1198=To view or edit tip, double-click any entry above.
1271=Info Tips
[IE Cookies]
1086=&Select All
1094=Typed &URLs
1269=Internet Explorer Cookies
1095=URL &History
1034=I&E Cache
1271=Clear NOW!
1273=Clear at Startup
1189=Temporary Internet Files (IE Cache)
1191=Windows Temp
1193=URL History
[Internet Explorer 1]
1270=Blank page:
1271=Navigation cancelled:
1272=Navigation failed:
1273=Offline failed:
1269=Default URLs
1274=URL Templates
[Internet Explorer 2]
1089=Have IE check if it's the default browser
1091=Disable "Customize IE toolbar"
1092=Automatically check for IE updates
1271=File Menu
1248=Disable New Window
1249=Disable Open
1250=Disable Save and Save As
1251=Disable Close
1269=View Menu
1252=Disable View Source
1253=Disable Full Screen
1254=Disable Internet Options in Tools
1255=Hide Favorites
1257=Disable Save for downloadable files
1258=Disable Context Menu on right-click
1270=IE Window Title
1295=Disable F3
1273=IE Toolbar Skin
1325=Disable Help Menu
1326=Disable For Netscape Users
1327=Disable Send Feedback
1328=Disable Tip of the Day
1329=Disable Tour
1274=Help Menu
1269=MaxMTU Registry Key:
1273=Current settings
1271=Default TTL
1272=Default RWIN
[Outlook Express]
1061=Disable splashscreen at startup
1088=Auto connect to the Internet (autodial)
1090=Auto disconnect from the Internet
1270=Location of Address Book files:
1269=Outlook Express
1273=Make / Model:
1274=Init commands:
1271=Window Title:
1221=Disable "Tools -> New Account Signup"
1323=Disable add accounts
1269=Remove / Uninstall Programs
1270=Show / Hide Control Panel Icons
1237=Launch Add/Remove Checker
1270=Send To
[Hide Drives]
1269=Hide Drives
1304=To hide drive(s), uncheck box and click Apply.
1270=Change Icons
1074=To view or edit path, double-click any folder above.
1269=System Folders
1270=Autorun Programs
1235=&Launch Startup Manager
1270=Product ID:
1271=Registered Owner:
1272=Registered Organization:
1269=Computer Registration (This is from Windows Setup NOT ItweakU's)
1273=Network IDs
1276=Windows Version:
1277=Product Key:
1278=IE Version:
[Security Misc]
1162=Hide File Menu
1163=Clear last user at logon
1164=Disable password caching
1165=Log on automatically at system startup
1168=Disable Taskbar Properties
1169=Hide context menu in Start Menu
1170=Disable "Add Printer"
1171=Hide "File and printer sharing"
1172=Disable "Remove Printer"
1173=Remove Printer Tabs
1174=Hide floppy drive in MS Explorer
1175=Hide all drives in MS Explorer, except C:
1176=Hide Taskbar Menu on right-click
1177=Hide Desktop Menu on right-click
1178=Clear Desktop of all icons
1179=Disable Regedit
1269=Miscellaneous security settings
1273=Practical security settings
1274=Restrict registry access
1295=Force password entry
[Security System]
1149=Disable Desktop Properties
1150=Hide Effects, Web and Settings tabs
1151=Hide Background tab
1152=Hide Screen Saver tab
1153=Hide Appearance tab
1269=Display Properties
1271=Network Properties
1154=Hide Device Manager tab
1155=Hide Virtual Memory button on Perf. tab
1156=Hide Hardware Profiles tab
1157=Hide File System button on Perf. tab
1270=System Properties
1158=Disable Network Properties
1159=Hide Access Control tab
1160=Hide Identification tab
1161=Disable Passwords
1162=Hide Users Profiles tab
1163=Disable Users
1164=Hide Change Passwords tab
1165=Hide Remote Administrations tab
1272=Control Panel Properties
1273=Passwords Properties
1147=Use stacked tabs
1148=Use flat buttons
1192=Suppress "Reboot?" message
1195=Remember last page used
1272=Customize ItweakU
1164=Password protect
1271=Restrict ItweakU access
1269=Display Tabs / Pages
1226=&Run Live Update
1243=Add ItweakU to the Control Panel
1261=Enable text highlighting
1300=Remember window position
1324=Use flat checkboxes
1227=&Change Font
1196=Copyright ⌐ 1998-2001 PJF Data - All Rights Reserved
1198=Get the latest release and the newest information directly at our web site:
1199=English text written by: Joakim Fredlund (PJF Data) - [joakim@jockesoft.com]
1269=This copy is licensed to
1270=The registration fee is just $19.95. You can register online by clicking on the Internet-Link below:
1271=You can also read the help file for more information about how to register.
1200=Register online (secure), and start to enjoy all options in ItweakU!
1272=or send me an e-mail to
1203=Please honor and support our hard work and all the time we spend developing this program!
1200=Register additional licensees (secure).
1203=Thank You for the purchase of ItweakU and for supporting PJF Data!
1270=You can register additional licensees online by clicking on the Internet-Link below:
1271=You can also read the help file for more information about how to purchase additional licensees.
10000=You're about to change the searchpath for a System Folder. Do you want to continue?
10001=You're about to delete an Autorun program. Do you want to continue?
10002=Unable to remove
10003=You're about to change the searchpath for an Autorun program. Do you want to continue?
10004=You need to restart your browser to clear the URLs
10005=Unchecking this option may cause Windows to stop working correctly. You should only do this if you are 100% certain of what you are doing. I will NOT be held responsible for the problems this option may cause your computer. Are you sure that you want to continue?
10006=You're about to change a System Setting that could prevent Windows from working properly. Are you sure you want to continue?
10007=Unable to remove value!
10008=The passwords are not identical. Please re-enter the passwords.
10009=Password successfully removed
10010=Error removing the password. Please try again.
10011=Unable to change the value!
10012=Warning: The Autologon Password is not encrypted. Any user with access to Regedit may alter it. Clear Last User at Logon will be disabled.
10013=This will restore Windows default settings. It may affect changes made by tweaking programs.\r\n\r\nClick Yes to continue then hit apply to set the default settings.\r\n\r\nAfter you click Yes, you can go through all the pages in ItweakU to see what the Default settings are.\r\n\r\nContinue with this operation?
10014=You will not be able to uninstall the program if you remove it from the uninstall list. Do you want to continue?
10015=The name of the logfile will be
10016=No field can be empty, please make sure that all fields are filled before clicking on the OK button.
10017=An updated version is available at the JockeSoft.com website.
10018=You are using the most recent version of ItweakU Pro.
10019=Error connecting to website.
10020=For the changes to take effect your computer needs to be restarted. Reboot?
10021=You will not be able to uninstall this program if you remove it with this option.\r\nUse this ONLY if Add / Remove doesn't work in the Control Panel. Do you want to try to uninstall the program first?\r\nClick YES to try to uninstall it, click NO to remove the entry, click CANCEL to abort.
10022=You're about to change the uninstall path. Do you want to continue?
10023=To set this image as wallpaper you must enable Active Desktop. Do so by Right-Clicking the desktop and select "Active Desktop" and "View As Web Page".
10024=been enabled.
10025=been disabled.
10026=You need to reboot for the changes to take effect.
10027=To add an entry enter both the Name and Command of it.\r\n\r\nTo remove an entry make sure that both the Name filed and the Command field are empty before clicking on Apply.
10028=No application is associated with this file. Create an association by using the Explorer.
10029=To use the new font, please restart ItweakU.
10030=Do you wish to permanetly delete
10031=You need to log off to clear the folder.
10032=Error removing the file.
10033=The Icon Cache is already empty.
10034=Password successfully set. ItweakU is now protected, to enhance the protection please make sure that you have disabled regedit.
10035=The information you provided was incorrect. Please try again.
10036=ItweakU is password protected. You must enter a valid username and password to be able to use it.
10037=You have entered an invalid license number. Please check your registration papers for the correct number!
10038=To be able to use this option the computer must be on a network that have a domain name. If you don't have a domain to logon to then do NOT use this option. Do you want to continue and enable the password validation?
[Message Caption]
9000=ItweakU - Important
9001=ItweakU - Error
9002=ItweakU - Information
9003=ItweakU - ItweakU - Warning and disclaimer
9004=ItweakU - Warning
9005=ItweakU - Restart Windows
1288=Modify the string(s) and then click OK.
1900=To modify the path, edit and then click OK.
1901=To modify the text, edit and then click OK.
1902=To modify the command, edit and then click OK.
2100=View / Edit System Folder
2101=View / Edit Autorun program
2102=View / Edit Info Tip
2103=View / Edit Uninstall Command
2500=Select new file to add to the Send To menu
2501=Locate Address Book
2502=Select program to add to Windows global path
2503=Select default URL
2504=Select bitmap to set as toolbar background
2505=Select new document type to add to the New menu
2600=Select new folder to add to the Send To menu.
2601=Select the folder you have stored your Windows setup files.