home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {==============================================================================|
- | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 004.000.000 |
- |==============================================================================|
- | Content: Library base |
- |==============================================================================|
- | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 |
- | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the |
- | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ |
- | |
- | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, |
- | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for |
- | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. |
- |==============================================================================|
- | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. |
- |==============================================================================|
- | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
- | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)1999,2000,2001. |
- | All Rights Reserved. |
- |==============================================================================|
- | Contributor(s): |
- |==============================================================================|
- | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
- | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
- |==============================================================================}
- unit blcksock;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Classes,
- Libc, kernelioctl,
- {$ELSE}
- Windows, WinSock,
- {$ENDIF}
- synsock, SynaUtil;
- const
- cLocalhost = 'localhost';
- type
- ESynapseError = class(Exception)
- public
- ErrorCode: Integer;
- ErrorMessage: string;
- end;
- THookSocketReason = (
- HR_ResolvingBegin,
- HR_ResolvingEnd,
- HR_SocketCreate,
- HR_SocketClose,
- HR_Bind,
- HR_Connect,
- HR_CanRead,
- HR_CanWrite,
- HR_Listen,
- HR_Accept,
- HR_ReadCount,
- HR_WriteCount
- );
- THookSocketStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSocketReason;
- const Value: string) of object;
- TBlockSocket = class(TObject)
- private
- FOnStatus: THookSocketStatus;
- FLocalSin: TSockAddrIn;
- FRemoteSin: TSockAddrIn;
- FLastError: Integer;
- FBuffer: string;
- FRaiseExcept: Boolean;
- function GetSizeRecvBuffer: Integer;
- procedure SetSizeRecvBuffer(Size: Integer);
- function GetSizeSendBuffer: Integer;
- procedure SetSizeSendBuffer(Size: Integer);
- protected
- FSocket: TSocket;
- FProtocol: Integer;
- procedure CreateSocket; virtual;
- procedure SetSin(var Sin: TSockAddrIn; IP, Port: string);
- function GetSinIP(Sin: TSockAddrIn): string;
- function GetSinPort(Sin: TSockAddrIn): Integer;
- procedure DoStatus(Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: string);
- public
- constructor Create;
- constructor CreateAlternate(Stub: string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure CloseSocket; virtual;
- procedure Bind(IP, Port: string);
- procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); virtual;
- function SendBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- procedure SendByte(Data: Byte); virtual;
- procedure SendString(const Data: string); virtual;
- function RecvBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- function RecvBufferEx(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer;
- Timeout: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- function RecvByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte; virtual;
- function RecvString(Timeout: Integer): string; virtual;
- function RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): string; virtual;
- function PeekBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- function PeekByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte; virtual;
- function WaitingData: Integer;
- procedure SetLinger(Enable: Boolean; Linger: Integer);
- procedure GetSins;
- function SockCheck(SockResult: Integer): Integer;
- procedure ExceptCheck;
- function LocalName: string;
- procedure ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; IPList: TStrings);
- function ResolveName(Name: string): string;
- function ResolvePort(Port: string): Word;
- procedure SetRemoteSin(IP, Port: string);
- function GetLocalSinIP: string; virtual;
- function GetRemoteSinIP: string; virtual;
- function GetLocalSinPort: Integer; virtual;
- function GetRemoteSinPort: Integer; virtual;
- function CanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- function CanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- function SendBufferTo(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- function RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- function GroupCanRead(const SocketList: TList; Timeout: Integer;
- const CanReadList: TList): Boolean;
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- function SetTimeout(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- function SetSendTimeout(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- function SetRecvTimeout(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- property LocalSin: TSockAddrIn read FLocalSin;
- property RemoteSin: TSockAddrIn read FRemoteSin;
- published
- class function GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: Integer): string;
- property Socket: TSocket read FSocket write FSocket;
- property LastError: Integer read FLastError;
- property Protocol: Integer read FProtocol;
- property LineBuffer: string read FBuffer write FBuffer;
- property RaiseExcept: Boolean read FRaiseExcept write FRaiseExcept;
- property SizeRecvBuffer: Integer read GetSizeRecvBuffer write SetSizeRecvBuffer;
- property SizeSendBuffer: Integer read GetSizeSendBuffer write SetSizeSendBuffer;
- property WSAData: TWSADATA read FWsaData;
- property OnStatus: THookSocketStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
- end;
- TSocksBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
- protected
- FSocksIP: string;
- FSocksPort: string;
- FSocksTimeout: integer;
- FSocksUsername: string;
- FSocksPassword: string;
- FUsingSocks: Boolean;
- FSocksResolver: Boolean;
- FSocksLastError: integer;
- FSocksResponseIP: string;
- FSocksResponsePort: string;
- FSocksLocalIP: string;
- FSocksLocalPort: string;
- FSocksRemoteIP: string;
- FSocksRemotePort: string;
- function SocksCode(IP, Port: string): string;
- function SocksDecode(Value: string): integer;
- public
- constructor Create;
- function SocksOpen: Boolean;
- function SocksRequest(Cmd: Byte; const IP, Port: string): Boolean;
- function SocksResponse: Boolean;
- published
- property SocksIP: string read FSocksIP write FSocksIP;
- property SocksPort: string read FSocksPort write FSocksPort;
- property SocksUsername: string read FSocksUsername write FSocksUsername;
- property SocksPassword: string read FSocksPassword write FSocksPassword;
- property UsingSocks: Boolean read FUsingSocks;
- property SocksResolver: Boolean read FSocksResolver write FSocksResolver;
- property SocksLastError: integer read FSocksLastError;
- end;
- TTCPBlockSocket = class(TSocksBlockSocket)
- public
- procedure CreateSocket; override;
- procedure CloseSocket; override;
- procedure Listen;
- function Accept: TSocket;
- procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
- function GetLocalSinIP: string; override;
- function GetRemoteSinIP: string; override;
- function GetLocalSinPort: Integer; override;
- function GetRemoteSinPort: Integer; override;
- end;
- TUDPBlockSocket = class(TSocksBlockSocket)
- protected
- FSocksControlSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
- function UdpAssociation: Boolean;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure CreateSocket; override;
- function EnableBroadcast(Value: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
- function SendBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
- function RecvBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
- function SendBufferTo(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
- function RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
- end;
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- TICMPBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
- public
- procedure CreateSocket; override;
- end;
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- TRAWBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
- public
- procedure CreateSocket; override;
- end;
- TIPHeader = record
- VerLen: Byte;
- TOS: Byte;
- TotalLen: Word;
- Identifer: Word;
- FragOffsets: Word;
- TTL: Byte;
- Protocol: Byte;
- CheckSum: Word;
- SourceIp: DWORD;
- DestIp: DWORD;
- Options: DWORD;
- end;
- implementation
- constructor TBlockSocket.Create;
- var
- e: ESynapseError;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FRaiseExcept := False;
- FProtocol := IPPROTO_IP;
- FBuffer := '';
- if not InitSocketInterface('') then
- begin
- e := ESynapseError.Create('Error loading Winsock DLL!');
- e.ErrorCode := 0;
- e.ErrorMessage := 'Error loading Winsock DLL!';
- raise e;
- end;
- SockCheck(synsock.WSAStartup($101, FWsaData));
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- constructor TBlockSocket.CreateAlternate(Stub: string);
- var
- e: ESynapseError;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FRaiseExcept := False;
- FProtocol := IPPROTO_IP;
- FBuffer := '';
- if not InitSocketInterface(Stub) then
- begin
- e := ESynapseError.Create('Error loading alternate Winsock DLL (' + Stub + ')!');
- e.ErrorCode := 0;
- e.ErrorMessage := 'Error loading Winsock DLL (' + Stub + ')!';
- raise e;
- end;
- SockCheck(synsock.WSAStartup($101, FWsaData));
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- destructor TBlockSocket.Destroy;
- begin
- CloseSocket;
- synsock.WSACleanup;
- DestroySocketInterface;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SetSin(var Sin: TSockAddrIn; IP, Port: string);
- var
- ProtoEnt: PProtoEnt;
- ServEnt: PServEnt;
- HostEnt: PHostEnt;
- begin
- DoStatus(HR_ResolvingBegin, IP + ':' + Port);
- FillChar(Sin, Sizeof(Sin), 0);
- Sin.sin_family := AF_INET;
- ProtoEnt := synsock.GetProtoByNumber(FProtocol);
- ServEnt := nil;
- if ProtoEnt <> nil then
- ServEnt := synsock.GetServByName(PChar(Port), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
- if ServEnt = nil then
- Sin.sin_port := synsock.htons(StrToIntDef(Port, 0))
- else
- Sin.sin_port := ServEnt^.s_port;
- if IP = '' then
- Sin.sin_addr.s_addr := u_long(INADDR_BROADCAST)
- else
- begin
- Sin.sin_addr.s_addr := synsock.inet_addr(PChar(IP));
- if SIn.sin_addr.s_addr = u_long(INADDR_NONE) then
- begin
- HostEnt := synsock.GetHostByName(PChar(IP));
- if HostEnt <> nil then
- SIn.sin_addr.S_addr := Longint(PLongint(HostEnt^.h_addr_list^)^);
- end;
- end;
- DoStatus(HR_ResolvingEnd, IP+':'+Port);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetSinIP(Sin: TSockAddrIn): string;
- var
- p: PChar;
- begin
- p := synsock.inet_ntoa(Sin.sin_addr);
- if p = nil then
- Result := ''
- else
- Result := p;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetSinPort(Sin: TSockAddrIn): Integer;
- begin
- Result := synsock.ntohs(Sin.sin_port);
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
- begin
- FBuffer := '';
- if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
- FLastError := synsock.WSAGetLastError
- else
- FLastError := 0;
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_SocketCreate, '');
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.CloseSocket;
- begin
- synsock.CloseSocket(FSocket);
- DoStatus(HR_SocketClose, '');
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.Bind(IP, Port: string);
- var
- Sin: TSockAddrIn;
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- SetSin(Sin, IP, Port);
- SockCheck(synsock.Bind(FSocket, Sin, SizeOf(Sin)));
- Len := SizeOf(FLocalSin);
- synsock.GetSockName(FSocket, FLocalSin, Len);
- FBuffer := '';
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_Bind, IP + ':' + Port);
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
- var
- Sin: TSockAddrIn;
- begin
- SetSin(Sin, IP, Port);
- SockCheck(synsock.Connect(FSocket, Sin, SizeOf(Sin)));
- GetSins;
- FBuffer := '';
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.GetSins;
- var
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- Len := SizeOf(FLocalSin);
- synsock.GetSockName(FSocket, FLocalSin, Len);
- Len := SizeOf(FRemoteSin);
- synsock.GetPeerName(FSocket, FremoteSin, Len);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := synsock.Send(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, 0);
- SockCheck(Result);
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(Result));
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SendByte(Data: Byte);
- begin
- SendBuffer(@Data, 1);
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SendString(const Data: string);
- begin
- SendBuffer(PChar(Data), Length(Data));
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, 0);
- if Result = 0 then
- else
- SockCheck(Result);
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferEx(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer;
- Timeout: Integer): Integer;
- var
- s, ss, st: string;
- x, l, lss: Integer;
- fb, fs: Integer;
- max: Integer;
- begin
- FLastError := 0;
- x := System.Length(FBuffer);
- if Length <= x then
- begin
- fb := Length;
- fs := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- fb := x;
- fs := Length - x;
- end;
- ss := '';
- if fb > 0 then
- begin
- s := Copy(FBuffer, 1, fb);
- Delete(FBuffer, 1, fb);
- end;
- if fs > 0 then
- begin
- Max := GetSizeRecvBuffer;
- ss := '';
- while System.Length(ss) < fs do
- begin
- if CanRead(Timeout) then
- begin
- l := WaitingData;
- if l > max then
- l := max;
- if (system.Length(ss) + l) > fs then
- l := fs - system.Length(ss);
- SetLength(st, l);
- x := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Pointer(st)^, l, 0);
- if x = 0 then
- else
- SockCheck(x);
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Break;
- DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(x));
- lss := system.Length(ss);
- SetLength(ss, lss + x);
- Move(Pointer(st)^, Pointer(@ss[lss + 1])^, x);
- {It is 3x faster then ss:=ss+copy(st,1,x);}
- Sleep(0);
- end
- else
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Break;
- end;
- fs := system.Length(ss);
- end;
- Result := fb + fs;
- s := s + ss;
- Move(Pointer(s)^, Buffer^, Result);
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): string;
- var
- x: integer;
- s: string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- FLastError := 0;
- x := -1;
- if FBuffer <> '' then
- begin
- Result := FBuffer;
- FBuffer := '';
- end
- else
- if CanRead(Timeout) then
- begin
- x := WaitingData;
- if x > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength(s, x);
- x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(s), x);
- Result := Copy(s, 1, x);
- end;
- end
- else
- ExceptCheck;
- if x = 0 then
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.RecvByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte;
- var
- y: Integer;
- Data: Byte;
- begin
- Data := 0;
- Result := 0;
- if CanRead(Timeout) then
- begin
- y := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Data, 1, 0);
- if y = 0 then
- else
- SockCheck(y);
- Result := Data;
- DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, '1');
- end
- else
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.RecvString(Timeout: Integer): string;
- const
- MaxBuf = 1024;
- var
- x: Integer;
- s: string;
- c: Char;
- r: Integer;
- begin
- s := '';
- FLastError := 0;
- c := #0;
- repeat
- if FBuffer = '' then
- begin
- x := WaitingData;
- if x = 0 then
- x := 1;
- if x > MaxBuf then
- x := MaxBuf;
- if x = 1 then
- begin
- c := Char(RecvByte(Timeout));
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Break;
- FBuffer := c;
- end
- else
- begin
- SetLength(FBuffer, x);
- r := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Pointer(FBuffer)^, x, 0);
- SockCheck(r);
- if r = 0 then
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Break;
- DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(r));
- if r < x then
- SetLength(FBuffer, r);
- end;
- end;
- x := Pos(#10, FBuffer);
- if x < 1 then x := Length(FBuffer);
- s := s + Copy(FBuffer, 1, x - 1);
- c := FBuffer[x];
- Delete(FBuffer, 1, x);
- s := s + c;
- until c = #10;
- if FLastError = 0 then
- begin
- s := AdjustLineBreaks(s, tlbsCRLF);
- {$ELSE}
- s := AdjustLineBreaks(s);
- {$ENDIF}
- x := Pos(#13 + #10, s);
- if x > 0 then
- s := Copy(s, 1, x - 1);
- Result := s;
- end
- else
- Result := '';
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.PeekBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, MSG_PEEK);
- SockCheck(Result);
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.PeekByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte;
- var
- y: Integer;
- Data: Byte;
- begin
- Data := 0;
- Result := 0;
- if CanRead(Timeout) then
- begin
- y := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Data, 1, MSG_PEEK);
- if y = 0 then
- SockCheck(y);
- Result := Data;
- end
- else
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.SockCheck(SockResult: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if SockResult = SOCKET_ERROR then
- Result := synsock.WSAGetLastError
- else
- Result := 0;
- FLastError := Result;
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.ExceptCheck;
- var
- e: ESynapseError;
- s: string;
- begin
- if FRaiseExcept and (LastError <> 0) then
- begin
- s := GetErrorDesc(LastError);
- e := ESynapseError.CreateFmt('TCP/IP Socket error %d: %s', [LastError, s]);
- e.ErrorCode := LastError;
- e.ErrorMessage := s;
- raise e;
- end;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.WaitingData: Integer;
- var
- x: Integer;
- begin
- synsock.IoctlSocket(FSocket, FIONREAD, u_long(x));
- Result := x;
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SetLinger(Enable: Boolean; Linger: Integer);
- var
- li: TLinger;
- begin
- li.l_onoff := Ord(Enable);
- li.l_linger := Linger div 1000;
- SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, @li, SizeOf(li)));
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.LocalName: string;
- var
- buf: array[0..255] of Char;
- BufPtr: PChar;
- RemoteHost: PHostEnt;
- begin
- BufPtr := buf;
- Result := '';
- synsock.GetHostName(BufPtr, SizeOf(buf));
- if BufPtr[0] <> #0 then
- begin
- // try get Fully Qualified Domain Name
- RemoteHost := synsock.GetHostByName(BufPtr);
- if RemoteHost <> nil then
- Result := PChar(RemoteHost^.h_name);
- end;
- if Result = '' then
- Result := '';
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; IPList: TStrings);
- type
- TaPInAddr = array[0..250] of PInAddr;
- PaPInAddr = ^TaPInAddr;
- var
- RemoteHost: PHostEnt;
- IP: u_long;
- PAdrPtr: PaPInAddr;
- i: Integer;
- s: string;
- InAddr: TInAddr;
- begin
- IPList.Clear;
- IP := synsock.inet_addr(PChar(Name));
- if IP = u_long(INADDR_NONE) then
- begin
- RemoteHost := synsock.GetHostByName(PChar(Name));
- if RemoteHost <> nil then
- begin
- PAdrPtr := PAPInAddr(RemoteHost^.h_addr_list);
- i := 0;
- while PAdrPtr^[i] <> nil do
- begin
- InAddr := PAdrPtr^[i]^;
- with InAddr.S_un_b do
- s := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',
- [Ord(s_b1), Ord(s_b2), Ord(s_b3), Ord(s_b4)]);
- IPList.Add(s);
- Inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- if IPList.Count = 0 then
- IPList.Add('');
- end
- else
- IPList.Add(Name);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.ResolveName(Name: string): string;
- var
- l: TStringList;
- begin
- l := TStringList.Create;
- try
- ResolveNameToIP(Name, l);
- Result := l[0];
- finally
- l.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.ResolvePort(Port: string): Word;
- var
- ProtoEnt: PProtoEnt;
- ServEnt: PServEnt;
- begin
- ProtoEnt := synsock.GetProtoByNumber(FProtocol);
- ServEnt := nil;
- if ProtoEnt <> nil then
- ServEnt := synsock.GetServByName(PChar(Port), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
- if ServEnt = nil then
- Result := synsock.htons(StrToIntDef(Port, 0))
- else
- Result := ServEnt^.s_port;
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SetRemoteSin(IP, Port: string);
- begin
- SetSin(FRemoteSin, IP, Port);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP: string;
- begin
- Result := GetSinIP(FLocalSin);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP: string;
- begin
- Result := GetSinIP(FRemoteSin);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetSinPort(FLocalSin);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetSinPort(FRemoteSin);
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.CanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- FDSet: TFDSet;
- TimeVal: PTimeVal;
- TimeV: TTimeVal;
- x: Integer;
- begin
- TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
- TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
- TimeVal := @TimeV;
- if Timeout = -1 then
- TimeVal := nil;
- FD_SET(FSocket, FDSet);
- x := synsock.Select(FSocket + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
- SockCheck(x);
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- x := 0;
- Result := x > 0;
- ExceptCheck;
- if Result then
- DoStatus(HR_CanRead, '');
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.CanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- FDSet: TFDSet;
- TimeVal: PTimeVal;
- TimeV: TTimeVal;
- x: Integer;
- begin
- TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
- TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
- TimeVal := @TimeV;
- if Timeout = -1 then
- TimeVal := nil;
- FD_SET(FSocket, FDSet);
- x := synsock.Select(FSocket + 1, nil, @FDSet, nil, TimeVal);
- SockCheck(x);
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- x := 0;
- Result := x > 0;
- ExceptCheck;
- if Result then
- DoStatus(HR_CanWrite, '');
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- var
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- Len := SizeOf(FRemoteSin);
- Result := synsock.SendTo(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, 0, FRemoteSin, Len);
- SockCheck(Result);
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- var
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- Len := SizeOf(FRemoteSin);
- Result := synsock.RecvFrom(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, 0, FRemoteSin, Len);
- SockCheck(Result);
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetSizeRecvBuffer: Integer;
- var
- l: Integer;
- begin
- l := SizeOf(Result);
- SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, @Result, l));
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Result := 1024;
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SetSizeRecvBuffer(Size: Integer);
- begin
- SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, @Size, SizeOf(Size)));
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GetSizeSendBuffer: Integer;
- var
- l: Integer;
- begin
- l := SizeOf(Result);
- SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, @Result, l));
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Result := 1024;
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.SetSizeSendBuffer(Size: Integer);
- begin
- SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, @Size, SizeOf(Size)));
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- function TBlockSocket.SetTimeout(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := SetSendTimeout(Timeout) and SetRecvTimeout(Timeout);
- end;
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- function TBlockSocket.SetSendTimeout(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO,
- @Timeout, SizeOf(Timeout)) <> SOCKET_ERROR;
- end;
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- function TBlockSocket.SetRecvTimeout(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,
- @Timeout, SizeOf(Timeout)) <> SOCKET_ERROR;
- end;
- function TBlockSocket.GroupCanRead(const SocketList: TList; Timeout: Integer;
- const CanReadList: TList): boolean;
- var
- FDSet: TFDSet;
- TimeVal: PTimeVal;
- TimeV: TTimeVal;
- x, n: Integer;
- Max: Integer;
- begin
- TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
- TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
- TimeVal := @TimeV;
- if Timeout = -1 then
- TimeVal := nil;
- Max := 0;
- for n := 0 to SocketList.Count - 1 do
- if TObject(SocketList.Items[n]) is TBlockSocket then
- begin
- if TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket > Max then
- Max := TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket;
- FD_SET(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket, FDSet);
- end;
- x := synsock.Select(Max + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
- SockCheck(x);
- ExceptCheck;
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- x := 0;
- Result := x > 0;
- CanReadList.Clear;
- if Result then
- for n := 0 to SocketList.Count - 1 do
- if TObject(SocketList.Items[n]) is TBlockSocket then
- if FD_ISSET(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket, FDSet) then
- CanReadList.Add(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]));
- end;
- procedure TBlockSocket.DoStatus(Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: string);
- begin
- if assigned(OnStatus) then
- OnStatus(Self, Reason, Value);
- end;
- class function TBlockSocket.GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: Integer): string;
- begin
- case ErrorCode of
- 0:
- Result := 'OK';
- WSAEINTR: {10004}
- Result := 'Interrupted system call';
- WSAEBADF: {10009}
- Result := 'Bad file number';
- WSAEACCES: {10013}
- Result := 'Permission denied';
- WSAEFAULT: {10014}
- Result := 'Bad address';
- WSAEINVAL: {10022}
- Result := 'Invalid argument';
- WSAEMFILE: {10024}
- Result := 'Too many open files';
- Result := 'Operation would block';
- Result := 'Operation now in progress';
- WSAEALREADY: {10037}
- Result := 'Operation already in progress';
- WSAENOTSOCK: {10038}
- Result := 'Socket operation on nonsocket';
- Result := 'Destination address required';
- WSAEMSGSIZE: {10040}
- Result := 'Message too long';
- Result := 'Protocol wrong type for Socket';
- Result := 'Protocol not available';
- Result := 'Protocol not supported';
- Result := 'Socket not supported';
- Result := 'Operation not supported on Socket';
- Result := 'Protocol family not supported';
- Result := 'Address family not supported';
- Result := 'Address already in use';
- Result := 'Can''t assign requested address';
- WSAENETDOWN: {10050}
- Result := 'Network is down';
- Result := 'Network is unreachable';
- Result := 'Network dropped connection on reset';
- Result := 'Software caused connection abort';
- Result := 'Connection reset by peer';
- WSAENOBUFS: {10055}
- Result := 'No Buffer space available';
- WSAEISCONN: {10056}
- Result := 'Socket is already connected';
- WSAENOTCONN: {10057}
- Result := 'Socket is not connected';
- Result := 'Can''t send after Socket shutdown';
- Result := 'Too many references:can''t splice';
- Result := 'Connection timed out';
- Result := 'Connection refused';
- WSAELOOP: {10062}
- Result := 'Too many levels of symbolic links';
- Result := 'File name is too long';
- Result := 'Host is down';
- Result := 'No route to host';
- Result := 'Directory is not empty';
- WSAEPROCLIM: {10067}
- Result := 'Too many processes';
- WSAEUSERS: {10068}
- Result := 'Too many users';
- WSAEDQUOT: {10069}
- Result := 'Disk quota exceeded';
- WSAESTALE: {10070}
- Result := 'Stale NFS file handle';
- WSAEREMOTE: {10071}
- Result := 'Too many levels of remote in path';
- Result := 'Network subsystem is unusable';
- Result := 'Winsock DLL cannot support this application';
- Result := 'Winsock not initialized';
- WSAEDISCON: {10101}
- Result := 'WSAEDISCON-10101';
- Result := 'Host not found';
- WSATRY_AGAIN: {11002}
- Result := 'Non authoritative - host not found';
- Result := 'Non recoverable error';
- WSANO_DATA: {11004}
- Result := 'Valid name, no data record of requested type'
- else
- Result := 'Not a Winsock error (' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ')';
- end;
- end;
- {======================================================================}
- constructor TSocksBlockSocket.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FSocksIP:= '';
- FSocksPort:= '1080';
- FSocksTimeout:= 300000;
- FSocksUsername:= '';
- FSocksPassword:= '';
- FUsingSocks := False;
- FSocksResolver := True;
- FSocksLastError := 0;
- FSocksResponseIP := '';
- FSocksResponsePort := '';
- FSocksLocalIP := '';
- FSocksLocalPort := '';
- FSocksRemoteIP := '';
- FSocksRemotePort := '';
- end;
- function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksOpen: boolean;
- var
- Buf: string;
- n: integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FUsingSocks := False;
- if FSocksUsername = '' then
- Buf := #5 + #1 + #0
- else
- Buf := #5 + #2 + #2 +#0;
- SendString(Buf);
- Buf := RecvPacket(FSocksTimeout);
- FBuffer := Copy(Buf, 3, Length(buf) - 2);
- if Length(Buf) < 2 then
- Exit;
- if Buf[1] <> #5 then
- Exit;
- n := Ord(Buf[2]);
- case n of
- 0: //not need authorisation
- ;
- 2:
- begin
- Buf := #1 + char(Length(FSocksUsername)) + FSocksUsername
- + char(Length(FSocksPassword)) + FSocksPassword;
- SendString(Buf);
- Buf := RecvPacket(FSocksTimeout);
- FBuffer := Copy(Buf, 3, Length(buf) - 2);
- if Length(Buf) < 2 then
- Exit;
- if Buf[2] <> #0 then
- Exit;
- end;
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- FUsingSocks := True;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksRequest(Cmd: Byte;
- const IP, Port: string): Boolean;
- var
- Buf: string;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Buf := #5 + char(Cmd) + #0 + SocksCode(IP, Port);
- SendString(Buf);
- Result := FLastError = 0;
- end;
- function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksResponse: Boolean;
- var
- Buf: string;
- x: integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FSocksResponseIP := '';
- FSocksResponsePort := '';
- Buf := RecvPacket(FSocksTimeout);
- if FLastError <> 0 then
- Exit;
- if Length(Buf) < 5 then
- Exit;
- if Buf[1] <> #5 then
- Exit;
- FSocksLastError := Ord(Buf[2]);
- if FSocksLastError <> 0 then
- Exit;
- x := SocksDecode(Buf);
- FBuffer := Copy(Buf, x, Length(buf) - x + 1);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksCode(IP, Port: string): string;
- begin
- if IsIP(IP) then
- Result := #1 + IPToID(IP)
- else
- if FSocksResolver then
- Result := #3 + char(Length(IP)) + IP
- else
- Result := #1 + IPToID(ResolveName(IP));
- Result := Result + CodeInt(synsock.htons(ResolvePort(Port)));
- end;
- function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksDecode(Value: string): integer;
- var
- Atyp: Byte;
- y, n: integer;
- w: Word;
- begin
- FSocksResponsePort := '0';
- Atyp := Ord(Value[4]);
- Result := 5;
- case Atyp of
- 1:
- begin
- if Length(Value) < 10 then
- Exit;
- FSocksResponseIP := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',
- [Ord(Value[5]), Ord(Value[6]), Ord(Value[7]), Ord(Value[8])]);
- Result := 9;
- end;
- 3:
- begin
- y := Ord(Value[5]);
- if Length(Value) < (5 + y + 2) then
- Exit;
- for n := 6 to 6 + y do
- FSocksResponseIP := FSocksResponseIP + Value[n];
- Result := 5 + y +1;
- end;
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- w := DecodeInt(Value, Result);
- FSocksResponsePort := IntToStr(w);
- Result := Result + 2;
- end;
- {======================================================================}
- destructor TUDPBlockSocket.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(FSocksControlSock) then
- FSocksControlSock.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TUDPBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
- begin
- FSocket := synsock.Socket(PF_INET, Integer(SOCK_DGRAM), IPPROTO_UDP);
- FProtocol := IPPROTO_UDP;
- inherited CreateSocket;
- end;
- function TUDPBlockSocket.EnableBroadcast(Value: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- Opt: Integer;
- Res: Integer;
- begin
- opt := Ord(Value);
- Res := synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, @Opt, SizeOf(opt));
- SockCheck(Res);
- Result := res = 0;
- ExceptCheck;
- end;
- procedure TUDPBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
- begin
- SetRemoteSin(IP, Port);
- FBuffer := '';
- DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
- end;
- function TUDPBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := RecvBufferFrom(Buffer, Length);
- end;
- function TUDPBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := SendBufferTo(Buffer, Length);
- end;
- function TUDPBlockSocket.UdpAssociation: Boolean;
- var
- b: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- FUsingSocks := False;
- if FSocksIP <> '' then
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Assigned(FSocksControlSock) then
- FSocksControlSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
- FSocksControlSock.CloseSocket;
- FSocksControlSock.CreateSocket;
- FSocksControlSock.Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
- if FSocksControlSock.LastError <> 0 then
- Exit;
- // if not assigned local port, assign it!
- if GetLocalSinPort = 0 then
- Bind(GetLocalSinIP, '0');
- GetSins;
- //open control TCP connection to SOCKS
- b := FSocksControlSock.SocksOpen;
- if b then
- b := FSocksControlSock.SocksRequest(3, GetLocalSinIP,
- IntToStr(GetLocalSinPort));
- if b then
- b := FSocksControlSock.SocksResponse;
- if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
- FUsingSocks :=FSocksControlSock.UsingSocks;
- FSocksRemoteIP := FSocksControlSock.FSocksResponseIP;
- FSocksRemotePort := FSocksControlSock.FSocksResponsePort;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- function TUDPBlockSocket.SendBufferTo(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- var
- SIp: string;
- SPort: integer;
- Buf: string;
- begin
- UdpAssociation;
- if FUsingSocks then
- begin
- Sip := GetRemoteSinIp;
- SPort := GetRemoteSinPort;
- SetRemoteSin(FSocksRemoteIP, FSocksRemotePort);
- SetLength(Buf,Length);
- Move(Buffer^, PChar(Buf)^, Length);
- Buf := #0 + #0 + #0 + SocksCode(Sip, IntToStr(SPort)) + Buf;
- Result := inherited SendBufferTo(PChar(Buf), System.Length(buf));
- SetRemoteSin(Sip, IntToStr(SPort));
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := inherited SendBufferTo(Buffer, Length);
- GetSins;
- end;
- end;
- function TUDPBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Integer): Integer;
- var
- Buf: string;
- x: integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited RecvBufferFrom(Buffer, Length);
- if FUsingSocks then
- begin
- SetLength(Buf, Result);
- Move(Buffer^, PChar(Buf)^, Result);
- x := SocksDecode(Buf);
- Result := Result - x + 1;
- Buf := Copy(Buf, x, Result);
- Move(PChar(Buf)^, Buffer^, Result);
- SetRemoteSin(FSocksResponseIP, FSocksResponsePort);
- end;
- end;
- {======================================================================}
- procedure TTCPBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
- begin
- FSocket := synsock.Socket(PF_INET, Integer(SOCK_STREAM), IPPROTO_TCP);
- FProtocol := IPPROTO_TCP;
- inherited CreateSocket;
- end;
- procedure TTCPBlockSocket.CloseSocket;
- begin
- synsock.Shutdown(FSocket, 1);
- inherited CloseSocket;
- end;
- procedure TTCPBlockSocket.Listen;
- var
- b: Boolean;
- Sip,SPort: string;
- begin
- if FSocksIP = '' then
- begin
- SockCheck(synsock.Listen(FSocket, SOMAXCONN));
- GetSins;
- end
- else
- begin
- Sip := GetLocalSinIP;
- if Sip = '' then
- Sip := LocalName;
- SPort := IntToStr(GetLocalSinPort);
- Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
- b := SocksOpen;
- if b then
- b := SocksRequest(2, Sip, SPort);
- if b then
- b := SocksResponse;
- if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
- FSocksLocalIP := FSocksResponseIP;
- if FSocksLocalIP = '' then
- FSocksLocalIP := FSocksIP;
- FSocksLocalPort := FSocksResponsePort;
- FSocksRemoteIP := '';
- FSocksRemotePort := '';
- end;
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_Listen, '');
- end;
- function TTCPBlockSocket.Accept: TSocket;
- var
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- if FUsingSocks then
- begin
- if not SocksResponse and (FLastError = 0) then
- FSocksRemoteIP := FSocksResponseIP;
- FSocksRemotePort := FSocksResponsePort;
- Result := FSocket;
- end
- else
- begin
- Len := SizeOf(FRemoteSin);
- Result := synsock.Accept(FSocket, @FRemoteSin, @Len);
- SockCheck(Result);
- end;
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_Accept, '');
- end;
- procedure TTCPBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
- var
- b: Boolean;
- begin
- if FSocksIP = '' then
- inherited Connect(IP, Port)
- else
- begin
- inherited Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
- b := SocksOpen;
- if b then
- b := SocksRequest(1, IP, Port);
- if b then
- b := SocksResponse;
- if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
- FSocksLocalIP := FSocksResponseIP;
- FSocksLocalPort := FSocksResponsePort;
- FSocksRemoteIP := IP;
- FSocksRemotePort := Port;
- ExceptCheck;
- DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
- end;
- end;
- function TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP: string;
- begin
- if FUsingSocks then
- Result := FSocksLocalIP
- else
- Result := inherited GetLocalSinIP;
- end;
- function TTCPBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP: string;
- begin
- if FUsingSocks then
- Result := FSocksRemoteIP
- else
- Result := inherited GetRemoteSinIP;
- end;
- function TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort: Integer;
- begin
- if FUsingSocks then
- Result := StrToIntDef(FSocksLocalPort, 0)
- else
- Result := inherited GetLocalSinPort;
- end;
- function TTCPBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort: Integer;
- begin
- if FUsingSocks then
- Result := StrToIntDef(FSocksRemotePort, 0)
- else
- Result := inherited GetRemoteSinPort;
- end;
- {======================================================================}
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- procedure TICMPBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
- begin
- FSocket := synsock.Socket(PF_INET, Integer(SOCK_RAW), IPPROTO_ICMP);
- FProtocol := IPPROTO_ICMP;
- inherited CreateSocket;
- end;
- {======================================================================}
- //See 'winsock2.txt' file in distribute package!
- procedure TRAWBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
- begin
- FSocket := synsock.Socket(PF_INET, Integer(SOCK_RAW), IPPROTO_RAW);
- FProtocol := IPPROTO_RAW;
- inherited CreateSocket;
- end;
- end.