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<?php /*************************************** ** Title.........: HTML Mime Mail class ** Version.......: 1.34 ** Author........: Smejky (smejkyho@mal.cz) ** Filename......: html_mime_mail.class ** Last changed..: 28/01/01 ** Notes.........: Based upon mime_mail.class ***************************************/ class html_mime_mail{ var $mime; var $html; var $body; var $do_html; var $multipart; var $html_text; var $html_images; var $headers; var $parts; var $charset; var $charsetlist; /*************************************** ** Constructor function. Sets the headers ** if supplied. ***************************************/ function html_mime_mail($headers = ''){ $this->html_images = array(); $this->headers = array(); $this->parts = array(); $this->charsetlist = array('iso' => 'us-ascii', 'big5' => 'big5', 'gb' => 'gb2312'); $this->charset = 'us-ascii'; if($headers == '') return TRUE; if(is_string($headers)) $headers = explode("\n", trim($headers)); for($i=0; $i<count($headers); $i++){ if(is_array($headers[$i])) for($j=0; $j<count($headers[$i]); $j++) if($headers[$i][$j] != '') $this->headers[] = $headers[$i][$j]; if($headers[$i] != '') $this->headers[] = $headers[$i]; } } /*************************************** ** Accessor function to set the body text. ** Body text is used if it's not an html ** mail being sent. ***************************************/ function set_body($text = ''){ if(is_string($text)){ $this->body = $text; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*************************************** ** Accessor function to return the mime ** class variable. Purely for debug. ***************************************/ function get_mime(){ if(!isset($this->mime)) $this->mime = ''; return $this->mime; } /*************************************** ** Function to set a header. Shouldn't ** really be necessary as you could use ** the constructor and send functions, ** it's here nonetheless. Takes any number ** of arguments, which can be either ** strings or arrays full of strings. ** this function is php4 only and will ** return false otherwise. Will return ** true upon finishing. ***************************************/ function add_header(){ if((int)phpversion() < 4) return FALSE; $args = func_get_args(); for($i=0; $i<count($args); $i++){ if(is_array($args[$i])) for($j=0; $j<count($args[$i]); $j++) if($args[$i][$j] != '') $this->headers[] = $args[$i][$j]; if($args[$i] != '') $this->headers[] = $args[$i]; } return TRUE; } /*************************************** ** Accessor function to set the content charset. ** Matt add 2000/10/19 ***************************************/ function set_charset($charset = '', $raw = FALSE){ if($raw == TRUE){ $this->charset = $charset; return TRUE; } if(is_string($charset)){ while(list($k,$v) = each($this->charsetlist)){ if($k == $charset){ $this->charset = $v; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /*************************************** ** Adds a html part to the mail. ** Also replaces image names with ** content-id's. ***************************************/ function add_html($html, $text){ $this->do_html = 1; $this->html = $html; $this->html_text = $text; if(is_array($this->html_images) AND count($this->html_images) > 0){ for($i=0; $i<count($this->html_images); $i++) $this->html = ereg_replace($this->html_images[$i]['name'], 'cid:'.$this->html_images[$i]['cid'], $this->html); } } /*************************************** ** Builds html part of email. ***************************************/ function build_html($orig_boundary){ $sec_boundary = '=_'.md5(uniqid(time())); $thr_boundary = '=_'.md5(uniqid(time())); if(count($this->html_images) == 0){ $this->multipart.= '--'.$orig_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative;'.chr(10).chr(9).'boundary="'.$sec_boundary."\"\n\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$sec_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="'.$this->charset.'"'."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html_text))."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$sec_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset="'.$this->charset.'"'."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html))."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$sec_boundary."--\n\n"; }else{ $this->multipart.= '--'.$orig_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: multipart/related;'.chr(10).chr(9).'boundary="'.$sec_boundary."\"\n\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$sec_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative;'.chr(10).chr(9).'boundary="'.$thr_boundary."\"\n\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$thr_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="'.$this->charset.'"'."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html_text))."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$thr_boundary."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: text/html'."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html))."\n\n"; $this->multipart.= '--'.$thr_boundary."--\n\n"; for($i=0; $i<count($this->html_images); $i++){ $this->multipart.= '--'.$sec_boundary."\n"; $this->build_html_image($i); } $this->multipart.= "--".$sec_boundary."--\n\n"; } } /*************************************** ** Adds an image to the list of embedded ** images. ***************************************/ function add_html_image($file, $name = '', $c_type='application/octet-stream'){ $this->html_images[] = array( 'body' => $file, 'name' => $name, 'c_type' => $c_type, 'cid' => md5(uniqid(time())) ); } /*************************************** ** Adds a file to the list of attachments. ***************************************/ function add_attachment($file, $name = '', $c_type='application/octet-stream'){ $this->parts[] = array( 'body' => $file, 'name' => $name, 'c_type' => $c_type ); } /*************************************** ** Builds an embedded image part of an ** html mail. ***************************************/ function build_html_image($i){ $this->multipart.= 'Content-Type: '.$this->html_images[$i]['c_type']; if($this->html_images[$i]['name'] != '') $this->multipart .= '; name="'.$this->html_images[$i]['name']."\"\n"; else $this->multipart .= "\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n"; $this->multipart.= 'Content-ID: <'.$this->html_images[$i]['cid'].">\n\n"; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html_images[$i]['body']))."\n"; } /*************************************** ** Builds a single part of a multipart ** message. ***************************************/ function build_part($i){ $message_part = ''; $message_part.= 'Content-Type: '.$this->parts[$i]['c_type']; if($this->parts[$i]['name'] != '') $message_part .= '; name="'.$this->parts[$i]['name']."\"\n"; else $message_part .= "\n"; // Determine content encoding. if($this->parts[$i]['c_type'] == 'text/plain'){ $message_part.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n\n"; $message_part.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->parts[$i]['body']))."\n"; }elseif($this->parts[$i]['c_type'] == 'message/rfc822'){ $message_part.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'."\n\n"; $message_part.= $this->parts[$i]['body']."\n"; }else{ $message_part.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n"; $message_part.= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->parts[$i]['name']."\"\n\n"; $message_part.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->parts[$i]['body']))."\n"; } return $message_part; } /*************************************** ** Builds the multipart message from the ** list ($this->_parts). ***************************************/ function build_message(){ $boundary = '=_'.md5(uniqid(time())); $this->headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $this->headers[] = 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'.chr(10).chr(9).'boundary="'.$boundary.'"'; $this->multipart = "This is a MIME encoded message.\n\n"; if(isset($this->do_html) AND $this->do_html == 1) $this->build_html($boundary); if(isset($this->body) AND $this->body != '') $this->parts[] = array('body' => $this->body, 'name' => '', 'c_type' => 'text/plain'); for($i=(count($this->parts)-1); $i>=0; $i--){ $this->multipart.= '--'.$boundary."\n".$this->build_part($i); } $this->mime = $this->multipart."--".$boundary."--\n"; } /*************************************** ** Sends the mail. ***************************************/ function send($to_name, $to_addr, $from_name, $from_addr, $subject = '', $headers = ''){ if($to_name != '') $to = '"'.$to_name.'" <'.$to_addr.'>'; else $to = $to_addr; if($from_name != '') $from = '"'.$from_name.'" <'.$from_addr.'>'; else $from = $from_addr; if(is_string($headers)) $headers = explode("\n", trim($headers)); for($i=0; $i<count($headers); $i++){ if(is_array($headers[$i])) for($j=0; $j<count($headers[$i]); $j++) if($headers[$i][$j] != '') $xtra_headers[] = $headers[$i][$j]; if($headers[$i] != '') $xtra_headers[] = $headers[$i]; } if(!isset($xtra_headers)) $xtra_headers = array(); mail($to, $subject, $this->mime, 'From: '.$from."\n".implode("\n", $this->headers)."\n".implode("\n", $xtra_headers)); } /*************************************** ** Use this method to deliver using direct ** smtp connection. Relies upon Manuel Lemos' ** smtp mail delivery class available at: ** http://phpclasses.upperdesign.com ** ** void smtp_send( string *Name* of smtp object, ** string From address, ** array To addresses, ** string Subject, ** array Extra headers) ***************************************/ function smtp_send($smtp_obj, $from_addr, $to_addr, $subject, $xtra_headers = ''){ global $$smtp_obj; $smtp_obj = $$smtp_obj; $headers = $this->headers; $headers[] = 'From: '.$from_addr; $headers[] = 'Subject: '.$subject; if(is_array($xtra_headers)) for(reset($xtra_headers); list(,$header) = each($xtra_headers); ) $headers[] = $header; // the following: sendmessage(string from address, array to addresses, array headers, string body) $smtp_obj->sendmessage($from_addr, $to_addr, $headers, $this->mime); } /*************************************** ** Use this method to return the email ** in message/rfc822 format. Useful for ** adding an email to another email as ** an attachment. there's a commented ** out example in example.php. ** ** string get_rfc822(string To name, ** string To email, ** string From name, ** string From email, ** [string Subject, ** string Extra headers]) ***************************************/ function get_rfc822($to_name, $to_addr, $from_name, $from_addr, $subject = '', $headers = ''){ // Make up the date header as according to RFC822 $date = 'Date: '.date('D, d M y H:i:s'); if($to_name != '') $to = 'To: "'.$to_name.'" <'.$to_addr.'>'; else $to = $to_addr; if($from_name != '') $from = 'From: "'.$from_name.'" <'.$from_addr.'>'; else $from = $from_addr; if(is_string($subject)) $subject = 'Subject: '.$subject; if(is_string($headers)) $headers = explode("\n", trim($headers)); for($i=0; $i<count($headers); $i++){ if(is_array($headers[$i])) for($j=0; $j<count($headers[$i]); $j++) if($headers[$i][$j] != '') $xtra_headers[] = $headers[$i][$j]; if($headers[$i] != '') $xtra_headers[] = $headers[$i]; } if(!isset($xtra_headers)) $xtra_headers = array(); return $date."\n".$from."\n".$to."\n".$subject."\n".implode("\n", $this->headers)."\n".implode("\n", $xtra_headers)."\n\n".$this->mime; } } // End of class. ?>