home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit FormSettings;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- Registry, StdCtrls;
- type
- TSaveValOpt = (svEdit, svMemo, svCheckBox, svRadioButton, svListBox,
- svComboBox, svFontDialog);
- TSaveValSet = set of TSaveValOpt;
- TFormSettings = class(TComponent)
- protected
- FSavePos : boolean;
- FSaveVals : boolean;
- FLoadVals : boolean;
- FKeyName : string;
- FSaveOpt : TSaveValSet;
- FRootCon : TWinControl;
- DidLastSave : boolean;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- function StrToWS(const s: string): TWindowState;
- function WSToStr(ws: TWindowState): string;
- function GetKeyName: string;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure DoLoadValues(reg: TRegIniFile);
- procedure DoSaveValues(reg: TRegIniFile);
- procedure ReadFont(Name: string; f: TFont; reg: TRegIniFile);
- procedure WriteFont(Name: string; f: TFont; reg: TRegIniFile);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadSettings;
- procedure SaveSettings;
- published
- property SavePosition: boolean read FSavePos write FSavePos;
- property SaveValues: boolean read FSaveVals write FSaveVals;
- property LoadValues: boolean read FLoadVals write FLoadVals;
- property SaveValueOptions: TSaveValSet read FSaveOpt write FSaveOpt;
- property KeyName: string read GetKeyName write FKeyName;
- property RootControl: TWinControl read FRootCon write FRootCon;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- const
- WindowStr : array[1..3] of string = ('NORMAL', 'MAXIMIZED', 'MINIMIZED');
- constructor TFormSettings.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- FreeNotification(AOwner);
- FSavePos := True;
- FSaveVals := False;
- FLoadVals := False;
- DidLastSave := False;
- FSaveOpt := [svEdit, svMemo, svCheckBox, svRadioButton, svListBox,
- svComboBox, svFontDialog];
- end;
- destructor TFormSettings.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited;
- if (not DidLastSave) and (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin
- DidLastSave := True;
- // This still doesn't work! All the window handles are gone! -bpz
- // SaveSettings;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited;
- LoadSettings;
- end;
- function TFormSettings.StrToWS(const s: string): TWindowState;
- var
- t : string;
- begin
- t := UpperCase(s);
- Result := wsNormal;
- if t = WindowStr[1] then Result := wsNormal;
- if t = WindowStr[2] then Result := wsMaximized;
- if t = WindowStr[3] then Result := wsMinimized;
- end;
- function TFormSettings.WSToStr(ws: TWindowState): string;
- begin
- case ws of
- wsNormal : Result := WindowStr[1];
- wsMaximized : Result := WindowStr[2];
- wsMinimized : Result := WIndowStr[3];
- else
- Result := WindowStr[1];
- end;
- end;
- function TFormSettings.GetKeyName: string;
- begin
- Result := FKeyName;
- if (Result='') and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState))
- and (Application<>nil) and (Owner<>nil) then
- Result := 'Software\' + Application.Title + '\' + Owner.Name;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.LoadSettings;
- var
- f : TForm;
- reg : TRegIniFile;
- begin
- if (Owner = nil) or (not (Owner is TForm)) then exit;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit;
- f := Owner as TForm;
- f.Position := poDesigned;
- reg := TRegIniFile.Create(KeyName);
- if SavePosition then begin
- f.Left := reg.ReadInteger('Position', 'Left', f.Left);
- f.Top := reg.ReadInteger('Position', 'Top', f.Top);
- f.Width := reg.ReadInteger('Position', 'Width', f.Width);
- f.Height := reg.ReadInteger('Position', 'Height', f.Height);
- f.WindowState := StrToWS(reg.ReadString('Position', 'WindowState', 'Normal'));
- end;
- if LoadValues then
- DoLoadValues(reg);
- reg.Free;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.SaveSettings;
- var
- f : TForm;
- reg : TRegIniFile;
- begin
- if (Owner = nil) or (not (Owner is TForm)) then exit;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit;
- f := Owner as TForm;
- f.Position := poDesigned;
- reg := TRegIniFile.Create(KeyName);
- if SavePosition then begin
- if f.WindowState = wsNormal then begin
- reg.WriteInteger('Position', 'Left', f.Left);
- reg.WriteInteger('Position', 'Top', f.Top);
- reg.WriteInteger('Position', 'Width', f.Width);
- reg.WriteInteger('Position', 'Height', f.Height);
- end;
- reg.WriteString('Position', 'WindowState', WSToStr(f.WindowState));
- end;
- if SaveValues then
- DoSaveValues(reg);
- reg.Free;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.DoLoadValues(reg: TRegIniFile);
- var
- i : integer;
- con : TWinControl;
- c : TControl;
- cp : TComponent;
- begin
- con := RootControl;
- if con=nil then con := Owner as TForm;
- Assert(con<>nil);
- for i := 0 to con.ComponentCount-1 do begin
- cp := con.Components[i];
- if not (cp is TControl) then continue;
- c := cp as TControl;
- if c is TEdit then
- TEdit(c).Text := reg.ReadString('Values', c.Name, TEdit(c).Text);
- if c is TMemo then
- TMemo(c).Text := reg.ReadString('Values', c.Name, TMemo(c).Text);
- if c is TCheckBox then
- TCheckBox(c).Checked := reg.ReadBool('Values', c.Name, TCheckBox(c).Checked);
- if c is TRadioButton then
- TRadioButton(c).Checked := reg.ReadBool('Values', c.Name, TRadioButton(c).Checked);
- if c is TListBox then
- TListBox(c).ItemIndex := reg.ReadInteger('Values', c.Name, TListBox(c).ItemIndex);
- if c is TComboBox then
- TComboBox(c).ItemIndex := reg.ReadInteger('Values', c.Name, TComboBox(c).ItemIndex);
- end;
- for i := 0 to con.ComponentCount-1 do begin
- cp := con.Components[i];
- if cp is TFontDialog then
- ReadFont(cp.Name, TFontDialog(cp).Font, reg);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.DoSaveValues(reg: TRegIniFile);
- var
- i : integer;
- con : TWinControl;
- c : TControl;
- cp : TComponent;
- begin
- con := RootControl;
- if con=nil then con := Owner as TForm;
- Assert(con<>nil);
- for i := 0 to con.ComponentCount-1 do begin
- cp := con.Components[i];
- if not (cp is TControl) then continue;
- c := cp as TControl;
- if c is TEdit then
- reg.WriteString('Values', c.Name, TEdit(c).Text);
- if c is TMemo then
- reg.WriteString('Values', c.Name, TMemo(c).Text);
- if c is TCheckBox then
- reg.WriteBool('Values', c.Name, TCheckBox(c).Checked);
- if c is TRadioButton then
- reg.WriteBool('Values', c.Name, TRadioButton(c).Checked);
- if c is TListBox then
- reg.WriteInteger('Values', c.Name, TListBox(c).ItemIndex);
- if c is TComboBox then
- reg.WriteInteger('Values', c.Name, TComboBox(c).ItemIndex);
- end;
- for i := 0 to con.ComponentCount-1 do begin
- cp := con.Components[i];
- if cp is TFontDialog then
- WriteFont(cp.Name, TFontDialog(cp).Font, reg);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.ReadFont(Name: string; f: TFont; reg: TRegIniFile);
- var
- b : boolean;
- begin
- f.Name := reg.ReadString('Values', Name + '_Name', f.Name);
- f.Size := reg.ReadInteger('Values', Name + '_Size', f.Size);
- f.Color := reg.ReadInteger('Values', Name + '_Color', f.Color);
- b := reg.ReadBool('Values', Name + '_Bold', fsBold in f.Style);
- if b then f.Style := f.Style + [fsBold]
- else f.Style := f.Style - [fsBold];
- b := reg.ReadBool('Values', Name + '_Italic', fsItalic in f.Style);
- if b then f.Style := f.Style + [fsItalic]
- else f.Style := f.Style - [fsItalic];
- b := reg.ReadBool('Values', Name + '_Underline', fsUnderline in f.Style);
- if b then f.Style := f.Style + [fsUnderline]
- else f.Style := f.Style - [fsUnderline];
- b := reg.ReadBool('Values', Name + '_StrikeOut', fsStrikeOut in f.Style);
- if b then f.Style := f.Style + [fsStrikeOut]
- else f.Style := f.Style - [fsStrikeOut];
- end;
- procedure TFormSettings.WriteFont(Name: string; f: TFont; reg: TRegIniFile);
- begin
- reg.WriteString('Values', Name + '_Name', f.Name);
- reg.WriteInteger('Values', Name + '_Size', f.Size);
- reg.WriteInteger('Values', Name + '_Color', f.Color);
- reg.WriteBool('Values', Name + '_Bold', fsBold in f.Style);
- reg.WriteBool('Values', Name + '_Italic', fsItalic in f.Style);
- reg.WriteBool('Values', Name + '_Underline', fsUnderline in f.Style);
- reg.WriteBool('Values', Name + '_StrikeOut', fsStrikeOut in f.Style);
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Print Preview', [TFormSettings]);
- end;
- end.