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- ; WarpPC - Based on the IBM operating system of the same name...
- ; A Windows 98 / ME / NT4 / 2000 Skin
- ; Created By John T. Folden (jtfolden@erinet.com) 04.14.99/updated 09.20.2000
- ; For use ONLY with WindowBlinds 2.0b3 (or higher) by Stardock.net, Inc.
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 file
- ;
- [TitlebarSkin]
- SkinName = WarpPC
- SkinAuthor = John T. Folden
- AuthorsURL = http://www.winstep.net/
- AuthorEmail = jtfolden@erinet.com
- SpecialNotes = Based on the IBM operating system of the same name...
- [Personality]
- ;UsesTran = 0
- NoShape = 1
- buttonCount = 7
- TextAlignment = 0
- TextShift = 30
- TextShiftVert = 0
- TextRightClip = 70
- TextOnBottom = 0
- ;FrontString = "*** "
- ;EndString = " ***"
- ;Textbackground = 0
- ;TextBack =
- ;TXTBackleft = 0
- ;TXTBackRight = 0
- Exec = WarpPC\Readme.txt
- ;runstyle = 3
- ActiveTextR = 255
- ActiveTextG = 255
- ActiveTextB = 255
- InactiveTextR = 192
- InactiveTextG = 192
- InactiveTextB = 192
- menubar = WarpPC\menu.bmp
- TileMenu = 1
- ;TileLeftMenu =
- ;TileRightMenu =
- ;MenuLeftTile =
- MenuR = 0
- MenuG = 0
- MenuB = 128
- MenuTextR = 0
- MenuTextG = 0
- MenuTextB = 0
- Top = WarpPC\top.bmp
- TopMask = WarpPC\top_mask.bmp
- Left = WarpPC\left.bmp
- Right = WarpPC\right.bmp
- Bottom = WarpPC\bottom.bmp
- TopTopHeight = 24
- TopBotHeight = 67
- LeftTopHeight = 4
- LeftBotHeight = 4
- RightTopHeight = 2
- RightBotHeight = 2
- BottomTopHeight = 4
- BottomBotHeight = 4
- TopStretch = 0
- LeftStretch = 0
- RightStretch = 0
- BottomStretch = 0
- AniRate = 0
- ;DynamicFrame =
- TopFrame = 2
- LeftFrame = 2
- RightFrame = 2
- BottomFrame = 2
- ;TextBack =
- ;ActiveAlpha =
- ;InactiveAlpha =
- Wallpaper = WarpPC\wallpaper.bmp
- ExplorerBmp = WarpPC\explorer.bmp
- DialogBmp = WarpPC\Dialog.bmp
- MDIBmp = WarpPC\MDI.bmp
- MenuBorders = WarpPC\mnuframe.bmp
- MaxBorderCutLeft = 0
- MaxBorderCutTop = 0
- MaxBorderCutRight = 0
- MaxBorderCutBottom = 0
- ;mouseOver =
- TripleImages = 1
- ;SoundEnabled = 0
- RollupSize = 30
- RightClickAction = 4
- ;DoubleClickAction = 4
- [Button0]
- XCoord = 67
- YCoord = 7
- Align = 1
- Action = 0
- ButtonImage = WarpPC\close.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button1]
- XCoord = 45
- YCoord = 7
- Align = 1
- Action = 2
- ButtonImage = WarpPC\minimize.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button2]
- XCoord = 23
- YCoord = 7
- Align = 1
- Action = 1
- Visibility = 4
- ButtonImage = WarpPC\maximize.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button3]
- XCoord = 6
- YCoord = 7
- Align = 0
- Action = 11
- ;ButtonImage = WarpPC\
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button4]
- XCoord = 93
- YCoord = 5
- Align = 1
- Action = 3
- Visibility = 13
- ButtonImage = WarpPC\help.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button5]
- XCoord = 23
- YCoord = 7
- Align = 1
- Action = 1
- Visibility = 3
- ButtonImage = WarpPC\restore.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button6]
- XCoord = 6
- YCoord = 7
- Align = 0
- Action = 12
- Visibility = 28
- ButtonImage = WarpPC\icon.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Buttons]
- CheckButton = WarpPC\cbox.bmp
- RadioButton = WarpPC\radio.bmp
- Bitmap = WarpPC\buttons.bmp
- TopHeight = 4
- BottomHeight = 4
- LeftWidth = 4
- RightWidth = 4
- [Colours]
- Background=0 128 128
- AppWorkSpace=204 204 204
- Window=255 255 255
- WindowText=0 0 0
- Menu=204 204 204
- MenuText=0 0 0
- ActiveTitle=0 0 128
- InactiveTitle=134 134 134
- TitleText=255 255 255
- ActiveBorder=204 204 204
- InactiveBorder=204 204 204
- WindowFrame=0 0 0
- Scrollbar=229 229 229
- ButtonFace=204 204 204
- ButtonShadow=134 134 134
- ButtonText=0 0 0
- GrayText=134 134 134
- Hilight=0 0 128
- HilightText=255 255 255
- InactiveTitleText=192 192 192
- ButtonHilight=229 229 229
- InfoText=0 0 0
- InfoWindow=255 255 0
- ButtonLight=204 204 204
- ButtonDkShadow=0 0 0
- [ComboButton]
- Image = WarpPC\combobut.bmp
- TopHeight= 4
- BottomHeight = 4
- LeftWidth= 3
- RightWidth= 4
- [ExtraImages]
- Image = WarpPC\extraimages.bmp
- Trans = 1
- Alpha = 254
- [GroupBox]
- NormalColour = 0
- ;NormalFont = 0
- NormalLayout = 0
- Image = WarpPC\groupbox.bmp
- BackgroundAlignment = 1
- BackgroundLeftShift = -2
- BackgroundRightShift = -2
- Trans = 1
- [GroupBoxEdge]
- Image = WarpPC\groupboxe.bmp
- TopHeight = 8
- BottomHeight = 2
- LeftWidth = 5
- RightWidth = 5
- Trans = 1
- [HeaderBar]
- Image = WarpPC\headerbar.bmp
- TopHeight = 1
- BottomHeight = 1
- LeftWidth = 5
- RightWidth = 5
- [MdiControls]
- Image = WarpPC\MDIcontrols.bmp
- [Progress]
- Bitmap = WarpPC\pbars.bmp
- BitmapMask = WarpPC\pbars_mask.bmp
- TopHeight = 3
- BottomHeight = 2
- LeftWidth = 3
- RightWidth = 8
- [RebarGrip]
- Image = WarpPC\rebar.bmp
- TopHeight = 1
- BotHeight = 1
- [StartButton]
- Image = WarpPC\start.bmp
- [StatusBarEdges]
- Image = WarpPC\statusbaredges.bmp
- LeftWidth= 1
- RightWidth= 1
- TopHeight= 1
- BottomHeight = 1
- [SunkEdge]
- Image = WarpPC\sunkedge.bmp
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- BottomHeight = 2
- [Tabs]
- Image = WarpPC\tabs.bmp
- Border = WarpPC\tabframe.bmp
- TopHeight = 1
- BottomHeight = 2
- LeftWidth = 7
- RightWidth = 9
- [TaskBar]
- Image = WarpPC\Taskbar.bmp
- TopHeight = 1
- BottomHeight = 2
- LeftWidth = 1
- RightWidth = 2
- [ToolBars]
- Image = WarpPC\Toolbars.bmp
- TopHeight = 1
- BottomHeight = 2
- LeftWidth = 1
- RightWidth = 2
- [Scrollbar]
- Image = WarpPC\scrollar.bmp
- TopHeight =3
- BottomHeight = 3
- LeftWidth = 3
- RightWidth = 3
- Trans = 1
- Tile =0
- MouseOver = 0
- MinThumbSize = 20
- ; This defines the size at which it switches to the small thumb images (if they exist)
- ;MinBeforeSwitch = 40
- ;SbWidth = 16
- [HorzScroll]
- Image = WarpPC\scrollhz.bmp
- TopHeight = 2
- BottomHeight = 1
- LeftWidth = 0
- RightWidth = 0
- Trans = 0
- Tile = 1
- [HorzScrollThumb]
- Image = WarpPC\scrollhb.bmp
- TopHeight =3
- BottomHeight = 3
- LeftWidth = 2
- RightWidth = 3
- Trans = 0
- Tile = 1
- ShowDot = 1
- [VertScroll]
- Image = WarpPC\scrollvt.bmp
- TopHeight =0
- BottomHeight = 0
- LeftWidth = 2
- RightWidth = 1
- Trans = 0
- Tile = 1
- [VertScrollThumb]
- Image = WarpPC\scrollvb.bmp
- TopHeight =2
- BottomHeight = 3
- LeftWidth = 3
- RightWidth = 3
- Trans = 0
- Tile = 1
- ShowDot = 1
- [Colour0]
- R = 0
- G = 0
- B = 128
- [Font0]
- FontName=Arial
- FontHeight=8
- FontWeight=700
- [Layout0]
- NoIconLeftEdge = 6
- NoIconTopEdge = 1
- BorderMOde = 0
- TextAlignment = 0