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- LsPictureEditor and LsPictureExplorer
- =====================================
- ******************************************************************************
- Archive File : PictEdit.zip
- Contents : (1) LsPictureEditor, that is a Design-Time Property Editor
- for Bitmaps(Glyphs) and Pictures, replacing the default
- property editor in the Object Inspector.
- (2) LsPictureExplorer, that is an executable utility program,
- demonstrating the functions of LsPictureEditor.
- Version : 2.40 for Delphi versions 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- Latest Update : September 2001.
- Author : Leo D. Shih e-mail <ldshih@ecn.ab.ca>
- Copyright : (C)1998-2001 by Leo D. Shih, all rights reserved.
- Disclaimer : The current version of LsPictureEditor and LsPictureExplorer
- (the software) are distributed as freeware without warranty
- of any kind, expressed or implied. Use of this software is
- at your own risk.
- ******************************************************************************
- Description
- ===========
- 1. LsPictureEditor is a Design-Time Bitmap (Glyph) and Picture property
- editor for the Object-Inspector, which allows you to:
- 1.1 browse your glyph collections in an array of SpeedButtons, in both
- enabled- and disabled-state, thus you can select your desired
- glyph visually from the displayed glyphs, instead of guessing at
- fileNames;
- 1.2 convert Icons to Bitmaps (in 16-, 256- or HiColor), with user definable
- rectangle parameters, in order to adapt icons as button glyphs;
- 1.3 copy selected image to ClipBoard for pasting to other applications;
- 1.3 access to frequently used image collections (directories which contain
- *.bmp, *.ico and/or *.wmf files) through the use of BookMarks.
- 2. LsPictureExplorer is an executable utility program, that demostrates all the
- functions of LsPictureEditor.
- Files Supplied
- ==============
- PictEdit.zip consists of the following type of files, which are required
- for installing the LsPictureEditor and LsPictureExplorer:
- 1. Common Files
- ------------
- LsPEPicture.ini - IniFile that contains BookMarks information
- (For simplicity of coding, INIFile is used instead of
- RegIniFile or System Registry)
- LsPictureEditor.txt - this file
- 2. Files for LsPictureEditor
- -------------------------
- LsPicEditorMainD?.pas Main unit
- LsPicEditorMainD?.dfm Main unit form file
- LsPicEditorViewD?.pas Full-size viewing unit
- LsPicEditorViewD?.dfm Full-size viewing form
- LsPicEditorRegD?.pas File for registering LsPictureEditor
- LsPictureEditorD?.dpk Package source files
- NOTE:- Where '?' is the delphi version number (i.e. 3, 4, 5 or 6)
- 3. Files for LsPictureExplorer
- ---------------------------
- LsPicEditorMain.pas Main unit
- LsPicEditorMain.dfm Main unit form file
- LsPicEditorView,pas Full-size viewing unit
- LsPicEditorView.dfm Full-size Viewing form
- LsPictureExplorer.dpr Project file
- LsPictureExplorer.exe Compiled Utility
- LsPictureExplorer.res Resource file
- Installation
- ============
- 1. Decompress the archive PictEdit.zip in any directory. Files for Delphi
- versions 3, 4, 5 and 6 are separately saved in D3, D4, D5 and D6
- sub-directories respectively.
- 2. Copy LsPEPicture.ini file to your C:\windows directory. It may be necessary
- to be edited, in order to ensure that the path of those directories
- in the [Path] Section are correct.
- 3. Depending on your version of Delphi, copy files from D3, D4, D5 or D6
- sub-directory into a directory that is in the Delphi Library Search Path.
- 4. Close all open projects in the IDE.
- 5.
- - Choose File | Open;
- - Open Delphi Package Source file LsPictureEditorD6.dpk for Delphi6 from the
- FileOpenDialog (or LsPictureEditorD5.dpk, LsPictureEditorD4.dpk or
- LsPictureEditorD3.dpk for D5, D4 or D3 respectively);
- - When the Package Editor appears, click Compile button to compile the
- package into .BPL file (.DPL file in D3);
- - Upon completion of compiling, click Install button to install
- TLsPictureEditor as a replacement of the default TPicture and TBitmap
- property editor in Object Inspector.
- - Save the Package.
- Uninstall TLsPictureEditor
- ==========================
- To uninstall LsPictureEditor from Delphi, follow these steps:
- 1. Click 'Component' in main-menu, then select 'Install Packages';
- 2. From the 'Design packages' list, select 'Lds Property Editor - Bitmap &
- Picture';
- 3. Click 'Remove' then 'OK'.
- Using TLsPictureEditor
- ======================
- Click '...' button next to Glyph or Picture Property, or double-click the
- Value column, in the Object Inspector, the LsPictureEditor will popup.
- All controls in the LsPictureEditor are provided with sufficient Help Hints
- or Help Text in the StatusBar, thus making it self explanatory and easy to use.
- Please note that due to difference in minor-versions of Delphi's, you may
- encounter error message(s) on activating LsPictureEditor, viz:
- "Error reading PEMainForm.Font Charset: Property
- does not exist" (or something like this)
- If such condition occurs, you can take following steps to correct it:
- (a) Remove the package/component from your Delphi;
- (b) Open LsPicEditorMainD?.pas in IDE;
- (c) When error message appears, click "Ignore All", then save and close
- the file;
- (d) Open LsPicEditorViewD?.pas in IDE, and repeat (c);
- (d) Re-install the package/component.
- Update History
- ==============
- Version 2.4
- -----------
- - Added Delphi 6 compatible files.
- version 2.3
- -----------
- - Fixed bug in BookMarks section.
- - Prevent AV errors, if the INI-File 'LsPEPicture.ini' is not in the
- Windows directory or its key values are empty.
- version 2.2
- -----------
- - Erroneous operation of "Bookmarks" button in Delphi 3 fixed.
- - Corrected premature closure whilst cancelling Icon-to-Bmp conversion.
- - Some change made in order to prevent "List index out of order" error
- under certain operating conditions.
- version 2.1
- -----------
- - The procedure related to Icon-to-Bitmap conversion was re-coded to
- provide color-depth settings and size-control for bitmaps.
- - User interface re-designed.
- Version 2.0
- -----------
- - Replaced all D1 compatibility components by Win32 components, thus
- providing more friendly user inteface.
- - Improved algorithm for viewing glyphs.
- - Updated to be compatible with Delphi 5.
- NOTE:- The DsgnIntf Unit is no longer provided in the Delphi 5 Lib
- directory, but there is no trouble to compile this program
- under Delphi 5 because the DsgnIntf unit is still contained
- in the VCL50 package.
- Version 1.0
- -----------
- First release.
- Version 0.8
- -----------
- Last Beta release.