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- Unit PrevPrinter;
- Interface
- {
- Component Title: Ben Zeigler's Print Preview Component
- Program FileName: PrevPrinter.pas
- Creation Date: You'll have to ask Ben
- Notes: Created by Ben Ziegler (bziegler@Radix.Net)
- Required Files: Requires PrevForm & FormSettings & Res files Components
- Programming Language: Delphi 5 now...
- Targeted OS: 32-bit calls everywhere -- Win32
- Version Date Programmer Notes
- 2.00 ?????? BZ Initial release by Ben.
- 3.00 ?????? JGW Initial release by JGW for Delhpi 5. I have attempted
- to support several things. Notably the ability to have
- landscape and portrait plots at the same time as well as
- a bounding box-zoom control but didn't succeed. Mostly, I
- changed things to be compatable with all of the other code I had,
- and altered a few things based upon the kind of users I had--they
- got confused a lot.
- 3.01 09Feb01 JGW Problem: The original method of drawing was to simply
- take the metafile created and draw it to the canvas as is. What
- happened, however, was that whenever you changed printers, the
- metafile still had the attributes of the old printer, and even
- with minor differences, the printouts became inconsistant. And
- attempting to simply alter the metafiles was even more inconsistent.
- Solution (one of many I'm sure): Since metafiles are vectored,
- I will simply use StretchDraw to print the metafile and to view
- it on the screen. And since the bounds of the metafile seem to be
- variable, I picked a happy median that worked.
- Fun stuff, windows.
- }
- Uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Graphics, Forms, Printers, StdCtrls, ComCtrls;
- Const
- INCH_TO_CM = 2.54;
- Type
- TDrawStyle = ( dsStandard, dsOwnerDrawFixed, dsOwnerDrawVariable );
- TPrintPageNumber = ( pnBottom, pnTop, pnNone );
- TUnits = ( unInches, unCentimeters );
- TZoomOption = ( zoFitToPage, zoFitToWidth, zoTwoPages, zoCustom );
- TStatusType = ( stPaginating, stPrinting, stPaginationFinished, stPrintFinished );
- TOwnerHeightProc = Procedure( Sender: TObject; Line: integer; Var Height: integer; Var ForceNewPage: boolean ) Of Object;
- TOwnerDrawProc = Procedure( Sender: TObject; Page, Line: integer; R: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas ) Of Object;
- TNewPageProc = Procedure( Sender: TObject; Page: integer ) Of Object;
- TStatusProc = Procedure( Sender: TObject; Const StatMsg: String; PageNum: integer; StatusType: TStatusType ) Of Object;
- PPrinterOrientation = ^TPrinterOrientation;
- TTextOptions = Class( TPersistent )
- Protected
- FDrawStyle: TDrawStyle;
- FLeft: double;
- FTop: double;
- FRight: double;
- FBot: double;
- FBodyFont: TFont;
- FHdrFont: TFont;
- FFtrFont: TFont;
- FPageFont: TFont;
- FHeader: String;
- FFooter: String;
- FHdrMarg: double;
- FFtrMarg: double;
- FHdrAlign: TAlignment;
- FFtrAlign: TAlignment;
- FPrtPage: TPrintPageNumber;
- FPageAlign: TAlignment;
- FPageText: String;
- Procedure SetBodyFont( Val: TFont );
- Procedure SetHdrFont( Val: TFont );
- Procedure SetFtrFont( Val: TFont );
- Procedure SetPageFont( Val: TFont );
- Public
- Constructor Create;
- Destructor Destroy; Override;
- Procedure Assign( Source: TPersistent ); Override;
- Published
- Property DrawStyle: TDrawStyle Read FDrawStyle Write FDrawStyle;
- Property MarginLeft: double Read FLeft Write FLeft;
- Property MarginTop: double Read FTop Write FTop;
- Property MarginRight: double Read FRight Write FRight;
- Property MarginBottom: double Read FBot Write FBot;
- Property BodyFont: TFont Read FBodyFont Write SetBodyFont;
- Property HeaderFont: TFont Read FHdrFont Write SetHdrFont;
- Property FooterFont: TFont Read FFtrFont Write SetFtrFont;
- Property PageNumFont: TFont Read FPageFont Write SetPageFont;
- Property Header: String Read FHeader Write FHeader;
- Property Footer: String Read FFooter Write FFooter;
- Property HeaderMargin: double Read FHdrMarg Write FHdrMarg;
- Property FooterMargin: double Read FFtrMarg Write FFtrMarg;
- Property HeaderAlign: TAlignment Read FHdrAlign Write FHdrAlign;
- Property FooterAlign: TAlignment Read FFtrAlign Write FFtrAlign;
- Property PrintPageNumber: TPrintPageNumber Read FPrtPage Write FPrtPage;
- Property PageNumAlign: TAlignment Read FPageAlign Write FPageAlign;
- Property PageNumText: String Read FPageText Write FPageText;
- End;
- TPreviewPrinter = Class( TComponent )
- Protected
- FOrient: TPrinterOrientation;
- FPrinting: boolean;
- FTitle: String;
- MFList: TList;
- CurCanvas: TCanvas;
- ppix, ppiy: integer;
- sizex, sizey: integer;
- offx, offy: integer;
- UsedPage: boolean;
- FDrawOpt: TTextOptions;
- FUnits: TUnits;
- ConvFac: double;
- FShowGrid: boolean;
- FZoomOpt: TZoomOption;
- FZoomVal: integer;
- FOwnHgt: TOwnerHeightProc;
- FOwnDraw: TOwnerDrawProc;
- FNewPage: TNewPageProc;
- FOnStatus: TStatusProc;
- FCurPageIndex: LongInt;
- FOrientations: TList;
- FPageTitles: TStringList;
- FBundlePrint: Boolean;
- //FWorkingDC: HDC;
- Protected
- Procedure SetOrientation( Index: LongInt; Value: TPrinterOrientation );
- Function GetOrientation( Index: LongInt ): TPrinterOrientation;
- Function GetCanvas: TCanvas;
- Function GetPageNum: integer;
- Procedure FreeMetaFiles;
- Function GetMetaFile( i: integer ): TMetaFile;
- Function GetLastAvailPage: integer;
- Procedure SetDrawOptions( NewOptions: TTextOptions );
- Procedure SetUnits( Val: TUnits );
- Procedure InitPrinterVars( hdc: THandle );
- Procedure Loaded; Override;
- Function GetMetaFileCount: LongInt;
- Function GetPageOrientCount: LongInt;
- Function GetPageTitleCount: LongInt;
- Public
- Property CurPageIndex: LongInt Write FCurPageIndex;
- Constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); Override;
- Destructor Destroy; Override;
- // Helper Methods (Canvas)
- Function UnitToX( x: double ): integer;
- Function UnitToY( y: double ): integer;
- Function XToUnit( x: integer ): double;
- Function YToUnit( y: integer ): double;
- Procedure DrawAlignText( y: integer; Align: TAlignment; Const Text: String; Font: TFont );
- Procedure FixFont( Font: TFont );
- Procedure RestoreFont( Font: TFont; PPI: integer );
- Function PageSetupDlg: integer;
- // Printer Methods
- Procedure BeginDoc;
- Procedure BeginDocEx( Title: String; Orientation: TPrinterOrientation ); Overload;
- Procedure BeginDocEx( Title: String; Orientation: TPrinterOrientation; pDC: HDC ); Overload;
- Procedure NewPage;
- Procedure NewPageEx( Title: String; Orientation: TPrinterOrientation );
- Procedure EndDoc;
- Procedure Preview;
- Procedure Print;
- Function GetPreviewForm: TForm;
- Function PrintDialog: boolean;
- Function PrintRange( StartPage, StopPage: integer ): boolean;
- Procedure DrawHdrFtrPage( PageNum: integer );
- Procedure DrawStringList( Strings: TStrings );
- Procedure DrawRichText( RE: TCustomRichEdit );
- Property PageTitles: TStringList Read FPageTitles Write FPageTitles;
- Property MultiPageOrientations[ Index: LongInt ]: TPrinterOrientation Read GetOrientation
- Write SetOrientation;
- Property PageOrientCount: LongInt Read GetPageOrientCount;
- Property PageTitleCount: LongInt Read GetPageTitleCount;
- Property MetaFiles[ i: integer ]: TMetaFile Read GetMetaFile;
- Property PixelsPerInchX: integer Read ppix;
- Property PixelsPerInchY: integer Read ppiy;
- Property PageWidth: integer Read sizex;
- Property PageHeight: integer Read sizey;
- Property OffsetX: integer Read offx;
- Property OffsetY: integer Read offy;
- Property LastAvailPage: integer Read GetLastAvailPage;
- Property Canvas: TCanvas Read GetCanvas;
- Property PageNumber: integer Read GetPageNum;
- Property Printing: boolean Read FPrinting;
- Property PageCount: LongInt Read GetMetaFileCount;
- Published
- Property BundlePrint: Boolean Read FBundlePrint Write FBundlePrint Default true;
- Property Orientation: TPrinterOrientation Read FOrient Write FOrient;
- Property Title: String Read FTitle Write FTitle;
- Property TextOptions: TTextOptions Read FDrawOpt Write SetDrawOptions;
- Property Units: TUnits Read FUnits Write SetUnits;
- Property ShowGrid: boolean Read FShowGrid Write FShowGrid;
- Property ZoomOption: TZoomOption Read FZoomOpt Write FZoomOpt;
- Property ZoomVal: integer Read FZoomVal Write FZoomVal;
- Property OnOwnerHeight: TOwnerHeightProc Read FOwnHgt Write FOwnHgt;
- Property OnOwnerDraw: TOwnerDrawProc Read FOwnDraw Write FOwnDraw;
- Property OnNewPage: TNewPageProc Read FNewPage Write FNewPage;
- Property OnStatus: TStatusProc Read FOnStatus Write FOnStatus;
- End;
- Procedure Register;
- Implementation
- Uses PrevForm, Controls, Dialogs, RichEdit, PageSetupDlg;
- Type
- TBenMetaFileCanvas = Class( TMetaFileCanvas )
- Protected
- OldFontChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- Procedure NewFontChanged( Sender: TObject );
- Public
- PPI: integer;
- Constructor Create( AMetafile: TMetafile; ReferenceDevice: HDC );
- End;
- // ************************************************************************
- // TBenMetaFileCanvas
- Constructor TBenMetaFileCanvas.Create( AMetafile: TMetafile; ReferenceDevice: HDC );
- Begin
- Inherited;
- OldFontChanged := Font.OnChange;
- Font.OnChange := NewFontChanged;
- End;
- Procedure TBenMetaFileCanvas.NewFontChanged( Sender: TObject );
- Begin
- If Assigned( OldFontChanged ) Then OldFontChanged( Sender );
- End;
- // ************************************************************************
- // TTextOptions
- Constructor TTextOptions.Create;
- Begin
- Inherited;
- DrawStyle := dsStandard;
- MarginLeft := 0;
- MarginTop := 0;
- MarginRight := 0;
- MarginBottom := 0;
- FHdrMarg := 0.5;
- FFtrMarg := 0.75;
- FHdrAlign := taCenter;
- FFtrAlign := taCenter;
- PrintPageNumber := pnBottom;
- FPageAlign := taRightJustify;
- FBodyFont := TFont.Create;
- FHdrFont := TFont.Create;
- FFtrFont := TFont.Create;
- FPageFont := TFont.Create;
- FBodyFont.Name := 'Arial';
- FBodyFont.Size := 10;
- FHdrFont.Name := 'Times New Roman';
- FHdrFont.Size := 18;
- FHdrFont.Style := [ fsBold ];
- FFtrFont.Name := 'Times New Roman';
- FFtrFont.Size := 10;
- FFtrFont.Style := [ fsItalic ];
- FPageFont.Assign( FFtrFont );
- FPageText := 'Page %d';
- End;
- Destructor TTextOptions.Destroy;
- Begin
- FBodyFont.Free;
- FHdrFont.Free;
- FFtrFont.Free;
- FPageFont.Free;
- Inherited;
- End;
- Procedure TTextOptions.Assign( Source: TPersistent );
- Begin
- If Self = Source Then exit;
- MessageBeep( 0 );
- End;
- Procedure TTextOptions.SetBodyFont( Val: TFont );
- Begin
- FBodyFont.Assign( Val );
- End;
- Procedure TTextOptions.SetHdrFont( Val: TFont );
- Begin
- FHdrFont.Assign( Val );
- End;
- Procedure TTextOptions.SetFtrFont( Val: TFont );
- Begin
- FFtrFont.Assign( Val );
- End;
- Procedure TTextOptions.SetPageFont( Val: TFont );
- Begin
- FPageFont.Assign( Val );
- End;
- // ************************************************************************
- // TPreviewPrinter
- Constructor TPreviewPrinter.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
- Begin
- Inherited;
- FDrawOpt := TTextOptions.Create;
- FPrinting := False;
- FOrient := poPortrait;
- CurCanvas := Nil;
- MFList := TList.Create;
- FUnits := unInches;
- FShowGrid := False;
- FZoomOpt := zoFitToPage;
- FZoomVal := 100;
- FCurPageIndex := -1;
- FOrientations := TList.Create;
- FPageTitles := TStringList.Create;
- FBundlePrint := True;
- End;
- Destructor TPreviewPrinter.Destroy;
- Begin
- FreeMetaFiles;
- MFList.Free;
- FDrawOpt.Free;
- FOrientations.Free;
- FPageTitles.Free;
- Inherited;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.Loaded;
- Var
- ps: TPageSetupForm;
- Begin
- Inherited;
- If Not ( csDesigning In ComponentState ) Then
- Begin
- ps := TPageSetupForm.Create( Self );
- ps.TextOpt := TextOptions;
- ps.pp := Self;
- ps.GetDefaults;
- ps.Free;
- End;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetPageOrientCount: LongInt;
- Begin
- Result := FOrientations.Count;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetPageTitleCount: LongInt;
- Begin
- Result := FPageTitles.Count;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.SetDrawOptions( NewOptions: TTextOptions );
- Begin
- If FDrawOpt <> NewOptions Then
- FDrawOpt.Assign( NewOptions );
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.PageSetupDlg: integer;
- Var
- ps: TPageSetupForm;
- Begin
- ps := TPageSetupForm.Create( Self );
- ps.TextOpt := TextOptions;
- ps.pp := Self;
- Result := ps.Execute;
- ps.Free;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.FreeMetaFiles;
- Var
- i: integer;
- Begin
- For i := 0 To MFList.Count - 1 Do
- MetaFiles[ i ].Free;
- MFList.Clear;
- CurCanvas.Free;
- CurCanvas := Nil;
- FOrientations.Free;
- FOrientations := TList.Create;
- FPageTitles.Clear;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetMetaFile( i: integer ): TMetaFile;
- Begin
- Result := MFList[ i ];
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetMetaFileCount: LongInt;
- Begin
- Result := MFList.Count;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.SetUnits( Val: TUnits );
- Begin
- FUnits := Val;
- Case FUnits Of
- unInches: ConvFac := 1;
- unCentimeters: ConvFac := INCH_TO_CM;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.BeginDoc;
- Begin
- FPrinting := True;
- FreeMetaFiles;
- NewPage;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.BeginDocEx( Title: String; Orientation: TPrinterOrientation );
- Begin
- FPrinting := True;
- FreeMetaFiles;
- NewPageEx( Title, Orientation );
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.BeginDocEx( Title: String; Orientation: TPrinterOrientation; pDC: HDC );
- Begin
- FPrinting := True;
- FreeMetaFiles;
- NewPageEx( Title, Orientation );
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.InitPrinterVars( hdc: THandle );
- Begin
- ppix := GetDeviceCaps( hdc, LOGPIXELSX );
- ppiy := GetDeviceCaps( hdc, LOGPIXELSY );
- If ppix = 0 Then
- ppix := Screen.PixelsPerInch;
- If ppiy = 0 Then
- ppiy := Screen.PixelsPerInch;
- sizex := GetDeviceCaps( hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH );
- sizey := GetDeviceCaps( hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT );
- If sizex = 0 Then
- Begin
- sizex := Round( 8.5 * Screen.PixelsPerInch );
- sizey := Round( 11 * Screen.PixelsPerInch );
- End;
- offx := GetDeviceCaps( hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX );
- offy := GetDeviceCaps( hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY );
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.NewPageEx( Title: String; Orientation: TPrinterOrientation );
- Var
- CurOr: PPrinterOrientation;
- Begin
- New( CurOr );
- CurOr^ := Orientation;
- FOrientations.Insert( FOrientations.Count, CurOr );
- FPageTitles.Add( Title );
- Self.NewPage;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.NewPage;
- Var
- MetaFile: TMetaFile;
- NewCanvas: TCanvas;
- UseScreen: boolean;
- // lpszDriver: String; // pointer to string specifying driver name
- // lpszDevice: String; // pointer to string specifying device name
- // lpInitData: DEVMODE;
- Begin
- Assert( FPrinting );
- MetaFile := TMetaFile.Create;
- MetaFile.Enhanced := True;
- MFList.Add( MetaFile );
- // Setup up the Metafile Canvas
- // Use the Default Printer if one is available, otherwise use the Screen
- UseScreen := True;
- NewCanvas := Nil;
- If Printer.Printers.Count > 0 Then
- Begin
- (* lpszDriver := 'BZ-Printer' + #0;
- lpszDevice := 'B.Z.-Printer' + #0;
- lpInitData.dmDeviceName := 'B.Z.-Printer';
- lpInitData.dmSpecVersion := 100;
- lpInitData.dmDriverVersion := 100;
- case Self.Orientation of
- poLandScape: begin
- lpInitData.dmOrientation := DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
- lpInitData.dmPaperLength := 27940;
- lpInitData.dmPaperWidth := 21590;
- lpInitData.dmPelsWidth := 6360;
- lpInitData.dmPelsHeight := 4900;
- end;
- poPortrait: begin
- lpInitData.dmOrientation := DMORIENT_PORTRAIT;
- lpInitData.dmPaperLength := 21590;
- lpInitData.dmPaperWidth := 27940;
- lpInitData.dmPelsWidth := 4900;
- lpInitData.dmPelsHeight := 6360;
- end;
- end;
- lpInitData.dmPaperSize := DMPAPER_LETTER;
- lpInitData.dmScale := 100;
- lpInitData.dmCopies := 1;
- lpInitData.dmDefaultSource := 0;
- lpInitData.dmPrintQuality := DMRES_HIGH;
- lpInitData.dmColor := DMCOLOR_COLOR;
- lpInitData.dmDuplex := DMDUP_SIMPLEX;
- lpInitData.dmYResolution := 6300;
- lpInitData.dmTTOption := DMTT_DOWNLOAD;
- lpInitData.dmCollate := DMCOLLATE_FALSE;
- lpInitData.dmFormName := 'Letter';
- lpInitData.dmLogPixels := 600;
- lpInitData.dmBitsPerPel := 8;
- FWorkingDC := Windows.CreateDC( nil, @lpszDevice, nil, @lpInitData );
- //FWorkingDC := Windows.CreateDC( 'DISPLAY', nil, nil, nil );
- if FWorkingDC = 0 then
- Application.MessageBox( 'NULL DC','',0 );*)
- UseScreen := False;
- Try
- If Not ( FBundlePrint ) And ( FOrientations.Count > 0 ) Then
- Printer.Orientation := TPrinterOrientation( FOrientations[ FOrientations.Count - 1 ] )
- Else
- Printer.Orientation := Orientation;
- NewCanvas := TBenMetaFileCanvas.Create( MetaFile, Printer.Handle );
- InitPrinterVars( Printer.Handle );
- //NewCanvas := TBenMetaFileCanvas.Create( MetaFile, FWorkingDC );
- //InitPrinterVars( FWorkingDC );
- //Windows.DeleteDC( FWorkingDC );
- Except
- UseScreen := True;
- NewCanvas.Free;
- End;
- End;
- // Use the screen if there is no Default Printer or printers installed
- If UseScreen Then
- Begin
- NewCanvas := TBenMetaFileCanvas.Create( MetaFile, 0 );
- InitPrinterVars( NewCanvas.Handle );
- End;
- ( NewCanvas As TBenMetaFileCanvas ).PPI := ppiy;
- NewCanvas.Font.PixelsPerInch := ppiy; // Delphi must not do this right, that's why I have to do it manually here
- If CurCanvas <> Nil Then
- Begin
- NewCanvas.Font := CurCanvas.Font;
- NewCanvas.Brush := CurCanvas.Brush;
- NewCanvas.Pen := CurCanvas.Pen;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- NewCanvas.Font.Name := 'Arial'; // Need a TrueType font that can scale (MS Sans Serif doesn't scale well)
- NewCanvas.Font.Size := 10;
- NewCanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- End;
- CurCanvas.Free;
- CurCanvas := NewCanvas;
- UsedPage := False;
- If Assigned( OnStatus ) Then
- OnStatus( Self, Format( 'Paginating page %d', [ MFList.Count ] ), MFList.Count, stPaginating );
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.UnitToX( x: double ): integer;
- Begin
- If ConvFac <> 0 Then
- Result := Round( x * ppix / ConvFac )
- Else
- Result := 0;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.UnitToY( y: double ): integer;
- Begin
- If ConvFac <> 0 Then
- Result := Round( y * ppiy / ConvFac )
- Else
- Result := 0;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.XToUnit( x: integer ): double;
- Begin
- If ppix <> 0 Then
- Result := x / ppix * ConvFac
- Else
- Result := 0;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.YToUnit( y: integer ): double;
- Begin
- If ppiy <> 0 Then
- Result := y / ppiy * ConvFac
- Else
- Result := 0;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.EndDoc;
- Var
- i: integer;
- Begin
- FPrinting := False;
- CurCanvas.Free; // This is to close out the MetaFile
- CurCanvas := Nil;
- // This is incase they called NewPage, but never drew anything on it
- If UsedPage = False Then
- Begin
- i := MFList.Count - 1;
- MetaFiles[ MFList.Count - 1 ].Free;
- MFList.Delete( i );
- End;
- If Assigned( OnStatus ) Then
- OnStatus( Self, 'Pagination Complete', -1, stPaginationFinished );
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetPreviewForm: TForm;
- Var
- pf: TPreviewForm;
- Begin
- // Assert(FPrinting = False); // Change this later when allow threaded printing
- If FPrinting = False Then
- Begin
- pf := TPreviewForm.Create( Nil );
- pf.PrevPrinterObj := Self;
- pf.GridBut.Down := ShowGrid;
- Case ZoomOption Of
- zoFitToPage: pf.ZoomBox.ItemIndex := 0;
- zoFitToWidth: pf.ZoomBox.ItemIndex := 1;
- zoTwoPages: pf.TwoPageBut.Down := True;
- zoCustom:
- Begin
- pf.ZoomBox.ItemIndex := 11;
- pf.Zoom := ZoomVal;
- End;
- End;
- pf.ScrollBox1Resize( Nil );
- Result := pf;
- End
- Else
- Result := Nil;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.Preview;
- Var
- pf: TPreviewForm;
- Begin
- pf := GetPreviewForm As TPreviewForm;
- If pf <> Nil Then
- Begin
- pf.ShowModal;
- pf.Free;
- End
- Else
- Application.MessageBox( 'Error on getting preview form', 'Error', MB_OK );
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.PrintDialog: boolean;
- Var
- pd: TPrintDialog;
- Start, Stop, Copy: integer;
- StartIndex: Integer;
- // MMPageW, MMPageH : Integer;
- Begin
- If ( Printer.PrinterIndex = -1 ) Or ( Printer.Printers.Count = 0 ) Then
- Raise Exception.Create( 'NO PRINTERS AVAILABLE' );
- Result := False;
- // If the printer changes the resolution of the metafiles
- //may also change. We need to make sure we can adjust the metafiles
- StartIndex := Printer.PrinterIndex;
- pd := TPrintDialog.Create( Nil );
- pd.FromPage := 1;
- pd.MinPage := 1;
- pd.MaxPage := LastAvailPage;
- pd.ToPage := LastAvailPage;
- pd.Options := [ poPageNums, poSelection ];
- Try
- If pd.Execute Then
- Begin
- Result := True;
- If pd.PrintRange = prAllPages Then
- Begin
- Start := 0;
- Stop := LastAvailPage - 1;
- End
- Else If pd.PrintRange = prSelection Then
- Begin
- Start := FCurPageIndex;
- Stop := FCurPageIndex;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- Start := pd.FromPage - 1;
- Stop := pd.ToPage - 1;
- End;
- Printer.Refresh;
- For Copy := 1 To pd.Copies Do
- Begin
- PrintRange( Start, Stop );
- End;
- End;
- Finally
- pd.Free;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.Print;
- Begin
- PrintRange( 0, LastAvailPage - 1 );
- End;
- // Returns False if user cancels print job
- Function TPreviewPrinter.PrintRange( StartPage, StopPage: integer ): boolean;
- Var
- Page: integer;
- tmp: TPrinterOrientation;
- Begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- Try
- Result := True;
- Printer.Refresh;
- { Print bundling is defined as this:
- Windows does not allow the changing of the printer orientation between
- a single begindoc/enddoc sequence. Therefore, if you want multiple orientations,
- you must do seperate begindoc/enddoc sequences.
- }
- {
- Okay, here's the problem... These metafiles can cause problems when we just
- lay them out there. The metafiles are created based upon the information about the
- selected printer AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. Then when "PrintDialog" is called, there
- is a possiblility of the printer to change to something with a different resolution.
- And since everything just used TCanvas.Draw, the printout was just thrown out there
- without regaurd to what the resolution was. If you want from 72 Dpi to 700 dpi, you
- got a thumbnail.
- So how do you resolve it? I've tried a number of things. The first idea is that
- the whole reason you use metafiles instead of a bitmap, you can resize them without
- causing it to "pixelate" or even loosing detail. It's a vectored graphic. So why
- not use the "StretchDraw" function? Well, what I discovered is that there is a really
- curous dis-connect between the starting of a metafile by the numbers and the starting
- of the metafile by the picture. I drew a rectangle on the metafile from 0,0,PageWidth,PageWidth
- and hoped that would be at the edges of the page, but the end result was all over the
- place. So, as a compromise, I just picked a happy median, and stuck with it.
- What would make this really good is if I could create the metafiles based upon
- a device context that I created dynamically, and then used the printer only when
- I actually wanted to print. Ah, well.
- 08Feb01 -jgw }
- If FBundlePrint Then
- Begin
- Printer.Orientation := Orientation;
- Printer.Title := Title;
- InitPrinterVars( Printer.Handle );
- Printer.BeginDoc;
- For Page := StartPage To StopPage Do
- Begin
- If Assigned( OnStatus ) Then
- OnStatus( Self, Format( 'Printing page %d', [ Page ] ), Page, stPrinting );
- // Print the Page
- //Printer.Canvas.Draw(-offx, -offy, MetaFiles[Page]);
- Case Orientation Of
- poLandscape:
- Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw( Rect( 0 {(Round(ppix*0.15))}, 0 {(Round(ppiy*0.15))},
- ( Round( ppix * 10.25 ) ), ( Round( ppiy * 7.75 ) ) ), MetaFiles[ Page ] );
- poPortrait:
- Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw( Rect( 0 {(Round(ppiy*0.15))}, 0 {(Round(ppix*0.15))},
- ( Round( ppiy * 7.75 ) ), ( Round( ppix * 10.25 ) ) ), MetaFiles[ Page ] );
- End;
- If Page < StopPage Then Printer.NewPage;
- End;
- Printer.EndDoc;
- End
- Else
- Begin // You can't change the printer orientation in mid-stream... go figure...
- For Page := StartPage To StopPage Do
- Begin
- If Assigned( OnStatus ) Then
- OnStatus( Self, Format( 'Printing page %d', [ Page ] ), Page, stPrinting );
- // Print the Page
- If ( Page > -1 ) And ( Page < FPageTitles.Count ) Then
- Printer.Title := FPageTitles[ Page ]
- Else
- Printer.Title := Title;
- If ( Page > -1 ) And ( Page < FOrientations.Count ) Then
- Printer.Orientation := TPrinterOrientation( FOrientations[ Page ]^ )
- Else
- Printer.Orientation := Orientation;
- InitPrinterVars( Printer.Handle );
- Printer.BeginDoc;
- //Printer.Canvas.Draw( -offx, -offy, MetaFiles[ Page ] );
- Case Printer.Orientation Of
- poLandscape:
- Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw( Rect( 0 {(Round(ppix*0.15))}, 0 {(Round(ppiy*0.15))},
- ( Round( ppix * 10.25 ) ), ( Round( ppiy * 7.75 ) ) ), MetaFiles[ Page ] );
- poPortrait:
- Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw( Rect( 0 {(Round(ppiy*0.15))}, 0 {(Round(ppix*0.15))},
- ( Round( ppiy * 7.75 ) ), ( Round( ppix * 10.25 ) ) ), MetaFiles[ Page ] );
- End;
- Printer.EndDoc;
- End;
- End;
- If Assigned( OnStatus ) Then
- OnStatus( Self, 'Print Job Complete', -1, stPrintFinished );
- Finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- End;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetPageNum: integer;
- Begin
- Result := MFList.Count;
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetLastAvailPage: integer;
- Begin
- // TODO: This will change with threading
- Result := GetPageNum;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.SetOrientation( Index: LongInt; Value: TPrinterOrientation );
- Begin
- If ( Index > -1 ) And ( Index < FOrientations.Count ) Then
- PPrinterOrientation( FOrientations[ Index ] )^ := Value
- Else
- Raise Exception.CreateFmt( 'Index out-of-bounds on Setting Orientation (%d)', [ Index ] );
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetOrientation( Index: LongInt ): TPrinterOrientation;
- Begin
- If ( Index > -1 ) And ( Index < FOrientations.Count ) Then
- Result := PPrinterOrientation( FOrientations[ Index ] )^
- Else
- Raise Exception.CreateFmt( 'Index out-of-bounds on Getting Orientation (%d)', [ Index ] );
- End;
- Function TPreviewPrinter.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
- Begin
- Assert( FPrinting, 'Canvas is not available before BeginDoc' );
- Result := CurCanvas;
- UsedPage := True;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.RestoreFont( Font: TFont; PPI: integer );
- Var
- OldSize: integer;
- Begin
- OldSize := Font.Size;
- Font.PixelsPerInch := PPI;
- Font.Size := OldSize;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.FixFont( Font: TFont );
- Begin
- // RestoreFont(Font, ppiy);
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.DrawAlignText( y: integer; Align: TAlignment; Const Text: String; Font: TFont );
- Var
- OldFont: TFont;
- x, tmp: integer;
- Begin
- OldFont := TFont.Create;
- OldFont.Assign( Canvas.Font );
- If Font <> Nil Then Canvas.Font := Font;
- tmp := Canvas.TextWidth( Text );
- Case Align Of
- taLeftJustify: x := UnitToX( TextOptions.MarginLeft );
- taCenter: x := PageWidth Div 2 - tmp Div 2;
- taRightJustify: x := PageWidth - UnitToX( TextOptions.MarginRight ) - tmp;
- Else
- x := 0;
- End;
- Canvas.TextOut( x, y, Text );
- Canvas.Font := OldFont;
- OldFont.Free;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.DrawHdrFtrPage( PageNum: integer );
- Var
- y1, y2: integer;
- PageStr: String;
- Begin
- With TextOptions Do
- Begin
- // Draw the Header, Footer, & Page Num
- y1 := UnitToY( HeaderMargin );
- y2 := PageHeight - UnitToY( FooterMargin );
- DrawAlignText( y1, HeaderAlign, Header, HeaderFont );
- DrawAlignText( y2, FooterAlign, Footer, FooterFont );
- PageStr := Format( PageNumText, [ PageNum ] );
- Case PrintPageNumber Of
- pnTop: DrawAlignText( y1, PageNumAlign, PageStr, PageNumFont );
- pnBottom: DrawAlignText( y2, PageNumAlign, PageStr, PageNumFont );
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.DrawStringList( Strings: TStrings );
- Var
- Line: integer;
- Page: integer;
- x, y: integer;
- h: integer;
- R: TRect;
- ForceNewPage: boolean;
- tm: TTextMetric;
- Begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- BeginDoc;
- // Init the fonts
- With TextOptions Do
- Begin
- FixFont( BodyFont );
- FixFont( HeaderFont );
- FixFont( FooterFont );
- FixFont( PageNumFont );
- End;
- Page := 0;
- // Begin Page
- x := UnitToX( TextOptions.MarginLeft );
- y := -2;
- For Line := 0 To Strings.Count - 1 Do
- With TextOptions Do
- Begin
- // Get our current line height (and check for New Page)
- Canvas.Font := BodyFont;
- h := -1;
- ForceNewPage := False;
- If Assigned( OnOwnerHeight ) Then OnOwnerHeight( Self, Line, h, ForceNewPage );
- If ForceNewPage Then
- y := -1;
- If DrawStyle <> dsOwnerDrawVariable Then
- Begin
- h := Canvas.TextHeight( 'f' );
- GetTextMetrics( Canvas.Handle, tm );
- h := h + tm.tmInternalLeading + tm.tmExternalLeading;
- End;
- If h = -1 Then Exception.Create( 'OnOwnerHeight Event returned an invalid height!' );
- // Check if we need a new page
- If ( y < 0 ) Or ( y + h > UnitToY( YToUnit( PageHeight ) - TextOptions.MarginBottom ) ) Then
- Begin
- Page := Page + 1;
- If Assigned( OnNewPage ) Then OnNewPage( Self, Page );
- If y >= -1 Then NewPage;
- y := UnitToY( MarginTop );
- DrawHdrFtrPage( Page );
- End;
- // Draw the current line
- R := Rect( UnitToX( MarginLeft ), y, PageWidth - UnitToX( MarginRight ) + 1, y + h + 1 {PageHeight - lower "g" getting clipped?} );
- Case DrawStyle Of
- dsOwnerDrawFixed,
- dsOwnerDrawVariable:
- If Assigned( OnOwnerDraw ) Then OnOwnerDraw( Self, Page, Line, R, Canvas );
- Else
- Canvas.TextRect( R, x, y, Strings[ Line ] );
- End;
- y := y + h;
- End;
- EndDoc;
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- End;
- Procedure RE_To_Canvas( RE: TCustomRichEdit; Canvas: TCanvas; Var R: TRect;
- Var Pos: integer; Var NeedWrap: boolean );
- Var
- Range: TFormatRange;
- OutDC: HDC;
- LastChar, MaxLen,
- LogX, LogY, OldMap: Integer;
- Begin
- Assert( RE <> Nil );
- Assert( IsWindow( RE.Handle ) );
- FillChar( Range, SizeOf( TFormatRange ), 0 );
- LastChar := Pos;
- OutDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Range.hdc := OutDC;
- Range.hdcTarget := OutDC;
- LogX := GetDeviceCaps( OutDC, LOGPIXELSX );
- LogY := GetDeviceCaps( OutDC, LOGPIXELSY );
- If IsRectEmpty( RE.PageRect ) Then
- Begin
- Range.rc := R;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- Range.rc.left := RE.PageRect.Left * 1440 Div LogX;
- Range.rc.top := RE.PageRect.Top * 1440 Div LogY;
- Range.rc.right := RE.PageRect.Right * 1440 Div LogX;
- Range.rc.bottom := RE.PageRect.Bottom * 1440 Div LogY;
- End;
- Range.rcPage := Range.rc;
- MaxLen := RE.GetTextLen;
- Range.chrg.cpMax := -1;
- // ensure the output DC is in text map mode
- OldMap := SetMapMode( Range.hdc, MM_TEXT );
- SendMessage( RE.Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0 ); // flush buffer
- Range.chrg.cpMin := LastChar;
- LastChar := SendMessage( RE.Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, Longint( @Range ) );
- NeedWrap := ( LastChar < MaxLen ) And ( LastChar <> -1 );
- SendMessage( RE.Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0 ); // flush buffer
- SetMapMode( OutDC, OldMap );
- Pos := LastChar;
- R := Range.rc;
- End;
- Procedure TPreviewPrinter.DrawRichText( RE: TCustomRichEdit );
- Var
- x1, y1: integer;
- x2, y2: integer;
- R: TRect;
- Pos, Page: integer;
- NeedWrap: boolean;
- OldUnits: TUnits;
- Begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- OldUnits := Units;
- Units := unInches;
- Try
- Pos := 0;
- Page := 0;
- Repeat
- If Pos = 0 Then
- BeginDoc
- Else
- NewPage;
- Page := Page + 1;
- DrawHdrFtrPage( Page );
- x1 := Round( 1440.0 * TextOptions.MarginLeft );
- y1 := Round( 1440.0 * TextOptions.MarginTop );
- x2 := Round( 1440.0 * ( XToUnit( PageWidth ) - TextOptions.MarginRight ) );
- y2 := Round( 1440.0 * ( XToUnit( PageHeight ) - TextOptions.MarginBottom ) );
- R := Rect( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
- RE_To_Canvas( RE, Canvas, R, Pos, NeedWrap );
- Until Not NeedWrap;
- EndDoc;
- Finally
- Units := OldUnits;
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure Register;
- Begin
- RegisterComponents( 'Print Preview', [ TPreviewPrinter ] );
- End;
- End.