Labels:crt screen | monitor | poster | sky | web site | window OCR: emacs @HOT Buffers Files Toos Edit Search SGML Modify Move Markup view DTD Czech Help versi on: encoding: !DOCTYPE article PUBLIC /Davenpor /DTD DocBook U3 0//EN" r -borText Inc 1988 1997 4001 icle ?Pub care a theader T tle> XML for Managers< title subti tle Eva luatino SGML XML from Manager's Perspective</sub ti <copyr ight> Kyear 1997< year <holder ArborText Inc /holder copyr ight> <abstract> para Thi paper scusses the role of XML as 1 struc tured markup language Compar sons SGML and HTML provided. al ono history devel opment XML The paper concludes W1 analusi when XML aht choice unoh documents para </abstract> theader <sect1 itle Summary</title> <para>In 1986 the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) became an interna onal standard for the format ext and documents SGML has ths too ...