText(NestingLevel) end CryAndDie('Missing #Option pop at EOF' ||MatchesOptionStackPushDebugText(OptionStackCnt)) end when AutoTagStateCnt<>0 then do do Index=1 to AutoTagStateCnt NestingLevel=(AutoTagStateCnt-Index)+1 call DBG 'Missing #AutoTagState- at EOF - Nesting Level #' ||NestingLevel||MatchesAutoTagStateIncDebugText(NestingLevel) end CryAndDie('Missing #AutoTagState- at EOF' ||MatchesAutoTagStateIncDebugText(AutoTagStateCnt)) end when DefRexxVar<> '' then CryAndDie('Missing #DefineRexx[+] at EOF', 'Block started at ' ||DefRexxStartLoc) when TransformCode<> '' then CryAndDie('Missing #transform (end) at EOF', 'Block started at ' ||TransformStartLoc) when OutputLevel>1 then CryAndDie('Missing ' || OutputLevel - 1 || ' #output command(s) at EOF') when OutputHoldLvl<>0 then CryAndDie('Missing #OutputHold (end) at EOF', 'LAST Block started at ' ||OutHold_.OutputHoldLvl.!OutpHoldStartLoc) otherwise call DieIfHoldingOutput end if GeneratedLines=0 then call OutputWarningToScreen 'GEN0', 'No output lines generated' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'No fatal errors detected so far' end call FileClose CurrentOutFile if RexxHookAfter<> '' then call CallHook "AFTER" if GenerateRc=0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Looks OK so far, look for even more errors' if PartialLine<> '' then CryAndDie('A line continued to EOF') if ProcessingMode='REXX' then call CheckRexxModuleForSyntaxErrors else call DoSyntaxCheckingOnFileIfEnabled CurrentOutFile if OptionValidation<> '' then do ToExec=ReplaceHashAndStandardDefines(OptionValidation) call RunExecOrValidateCmd 'VALIDATE',OptionValidationRc,ToExec end if Warnings<>0 then do FailedProcessingWarning=FailedProcessingWarning+1 GenerateRc=WantedWarningRc end if OptionNoDepFileOnWarnings='Y' &Warnings<>0 then call DBG 'Dependancy file not created as warnings exist' else call CreateDependancyFileFromLists if OptionSummary='Y' then do if InpFileCount=1 then call AboutToGenerateSummary else call AboutToGenerateSummary 'N' call GenerateUserSummaryThisBuild call GenerateUserSummaryAllBuilds if InpFileCount=1 then call GenerateUserSummaryOverall if Warnings<>0 then call AddSummaryLine 'Warnings' ,'YES (' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(Warnings) || ')' if InpFileCount=1 then do call AddSummaryLine 'Operating Syst' ,PpWizardOpSys call AddSummaryLine 'Rexx Version' ,RexVersionInfo end call AddSummaryLine 'Return Code' ,GenerateRc call AddSummaryLine 'Elapsed Time' ,trunc(time('Elapsed'), 2) || ' seconds' call GenerateSummaryLines end end call Line1 '' call RexxHookSetBuildingParms return(GenerateRc) MyLineNumber: return(SIGL) ProcessInputFile: RequestedFile=arg(1) IncludeFragmentText=arg(2) AddToDepFile=arg(3) ForceLoadingIntoMemory=arg(4) IncludeLineNumber=0 IncludeMemBufferNextLine='' DebugIncludeNumber=DebugIncludeNumber+1 DebugCurrentFileNumber=DebugIncludeNumber IncludeFileName=FindFile(RequestedFile) if IncludeFileName='' then do if IncludeLevel<>0 then call RecursiveIncludeRestore CryAndDie('File "' || RequestedFile || '" does not exist!') end IncludeLevel=IncludeLevel+1 IncludeFileName.IncludeLevel=IncludeFileName if IncludeLevel>=InfiniteIncludeLoopWhen then do if InfiniteIncludeLoopWhen<>0 then do say 'Infinite #include loop detected, at level #' ||IncludeLevel say 'Use "/define:INFINITE_INCLUDE_LOOP_WHEN=0" to turn off detection' say 'Use "/define:INFINITE_INCLUDE_LOOP_WHEN=100" to increase detection threshold etc' IncludeLevel=IncludeLevel-1 call RecursiveIncludeRestore CryAndDie("We seem to be in an infinite #include loop!") end end MemUpdateIndex=0 do IncIndex=1 to IncludeLevel-1 if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then IncSame=(IncludeFileName=IncludeFileName.IncIndex) else IncSame=(translate(IncludeFileName)=translate(IncludeFileName.IncIndex)) if IncSame=1 then do if _IncludeMemHandle.IncIndex<> '' then call DBG 'File already being processed, already reading from memory cache!' else do call DBG 'File already being processed, forcing use from memory cache' call FileClose IncludeFileName MemUpdateIndex=IncIndex ForceLoadingIntoMemory='Y' end leave end end if AddToDepFile<> 'N' then call AddInputFileToDependancyList(IncludeFileName) call OutputProcessingFileStringToScreen '',IncludeFragmentText ThisDateTime=GetSourceFileDateTimeDieOnError(IncludeFileName) if ThisDateTime>NewestSourcefile then NewestSourcefile=ThisDateTime parse value IncludeFileOpen(IncludeFileName,ForceLoadingIntoMemory)with IncludeEofLine ';' IncludeMemHandle if MemUpdateIndex<>0 then do _IncludeMemHandle.MemUpdateIndex=IncludeMemHandle _IncludeEofLine.MemUpdateIndex=IncludeEofLine end if IncludeFragmentText<> '' then do call DBG 'Looking for the start of the fragment' do while IncludeFileLines()<>0 InputLines=InputLines+1 FileLine=IncludeFileLineIn() if pos(IncludeFragmentText,FileLine)<>0 then leave end if IncludeFileLines()=0 then do FT=IncludeFragmentText LP=IncludeLineNumber IncludeLevel=IncludeLevel-1 if IncludeLevel<>0 then call RecursiveIncludeRestore CryAndDie('Did not find the START of the code fragment "' || FT || '" (processed ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(LP) || ' lines)') end end do forever LastLineAfterMacroRep='' select when IncludeMemBufferNextLine\=='' then do if InLoop='Y' &LoopLinesFromFile=0 then do db_LC='{' FileLine=GetLoopLineIntoFileLine() end else do db_LC='#' parse var IncludeMemBufferNextLine FileLine (MarksNewLine) IncludeMemBufferNextLine end LastLine=FileLine LineSrc='M' if LinesFromOnExit='Y' then LastFileLine=FileLine if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugShowCurrentLineWithLineNumber FileLine,db_LC end when LineQueued\=='' then do call FlushQueuedOutput iterate end when InLoop='Y' |IncludeFileLines()<>0 then do if EofForced<> '' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG '#EOF (at ' || EofForced || ') told us to stop processing this file any further' if SetUpOnExitProcessingIfEndOfMainFile()='Y' then iterate leave end if InLoop='Y' then FileLine=GetLoopLineIntoFileLine() else do InputLines=InputLines+1 FileLine=IncludeFileLineIn() end LastFileLine=FileLine LastLine=FileLine LineSrc='F' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugShowCurrentLineWithLineNumber FileLine if IncludeFragmentText<> '' then do if pos(IncludeFragmentText,FileLine)<>0 then do call DBG 'Found the end of the fragment' IncludeFragmentText='' leave end end if OptionFilterIn<> '' then do FileLine=HtmlFilterIn("I",FileLine,IncludeFileName,IncludeLineNumber,InputLines,MarksNewLine) if pos(MarksNewLine,FileLine)<>0 then do IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine iterate end if left(FileLine,1)=NullChar then do if FileLine=NullChar then iterate else CryAndDie(substr(FileLine,2)) end end end otherwise do if SetUpOnExitProcessingIfEndOfMainFile()='Y' then iterate leave end end if LineSrc<> 'F' then do LineContinued='N' Word1=word(FileLine,1) end else do if InterceptCode<> '' then do if FileLine=InterceptOffMarker then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Intercepted line looks like end of block, not processed' end else do BeforeLine=FileLine call ExecRexxCmd InterceptCode if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if BeforeLine==FileLine then call DBG 'Intercepted line was not changed' else call DBG 'Intercepted Line changed to ' ||DebugRightArrow||FileLine||DebugLeftArrow end if BeforeLine\==FileLine then do if pos(MarksNewLine,FileLine)<>0 then do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine iterate end end end end if NextIdReplOn='Y' then do NidReplaceCount=ReplaceCount FileLine=ReplaceString(FileLine,NextIdMarker,NextIdNew) if NidReplaceCount<>ReplaceCount then NextIdUsed='Y' end if AsIsModeOn='Y' then FileLine=ExpandAsIsTags(FileLine) if AutoTagOn='Y' then FileLine=AutoTag(FileLine) if pos(TabChar,FileLine)<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Tab(s) found' select when OptionTabs='W' then do call OutputWarningToScreen 'T000', 'There are TABS in the source (converted to spaces)!' FileLine=translate(FileLine, ' ',TabChar) end when OptionTabs='T' then do FileLine=translate(FileLine, ' ',TabChar) end when OptionTabs='E' then do FileLine=ExpandTabs(FileLine,WidthOfTab) end otherwise do end end end if OptionHideCmdS_L<>0 then do PosS=pos(OptionHideCmdS,FileLine) if PosS<>0 then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'At least one hidden command' call DBGIND 1 end RightBit=FileLine LeftBit='' do while PosS<>0 PosE=pos(OptionHideCmdE,RightBit,PosS) if PosE=0 then CryAndDie('Found start of hidden command ("' || OptionHideCmd || '"), but not the end!') Hidden=strip(substr(RightBit,PosS+OptionHideCmdS_L,(PosE-PosS)-OptionHideCmdS_L)) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Found: ' ||DebugRightArrow||Hidden||DebugLeftArrow LeftBit=LeftBit||left(RightBit,PosS-1)||Hidden RightBit=substr(RightBit,PosE+OptionHideCmdE_L) PosS=pos(OptionHideCmdS,RightBit) end FileLine=LeftBit||RightBit if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'NewLine: ' ||DebugRightArrow||FileLine||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND-1 end end end FileLine=strip(FileLine, 'T') CmtPos=lastpos(InLineComment,FileLine) if CmtPos<>0 then do AddToEnd='' if right(FileLine,1)=LineContChar then do Right2=right(FileLine,2) if Right2=LineContAddNewLine|Right2=LineContAddNewLineObs|Right2=LineContWithoutSpace|Right2=LineContWithSpace|Right2=LineContDefault then do AddToEnd=' ' ||Right2 end end FileLine=strip(left(FileLine,CmtPos-1), 'T')||AddToEnd end if ProcessingMode='REXX' then do if OptionDebugOn='N' then do if OptionKeepRexxCmts='N' &right(FileLine,2)=RexxCmtEnd then do StartCmtPos=lastpos(RexxCmtStart,FileLine) if StartCmtPos<>0 then do if StartCmtPos=0 then FileLine='' else FileLine=strip(left(FileLine,StartCmtPos-1), 'T') if FileLine='' then iterate end end end end if LineContChar=NullChar then LineContinued='N' else do if right(FileLine,1)<>LineContChar then LineContinued='N' else do Right2=right(FileLine,2) MainBit=strip(left(FileLine,length(FileLine)-2), 'T') select when Right2=LineContWithoutSpace then do LineContinued='Y' FileLine=MainBit end when Right2=LineContWithSpace|Right2=LineContDefault then do FileLine=MainBit LineContinued='YS' end when Right2=LineContAddNewLine then do LineContinued='Y' FileLine=MainBit||CodexNewLine end when Right2=LineContAddNewLineObs then do call WarnAboutDepreciatedFeature 'Line continuation using downarrow. Replace with -> "%\"' LineContinued='Y' FileLine=MainBit||CodexNewLine end otherwise LineContinued='N' end end end if FileLine='' then do if LeaveBlankLines='N' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugShowLineDropped "Blank Line" if LineContinued='N' & PartialLine \== '' then do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=PartialLine else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=PartialLine||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine PartialLine='' end iterate end end Word1=word(FileLine,1) if left(Word1,1)=LineComment then do if LineContinued='N' & PartialLine \== '' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugWarning 'Line continuation ends with a comment line' if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=PartialLine else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=PartialLine||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine PartialLine='' end iterate end if LineSrc='F' then do if KeepIndent='N' then FileLine=strip(FileLine, 'L') else FileLine=LeftIndent||FileLine end if PartialLine<> '' then do if left(Word1,HashPrefixLng)<>HashPrefix then do PartialLine=PartialLine||FileLine end else do parse var FileLine TheHashCmd TheRest TheRest=strip(TheRest) FileLine=TheHashCmd|| ' ' ||TheRest PartialLine=PartialLine||PpwCmdDivider1||FileLine||PpwCmdDivider1 if LineContinued='YS' then LineContinued='Y' end end if LineContinued='N' then do if PartialLine\=='' then do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=PartialLine else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=PartialLine||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine PartialLine='' iterate end end else do if PartialLine=='' then do PartialLine=FileLine if translate(left(Word1,length(CmdHashDefine)))=CmdHashDefine then PpwCmdDivider1=MarksNewLineInHashDefine else PpwCmdDivider1=MarksNewLine end if LineContinued='YS' then PartialLine=PartialLine|| ' ' iterate end end if OneLineLevel<>0 then do FileLine=AddToOneLine(FileLine) if FileLine=='' then iterate else do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine LastFileLine=FileLine iterate end end if left(Word1,HashPrefixLng)=HashPrefix then do parse var FileLine HashCmd SecondWordEtc HashCmd=translate(HashCmd) HashRc='?' select when HashCmd=CmdHashIf then do HashRc=ProcessHashIfTest(FileLine) end when HashCmd=CmdHashIfDef then do HashRc=ProcessHashIfTest(FileLine) end when HashCmd=CmdHashIfnDef then do HashRc=ProcessHashIfTest(FileLine) end when HashCmd=CmdHashElseifL|HashCmd=CmdHashElseifS then HashRc=ProcessHashElse(SecondWordEtc) when HashCmd=CmdHashEndifL|HashCmd=CmdHashEndifS then HashRc=ProcessHashEndif(SecondWordEtc) otherwise end if HashRc<> '?' then do if HashRc<> 'OK' then call CryAndDie 'Hash command failed, Rc = ' ||HashRc else do WantLineCache=WantLine() iterate end end end if WantLineCache='N' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugShowLineDropped "False" iterate end if left(Word1,HashPrefixLng)=HashPrefix then do call ProcessHashCommand FileLine end else do if DefRexxVar<> '' then do call AddDefineRexxLine FileLine iterate end if ReplacementsAllowed='Y' then do NowCount=ReplaceCount FileLine=ReplaceHashAndStandardDefines(FileLine,, 'Y') if HtmlGeneratorTags<> '' then do FileLineU=translate(FileLine) InsertTags='' LookFor="<HEAD>" TagPos=pos(LookFor,FileLineU) if TagPos<>0 then do InsertTags=TagSvNewLine||HtmlGeneratorTags||TagSvNewLine InsertAt=TagPos+length(LookFor) end else do LookFor="<BODY" TagPos=pos(LookFor,FileLineU) if TagPos<>0 then do InsertTags='<head>' || TagSvNewLine || ' ' || HtmlGeneratorTags || TagSvNewLine || '</head>' ||TagSvNewLine InsertAt=TagPos end end if InsertTags\=='' then do call DBG 'Found "' || LookFor || '" so inserted HTML generator tags' FileLine=insert(InsertTags,FileLine,InsertAt-1) FileLine=ReplaceHashAndStandardDefines(FileLine,, 'Y') HtmlGeneratorTags='' end end if ExpandXEarly='Y' then do if pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x,FileLine)<>0 then FileLine=ReplaceTheXCodesWeKnowExist(FileLine) end if NowCount<>ReplaceCount then do if pos(MarksNewLine,FileLine)<>0 then do if IncludeMemBufferNextLine=='' then IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine else IncludeMemBufferNextLine=FileLine||MarksNewLine||IncludeMemBufferNextLine iterate end end if ExpandXLate='Y' then do if pos(StartsStdSymbolReplacement_x,FileLine)<>0 then FileLine=ReplaceTheXCodesWeKnowExist(FileLine) end end if TransformCode<> '' then do BeforeLine=FileLine FileRest=FileLine FileAfter='' AppendWith='' do until FileRest=='' parse var FileRest FileLine (MarksNewLine) FileRest call ExecRexxCmd TransformCode FileAfter=FileAfter||AppendWith||FileLine AppendWith=MarksNewLine end FileLine=FileAfter if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do if BeforeLine==FileLine then call DBG 'Line was not transformed' else call DBG 'Line transformed to ' ||DebugRightArrow||FileLine||DebugLeftArrow end end if LineSrc='M' then do LineQueued=LineQueued||FileLine iterate end do until FileLine == ''; parse var FileLine This1 (MarksNewLine) FileLine; if ProcessingMode = 'REXX' then call OutputRexxLine This1; else do; if ProcessingMode <> 'HTML' then call GenerateOneLine This1; else do; call GenerateOneLine This1; end; end; end end end EofForced='' call IncludeFileClose if IncludeFragmentText<> '' then CryAndDie('Did not find the END of the code fragment "' || IncludeFragmentText || '"!') IncludeLevel=IncludeLevel-1 if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Finished processing the input file' return(0) OutputProcessingFileStringToScreen: parse arg ProcessingWhat,ProcessingFrag if ProcessingWhat='' then ProcessingWhat=IncludeFileName if ProcessingFrag<> '' then ProcessingFrag='(' || ProcessingFrag || ')' call Line1 copies(" ", IncludeLevel) || ' * Processing: ' ||ProcessingWhat||ProcessingFrag return FlushQueuedOutput: if LineQueued=='' then return LineSrc='Q' FileLine=LineQueued LineQueued='' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DebugShowCurrentLineWithLineNumber FileLine, '+' do until FileLine == ''; parse var FileLine This1 (MarksNewLine) FileLine; if ProcessingMode = 'REXX' then call OutputRexxLine This1; else do; if ProcessingMode <> 'HTML' then call GenerateOneLine This1; else do; call GenerateOneLine This1; end; end; end return OutputInformationToScreen: if OptionWantInfoMsgs='Y' then do InfoText=arg(1) if IncludeLevel=0 then LineText='' else LineText='(@' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(IncludeLineNumber) || ')' call Line1 copies(" ", IncludeLevel) || InfoColor || ' ' || LineText || 'INFO: ' ||InfoText||Reset end return ProcessHashCommand: HashCmdMc=word(arg(1),1) HashCmd=translate(HashCmdMc) HashCmdParms=subword(arg(1),2) select when HashCmd=CmdHashDefine then return(ProcessDefine(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashDefinePlus then return(ProcessDefine(HashCmdParms, 'Y')) when HashCmd=CmdHashRexxVar then return(ProcessRexxVar(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashEvaluateL|HashCmd=CmdHashEvaluateS then return(ProcessEvaluate(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashEvaluatePlusL|HashCmd=CmdHashEvaluatePlusS then return(ProcessEvaluate(HashCmdParms, 'Y')) when HashCmd=CmdHashAutoTag then do ProcessRc=ProcessAutoTag(HashCmdParms) return(ProcessRc) end when HashCmd=CmdHashUndefL|HashCmd=CmdHashUndefS then return(HandleUndefCommand(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashOption then return(ProcessOption(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashLoopS then return(ProcessLoopStart(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashLoopBreak then return(ProcessLoopBreak(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashLoopContinue then return(ProcessLoopContinue(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashInclude then do IncludeParms=strip(PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(HashCmdParms)) if IncludeParms="" then return(CryAndDie("No filename specified on #include line!")) QuoteChar=left(IncludeParms,1) if QuoteChar<> '"' & QuoteChar <> "'" & QuoteChar <> "<" then do parse var IncludeParms IncludeName Fragment end else do if QuoteChar="<" then QuoteChar='>' IncludeParms=substr(IncludeParms,2) QuotePos=pos(QuoteChar,IncludeParms) if QuotePos=0 then CryAndDie('Could not find the ending quote for the included filename') IncludeName=left(IncludeParms,QuotePos-1) Fragment=substr(IncludeParms,QuotePos+1) if IncludeName='' then CryAndDie('Invalid #include command, no filename passed!') end if Fragment<> '' then Fragment=GetQuotedText(Fragment) call RecursiveIncludeSave call ProcessInputFile IncludeName,Fragment call RecursiveIncludeRestore call OutputProcessingFileStringToScreen '',IncludeFragmentText return(0) end when HashCmd=CmdHashImport then return(ProcessImport(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashOutput then return(ProcessHashOutput(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashOutputHold then return(ProcessHashOutputHold(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashDefineRexx then return(ProcessDefineRexx(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashDefineRexxPlus then return(ProcessDefineRexx(HashCmdParms, 'Y')) when HashCmd=CmdHashDefineIfReq then return(ProcessDefine(HashCmdParms, '?')) when HashCmd=CmdHash1Line then return(ProcessOneLine(HashCmdParms,CmdHash1LineEnd)) when HashCmd=CmdHashOneLine then return(ProcessOneLine(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashMacroSpace then do call NotAvailableUnderNtYet HashCmd Rest=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(HashCmdParms) MsCommand=translate(GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest")) MsFile=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") if Rest='' then MsFunction='' else MsFunction=GetQuotedText(Rest) if MsCommand<> 'ADD' & MsCommand <> 'DROP' then CryAndDie('The macro space command "' || MsCommand || '" is unknown!') if QueryExists(MsFile)='' then CryAndDie('The rexx file "' || MsFile || '" does not exist!') call DoMacroSpaceOperation MsCommand,MsFile,MsFunction return(0) end when HashCmd=CmdHashAsIs then return(ProcessAsIs(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashWarningL|HashCmd=CmdHashWarningS then return(ProcessHashWarning(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashInfo then do InfoMsg=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(HashCmdParms) InfoMsg=GetQuotedRest(InfoMsg) call OutputInformationToScreen InfoMsg return(0) end when HashCmd=CmdHashPush then return(ProcessPush(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashPop then return(ProcessPop(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashAutoTagState then return(ProcessAutoTagState(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashAutoTagClear then return(ProcessAutoTagClear(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashDependsOn then return(ProcessDependsOn(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashOnExit then return(ProcessOnExit(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashEof then do if HashCmdParms<> '' then do EndifCounter=GetQuotedText(HashCmdParms) EndifCounter=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(EndifCounter) if datatype(EndifCounter, 'W')=0 then CryAndDie('Invalid #endif simulate count of "' || EndifCounter || '" supplied!') do EndifIndex=1 to EndifCounter call ProcessHashEndif end end EofForced=CurrentSourceLocation() return(0) end when HashCmd=CmdHashTransform then return(ProcessTransform(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashIntercept then return(ProcessIntercept(HashCmdParms,HashCmdMc)) when HashCmd=CmdHashSystem then return(ProcessSystem(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashDebug then return(ProcessHashDebug(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashRequire then return(ProcessRequire(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashNextId then return(ProcessNextId(HashCmdParms)) when HashCmd=CmdHashErrorL|HashCmd=CmdHashErrorS then call ProcessHashError HashCmdParms otherwise do if UserHashCmds='' then call LookForUnknownCmdHandler if UserHashCmds<> '' then return(ProcessUnknownHashCommand(HashCmd,HashCmdParms)) if HashCmd=CmdHashLoopE then CryAndDie('Missing "' || CmdHashLoopS || '" command') else CryAndDie("Invalid '#' command line of: " ||HashCmd) end end return(0) ProcessHashError: ErrorMsg=GetQuotedRest(PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1))) ErrorMsg=ReplaceString(ErrorMsg, '{NL}',MarksNewLine) CryAndDie(ErrorMsg) IsStringOnOrOffCmd: OoCmd=translate(arg(1)) if OoCmd='+' | OoCmd = 'YES' | OoCmd = 'ON' then return('Y') else do if OoCmd='-' | OoCmd = 'NO' | OoCmd = 'OFF' then return('N') end return('') SetOnorOffVariable: parse arg OnOffSrc,VarName OnOrOffText=translate(GetQuotedText(OnOffSrc)) OnOrOff=IsStringOnOrOffCmd(OnOrOffText) if OnOrOff='' then CryAndDie(HashCmd|| ' command does not specify a correct value value (ON/OFF)!') call _valueS VarName,OnOrOff return(0) DisplayCopyright: if CopyrightDisplayed='N' then do if symbol("WizName") <> "VAR" then WizName='PPWIZARD.REX' call Char1 HighlightColor call Line1 '[]---------------------------------------------------------[]' call Line1 '| ' || WizName || ': Version ' || PgmVersion || ' (' || PgmAuthorEmail || ') |' call Line1 '| ' || PgmAuthorHomePage || ' |' call Line1 '| (C)opyright ' || PgmAuthor || ' 1997-2001. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |' call Line1 '[]---------------------------------------------------------[]' call Line1 Reset CopyrightDisplayed='Y' end return CheckRexxInterpreter: if RexWhich='REGINA' then do if pos(RexVerRegina,SupportedReginaVersions)<>0 then return(0) criText='The Regina "' || RexVerRegina || '" interpreter is unsupported, use ' || SupportedReginaVersions || ' instead! I recommend "' || RecommendedReginaVersions || '"' if arg(1)='Y' then call DBG criText else call OutputWarningToScreen 'URI0',criText return(1) end return(0) GetCurrentDirectory: if RexWhich='STANDARD_OS/2' then cwDir=directory() else do cwDir=FileQueryExists('.') cwDirRegina=cwDir cwLength=length(cwDir) if lastpos(RexDirChar,cwDir)=cwLength then do if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then do if cwDir<>RexDirChar then cwDir=left(cwDir,cwLength-1) end else do cwColonPos=pos(':',cwDir) if cwColonPos+1<>cwLength then cwDir=left(cwDir,cwLength-1) end end if cwDirRegina<>cwDir then call DBG 'Regina returned "' || cwDirRegina || '" for current directory' end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG 'Current Directory = "' || cwDir || '"' return(cwDir) GetListOfFiles: parse arg glfMask,glfStem,glfFollowDirs call DBG 'GetListOfFiles("' || glfMask || '"): Follow Directories = "' || glfFollowDirs || '"' call DBGIND 1 call _valueS glfStem|| '.0',0 if RexxHookGetFileList='' then do if glfFollowDirs='N' then glfFollowDirs='' else glfFollowDirs='S' call DBG 'Using "_SysFileTree()" as "GetFileList" hook not used' call _SysFileTree glfMask,glfStem, 'FO' ||glfFollowDirs end else do call DBG 'Not using "_SysFileTree()" as user specified use of "' || RexxHookGetFileList || '"' glfTmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName() call MustDeleteFile glfTmpFile glfLocn=_filespec('Location',glfMask) glfName=_filespec('Name',glfMask) call CallHook "GETFILELIST",,glfLocn,glfName,glfFollowDirs,glfTmpFile if QueryExists(glfTmpFile)='' then CryAndDie('"' || RexxHookGetFileList || '" did not create the file list!') glfLine=0 glfCount=0 do while lines(glfTmpFile)<>0 CurrentLine=linein(glfTmpFile) glfLine=glfLine+1 if CurrentLine<> '' then do FullFile=QueryExists(CurrentLine) if FullFile='' then CryAndDie('"' || RexxHookGetFileList || '" specified an invalid file of "' || CurrentLine || '" on line #' ||glfLine) glfCount=glfCount+1 call _valueS glfStem|| '.' ||glfCount,CurrentLine end end call FileClose glfTmpFile call _valueS glfStem|| '.0',glfCount if OptionDebugOn='N' then call MustDeleteFile glfTmpFile end call DBGIND-1 return NiceDateTime: return(date('Weekday') || ', ' || date() || ' ' ||GetAmPmTime()) GetInputFileNameAndLine:call TRACE "OFF" CurrentSourceLocation: if IncludeLevel<>0 then return('line ' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(IncludeLineNumber) || ' of "' || IncludeFileName || '"') else do if arg(1, 'E')then return(arg(1)) else return("unknown") end GetLineBeingProcessed:call TRACE "OFF" return(strip(LastLine)) GetFileLineBeingProcessed:call TRACE "OFF" return(strip(LastFileLine)) DumpVarsIfCompoundVariable: if pos('.',arg(1))<>0 then ExpressionKilledUs=arg(1) return CheckForNotBeingAbleToExecAnything: if RexWhich='REGINA' then do if RexSystemOpSys="UNIX" then Exe='' else Exe='.exe' RexxExe="rexx" ||Exe ReginaExe="regina" ||Exe DoWhat='Test for use of buggy regina "' || ReginaExe || '" rather than "' || RexxExe || '" executable' call DBG DoWhat TmpFile=RexGetTmpFileName() call AddressCmd 'echo ' ||DoWhat||RedirectStdOutAndErr2(TmpFile),TmpFile if FileQueryExists(TmpFile)='' then do Line1="Can't execute shell functions!" if RexSystemOpSys<> "UNIX" then do Line3='It''s possible that your "TMP" or "TEMP" environment variables' Line4='are corrupt.' end else do Line3='If you used regina''s "' || ReginaExe || '" executable then try the "' || RexxExe || '"' Line4='one instead!' end Line5='Could not create "' || TmpFile || '"' Line7='Please report the problem to "' || PgmAuthorEmail || '" (please attach' Line8='zipped output with "' || OptChar || 'debug" switch used)!' CryAndDie(Line1, '', Line3, Line4, Line5, '',Line7,Line8) end call _SysFileDelete TmpFile call DBG 'Looks OK to me!' end return LookLikeASingleFile: FileName=arg(1) call DBG 'No files matched "' || FileName || '", does it look like a single file?' if verify(FileName, '*?', 'M')<>0 then NormalFile='N' else do if FileQueryExists(FileName)='' then NormalFile='N' else NormalFile='Y' end call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Normal File: ' ||NormalFile call DBGIND-1 return(NormalFile) CryAndDie: SynErrLine=SIGL SynErrLineC=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(SynErrLine) call DBGINDInit call DBG 'Fatal Error Detected (at line ' || SynErrLineC || ' of ppwizard)' call DBGIND 1 PpwSize=FileQuerySize(PpWizardPgmName) if PpwSize<> '' then PpwSize=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(PpwSize) PpwDateTime=GetFileTimeStamp(PpWizardPgmName) call AllFollowingOutputGoesToErrorFile call Char1 ErrorColor call Line1 '' call Line1 copies('!!',38) call Line1 copies('!!', 15) || '[ Fatal Error ]' || copies('!!',15) call Line1 copies('!!',38) call CgiStartFatalError if IncludeLevel<>0 then do LastFileLine=strip(LastFileLine) LastLine=strip(LastLine) call Line1 'Location : ' ||CurrentSourceLocation() call Line1 'File Line : ' ||LastFileLine if LastLine<>LastFileLine then call Line1 'Fail Line : ' ||LastLine if LastLineAfterMacroRep<> '' &LastLine<>LastLineAfterMacroRep&LastFileLine<>LastLineAfterMacroRep then call Line1 'After Repl: ' ||LastLineAfterMacroRep if MacroBeingExpanded<> '' then call Line1 'Expanding : ' || StartsMacroReplacement || MacroBeingExpanded || ' ...' ||EndsMacroReplacement end else do if PpwDoing<> '' then call Line1 'Doing What: ' ||PpwDoing end call Line1 'Detected @: Line ' || SynErrLineC || ' of ' || _filespec('name', PpWizardPgmName) || ' (v' || PgmVersion || ')' call Line1 'PPWIZARD : Length ' || PpwSize || ' bytes. TimeStamped ' ||PpwDateTime call Line1 'Running In: ' || DebugGetOpSysText() || ', ' ||RexVersionInfo call Line1 'Reason' call Line1 '~~~~~~' LastArg=1 do LineIndex=1 to arg() if arg(LineIndex)<> '' then LastArg=LineIndex end do LineIndex=1 to LastArg call Line1 arg(LineIndex) end if ExpressionKilledUs<> '' then call DumpVarsInExpression ExpressionKilledUs,, "KNOWN VARIABLES" call CgiEndFatalError call Line1 copies('!!',38) call Line1 '' call Line1 '' call Char1 Beep||Reset if RexxHookError<> '' then do do LineIndex=1 to LastArg call SetEnv "PPWH_ERROR" ||LineIndex,arg(LineIndex) end call CallHook "ERROR",,LastArg do LineIndex=1 to LastArg call SetEnv "PPWH_ERROR" || LineIndex, '' end end AbnormalExit(SynErrLine) RexSystemFailure: FailedAt=SIGL if TrapHandler='FULL' then call DBG 'RexSystemFailure(REXSYSTM.XH routine failed)' call DisplayCopyright call RexDumpSystemInfo say '' if TrapHandler='FULL' then CryAndDie(arg(1)) say 'ERROR' say '~~~~~' say arg(1) call CallErrorHookForSimpleOneLiner arg(1) ExitNowCallingAnyHandlers(FailedAt) CallErrorHookForSimpleOneLiner: if RexxHookError<> '' then do call SetEnv "PPWH_ERROR1",arg(1) call CallHook "ERROR",,1 call SetEnv "PPWH_ERROR1", '' end return AbnormalExit: call DBG 'AbnormalExit(' || arg(1) || ') called.' if arg(2)<> '' then call CallErrorHookForSimpleOneLiner arg(2) ThatsAllFolks(arg(1)) ThatsAllFolks: dc_Rc=arg(1) call DBG 'ThatsAllFolks() called to exit program.' if CurrentOutFile<> '' then call FileClose CurrentOutFile if IncludeLevel<>0 then do do FileIndex=1 to IncludeLevel call FileClose IncludeFileName.FileIndex end end call CloseCgiFileIfOpen if OptionFilterIn<> '' then call DoMacroSpaceOperation "DROP", OptionFilterIn, "HtmlFilterIn", "QUIET" if OptionFilterOut<> '' then call DoMacroSpaceOperation "DROP", OptionFilterOut, "HtmlFilterOut", "QUIET" call DBG 'Exiting with a return code of ' ||dc_Rc if OptionCgiModeOn='N' then do if dc_Rc<=1 then OnExitSleepFor=OnExitSleepForOk else OnExitSleepFor=OnExitSleepForError if OnExitSleepFor<>0 then do call DBG 'Sleeping for ' || OnExitSleepFor || ' second(s)' call _SysSleep OnExitSleepFor end end ExitNowCallingAnyHandlers(dc_Rc) ExitNowCallingAnyHandlers: dd_Rc=arg(1) if dd_Rc=0|dd_Rc=1 then call _CallExitHandler PpwOnOK, "success" else do call DeletingOnError call _CallExitHandler PpwOnERROR, "failure" end exit(dd_Rc) _CallExitHandler: de_Handler=arg(1) de_Type=arg(2) if de_Handler<> '' then do call DBG 'A ' || de_Type || ' exit handler exists...' call DBGIND 1 de_Handler=_ReplaceConsoleHandlers(de_Handler, 'ConsoleFile',ConsoleFile) de_Handler=_ReplaceConsoleHandlers(de_Handler, 'ErrorFile',ConsoleErrorFile) if de_Handler<> '' then call AddressCmd de_Handler call DBGIND-1 end return _ReplaceConsoleHandlers: parse arg de_Val,de_Bef,de_Aft de_Before='{' || de_Bef || '}' if pos(de_Before,de_Val)<>0 then do if de_Aft='' then do call Line1 'No value known for "' || de_Before || '"' ||d2c(7) call Sleep 3 return('') end de_Val=ReplaceString(de_Val,de_Before,de_Aft) end return(de_Val) signal INDENT_45 EXTRAINDENT_DEBUG: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call OptionDebugShow 'EXTRAINDENT', 'Extra left indent is now "' || LeftIndent || '"' return EXTRAINDENT_GET: call EXTRAINDENT_DEBUG return(LeftIndentSet2) EXTRAINDENT_SET: LeftIndentSet2=arg(1) if ProcessedCmdLine='N' then do call OptionDebugShow 'EXTRAINDENT', 'Setting default value of extra left indent to "' || LeftIndentSet2 || '"' Default4_LeftIndent=LeftIndentSet2 return(0) end if LeftIndentSet2=='' then LeftIndentCmd=Default4_LeftIndent else LeftIndentCmd=LeftIndentSet2 if translate(LeftIndentCmd)='NULL' then LeftIndent='' else call ExecRexxCmd "LeftIndent = " ||LeftIndentCmd call EXTRAINDENT_DEBUG return INDENT_45: _DieAsNoTextConditionSupplied: CryAndDie('No test condition supplied on "#if" command') _PerformSimpleHashIfTest: SimpleTest=arg(1) if left(SimpleTest,1)<> '[' | right(SimpleTest, 1) <> ']' then CryAndDie('Incorrectly bracketed simple #if command.') SimpleTest=substr(SimpleTest,2,length(SimpleTest)-2) if SimpleTest='' then call _DieAsNoTextConditionSupplied Parm1=GetSimpleRexxValue(SimpleTest, "SimpleTest") parse var SimpleTest FastOperator SimpleTest if SimpleTest='' then CryAndDie('#if [] has too few parameters (you must put spaces around operator!)') Parm3=GetSimpleRexxValue(SimpleTest, "SimpleTest") if SimpleTest<> '' then CryAndDie('#if [] has too many parameters, expected 3!') select when FastOperator='==' then return(Parm1==Parm3) when FastOperator='<>' then return(Parm1<>Parm3) when FastOperator='=' then return(Parm1=Parm3) when FastOperator='<' then return(Parm1<Parm3) when FastOperator='>' then return(Parm1>Parm3) when FastOperator='<=' then return(Parm1<=Parm3) when FastOperator='>=' then return(Parm1>=Parm3) otherwise CryAndDie("Unsupported operator of '" || FastOperator || "' used on simple " || HashCmd, '', 'ONLY "==, <>, =, <, >, <=, >=" are supported!') end CryAndDie('BUG: Did not expect to get here!') MatchesIfDebugText: MatchIndex=arg(1) if MatchIndex<=0 then return('') else return(' (matches #if at ' || IfState.IfAtLine.MatchIndex || ')') WantLine: if IfState.WantLines.IfNesting='N' then return('N') else do if IfState.IfTrue.IfNesting=IfState.InTrue.IfNesting then return('Y') else return('N') end ProcessHashIfTest: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_CONDITIONAL '#If? at nesting level ' ||IfNesting+1 call DBGIND 1 end WantTheLines=WantLine() if WantTheLines='N' then IfResult='N' else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND 1 parse value PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1))with HashCmd TestCondition TestCondition=strip(TestCondition) if translate(HashCmd)=CmdHashIf then do if left(TestCondition,1)<> '[' then do if TestCondition='' then call _DieAsNoTextConditionSupplied call ExecRexxCmd 'IfResult = (' || TestCondition || ')' end else do IfResult=_PerformSimpleHashIfTest(TestCondition) end if IfResult then IfResult='Y' else IfResult='N' end else do if TestCondition='' then CryAndDie(HashCmd|| ' command does not specify the macro name!') if pos('CommentBlock /* ',TestCondition)<>0 then IfResult='N' else IfResult=MacroExists(TestCondition) if translate(HashCmd)=CmdHashIfndef then IfResult=translate(IfResult, 'YN', 'NY') end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND-1 if IfResult='N' then Tf='FALSE' else Tf='TRUE' if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_CONDITIONAL 'Answer is ' ||Tf end end IfNesting=IfNesting+1 IfState.WantLines.IfNesting=WantTheLines IfState.InTrue.IfNesting='Y' IfState.IfTrue.IfNesting=IfResult IfState.IfAtLine.IfNesting=CurrentSourceLocation() if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-1 return('OK') ProcessHashElse: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_CONDITIONAL '#elseif at level #' ||IfNesting||MatchesIfDebugText(IfNesting) if IfNesting=0 then CryAndDie("Found #elseif without matching #if") if IfState.InTrue.IfNesting='N' then CryAndDie("Found unexpected #elseif - duplicated #elseif?" ||MatchesIfDebugText(IfNesting)) if arg(1)<> '' then CryAndDie('The #elseif command does not take parameters') IfState.InTrue.IfNesting='N' return('OK') ProcessHashEndif: if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_CONDITIONAL 'Endif at level #' ||IfNesting||MatchesIfDebugText(IfNesting) if IfNesting=0 then CryAndDie("Found #endif without matching #if") IfNesting=IfNesting-1 return('OK') _ReportCurrentOutputFile: call DBG 'Current Output file = "' || CurrentOutFile || '" (level ' || OutputLevel || ')' return HaveNewOutputFile: df_Append=arg(3) df_Mode=arg(4) if OutputLevel<>0 then call FileClose CurrentOutFile if OptionCgiModeOn='Y' then do CurrentOutFile=RexStdoutStream call DBG 'In CGI mode, will output to "' || CurrentOutFile || '" (standard output)' end else do if arg(2)<> '' then CurrentOutFile=GenerateFileName(arg(1),arg(2)) else do CurrentOutFile=arg(1) call MakeDirectoryTree _filespec('drive', CurrentOutFile) || _filespec('path',CurrentOutFile) end end CurrentOutLine=0 do ChkIndex=1 to OutputLevel if Output.ChkIndex.File=CurrentOutFile then do if df_Append='Y' then call OutputWarningToScreen 'OFO0', 'Appending to currently opened file ("' || CurrentOutFile || '")!' else do WhereOpened=Output.ChkIndex.!Locn if WhereOpened='' then Extra='Check "/Output" mask for correctness' else Extra='File opened at ' ||WhereOpened CryAndDie('Already have "' || CurrentOutFile || '" open for output!',Extra) end end end OutputLevel=OutputLevel+1 Output.OutputLevel.File=CurrentOutFile Output.OutputLevel.Line=CurrentOutLine Output.OutputLevel.!Locn=CurrentSourceLocation('') Output.OutputLevel.!PMODE=ProcessingMode if ProcessingMode<>df_Mode then do call DBG 'Processing mode for "' || CurrentOutFile || '" is "' || df_Mode || '" (changed from "' || ProcessingMode || '")' ProcessingMode=df_Mode end df_Hdr='Y' if OptionCgiModeOn='N' then do if QueryExists(CurrentOutFile)<> "" then do if df_Append='Y' then do call DBG 'Appending to "' || CurrentOutFile || '"' df_Hdr='N' end else do call DBG 'Deleting "' || CurrentOutFile || '"' call MustDeleteFile CurrentOutFile end end end call AddOutputFileToDependancyList CurrentOutFile call charout CurrentOutFile, "" call FileClose CurrentOutFile call _ReportCurrentOutputFile if df_Hdr='Y' then do if Ok2OutputHeader='Y' then call OutputHeaderIfWantedOrRequired end call OutputSyntaxCheckingHeaderIfWantedOrRequired Output.OutputLevel.!SYNRC=OutSyntaxRc Output.OutputLevel.!SYNCMD=OutSyntaxCmd Output.OutputLevel.!SYNMSG=OutSyntaxMsg return _BackToPreviousOutput: call FileClose CurrentOutFile call DBG 'Closed the Output file = "' || CurrentOutFile || '" (wrote ' || CurrentOutLine || ' line(s))' call DoSyntaxCheckingOnFileIfEnabled CurrentOutFile if OutputLevel<=1 then CryAndDie('No output files on stack!') else do OutputLevel=OutputLevel-1 CurrentOutFile=Output.OutputLevel.File CurrentOutLine=Output.OutputLevel.Line OutSyntaxRc=Output.OutputLevel.!SYNRC OutSyntaxCmd=Output.OutputLevel.!SYNCMD OutSyntaxMsg=Output.OutputLevel.!SYNMSG if ProcessingMode<>Output.OutputLevel.!PMODE then do ProcessingMode=Output.OutputLevel.!PMODE call DBG 'Restoring mode for "' || CurrentOutFile || '" to "' || ProcessingMode || '"' end call DieIfHoldingOutput call OutputHoldPop end call _ReportCurrentOutputFile return StoreOutHeader: dg_Spec=arg(1) dg_Del=left(dg_Spec,1) parse var dg_Spec (dg_Del) dg_Extn (dg_Del) dg_S (dg_Del) dg_M (dg_Del) dg_E (dg_Del) . dg_Key='OUTHDR_' ||c2x(dg_Extn) call value dg_Key,dg_S|| '00'x || dg_M || '00'x||dg_E return StoreSyntaxCheckCode4Header: dh_Spec=arg(1) dh_Del=left(dh_Spec,1) parse var dh_Spec (dh_Del) dh_Extn (dh_Del) dh_Cmd (dh_Del) dh_Rc (dh_Del) dh_Lines dh_Key='OUTHDRSYN_' ||c2x(dh_Extn) if dh_Cmd='' then drop(dh_Key) else do ReplaceCount=0 dh_Lines=ReplaceString(dh_Lines,dh_Del, 'FF'x) call value dh_Key,dh_Cmd|| '00'x || dh_Rc || '00'x||dh_Lines end return OutputHeaderIfWantedOrRequired: di_CmtS='' di_CmtM='' di_CmtE='' if ProcessingMode='REXX' then do di_CmtS=RexxCmtStart di_CmtM=' * ' di_CmtE=' ' ||RexxCmtEnd end di_Extn=_filespec('EXTN',CurrentOutFile) di_ExtnU=translate(di_Extn) di_Key='OUTHDR_' ||c2x(di_Extn) di_KeyU='OUTHDR_' ||c2x(di_ExtnU) di_KeyA='OUTHDR_' || c2x('*') if symbol(di_Key)='VAR' then di_UseKey=di_Key else do if symbol(di_KeyU)='VAR' then di_UseKey=di_KeyU else do if symbol(di_KeyA)='VAR' then di_UseKey=di_KeyA else di_UseKey='' end end if di_UseKey<> '' then do call DBG 'Output Header definition was found' parse value value(di_UseKey)with di_CmtS '00'x di_CmtM '00'x di_CmtE end if di_CmtS||di_CmtM||di_CmtE\=='' then do if left(di_CmtS,1)='@' & di_CmtM||di_CmtE = '' then do di_Inc=substr(di_CmtS,2) call DBG 'Include output header - "' ||di_Inc if IncludeLevel=0 then GenerateRc=GenerateRc+ProcessInputFile(di_Inc) else do call RecursiveIncludeSave GenerateRc=GenerateRc+ProcessInputFile(di_Inc) call RecursiveIncludeRestore end end else do call GenerateOneLine di_CmtS call GenerateOneLine di_CmtM|| 'Generator : PPWIZARD version ' ||PgmVersion call GenerateOneLine di_CmtM|| ' : FREE tool for Windows, OS/2, DOS and UNIX by ' || PgmAuthor || ' (' || PgmAuthorEmail || ')' call GenerateOneLine di_CmtM|| ' : ' ||PgmHomePage call GenerateOneLine di_CmtM|| "Time : " ||space(PpwCompTime) call GenerateOneLine di_CmtM|| "Input File : " ||InputFile call GenerateOneLine di_CmtM|| "Output File : " ||FileQueryExists(Output.OutputLevel.File) call GenerateOneLine di_CmtE call GenerateOneLine '' end end if ProcessingMode='REXX' then do call GenerateOneLine 'if arg(1)="' || SyntaxOkText || '" then exit(' || SyntaxOkRc || ')' call GenerateOneLine '' end return OutputSyntaxCheckingHeaderIfWantedOrRequired: OutSyntaxRc='' OutSyntaxCmd='' OutSyntaxMsg='' di_Lines='' di_Key='OUTHDRSYN_' ||c2x(di_Extn) di_KeyU='OUTHDRSYN_' ||c2x(di_ExtnU) di_KeyA='OUTHDRSYN_' || c2x('*') if symbol(di_Key)='VAR' then di_UseKey=di_Key else do if symbol(di_KeyU)='VAR' then di_UseKey=di_KeyU else do if symbol(di_KeyA)='VAR' then di_UseKey=di_KeyA else di_UseKey='' end end if di_UseKey<> '' then do call DBG 'Output syntax checking header code definition was found' parse value value(di_UseKey)with OutSyntaxCmd '00'x OutSyntaxRc '00'x di_Lines end if OutSyntaxCmd<> '' then do if left(OutSyntaxCmd,1)='@' & (OutSyntaxRc || di_Lines) = '' then do di_Inc=substr(OutSyntaxCmd,2) call DBG 'Include output header - "' ||di_Inc OutSyntaxRc='' OutSyntaxCmd='' OutSyntaxMsg='' if IncludeLevel=0 then GenerateRc=GenerateRc+ProcessInputFile(di_Inc) else do call RecursiveIncludeSave GenerateRc=GenerateRc+ProcessInputFile(di_Inc) call RecursiveIncludeRestore if OutSyntaxCmd='' | OutSyntaxRc = '' then CryAndDie('You must set the rexx variables:', ' * OutSyntaxCmd', ' * OutSyntaxRc') end end else do do while di_Lines<> '' parse var di_Lines di_This 'FF'x di_Lines call GenerateOneLine di_This end call GenerateOneLine '' end end return DoSyntaxCheckingOnFileIfEnabled: if OutSyntaxRc='' then return dj_File=FileQueryExists(arg(1)) dj_Cmd=ReplaceString(OutSyntaxCmd, '{?}',dj_File) call DBGIND 1 call DBG 'Calling stub in generated code ("' || dj_File || '")' CheckRc='*?*' CheckRc=AddressCmd(dj_Cmd) if CheckRc<>OutSyntaxRc then do if left(OutSyntaxMsg,1)<> '-' then CryAndDie('Probable Syntax Error detected while checking generated file', 'Got unexpected RC of "' || CheckRc || '" (expected RC of ' || OutSyntaxRc || ')', 'Error message probably visible above...', 'Error checking "' || dj_File || '"',OutSyntaxMsg) else do CryAndDie(substr(OutSyntaxMsg,2)) end end call say '' call DBGIND-1 return ProcessHashOutput: call DieIfCgiModeOn if LineQueued\=='' then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'Need to flush queued data' call DBGIND 3 end call FlushQueuedOutput if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBGIND-3 end dk_Parms=PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)) if dk_Parms='' then call _BackToPreviousOutput else do dk_NewFile=GetQuotedText(dk_Parms, "dk_Parms") dk_Parms=translate(dk_Parms) dk_AsIs='N' dk_Append='N' Ok2OutputHeader='Y' dk_Mode=ProcessingMode do while dk_Parms<> '' ThisParm=GetQuotedText(dk_Parms, "dk_Parms") select when ThisParm="ASIS" then dk_AsIs='Y' when ThisParm="NOHEADER" then Ok2OutputHeader='N' when ThisParm="APPEND" then dk_Append='Y' when ThisParm="HTML" | ThisParm = "REXX" | ThisParm = "OTHER" then dk_Mode=ThisParm otherwise CryAndDie('The parameter "' || ThisParm || '" is unknown!') end end call OutputHoldPushAndClear if dk_AsIs='N' then call HaveNewOutputFile dk_NewFile,OptionOutput,dk_Append,dk_Mode else call HaveNewOutputFile dk_NewFile,,dk_Append,dk_Mode end return(0) GetQuotedText: parse arg TheString,RestVarName,QuoteDel TheString=strip(TheString, 'L') QuoteDel=' ' ||QuoteDel if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_QUOTING 'GetQuotedText(): ' ||DebugRightArrow||TheString||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end if TheString='' then call _ErrorNoQuotedParm QuoteChar=left(TheString,1) if datatype(QuoteChar, 'Alphanumeric')then do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_QUOTING 'Text is unquoted' DelPos=verify(TheString,QuoteDel, 'M') if DelPos=0 then do QuotedString=TheString TheRest='' end else do QuotedString=substr(TheString,1,DelPos-1) TheRest=substr(TheString,DelPos) end end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_QUOTING 'Text is quoted with ' ||DebugRightArrow||QuoteChar||DebugLeftArrow SecondQuotePosn=pos(QuoteChar,TheString,2) if SecondQuotePosn=0 then call _ErrorNoEndQuote QuotedString=substr(TheString,2,SecondQuotePosn-2) TheRest=substr(TheString,SecondQuotePosn+1) end if TheRest<> '' then do if QuoteDel<> 'Y' then do if pos(left(TheRest,1),QuoteDel)=0 then do Line1='There is no whitespace after the 2nd quote char of "' || QuoteChar || '" (did not expect to find "' || left(TheRest, 1) || '")' Line2='The rest of the line:' Line3=copies(' ',8)||DebugRightArrow||TheRest||DebugLeftArrow CryAndDie(Line1,Line2,Line3) end end end TheRest=strip(TheRest, 'L') if RestVarName<> '' then call _valueS RestVarName,TheRest else do if TheRest<> '' then call DieIfExtraUnexpectedParms TheRest end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_QUOTING 'Text is ' ||DebugRightArrow||QuotedString||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND-1 end return(QuotedString) GetQuotedRest: TheString=strip(arg(1)) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_QUOTING 'GetQuotedRest(): ' ||DebugRightArrow||TheString||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND 1 end if TheString='' then call _ErrorNoQuotedParm QuoteChar=left(TheString,1) if datatype(QuoteChar, 'Alphanumeric')then do QuotedString=TheString if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_QUOTING 'Text is unquoted' end else do if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_QUOTING 'Text is quoted with '||DebugRightArrow||QuoteChar||DebugLeftArrow SecondQuotePosn=length(TheString) if SecondQuotePosn<2|substr(TheString,SecondQuotePosn,1)<>QuoteChar then call _ErrorNoEndQuote QuotedString=substr(TheString,2,SecondQuotePosn-2) end if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_QUOTING 'Text is ' ||DebugRightArrow||QuotedString||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND-1 end return(QuotedString) DieIfExtraUnexpectedParms: if arg(1)='' then return CryAndDie('Unexpected parameter(s) of "' || strip(arg(1)) || '" found!') _ErrorNoQuotedParm: CryAndDie('Expect a quoted string, not enough parameters available!') _ErrorNoEndQuote: Line1='Could not find a matching end quote character of "' || QuoteChar || '"!' Line2='Processing:' Line3=copies(' ',8)||DebugRightArrow||TheString||DebugLeftArrow CryAndDie(Line1,Line2,Line3) GetRexxVarValueOrDie: grvVar=arg(1) if symbol(grvVar)='VAR' then return(_valueG(grvVar)) else do if symbol(grvVar)='BAD' then Reason="contains invalid character(s)" else Reason="is unknown" call DumpVarsIfCompoundVariable grvVar CryAndDie('The rexx variable "' || grvVar || '" ' || Reason || '!') end ProcessRexxVar: ResultVar=GetQuotedText(PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)), "Rest") XVarName='' ResultVarU=translate(ResultVar) if ResultVarU="PUSH" then do do while Rest<> '' ResultVar=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") call _StackPush GetRexxVarValueOrDie(ResultVar) end return(0) end if ResultVarU="POP" then do TmpVarCnt=0 do while Rest<> '' ResultVar=GetQuotedText(Rest, "Rest") TmpVarCnt=TmpVarCnt+1 TmpVar.TmpVarCnt=ResultVar end do while TmpVarCnt<>0 call _valueS TmpVar.TmpVarCnt,_StackPop() TmpVarCnt=TmpVarCnt-1 end return(0) end parse var Rest FastOperator Rest if FastOperator<> '=' then do FastOperator=translate(FastOperator) if left(FastOperator,1)='=' then do if FastOperator='=X=' then do XVarName=ResultVar ResultVar='XVAR?.X?' ||c2x(translate(XVarName)) end else do Rest=strip(Rest) if symbol(Rest)='VAR' then ResultValue=GetRexxVarValueOrDie(Rest) else ResultValue=GetQuotedRest(Rest) select when FastOperator='=ASIS=' then do RestVar=AsIs(ResultValue) end otherwise CryAndDie('Unsupported "=?=" operator of "' || FastOperator || '" used on ' ||HashCmd) end Rest='RestVar' end FastOperator='=' end end select when FastOperator='=' then do Rest=strip(Rest) if symbol(Rest)='VAR' then ResultValue=GetRexxVarValueOrDie(Rest) else ResultValue=GetQuotedRest(Rest) end when FastOperator='PUSH' then do call DieIfExtraUnexpectedParms Rest call _StackPush GetRexxVarValueOrDie(ResultVar) return(0) end when FastOperator='POP' then do call DieIfExtraUnexpectedParms Rest ResultValue=_StackPop() end otherwise do AfterOperator=GetSimpleRexxValue(Rest, "Rest") if Rest<> '' then SourceValue=GetSimpleRexxValue(Rest) else SourceValue=GetRexxVarValueOrDie(ResultVar) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_REXXVAR 'Evaluating: ' || SourceValue || ' ' || FastOperator || ' ' ||AfterOperator select when FastOperator='+' then ResultValue=SourceValue+AfterOperator when FastOperator='-' then ResultValue=SourceValue-AfterOperator when FastOperator='||' then ResultValue=SourceValue||AfterOperator when FastOperator='*' then ResultValue=SourceValue*AfterOperator when FastOperator='/' then ResultValue=SourceValue/AfterOperator when FastOperator='//' then ResultValue=SourceValue//AfterOperator when FastOperator='%' then ResultValue=SourceValue%AfterOperator otherwise CryAndDie("Unsupported operator of '" || FastOperator || "' used on " ||HashCmd) end end end call _valueS ResultVar,ResultValue if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBGIND 1 if XVarName='' then DbgPrefix=ResultVar else DbgPrefix='"X" Variable ' ||XVarName call DBG_REXXVAR DbgPrefix|| ' = ' ||DebugRightArrow||ResultValue||DebugLeftArrow call DBGIND-1 end return(0) GetSimpleRexxValue: sParm=strip(arg(1), 'L') sRestVar=arg(2) sQuote=left(sParm,1) if sQuote="'" | sQuote = '"' then do sEndPos=pos(sQuote,sParm,2) if sEndPos=0 then CryAndDie('Incorrectly quoted rexx literal (could not find ending quote)') sValue=substr(sParm,2,sEndPos-2) sRest=substr(sParm,sEndPos+1) end else do parse var sParm sValue sRest if datatype(sValue, 'Number')=0 then sValue=GetRexxVarValueOrDie(sValue) end if sRestVar<> '' then call _valueS sRestVar,sRest else do if sRestVar<> '' then CryAndDie('Extra unexpected parameters of "' || sRestVar || '" found') end return(sValue) _StackPush: StackCnt=StackCnt+1 Stack.StackCnt.StackData=arg(1) Stack.StackCnt.StackPosn=CurrentSourceLocation() if OptionDebugOn='Y' then call DBG_REXXVAR 'Stack Push(#' || StackCnt || ') = ' ||DebugRightArrow||arg(1)||DebugLeftArrow return _StackPop: if StackCnt<=0 then CryAndDie('There is nothing on the stack!') spData=Stack.StackCnt.StackData if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG_REXXVAR 'Stack pop(#' || StackCnt || ') = ' ||DebugRightArrow||spData||DebugLeftArrow call DBG_REXXVAR 'matched push() at ' ||Stack.StackCnt.StackPosn end StackCnt=StackCnt-1 return(spData) MatchesStackPushDebugText: MatchIndex=arg(1) if MatchIndex<=0 then return('') else return(' (matches "#RexxVar PUSH" at ' || Stack.MatchIndex.StackPosn || ')') _EnsureVersionY2KSafe: TheVer=ReplaceString(translate(arg(1)), '2K', '00') if datatype(TheVer, 'Number')=0|(length(TheVer)<>6&length(TheVer)<>8)then CryAndDie('The version number "' || TheVer || '" is not valid') if TheVer<100 then do if TheVer>98 then TheVer='19' ||TheVer else TheVer='20' ||TheVer end return(TheVer) ProcessRequireCommon: dl_MinVer=_EnsureVersionY2KSafe(GetQuotedText(arg(1), 'dl_Rest')) if dl_Rest='' then dl_MaxVer='9999.99' else do dl_MaxVer=_EnsureVersionY2KSafe(GetQuotedText(dl_Rest)) dl_Rest='"' || dl_MaxVer || '"' end dl_ThisVer=_EnsureVersionY2KSafe(PgmVersion) if OptionDebugOn='Y' then do call DBG 'You require "' || dl_MinVer || '" - ' ||dl_Rest call DBG 'You have "' || dl_ThisVer || '"' end dl_U='You are using version "' || dl_ThisVer || '"' if dl_ThisVer<dl_MinVer then CryAndDie('You required at least PPWIZARD version "' || dl_MinVer || '"',dl_U) if dl_ThisVer>dl_MaxVer then CryAndDie('You need a PPWIZARD version EARLIER than "' || dl_MaxVer || '"',dl_U) return(0) ProcessRequire: return(ProcessRequireCommon(PerformReplacementsInCmdsParameters(arg(1)))) RexxCtrlC: LineCtrlC=SIGL TRACE OFF call AllFollowingOutputGoesToErrorFile call Line1 '' call Line1 HighlightColor||copies('=+',39)||ErrorColor call CgiStartFatalError call Line1 "Come on, you pressed Ctrl+C or Break didn't you!" call CgiEndFatalError call Line1 HighlightColor||copies('=+',39)||Reset AbnormalExit(LineCtrlC, "CTRL+C Pressed") QuickSourceLine: LineNum=arg(1) slKey='PPWSL!.' ||LineNum if symbol(slKey)='VAR' then return(_valueG(slKey)) SrcLine=sourceline(LineNum) call _valueS slKey,SrcLine return(SrcLine) _FindLastLabel: FailedOnLine=arg(1) TryLine=FailedOnLine do while TryLine>1 TryLine=TryLine-1 TheLine=QuickSourceLine(TryLine) ColonPos=pos(':',TheLine) if ColonPos<>0 then do MaybeLabel=strip(left(TheLine,ColonPos-1)) if symbol(MaybeLabel)<> 'BAD' then do FoundLabelOnLine=TryLine return(MaybeLabel|| ': (line #' || AddCommasToDecimalNumber(TryLine) || ')') end end end FoundLabelOnLine=0 return('') CommonTrapHandler: signal on NOVALUE name SimpleRexxTrapUninitializedVariable signal on SYNTAX name SimpleRexxTrapSyntaxError FailingLine=arg(1) TrapHeading=arg(2) TextDescription=arg(3) Text=arg(4) CmdBeingEvaluated=arg(5) UserBreakPoint=arg(6) HaveCapturedTrapDetails='Y' call AllFollowingOutputGoesToErrorFile call Line1 '' call Line1 HighlightColor||copies('=+',39)||ErrorColor call CgiStartFatalError call Line1 TrapHeading call Line1 copies('~',length(TrapHeading)) call Line1 substr(TextDescription,1,16)|| ': ' ||Text BetterErrorText=Condition('D') if BetterErrorText<> '' &BetterErrorText<>Text then call Line1 copies(' ',18)||BetterErrorText if IncludeLevel<>0 then do call Line1 'Processing locn : ' ||CurrentSourceLocation() LastFileLine=strip(LastFileLine) LastLine=strip(LastLine) call Line1 'Line from file : ' ||LastFileLine if LastLine<>LastFileLine then call Line1 'Failing line : ' ||LastLine if LastLineAfterMacroRep<> '' &LastLine<>LastLineAfterMacroRep&LastFileLine<>LastLineAfterMacroRep then call Line1 'After Replace : ' ||LastLineAfterMacroRep if MacroBeingExpanded<> '' then call Line1 'Expanding Macro : ' || StartsMacroReplacement || MacroBeingExpanded || ' ...' ||EndsMacroReplacement end else do if PpwDoing<> '' then call Line1 'PPWIZARD was : ' ||PpwDoing end if CmdBeingEvaluated<> '' then do CmdBeingEvaluated=ReplaceString(CmdBeingEvaluated,DefRexxSpecialSepTag, ";") EvPrefix='Evaluating This : ' ShowThisS=CmdBeingEvaluated if length(ShowThisS)>300 then ShowThisS=left(ShowThisS,300)|| ' ...(Too much to show all)' CmdSepL=RexEOL||copies(' ',length(EvPrefix)) ShowThisL=EvPrefix||ReplaceString(CmdBeingEvaluated, ";",CmdSepL) ShowThisL=ReplaceString(ShowThisL, '0D'x, '') call Line1 ShowThisS,ShowThisL end if RexWhich='REGINA' then ReginaUname=' (' || uname() || ')' else ReginaUname='' FailingLineText=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(FailingLine) call Line1 'Operating System: ' ||RexSystemOpSys||ReginaUname call Line1 'Rexx Version : ' ||RexVersionInfo if CmdBeingEvaluated='' then DumpSource='Y' else do DumpSource='N' call DumpVarsInExpression CmdBeingEvaluated,, 'KNOWN VARIABLES', 'Line1' end if DumpSource='Y' then do call Line1 'Failing Module : ' || PpWizardPgmName || ' (' || PgmVersion || ')' call Line1 'Failing Line # : ' ||FailingLineText InRoutine=_FindLastLabel(FailingLine) StartAt=FailingLine-7 if FoundLabelOnLine<>0 then do if FoundLabelOnLine>StartAt then StartAt=FoundLabelOnLine else do if FoundLabelOnLine<>0 then do if(FailingLine-FoundLabelOnLine)<10 then StartAt=FoundLabelOnLine else call Line1 'After label : ' ||InRoutine end end end call Line1 'SOURCE' call Line1 '~~~~~~' vlist.0=0 do ShowLine=StartAt to FailingLine FailingSrcLineTxt=strip(QuickSourceLine(ShowLine)) call Line1 left(AddCommasToDecimalNumber(ShowLine),length(FailingLineText))|| ' : ' ||FailingSrcLineTxt call DumpVarsInExpression FailingSrcLineTxt, 'vlist' end call DumpVarsInExpressionNow 'vlist', 'KNOWN VARIABLES', 'Line1' end HookText=TrapHeading|| ' at line ' || FailingLineText || '. ' || TextDescription || ': ' ||Text call CgiEndFatalError call Line1 HighlightColor||copies('=+',39)||Reset call Line1 '' if UserBreakPoint<> '' then do call RexxTrace HookText,,,'Y' end AbnormalExit(FailingLine,HookText) RexxTrapUninitializedVariable: TrappingLine=SIGL call CommonTrapHandler TrappingLine, 'NoValue Abort!', 'Unknown Variable', condition('D') RexxTrapSyntaxError: TrappingLine=SIGL call CommonTrapHandler TrappingLine, 'Syntax Error!', 'Reason',errortext(Rc) SimpleCommonTrapHandler: if HaveCapturedTrapDetails='N' then do FailingLine=arg(1) TrapHeading=arg(2) TextDescription=arg(3) Text=arg(4) end FailingLineText=AddCommasToDecimalNumber(FailingLine) say '' say copies('*-',39) say TrapHeading say copies('~',length(TrapHeading)) if HaveCapturedTrapDetails='Y' then say 'Trap within Trap: Original trap details saved and displayed below!' say substr(TextDescription,1,16)|| ': ' ||Text BetterErrorText=Condition('D') if BetterErrorText<> '' &BetterErrorText<>Text then call Line1 copies(' ',18)||BetterErrorText parse source . . PpWizardPgmName parse version VersionOfRexx FailingSrcLineTxt=strip(QuickSourceLine(FailingLine)) say 'Failed at : ' || PpWizardPgmName || ' (line ' || FailingLineText || ', version ' || PgmVersion || ')' say 'Source Code : ' ||FailingSrcLineTxt say 'Rexx Version : ' ||VersionOfRexx call DumpVarsInExpression FailingSrcLineTxt, '', 'KNOWN VARIABLES' HookText=TrapHeading|| ' at line ' || FailingLineText || '. ' || TextDescription || ': ' ||Text if HaveCapturedTrapDetails='Y' then do FailingLine=arg(1) TrapHeading=arg(2) TextDescription=arg(3) Text=arg(4) say '' say 'Reason for secondary trap' say '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' say substr(TextDescription,1,16)|| ': ' ||Text say 'Failed at : ' || PpWizardPgmName || ' (line ' || FailingLineText || ', version ' || PgmVersion || ')' say 'Source Code : ' ||strip(QuickSourceLine(FailingLine)) end say copies('*-',39) call CallErrorHookForSimpleOneLiner HookText ExitNowCallingAnyHandlers(FailingLine) SimpleRexxTrapUninitializedVariable: TrappingLine=SIGL call SimpleCommonTrapHandler TrappingLine, 'NoValue Abort!', 'Unknown Variable', condition('D') SimpleRexxTrapSyntaxError: TrappingLine=SIGL call SimpleCommonTrapHandler TrappingLine, 'Syntax Error!', 'Reason',errortext(Rc)