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(*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Files: ddraw.h dvp.h * Content: DirectDraw and DirectDrawVideoPort include files * * DirectX 7.0 Delphi adaptation by Erik Unger * * Modified: 10-Sep-2000 * * Download: http://www.delphi-jedi.org/DelphiGraphics/ * E-Mail: DelphiDirectX@next-reality.com * * ***************************************************************************) unit DirectDraw; interface {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$ALIGN ON} uses Windows; var DDrawDLL : HMODULE = 0; function DDErrorString(Value: HResult) : string; function MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3: Char) : DWORD; (* * FOURCC codes for DX compressed-texture pixel formats *) const FOURCC_DXT1 = 'DXT1'; FOURCC_DXT2 = 'DXT2'; FOURCC_DXT3 = 'DXT3'; FOURCC_DXT4 = 'DXT4'; FOURCC_DXT5 = 'DXT5'; (* * GUIDS used by DirectDraw objects *) const CLSID_DirectDraw: TGUID = '{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}'; CLSID_DirectDraw7: TGUID = '{3c305196-50db-11d3-9cfe-00c04fd930c5}'; CLSID_DirectDrawClipper: TGUID = '{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00b93356}'; const DD_ROP_SPACE = (256 div 32); // space required to store ROP array MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING = 512; (* * Flags for the IDirectDraw4::GetDeviceIdentifier method *) (* * This flag causes GetDeviceIdentifier to return information about the host (typically 2D) adapter in a system equipped * with a stacked secondary 3D adapter. Such an adapter appears to the application as if it were part of the * host adapter, but is typically physcially located on a separate card. The stacked secondary's information is * returned when GetDeviceIdentifier's dwFlags field is zero, since this most accurately reflects the qualities * of the DirectDraw object involved. *) DDGDI_GETHOSTIDENTIFIER = $00000001; (*============================================================================ * * DirectDraw Structures * * Various structures used to invoke DirectDraw. * *==========================================================================*) const INIL : Integer = 0; var NilGUID : TGUID absolute INIL; type TRefGUID = packed record case integer of 1: (guid : PGUID); 2: (dwFlags : DWORD); end; IDirectDraw = interface; IDirectDraw2 = interface; IDirectDraw4 = interface; IDirectDraw7 = interface; IDirectDrawSurface = interface; IDirectDrawSurface2 = interface; IDirectDrawSurface3 = interface; IDirectDrawSurface4 = interface; IDirectDrawSurface7 = interface; IDirectDrawPalette = interface; IDirectDrawClipper = interface; IDirectDrawColorControl = interface; IDirectDrawGammaControl = interface; (* * Generic pixel format with 8-bit RGB and alpha components *) PDDARGB = ^TDDARGB; TDDARGB = packed record blue: BYTE; green: BYTE; red: BYTE; alpha: BYTE; end; (* * This version of the structure remains for backwards source compatibility. * The DDARGB structure is the one that should be used for all DirectDraw APIs. *) PDDRGBA = ^TDDRGBA; TDDRGBA = packed record red : BYTE; green : BYTE; blue : BYTE; alpha : BYTE; end; (* * TDDColorKey *) PDDColorKey = ^TDDColorKey; TDDColorKey = packed record dwColorSpaceLowValue: DWORD; // low boundary of color space that is to // be treated as Color Key, inclusive dwColorSpaceHighValue: DWORD; // high boundary of color space that is // to be treated as Color Key, inclusive end; // Delphi 5 can't handle interface in variant records // so we have to use pointers instead (which can be type-casted into interfaces): {$IFDEF VER130} PDirectDrawSurface = Pointer; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF VER140} // D6, TP 14 PDirectDrawSurface = Pointer; {$ELSE} PDirectDrawSurface = IDirectDrawSurface; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} (* * TDDBltFX * Used to pass override information to the DIRECTDRAWSURFACE callback Blt. *) PDDBltFX = ^TDDBltFX; TDDBltFX = packed record dwSize : DWORD; // size of structure dwDDFX : DWORD; // FX operations dwROP : DWORD; // Win32 raster operations dwDDROP : DWORD; // Raster operations new for DirectDraw dwRotationAngle : DWORD; // Rotation angle for blt dwZBufferOpCode : DWORD; // ZBuffer compares dwZBufferLow : DWORD; // Low limit of Z buffer dwZBufferHigh : DWORD; // High limit of Z buffer dwZBufferBaseDest : DWORD; // Destination base value dwZDestConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for destination case integer of 0: ( dwZDestConst : DWORD // Constant to use as Z buffer for dest ); 1: ( lpDDSZBufferDest : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Z buffer for dest dwZSrcConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for source case integer of 0: ( dwZSrcConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Z buffer for src ); 1: ( lpDDSZBufferSrc : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Z buffer for src dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend dwAlphaEdgeBlend : DWORD; // Alpha for edge blending dwReserved : DWORD; dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for destination case integer of 0: ( dwAlphaDestConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Alpha Channel ); 1: ( lpDDSAlphaDest : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Alpha Channel dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source case integer of 0: ( dwAlphaSrcConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Alpha Channel ); 1: ( lpDDSAlphaSrc : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Alpha Channel case integer of 0: ( dwFillColor : DWORD; // color in RGB or Palettized ); 1: ( dwFillDepth : DWORD; // depth value for z-buffer ); 2: ( dwFillPixel : DWORD; // pixel value ); 3: ( lpDDSPattern : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as pattern ddckDestColorkey : TDDColorKey; // DestColorkey override ddckSrcColorkey : TDDColorKey; // SrcColorkey override ) ) ) ) ) end; (* * TDDSCaps *) PDDSCaps = ^TDDSCaps; TDDSCaps = packed record dwCaps: DWORD; // capabilities of surface wanted end; (* * TDDOSCaps *) PDDOSCaps = ^TDDOSCaps; TDDOSCaps = packed record dwCaps: DWORD; // capabilities of surface wanted end; (* * This structure is used internally by DirectDraw. *) PDDSCapsEx = ^TDDSCapsEx; TDDSCapsEx = packed record dwCaps2 : DWORD; dwCaps3 : DWORD; dwCaps4 : DWORD; end; (* * TDDSCaps2 *) PDDSCaps2 = ^TDDSCaps2; TDDSCaps2 = packed record dwCaps: DWORD; // capabilities of surface wanted dwCaps2 : DWORD; dwCaps3 : DWORD; dwCaps4 : DWORD; end; (* * TDDCaps *) (* * This structure is the TDDCaps structure as it was in version 2 and 3 of Direct X. * It is present for back compatability. *) PDDCaps_DX3 = ^TDDCaps_DX3; TDDCaps_DX3 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8 dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32 dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // TDDSCaps structure has all the general capabilities dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved dwSVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->Vmem blts dwVSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for Vmem->System blts dwSSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->System blts dwReserved4 : DWORD; dwReserved5 : DWORD; dwReserved6 : DWORD; end; (* * This structure is the TDDCaps structure as it was in version 5 of Direct X. * It is present for back compatability. *) PDDCaps_DX5 = ^TDDCaps_DX5; TDDCaps_DX5 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8 dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32 dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // TDDSCaps structure has all the general capabilities dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved dwSVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->Vmem blts dwVSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for Vmem->System blts dwSSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->System blts // Members added for DX5: dwMaxVideoPorts: DWORD; // maximum number of usable video ports dwCurrVideoPorts: DWORD; // current number of video ports used dwSVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwNLVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts dwNLVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities non-local->local vidmem blts dwNLVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts dwNLVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for non-local->local blts dwNLVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported for non-local->local blts end; PDDCaps_DX6 = ^TDDCaps_DX6; TDDCaps_DX6 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the DDDRIVERCAPS structure dwCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities dwCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilites dwCKeyCaps: DWORD; // color key capabilities of the surface dwFXCaps: DWORD; // driver specific stretching and effects capabilites dwFXAlphaCaps: DWORD; // alpha driver specific capabilities dwPalCaps: DWORD; // palette capabilities dwSVCaps: DWORD; // stereo vision capabilities dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8 dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_1,2,4,8 dwZBufferBitDepths: DWORD; // DDBD_8,16,24,32 dwVidMemTotal: DWORD; // total amount of video memory dwVidMemFree: DWORD; // amount of free video memory dwMaxVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // maximum number of visible overlays dwCurrVisibleOverlays: DWORD; // current number of visible overlays dwNumFourCCCodes: DWORD; // number of four cc codes dwAlignBoundarySrc: DWORD; // source rectangle alignment dwAlignSizeSrc: DWORD; // source rectangle byte size dwAlignBoundaryDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle alignment dwAlignSizeDest: DWORD; // dest rectangle byte size dwAlignStrideAlign: DWORD; // stride alignment dwRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported ddsOldCaps: TDDSCaps; // Was dssCaps: TDDSCaps. ddsCaps is of type TDDScaps2 for DX6 dwMinOverlayStretch: DWORD; // minimum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxOverlayStretch: DWORD; // maximum overlay stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMinLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // minimum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxLiveVideoStretch: DWORD; // maximum live video stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMinHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // minimum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwMaxHwCodecStretch: DWORD; // maximum hardware codec stretch factor multiplied by 1000, eg 1000 == 1.0, 1300 == 1.3 dwReserved1: DWORD; // reserved dwReserved2: DWORD; // reserved dwReserved3: DWORD; // reserved dwSVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwSVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->Vmem blts dwVSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for Vmem->System blts dwVSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for Vmem->System blts dwSSBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for System->System blts dwSSBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD;// ROPS supported for System->System blts // Members added for DX5: dwMaxVideoPorts: DWORD; // maximum number of usable video ports dwCurrVideoPorts: DWORD; // current number of video ports used dwSVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities for System->Vmem blts dwNLVBCaps: DWORD; // driver specific capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts dwNLVBCaps2: DWORD; // more driver specific capabilities non-local->local vidmem blts dwNLVBCKeyCaps: DWORD; // driver color key capabilities for non-local->local vidmem blts dwNLVBFXCaps: DWORD; // driver FX capabilities for non-local->local blts dwNLVBRops: Array [0..DD_ROP_SPACE-1] of DWORD; // ROPS supported for non-local->local blts // Members added for DX6 release ddsCaps : TDDSCaps2 ; // Surface Caps end; TDDCaps_DX7 = TDDCaps_DX6; PDDCaps = ^TDDCaps; {$IFDEF DIRECTX3} TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX3; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF DIRECTX5} TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX5; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF DIRECTX6} TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX6; {$ELSE} TDDCaps = TDDCaps_DX7; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} (* * TDDPixelFormat *) PDDPixelFormat_DX5 = ^TDDPixelFormat_DX5; TDDPixelFormat_DX5 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of structure dwFlags: DWORD; // pixel format flags dwFourCC: DWORD; // (FOURCC code) case Integer of 0: ( dwZBufferBitDepth: DWORD; // how many bits for z buffers ); 1: ( dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; // how many bits for alpha channels ); 2: ( dwRGBBitCount: DWORD; // how many bits per pixel dwRBitMask: DWORD; // mask for red bit dwGBitMask: DWORD; // mask for green bits dwBBitMask: DWORD; // mask for blue bits dwRGBAlphaBitMask: DWORD; // mask for alpha channel ); 3: ( dwYUVBitCount: DWORD; // how many bits per pixel dwYBitMask: DWORD; // mask for Y bits dwUBitMask: DWORD; // mask for U bits dwVBitMask: DWORD; // mask for V bits case Integer of 0: ( dwYUVAlphaBitMask: DWORD; // mask for alpha channel ); 1: ( dwRGBZBitMask: DWORD; ); 2: ( dwYUVZBitMask: DWORD; ); ); end; PDDPixelFormat_DX6 = ^TDDPixelFormat_DX6; TDDPixelFormat_DX6 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of structure dwFlags: DWORD; // pixel format flags dwFourCC: DWORD; // (FOURCC code) case Integer of 1: ( dwRGBBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per pixel dwRBitMask : DWORD; // mask for red bit dwGBitMask : DWORD; // mask for green bits dwBBitMask : DWORD; // mask for blue bits dwRGBAlphaBitMask : DWORD; // mask for alpha channel ); 2: ( dwYUVBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per pixel dwYBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Y bits dwUBitMask : DWORD; // mask for U bits dwVBitMask : DWORD; // mask for V bits dwYUVAlphaBitMask : DWORD; // mask for alpha channel ); 3: ( dwZBufferBitDepth : DWORD; // how many total bits/pixel in z buffer (including any stencil bits) dwStencilBitDepth : DWORD; // how many stencil bits (note: dwZBufferBitDepth-dwStencilBitDepth is total Z-only bits) dwZBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Z bits dwStencilBitMask : DWORD; // mask for stencil bits dwLuminanceAlphaBitMask : DWORD;// mask for alpha channel ); 4: ( dwAlphaBitDepth : DWORD; // how many bits for alpha channels dwLuminanceBitMask : DWORD; // mask for luminance bits dwBumpDvBitMask : DWORD; // mask for bump map V delta bits dwBumpLuminanceBitMask : DWORD; // mask for luminance in bump map dwRGBZBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Z channel ); 5: ( dwLuminanceBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per pixel dwBumpDuBitMask : DWORD; // mask for bump map U delta bits Fill1, Fill2 : DWORD; dwYUVZBitMask : DWORD; // mask for Z channel ); 6: ( dwBumpBitCount : DWORD; // how many bits per "buxel", total ); end; TDDPixelFormat_DX3 = TDDPixelFormat_DX5; TDDPixelFormat_DX7 = TDDPixelFormat_DX6; PDDPixelFormat = ^TDDPixelFormat; {$IFDEF DIRECTX3} TDDPixelFormat = TDDPixelFormat_DX3; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF DIRECTX5} TDDPixelFormat = TDDPixelFormat_DX5; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF DIRECTX6} TDDPixelFormat = TDDPixelFormat_DX6; {$ELSE} TDDPixelFormat = TDDPixelFormat_DX7; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} (* * TDDOverlayFX *) PDDOverlayFX = ^TDDOverlayFX; TDDOverlayFX = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of structure dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth: DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend dwAlphaEdgeBlend: DWORD; // Constant to use as alpha for edge blend dwReserved: DWORD; dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth: DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for destination case Integer of 0: ( dwAlphaDestConst: DWORD; // Constant to use as alpha channel for dest dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth: DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source dwAlphaSrcConst: DWORD; // Constant to use as alpha channel for src dckDestColorkey: TDDColorKey; // DestColorkey override dckSrcColorkey: TDDColorKey; // DestColorkey override dwDDFX: DWORD; // Overlay FX dwFlags: DWORD; // flags ); 1: ( lpDDSAlphaDest: PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as alpha channel for dest filler: DWORD; lpDDSAlphaSrc: PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as alpha channel for src ); end; (* * TDDBltBatch: BltBatch entry structure *) PDDBltBatch = ^TDDBltBatch; TDDBltBatch = packed record lprDest: PRect; lpDDSSrc: IDirectDrawSurface; lprSrc: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: TDDBltFX; end; (* * TDDGammaRamp *) PDDGammaRamp = ^TDDGammaRamp; TDDGammaRamp = packed record red : array[0..255] of WORD; green : array[0..255] of WORD; blue : array[0..255] of WORD; end; (* * This is the structure within which DirectDraw returns data about the current graphics driver and chipset *) PDDDeviceIdentifier = ^TDDDeviceIdentifier; TDDDeviceIdentifier = packed record // // These elements are for presentation to the user only. They should not be used to identify particular // drivers, since this is unreliable and many different strings may be associated with the same // device, and the same driver from different vendors. // szDriver: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char; szDescription: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char; // // This element is the version of the DirectDraw/3D driver. It is legal to do <, > comparisons // on the whole 64 bits. Caution should be exercised if you use this element to identify problematic // drivers. It is recommended that guidDeviceIdentifier is used for this purpose. // // This version has the form: // wProduct = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart) // wVersion = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart) // wSubVersion = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart) // wBuild = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart) // liDriverVersion: TLargeInteger; // Defined for applications and other 32 bit components // // These elements can be used to identify particular chipsets. Use with extreme caution. // dwVendorId Identifies the manufacturer. May be zero if unknown. // dwDeviceId Identifies the type of chipset. May be zero if unknown. // dwSubSysId Identifies the subsystem, typically this means the particular board. May be zero if unknown. // dwRevision Identifies the revision level of the chipset. May be zero if unknown. // dwVendorId: DWORD; dwDeviceId: DWORD; dwSubSysId: DWORD; dwRevision: DWORD; // // This element can be used to check changes in driver/chipset. This GUID is a unique identifier for the // driver/chipset pair. Use this element if you wish to track changes to the driver/chipset in order to // reprofile the graphics subsystem. // This element can also be used to identify particular problematic drivers. // guidDeviceIdentifier: TGUID; end; PDDDeviceIdentifier2 = ^TDDDeviceIdentifier2; TDDDeviceIdentifier2 = packed record // // These elements are for presentation to the user only. They should not be used to identify particular // drivers, since this is unreliable and many different strings may be associated with the same // device, and the same driver from different vendors. // szDriver: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char; szDescription: array[0..MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING-1] of Char; // // This element is the version of the DirectDraw/3D driver. It is legal to do <, > comparisons // on the whole 64 bits. Caution should be exercised if you use this element to identify problematic // drivers. It is recommended that guidDeviceIdentifier is used for this purpose. // // This version has the form: // wProduct = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart) // wVersion = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart) // wSubVersion = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart) // wBuild = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart) // liDriverVersion: TLargeInteger; // Defined for applications and other 32 bit components // // These elements can be used to identify particular chipsets. Use with extreme caution. // dwVendorId Identifies the manufacturer. May be zero if unknown. // dwDeviceId Identifies the type of chipset. May be zero if unknown. // dwSubSysId Identifies the subsystem, typically this means the particular board. May be zero if unknown. // dwRevision Identifies the revision level of the chipset. May be zero if unknown. // dwVendorId: DWORD; dwDeviceId: DWORD; dwSubSysId: DWORD; dwRevision: DWORD; // // This element can be used to check changes in driver/chipset. This GUID is a unique identifier for the // driver/chipset pair. Use this element if you wish to track changes to the driver/chipset in order to // reprofile the graphics subsystem. // This element can also be used to identify particular problematic drivers. // guidDeviceIdentifier: TGUID; (* * This element is used to determine the Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) * certification level for this driver/device pair. *) dwWHQLLevel: DWORD; end; (* * callbacks *) TClipperCallback = function(lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; hWnd: HWND; Code: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; TSurfacesStreamingCallback = function(Arg: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; (* * TDDSurfaceDesc *) PDDSurfaceDesc_DX5 = ^TDDSurfaceDesc_DX5; TDDSurfaceDesc_DX5 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDSurfaceDesc structure dwFlags: DWORD; // determines what fields are valid dwHeight: DWORD; // height of surface to be created dwWidth: DWORD; // width of input surface case Integer of 0: ( dwLinearSize : DWORD; // unused at the moment ); 1: ( lPitch: LongInt; // distance to start of next line (return value only) dwBackBufferCount: DWORD; // number of back buffers requested case Integer of 0: ( dwMipMapCount: DWORD; // number of mip-map levels requested dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of alpha buffer requested dwReserved: DWORD; // reserved lpSurface: Pointer; // pointer to the associated surface memory ddckCKDestOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination overlay use ddckCKDestBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination blt use ddckCKSrcOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for source overlay use ddckCKSrcBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for source blt use ddpfPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat_DX5; // pixel format description of the surface ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // direct draw surface capabilities ); 1: ( dwZBufferBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of Z buffer requested ); 2: ( dwRefreshRate: DWORD; // refresh rate (used when display mode is described) ); ); end; PDDSurfaceDesc_DX6 = ^TDDSurfaceDesc_DX6; TDDSurfaceDesc_DX6 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDSurfaceDesc structure dwFlags: DWORD; // determines what fields are valid dwHeight: DWORD; // height of surface to be created dwWidth: DWORD; // width of input surface case Integer of 0: ( dwLinearSize : DWORD; // unused at the moment ); 1: ( lPitch: LongInt; // distance to start of next line (return value only) dwBackBufferCount: DWORD; // number of back buffers requested case Integer of 0: ( dwMipMapCount: DWORD; // number of mip-map levels requested dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of alpha buffer requested dwReserved: DWORD; // reserved lpSurface: Pointer; // pointer to the associated surface memory ddckCKDestOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination overlay use ddckCKDestBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination blt use ddckCKSrcOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for source overlay use ddckCKSrcBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for source blt use ddpfPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat_DX6; // pixel format description of the surface ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; // direct draw surface capabilities ); 1: ( dwZBufferBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of Z buffer requested ); 2: ( dwRefreshRate: DWORD; // refresh rate (used when display mode is described) ); ); end; PDDSurfaceDesc = ^TDDSurfaceDesc; {$IFDEF DIRECTX5} TDDSurfaceDesc = TDDSurfaceDesc_DX5; {$ELSE} TDDSurfaceDesc = TDDSurfaceDesc_DX6; {$ENDIF} (* * TDDSurfaceDesc2 *) PDDSurfaceDesc2 = ^TDDSurfaceDesc2; TDDSurfaceDesc2 = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDSurfaceDesc structure dwFlags: DWORD; // determines what fields are valid dwHeight: DWORD; // height of surface to be created dwWidth: DWORD; // width of input surface case Integer of 0: ( lPitch : LongInt; // distance to start of next line (return value only) ); 1: ( dwLinearSize : DWORD; // Formless late-allocated optimized surface size dwBackBufferCount: DWORD; // number of back buffers requested case Integer of 0: ( dwMipMapCount: DWORD; // number of mip-map levels requested dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; // depth of alpha buffer requested dwReserved: DWORD; // reserved lpSurface: Pointer; // pointer to the associated surface memory ddckCKDestOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination overlay use ddckCKDestBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for destination blt use ddckCKSrcOverlay: TDDColorKey; // color key for source overlay use ddckCKSrcBlt: TDDColorKey; // color key for source blt use ddpfPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat; // pixel format description of the surface ddsCaps: TDDSCaps2; // direct draw surface capabilities dwTextureStage: DWORD; // stage in multitexture cascade ); 1: ( dwRefreshRate: DWORD; // refresh rate (used when display mode is described) ); ); end; (* * TDDOptSurfaceDesc *) PDDOptSurfaceDesc = ^TDDOptSurfaceDesc; TDDOptSurfaceDesc = packed record dwSize : DWORD; // size of the DDOPTSURFACEDESC structure dwFlags : DWORD; // determines what fields are valid ddSCaps : TDDSCaps2; // Common caps like: Memory type ddOSCaps : TDDOSCaps; // Common caps like: Memory type guid : TGUID; // Compression technique GUID dwCompressionRatio : DWORD; // Compression ratio end; (* * DDCOLORCONTROL *) PDDColorControl = ^TDDColorControl; TDDColorControl = packed record dwSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; lBrightness: LongInt; lContrast: LongInt; lHue: LongInt; lSaturation: LongInt; lSharpness: LongInt; lGamma: LongInt; lColorEnable: LongInt; dwReserved1: DWORD; end; (* * callbacks *) {$IFNDEF WINNT} TDDEnumModesCallback = function (const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; TDDEnumModesCallback2 = function (const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; TDDEnumSurfacesCallback = function (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2 = function (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7 = function (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; {$ENDIF} (* * INTERACES FOLLOW: * IDirectDraw * IDirectDrawClipper * IDirectDrawPalette * IDirectDrawSurface *) (* * IDirectDraw *) IDirectDraw = interface (IUnknown) ['{6C14DB80-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}'] (*** IDirectDraw methods ***) function Compact: HResult; stdcall; function CreateClipper (dwFlags: DWORD; out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreatePalette (dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: pointer; out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateSurface (var lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function DuplicateSurface (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumDisplayModes (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumSurfaces (dwFlags: DWORD; const lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDisplayMode (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFourCCCodes (var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetGDISurface (out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function GetMonitorFrequency (out lpdwFrequency: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetScanLine (out lpdwScanLine: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVerticalBlankStatus (out lpbIsInVB: BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpGUID: PGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall; function SetCooperativeLevel (hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Warning! SetDisplayMode differs between DirectDraw 1 and DirectDraw 2 ***) function SetDisplayMode (dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBpp: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function WaitForVerticalBlank (dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirectDraw2 = interface (IUnknown) ['{B3A6F3E0-2B43-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}'] (*** IDirectDraw methods ***) function Compact: HResult; stdcall; function CreateClipper (dwFlags: DWORD; out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreatePalette (dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: pointer; out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateSurface (var lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function DuplicateSurface (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumDisplayModes (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumSurfaces (dwFlags: DWORD; var lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDisplayMode (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFourCCCodes (var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetGDISurface (out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function GetMonitorFrequency (out lpdwFrequency: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetScanLine (out lpdwScanLine: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVerticalBlankStatus (out lpbIsInVB: BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpGUID: PGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall; function SetCooperativeLevel (hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Warning! SetDisplayMode differs between DirectDraw 1 and DirectDraw 2 ***) function SetDisplayMode (dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBPP: DWORD; dwRefreshRate: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function WaitForVerticalBlank (dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetAvailableVidMem (var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps; out lpdwTotal, lpdwFree: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirectDraw4 = interface (IUnknown) ['{9c59509a-39bd-11d1-8c4a-00c04fd930c5}'] (*** IDirectDraw methods ***) function Compact: HResult; stdcall; function CreateClipper (dwFlags: DWORD; out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreatePalette (dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: pointer; out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateSurface (const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function DuplicateSurface (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumDisplayModes (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback2) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumSurfaces (dwFlags: DWORD; const lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2) : HResult; stdcall; function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDisplayMode (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFourCCCodes (var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetGDISurface (out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; function GetMonitorFrequency (out lpdwFrequency: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetScanLine (out lpdwScanLine: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVerticalBlankStatus (out lpbIsInVB: BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpGUID: PGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall; function SetCooperativeLevel (hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Warning! SetDisplayMode differs between DirectDraw 1 and DirectDraw 2 ***) function SetDisplayMode (dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBPP: DWORD; dwRefreshRate: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function WaitForVerticalBlank (dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetAvailableVidMem (const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2; out lpdwTotal, lpdwFree: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the V4 Interface ***) function GetSurfaceFromDC (hdc : Windows.HDC; out lpDDS4: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; function RestoreAllSurfaces : HResult; stdcall; function TestCooperativeLevel : HResult; stdcall; function GetDeviceIdentifier (out lpdddi: TDDDeviceIdentifier; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirectDraw7 = interface (IUnknown) ['{15e65ec0-3b9c-11d2-b92f-00609797ea5b}'] (*** IDirectDraw methods ***) function Compact: HResult; stdcall; function CreateClipper (dwFlags: DWORD; out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreatePalette (dwFlags: DWORD; lpColorTable: pointer; out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function CreateSurface (const lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; out lplpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function DuplicateSurface (lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; out lplpDupDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumDisplayModes (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSurfaceDesc: PDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumModesCallback: TDDEnumModesCallback2) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumSurfaces (dwFlags: DWORD; const lpDDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc2; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7) : HResult; stdcall; function FlipToGDISurface: HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (lpDDDriverCaps: PDDCaps; lpDDHELCaps: PDDCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDisplayMode (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFourCCCodes (var lpNumCodes: DWORD; lpCodes: PDWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetGDISurface (out lplpGDIDDSSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; function GetMonitorFrequency (out lpdwFrequency: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetScanLine (out lpdwScanLine: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVerticalBlankStatus (out lpbIsInVB: BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpGUID: PGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function RestoreDisplayMode: HResult; stdcall; function SetCooperativeLevel (hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function SetDisplayMode (dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwBPP: DWORD; dwRefreshRate: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function WaitForVerticalBlank (dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetAvailableVidMem (const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2; out lpdwTotal, lpdwFree: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the V4 Interface ***) function GetSurfaceFromDC (hdc : Windows.HDC; out lpDDS: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; function RestoreAllSurfaces : HResult; stdcall; function TestCooperativeLevel : HResult; stdcall; function GetDeviceIdentifier (out lpdddi: TDDDeviceIdentifier2; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function StartModeTest(const lpModesToTest; dwNumEntries, dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function EvaluateMode(dwFlags: DWORD; out pSecondsUntilTimeout: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawPalette *) IDirectDrawPalette = interface (IUnknown) ['{6C14DB84-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}'] (*** IDirectDrawPalette methods ***) function GetCaps (out lpdwCaps: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetEntries (dwFlags: DWORD; dwBase: DWORD; dwNumEntries: DWORD; lpEntries: pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorTable: pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function SetEntries (dwFlags: DWORD; dwStartingEntry: DWORD; dwCount: DWORD; lpEntries: pointer) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawClipper *) IDirectDrawClipper = interface (IUnknown) ['{6C14DB85-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}'] (*** IDirectDrawClipper methods ***) function GetClipList (lpRect: PRect; lpClipList: PRgnData; var lpdwSize: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetHWnd (out lphWnd: HWND) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function IsClipListChanged (out lpbChanged: BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function SetClipList (lpClipList: PRgnData; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function SetHWnd (dwFlags: DWORD; hWnd: HWND) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawSurface and related interfaces *) IDirectDrawSurface = interface (IUnknown) ['{6C14DB81-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}'] (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***) function AddAttachedSurface (lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function AddOverlayDirtyRect (const lpRect: TRect) : HResult; stdcall; function Blt (lpDestRect: PRect; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX) : HResult; stdcall; function BltBatch (const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function BltFast (dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwTrans: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteAttachedSurface (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumAttachedSurfaces (lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumOverlayZOrders (dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer; lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function Flip (lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAttachedSurface (var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps; (*out*)var lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBltStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipper (out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function GetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDC (out lphDC: HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFlipStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetOverlayPosition (out lplX, lplY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPalette (out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelFormat (out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function GetSurfaceDesc (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function IsLost: HResult; stdcall; function Lock (lpDestRect: PRect; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseDC (hDC: Windows.HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function _Restore: HResult; stdcall; function SetClipper (lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function SetOverlayPosition (lX, lY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPalette (lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock (lpSurfaceData: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlay (lpSrcRect: PRect; lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; lpDestRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayDisplay (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayZOrder (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawSurface2 and related interfaces *) IDirectDrawSurface2 = interface (IUnknown) ['{57805885-6eec-11cf-9441-a82303c10e27}'] (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***) function AddAttachedSurface (lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2) : HResult; stdcall; function AddOverlayDirtyRect (const lpRect: TRect) : HResult; stdcall; function Blt (lpDestRect: PRect; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX) : HResult; stdcall; function BltBatch (const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function BltFast (dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwTrans: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteAttachedSurface (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumAttachedSurfaces (lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumOverlayZOrders (dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer; lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function Flip (lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface2; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAttachedSurface (var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps; out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBltStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipper (out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function GetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDC (out lphDC: HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFlipStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetOverlayPosition (out lplX, lplY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPalette (out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelFormat (out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function GetSurfaceDesc (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function IsLost: HResult; stdcall; function Lock (lpDestRect: PRect; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseDC (hDC: Windows.HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function _Restore: HResult; stdcall; function SetClipper (lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function SetOverlayPosition (lX, lY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPalette (lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock (lpSurfaceData: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlay (lpSrcRect: PRect; lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface2; lpDestRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayDisplay (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayZOrder (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface2) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetDDInterface (var lplpDD: IDirectDraw) : HResult; stdcall; function PageLock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function PageUnlock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirectDrawSurface3 = interface (IUnknown) ['{DA044E00-69B2-11D0-A1D5-00AA00B8DFBB}'] (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***) function AddAttachedSurface (lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3) : HResult; stdcall; function AddOverlayDirtyRect (const lpRect: TRect) : HResult; stdcall; function Blt (lpDestRect: PRect; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX) : HResult; stdcall; function BltBatch (const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function BltFast (dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwTrans: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteAttachedSurface (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumAttachedSurfaces (lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumOverlayZOrders (dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer; lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function Flip (lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface3; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAttachedSurface (var lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps; out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBltStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipper (out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function GetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDC (out lphDC: HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFlipStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetOverlayPosition (out lplX, lplY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPalette (out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelFormat (out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function GetSurfaceDesc (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc) : HResult; stdcall; function IsLost: HResult; stdcall; function Lock (lpDestRect: PRect; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseDC (hDC: Windows.HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function _Restore: HResult; stdcall; function SetClipper (lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function SetOverlayPosition (lX, lY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPalette (lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock (lpSurfaceData: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlay (lpSrcRect: PRect; lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface3; lpDestRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayDisplay (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayZOrder (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface3) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetDDInterface (out lplpDD: IDirectDraw) : HResult; stdcall; function PageLock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function PageUnlock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the V3 interface ***) function SetSurfaceDesc(const lpddsd: TDDSurfaceDesc; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawSurface4 and related interfaces *) IDirectDrawSurface4 = interface (IUnknown) ['{0B2B8630-AD35-11D0-8EA6-00609797EA5B}'] (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***) function AddAttachedSurface (lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; function AddOverlayDirtyRect (const lpRect: TRect) : HResult; stdcall; function Blt (lpDestRect: PRect; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX) : HResult; stdcall; function BltBatch (const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function BltFast (dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwTrans: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteAttachedSurface (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumAttachedSurfaces (lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumOverlayZOrders (dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer; lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback2) : HResult; stdcall; function Flip (lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface4; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAttachedSurface (const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2; out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBltStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipper (out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function GetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDC (out lphDC: HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFlipStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetOverlayPosition (out lplX, lplY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPalette (out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelFormat (out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function GetSurfaceDesc (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2) : HResult; stdcall; function IsLost: HResult; stdcall; function Lock (lpDestRect: PRect; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseDC (hDC: Windows.HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function _Restore: HResult; stdcall; function SetClipper (lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function SetOverlayPosition (lX, lY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPalette (lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock (lpRect: PRect) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlay (lpSrcRect: PRect; lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface4; lpDestRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayDisplay (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayZOrder (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface4) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetDDInterface (out lplpDD: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function PageLock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function PageUnlock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the V3 interface ***) function SetSurfaceDesc(const lpddsd2: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v4 interface ***) function SetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpData: pointer; cbSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpBuffer: pointer; var lpcbBufferSize: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function FreePrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function GetUniquenessValue(out lpValue: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function ChangeUniquenessValue : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirectDrawSurface7 = interface (IUnknown) ['{06675a80-3b9b-11d2-b92f-00609797ea5b}'] (*** IDirectDrawSurface methods ***) function AddAttachedSurface (lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; function AddOverlayDirtyRect (const lpRect: TRect) : HResult; stdcall; function Blt (lpDestRect: PRect; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDBltFx: PDDBltFX) : HResult; stdcall; function BltBatch (const lpDDBltBatch: TDDBltBatch; dwCount: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function BltFast (dwX: DWORD; dwY: DWORD; lpDDSrcSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; lpSrcRect: PRect; dwTrans: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function DeleteAttachedSurface (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumAttachedSurfaces (lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumSurfacesCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumOverlayZOrders (dwFlags: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer; lpfnCallback: TDDEnumSurfacesCallback7) : HResult; stdcall; function Flip (lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride: IDirectDrawSurface7; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetAttachedSurface (const lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2; out lplpDDAttachedSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBltStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetCaps (out lpDDSCaps: TDDSCaps2) : HResult; stdcall; function GetClipper (out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function GetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; out lpDDColorKey: TDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function GetDC (out lphDC: HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFlipStatus (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetOverlayPosition (out lplX, lplY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPalette (out lplpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPixelFormat (out lpDDPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat) : HResult; stdcall; function GetSurfaceDesc (out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2) : HResult; stdcall; function Initialize (lpDD: IDirectDraw; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2) : HResult; stdcall; function IsLost: HResult; stdcall; function Lock (lpDestRect: PRect; out lpDDSurfaceDesc: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD; hEvent: THandle) : HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseDC (hDC: Windows.HDC) : HResult; stdcall; function _Restore: HResult; stdcall; function SetClipper (lpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorKey (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDColorKey: PDDColorKey) : HResult; stdcall; function SetOverlayPosition (lX, lY: LongInt) : HResult; stdcall; function SetPalette (lpDDPalette: IDirectDrawPalette) : HResult; stdcall; function Unlock (lpRect: PRect) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlay (lpSrcRect: PRect; lpDDDestSurface: IDirectDrawSurface7; lpDestRect: PRect; dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDOverlayFx: PDDOverlayFX) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayDisplay (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function UpdateOverlayZOrder (dwFlags: DWORD; lpDDSReference: IDirectDrawSurface7) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v2 interface ***) function GetDDInterface (out lplpDD: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function PageLock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function PageUnlock (dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the V3 interface ***) function SetSurfaceDesc(const lpddsd2: TDDSurfaceDesc2; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; (*** Added in the v4 interface ***) function SetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpData: pointer; cbSize: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID; lpBuffer: pointer; var lpcbBufferSize: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function FreePrivateData(const guidTag: TGUID) : HResult; stdcall; function GetUniquenessValue(out lpValue: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function ChangeUniquenessValue : HResult; stdcall; (*** Moved Texture7 methods here ***) function SetPriority(dwPriority: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetPriority(out lpdwPriority: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function SetLOD(dwMaxLOD: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetLOD(out lpdwMaxLOD: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; IDirectDrawColorControl = interface (IUnknown) ['{4B9F0EE0-0D7E-11D0-9B06-00A0C903A3B8}'] function GetColorControls(out lpColorControl: TDDColorControl) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorControls(const lpColorControl: TDDColorControl) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawGammaControl *) IDirectDrawGammaControl = interface (IUnknown) ['{69C11C3E-B46B-11D1-AD7A-00C04FC29B4E}'] function GetGammaRamp (dwFlags: DWORD; out lpRampData: TDDGammaRamp) : HResult; stdcall; function SetGammaRamp (dwFlags: DWORD; const lpRampData: TDDGammaRamp) : HResult; stdcall; end; type IID_IDirectDraw = IDirectDraw; IID_IDirectDraw2 = IDirectDraw2; IID_IDirectDraw4 = IDirectDraw4; IID_IDirectDraw7 = IDirectDraw7; IID_IDirectDrawSurface = IDirectDrawSurface; IID_IDirectDrawSurface2 = IDirectDrawSurface2; IID_IDirectDrawSurface3 = IDirectDrawSurface3; IID_IDirectDrawSurface4 = IDirectDrawSurface4; IID_IDirectDrawSurface7 = IDirectDrawSurface7; IID_IDirectDrawPalette = IDirectDrawPalette; IID_IDirectDrawClipper = IDirectDrawClipper; IID_IDirectDrawColorControl = IDirectDrawColorControl; IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl = IDirectDrawGammaControl; const (* * ddsCaps field is valid. *) DDSD_CAPS = $00000001; // default (* * dwHeight field is valid. *) DDSD_HEIGHT = $00000002; (* * dwWidth field is valid. *) DDSD_WIDTH = $00000004; (* * lPitch is valid. *) DDSD_PITCH = $00000008; (* * dwBackBufferCount is valid. *) DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT = $00000020; (* * dwZBufferBitDepth is valid. (shouldnt be used in DDSURFACEDESC2) *) DDSD_ZBUFFERBITDEPTH = $00000040; (* * dwAlphaBitDepth is valid. *) DDSD_ALPHABITDEPTH = $00000080; (* * lpSurface is valid. *) DDSD_LPSURFACE = $00000800; (* * ddpfPixelFormat is valid. *) DDSD_PIXELFORMAT = $00001000; (* * ddckCKDestOverlay is valid. *) DDSD_CKDESTOVERLAY = $00002000; (* * ddckCKDestBlt is valid. *) DDSD_CKDESTBLT = $00004000; (* * ddckCKSrcOverlay is valid. *) DDSD_CKSRCOVERLAY = $00008000; (* * ddckCKSrcBlt is valid. *) DDSD_CKSRCBLT = $00010000; (* * dwMipMapCount is valid. *) DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT = $00020000; (* * dwRefreshRate is valid *) DDSD_REFRESHRATE = $00040000; (* * dwLinearSize is valid *) DDSD_LINEARSIZE = $00080000; (* * dwTextureStage is valid *) DDSD_TEXTURESTAGE = $00100000; (* * All input fields are valid. *) DDSD_ALL = $001ff9ee; (* * guid field is valid. *) DDOSD_GUID = $00000001; (* * dwCompressionRatio field is valid. *) DDOSD_COMPRESSION_RATIO = $00000002; (* * ddSCaps field is valid. *) DDOSD_SCAPS = $00000004; (* * ddOSCaps field is valid. *) DDOSD_OSCAPS = $00000008; (* * All input fields are valid. *) DDOSD_ALL = $0000000f; (* * The surface's optimized pixelformat is compressed *) DDOSDCAPS_OPTCOMPRESSED = $00000001; (* * The surface's optimized pixelformat is reordered *) DDOSDCAPS_OPTREORDERED = $00000002; (* * The opt surface is a monolithic mipmap *) DDOSDCAPS_MONOLITHICMIPMAP = $00000004; (* * The valid Surf caps: * DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY = $00000800; * DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY = $00004000; * DDSCAPS_LOCALVIDMEM = $10000000; * DDSCAPS_NONLOCALVIDMEM = $20000000; *) DDOSDCAPS_VALIDSCAPS = $30004800; (* * The valid OptSurf caps *) DDOSDCAPS_VALIDOSCAPS = $00000007; (* * DDCOLORCONTROL *) (* * lBrightness field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_BRIGHTNESS = $00000001; (* * lContrast field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_CONTRAST = $00000002; (* * lHue field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_HUE = $00000004; (* * lSaturation field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_SATURATION = $00000008; (* * lSharpness field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_SHARPNESS = $00000010; (* * lGamma field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_GAMMA = $00000020; (* * lColorEnable field is valid. *) DDCOLOR_COLORENABLE = $00000040; (*============================================================================ * * Direct Draw Capability Flags * * These flags are used to describe the capabilities of a given Surface. * All flags are bit flags. * *==========================================================================*) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE CAPABILITY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * This bit currently has no meaning. *) DDSCAPS_RESERVED1 = $00000001; (* * Indicates that this surface contains alpha-only information. * (To determine if a surface is RGBA/YUVA, the pixel format must be * interrogated.) *) DDSCAPS_ALPHA = $00000002; (* * Indicates that this surface is a backbuffer. It is generally * set by CreateSurface when the DDSCAPS_FLIP capability bit is set. * It indicates that this surface is THE back buffer of a surface * flipping structure. DirectDraw supports N surfaces in a * surface flipping structure. Only the surface that immediately * precedeces the DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER has this capability bit set. * The other surfaces are identified as back buffers by the presence * of the DDSCAPS_FLIP capability, their attachment order, and the * absence of the DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER and DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER * capabilities. The bit is sent to CreateSurface when a standalone * back buffer is being created. This surface could be attached to * a front buffer and/or back buffers to form a flipping surface * structure after the CreateSurface call. See AddAttachments for * a detailed description of the behaviors in this case. *) DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER = $00000004; (* * Indicates a complex surface structure is being described. A * complex surface structure results in the creation of more than * one surface. The additional surfaces are attached to the root * surface. The complex structure can only be destroyed by * destroying the root. *) DDSCAPS_COMPLEX = $00000008; (* * Indicates that this surface is a part of a surface flipping structure. * When it is passed to CreateSurface the DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER and * DDSCAP_BACKBUFFER bits are not set. They are set by CreateSurface * on the resulting creations. The dwBackBufferCount field in the * TDDSurfaceDesc structure must be set to at least 1 in order for * the CreateSurface call to succeed. The DDSCAPS_COMPLEX capability * must always be set with creating multiple surfaces through CreateSurface. *) DDSCAPS_FLIP = $00000010; (* * Indicates that this surface is THE front buffer of a surface flipping * structure. It is generally set by CreateSurface when the DDSCAPS_FLIP * capability bit is set. * If this capability is sent to CreateSurface then a standalonw front buffer * is created. This surface will not have the DDSCAPS_FLIP capability. * It can be attached to other back buffers to form a flipping structure. * See AddAttachments for a detailed description of the behaviors in this * case. *) DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER = $00000020; (* * Indicates that this surface is any offscreen surface that is not an overlay, * texture, zbuffer, front buffer, back buffer, or alpha surface. It is used * to identify plain vanilla surfaces. *) DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN = $00000040; (* * Indicates that this surface is an overlay. It may or may not be directly visible * depending on whether or not it is currently being overlayed onto the primary * surface. DDSCAPS_VISIBLE can be used to determine whether or not it is being * overlayed at the moment. *) DDSCAPS_OVERLAY = $00000080; (* * Indicates that unique DirectDrawPalette objects can be created and * attached to this surface. *) DDSCAPS_PALETTE = $00000100; (* * Indicates that this surface is the primary surface. The primary * surface represents what the user is seeing at the moment. *) DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE = $00000200; (* * This flag used to be DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT, which is now * obsolete. *) DDSCAPS_RESERVED3 = $00000400; (* * Indicates that this surface is the primary surface for the left eye. * The primary surface for the left eye represents what the user is seeing * at the moment with the users left eye. When this surface is created the * DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE represents what the user is seeing with the users * right eye. *) DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT = DDSCAPS_RESERVED3; (* * Indicates that this surface memory was allocated in system memory *) DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY = $00000800; (* * Indicates that this surface can be used as a 3D texture. It does not * indicate whether or not the surface is being used for that purpose. *) DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = $00001000; (* * Indicates that a surface may be a destination for 3D rendering. This * bit must be set in order to query for a Direct3D Device Interface * from this surface. *) DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE = $00002000; (* * Indicates that this surface exists in video memory. *) DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY = $00004000; (* * Indicates that changes made to this surface are immediately visible. * It is always set for the primary surface and is set for overlays while * they are being overlayed and texture maps while they are being textured. *) DDSCAPS_VISIBLE = $00008000; (* * Indicates that only writes are permitted to the surface. Read accesses * from the surface may or may not generate a protection fault, but the * results of a read from this surface will not be meaningful. READ ONLY. *) DDSCAPS_WRITEONLY = $00010000; (* * Indicates that this surface is a z buffer. A z buffer does not contain * displayable information. Instead it contains bit depth information that is * used to determine which pixels are visible and which are obscured. *) DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER = $00020000; (* * Indicates surface will have a DC associated long term *) DDSCAPS_OWNDC = $00040000; (* * Indicates surface should be able to receive live video *) DDSCAPS_LIVEVIDEO = $00080000; (* * Indicates surface should be able to have a stream decompressed * to it by the hardware. *) DDSCAPS_HWCODEC = $00100000; (* * Surface is a ModeX surface. * *) DDSCAPS_MODEX = $00200000; (* * Indicates surface is one level of a mip-map. This surface will * be attached to other DDSCAPS_MIPMAP surfaces to form the mip-map. * This can be done explicitly, by creating a number of surfaces and * attaching them with AddAttachedSurface or by implicitly by CreateSurface. * If this bit is set then DDSCAPS_TEXTURE must also be set. *) DDSCAPS_MIPMAP = $00400000; (* * This bit is reserved. It should not be specified. *) DDSCAPS_RESERVED2 = $00800000; (* * Indicates that memory for the surface is not allocated until the surface * is loaded (via the Direct3D texture Load() function). *) DDSCAPS_ALLOCONLOAD = $04000000; (* * Indicates that the surface will recieve data from a video port. *) DDSCAPS_VIDEOPORT = $08000000; (* * Indicates that a video memory surface is resident in true, local video * memory rather than non-local video memory. If this flag is specified then * so must DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY. This flag is mutually exclusive with * DDSCAPS_NONLOCALVIDMEM. *) DDSCAPS_LOCALVIDMEM = $10000000; (* * Indicates that a video memory surface is resident in non-local video * memory rather than true, local video memory. If this flag is specified * then so must DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY. This flag is mutually exclusive with * DDSCAPS_LOCALVIDMEM. *) DDSCAPS_NONLOCALVIDMEM = $20000000; (* * Indicates that this surface is a standard VGA mode surface, and not a * ModeX surface. (This flag will never be set in combination with the * DDSCAPS_MODEX flag). *) DDSCAPS_STANDARDVGAMODE = $40000000; (* * Indicates that this surface will be an optimized surface. This flag is * currently only valid in conjunction with the DDSCAPS_TEXTURE flag. The surface * will be created without any underlying video memory until loaded. *) DDSCAPS_OPTIMIZED = $80000000; (* * Indicates that this surface will receive data from a video port using * the de-interlacing hardware. This allows the driver to allocate memory * for any extra buffers that may be required. The DDSCAPS_VIDEOPORT and * DDSCAPS_OVERLAY flags must also be set. *) DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE = $00000002; (* * Indicates to the driver that this surface will be locked very frequently * (for procedural textures, dynamic lightmaps, etc). Surfaces with this cap * set must also have DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. This cap cannot be used with * DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC and DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE. *) DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC = $00000004; (* * Indicates to the driver that this surface can be re-ordered/retiled on * load. This operation will not change the size of the texture. It is * relatively fast and symmetrical, since the application may lock these * bits (although it will take a performance hit when doing so). Surfaces * with this cap set must also have DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. This cap cannot be * used with DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC and DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE. *) DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC = $00000008; (* * Indicates that the client would like this texture surface to be managed by the * DirectDraw/Direct3D runtime. Surfaces with this cap set must also have * DDSCAPS_TEXTURE and DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY. *) DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE = $00000010; (* * These bits are reserved for internal use *) DDSCAPS2_RESERVED1 = $00000020; DDSCAPS2_RESERVED2 = $00000040; (* * Indicates to the driver that this surface will never be locked again. * The driver is free to optimize this surface via retiling and actual compression. * All calls to Lock() or Blts from this surface will fail. Surfaces with this * cap set must also have DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. This cap cannot be used with * DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC and DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC. *) DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE = $00000080; (* * Applications should set this bit at CreateSurface time to indicate that they * intend to use antialiasing. Only valid if DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE is also set. *) DDSCAPS2_HINTANTIALIASING = $00000100; (* * This flag is used at CreateSurface time to indicate that this set of * surfaces is a cubic environment map *) DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = $00000200; (* * These flags preform two functions: * - At CreateSurface time, they define which of the six cube faces are * required by the application. * - After creation, each face in the cubemap will have exactly one of these * bits set. *) DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX = $00000400; DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX = $00000800; DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY = $00001000; DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY = $00002000; DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ = $00004000; DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ = $00008000; (* * This macro may be used to specify all faces of a cube map at CreateSurface time *) DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_ALLFACES = ( DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX or DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX or DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY or DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY or DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ or DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ ); (* * This flag is an additional flag which is present on mipmap sublevels from DX7 onwards * It enables easier use of GetAttachedSurface rather than EnumAttachedSurfaces for surface * constructs such as Cube Maps, wherein there are more than one mipmap surface attached * to the root surface. * This caps bit is ignored by CreateSurface *) DDSCAPS2_MIPMAPSUBLEVEL = $00010000; (* This flag indicates that the texture should be managed by D3D only *) DDSCAPS2_D3DTEXTUREMANAGE = $00020000; (* This flag indicates that the managed surface can be safely lost *) DDSCAPS2_DONOTPERSIST = $00040000; (* indicates that this surface is part of a stereo flipping chain *) DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT = $00080000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW DRIVER CAPABILITY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Display hardware has 3D acceleration. *) DDCAPS_3D = $00000001; (* * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only dest rectangles that are aligned * on DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignBoundaryDest boundaries of the surface, respectively. * READ ONLY. *) DDCAPS_ALIGNBOUNDARYDEST = $00000002; (* * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only source rectangles whose sizes in * BYTEs are DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignSizeDest multiples, respectively. READ ONLY. *) DDCAPS_ALIGNSIZEDEST = $00000004; (* * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only source rectangles that are aligned * on DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignBoundarySrc boundaries of the surface, respectively. * READ ONLY. *) DDCAPS_ALIGNBOUNDARYSRC = $00000008; (* * Indicates that DirectDraw will support only source rectangles whose sizes in * BYTEs are DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignSizeSrc multiples, respectively. READ ONLY. *) DDCAPS_ALIGNSIZESRC = $00000010; (* * Indicates that DirectDraw will create video memory surfaces that have a stride * alignment equal to DIRECTDRAWCAPS.dwAlignStride. READ ONLY. *) DDCAPS_ALIGNSTRIDE = $00000020; (* * Display hardware is capable of blt operations. *) DDCAPS_BLT = $00000040; (* * Display hardware is capable of asynchronous blt operations. *) DDCAPS_BLTQUEUE = $00000080; (* * Display hardware is capable of color space conversions during the blt operation. *) DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC = $00000100; (* * Display hardware is capable of stretching during blt operations. *) DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH = $00000200; (* * Display hardware is shared with GDI. *) DDCAPS_GDI = $00000400; (* * Display hardware can overlay. *) DDCAPS_OVERLAY = $00000800; (* * Set if display hardware supports overlays but can not clip them. *) DDCAPS_OVERLAYCANTCLIP = $00001000; (* * Indicates that overlay hardware is capable of color space conversions during * the overlay operation. *) DDCAPS_OVERLAYFOURCC = $00002000; (* * Indicates that stretching can be done by the overlay hardware. *) DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH = $00004000; (* * Indicates that unique DirectDrawPalettes can be created for DirectDrawSurfaces * other than the primary surface. *) DDCAPS_PALETTE = $00008000; (* * Indicates that palette changes can be syncd with the veritcal refresh. *) DDCAPS_PALETTEVSYNC = $00010000; (* * Display hardware can return the current scan line. *) DDCAPS_READSCANLINE = $00020000; (* * Display hardware has stereo vision capabilities. DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT * can be created. *) DDCAPS_STEREOVIEW = $00040000; (* * Display hardware is capable of generating a vertical blank interrupt. *) DDCAPS_VBI = $00080000; (* * Supports the use of z buffers with blt operations. *) DDCAPS_ZBLTS = $00100000; (* * Supports Z Ordering of overlays. *) DDCAPS_ZOVERLAYS = $00200000; (* * Supports color key *) DDCAPS_COLORKEY = $00400000; (* * Supports alpha surfaces *) DDCAPS_ALPHA = $00800000; (* * colorkey is hardware assisted(DDCAPS_COLORKEY will also be set) *) DDCAPS_COLORKEYHWASSIST = $01000000; (* * no hardware support at all *) DDCAPS_NOHARDWARE = $02000000; (* * Display hardware is capable of color fill with bltter *) DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL = $04000000; (* * Display hardware is bank switched, and potentially very slow at * random access to VRAM. *) DDCAPS_BANKSWITCHED = $08000000; (* * Display hardware is capable of depth filling Z-buffers with bltter *) DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL = $10000000; (* * Display hardware is capable of clipping while bltting. *) DDCAPS_CANCLIP = $20000000; (* * Display hardware is capable of clipping while stretch bltting. *) DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED = $40000000; (* * Display hardware is capable of bltting to or from system memory *) DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM = $80000000; (**************************************************************************** * * MORE DIRECTDRAW DRIVER CAPABILITY FLAGS (dwCaps2) * ****************************************************************************) (* * Display hardware is certified *) DDCAPS2_CERTIFIED = $00000001; (* * Driver cannot interleave 2D operations (lock and blt) to surfaces with * Direct3D rendering operations between calls to BeginScene() and EndScene() *) DDCAPS2_NO2DDURING3DSCENE = $00000002; (* * Display hardware contains a video port *) DDCAPS2_VIDEOPORT = $00000004; (* * The overlay can be automatically flipped according to the video port * VSYNCs, providing automatic doubled buffered display of video port * data using an overlay *) DDCAPS2_AUTOFLIPOVERLAY = $00000008; (* * Overlay can display each field of interlaced data individually while * it is interleaved in memory without causing jittery artifacts. *) DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED = $00000010; (* * Overlay can display each field of interlaced data individually while * it is not interleaved in memory without causing jittery artifacts. *) DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED = $00000020; (* * The overlay surface contains color controls (brightness, sharpness, etc.) *) DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY = $00000040; (* * The primary surface contains color controls (gamma, etc.) *) DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLPRIMARY = $00000080; (* * RGBZ -> RGB supported for 16:16 RGB:Z *) DDCAPS2_CANDROPZ16BIT = $00000100; (* * Driver supports non-local video memory. *) DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM = $00000200; (* * Dirver supports non-local video memory but has different capabilities for * non-local video memory surfaces. If this bit is set then so must * DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM. *) DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS = $00000400; (* * Driver neither requires nor prefers surfaces to be pagelocked when performing * blts involving system memory surfaces *) DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED = $00000800; (* * Driver can create surfaces which are wider than the primary surface *) DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES = $00001000; (* * Driver supports bob without using a video port by handling the * DDFLIP_ODD and DDFLIP_EVEN flags specified in Flip. *) DDCAPS2_CANFLIPODDEVEN = $00002000; (* * Driver supports bob using hardware *) DDCAPS2_CANBOBHARDWARE = $00004000; (* * Driver supports bltting any FOURCC surface to another surface of the same FOURCC *) DDCAPS2_COPYFOURCC = $00008000; (* * Driver supports loadable gamma ramps for the primary surface *) DDCAPS2_PRIMARYGAMMA = $00020000; (* * Driver can render in windowed mode. *) DDCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED = $00080000; (* * A calibrator is available to adjust the gamma ramp according to the * physical display properties so that the result will be identical on * all calibrated systems. *) DDCAPS2_CANCALIBRATEGAMMA = $00100000; (* * Indicates that the driver will respond to DDFLIP_INTERVALn flags *) DDCAPS2_FLIPINTERVAL = $00200000; (* * Indicates that the driver will respond to DDFLIP_NOVSYNC *) DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC = $00400000; (* * Driver supports management of video memory, if this flag is ON, * driver manages the texture if requested with DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE on * DirectX manages the texture if this flag is OFF and surface has DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE on *) DDCAPS2_CANMANAGETEXTURE = $00800000; (* * The Direct3D texture manager uses this cap to decide whether to put managed * surfaces in non-local video memory. If the cap is set, the texture manager will * put managed surfaces in non-local vidmem. Drivers that cannot texture from * local vidmem SHOULD NOT set this cap. *) DDCAPS2_TEXMANINNONLOCALVIDMEM = $01000000; (* * Indicates that the driver supports DX7 type of stereo in at least one mode (which may * not necessarily be the current mode). Applications should use IDirectDraw7 (or higher) * ::EnumDisplayModes and check the DDSURFACEDESC.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 field for the presence of * DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT to check if a particular mode supports stereo. The application * can also use IDirectDraw7(or higher)::GetDisplayMode to check the current mode. *) DDCAPS2_STEREO = $02000000; (* * This caps bit is intended for internal DirectDraw use. * -It is only valid if DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS is set. * -If this bit is set, then DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM MUST be set by the driver (and * all the assoicated system memory blt caps must be correct). * -It implies that the system->video blt caps in DDCAPS also apply to system to * nonlocal blts. I.e. the dwSVBCaps, dwSVBCKeyCaps, dwSVBFXCaps and dwSVBRops * members of DDCAPS (DDCORECAPS) are filled in correctly. * -Any blt from system to nonlocal memory that matches these caps bits will * be passed to the driver. * * NOTE: This is intended to enable the driver itself to do efficient reordering * of textures. This is NOT meant to imply that hardware can write into AGP memory. * This operation is not currently supported. *) DDCAPS2_SYSTONONLOCAL_AS_SYSTOLOCAL = $04000000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW FX ALPHA CAPABILITY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Supports alpha blending around the edge of a source color keyed surface. * For Blt. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAEDGEBLEND = $00000001; (* * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes * more opaque as the alpha value increases. (0 is transparent.) * For Blt. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAPIXELS = $00000002; (* * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value * becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.) * This flag can only be set if DDCAPS_ALPHA is set. * For Blt. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAPIXELSNEG = $00000004; (* * Supports alpha only surfaces. The bit depth of an alpha only surface can be * 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases. * (0 is transparent.) * For Blt. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHASURFACES = $00000008; (* * The depth of the alpha channel data can range can be 1,2,4, or 8. * The NEG suffix indicates that this alpha channel becomes more transparent * as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.) This flag can only be set if * DDCAPS_ALPHA is set. * For Blt. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHASURFACESNEG = $00000010; (* * Supports alpha blending around the edge of a source color keyed surface. * For Overlays. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHAEDGEBLEND = $00000020; (* * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes * more opaque as the alpha value increases. (0 is transparent.) * For Overlays. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHAPIXELS = $00000040; (* * Supports alpha information in the pixel format. The bit depth of alpha * information in the pixel format can be 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value * becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.) * This flag can only be set if DDCAPS_ALPHA is set. * For Overlays. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHAPIXELSNEG = $00000080; (* * Supports alpha only surfaces. The bit depth of an alpha only surface can be * 1,2,4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases. * (0 is transparent.) * For Overlays. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHASURFACES = $00000100; (* * The depth of the alpha channel data can range can be 1,2,4, or 8. * The NEG suffix indicates that this alpha channel becomes more transparent * as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque.) This flag can only be set if * DDCAPS_ALPHA is set. * For Overlays. *) DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHASURFACESNEG = $00000200; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW FX CAPABILITY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch and shrink surfaces during blt * rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY = $00000020; (* * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch during blt * rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis. Only * works for x1, x2, etc. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHYN = $00000010; (* * Supports mirroring left to right in blt. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT = $00000040; (* * Supports mirroring top to bottom in blt. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN = $00000080; (* * Supports arbitrary rotation for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTROTATION = $00000100; (* * Supports 90 degree rotations for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTROTATION90 = $00000200; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the * x axis (horizontal direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX = $00000400; (* * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN = $00000800; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the * y axis (horizontal direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY = $00001000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the y axis (vertical direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN = $00002000; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the * x axis (horizontal direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX = $00004000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN = $00008000; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the * y axis (horizontal direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY = $00010000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the y axis (vertical direction) for blts. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN = $00020000; (* * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch and shrink surfaces during * overlay rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis * for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY = $00040000; (* * Uses arithmetic operations to stretch surfaces during * overlay rather than pixel doubling techniques. Along the Y axis * for overlays. Only works for x1, x2, etc. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN = $00000008; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the * x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX = $00080000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN = $00100000; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the * y axis (horizontal direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY = $00200000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer shrinking (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the y axis (vertical direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN = $00400000; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the * x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX = $00800000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the x axis (horizontal direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN = $01000000; (* * DirectDraw supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the * y axis (horizontal direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY = $02000000; (* * DirectDraw supports integer stretching (1x,2x,) of a surface * along the y axis (vertical direction) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN = $04000000; (* * DirectDraw supports mirroring of overlays across the vertical axis *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT = $08000000; (* * DirectDraw supports mirroring of overlays across the horizontal axis *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN = $10000000; (* * Driver can do alpha blending for blits. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA = $00000001; (* * Driver can do geometric transformations (or warps) for blits. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTTRANSFORM = $00000002; (* * Driver can do surface-reconstruction filtering for warped blits. *) DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER = DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY; (* * Driver can do alpha blending for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYALPHA = $00000004; (* * Driver can do geometric transformations (or warps) for overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYTRANSFORM = $20000000; (* * Driver can do surface-reconstruction filtering for warped overlays. *) DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER = DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW STEREO VIEW CAPABILITIES * ****************************************************************************) (* * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_ENIGMA, which is now obsolete * The stereo view is accomplished via enigma encoding. *) DDSVCAPS_RESERVED1 = $00000001; DDSVCAPS_ENIGMA = DDSVCAPS_RESERVED1; (* * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_FLICKER, which is now obsolete * The stereo view is accomplished via high frequency flickering. *) DDSVCAPS_RESERVED2 = $00000002; DDSVCAPS_FLICKER = DDSVCAPS_RESERVED2; (* * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_REDBLUE, which is now obsolete * The stereo view is accomplished via red and blue filters applied * to the left and right eyes. All images must adapt their colorspaces * for this process. *) DDSVCAPS_RESERVED3 = $00000004; DDSVCAPS_REDBLUE = DDSVCAPS_RESERVED3; (* * This flag used to be DDSVCAPS_SPLIT, which is now obsolete * The stereo view is accomplished with split screen technology. *) DDSVCAPS_RESERVED4 = $00000008; DDSVCAPS_SPLIT = DDSVCAPS_RESERVED4; (* * The stereo view is accomplished with switching technology *) DDSVCAPS_STEREOSEQUENTIAL = $00000010; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWPALETTE CAPABILITIES * ****************************************************************************) (* * Index is 4 bits. There are sixteen color entries in the palette table. *) DDPCAPS_4BIT = $00000001; (* * Index is onto a 8 bit color index. This field is only valid with the * DDPCAPS_1BIT, DDPCAPS_2BIT or DDPCAPS_4BIT capability and the target * surface is in 8bpp. Each color entry is one byte long and is an index * into destination surface's 8bpp palette. *) DDPCAPS_8BITENTRIES = $00000002; (* * Index is 8 bits. There are 256 color entries in the palette table. *) DDPCAPS_8BIT = $00000004; (* * Indicates that this DIRECTDRAWPALETTE should use the palette color array * passed into the lpDDColorArray parameter to initialize the DIRECTDRAWPALETTE * object. * This flag is obsolete. DirectDraw always initializes the color array from * the lpDDColorArray parameter. The definition remains for source-level * compatibility. *) DDPCAPS_INITIALIZE = $00000008; (* * This palette is the one attached to the primary surface. Changing this * table has immediate effect on the display unless DDPSETPAL_VSYNC is specified * and supported. *) DDPCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE = $00000010; (* * This palette is the one attached to the primary surface left. Changing * this table has immediate effect on the display for the left eye unless * DDPSETPAL_VSYNC is specified and supported. *) DDPCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT = $00000020; (* * This palette can have all 256 entries defined *) DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 = $00000040; (* * This palette can have modifications to it synced with the monitors * refresh rate. *) DDPCAPS_VSYNC = $00000080; (* * Index is 1 bit. There are two color entries in the palette table. *) DDPCAPS_1BIT = $00000100; (* * Index is 2 bit. There are four color entries in the palette table. *) DDPCAPS_2BIT = $00000200; (* * The peFlags member of PALETTEENTRY denotes an 8 bit alpha value *) DDPCAPS_ALPHA = $00000400; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWPALETTE SETENTRY CONSTANTS * ****************************************************************************) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWPALETTE GETENTRY CONSTANTS * ****************************************************************************) (* 0 is the only legal value *) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE SETPALETTE CONSTANTS * ****************************************************************************) (* * The passed pointer is an IUnknown ptr. The cbData argument to SetPrivateData * must be set to sizeof(IUnknown^). DirectDraw will call AddRef through this * pointer and Release when the private data is destroyed. This includes when * the surface or palette is destroyed before such priovate data is destroyed. *) DDSPD_IUNKNOWNPOINTER = $00000001; (* * Private data is only valid for the current state of the object, * as determined by the uniqueness value. *) DDSPD_VOLATILE = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE SETPALETTE CONSTANTS * ****************************************************************************) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW BITDEPTH CONSTANTS * * NOTE: These are only used to indicate supported bit depths. These * are flags only, they are not to be used as an actual bit depth. The * absolute numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 are used to indicate actual * bit depths in a surface or for changing the display mode. * ****************************************************************************) (* * 1 bit per pixel. *) DDBD_1 = $00004000; (* * 2 bits per pixel. *) DDBD_2 = $00002000; (* * 4 bits per pixel. *) DDBD_4 = $00001000; (* * 8 bits per pixel. *) DDBD_8 = $00000800; (* * 16 bits per pixel. *) DDBD_16 = $00000400; (* * 24 bits per pixel. *) DDBD_24 = $00000200; (* * 32 bits per pixel. *) DDBD_32 = $00000100; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE SET/GET COLOR KEY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Set if the structure contains a color space. Not set if the structure * contains a single color key. *) DDCKEY_COLORSPACE = $00000001; (* * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be * used as a destination color key for blt operations. *) DDCKEY_DESTBLT = $00000002; (* * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be * used as a destination color key for overlay operations. *) DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY = $00000004; (* * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be * used as a source color key for blt operations. *) DDCKEY_SRCBLT = $00000008; (* * Set if the structure specifies a color key or color space which is to be * used as a source color key for overlay operations. *) DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY = $00000010; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW COLOR KEY CAPABILITY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Supports transparent blting using a color key to identify the replaceable * bits of the destination surface for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT = $00000001; (* * Supports transparent blting using a color space to identify the replaceable * bits of the destination surface for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE = $00000002; (* * Supports transparent blting using a color space to identify the replaceable * bits of the destination surface for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACEYUV = $00000004; (* * Supports transparent blting using a color key to identify the replaceable * bits of the destination surface for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTYUV = $00000008; (* * Supports overlaying using colorkeying of the replaceable bits of the surface * being overlayed for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY = $00000010; (* * Supports a color space as the color key for the destination for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYCLRSPACE = $00000020; (* * Supports a color space as the color key for the destination for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV = $00000040; (* * Supports only one active destination color key value for visible overlay * surfaces. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE = $00000080; (* * Supports overlaying using colorkeying of the replaceable bits of the * surface being overlayed for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYYUV = $00000100; (* * Supports transparent blting using the color key for the source with * this surface for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT = $00000200; (* * Supports transparent blting using a color space for the source with * this surface for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE = $00000400; (* * Supports transparent blting using a color space for the source with * this surface for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACEYUV = $00000800; (* * Supports transparent blting using the color key for the source with * this surface for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTYUV = $00001000; (* * Supports overlays using the color key for the source with this * overlay surface for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY = $00002000; (* * Supports overlays using a color space as the source color key for * the overlay surface for RGB colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE = $00004000; (* * Supports overlays using a color space as the source color key for * the overlay surface for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV = $00008000; (* * Supports only one active source color key value for visible * overlay surfaces. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE = $00010000; (* * Supports overlays using the color key for the source with this * overlay surface for YUV colors. *) DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV = $00020000; (* * there are no bandwidth trade-offs for using colorkey with an overlay *) DDCKEYCAPS_NOCOSTOVERLAY = $00040000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW PIXELFORMAT FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * The surface has alpha channel information in the pixel format. *) DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = $00000001; (* * The pixel format contains alpha only information *) DDPF_ALPHA = $00000002; (* * The FourCC code is valid. *) DDPF_FOURCC = $00000004; (* * The surface is 4-bit color indexed. *) DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4 = $00000008; (* * The surface is indexed into a palette which stores indices * into the destination surface's 8-bit palette. *) DDPF_PALETTEINDEXEDTO8 = $00000010; (* * The surface is 8-bit color indexed. *) DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8 = $00000020; (* * The RGB data in the pixel format structure is valid. *) DDPF_RGB = $00000040; (* * The surface will accept pixel data in the format specified * and compress it during the write. *) DDPF_COMPRESSED = $00000080; (* * The surface will accept RGB data and translate it during * the write to YUV data. The format of the data to be written * will be contained in the pixel format structure. The DDPF_RGB * flag will be set. *) DDPF_RGBTOYUV = $00000100; (* * pixel format is YUV - YUV data in pixel format struct is valid *) DDPF_YUV = $00000200; (* * pixel format is a z buffer only surface *) DDPF_ZBUFFER = $00000400; (* * The surface is 1-bit color indexed. *) DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED1 = $00000800; (* * The surface is 2-bit color indexed. *) DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED2 = $00001000; (* * The surface contains Z information in the pixels *) DDPF_ZPIXELS = $00002000; (* * The surface contains stencil information along with Z *) DDPF_STENCILBUFFER = $00004000; (* * Premultiplied alpha format -- the color components have been * premultiplied by the alpha component. *) DDPF_ALPHAPREMULT = $00008000; (* * Luminance data in the pixel format is valid. * Use this flag for luminance-only or luminance+alpha surfaces, * the bit depth is then ddpf.dwLuminanceBitCount. *) DDPF_LUMINANCE = $00020000; (* * Luminance data in the pixel format is valid. * Use this flag when hanging luminance off bumpmap surfaces, * the bit mask for the luminance portion of the pixel is then * ddpf.dwBumpLuminanceBitMask *) DDPF_BUMPLUMINANCE = $00040000; (* * Bump map dUdV data in the pixel format is valid. *) DDPF_BUMPDUDV = $00080000; (*=========================================================================== * * * DIRECTDRAW CALLBACK FLAGS * * *==========================================================================*) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW ENUMSURFACES FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Enumerate all of the surfaces that meet the search criterion. *) DDENUMSURFACES_ALL = $00000001; (* * A search hit is a surface that matches the surface description. *) DDENUMSURFACES_MATCH = $00000002; (* * A search hit is a surface that does not match the surface description. *) DDENUMSURFACES_NOMATCH = $00000004; (* * Enumerate the first surface that can be created which meets the search criterion. *) DDENUMSURFACES_CANBECREATED = $00000008; (* * Enumerate the surfaces that already exist that meet the search criterion. *) DDENUMSURFACES_DOESEXIST = $00000010; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW SETDISPLAYMODE FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * The desired mode is a standard VGA mode *) DDSDM_STANDARDVGAMODE = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW ENUMDISPLAYMODES FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Enumerate Modes with different refresh rates. EnumDisplayModes guarantees * that a particular mode will be enumerated only once. This flag specifies whether * the refresh rate is taken into account when determining if a mode is unique. *) DDEDM_REFRESHRATES = $00000001; (* * Enumerate VGA modes. Specify this flag if you wish to enumerate supported VGA * modes such as mode 0x13 in addition to the usual ModeX modes (which are always * enumerated if the application has previously called SetCooperativeLevel with the * DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX flag set). *) DDEDM_STANDARDVGAMODES = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW SETCOOPERATIVELEVEL FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Exclusive mode owner will be responsible for the entire primary surface. * GDI can be ignored. used with DD *) DDSCL_FULLSCREEN = $00000001; (* * allow CTRL_ALT_DEL to work while in fullscreen exclusive mode *) DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT = $00000002; (* * prevents DDRAW from modifying the application window. * prevents DDRAW from minimize/restore the application window on activation. *) DDSCL_NOWINDOWCHANGES = $00000004; (* * app wants to work as a regular Windows application *) DDSCL_NORMAL = $00000008; (* * app wants exclusive access *) DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE = $00000010; (* * app can deal with non-windows display modes *) DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX = $00000040; (* * this window will receive the focus messages *) DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW = $00000080; (* * this window is associated with the DDRAW object and will * cover the screen in fullscreen mode *) DDSCL_SETDEVICEWINDOW = $00000100; (* * app wants DDRAW to create a window to be associated with the * DDRAW object *) DDSCL_CREATEDEVICEWINDOW = $00000200; (* * App explicitly asks DDRAW/D3D to be multithread safe. This makes D3D * take the global crtisec more frequently. *) DDSCL_MULTITHREADED = $00000400; (* * App hints that it would like to keep the FPU set up for optimal Direct3D * performance (single precision and exceptions disabled) so Direct3D * does not need to explicitly set the FPU each time *) DDSCL_FPUSETUP = $00000800; (* * App specifies that it needs either double precision FPU or FPU exceptions * enabled. This makes Direct3D explicitly set the FPU state eah time it is * called. Setting the flag will reduce Direct3D performance. The flag is * assumed by default in DirectX 6 and earlier. See also DDSCL_FPUSETUP *) DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE = $00001000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW BLT FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface * attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for this blt. *) DDBLT_ALPHADEST = $00000001; (* * Use the dwConstAlphaDest field in the TDDBltFX structure as the alpha channel * for the destination surface for this blt. *) DDBLT_ALPHADESTCONSTOVERRIDE = $00000002; (* * The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more * transparent as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque) *) DDBLT_ALPHADESTNEG = $00000004; (* * Use the lpDDSAlphaDest field in the TDDBltFX structure as the alpha * channel for the destination for this blt. *) DDBLT_ALPHADESTSURFACEOVERRIDE = $00000008; (* * Use the dwAlphaEdgeBlend field in the TDDBltFX structure as the alpha channel * for the edges of the image that border the color key colors. *) DDBLT_ALPHAEDGEBLEND = $00000010; (* * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface * attached to the source surface as the alpha channel for this blt. *) DDBLT_ALPHASRC = $00000020; (* * Use the dwConstAlphaSrc field in the TDDBltFX structure as the alpha channel * for the source for this blt. *) DDBLT_ALPHASRCCONSTOVERRIDE = $00000040; (* * The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent * as the alpha value increases. (0 is opaque) *) DDBLT_ALPHASRCNEG = $00000080; (* * Use the lpDDSAlphaSrc field in the TDDBltFX structure as the alpha channel * for the source for this blt. *) DDBLT_ALPHASRCSURFACEOVERRIDE = $00000100; (* * Do this blt asynchronously through the FIFO in the order received. If * there is no room in the hardware FIFO fail the call. *) DDBLT_ASYNC = $00000200; (* * Uses the dwFillColor field in the TDDBltFX structure as the RGB color * to fill the destination rectangle on the destination surface with. *) DDBLT_COLORFILL = $00000400; (* * Uses the dwDDFX field in the TDDBltFX structure to specify the effects * to use for the blt. *) DDBLT_DDFX = $00000800; (* * Uses the dwDDROPS field in the TDDBltFX structure to specify the ROPS * that are not part of the Win32 API. *) DDBLT_DDROPS = $00001000; (* * Use the color key associated with the destination surface. *) DDBLT_KEYDEST = $00002000; (* * Use the dckDestColorkey field in the TDDBltFX structure as the color key * for the destination surface. *) DDBLT_KEYDESTOVERRIDE = $00004000; (* * Use the color key associated with the source surface. *) DDBLT_KEYSRC = $00008000; (* * Use the dckSrcColorkey field in the TDDBltFX structure as the color key * for the source surface. *) DDBLT_KEYSRCOVERRIDE = $00010000; (* * Use the dwROP field in the TDDBltFX structure for the raster operation * for this blt. These ROPs are the same as the ones defined in the Win32 API. *) DDBLT_ROP = $00020000; (* * Use the dwRotationAngle field in the TDDBltFX structure as the angle * (specified in 1/100th of a degree) to rotate the surface. *) DDBLT_ROTATIONANGLE = $00040000; (* * Z-buffered blt using the z-buffers attached to the source and destination * surfaces and the dwZBufferOpCode field in the TDDBltFX structure as the * z-buffer opcode. *) DDBLT_ZBUFFER = $00080000; (* * Z-buffered blt using the dwConstDest Zfield and the dwZBufferOpCode field * in the TDDBltFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively * for the destination. *) DDBLT_ZBUFFERDESTCONSTOVERRIDE = $00100000; (* * Z-buffered blt using the lpDDSDestZBuffer field and the dwZBufferOpCode * field in the TDDBltFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode * respectively for the destination. *) DDBLT_ZBUFFERDESTOVERRIDE = $00200000; (* * Z-buffered blt using the dwConstSrcZ field and the dwZBufferOpCode field * in the TDDBltFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode respectively * for the source. *) DDBLT_ZBUFFERSRCCONSTOVERRIDE = $00400000; (* * Z-buffered blt using the lpDDSSrcZBuffer field and the dwZBufferOpCode * field in the TDDBltFX structure as the z-buffer and z-buffer opcode * respectively for the source. *) DDBLT_ZBUFFERSRCOVERRIDE = $00800000; (* * wait until the device is ready to handle the blt * this will cause blt to not return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING *) DDBLT_WAIT = $01000000; (* * Uses the dwFillDepth field in the TDDBltFX structure as the depth value * to fill the destination rectangle on the destination Z-buffer surface * with. *) DDBLT_DEPTHFILL = $02000000; (* * wait until the device is ready to handle the blt * this will cause blt to not return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING *) DDBLT_DONOTWAIT = $08000000; (**************************************************************************** * * BLTFAST FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) DDBLTFAST_NOCOLORKEY = $00000000; DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY = $00000001; DDBLTFAST_DESTCOLORKEY = $00000002; DDBLTFAST_WAIT = $00000010; DDBLTFAST_DONOTWAIT = $00000020; (**************************************************************************** * * FLIP FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) DDFLIP_WAIT = $00000001; (* * Indicates that the target surface contains the even field of video data. * This flag is only valid with an overlay surface. *) DDFLIP_EVEN = $00000002; (* * Indicates that the target surface contains the odd field of video data. * This flag is only valid with an overlay surface. *) DDFLIP_ODD = $00000004; (* * Causes DirectDraw to perform the physical flip immediately and return * to the application. Typically, what was the front buffer but is now the back * buffer will still be visible (depending on timing) until the next vertical * retrace. Subsequent operations involving the two flipped surfaces will * not check to see if the physical flip has finished (i.e. will not return * DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING for that reason (but may for other reasons)). * This allows an application to perform Flips at a higher frequency than the * monitor refresh rate, but may introduce visible artifacts. * Only effective if DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC is set. If that bit is not set, * DDFLIP_NOVSYNC has no effect. *) DDFLIP_NOVSYNC = $00000008; (* * Flip Interval Flags. These flags indicate how many vertical retraces to wait between * each flip. The default is one. DirectDraw will return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING for each * surface involved in the flip until the specified number of vertical retraces has * ocurred. Only effective if DDCAPS2_FLIPINTERVAL is set. If that bit is not set, * DDFLIP_INTERVALn has no effect. *) (* * DirectDraw will flip on every other vertical sync *) DDFLIP_INTERVAL2 = $02000000; (* * DirectDraw will flip on every third vertical sync *) DDFLIP_INTERVAL3 = $03000000; (* * DirectDraw will flip on every fourth vertical sync *) DDFLIP_INTERVAL4 = $04000000; (* * DirectDraw will flip and display a main stereo surface *) DDFLIP_STEREO = $00000010; (* * On IDirectDrawSurface7 and higher interfaces, the default is DDFLIP_WAIT. If you wish * to override the default and use time when the accelerator is busy (as denoted by * the DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING return code) then use DDFLIP_DONOTWAIT. *) DDFLIP_DONOTWAIT = $00000020; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW SURFACE OVERLAY FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface * attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for the * destination overlay. *) DDOVER_ALPHADEST = $00000001; (* * Use the dwConstAlphaDest field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the * destination alpha channel for this overlay. *) DDOVER_ALPHADESTCONSTOVERRIDE = $00000002; (* * The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more * transparent as the alpha value increases. *) DDOVER_ALPHADESTNEG = $00000004; (* * Use the lpDDSAlphaDest field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the alpha * channel destination for this overlay. *) DDOVER_ALPHADESTSURFACEOVERRIDE = $00000008; (* * Use the dwAlphaEdgeBlend field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the alpha * channel for the edges of the image that border the color key colors. *) DDOVER_ALPHAEDGEBLEND = $00000010; (* * Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface * attached to the source surface as the source alpha channel for this overlay. *) DDOVER_ALPHASRC = $00000020; (* * Use the dwConstAlphaSrc field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the source * alpha channel for this overlay. *) DDOVER_ALPHASRCCONSTOVERRIDE = $00000040; (* * The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent * as the alpha value increases. *) DDOVER_ALPHASRCNEG = $00000080; (* * Use the lpDDSAlphaSrc field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the alpha channel * source for this overlay. *) DDOVER_ALPHASRCSURFACEOVERRIDE = $00000100; (* * Turn this overlay off. *) DDOVER_HIDE = $00000200; (* * Use the color key associated with the destination surface. *) DDOVER_KEYDEST = $00000400; (* * Use the dckDestColorkey field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the color key * for the destination surface *) DDOVER_KEYDESTOVERRIDE = $00000800; (* * Use the color key associated with the source surface. *) DDOVER_KEYSRC = $00001000; (* * Use the dckSrcColorkey field in the TDDOverlayFX structure as the color key * for the source surface. *) DDOVER_KEYSRCOVERRIDE = $00002000; (* * Turn this overlay on. *) DDOVER_SHOW = $00004000; (* * Add a dirty rect to an emulated overlayed surface. *) DDOVER_ADDDIRTYRECT = $00008000; (* * Redraw all dirty rects on an emulated overlayed surface. *) DDOVER_REFRESHDIRTYRECTS = $00010000; (* * Redraw the entire surface on an emulated overlayed surface. *) DDOVER_REFRESHALL = $00020000; (* * Use the overlay FX flags to define special overlay FX *) DDOVER_DDFX = $00080000; (* * Autoflip the overlay when ever the video port autoflips *) DDOVER_AUTOFLIP = $00100000; (* * Display each field of video port data individually without * causing any jittery artifacts *) DDOVER_BOB = $00200000; (* * Indicates that bob/weave decisions should not be overridden by other * interfaces. *) DDOVER_OVERRIDEBOBWEAVE = $00400000; (* * Indicates that the surface memory is composed of interleaved fields. *) DDOVER_INTERLEAVED = $00800000; (* * Indicates that bob will be performed using hardware rather than * software or emulated. *) DDOVER_BOBHARDWARE = $01000000; (* * Indicates that overlay FX structure contains valid ARGB scaling factors. *) DDOVER_ARGBSCALEFACTORS = $02000000; (* * Indicates that ARGB scaling factors can be degraded to fit driver capabilities. *) DDOVER_DEGRADEARGBSCALING = $04000000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE LOCK FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * The default. Set to indicate that Lock should return a valid memory pointer * to the top of the specified rectangle. If no rectangle is specified then a * pointer to the top of the surface is returned. *) DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR = $00000000; // = default (* * Set to indicate that Lock should wait until it can obtain a valid memory * pointer before returning. If this bit is set, Lock will never return * DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING. *) DDLOCK_WAIT = $00000001; (* * Set if an event handle is being passed to Lock. Lock will trigger the event * when it can return the surface memory pointer requested. *) DDLOCK_EVENT = $00000002; (* * Indicates that the surface being locked will only be read from. *) DDLOCK_READONLY = $00000010; (* * Indicates that the surface being locked will only be written to *) DDLOCK_WRITEONLY = $00000020; (* * Indicates that a system wide lock should not be taken when this surface * is locked. This has several advantages (cursor responsiveness, ability * to call more Windows functions, easier debugging) when locking video * memory surfaces. However, an application specifying this flag must * comply with a number of conditions documented in the help file. * Furthermore, this flag cannot be specified when locking the primary. *) DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK = $00000800; (* * Used only with Direct3D Vertex Buffer Locks. Indicates that no vertices * that were referred to in Draw*PrimtiveVB calls since the start of the * frame (or the last lock without this flag) will be modified during the * lock. This can be useful when one is only appending data to the vertex * buffer *) DDLOCK_NOOVERWRITE = $00001000; (* * Indicates that no assumptions will be made about the contents of the * surface or vertex buffer during this lock. * This enables two things: * - Direct3D or the driver may provide an alternative memory * area as the vertex buffer. This is useful when one plans to clear the * contents of the vertex buffer and fill in new data. * - Drivers sometimes store surface data in a re-ordered format. * When the application locks the surface, the driver is forced to un-re-order * the surface data before allowing the application to see the surface contents. * This flag is a hint to the driver that it can skip the un-re-ordering process * since the application plans to overwrite every single pixel in the surface * or locked rectangle (and so erase any un-re-ordered pixels anyway). * Applications should always set this flag when they intend to overwrite the entire * surface or locked rectangle. *) DDLOCK_DISCARDCONTENTS = $00002000; (* * DDLOCK_OKTOSWAP is an older, less informative name for DDLOCK_DISCARDCONTENTS *) DDLOCK_OKTOSWAP = $00002000; (* * On IDirectDrawSurface7 and higher interfaces, the default is DDLOCK_WAIT. If you wish * to override the default and use time when the accelerator is busy (as denoted by * the DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING return code) then use DDLOCK_DONOTWAIT. *) DDLOCK_DONOTWAIT = $00004000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE PAGELOCK FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * No flags defined at present *) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE PAGEUNLOCK FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * No flags defined at present *) (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE BLT FX FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * If stretching, use arithmetic stretching along the Y axis for this blt. *) DDBLTFX_ARITHSTRETCHY = $00000001; (* * Do this blt mirroring the surface left to right. Spin the * surface around its y-axis. *) DDBLTFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT = $00000002; (* * Do this blt mirroring the surface up and down. Spin the surface * around its x-axis. *) DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN = $00000004; (* * Schedule this blt to avoid tearing. *) DDBLTFX_NOTEARING = $00000008; (* * Do this blt rotating the surface one hundred and eighty degrees. *) DDBLTFX_ROTATE180 = $00000010; (* * Do this blt rotating the surface two hundred and seventy degrees. *) DDBLTFX_ROTATE270 = $00000020; (* * Do this blt rotating the surface ninety degrees. *) DDBLTFX_ROTATE90 = $00000040; (* * Do this z blt using dwZBufferLow and dwZBufferHigh as range values * specified to limit the bits copied from the source surface. *) DDBLTFX_ZBUFFERRANGE = $00000080; (* * Do this z blt adding the dwZBufferBaseDest to each of the sources z values * before comparing it with the desting z values. *) DDBLTFX_ZBUFFERBASEDEST = $00000100; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE OVERLAY FX FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * If stretching, use arithmetic stretching along the Y axis for this overlay. *) DDOVERFX_ARITHSTRETCHY = $00000001; (* * Mirror the overlay across the vertical axis *) DDOVERFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT = $00000002; (* * Mirror the overlay across the horizontal axis *) DDOVERFX_MIRRORUPDOWN = $00000004; (**************************************************************************** * * Flags for dwDDFX member of DDSPRITEFX structure * ****************************************************************************) (* * Use affine transformation matrix in fTransform member. *) DDSPRITEFX_AFFINETRANSFORM = $00000001; (* * Use RGBA scaling factors in ddrgbaScaleFactors member. *) DDSPRITEFX_RGBASCALING = $00000002; (* * Degrade RGBA scaling factors to accommodate driver's capabilities. *) DDSPRITEFX_DEGRADERGBASCALING = $00000004; (* * Do bilinear filtering of stretched or warped sprite. *) DDSPRITEFX_BILINEARFILTER = $00000008; (* * Do "blur" filtering of stretched or warped sprite. *) DDSPRITEFX_BLURFILTER = $00000010; (* * Do "flat" filtering of stretched or warped sprite. *) DDSPRITEFX_FLATFILTER = $00000020; (* * Degrade filtering operation to accommodate driver's capabilities. *) DDSPRITEFX_DEGRADEFILTER = $00000040; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW WAITFORVERTICALBLANK FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * return when the vertical blank interval begins *) DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN = $00000001; (* * set up an event to trigger when the vertical blank begins *) DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGINEVENT = $00000002; (* * return when the vertical blank interval ends and display begins *) DDWAITVB_BLOCKEND = $00000004; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW GETFLIPSTATUS FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * is it OK to flip now? *) DDGFS_CANFLIP = $00000001; (* * is the last flip finished? *) DDGFS_ISFLIPDONE = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW GETBLTSTATUS FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * is it OK to blt now? *) DDGBS_CANBLT = $00000001; (* * is the blt to the surface finished? *) DDGBS_ISBLTDONE = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW ENUMOVERLAYZORDER FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Enumerate overlays back to front. *) DDENUMOVERLAYZ_BACKTOFRONT = $00000000; (* * Enumerate overlays front to back *) DDENUMOVERLAYZ_FRONTTOBACK = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW UPDATEOVERLAYZORDER FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Send overlay to front *) DDOVERZ_SENDTOFRONT = $00000000; (* * Send overlay to back *) DDOVERZ_SENDTOBACK = $00000001; (* * Move Overlay forward *) DDOVERZ_MOVEFORWARD = $00000002; (* * Move Overlay backward *) DDOVERZ_MOVEBACKWARD = $00000003; (* * Move Overlay in front of relative surface *) DDOVERZ_INSERTINFRONTOF = $00000004; (* * Move Overlay in back of relative surface *) DDOVERZ_INSERTINBACKOF = $00000005; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW SETGAMMARAMP FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Request calibrator to adjust the gamma ramp according to the physical * properties of the display so that the result should appear identical * on all systems. *) DDSGR_CALIBRATE = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW STARTMODETEST FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Indicates that the mode being tested has passed *) DDSMT_ISTESTREQUIRED = $00000001; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW EVALUATEMODE FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Indicates that the mode being tested has passed *) DDEM_MODEPASSED = $00000001; (* * Indicates that the mode being tested has failed *) DDEM_MODEFAILED = $00000002; (*=========================================================================== * * * DIRECTDRAW RETURN CODES * * The return values from DirectDraw Commands and Surface that return an HResult * are codes from DirectDraw concerning the results of the action * requested by DirectDraw. * *==========================================================================*) (* * Status is OK * * Issued by: DirectDraw Commands and all callbacks *) DD_OK = 0; DD_FALSE = S_FALSE; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW ENUMCALLBACK RETURN VALUES * * EnumCallback returns are used to control the flow of the DIRECTDRAW and * DIRECTDRAWSURFACE object enumerations. They can only be returned by * enumeration callback routines. * ****************************************************************************) (* * stop the enumeration *) DDENUMRET_CANCEL = 0; (* * continue the enumeration *) DDENUMRET_OK = 1; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAW ERRORS * * Errors are represented by negative values and cannot be combined. * ****************************************************************************) _FACDD = $876; MAKE_DDHRESULT = HResult(1 shl 31) or HResult(_FACDD shl 16); (* * This object is already initialized *) DDERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 5; (* * This surface can not be attached to the requested surface. *) DDERR_CANNOTATTACHSURFACE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 10; (* * This surface can not be detached from the requested surface. *) DDERR_CANNOTDETACHSURFACE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 20; (* * Support is currently not available. *) DDERR_CURRENTLYNOTAVAIL = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 40; (* * An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation *) DDERR_EXCEPTION = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 55; (* * Generic failure. *) DDERR_GENERIC = E_FAIL; (* * Height of rectangle provided is not a multiple of reqd alignment *) DDERR_HEIGHTALIGN = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 90; (* * Unable to match primary surface creation request with existing * primary surface. *) DDERR_INCOMPATIBLEPRIMARY = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 95; (* * One or more of the caps bits passed to the callback are incorrect. *) DDERR_INVALIDCAPS = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 100; (* * DirectDraw does not support provided Cliplist. *) DDERR_INVALIDCLIPLIST = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 110; (* * DirectDraw does not support the requested mode *) DDERR_INVALIDMODE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 120; (* * DirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DIRECTDRAW object. *) DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 130; (* * One or more of the parameters passed to the callback function are * incorrect. *) DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS = E_INVALIDARG; (* * pixel format was invalid as specified *) DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 145; (* * Rectangle provided was invalid. *) DDERR_INVALIDRECT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 150; (* * Operation could not be carried out because one or more surfaces are locked *) DDERR_LOCKEDSURFACES = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 160; (* * There is no 3D present. *) DDERR_NO3D = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 170; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration * hardware present or available. *) DDERR_NOALPHAHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 180; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no stereo * hardware present or available. *) DDERR_NOSTEREOHARDWARE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 181; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware * present which supports stereo surfaces *) DDERR_NOSURFACELEFT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 182; (* * no clip list available *) DDERR_NOCLIPLIST = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 205; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no color conversion * hardware present or available. *) DDERR_NOCOLORCONVHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 210; (* * Create function called without DirectDraw object method SetCooperativeLevel * being called. *) DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 212; (* * Surface doesn't currently have a color key *) DDERR_NOCOLORKEY = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 215; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support * of the dest color key. *) DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 220; (* * No DirectDraw support possible with current display driver *) DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWSUPPORT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 222; (* * Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the * application does not have exclusive mode. *) DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 225; (* * Flipping visible surfaces is not supported. *) DDERR_NOFLIPHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 230; (* * There is no GDI present. *) DDERR_NOGDI = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 240; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present * or available. *) DDERR_NOMIRRORHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 250; (* * Requested item was not found *) DDERR_NOTFOUND = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 255; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no overlay hardware * present or available. *) DDERR_NOOVERLAYHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 260; (* * Operation could not be carried out because the source and destination * rectangles are on the same surface and overlap each other. *) DDERR_OVERLAPPINGRECTS = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 270; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster * op hardware present or available. *) DDERR_NORASTEROPHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 280; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware * present or available. *) DDERR_NOROTATIONHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 290; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support * for stretching *) DDERR_NOSTRETCHHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 310; (* * DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color palette and the requested operation * requires 4 bit color palette. *) DDERR_NOT4BITCOLOR = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 316; (* * DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color index palette and the requested * operation requires 4 bit color index palette. *) DDERR_NOT4BITCOLORINDEX = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 317; (* * DirectDraw Surface is not in 8 bit color mode and the requested operation * requires 8 bit color. *) DDERR_NOT8BITCOLOR = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 320; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no texture mapping * hardware present or available. *) DDERR_NOTEXTUREHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 330; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support * for vertical blank synchronized operations. *) DDERR_NOVSYNCHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 335; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support * for zbuffer blting. *) DDERR_NOZBUFFERHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 340; (* * Overlay surfaces could not be z layered based on their BltOrder because * the hardware does not support z layering of overlays. *) DDERR_NOZOVERLAYHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 350; (* * The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been * allocated. *) DDERR_OUTOFCAPS = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 360; (* * DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation. *) DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY = E_OUTOFMEMORY; (* * DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation. *) DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 380; (* * hardware does not support clipped overlays *) DDERR_OVERLAYCANTCLIP = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 382; (* * Can only have ony color key active at one time for overlays *) DDERR_OVERLAYCOLORKEYONLYONEACTIVE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 384; (* * Access to this palette is being refused because the palette is already * locked by another thread. *) DDERR_PALETTEBUSY = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 387; (* * No src color key specified for this operation. *) DDERR_COLORKEYNOTSET = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 400; (* * This surface is already attached to the surface it is being attached to. *) DDERR_SURFACEALREADYATTACHED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 410; (* * This surface is already a dependency of the surface it is being made a * dependency of. *) DDERR_SURFACEALREADYDEPENDENT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 420; (* * Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already * locked by another thread. *) DDERR_SURFACEBUSY = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 430; (* * Access to this surface is being refused because no driver exists * which can supply a pointer to the surface. * This is most likely to happen when attempting to lock the primary * surface when no DCI provider is present. * Will also happen on attempts to lock an optimized surface. *) DDERR_CANTLOCKSURFACE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 435; (* * Access to Surface refused because Surface is obscured. *) DDERR_SURFACEISOBSCURED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 440; (* * Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is gone. * The DIRECTDRAWSURFACE object representing this surface should * have Restore called on it. *) DDERR_SURFACELOST = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 450; (* * The requested surface is not attached. *) DDERR_SURFACENOTATTACHED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 460; (* * Height requested by DirectDraw is too large. *) DDERR_TOOBIGHEIGHT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 470; (* * Size requested by DirectDraw is too large -- The individual height and * width are OK. *) DDERR_TOOBIGSIZE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 480; (* * Width requested by DirectDraw is too large. *) DDERR_TOOBIGWIDTH = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 490; (* * Action not supported. *) DDERR_UNSUPPORTED = E_NOTIMPL; (* * FOURCC format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw *) DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 510; (* * Bitmask in the pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw *) DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMASK = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 520; (* * The specified stream contains invalid data *) DDERR_INVALIDSTREAM = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 521; (* * vertical blank is in progress *) DDERR_VERTICALBLANKINPROGRESS = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 537; (* * Informs DirectDraw that the previous Blt which is transfering information * to or from this Surface is incomplete. *) DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 540; (* * The specified surface type requires specification of the COMPLEX flag *) DDERR_DDSCAPSCOMPLEXREQUIRED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 542; (* * Rectangle provided was not horizontally aligned on reqd. boundary *) DDERR_XALIGN = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 560; (* * The GUID passed to DirectDrawCreate is not a valid DirectDraw driver * identifier. *) DDERR_INVALIDDIRECTDRAWGUID = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 561; (* * A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created * for this process. *) DDERR_DIRECTDRAWALREADYCREATED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 562; (* * A hardware only DirectDraw object creation was attempted but the driver * did not support any hardware. *) DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 563; (* * this process already has created a primary surface *) DDERR_PRIMARYSURFACEALREADYEXISTS = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 564; (* * software emulation not available. *) DDERR_NOEMULATION = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 565; (* * region passed to Clipper::GetClipList is too small. *) DDERR_REGIONTOOSMALL = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 566; (* * an attempt was made to set a clip list for a clipper objec that * is already monitoring an hwnd. *) DDERR_CLIPPERISUSINGHWND = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 567; (* * No clipper object attached to surface object *) DDERR_NOCLIPPERATTACHED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 568; (* * Clipper notification requires an HWND or * no HWND has previously been set as the CooperativeLevel HWND. *) DDERR_NOHWND = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 569; (* * HWND used by DirectDraw CooperativeLevel has been subclassed, * this prevents DirectDraw from restoring state. *) DDERR_HWNDSUBCLASSED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 570; (* * The CooperativeLevel HWND has already been set. * It can not be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created. *) DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 571; (* * No palette object attached to this surface. *) DDERR_NOPALETTEATTACHED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 572; (* * No hardware support for 16 or 256 color palettes. *) DDERR_NOPALETTEHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 573; (* * If a clipper object is attached to the source surface passed into a * BltFast call. *) DDERR_BLTFASTCANTCLIP = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 574; (* * No blter. *) DDERR_NOBLTHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 575; (* * No DirectDraw ROP hardware. *) DDERR_NODDROPSHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 576; (* * returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a hidden overlay *) DDERR_OVERLAYNOTVISIBLE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 577; (* * returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a overlay that UpdateOverlay * has never been called on to establish a destionation. *) DDERR_NOOVERLAYDEST = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 578; (* * returned when the position of the overlay on the destionation is no longer * legal for that destionation. *) DDERR_INVALIDPOSITION = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 579; (* * returned when an overlay member is called for a non-overlay surface *) DDERR_NOTAOVERLAYSURFACE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 580; (* * An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already * set to exclusive. *) DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 581; (* * An attempt has been made to flip a surface that is not flippable. *) DDERR_NOTFLIPPABLE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 582; (* * Can't duplicate primary & 3D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly * created. *) DDERR_CANTDUPLICATE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 583; (* * Surface was not locked. An attempt to unlock a surface that was not * locked at all, or by this process, has been attempted. *) DDERR_NOTLOCKED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 584; (* * Windows can not create any more DCs, or a DC was requested for a paltte-indexed * surface when the surface had no palette AND the display mode was not palette-indexed * (in this case DirectDraw cannot select a proper palette into the DC) *) DDERR_CANTCREATEDC = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 585; (* * No DC was ever created for this surface. *) DDERR_NODC = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 586; (* * This surface can not be restored because it was created in a different * mode. *) DDERR_WRONGMODE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 587; (* * This surface can not be restored because it is an implicitly created * surface. *) DDERR_IMPLICITLYCREATED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 588; (* * The surface being used is not a palette-based surface *) DDERR_NOTPALETTIZED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 589; (* * The display is currently in an unsupported mode *) DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMODE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 590; (* * Operation could not be carried out because there is no mip-map * texture mapping hardware present or available. *) DDERR_NOMIPMAPHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 591; (* * The requested action could not be performed because the surface was of * the wrong type. *) DDERR_INVALIDSURFACETYPE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 592; (* * Device does not support optimized surfaces, therefore no video memory optimized surfaces *) DDERR_NOOPTIMIZEHW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 600; (* * Surface is an optimized surface, but has not yet been allocated any memory *) DDERR_NOTLOADED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 601; (* * Attempt was made to create or set a device window without first setting * the focus window *) DDERR_NOFOCUSWINDOW = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 602; (* * Attempt was made to set a palette on a mipmap sublevel *) DDERR_NOTONMIPMAPSUBLEVEL = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 603; (* * A DC has already been returned for this surface. Only one DC can be * retrieved per surface. *) DDERR_DCALREADYCREATED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 620; (* * An attempt was made to allocate non-local video memory from a device * that does not support non-local video memory. *) DDERR_NONONLOCALVIDMEM = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 630; (* * The attempt to page lock a surface failed. *) DDERR_CANTPAGELOCK = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 640; (* * The attempt to page unlock a surface failed. *) DDERR_CANTPAGEUNLOCK = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 660; (* * An attempt was made to page unlock a surface with no outstanding page locks. *) DDERR_NOTPAGELOCKED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 680; (* * There is more data available than the specified buffer size could hold *) DDERR_MOREDATA = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 690; (* * The data has expired and is therefore no longer valid. *) DDERR_EXPIRED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 691; (* * The mode test has finished executing. *) DDERR_TESTFINISHED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 692; (* * The mode test has switched to a new mode. *) DDERR_NEWMODE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 693; (* * D3D has not yet been initialized. *) DDERR_D3DNOTINITIALIZED = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 694; (* * The video port is not active *) DDERR_VIDEONOTACTIVE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 695; (* * The monitor does not have EDID data. *) DDERR_NOMONITORINFORMATION = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 696; (* * The driver does not enumerate display mode refresh rates. *) DDERR_NODRIVERSUPPORT = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 697; (* * Surfaces created by one direct draw device cannot be used directly by * another direct draw device. *) DDERR_DEVICEDOESNTOWNSURFACE = MAKE_DDHRESULT + 699; (* * An attempt was made to invoke an interface member of a DirectDraw object * created by CoCreateInstance() before it was initialized. *) DDERR_NOTINITIALIZED = CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED; (* Alpha bit depth constants *) (* * API's *) type HMonitor = THandle; TDDEnumCallbackA = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PAnsiChar; lpDriverName: PAnsiChar; lpContext: Pointer) : BOOL; stdcall; TDDEnumCallbackW = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PWideChar; lpDriverName: PWideChar; lpContext: Pointer) : BOOL; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE} TDDEnumCallback = TDDEnumCallbackW; {$ELSE} TDDEnumCallback = TDDEnumCallbackA; {$ENDIF} TDDEnumCallbackExA = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PAnsiChar; lpDriverName: PAnsiChar; lpContext: Pointer; Monitor: HMonitor) : BOOL; stdcall; TDDEnumCallbackExW = function (lpGUID: PGUID; lpDriverDescription: PWideChar; lpDriverName: PWideChar; lpContext: Pointer; Monitor: HMonitor) : BOOL; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE} TDDEnumCallbackEx = TDDEnumCallbackExW; {$ELSE} TDDEnumCallbackEx = TDDEnumCallbackExA; {$ENDIF} var DirectDrawEnumerateA : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackA; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawEnumerateW : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackW; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawEnumerate : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallback; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawEnumerateExA : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackExA; lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawEnumerateExW : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackExW; lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawEnumerateEx : function (lpCallback: TDDEnumCallbackEx; lpContext: Pointer; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawCreate : function (lpGUID: PGUID; out lplpDD: IDirectDraw; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawCreateEx : function (lpGUID: PGUID; out lplpDD: IDirectDraw7; const iid: TGUID; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; DirectDrawCreateClipper : function (dwFlags: DWORD; out lplpDDClipper: IDirectDrawClipper; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; const (* * Flags for DirectDrawEnumerateEx * DirectDrawEnumerateEx supercedes DirectDrawEnumerate. You must use GetProcAddress to * obtain a function pointer (of type LPDIRECTDRAWENUMERATEEX) to DirectDrawEnumerateEx. * By default, only the primary display device is enumerated. * DirectDrawEnumerate is equivalent to DirectDrawEnumerate(,,DDENUM_NONDISPLAYDEVICES) *) (* * This flag causes enumeration of any GDI display devices which are part of * the Windows Desktop *) DDENUM_ATTACHEDSECONDARYDEVICES = $00000001; (* * This flag causes enumeration of any GDI display devices which are not * part of the Windows Desktop *) DDENUM_DETACHEDSECONDARYDEVICES = $00000002; (* * This flag causes enumeration of non-display devices *) DDENUM_NONDISPLAYDEVICES = $00000004; REGSTR_KEY_DDHW_DESCRIPTION = 'Description'; REGSTR_KEY_DDHW_DRIVERNAME = 'DriverName'; REGSTR_PATH_DDHW = 'Hardware\DirectDrawDrivers'; DDCREATE_HARDWAREONLY = $00000001; DDCREATE_EMULATIONONLY = $00000002; (* * Macros for interpretting DDEVICEIDENTIFIER2.dwWHQLLevel *) function GET_WHQL_YEAR(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD) : DWORD; function GET_WHQL_MONTH(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD) : DWORD; function GET_WHQL_DAY(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD) : DWORD; (*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dvp.h * Content: DirectDrawVideoPort include file * ***************************************************************************) const (* * GUIDS used by DirectDrawVideoPort objects *) DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFH: TGUID = (D1:$54F39980;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); DDVPTYPE_E_HREFH_VREFL: TGUID = (D1:$92783220;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFH: TGUID = (D1:$A07A02E0;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); DDVPTYPE_E_HREFL_VREFL: TGUID = (D1:$E09C77E0;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); DDVPTYPE_CCIR656: TGUID = (D1:$FCA326A0;D2:$DA60;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); DDVPTYPE_BROOKTREE: TGUID = (D1:$1352A560;D2:$DA61;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); DDVPTYPE_PHILIPS: TGUID = (D1:$332CF160;D2:$DA61;D3:$11CF;D4:($9B,$06,$00,$A0,$C9,$03,$A3,$B8)); (* * GUIDS used to describe connections *) (*============================================================================ * * DirectDraw Structures * * Various structures used to invoke DirectDraw. * *==========================================================================*) type (* * TDDVideoPortConnect *) PDDVideoPortConnect = ^TDDVideoPortConnect; TDDVideoPortConnect = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDVideoPortConnect structure dwPortWidth: DWORD; // Width of the video port guidTypeID: TGUID; // Description of video port connection dwFlags: DWORD; // Connection flags dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved, set to zero. end; (* * TDDVideoPortCaps *) PDDVideoPortCaps = ^TDDVideoPortCaps; TDDVideoPortCaps = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDVideoPortCaps structure dwFlags: DWORD; // indicates which fields contain data dwMaxWidth: DWORD; // max width of the video port field dwMaxVBIWidth: DWORD; // max width of the VBI data dwMaxHeight: DWORD; // max height of the video port field dwVideoPortID: DWORD; // Video port ID (0 - (dwMaxVideoPorts -1)) dwCaps: DWORD; // Video port capabilities dwFX: DWORD; // More video port capabilities dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces: DWORD; // Number of autoflippable surfaces dwAlignVideoPortBoundary: DWORD; // Byte restriction of placement within the surface dwAlignVideoPortPrescaleWidth: DWORD; // Byte restriction of width after prescaling dwAlignVideoPortCropBoundary: DWORD; // Byte restriction of left cropping dwAlignVideoPortCropWidth: DWORD; // Byte restriction of cropping width dwPreshrinkXStep: DWORD; // Width can be shrunk in steps of 1/x dwPreshrinkYStep: DWORD; // Height can be shrunk in steps of 1/x dwNumVBIAutoFlipSurfaces: DWORD; // Number of VBI autoflippable surfaces dwNumPreferredAutoflip: DWORD; // Optimal number of autoflippable surfaces for hardware wNumFilterTapsX: WORD; // Number of taps the prescaler uses in the X direction (0 - no prescale, 1 - replication, etc.) wNumFilterTapsY: WORD; // Number of taps the prescaler uses in the Y direction (0 - no prescale, 1 - replication, etc.) end; const (* * The dwMaxWidth and dwMaxVBIWidth members are valid *) DDVPD_WIDTH = $00000001; (* * The dwMaxHeight member is valid *) DDVPD_HEIGHT = $00000002; (* * The dwVideoPortID member is valid *) DDVPD_ID = $00000004; (* * The dwCaps member is valid *) DDVPD_CAPS = $00000008; (* * The dwFX member is valid *) DDVPD_FX = $00000010; (* * The dwNumAutoFlipSurfaces member is valid *) DDVPD_AUTOFLIP = $00000020; (* * All of the alignment members are valid *) DDVPD_ALIGN = $00000040; (* * The dwNumPreferredAutoflip member is valid *) DDVPD_PREFERREDAUTOFLIP = $00000080; (* * The wNumFilterTapsX and wNumFilterTapsY fields are valid *) DDVPD_FILTERQUALITY = $00000100; type (* * TDDVideoPortDesc *) PDDVideoPortDesc = ^TDDVideoPortDesc; TDDVideoPortDesc = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // size of the TDDVideoPortDesc structure dwFieldWidth: DWORD; // width of the video port field dwVBIWidth: DWORD; // width of the VBI data dwFieldHeight: DWORD; // height of the video port field dwMicrosecondsPerField: DWORD; // Microseconds per video field dwMaxPixelsPerSecond: DWORD; // Maximum pixel rate per second dwVideoPortID: DWORD; // Video port ID (0 - (dwMaxVideoPorts -1)) dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero VideoPortType: TDDVideoPortConnect; // Description of video port connection dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero dwReserved3: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero end; (* * TDDVideoPortInfo *) PDDVideoPortInfo = ^TDDVideoPortInfo; TDDVideoPortInfo = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure dwOriginX: DWORD; // Placement of the video data within the surface. dwOriginY: DWORD; // Placement of the video data within the surface. dwVPFlags: DWORD; // Video port options rCrop: TRect; // Cropping rectangle (optional). dwPrescaleWidth: DWORD; // Determines pre-scaling/zooming in the X direction (optional). dwPrescaleHeight: DWORD; // Determines pre-scaling/zooming in the Y direction (optional). lpddpfInputFormat: PDDPixelFormat; // Video format written to the video port lpddpfVBIInputFormat: PDDPixelFormat; // Input format of the VBI data lpddpfVBIOutputFormat: PDDPixelFormat; // Output format of the data dwVBIHeight: DWORD; // Specifies the number of lines of data within the vertical blanking interval. dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero end; (* * TDDVideoPortBandWidth *) PDDVideoPortBandWidth = ^TDDVideoPortBandWidth; TDDVideoPortBandWidth = packed record dwSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure dwCaps: DWORD; dwOverlay: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which overlay is supported dwColorkey: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which overlay w/ colorkey is supported dwYInterpolate: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which overlay w/ Y interpolation is supported dwYInterpAndColorkey: DWORD; // Zoom factor at which ovelray w/ Y interpolation and colorkeying is supported dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use - set to zero end; (* * TDDVideoPortStatus *) PDDVideoPortStatus = ^TDDVideoPortStatus; TDDVideoPortStatus = record dwSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure bInUse: BOOL; // TRUE if video port is currently being used dwFlags: DWORD; // Currently not used dwReserved1: DWORD; // Reserved for future use VideoPortType: TDDVideoPortConnect; // Information about the connection dwReserved2: DWORD; // Reserved for future use dwReserved3: DWORD; // Reserved for future use end; const (*============================================================================ * * Video Port Flags * * All flags are bit flags. * *==========================================================================*) (**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT TDDVideoPortConnect FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the video port is capable of double clocking the data. * When this is set by the client, this indicates that the video port * should enable double clocking. This flag is only valid with external * syncs. *) DDVPCONNECT_DOUBLECLOCK = $00000001; (* * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the video port is capable of using an external VACT * signal. When this is set by the client, this indicates that the * video port should use the external VACT signal. *) DDVPCONNECT_VACT = $00000002; (* * When this is set by the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the video port is capable of treating even fields * like odd fields and visa versa. When this is set by the client, * this indicates that the video port should treat even fields like odd * fields. *) DDVPCONNECT_INVERTPOLARITY = $00000004; (* * Indicates that any data written to the video port during the VREF * period will not be written into the frame buffer. This flag is read only. *) DDVPCONNECT_DISCARDSVREFDATA = $00000008; (* * When this is set be the driver and passed to the client, this * indicates that the device will write half lines into the frame buffer * if half lines are provided by the decoder. If this is set by the client, * this indicates that the decoder will be supplying half lines. *) DDVPCONNECT_HALFLINE = $00000010; (* * Indicates that the signal is interlaced. This flag is only * set by the client. *) DDVPCONNECT_INTERLACED = $00000020; (* * Indicates that video port is shareable and that this video port * will use the even fields. This flag is only set by the client. *) DDVPCONNECT_SHAREEVEN = $00000040; (* * Indicates that video port is shareable and that this video port * will use the odd fields. This flag is only set by the client. *) DDVPCONNECT_SHAREODD = $00000080; (**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT TDDVideoPortDesc CAPS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Flip can be performed automatically to avoid tearing. *) DDVPCAPS_AUTOFLIP = $00000001; (* * Supports interlaced video *) DDVPCAPS_INTERLACED = $00000002; (* * Supports non-interlaced video *) DDVPCAPS_NONINTERLACED = $00000004; (* * Indicates that the device can return whether the current field * of an interlaced signal is even or odd. *) DDVPCAPS_READBACKFIELD = $00000008; (* * Indicates that the device can return the current line of video * being written into the frame buffer. *) DDVPCAPS_READBACKLINE = $00000010; (* * Allows two gen-locked video streams to share a single video port, * where one stream uses the even fields and the other uses the odd * fields. Separate parameters (including address, scaling, * cropping, etc.) are maintained for both fields.) *) DDVPCAPS_SHAREABLE = $00000020; (* * Even fields of video can be automatically discarded. *) DDVPCAPS_SKIPEVENFIELDS = $00000040; (* * Odd fields of video can be automatically discarded. *) DDVPCAPS_SKIPODDFIELDS = $00000080; (* * Indicates that the device is capable of driving the graphics * VSYNC with the video port VSYNC. *) DDVPCAPS_SYNCMASTER = $00000100; (* * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval can * be written to a different surface. *) DDVPCAPS_VBISURFACE = $00000200; (* * Indicates that the video port can perform color operations * on the incoming data before it is written to the frame buffer. *) DDVPCAPS_COLORCONTROL = $00000400; (* * Indicates that the video port can accept VBI data in a different * width or format than the regular video data. *) DDVPCAPS_OVERSAMPLEDVBI = $00000800; (* * Indicates that the video port can write data directly to system memory *) DDVPCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY = $00001000; (* * Indicates that the VBI and video portions of the video stream can * be controlled by an independent processes. *) DDVPCAPS_VBIANDVIDEOINDEPENDENT = $00002000; (* * Indicates that the video port contains high quality hardware * de-interlacing hardware that should be used instead of the * bob/weave algorithms. *) DDVPCAPS_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE = $00004000; (**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT TDDVideoPortDesc FX * ****************************************************************************) (* * Limited cropping is available to crop out the vertical interval data. *) DDVPFX_CROPTOPDATA = $00000001; (* * Incoming data can be cropped in the X direction before it is written * to the surface. *) DDVPFX_CROPX = $00000002; (* * Incoming data can be cropped in the Y direction before it is written * to the surface. *) DDVPFX_CROPY = $00000004; (* * Supports interleaving interlaced fields in memory. *) DDVPFX_INTERLEAVE = $00000008; (* * Supports mirroring left to right as the video data is written * into the frame buffer. *) DDVPFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT = $00000010; (* * Supports mirroring top to bottom as the video data is written * into the frame buffer. *) DDVPFX_MIRRORUPDOWN = $00000020; (* * Data can be arbitrarily shrunk in the X direction before it * is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESHRINKX = $00000040; (* * Data can be arbitrarily shrunk in the Y direction before it * is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESHRINKY = $00000080; (* * Data can be binary shrunk (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.) in the X * direction before it is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESHRINKXB = $00000100; (* * Data can be binary shrunk (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.) in the Y * direction before it is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESHRINKYB = $00000200; (* * Data can be shrunk in increments of 1/x in the X direction * (where X is specified in the TDDVideoPortCaps.dwPreshrinkXStep) * before it is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESHRINKXS = $00000400; (* * Data can be shrunk in increments of 1/x in the Y direction * (where X is specified in the TDDVideoPortCaps.dwPreshrinkYStep) * before it is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESHRINKYS = $00000800; (* * Data can be arbitrarily stretched in the X direction before * it is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHX = $00001000; (* * Data can be arbitrarily stretched in the Y direction before * it is written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHY = $00002000; (* * Data can be integer stretched in the X direction before it is * written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHXN = $00004000; (* * Data can be integer stretched in the Y direction before it is * written to the surface. *) DDVPFX_PRESTRETCHYN = $00008000; (* * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval can * be converted independently of the remaining video data. *) DDVPFX_VBICONVERT = $00010000; (* * Indicates that scaling can be disabled for data within the * vertical blanking interval. *) DDVPFX_VBINOSCALE = $00020000; (* * Indicates that the video data can ignore the left and right * cropping coordinates when cropping oversampled VBI data. *) DDVPFX_IGNOREVBIXCROP = $00040000; (* * Indicates that interleaving can be disabled for data within the * vertical blanking interval. *) DDVPFX_VBINOINTERLEAVE = $00080000; (**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORT TDDVideoPortInfo FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Perform automatic flipping. Auto-flipping is performed between * the overlay surface that was attached to the video port using * IDirectDrawVideoPort::AttachSurface and the overlay surfaces that * are attached to the surface via the IDirectDrawSurface::AttachSurface * method. The flip order is the order in which the overlay surfaces * were. attached. *) DDVP_AUTOFLIP = $00000001; (* * Perform conversion using the ddpfOutputFormat information. *) DDVP_CONVERT = $00000002; (* * Perform cropping using the specified rectangle. *) DDVP_CROP = $00000004; (* * Indicates that interlaced fields should be interleaved in memory. *) DDVP_INTERLEAVE = $00000008; (* * Indicates that the data should be mirrored left to right as it's * written into the frame buffer. *) DDVP_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT = $00000010; (* * Indicates that the data should be mirrored top to bottom as it's * written into the frame buffer. *) DDVP_MIRRORUPDOWN = $00000020; (* * Perform pre-scaling/zooming based on the pre-scale parameters. *) DDVP_PRESCALE = $00000040; (* * Ignore input of even fields. *) DDVP_SKIPEVENFIELDS = $00000080; (* * Ignore input of odd fields. *) DDVP_SKIPODDFIELDS = $00000100; (* * Drive the graphics VSYNCs using the video port VYSNCs. *) DDVP_SYNCMASTER = $00000200; (* * The ddpfVBIOutputFormatFormat member contains data that should be used * to convert the data within the vertical blanking interval. *) DDVP_VBICONVERT = $00000400; (* * Indicates that data within the vertical blanking interval * should not be scaled. *) DDVP_VBINOSCALE = $00000800; (* * Indicates that these bob/weave decisions should not be * overriden by other interfaces. *) DDVP_OVERRIDEBOBWEAVE = $00001000; (* * Indicates that the video data should ignore the left and right * cropping coordinates when cropping the VBI data. *) DDVP_IGNOREVBIXCROP = $00002000; (* * Indicates that interleaving can be disabled for data within the * vertical blanking interval. *) DDVP_VBINOINTERLEAVE = $00004000; (* * Indicates that the video port should use the hardware * de-interlacing hardware. *) DDVP_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE = $00008000; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT GETINPUTFORMAT/GETOUTPUTFORMAT FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Return formats for the video data *) DDVPFORMAT_VIDEO = $00000001; (* * Return formats for the VBI data *) DDVPFORMAT_VBI = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT SETTARGETSURFACE FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Surface should receive video data (and VBI data if a surface * is not explicitly attached for that purpose) *) DDVPTARGET_VIDEO = $00000001; (* * Surface should receive VBI data *) DDVPTARGET_VBI = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT WAITFORSYNC FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Waits until the beginning of the next VSYNC *) DDVPWAIT_BEGIN = $00000001; (* * Waits until the end of the next/current VSYNC *) DDVPWAIT_END = $00000002; (* * Waits until the beginning of the specified line *) DDVPWAIT_LINE = $00000003; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT FLIP FLAGS * ****************************************************************************) (* * Flips the normal video surface *) DDVPFLIP_VIDEO = $00000001; (* * Flips the VBI surface *) DDVPFLIP_VBI = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DIRIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT GETVIDEOSIGNALSTATUS VALUES * ****************************************************************************) (* * No video signal is present at the video port *) DDVPSQ_NOSIGNAL = $00000001; (* * A valid video signal is present at the video port *) DDVPSQ_SIGNALOK = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH Flags * ****************************************************************************) (* * The specified height/width refer to the size of the video port data * written into memory, after prescaling has occured. *) DDVPB_VIDEOPORT = $00000001; (* * The specified height/width refer to the source size of the overlay. *) DDVPB_OVERLAY = $00000002; (* * This is a query for the device to return which caps this device requires. *) DDVPB_TYPE = $00000004; (**************************************************************************** * * VIDEOPORTBANDWIDTH Caps * ****************************************************************************) (* * The bandwidth for this device is dependant on the overlay source size. *) DDVPBCAPS_SOURCE = $00000001; (* * The bandwidth for this device is dependant on the overlay destination * size. *) DDVPBCAPS_DESTINATION = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DDVIDEOPORTCONTAINER CreateVideoPort flags * ****************************************************************************) (* * The process only wants to control the VBI portion of the video stream. *) DDVPCREATE_VBIONLY = $00000001; (* * The process only wants to control the non-VBI (video) portion of * the video stream. *) DDVPCREATE_VIDEOONLY = $00000002; (**************************************************************************** * * DDVIDEOPORTSTATUS flags * ****************************************************************************) (* * The video port interface is only controlling the VBI portion of the * video stream *) DDVPSTATUS_VBIONLY = $00000001; (* * The video port interface is only controlling the video portion of the * video stream *) DDVPSTATUS_VIDEOONLY = $00000002; type (* * API's *) TDDEnumVideoCallback = function (lpTDDVideoPortCaps: PDDVideoPortCaps; lpContext: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; (* * INTERACES FOLLOW: * IDirectDrawVideoPort * IVideoPort *) (* * IDirectDrawVideoPort *) IDirectDrawVideoPort = interface (IUnknown) ['{B36D93E0-2B43-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}'] (*** IDirectDrawVideoPort methods ***) function Flip(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetBandwidthInfo(var lpddpfFormat: TDDPixelFormat; dwWidth: DWORD; dwHeight: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; var lpBandwidth: TDDVideoPortBandWidth) : HResult; stdcall; function GetColorControls(var lpColorControl: TDDColorControl) : HResult; stdcall; function GetInputFormats(var lpNumFormats: DWORD; var lpFormats: TDDPixelFormat; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetOutputFormats(var lpInputFormat: TDDPixelFormat; var lpNumFormats: DWORD; lpFormats: PDDPixelFormat; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetFieldPolarity(var lpbVideoField: BOOL) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVideoLine(var lpdwLine: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVideoSignalStatus(varlpdwStatus: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function SetColorControls(var lpColorControl: TDDColorControl) : HResult; stdcall; function SetTargetSurface(lpDDSurface: IDirectDrawSurface; dwFlags: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; function StartVideo(var lpVideoInfo: TDDVideoPortInfo) : HResult; stdcall; function StopVideo: HResult; stdcall; function UpdateVideo(var lpVideoInfo: TDDVideoPortInfo) : HResult; stdcall; function WaitForSync(dwFlags: DWORD; dwLine: DWORD; dwTimeout: DWORD) : HResult; stdcall; end; (* * IDirectDrawVideoPortContainer *) IDDVideoPortContainer = interface (IUnknown) ['{6C142760-A733-11CE-A521-0020AF0BE560}'] (*** IDDVideoPortContainer methods ***) function CreateVideoPort(dwFlags: DWORD; var lpTDDVideoPortDesc: TDDVideoPortDesc; var lplpDDVideoPort: IDirectDrawVideoPort; pUnkOuter: IUnknown) : HResult; stdcall; function EnumVideoPorts(dwFlags: DWORD; lpTDDVideoPortCaps: PDDVideoPortCaps; lpContext: Pointer; lpEnumVideoCallback: TDDEnumVideoCallback) : HResult; stdcall; function GetVideoPortConnectInfo(dwPortId: DWORD; var lpNumEntries: DWORD; lpConnectInfo: PDDVideoPortConnect) : HResult; stdcall; function QueryVideoPortStatus(dwPortId: DWORD; var lpVPStatus: TDDVideoPortStatus) : HResult; stdcall; end; IID_IDDVideoPortContainer = IDDVideoPortContainer; IID_IDirectDrawVideoPort = IDirectDrawVideoPort; implementation uses DXCommon; { #define GET_WHQL_YEAR( dwWHQLLevel ) \ ( (dwWHQLLevel) / 0x10000 ) #define GET_WHQL_MONTH( dwWHQLLevel ) \ ( ( (dwWHQLLevel) / 0x100 ) & 0x00ff ) #define GET_WHQL_DAY( dwWHQLLevel ) \ ( (dwWHQLLevel) & 0xff ) } function GET_WHQL_YEAR(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD) : DWORD; begin Result := (dwWHQLLevel) div $10000; end; function GET_WHQL_MONTH(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD) : DWORD; begin Result := ( (dwWHQLLevel) div $100 ) and $00ff; end; function GET_WHQL_DAY(dwWHQLLevel: DWORD) : DWORD; begin Result := (dwWHQLLevel) and $ff; end; function MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3: Char) : DWORD; begin Result := DWORD(byte(ch0) shl 0) or DWORD(byte(ch1) shl 8) or DWORD(byte(ch2) shl 16) or DWORD(byte(ch3) shl 24); end; function DDErrorString(Value: HResult) : string; begin case Value of DD_OK: Result := 'The request completed successfully.'; DDERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED: Result := 'This object is already initialized.'; DDERR_BLTFASTCANTCLIP: Result := ' if a clipper object is attached to the source surface passed into a BltFast call.'; DDERR_CANNOTATTACHSURFACE: Result := 'This surface can not be attached to the requested surface.'; DDERR_CANNOTDETACHSURFACE: Result := 'This surface can not be detached from the requested surface.'; DDERR_CANTCREATEDC: Result := 'Windows can not create any more DCs.'; DDERR_CANTDUPLICATE: Result := 'Cannot duplicate primary & 3D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly created.'; DDERR_CLIPPERISUSINGHWND: Result := 'An attempt was made to set a cliplist for a clipper object that is already monitoring an hwnd.'; DDERR_COLORKEYNOTSET: Result := 'No src color key specified for this operation.'; DDERR_CURRENTLYNOTAVAIL: Result := 'Support is currently not available.'; DDERR_DIRECTDRAWALREADYCREATED: Result := 'A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created for this process.'; DDERR_EXCEPTION: Result := 'An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation.'; DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET: Result := 'An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exclusive.'; DDERR_GENERIC: Result := 'Generic failure.'; DDERR_HEIGHTALIGN: Result := 'Height of rectangle provided is not a multiple of reqd alignment.'; DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET: Result := 'The CooperativeLevel HWND has already been set. It can not be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created.'; DDERR_HWNDSUBCLASSED: Result := 'HWND used by DirectDraw CooperativeLevel has been subclassed, this prevents DirectDraw from restoring state.'; DDERR_IMPLICITLYCREATED: Result := 'This surface can not be restored because it is an implicitly created surface.'; DDERR_INCOMPATIBLEPRIMARY: Result := 'Unable to match primary surface creation request with existing primary surface.'; DDERR_INVALIDCAPS: Result := 'One or more of the caps bits passed to the callback are incorrect.'; DDERR_INVALIDCLIPLIST: Result := 'DirectDraw does not support the provided cliplist.'; DDERR_INVALIDDIRECTDRAWGUID: Result := 'The GUID passed to DirectDrawCreate is not a valid DirectDraw driver identifier.'; DDERR_INVALIDMODE: Result := 'DirectDraw does not support the requested mode.'; DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT: Result := 'DirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DIRECTDRAW object.'; DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS: Result := 'One or more of the parameters passed to the function are incorrect.'; DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT: Result := 'The pixel format was invalid as specified.'; DDERR_INVALIDPOSITION: Result := 'Returned when the position of the overlay on the destination is no longer legal for that destination.'; DDERR_INVALIDRECT: Result := 'Rectangle provided was invalid.'; DDERR_LOCKEDSURFACES: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because one or more surfaces are locked.'; DDERR_NO3D: Result := 'There is no 3D present.'; DDERR_NOALPHAHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOBLTHW: Result := 'No blitter hardware present.'; DDERR_NOCLIPLIST: Result := 'No cliplist available.'; DDERR_NOCLIPPERATTACHED: Result := 'No clipper object attached to surface object.'; DDERR_NOCOLORCONVHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no color conversion hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOCOLORKEY: Result := 'Surface does not currently have a color key'; DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support of the destination color key.'; DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET: Result := 'Create function called without DirectDraw object method SetCooperativeLevel being called.'; DDERR_NODC: Result := 'No DC was ever created for this surface.'; DDERR_NODDROPSHW: Result := 'No DirectDraw ROP hardware.'; DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWHW: Result := 'A hardware-only DirectDraw object creation was attempted but the driver did not support any hardware.'; DDERR_NOEMULATION: Result := 'Software emulation not available.'; DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE: Result := 'Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive mode.'; DDERR_NOFLIPHW: Result := 'Flipping visible surfaces is not supported.'; DDERR_NOGDI: Result := 'There is no GDI present.'; DDERR_NOHWND: Result := 'Clipper notification requires an HWND or no HWND has previously been set as the CooperativeLevel HWND.'; DDERR_NOMIRRORHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOOVERLAYDEST: Result := 'Returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on an overlay that UpdateOverlay has never been called on to establish a destination.'; DDERR_NOOVERLAYHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no overlay hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOPALETTEATTACHED: Result := 'No palette object attached to this surface.'; DDERR_NOPALETTEHW: Result := 'No hardware support for 16 or 256 color palettes.'; DDERR_NORASTEROPHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster op hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOROTATIONHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOSTRETCHHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for stretching.'; DDERR_NOT4BITCOLOR: Result := 'DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color palette.'; DDERR_NOT4BITCOLORINDEX: Result := 'DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color index palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color index palette.'; DDERR_NOT8BITCOLOR: Result := 'DirectDrawSurface is not in 8 bit color mode and the requested operation requires 8 bit color.'; DDERR_NOTAOVERLAYSURFACE: Result := 'Returned when an overlay member is called for a non-overlay surface.'; DDERR_NOTEXTUREHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no texture mapping hardware present or available.'; DDERR_NOTFLIPPABLE: Result := 'An attempt has been made to flip a surface that is not flippable.'; DDERR_NOTFOUND: Result := 'Requested item was not found.'; DDERR_NOTLOCKED: Result := 'Surface was not locked. An attempt to unlock a surface that was not locked at all, or by this process, has been attempted.'; DDERR_NOTPALETTIZED: Result := 'The surface being used is not a palette-based surface.'; DDERR_NOVSYNCHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for vertical blank synchronized operations.'; DDERR_NOZBUFFERHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for zbuffer blitting.'; DDERR_NOZOVERLAYHW: Result := 'Overlay surfaces could not be z layered based on their BltOrder because the hardware does not support z layering of overlays.'; DDERR_OUTOFCAPS: Result := 'The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been allocated.'; DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY: Result := 'DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation.'; DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: Result := 'DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation.'; DDERR_OVERLAYCANTCLIP: Result := 'The hardware does not support clipped overlays.'; DDERR_OVERLAYCOLORKEYONLYONEACTIVE: Result := 'Can only have ony color key active at one time for overlays.'; DDERR_OVERLAYNOTVISIBLE: Result := 'Returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a hidden overlay.'; DDERR_PALETTEBUSY: Result := 'Access to this palette is being refused because the palette is already locked by another thread.'; DDERR_PRIMARYSURFACEALREADYEXISTS: Result := 'This process already has created a primary surface.'; DDERR_REGIONTOOSMALL: Result := 'Region passed to Clipper::GetClipList is too small.'; DDERR_SURFACEALREADYATTACHED: Result := 'This surface is already attached to the surface it is being attached to.'; DDERR_SURFACEALREADYDEPENDENT: Result := 'This surface is already a dependency of the surface it is being made a dependency of.'; DDERR_SURFACEBUSY: Result := 'Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already locked by another thread.'; DDERR_SURFACEISOBSCURED: Result := 'Access to surface refused because the surface is obscured.'; DDERR_SURFACELOST: Result := 'Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have Restore called on it.'; DDERR_SURFACENOTATTACHED: Result := 'The requested surface is not attached.'; DDERR_TOOBIGHEIGHT: Result := 'Height requested by DirectDraw is too large.'; DDERR_TOOBIGSIZE: Result := 'Size requested by DirectDraw is too large, but the individual height and width are OK.'; DDERR_TOOBIGWIDTH: Result := 'Width requested by DirectDraw is too large.'; DDERR_UNSUPPORTED: Result := 'Action not supported.'; DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT: Result := 'FOURCC format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw.'; DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMASK: Result := 'Bitmask in the pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw.'; DDERR_VERTICALBLANKINPROGRESS: Result := 'Vertical blank is in progress.'; DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING: Result := 'Informs DirectDraw that the previous Blt which is transfering information to or from this Surface is incomplete.'; DDERR_WRONGMODE: Result := 'This surface can not be restored because it was created in a different mode.'; DDERR_XALIGN: Result := 'Rectangle provided was not horizontally aligned on required boundary.'; // new: DDERR_OVERLAPPINGRECTS: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because the source and destination rectangles are on the same surface and overlap each other.'; DDERR_INVALIDSTREAM: Result := 'The specified stream contains invalid data'; DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMODE: Result := 'The display is currently in an unsupported mode'; DDERR_NOMIPMAPHW: Result := 'Operation could not be carried out because there is no mip-map texture mapping hardware present or available.'; DDERR_INVALIDSURFACETYPE: Result := 'The requested action could not be performed because the surface was of the wrong type.'; DDERR_NOOPTIMIZEHW: Result := 'Device does not support optimized surfaces, therefore no video memory optimized surfaces'; DDERR_NOTLOADED: Result := 'Surface is an optimized surface, but has not yet been allocated any memory'; DDERR_NOFOCUSWINDOW: Result := 'Attempt was made to create or set a device window without first setting the focus window'; DDERR_DCALREADYCREATED: Result := 'A DC has already been returned for this surface. Only one DC can be retrieved per surface.'; DDERR_NONONLOCALVIDMEM: Result := 'An attempt was made to allocate non-local video memory from a device that does not support non-local video memory.'; DDERR_CANTPAGELOCK: Result := 'The attempt to page lock a surface failed.'; DDERR_CANTPAGEUNLOCK: Result := 'The attempt to page unlock a surface failed.'; DDERR_NOTPAGELOCKED: Result := 'An attempt was made to page unlock a surface with no outstanding page locks.'; DDERR_MOREDATA: Result := 'There is more data available than the specified buffer size could hold'; DDERR_EXPIRED: Result := 'The data has expired and is therefore no longer valid.'; DDERR_VIDEONOTACTIVE: Result := 'The video port is not active'; DDERR_DEVICEDOESNTOWNSURFACE: Result := 'Surfaces created by one direct draw device cannot be used directly by another direct draw device.'; DDERR_NOTINITIALIZED: Result := 'An attempt was made to invoke an interface member of a DirectDraw object created by CoCreateInstance() before it was initialized.'; else Result := UnrecognizedError; end; end; initialization begin if not IsNTandDelphiRunning then begin DDrawDLL := LoadLibrary('DDraw.dll'); DirectDrawEnumerateA := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawEnumerateA'); DirectDrawEnumerateW := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawEnumerateW'); {$IFDEF UNICODE} DirectDrawEnumerate := DirectDrawEnumerateW; {$ELSE} DirectDrawEnumerate := DirectDrawEnumerateA; {$ENDIF} DirectDrawEnumerateExA := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawEnumerateExA'); DirectDrawEnumerateExW := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawEnumerateExW'); {$IFDEF UNICODE} DirectDrawEnumerateEx := DirectDrawEnumerateExW; {$ELSE} DirectDrawEnumerateEx := DirectDrawEnumerateExA; {$ENDIF} DirectDrawCreate := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawCreate'); DirectDrawCreateEx := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawCreateEx'); DirectDrawCreateClipper := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'DirectDrawCreateClipper'); {$IFDEF WINNT} NtDirectDrawCreate := GetProcAddress(DDrawDLL,'NtDirectDrawCreate'); {$ENDIF} end; end; finalization begin if DDrawDLL <> 0 then FreeLibrary(DDrawDLL); end; end.