20082 Operation is too large for the undo buffer. Do you want to continue?
20124 Enter
20125 Error
20126 No ellipse\nDotted....\nPound###
20128 Dao bitmap control
20129 Tab %u
20130 Checkbox with modify state
20131 3D Checkbox with modify state
20132 Dao object preview control
20133 Binary
20134 The binary data is not valid.
20135 OG Error: Returned hr: %x\n
20136 Radio Buttons, 3d-Effect and active state
20137 Radio Buttons, with active state
20138 Insert
20139 Redoing %1 ...
20140 Undoing %1 ...
20141 Generating undo information ...
20142 Storing cells ....
20143 Restoring cells ...
20144 Cells.
20145 Removing rows ...
20146 Removing columns ...
20147 Copying text format ...
20148 Copying internal format ...
20149 Range too big.
20150 Cut Data.
20151 Cutting data ...
20152 Pasting data from clipboard...
20153 Pasting is not possible for multi-area selections.
20154 Paste.
20155 Replacing values ...
20156 Replace All
20157 Searching values ...
20158 Change Row Heights
20159 Change Column Widths
20160 Change Default Row Height
20161 Change Default Column Width
20162 Move Rows
20163 Move Columns
20164 Insert Rows
20165 Insert Columns
20166 Cover Cells
20167 Cells
20168 Freeze Columns
20169 Freeze Rows
20170 Hide Rows
20171 Hide Columns
20172 Resizing Rows
20173 Resizing Columns
20174 Current Cell
20175 Clipboard size is different from selected range
20176 '%1' is not a valid date!
20177 Date '%1' out of range (it is either before 1970 or after 2037)!
20178 Copy
20179 Move
20180 Clear Cells
20181 Sort Rows
20182 Sort Columns
20183 Not enough memory
20184 Canceled
20185 Styles Map Changes
20186 Property Settings
20187 Base Style
20188 Set Range Name
20189 Delete Range Name
20203 The copy operation failed
20204 The cut operation failed
20205 Objective Grid Insert Object
20206 You have already spawned a viewer. Please use this for editing
20207 Failed to invoke insert object dialog.
51005 Current Cell.
51006 Invert Thin.
51007 Invert Thick.
51008 Thin Border.
51009 Thick Border.
51011 Valid: Min. Value
51012 Valid: Max. Value
51013 Valid: Warning Msg
51014 SpinBound: Min. Value
51015 SpinBound: Max. Value
51016 SpinBound: Wrap Value
51018 Field No.
51019 Checkbox: Checked Value
51020 Checkbox: Unchecked Value
51021 SpinEdit: start value
51022 Tooltip-Text
51023 Maskedit: Input Mask
51024 Maskedit: Prompt Char
51025 Progress: Lower Bound
51026 Progress: Upper Bound
51027 Progress: Caption
51028 TabList: Key Column
51029 TabList: Text Column
51030 TabList: Show all columns
51031 TabList: Display Column Titles
51032 TabList: Column Widths
51033 TabList: Sort Columns
51034 DateTime: Non editable fields
51035 DateTime: Minimum allowed date
51036 DateTime: Maximum allowed date
51037 DateTime: Validation mode
51038 DateTime: Date format type
51039 DateTime: Custom date format
51044 DateTime: Fast Input
51045 Currency: Separators
51046 Currency: Attributes
51047 Currency: Positive Format
51048 Currency: Negative Format
51049 Currency: Number of decimals
51050 Currency: Number of fractional digits
51051 Currency: Enable calculator button
51054 Currency: Monetary Symbol.
51055 TabList: Unique choicelist id
51057 RadioButton: Alignment
52232 Grid Lines
52233 Fixed Lines
52234 Tracking Line
52235 Background
52236 Dragging Line
52512 Edit Control
52513 Static Text
52514 Pushbutton
52515 Radio Buttons
52516 Checkbox, 1/0
52517 ComboBox, no text-fit
52518 Hotspot Edit
52519 Spin Edit
52520 Header
52521 Edit Control, Scrollbar
52522 Listbox
52523 Checkbox, 3d-Effect
52524 Radio Buttons, 3d-Effect
52525 ComboBox, zero-based
52526 ComboBox, one-based
52527 ComboBox, text-fit
52528 MFC ComboBox
52529 MFC DropDownList
52530 Arrow Header
52531 Combo, disp.choice, 1-base
52532 Combo, disp.choice, 0-base
52533 Row Header
52534 Rich Edit
52535 Masked Edit
52536 Progressbar
52537 Password Edit
52538 Colorwell
52539 Tabbed MFC ComboBox
52540 Tabbed MFC DropDownList
52541 Tabbed ComboBox
52542 Dropdown CheckListBox
52543 Date Time Control with popup calendar
52544 Date time control without calendar
52545 Currency control
52546 Unable to create a back up copy of existing file. If you continue existing data will be overwritten without creating a back up file on disk. Do you want to continue save?
52547 An unknown failure ocurred. Operation cancelled.
52548 The operation was canceled by the user
52549 The specified file exists but is inoperable. Please check if you have read/write access permission.
52550 The specified file exists but is not a valid Excel File.
52551 Failed to create Excel file
52552 Failed to create stream
52553 Failed to locate handler for read write operation
52554 Unable to access data to write
52555 Unable to write to the data stream
52556 Invalid grid object was passed in
52557 Invalid parameter object was passed in
52558 Invalid properties object was passed in
52559 Invalid stylesmap object was passed in
52560 Unable to read from stream
52561 Invalid data was passed in for the write operation
52562 Unspecified error ocurred when writing file
52563 Invalid data was accessed. Please check if required resources are available
52564 Unspecified error ocurred when reading file
52565 Fatal error. This was caused by program code. Please contact program vendor
52566 Unable to read file. Please check if this is a Excel 97 file. Earlier versions are not supported
52567 A new window cannot be opened on this data. This operation is unsupported