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- {==============================================================================|
- | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 001.001.002 |
- |==============================================================================|
- | Content: POP3 client |
- |==============================================================================|
- | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 |
- | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the |
- | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ |
- | |
- | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, |
- | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for |
- | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. |
- |==============================================================================|
- | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. |
- |==============================================================================|
- | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
- | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2001. |
- | All Rights Reserved. |
- |==============================================================================|
- | Contributor(s): |
- |==============================================================================|
- | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
- | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
- |==============================================================================}
- unit POP3send;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Classes,
- blcksock, SynaUtil, SynaCode;
- const
- cPop3Protocol = 'pop3';
- type
- TPOP3AuthType = (POP3AuthAll, POP3AuthLogin, POP3AuthAPOP);
- TPOP3Send = class(TObject)
- private
- FSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
- FTimeout: Integer;
- FPOP3Host: string;
- FPOP3Port: string;
- FResultCode: Integer;
- FResultString: string;
- FFullResult: TStringList;
- FUsername: string;
- FPassword: string;
- FStatCount: Integer;
- FStatSize: Integer;
- FTimeStamp: string;
- FAuthType: TPOP3AuthType;
- function ReadResult(Full: Boolean): Integer;
- function Connect: Boolean;
- function AuthLogin: Boolean;
- function AuthApop: Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Login: Boolean;
- procedure Logout;
- function Reset: Boolean;
- function NoOp: Boolean;
- function Stat: Boolean;
- function List(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- function Retr(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- function Dele(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- function Top(Value, Maxlines: Integer): Boolean;
- function Uidl(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- published
- property Timeout: Integer read FTimeout Write FTimeout;
- property POP3Host: string read FPOP3Host Write FPOP3Host;
- property POP3Port: string read FPOP3Port Write FPOP3Port;
- property ResultCode: Integer read FResultCode;
- property ResultString: string read FResultString;
- property FullResult: TStringList read FFullResult;
- property Username: string read FUsername Write FUsername;
- property Password: string read FPassword Write FPassword;
- property StatCount: Integer read FStatCount;
- property StatSize: Integer read FStatSize;
- property TimeStamp: string read FTimeStamp;
- property AuthType: TPOP3AuthType read FAuthType Write FAuthType;
- property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock;
- end;
- implementation
- const
- CRLF = #13#10;
- constructor TPOP3Send.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FFullResult := TStringList.Create;
- FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
- FSock.CreateSocket;
- FTimeout := 300000;
- FPOP3host := cLocalhost;
- FPOP3Port := cPop3Protocol;
- FUsername := '';
- FPassword := '';
- FStatCount := 0;
- FStatSize := 0;
- FAuthType := POP3AuthAll;
- end;
- destructor TPOP3Send.Destroy;
- begin
- FSock.Free;
- FullResult.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.ReadResult(Full: Boolean): Integer;
- var
- s: string;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- FFullResult.Clear;
- s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout);
- if Pos('+OK', s) = 1 then
- Result := 1;
- FResultString := s;
- if Full and (Result = 1) then
- repeat
- s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout);
- if s = '.' then
- Break;
- FFullResult.Add(s);
- until FSock.LastError <> 0;
- FResultCode := Result;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.AuthLogin: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FSock.SendString('USER ' + FUserName + CRLF);
- if ReadResult(False) <> 1 then
- Exit;
- FSock.SendString('PASS ' + FPassword + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(False) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.AuthAPOP: Boolean;
- var
- s: string;
- begin
- s := StrToHex(MD5(FTimeStamp + FPassWord));
- FSock.SendString('APOP ' + FUserName + ' ' + s + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(False) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Connect: Boolean;
- begin
- // Do not call this function! It is calling by LOGIN method!
- FStatCount := 0;
- FStatSize := 0;
- FSock.CloseSocket;
- FSock.LineBuffer := '';
- FSock.CreateSocket;
- FSock.Connect(POP3Host, POP3Port);
- Result := FSock.LastError = 0;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Login: Boolean;
- var
- s, s1: string;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FTimeStamp := '';
- if not Connect then
- Exit;
- if ReadResult(False) <> 1 then
- Exit;
- s := SeparateRight(FResultString, '<');
- if s <> FResultString then
- begin
- s1 := SeparateLeft(s, '>');
- if s1 <> s then
- FTimeStamp := '<' + s1 + '>';
- end;
- Result := False;
- if (FTimeStamp <> '') and not (FAuthType = POP3AuthLogin) then
- Result := AuthApop;
- if not Result and not (FAuthType = POP3AuthAPOP) then
- Result := AuthLogin;
- end;
- procedure TPOP3Send.Logout;
- begin
- FSock.SendString('QUIT' + CRLF);
- ReadResult(False);
- FSock.CloseSocket;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Reset: Boolean;
- begin
- FSock.SendString('RSET' + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(False) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.NoOp: Boolean;
- begin
- FSock.SendString('NOOP' + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(False) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Stat: Boolean;
- var
- s: string;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FSock.SendString('STAT' + CRLF);
- if ReadResult(False) <> 1 then
- Exit;
- s := SeparateRight(ResultString, '+OK ');
- FStatCount := StrToIntDef(SeparateLeft(s, ' '), 0);
- FStatSize := StrToIntDef(SeparateRight(s, ' '), 0);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.List(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if Value = 0 then
- FSock.SendString('LIST' + CRLF)
- else
- FSock.SendString('LIST ' + IntToStr(Value) + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(Value = 0) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Retr(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- FSock.SendString('RETR ' + IntToStr(Value) + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(True) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Dele(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- FSock.SendString('DELE ' + IntToStr(Value) + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(False) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Top(Value, Maxlines: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- FSock.SendString('TOP ' + IntToStr(Value) + ' ' + IntToStr(Maxlines) + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(True) = 1;
- end;
- function TPOP3Send.Uidl(Value: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if Value = 0 then
- FSock.SendString('UIDL' + CRLF)
- else
- FSock.SendString('UIDL ' + IntToStr(Value) + CRLF);
- Result := ReadResult(Value = 0) = 1;
- end;
- end.