home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 Personality
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 file
- ; For use ONLY with WindowBlinds or products approved by Stardock.net, Inc.
- ; File Created with BuilderBlinds
- [ComboButton]
- Image = piper\combobut.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- BottomHeight = 2
- [MenuItem]
- BottomHeight=5
- Tile=0
- LeftWidth=32
- RightWidth=4
- Image=piper\tool222.bmp
- TopHeight=2
- Trans = 1
- Alpha = 254
- ;NormalColour = 2
- ;PressedColour = 2
- ;FocusColour = 2
- ;DefaultColour = 2
- [MenuBackground]
- BottomHeight=2
- Tile=1
- LeftWidth=18
- RightWidth=2
- Image=piper\menuback.bmp
- TopHeight=2
- Trans = 0
- [SunkEdge]
- Image = piper\sunkedge.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- BottomHeight = 2
- [RebarGrip]
- Image = piper\gripimg.bmp
- StretchMiddle =0
- TopHeight = 0
- BotHeight = 0
- [MdiControls]
- Image = piper\MDI.bmp
- [GroupBoxEdge]
- Image = piper\tabborders3.bmp
- Trans = 1
- LeftWidth=5
- RightWidth=5
- TopHeight=17
- BottomHeight = 5
- [GroupBox]
- NormalColour = 0
- NormalFont = 0
- NormalLayout = 0
- Image = piper\grouptop.bmp
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- BottomHeight = 3
- Trans = 1
- Alpha = 254
- BackgroundAlignment = 1
- BackgroundLeftShift = -2
- BackgroundRightShift = -7
- [Colour0]
- R =70
- G = 115
- B = 150
- [Font0]
- FontName = Tahoma
- FontHeight= 12
- FontWeight = 700
- [Layout0]
- NoIconLeftEdge = 9
- NoIconTopEdge = 1
- BorderMOde = 0
- TextAlignment = 0
- ; This is a taskbar button layout
- [Layout1]
- BorderMOde = 0
- ShowIcon = 1
- IconXShift = 5
- IconWidth = 16
- IconHeight =16
- IconHorzAlign = 0
- TextAlignment = 0
- NormalTopEdge = 4
- NormalLeftEdge = 24
- NormalRightEdge = 4
- NoIconTopEdge = 4
- NoIconLeftEdge = 5
- NoIconRightEdge = 4
- [Buttons]
- Bitmap=piper\buts2.bmp
- BitmapMask=piper\mask_buts2.bmp
- BottomHeight=5
- CheckButton=piper\chkimg.bmp
- LeftWidth=5
- RadioButton=piper\radiimg.bmp
- RightWidth=5
- TopHeight=5
- MouseOver=1
- EnhancedMode= 1
- ;NormalFont = 0
- ;PressedFont = 0
- ;DisabledFont = 0
- ;FocusFont = 0
- ;DefaultFont = 0
- [TitlebarSkin]
- SkinName=Piper
- SkinAuthor=Neil Banfield
- ;Colorization by Frogboy
- AuthorsURL=
- AuthorEmail=Neil@stardock.com
- WBVer=200
- [Personality]
- UsesTran=0
- buttonCount=6
- TextAlignment=0
- TextShift=20
- TextShiftVert=1
- TextRightClip=60
- DialogBmp=dialog.bmp
- MenuR=206
- MenuG=204
- MenuB=189
- ActiveTextR=255
- ActiveTextG=255
- ActiveTextB=255
- InactiveTextR=192
- InactiveTextG=192
- InactiveTextB=192
- MenuTextR=0
- MenuTextG=0
- MenuTextB=0
- Top=piper\Top.bmp
- TopMask=piper\Mask_Top.bmp
- Left=piper\Left.bmp
- Right=piper\Right.bmp
- Bottom=piper\Bottom.bmp
- LeftMask=piper\Mask_Left.bmp
- RightMask=piper\Mask_Right.bmp
- BottomMask=piper\Mask_Bottom.bmp
- TopTopHeight=0
- TopBotHeight=0
- LeftTopHeight=19
- LeftBotHeight=4
- RightTopHeight=19
- RightBotHeight=4
- BottomTopHeight=0
- BottomBotHeight=0
- TopStretch=0
- LeftStretch=0
- RightStretch=0
- BottomStretch=0
- AniRate=0
- TopFrame=2
- LeftFrame=2
- RightFrame=2
- BottomFrame=2
- TripleImages=1
- SoundEnabled=0
- menubar=piper\menu.bmp
- TileLeftMenu=32
- TileRightMenu=1
- MouseOver=1
- RollupSize=22
- TileMenu=1
- ExplorerBmp=piper\expl.bmp
- MenuBorders=piper\menubrd.bmp
- [Button0]
- Align=1
- XCoord=21
- YCoord=4
- Action=0
- ShiftAction=0
- CtrlAction=0
- Visibility=0
- ButtonImage=piper\nclose3.bmp
- ButtonImageMask=piper\Mask_nclose3.bmp
- Visibility1=6
- ; Enable scripting for this item
- Scripting = 1
- ; These scripts make button 2 go to 50% trans when the mouse is over the close button and to 100% visibility when it
- ; leaves
- scriptMouseEnter = piper\script1.wbs
- ;scriptMouseLeave = piper\script2.wbs
- [script0]
- ScriptName = piper\timed1.wbs
- [script1]
- ScriptName = piper\timed1.wbs
- [script2]
- ScriptName = piper\timed1.wbs
- [script3]
- ScriptName = piper\timed1.wbs
- [script4]
- ScriptName = piper\timed1.wbs
- [script5]
- ScriptName = piper\timed1.wbs
- [Button1]
- Align=1
- XCoord=41
- YCoord=4
- Action=1
- ShiftAction=0
- CtrlAction=0
- Visibility=20
- ButtonImage=piper\nmax.bmp
- ButtonImageMask=piper\mask_nmax.bmp
- Visibility1=3
- Visibility2=6
- Scripting = 1
- ; These scripts make button 2 go to 50% trans when the mouse is over the close button and to 100% visibility when it
- ; leaves
- scriptMouseEnter = piper\script1.wbs
- ;scriptMouseLeave = piper\script2.wbs
- [Button2]
- XCoord=59
- YCoord=4
- Align=1
- ButtonImage=piper\nmin.bmp
- ButtonImageMask=piper\mask_nmin.bmp
- Action=2
- ShiftAction=0
- CtrlAction=0
- Visibility=22
- ;Visibility1=6
- Scripting = 1
- ; These scripts make button 2 go to 50% trans when the mouse is over the close button and to 100% visibility when it
- ; leaves
- scriptMouseEnter = piper\script1.wbs
- ;scriptMouseLeave = piper\script2.wbs
- [Button3]
- Action=1
- Align=1
- ButtonImage=piper\nrest.bmp
- ButtonImageMask=piper\mask_nrest.bmp
- XCoord=41
- YCoord=4
- ShiftAction=0
- CtrlAction=0
- Visibility=20
- Visibility1=4
- ;Visibility2=6
- Scripting = 1
- ; These scripts make button 2 go to 50% trans when the mouse is over the close button and to 100% visibility when it
- ; leaves
- scriptMouseEnter = piper\script1.wbs
- ;scriptMouseLeave = piper\script2.wbs
- [Button4]
- XCoord= 6
- YCoord=4
- Align=0
- Action=11
- ShiftAction=0
- CtrlAction=0
- Visibility=27
- ButtonImage=
- Scripting = 1
- ; These scripts make button 2 go to 50% trans when the mouse is over the close button and to 100% visibility when it
- ; leaves
- scriptMouseEnter = piper\script1.wbs
- ;scriptMouseLeave = piper\script2.wbs
- ; we need to show a standard 'icon' if the original is missing
- ; Modify this skin to use text layers at some point to avoid
- ; this
- [Button5]
- XCoord= 6
- YCoord=4
- Align=0
- Action=12
- ShiftAction=0
- CtrlAction=0
- Visibility=28
- ButtonImage=piper\fillin.bmp
- ButtonImageMask=piper\mask_fillin.bmp
- Scripting = 1
- ; These scripts make button 2 go to 50% trans when the mouse is over the close button and to 100% visibility when it
- ; leaves
- scriptMouseEnter = piper\script1.wbs
- ;scriptMouseLeave = piper\script2.wbs
- [HorzScroll]
- BottomHeight=1
- Image=piper\hscroll.bmp
- LeftWidth=1
- RightWidth=1
- TopHeight=1
- [HorzScrollThumb]
- BottomHeight=2
- Image=piper\hscroll2.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- ShowDot=0
- Trans=0
- [Scrollbar]
- BottomHeight=2
- Image=piper\arrows.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- MouseOver=1
- Trans=0
- Tile=0
- [VertScroll]
- BottomHeight=2
- Image=piper\vscroll.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- [VertScrollThumb]
- BottomHeight=2
- Image=piper\vscroll2.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- Trans=0
- ShowDot=0
- [ToolBars]
- BottomHeight=3
- Image=piper\Toolbms.bmp
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- [TaskBar]
- BottomHeight=5
- Image=piper\Toolbms.bmp
- LeftWidth=5
- RightWidth=5
- TopHeight=5
- PressedLayout = 1
- [Colours]
- ActiveBorder=234 235 229
- ActiveTitle=10 36 106
- AppWorkSpace=206 204 189
- Background=58 110 165
- ButtonAlternateFace=144 144 144
- ButtonDkShadow=64 64 64
- ButtonFace=234 235 229
- ButtonHilight=244 244 242
- ButtonLight=234 235 229
- ButtonShadow=163 167 141
- ButtonText=0 0 0
- GradientActiveTitle=49 66 97
- GradientInactiveTitle=144 144 144
- GrayText=163 167 141
- Hilight=206 204 189
- HilightText=255 255 255
- HotTrackingColor=0 0 255
- InactiveBorder=234 235 229
- InactiveTitle=163 167 141
- InactiveTitleText=212 208 200
- InfoText=0 0 0
- InfoWindow=255 255 225
- Menu=234 235 229
- MenuText=0 0 0
- Scrollbar=244 244 242
- TitleText=255 255 255
- Window=255 255 255
- WindowFrame=0 0 0
- WindowText=0 0 0
- [Tabs]
- Border=piper\tabborders.bmp
- BottomHeight=3
- Image=piper\tabs.bmp
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- Tile=0
- Trans=0
- [Progress]
- Bitmap=piper\pb.bmp
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- Trans=1
- [Fonts]
- FontHeight=12
- Fontname=MS Sans Serif
- FontWeight = 700
- [StartButton]
- Image=piper\start.bmp
- TopHeight=0
- BottomHeight=21
- LeftWidth=19
- RightWidth=2
- Tile=0
- Trans=0