home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2001-06-14 | 21.9 KB | 507 lines |
- [UNDO]
- Edit ani file description in Explorer=anif
- Edit avi file description in Explorer=avif
- Edit bat file description in Explorer=batf
- Edit cda file description in Explorer=cdaf
- Edit cmd file description in Explorer=cmdf
- Edit com file description in Explorer=comf
- Edit cpl file description in Explorer=cplf
- Edit cur file description in Explorer=curf
- Edit dll file description in Explorer=dllf
- Edit drv file description in Explorer=drvf
- Edit dun file description in Explorer=dunf
- Edit exe file description in Explorer=exef
- Edit fnd file description in Explorer=fndf
- Edit fon file description in Explorer=fonf
- Edit gif file description in Explorer=giff
- Edit help file description in Explorer=help
- Edit ht file description in Explorer=htfi
- Edit html file description in Explorer=html
- Edit icm file description in Explorer=icmf
- Edit ico file description in Explorer=icof
- Edit inf file description in Explorer=inff
- Edit ini file description in Explorer=inif
- Edit jpeg file description in Explorer=jpeg
- Edit lnk file description in Explorer=lnkf
- Edit MID file description in Explorer=MIDf
- Edit mov file description in Explorer=movf
- Edit mp3 file description in Explorer=mp3f
- Edit mpeg file description in Explorer=mpeg
- Edit msg file description in Explorer=msgf
- Edit ocx file description in Explorer=ocxf
- Edit pbk file description in Explorer=pbkf
- Edit Perl file description in Explorer=Perl
- Edit reg file description in Explorer=regf
- Edit scr file description in Explorer=scrf
- Edit sys file description in Explorer=sysf
- Edit ttc file description in Explorer=ttcf
- Edit ttf file description in Explorer=ttff
- Edit txt file description in Explorer=txtf
- Edit vcf file description in Explorer=vcff
- Edit vxd file description in Explorer=vxdf
- Edit wri file description in Explorer=wrif
- Edit xml file description in Explorer=xmlf
- Edit xnk file description in Explorer=xnkf
- Place cascading Control Panel on Start Menu=cpsm
- Place cascading History folder on Start Menu=htsm
- Place cascading Printer folder on Start Menu=prsm
- Remove Favorites folder=fvsm
- Remove Documents folder=dcsm
- Remove 'Log Off' option from Start Menu=lgsm
- Remove 'Click here to begin' from Taskbar at boot up=chtb
- Remove Desktop icons=dkti
- Launch Task List with Ctrl + Esc vs. Taskbar=tlce
- Always launch 16bit apps in their own VDM=vdma
- Force apps to shut down when shutting down=dwsd
- Disable link file tracking=dlft
- Allow power down when you Shut Down=pdws
- Clear page file at shut down=cpfs
- Force Num Lock on at reboots=numl
- Enable Tab completion in DOS box=dosb
- Clear Internet Explorer's typed URL list at reboot=ieyr
- Clear document history from Start Menu at reboot=dhsr
- Clear history from Run command at reboot=hfrc
- Clear all MRU lists at reboot=mrur
- Remove 'File' menu in Explorer=fmex
- Remove 'Taskbar' from Start Menu=tbsm
- Disable 'Task Manager' option=tmop
- Disable 'Change Password' button=dcpb
- Disable 'Lock Workstation' button=dlwb
- Remove 'Run' command from Start Menu=rrsm
- Remove 'Find' command from Start Menu=rfsm
- Remove 'Search' command from Start Menu=rssm
- Remove 'Map | Disconnect Network Drive'=mdnd
- Remove 'Shut Down' button from Start Menu=sdsm
- Remove Program Groups common to all users=pgsm
- Remove 'Network Neighborhood' from Desktop=nnfd
- Remove 'My Network Places' from Desktop=mnfd
- Remove right click functionality from all components of Taskbar=rcft
- Remove right click functionality from Desktop & Explorer's results pane=rcde
- Remove Control Panel, Printers & My Computer from Explorer and Start Menu=cppm
- Remove 'Dial-Up Networking' from My Computer=duam
- Remove 'Network & Dial-up' from My Computer=ndmc
- Remove 'Scheduled Tasks' from My Computer=stmc
- Remove 'Web Folders' from My Computer=wfmc
- Remove 'Administrative Tools' from My Computer=atmc
- Use AutoComplete for Web addresses=acwa
- Use AutoComplete in Windows Explorer=acwe
- Flush IE's temp cache when closing Internet Explorer=ietc
- Deny remote administrator access to floppy drive=aafd
- Deny remote administrator access to CD-ROM=aacd
- Restrict information for NULL logon in NT (SP3+)=rint
- Disable Hardware Profiles tab=dhpt
- Disable File System button on Perfrmance tab=dfsb
- Disable Virtual Memory button on Performance tab=dvmb
- Disable Remote Administration tab in Passwords applet=drab
- Disable User Profiles tab in Passwords applet=dupb
- Disable Change Passwords tab in Passwords applet=dcpp
- Disable MS-DOS based programs & MS-DOS prompt=dosp
- Disable password caching=dpwd
- Disable Restart in MS-DOS mode from Shut Down menu=dosm
- Force Start Menu items to be alphabetical=fsma
- Speed up the Start Menu=suts
- Enable Explorer view when dbl clicking My Computer=evmc
- Enable smooth scrolling in Explorer=scie
- Show inherent icons in DLLs=siid
- Disable window animation=dwai
- Disable screen tips=dsst
- Display BMP files as thumbnails in Explorer=mbte
- Remove shortcut arrows=rsca
- No 'Shortcut to' prefix=nstp
- Increase Icon cache size=mxic
- Place 'Open With' on right click menu=powm
- Add right click menu for DOS Box=ardb
- Enable X-Mouse support=exms
- Enable detailed Internet email logging=diel
- Disable the system's internal speaker=dsis
- Remove ~1 from long DOS names=rldn
- Ignore Desktop changes=igdc
- Disable CD-ROM auto play=dcdr
- Disable audio CD auto play=daca
- Change Company & Registration=ccar
- Change Windows's install path=cwip
- Enable ACPI power support=acpi
- Disable smooth scrolling (IE)=essi
- Disable disk caching=dsdc
- Change IE4's default search engine=ciee
- Restore default IE5 toolbar background=rdtb
- Restore default IE5 animated logo=radl
- Disable NetBIOS name resolution on DNS=nbnr
- Enable display of validation server=edvs
- Disable COMM port power management=dcmm
- Enable display of Win98 version on Desktop=dwvd
- Enable export of Dir/File info to file for printing via right click menu=dfec
- Disable this profile from roaming=dpfr
- Enable Fast Reboot=eafr
- Increase application performance during print jobs=iapp
- Change Workstation size cache to Server size cache=wcsc
- Disable Last Access time stamps on files=dlat
- Do not allow kernel & driver code to be paged to disk=kdpd
- Disable 4 char extension truncation at C:\=cext
- Disable 8.3 name creation on NTFS volumes=dnfs
- Force reboot after BSOD=bsod
- Force immediate reboot w/Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Del=scad
- Disable long file name support on FAT=dfat
- Force My Computer to display logon credentials=fmlc
- Enable display of Windows 2000 version on Desktop=winv
- Disable parse of autoexec.bat=auto
- Change default logon screen saver=dlss
- Set DOS Box text and background color=sdbt
- Control Event Viewer pop-up errors=cevp
- Run Windows Explorer in separate process=redp
- Check size of L2 cache that NT "sees"=sees
- Change default printer spool directory=dpsd
- Adjust the size of the Desktop heap=asdh
- Change the logon bitmap=ctlb
- Create custom logon screen=ccls
- Exclude profile dirs from roaming profile=epdr
- Don't display last username in logon dialog=ddul
- Do not allow Desktop to load while logon script finishes=dlls
- Disable automatic machine account password changes=amap
- Ghost persistent connections=gprc
- Keep RAS connections alive=rasa
- Restrict remote registry access=rrra
- Suppress server print notification messages=spnm
- Suppress new print share broadcasts over network=psbn
- Improve TCP/IP performance using Van Jacobson retransmit/recovery algorithm=vjip
- Set this computer as a Preferred Master Browser=spmb
- Hide Server from the Browser=hsfb
- Place Shut Down option on Logon prompt=psdp
- Remove Shut Down option on Logon prompt=rsdp
- Force ftp server into Unix mode=ftpu
- Enable TCP ports above 1023 for all LPR printers=lprp
- Disable Dr. Watson=edrw
- Disable Dr. Watson message=edwm
- Do not append Dr. Watson log file=aadw
- Do not create a crash dump file=nccd
- Disable Dr. Watson dump of all thread contexts=dwtx
- Disable Open command on File menu=ieoc
- Disable Save and Save As on File menu=iesf
- Disable Internet Options on View menu=ievm
- Disable modification of Favorites menu=iefm
- Disable saving of downloaded files=iedf
- Disable right click menu=ierc
- Disable CTRL + N=iecn
- Disable ALT + F4=ief4
- Disable F3=ief3
- Disable F11=ief1
- Hide Control Panel's 'Display' applet=cpda
- Hide Display applet 'Settings' tab=dast
- Hide Display applet 'Appearance' tab=daat
- Hide Display applet 'Background' tab=dabt
- Hide Display applet 'Screen Saver' tab=dass
- Hide 'Entire Network' in Network Neighborhood=ennn
- Hide workgroup contents in Network Neighborhood=wcnn
- Permanently remove hidden default admin shares=rhas
- Hide Active Desktop item from Start | Settings menu=adsm
- Use approved shell extensions only=aseo
- Disable main Windows Help file=dmwh
- Disable Add Printer=dsap
- Disable printer removal=dspr
- Disable file/folder sharing=dffs
- Disable Network properties dialog=dnpd
- Disable registry editing tools=dret
- Disable Start | Settings | Folder Options menu choice=ssfo
- Disable Start Menu right click=smrc
- Enable R-CTRL + Scroll Lock key twice for forced crash=rctr
- Run only allowed Windows applications=rawa
- Hide drives in My Computer=hdmc
- Use small icons in File | Open - Places Bar=fopb
- Office Documents path=ofdp
- Office User templates path=outp
- Office Shared templates path=ostp
- Office Shared themes path=oftp
- Office Web queries path=owqp
- Disable the Office Assistant=utoa
- Default Assistant state=dfas
- Show Tip of the Day=sttd
- Enable search for product help while in programming mode=spph
- Disable tips about using features more effectively=dtuf
- Enable tips for keyboard shortcuts=dtks
- Disable tips for using the mouse more effectively=tume
- Disable response to F1 key=drf1
- Disable Office Alerts=dofa
- Disable Assistant from guessing help topics=dght
- Enable only high priority tips=eohp
- Disable help with Office wizards=dhow
- Disable Office Assistant sounds=doas
- Enable feedback with sounds=efws
- Use system font instead of Tahoma=sfit
- Disable Clipboard Toolbar triggers=dctt
- Disable Help | Office on the Web=hoow
- Windows File Protection=wnfp
- Windows File Protection disk quota=fpdq
- Start in Safe Mode=sism
- Start in DOS 7.x vs Windows 9x=7xwx
- Disable F4, F5, F6, F8 as boot keys=dfbk
- Enable display of Boot Menu at boot up=ebms
- Allow dual booting=adbg
- Disable boot in Safe Mode warning=wbsm
- Disable boot of Win 9x by default=swbd
- Double buffer SCSI devices=dbsd
- Disable DBLSPACE.BIN at boot=ldbs
- Disable DRVSPACE.BIN at boot=ldrs
- Disable COMMAND.COM high=lcch
- Disable the animated boot logo=dabl
- Safe Mode with Networking=smwn
- Run defrag at boot before apps start=defr
- Remove Scanners and Cameras from My Computer=rsac
- Disable menus show recently used commands first=sruc
- Disable menu animations=dmua
- Disable delay of full menu show=dfms
- Disable show of font names in their own font=sfnf
- Disable show of ScreenTips on toolbars=ston
- Disable File | Save as Web Page (Word)=dswp
- Disable File | Web Page Preview (Word)=dfwp
- Disable File | Send To | Mail Recipient (Word)=dfmr
- Disable Insert | Hyperlink (Word)=dihl
- Disable Tools | Protect Document=dtpd
- Disable Tools | Online Collaboration (Word)=dtoc
- Disable Tools | Macro (Word)=dtmc
- Disable Tools | Macro | Macros (Word)=dtmm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Record New Macro (Word)=dtmr
- Disable Tools | Macro | Security (Word)=dtms
- Disable Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor (Word)=dmvb
- Disable Tools | Macro | Microsoft Script Editor (Word)=dmse
- Disable Tools | Templates and Addins=ttaa
- Disable Tools | Customize (Word)=dtcu
- Disable Tools | Options (Word)=dtop
- Disable Help | Microsoft on the Web=hmow
- Disable Help | Detect and Repair (Word)=dhdr
- Disable Web | Refresh Current Page (Word)=wrcp
- Disable Web | Start Page (Word)=dwsp
- Disable Web | Search the Web (Word)=wstw
- Disable Web | Favorites (Word)=dwfv
- Disable Web | Go (Word)=dwgo
- Disable Web | Address (Word)=dwad
- Disable MRU list in font dropdown=mruf
- Disable shortcut keys ALT + F11 (Word)=wlt1
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + K (Word)=wltk
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + F (Word)=wltf
- Disable shortcut keys ATL + F8 (Word)=wlt8
- Disable shortcut keys ATL + SHIFT + F11 (Word)=wlts
- Enable smooth scrolling w/vertical scroll bar=ssvs
- Enable GDI shading during print=gdis
- Enable draft font for screen document display=dfsd
- Enable Excel DDE results in black & white=ddee
- Disable UNC paths=dunc
- Force Unicode characters to print as ANSI=ansi
- Max cache for Word documents=mcwd
- Max cache for bitmaps=mcfb
- MS Office Registration Company=morc
- MS Office Registration Name=morn
- Disable File | Send To | Mail Recipient (Access)=afmr
- Disable Insert | Hyperlink (Access)=aihl
- Disable Tools | Online Collaboration (Access)=atoc
- Disable Tools | Security=adts
- Disable Tools | Security | Set Database Password=atsp
- Disable Tools | Database Security=atds
- Disable Tools | User and Group Permissions=augp
- Disable Tools | User and Group Accounts=auga
- Disable Tools | User-Level Security Wizard=ausw
- Disable Tools | Encrypt/Decrypt Database=aedd
- Disable Tools | Macro (Access)=actm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor (Access)=avbe
- Disable Tools | Macro | Run Macro=amrm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Convert Macros to Visual Basic=amvb
- Disable Tools | Macro | Create Menu from Macro=amfm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Create Toolbar from Macro=atfm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Create Shortcut Menu from Macro=asmm
- Disable Tools | Addins (Access)=adta
- Disable Tools | Customize (Access)=atcu
- Disable Tools | Options (Access)=atop
- Disable Help | Detect and Repair (Access)=ahdr
- Disable Web | Refresh Current Page (Access)=arcp
- Disable Web | Start Page (Access)=awsp
- Disable Web | Search the Web (Access)=astw
- Disable Web | Favorites (Access)=awfv
- Disable Web | Go (Access)=awgo
- Disable Web | Address (Access)=awad
- Disable shortcut keys ALT + F11 (Access)=alt1
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + K (Access)=cltk
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + F (Access)=cltf
- Disable File | Save as Web Page (Excel)=eswp
- Disable File | Web Page Preview (Excel)=efwp
- Disable File | Send To | Mail Recipient (Excel)=efmr
- Disable Insert | Hyperlink (Excel)=eihl
- Disable Tools | Protect=edtp
- Disable Tools | Protect | Protect Sheet=epps
- Disable Tools | Protect | Protect Workbook=eppw
- Disable Tools | Protect | Protect and Share Workbook=epsw
- Disable Tools | Online Collaboration (Excel)=etoc
- Disable Tools | Macro (Excel)=etmc
- Disable Tools | Macro | Macros (Excel)=etmm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Record New Macro (Excel)=etmr
- Disable Tools | Macro | Security (Excel)=etms
- Disable Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor (Excel)=emvb
- Disable Tools | Macro | Microsoft Script Editor (Excel)=emse
- Disable Tools | Addins (Excel)=edta
- Disable Tools | Customize (Excel)=etcu
- Disable Tools | Options (Excel)=etop
- Disable Help | Detect and Repair (Excel)=ehdr
- Disable Web | Refresh Current Page (Excel)=ercp
- Disable Web | Start Page (Excel)=ewsp
- Disable Web | Search the Web (Excel)=estw
- Disable Web | Favorites (Excel)=ewfv
- Disable Web | Go (Excel)=ewgo
- Disable Web | Address (Excel)=ewad
- Disable shortcut keys ALT + F11 (Excel)=elt1
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + K (Excel)=eltk
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + F (Excel)=eltf
- Disable shortcut keys ATL + F8 (Excel)=elt8
- Disable shortcut keys ATL + SHIFT + F11 (Excel)=elts
- Generate unqiue random number when RAND is used=rand
- Sorting algorithm is case sensitive=sgcs
- Disable 3D dialog boxes=e3db
- Remember clipboard format from last successful DDE operation=edde
- Remember font substitution when zooming=fswz
- Change Excel's default font=edfs
- Change Excel's default font size=edfz
- Excel's default document storage location=edsl
- Excel's alternate startup folder=easf
- AutoCalculate function=eacf
- Username attached to workbooks=euaw
- Max num of default worksheets=emdw
- Max number of undo levels=emud
- Disable Tools | Customize (Outlook)=otcu
- Disable Help | Detect and Repair (Outlook)=ohdr
- Disable Web | Favorites (Outlook)=owfv
- Disable Web | Go (Outlook)=owgo
- Disable File | Open in default browser=oodb
- Disable File | New | Outlook Bar shortcut to web page=oswp
- Disable Go | Internet Call=odgi
- Disable Tools | Services=odts
- Disable View | Bcc Field=obcc
- Disable View | From Field=ofif
- Disable Actions | Display Map of Address=odmo
- Disable Web | Refresh Current Page (Outlook)=owrc
- Disable Web | Start Page (Outlook)=owsp
- Disable Web | Search the Web (Outlook)=ostw
- Disable Web | Address (Outlook)=owad
- Disable shortcut keys CTRL + ENTER=ocpe
- Disable File | Save as Web Page (PowerPoint)=pswp
- Disable File | Web Page Preview (PowerPoint)=pfwp
- Disable File | Send To | Mail Recipient (PowerPoint)=pfmr
- Disable Insert | Hyperlink (PowerPoint)=pihl
- Disable Tools | Online Collaboration (PowerPoint)=ptoc
- Disable Tools | Macro (PowerPoint)=pctm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Macros (PowerPoint)=ptmm
- Disable Tools | Macro | Record New Macro (PowerPoint)=ptmr
- Disable Tools | Macro | Security (PowerPoint)=ptms
- Disable Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor (PowerPoint)=pmvb
- Disable Tools | Macro | Microsoft Script Editor (PowerPoint)=pmse
- Disable Tools | Addins (PowerPoint)=pdta
- Disable Tools | Customize (PowerPoint)=ptcu
- Disable Tools | Options (PowerPoint)=ptop
- Disable Help | Detect and Repair (PowerPoint)=phdr
- Disable Web | Refresh Current Page (PowerPoint)=prcp
- Disable Web | Start Page (PowerPoint)=pwsp
- Disable Web | Search the Web (PowerPoint)=pstw
- Disable Web | Favorites (PowerPoint)=pwfv
- Disable Web | Go (PowerPoint)=pwgo
- Disable Web | Address (PowerPoint)=pwad
- Disable shortcut keys ALT + F11 (PowerPoint)=plt1
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + K (PowerPoint)=pltk
- Disable shortcut keys Ctrl + F (PowerPoint)=pltf
- Disable shortcut keys ATL + F8 (PowerPoint)=plt8
- Disable shortcut keys ATL + SHIFT + F11 (PowerPoint)=plts
- Produce 8-bit metafiles=pp8b
- Recolor imported graph=prig
- Maximize document window=pmdw
- Save info used for full text search=psis
- Disable track of total editing time=pttt
- No styled title bar=pnst
- Document storage (PowerPoint)=ppds
- Multimedia folder=ppmf
- Picture folder=pppf
- Template folder (PowerPoint)=pptf
- Enable UDMA/66 support=udma
- Disable close unused Favorites & History folders=cuff
- Log all user environment activity=luea
- Enable Group Policy event logging=egpl
- Log remote boot activity=lrba
- Log application management events=lame
- Bytes locked for I/O=blio
- Contiguous free space size for VFAT=vfat
- Set ProcessorAffinityMask to 0=spam
- Set default logon background color=dlbc
- % Low disk space threshold alert=dsta
- Balance dual NIC loads=bnic
- Set SizRegBuf to 14596=ssrb
- Do not create Briefcase for new users=dncb
- Autodisconnect idle time=sadi
- Show File Attributes in Detail View=sfad
- Enable TCP/IP Forwarding=tcpf
- Disable caching of logon credentials=dclc
- Internet Explorer connection timeout=iecx
- Allow rename of Recycle Bin=arrb
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Home Page=iohp
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Temporary Internet Files | Settings=tifo
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | History=tioh
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Colors | Links=tioc
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Fonts=tiof
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Languages=tiol
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Accessibility=tioa
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Content Advisor=ioca
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Certificates=iocf
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | My Profile=iomp
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Connection Settings=iocs
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Proxy Server=iops
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Automatic Configuration=ioac
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Programs Tab | Messaging=iopm
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Programs Tab | Calendar Contact=iotc
- Disable IE from checking whether it is default browser=ioci
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Advanced=ioda
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | General tab=iogt
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Security tab=iost
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Content tab=iomz
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Connections tab=ioct
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Programs tab=iopz
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Advanced tab=ioav
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Security level slider=ioss
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Security | Sites=iosg
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Connection Wizard=iccw
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Temporary Internet Files=iotm
- Disable Tools | Internet Options | Reset Web Settings=iorw
- Disable sign up of Hotmail account=oenh
- Disable splash screen=oeds
- Disable modification of accounts=oena
- Change Outlook Express's Titilebar caption=oetb
- Disable View | Source=ievs
- Disable browse ability of local file system using "file://" links=file
- Hide folders on user-specific (top) section of Start menu=ussm
- Disable abillity to change Internet Explorer bands=band
- Disable access to Windows Update site=dwus
- Disable right click Active Desktop menu=drad
- Disable chages to Active Desktop=dcad
- Force use of alphanumeric passwords=fanp
- Disable remote dialin to system=drds
- Hide Access Control tab of Network properties applet=ahsp
- Hide Identification tab of Network properties applet=ihsp
- Force Start Menu to display columns vs. scrolling=scns
- Disable CMD.EXE and batch file execution=cmde
- Disable Windows key=dwkn
- Disable Back button on Common Dialog=dbcd
- Disable File MRU on Common Dialog=mrcd
- Disable Places Bar on Common Dialog=pbcd
- Restore %HOME***% environment variables to NT4 & earlier=nt4e
- Hide the Computers Near Me icon from My Network Places=cnm5
- Limit Windows amount of RAM=lwam
- Disable ability to change the My Documents folder path=dcmd
- Prompt before downloading files other than normal file types=ient
- Popup Errors=pper
- Disable Make Available Offline=dmao
- Disable Use transition effects for menus and tooltips option=temt
- Disable Hide keyboard navigation indicators until I use the ALT key option=niak
- Remove Dfs tab from Windows Explorer=rdfs
- Disable View | Toolbars | Customize in Internet Explorer=dvtc
- Remove Hardware tab from applets within Control Panel=rhta
- Remove Manage item from the Windows Explorer context menu=rmie
- Remove My Documents folder from Start Menu=mdsm
- Disable personalized menus=dpmu
- Add Run in Separate Memory Space option to Run dialog=rund
- Remove Help from Start Menu=nhlp
- Disable automatic proxy caching=dapc
- Disable IE password caching=iepc
- Block add tracking sites with security zone=itas
- IE Font Size=iefs