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- ; NeXTPC - A NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP 4.2 style Personality
- ; Created By John T. Folden (jtfolden@erinet.com) 12.30.98/updated 09.18.2000
- ; For use with WindowBlinds 2.0b2 (or higher) by Stardock.net, Inc.
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 theme
- NOTICE: Set your scrollbar size to 20 in Display Properties or the NeXT-style
- scroll bars in this skin will look VERY ODD.
- Controls:
- Left titlebar Button - minimize
- Right titlebar Button - close
- Titlebar - double-left mouse click to roll-up/roll-down
- single-right mouse click to maximize/restore
- Shift-Click the minimize button to keep window 'always on top'.
- Use Ctrl-Click for 'always on bottom'.
- This skin features Custom Color support for WB 2.0...
- To fully use all the features of this skin, you may wish to enable
- the following in WB Setup:
- On the Personality Tab: Check ALL settings except "Replace 3D toolbar...".
- On the Backgrounds Tab: Check both "Add bitmaps..." and "Use Bitmap backgrounds
- specified by skin" options, UN-check Stretch to Fit
- ---------------------------
- Recommended Titlebar Font is Tahoma or Verdana 9pt.
- If you'd like a NeXTSTEP background color set the Desktop
- to a custom color of R:85 G:85 B:119 or use the enclosed wallpaper.bmp
- ---------------------------
- NOTE: If you'd prefer having access to your titlebar menu modify the following
- in the included UIS file:
- Comment out the line "RightClickAction = 1"
- ---------------------------
- The latest version of this personality can always be downloaded from
- http://www.skinz.org/
- This is a theme based on the NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP Operating Systems.
- You can see a screen shot of the "real" NeXTSTEP OS at:
- http://www.erinet.com/jag/NeXTVIEW/
- If you're looking for good NeXT style software check out the above
- URL and http://www.winstep.net/
- If you like this Personality or find a problem with it, please
- drop me a note at the above e-mail address.
- Thanks,
- John T. Folden
- Winstep Software Technologies
- http://www.winstep.net/
- ---------------------------
- !2.0b2- Released 09.18.2000: Major upgrade - support for most major features in WB 2.0!
- !1.08c- Updated 12.15.99: Minor tweaks... WB 1.1 should be updated with this one as 'NextPC'.
- !1.08a- Released 12.09.99: Scrollbars! Set your scrollbar size to 20 in Windows' Display Properties,
- if needed. Radio and Checkbox bitmaps are once again the 'larger' size.
- !1.06t- Released 11.19.99: New Progress bar (Thanks to Ed Deans for his help in implementing these)
- and explorer.bmp. The old progress bar is still there for those that wish it, just modify the UIS.
- !1.06 - Released 11.08.99: Fairly major update this time supporting the new progress bar, Tab and
- Start bar skinning plus several other tweaks and additions to polish up the skin. Includes
- a NeXT color scheme now.
- !.50 - Released 03.11.99: Added bitmaps for Explorer, Dialog and MDI backgrounds. Also added
- a wallpaper bitmap that should be fairly close to NeXTSTEP default color. Added seperate
- Radio button support. Titlebar options modified to be more in line with NeXT and Window
- Maker defaults. Misc color adjustments... Includes choice of Titlebar bitmap. Included
- with WB as 'NextPC'.
- !.42 - updated 02.06.99: Modified bitmap colors (again!) to match Windows defaults. Other misc
- color adjustments... added the roll-up button back into the UIS file (as an option)
- !.40a - Released 01.31.99: Adjusted bitmaps for checkboxes and buttons, moved Help button to right
- side of the titlebar.
- !.40 - Released 01.30.99: Added, WB .40 specific support, help button, made slight corrections to
- the images to be more true to OPENSTEP colors, rather than attempting gamma correction.
- Removed roll-up button, roll-up window by right clicking on titlebar.
- !.39g - Updated 01.17.99: Added checkbox and button bitmaps, minor adjustments to UIS.
- !.39 - Released 12.30.99