home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //TNyBck compenent V 1.3 10.9.2001
- //Nihat Yorganc² nyorganci@hotmail.com
- // Please send me notes, bugs and problems
- //export and import whole database to the text files and binary files.
- // Memo and BLOB fields are also supported. TnyBck is saved Total record count in Text file when Export.
- //so you can use this count as Gauge Max Value.Please examine to Demo.
- //You don't have to export calculated field or lookupfields with Tnybck.
- //if you have calculated fields or lookupfields in dataset you must not be
- // export this fields. See Csvmap properties.
- // You can use this component for free in commercial or non-commercial programs
- // Please send me the changes you made in source code, and do not forgret my credit!
- // Read Readme.txt file included with the package for help and credits.
- //This compenent TPgCSV (Khashayar Sadjadi (khashi@pragena.8m.com)) And KDatabase Export pack(delphi@korzh.com) Combined.
- //Installation:
- // Remove Nybck component previous version.Click Component menu. Select Install Component.
- //Select Nybck.pas in Unit File Name with Browse.
- //Select Package file name exist your computer(*.dpk).
- //or Select into new package, write a new filename in Package file name.Press ok.
- //Appear package box and press install. After Save *.dpk file.
- //Usage
- // 1. Place the component of your Form or DataModule.
- // 2. Set the proprties (See properties section in this readme)
- // 3. Close dataset
- // 4. Call Imprt or Exprt methods.
- // 5. Open Dataset
- //Properties:
- //CSVMap : Mapping of BCK file(text file) and table fields. A List of field names, started bt value of
- // FieldIndicator value and seprated by Seprator value.
- // Ex: $Name,$Age,$BirthDate
- // if you writed CSVMap and Export all records, please don't change
- // CSVMap string while import all records to dataset. Othervise raised errors.
- // only exported and imported fields in CsvMap string. So you don't have to Export
- //calculated and lookup fields.
- // Dataset :Tdataset. TDataset in Delphi forms or DataModules to link with TNyBck for Import and Export.
- //Delimiter: Char. Seprator character.specifies the delimiter that will separate field values in
- // the text files.Default '"' .
- //FieldIndicator : Special character for identifing field names in CSVMap.
- //Seprator : Seprator character. Offten ,
- //SilentImport :boolean. Setting this property to True forces TNyBck to do not raise exceptions and call ImportError event
- //TextFile :String. A Text file. Each record in a seperate line, seperated by CR.
- // if your have blob or memo field TnyBck create a binary file (*.mem).
- //example: textfile:= 'myfile.Bck', TnyBck also create myfile.mem.
- //TotalRecord :integer.Read only. Get Totol record in BeforeExport and Before▌mport events.You get Total Record only this two events.
- // You can use Totol Record your gauge max value.
- //Events:
- //AfterCloseTable : Fires after TNyBck closed dataset.
- //AfterExport : Fires after export process of a dataset to a Text Files( and *.Mem files) finishes.
- //AfterImport : Fires after import process of a Text files (and *.mem) to dataset finishes.
- //AfterOpenTable : Fires after TNyBck opens the dataset.
- //BeforeCloseTable : Fires before TNyBck closes the database.
- //BeforeExport : Fires before export process starts from a Dataset to a Text files.
- //BeforeImport : Fires before import process starts from a Text files to a Dataset.
- //BeforeOpenTable : Fires before TNyBck opens dataset.
- //ImportError : Firest each time an exception occures in Importing a Text to a dataset.
- // You can force TNyBck to handle ignore error or abort the process.
- // This event will be fired only if Silent²mport property is setted to True.
- //ExportProgress : Fires each time a new record added to a Text files during exportin a dataset to a textFiles.
- // You can Stop export progress by setting StopIt parameter to True.
- //ImportProgress : Fires each time a new record added to a dataset during importing a text fileto a dataset.
- // You can Stop import progress by setting StopIt parameter to True.
- //OnAddRecord : Fires each time a new record added to dataset during importing a Text to a dataset.
- //Exception handling:
- //By setting SilentImport property to True, if an exception occure in Import method, TNyBck will
- //not raise exception and will call ImportError event with exception message and record number.
- //You can set the Response parameter to nybckIgnore or nybckAbort to make TnyBck handle the exception.
- //Setting Response to nybckIgnore will make TNyBck ignore current record and it will continue Importing, but
- //nybckAbort will terminate import process at the currect record.
- //Default value of Response parameter is nybckIgnore.
- //Progress monitoring:
- //By writing event handlers for ExportProgress and ImportProgress events, you can monitor Import and/or
- //Export progress during the process. You can also stop process by setting StopIt parameter to True within
- //event handler.
- //Total Record: Readonly.Total record write in text file first line(Export method).
- // Total Record Reading in text file first line(Import mehthod).
- //You can get Total record in BeforeExport and BeforeImport events.
- //AutoMapping feature:
- //----------------------------------------------
- //If you leave the CSVMap property blank, TPgCSV will use all Dataset
- // fields to generate *.Bck file in Exprt and ▌mprt method.
- //History:
- ///ver 1.3. (10.9.2001)
- //a major bug solved in imprt method.
- //ver 1.2. (8.9.2001)
- //Export Method change Exprt, ▌mport Method change imprt.
- //CsvMap, fieldindicator and Seprator properties added.
- //ver 1.1 (26.1.2001)
- //Some bugs solved.
- unit NyBck;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- Db;
- type
- TNyError = class(Exception) //Pgcsv hav'not.
- end;
- type
- TNyBckErrorResponse = (nybckAbort, nybckIgnore);
- TNyBckProgressEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; AProgress: LongInt; var StopIt: Boolean) of object;
- TNyBckImportErrorEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; Mess: string; RecNo: LongInt; var Response:TNyBckErrorResponse) of object;
- TNyBck = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FDataset : TDataset;
- FTextFile :string;
- FCSVMap :string;
- FDelimiter :char;
- FSilentImport :Boolean;
- Fstop :Boolean;
- Ftotal :longint;//totalrec.
- FSeprator,FFieldIndicator : Char;
- FMapItems:integer;
- FBeforeOpenTable,
- FAfterOpenTable,
- FBeforeCloseTable,
- FAfterCloseTable,
- FBeforeExport,
- FAfterExport,
- FBeforeImport,
- FAfterImport,
- FOnAddRecord : TNotifyEvent;
- FExportProgress,
- FImportProgress : TNyBckprogressEvent;
- FImportError : TNyBckImportErrorEvent;
- FFieldCache : TList;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure ClearFileExt(var FileName : string);
- procedure ChangeFileExtt(var FileName : string; const NewExt :string);
- // function FixPath(const Path : string) : string;
- function DelimitedText(Strings : TStrings; Delimiter, Quote : char) : string;
- function QuotedString(const S : string; Quote : char) : string;
- //Yedekal ba■l²yor.
- procedure ComposeText(const S : string; Delimiter, Quote : char; Strings : TStrings);
- function UnquotedString(const S : string; Quote : char) : string;
- function CountMapItems:Integer;
- function WordCount(const S ,WordDelim: string): Integer;
- function GetMapItem(ItemIndex:Integer;var AField:Boolean):string;
- function ExtractWord(Item: Integer;S, WordDelim: string): string;
- function WordPosition(Item: Integer; const S, SubStr: string): Integer;
- function BuildMap:string;//Csvmap bo■sa tⁿm alanlar² dahil et.
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy;override;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- //properties
- Property TotalRecord :longint read Ftotal;
- property Dataset : TDataset read FDataset write FDataset;
- property TextFile : string read FTextFile write FTextFile;
- property Delimiter : Char read FDelimiter write FDelimiter;
- property SilentImport : Boolean read FSilentImport write FSilentImport;
- property FieldIndicator : Char read FFieldIndicator write FFieldIndicator;
- property Seprator : Char read FSeprator write FSeprator;
- property CSVMap : string read FCSVMap write FCSVMap;
- //events
- property BeforeOpenTable : TNotifyEvent read FBeforeOpenTable write FBeforeOpenTable;
- property AfterOpenTable : TNotifyEvent read FAfterOpenTable write FAfterOpenTable;
- property BeforeCloseTable : TNotifyEvent read FBeforeCloseTable write FBeforeCloseTable;
- property AfterCloseTable : TNotifyEvent read FAfterCloseTable write FAfterCloseTable;
- property BeforeImport : TNotifyEvent read FBeforeImport write FBeforeImport;
- property AfterImport : TNotifyEvent read FAfterImport write FAfterImport;
- property BeforeExport : TNotifyEvent read FBeforeExport write FBeforeExport;
- property AfterExport : TNotifyEvent read FAfterExport write FAfterExport;
- property ExportProgress : TNyBckProgressEvent read FExportProgress write FExportProgress;
- property ImportProgress : TNyBckProgressEvent read FImportProgress write FImportProgress;
- property OnAddRecord : TNotifyEvent read FOnAddRecord write FOnAddRecord;
- property ImportError : TNyBckImportErrorEvent read FImportError write FImportError;
- //methodes
- procedure Exprt;//DatasetToText;
- procedure Imprt;//TextToDataset;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- procedure Tnybck.Exprt;//DatasetToText
- var
- D : string;
- B : Boolean;
- i : integer;
- C : LongInt;//progresin say²s²n² tutar.
- slOut, slRow : TStrings;
- MS1, MS2 : TMemoryStream;
- begin
- if FTextFile='' then
- raise TNyError.Create('NyBck Error: Please write backup Text file name.');
- if FDataSet = nil then
- raise TNyError.Create('NyBck Error : Dataset is not specified');
- if Assigned(FBeforeOpenTable) then
- FBeforeOpenTable(Self);
- Fdataset.open;
- if Assigned(FAfterOpenTable) then
- FAfterOpenTable(Self);
- try //transfer start
- slOut := TStringList.Create;
- slRow := TStringList.Create;
- MS1 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- MS2 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- //create field cache
- FFieldCache:=TList.Create;
- FMapItems:=0;
- // filename:=dosyaadi;
- try
- C:=0;//▌lerleme miktar²
- FDataSet.First;
- if Trim(FCSVMap) = '' then
- FCSVMap:=BuildMap;
- FDataset.DisableControls;//ekran kompenentleri pasif
- slRow.Clear;
- Ftotal:=Fdataset.RecordCount;
- slRow.Add(inttostr(Ftotal)); //toplam rekordu kaydet
- slOut.Add(DelimitedText(slRow, Fseprator,FDelimiter));// '"'));
- if Assigned(FBeforeExport) then
- FBeforeExport(Self);
- while (not FDataset.Eof) and (not FStop) do//not FDataSet.EOF do
- begin
- slRow.Clear;
- for i:=1 to CountMapItems do//i := 0 to FDataSet.FieldCount - 1 do
- begin
- D:=GetMapItem(i,B);
- if B=false then //wrong field defination.
- raise TNyError.Create('NyBck Error : '+D+' is not a Field Defination for CSVmap Strings.Fieldindicator is wrong.');
- if not (FDataSet.FieldByName(D).DataType in [ftBlob, ftMemo, ftGraphic, ftFmtMemo,
- ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle, ftTypedBinary]) then
- slRow.Add(FDataSet.FieldByName(D).AsString)
- else begin
- MS2.Clear;
- (FDataSet.FieldByName(D) as TBlobField).SaveToStream(MS2);
- MS1.CopyFrom(MS2,0);
- slRow.Add(IntToStr(MS2.Size));
- end;
- end;
- slOut.Add(DelimitedText(slRow,Fseprator,FDelimiter));// '"'));
- FDataSet.Next;
- if Assigned(FExportProgress) then
- FExportProgress(Self, C, FStop);
- Inc(C);//ilerleme miktar².
- end; //ⁿsttej■ while not fdatasete gidiyor.
- if ExtractFileExt(FtextFile) = '' then FtextFile := FtextFile + '.txt';
- slOut.SaveToFile(FtextFile);
- if MS1.Size > 0 then
- begin
- ChangeFileExtt(FTextFile, 'mem');
- MS1.SaveToFile(FtextFile);
- end;
- finally
- slRow.Free;
- slOut.Free;
- MS2.Free;
- MS1.Free;
- FFieldCache.Free;
- FDataset.EnableControls;
- if Assigned(FAfterExport) then
- FAfterExport(Self);
- end;
- finally
- if Assigned(FBeforeCloseTable) then
- FBeforeCloseTable(Self);
- Fdataset.Close;
- if Assigned(FAfterCloseTable) then
- FAfterCloseTable(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNyBck.imprt;//TextToDataset;
- var //CsvToDataset
- i,j : integer;
- D : string;
- B:boolean;
- slIn, slValues : TStrings;
- MS1, MS2 : TMemoryStream;
- sz : integer;
- memdosya:string;
- ErrorResponse : TNyBckErrorResponse ;
- C : LongInt;//progresin say²s²n² tutar.
- //CoNoexp:longint;//Key violation hatas² nedeniyle kayda girmeyen kay²tlar.
- begin //g
- if FTextFile='' then
- raise TNyError.Create('NyBck Error: Please write backup Text file name.');
- if FDataSet = nil then
- raise TNyError.Create('NyBck Error : Dataset is not specified');
- slIn := TStringList.Create;
- slValues := TStringList.Create;
- MS1 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- MS2 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- //create field cache
- FFieldCache:=TList.Create;
- //initiate map items
- FMapItems:=0;
- try //e
- if Assigned(FBeforeOpenTable) then
- FBeforeOpenTable(Self);
- Fdataset.Open;
- if Assigned(FAfterOpenTable) then
- FAfterOpenTable(Self);
- MS1.Position := 0;
- FDataset.DisableControls;//ekran kompenentleri pasif
- C:=0;//▌lerleme miktar²
- Memdosya:=FTextFile;
- ClearFileExt(memdosya);
- slIn.LoadFromFile(FTextFile);
- if FileExists(MemDosya + '.mem') then
- MS1.LoadFromFile(MemDosya + '.mem');
- ComposeText(slIn[0],FSeprator, FDelimiter, slValues);//kay²t toplam²n² al.
- Ftotal:=strtoint(slValues[0]);//toplam kayd² integer olarak al.
- //memolar² ilk Ms1 e yⁿkle.
- //export to table from text file
- if Assigned(FBeforeImport) then
- FBeforeImport(Self);
- if Trim(FCSVMap) = '' then
- FCSVMap:=BuildMap;
- for i := 1 to slIn.Count - 1 do //0 to idi ama ilk kay²t toplam kay²t adedi oldu≡undan.
- begin //d
- if FStop=true then break;
- try//h
- Fdataset.Append;
- ComposeText(slIn[i], FSeprator,FDelimiter, slValues);
- for j := 0 to slValues.Count - 1 do
- begin //c
- d:=getmapitem(j+1,B);
- if B=false then //wrong field defination.
- raise TNyError.Create('NyBck Error : '+D+' is not a Field Defination for CSVmap Strings.Fieldindicator is wrong.');
- if not (Fdataset.Fieldbyname(D).DataType in [ftBlob, ftMemo, ftGraphic, ftFmtMemo,
- ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle, ftTypedBinary]) then
- Fdataset.Fieldbyname(D).AsString := slValues[j]
- else begin//b
- sz := StrToInt(slValues[j]);
- if sz > 0 then
- begin //a
- MS2.CopyFrom(MS1,sz);
- MS2.Position := 0;
- (Fdataset.Fieldbyname(D) as TBlobField).LoadFromStream(MS2);
- MS2.Clear;
- end; //a
- end;//b
- end; //c
- Fdataset.Post;
- except
- on E:Exception do
- if not FSilentImport then
- raise
- else
- if Assigned(FImportError) then
- begin
- FImportError(Self,E.Message,C,ErrorResponse);
- if ErrorResponse = NyBckAbort then
- Break;
- end;
- end;//h
- if Assigned(FOnAddRecord) then
- FOnAddRecord(Self);
- if Assigned(FImportProgress) then
- FImportProgress(Self, C, FStop);
- Inc(C);
- end;//d
- //Inc(Coexp);//ilerleme miktar².//key violation hatas² olsa bile buraya u≡ruyor.
- FDataset.EnableControls;//ekran kompenentleri aktif.dikkat alttaki fdataset.active=false'den ÷nce gelmeli yoksa hata veriyor.
- if Assigned(FAfterImport) then
- FAfterImport(Self);
- Fdataset.close;
- if Assigned(FAfterCloseTable) then
- FAfterCloseTable(Self);
- finally
- MS1.Free;
- MS2.Free;
- slValues.Free;
- slIn.Free;
- FFieldCache.Free;
- end;//e
- end; //g
- procedure TNyBck.ComposeText(const S : string; Delimiter, Quote : char; Strings : TStrings);
- var
- i, prev : integer;
- b : boolean;
- begin
- prev := 0;
- b := false;
- Strings.Clear;
- for i := 1 to Length(S) do
- begin
- if S[i] = Quote then b := not b;
- if not b and (S[i] = Delimiter) then
- begin
- Strings.Add(UnquotedString(Trim(Copy(S, prev + 1, i - prev - 1)), Quote));
- prev := i;
- end;
- end;
- Strings.Add(UnquotedString(Trim(Copy(S, prev + 1, Length(S))), Quote));
- end;
- //return unquoted string
- function TNyBck.UnquotedString(const S : string; Quote : char) : string;
- var
- i : integer;
- begin
- if (S = '') or (S[1] <> Quote) then
- begin
- Result := S;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := ''; i := 2;
- while i < Length(S) do
- begin
- if S[i] = Quote then
- begin
- if S[i + 1] = Quote then
- begin
- Result := Result + Quote;
- inc(i, 2);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- Result := Result + S[i];
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNyBck.ClearFileExt(var FileName : string);
- var
- p : integer;
- begin
- p := Length(FileName);
- while (p > 0) and (FileName[p] <> '.') do dec(p);
- if p = 0 then exit;
- Delete(FileName, p, Length(FileName));
- end;
- procedure TNyBck.ChangeFileExtt(var FileName : string; const NewExt :string);
- begin
- ClearFileExt(FileName);
- FileName := FileName + '.' + NewExt;
- end;
- function TNyBck.DelimitedText(Strings : TStrings; Delimiter, Quote : char) : string;
- var
- i : integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for i := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if i <> 0 then Result := Result + Delimiter;
- Result := Result + QuotedString(Strings[i], Quote);
- end;
- end;
- function TNyBck.QuotedString(const S : string; Quote : char) : string;
- var
- i : integer;
- begin
- Result := Quote;
- for i := 1 to Length(S) do
- begin
- Result := Result + S[i];
- if S[i] = Quote then
- Result := Result + Quote;
- end;
- Result := Result + Quote;
- end;
- function TNyBck.CountMapItems:Integer;
- begin
- if FMapItems = 0 then
- FMapItems:=WordCount(FCSVMap,FSeprator);
- Result:=FMapItems;
- end;
- function TNYBck.WordCount(const S ,WordDelim: string): Integer;
- var
- i,
- Count :Integer;
- begin
- Count:=0;
- for i:=1 to Length(S) do
- if Copy(S,i,Length(WordDelim)) = WordDelim then
- Inc(Count);
- Result:=Count + 1;
- end;
- function TNYBck.GetMapItem(ItemIndex:Integer;var AField:Boolean):string;
- var
- S : string;
- P : ^ShortString;
- begin
- if FFieldCache.Count < ItemIndex then
- begin
- S:=ExtractWord(ItemIndex,FCSVMap,FSeprator);
- New(P);
- P^:=S;
- FFieldCache.Add(P);
- end
- else
- S:=ShortString(FFieldCache.Items[ItemIndex - 1]^);
- AField:=True;
- if (Length(S) >= 1) and (S[1] = FFieldIndicator) then
- Result:=Copy(S,2,Length(S) - 1)
- else
- begin
- AField:=False;
- Result:=S;
- end;
- end;
- function TNYBck.ExtractWord(Item: Integer;S, WordDelim: string): string;
- var
- First,
- Second:Integer;
- begin
- First:=WordPosition(Item - 1,S,WordDelim);
- Second:=WordPosition(Item,S,WordDelim);
- if Second = 0 then
- Second:=Length(S) + Length(WordDelim);
- if First = 1 then
- First:=-Length(WordDelim);
- Result:=Copy(S,First + Length(WordDelim),Second - (First + Length(WordDelim)));
- if Item = 1 then
- Delete(Result,Length(Result),1);
- end;
- function TNYBck.WordPosition(Item: Integer; const S, SubStr: string): Integer;
- var
- i,
- Count : Integer;
- begin
- Count:=0;
- Result:=0;
- for i:=1 to Length(S) do
- begin
- if Copy(S,i,Length(SubStr)) = SubStr then
- Inc(Count);
- if Count = Item then
- begin
- Result:=i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TNYBck.BuildMap:string;
- var
- i:Integer;
- S:string;
- begin
- S:='';
- for i:=0 to FDataset.FieldCount - 1 do
- S:=S + FFieldIndicator + FDataset.Fields[i].FieldName + FSeprator;
- Delete(S,Length(S),1);//Em sondaki Fseprat÷rⁿ siliyor.
- Result:=S;
- end;
- constructor TNyBck.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FDelimiter:='"';
- FFieldIndicator:='$';
- FSeprator:=',';
- FSilentImport:=True;
- FStop:=False;
- end;
- destructor TNyBck.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Nihat', [TNyBck]);
- end;
- end.