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- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TVolgaPeriod - inherited from TWinControl
- // Component for changing periods(ranges) od date
- // Turn over months, quarters, halfyears, years
- // properties StartDate, EndDate, Text, KindRange, Year, Month
- // Autopopup menu for change Kind of range
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright ⌐ 2000, Olga Vlasova, Russia
- // http://volgatable.chat.ru
- // E-mail: volgatable@chat.ru
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unit VolPeriod;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
- Forms, Buttons, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, menus, VolDBConst;
- type
- TKindRange = (ksMonth, ksQuarter, ksHalfYear, ksYear);
- TVolgaPeriod = class(TWinControl)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FUpDownButton: TUpDown;
- FButtonWidth: byte;
- FColor: TColor;
- FPanel: TPanel;
- FStartDate: TDateTime;
- FEndDate: TDateTime;
- FEnablePopup: Boolean;
- FKindRange: TKindRange;
- FPopup: TPopupMenu;
- FmnuItems: array[0..3] of TMenuItem;
- FDay, FMonth, FYear: word;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FBeforeChange: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetText: string;
- procedure SetButtonWidth(Value: byte);
- function CreateButton: TUpDown;
- procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetYear(Value: word);
- procedure SetMonth(Value: word);
- procedure SetKindRange(Value: TKindRange);
- procedure SetEnablePopup(Value: Boolean);
- procedure UpDownButtonClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType);
- procedure MonthPopup(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetStartDate(const Value: TDateTime);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- procedure BeforeChanged; dynamic;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override;
- property StartDate: TDateTime read FStartDate write SetStartDate;
- property EndDate: TDateTime read FEndDate;
- property Text: string read GetText;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property KindRange: TKindRange read FKindRange write SetKindRange;
- property Year: word read FYear write SetYear;
- property Month: word read FMonth write SetMonth;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property ButtonWidth: byte read FButtonWidth write SetButtonWidth;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default clWindow;
- property Enabled;
- property EnablePopup: Boolean read FEnablePopup write SetEnablePopup;
- property Font;
- property ParentFont;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property Visible;
- property BeforeChange: TNotifyEvent read FBeforeChange write FBeforeChange;
- end;
- implementation
- constructor TVolgaPeriod.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls, csSetCaption] +
- [csFramed, csOpaque];
- if FPanel = nil then
- begin
- FPanel := TPanel.Create(Self); {owner -> TVolgaPeriod}
- FPanel.Parent := Self; {parent -> ≥ε≥ µσ,ΩαΩεΘ ≤ TVolgaPeriod}
- FPanel.BorderStyle := bsNone;
- FPanel.BevelInner := bvLowered;
- { FPanel.BevelWidth:=2;}
- FPanel.BevelOuter := bvNone;
- FPanel.Color := clWindow;
- DecodeDate(Date, FYear, FMonth, FDay);
- FPanel.Visible := true;
- FPanel.Invalidate;
- FUpDownButton := CreateButton;
- FButtonWidth := 17;
- FColor := clWindow;
- Width := 200;
- Height := 26;
- {Ωεφ±≥≡≤Φ≡≤σ∞ Popup}
- FmnuItems[0] := NewItem(V_KINDMON, 0, false, true, MonthPopup, 0, 'mnuMonth');
- FmnuItems[0].GroupIndex := 1;
- FmnuItems[0].RadioItem := true;
- FmnuItems[0].Checked := true;
- FmnuItems[1] := NewItem(V_KINDQUART, 0, false, true, MonthPopup, 0, 'mnuQuarter');
- FmnuItems[1].GroupIndex := 1;
- FmnuItems[1].RadioItem := true;
- FmnuItems[2] := NewItem(V_KINDHALF, 0, false, true, MonthPopup, 0, 'mnuHalfYear');
- FmnuItems[2].GroupIndex := 1;
- FmnuItems[2].RadioItem := true;
- FmnuItems[3] := NewItem(V_KINDYEAR, 0, false, true, MonthPopup, 0, 'mnuYear');
- FmnuItems[3].GroupIndex := 1;
- FmnuItems[3].RadioItem := true;
- FPopup := NewPopupMenu(Self, 'MonPopup', paLeft, true, FmnuItems);
- FEnablePopup := true;
- FPanel.PopupMenu := FPopup;
- FKindRange := ksMonth;
- end;
- Visible := true;
- Change;
- end;
- destructor TVolgaPeriod.Destroy;
- begin
- try
- FPanel.PopupMenu := nil;
- FmnuItems[0].Free;
- FmnuItems[1].Free;
- FmnuItems[2].Free;
- FmnuItems[3].Free;
- FPopup.Free;
- FPopup := nil;
- finally
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- end;
- function TVolgaPeriod.CreateButton: TUpDown;
- begin
- Result := TUpDown.Create(Self);
- Result.OnClick := UpDownButtonClick;
- Result.Visible := True;
- Result.Enabled := True;
- Result.Parent := Self;
- Result.Min := -200;
- Result.Max := 200;
- Result.Position := 0;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.MonthPopup(Sender: TObject);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- {±φ ≥ⁿ "παδε≈Ω≤" ±ε Γ±σ⌡ ±≥≡εΩ}
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- FmnuItems[i].Checked := false;
- {∩ε∞σ≥Φ≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε ΩδΦΩφ≤≥≤■}
- TMenuItem(Sender).Checked := true;
- if Sender = FmnuItems[0] then
- KindRange := ksMonth
- else if Sender = FmnuItems[1] then
- KindRange := ksQuarter
- else if Sender = FmnuItems[2] then
- KindRange := ksHalfYear
- else
- KindRange := ksYear;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- var
- W, H: Integer;
- begin
- W := AWidth;
- H := AHeight;
- if W < 20 then W := 20;
- if H < 18 then H := 18;
- if (FUpDownButton <> nil) and (FPanel <> nil) then
- begin
- FPanel.SetBounds(0, 0, W - FButtonWidth, AHeight);
- FUpDownButton.SetBounds(W - FButtonWidth, 0, FButtonWidth, H);
- end;
- inherited SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, W, H);
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetEnablePopup(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FEnablePopup <> Value then
- begin
- FEnablePopup := Value;
- FPopup.AutoPopup := Value;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetKindRange(Value: TKindRange);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- if FKindRange <> Value then
- begin
- BeforeChanged; {Σε Γ±σ⌡ Φτ∞σφσφΦΘ}
- FKindRange := Value;
- {±φ ≥ⁿ "παδε≈Ω≤" ±ε Γ±σ⌡ ±≥≡εΩ}
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- FmnuItems[i].Checked := false;
- {∩ε∞σ≥Φ≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε ΩδΦΩφ≤≥≤■}
- FmnuItems[ord(FKindRange)].Checked := true;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetYear(Value: word);
- begin
- if FYear <> Value then
- begin
- BeforeChanged; {Σε Γ±σ⌡ Φτ∞σφσφΦΘ}
- FYear := Value;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetMonth(Value: word);
- begin
- if (Value >= 1) and (Value <= 12) then
- if (FMonth <> Value) or (FStartDate <> EncodeDate(FYear, FMonth, 1)) then
- begin
- BeforeChanged; {Σε Γ±σ⌡ Φτ∞σφσφΦΘ}
- FMonth := Value;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.Change;
- var yy, mm, dd: word;
- begin
- case FKindRange of
- ksMonth:
- begin
- FPanel.Caption := LongMonthNames[FMonth] + ' ' + IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- FEndDate := EncodeDate(FYear, FMonth, 28) + 4;
- end;
- ksQuarter:
- begin
- case FMonth of
- 1..3:
- begin
- FMonth := 1;
- FPanel.Caption := '1 '+ V_KINDQUART+ IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- end;
- 4..6:
- begin
- FMonth := 4;
- FPanel.Caption := '2 '+ V_KINDQUART+ IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- end;
- 7..9:
- begin
- FMonth := 7;
- FPanel.Caption := '3 '+ V_KINDQUART+ IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- end;
- 10..12:
- begin
- FMonth := 10;
- FPanel.Caption := '4 '+ V_KINDQUART+ IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- end;
- end;
- FEndDate := EncodeDate(FYear, FMonth + 2, 28) + 4;
- end;
- ksHalfYear:
- begin
- case FMonth of
- 1..6:
- begin
- FMonth := 1;
- FPanel.Caption := '1 ' +V_KINDHALF+ IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- end;
- 7..12:
- begin
- FMonth := 7;
- FPanel.Caption := '2 '+V_KINDHALF + IntToStr(FYear) + V_SHORTYEAR;
- end;
- end;
- FEndDate := EncodeDate(FYear, FMonth + 5, 28) + 4;
- end;
- ksYear:
- begin
- FMonth := 1;
- FPanel.Caption := IntToStr(FYear) + V_LONGYEAR;
- FEndDate := EncodeDate(FYear, 12, 31) + 1;
- end;
- end;
- DecodeDate(FEndDate, yy, mm, dd);
- FEndDate := FEndDate - dd;
- FStartDate := EncodeDate(FYear, FMonth, 1);
- if assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.UpDownButtonClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType);
- begin
- BeforeChanged; {Σε Γ±σ⌡ Φτ∞σφσφΦΘ}
- if Button = btNext then
- begin
- case FKindRange of
- ksMonth:
- if FMonth < 12 then
- Inc(FMonth)
- else
- begin
- FMonth := 1;
- Inc(FYear);
- end;
- ksQuarter:
- case FMonth of
- 1..3: FMonth := 4;
- 4..6: FMonth := 7;
- 7..9: FMonth := 10;
- 10..12:
- begin
- FMonth := 1;
- Inc(FYear);
- end;
- end;
- ksHalfYear:
- case FMonth of
- 1..6: FMonth := 7;
- 7..12:
- begin
- FMonth := 1;
- Inc(FYear);
- end;
- end;
- ksYear: Inc(FYear);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- case FKindRange of
- ksMonth:
- if FMonth > 1 then
- Dec(FMonth)
- else
- begin
- FMonth := 12;
- Dec(FYear);
- end;
- ksQuarter:
- case FMonth of
- 1..3:
- begin
- FMonth := 10;
- Dec(FYear);
- end;
- 4..6: FMonth := 1;
- 7..9: FMonth := 4;
- 10..12: FMonth := 7;
- end;
- ksHalfYear:
- case FMonth of
- 1..6:
- begin
- FMonth := 7;
- Dec(FYear);
- end;
- 7..12: FMonth := 1;
- end;
- ksYear: Dec(FYear);
- end;
- end;
- Change; {∩ε±δσ Γ±σ⌡ Φτ∞σφσφΦΘ}
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if FColor <> Value then
- begin
- FColor := Value;
- FPanel.Color := FColor;
- end;
- end;
- function TVolgaPeriod.GetText: string;
- begin
- Result := FPanel.Caption;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetButtonWidth(Value: byte);
- begin
- if FButtonWidth <> Value then
- begin
- FButtonWidth := Value;
- SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.SetStartDate(const Value: TDateTime);
- var god, mes, den: word;
- begin
- BeforeChanged; {Σε Γ±σ⌡ Φτ∞σφσφΦΘ}
- DecodeDate(Value, god, mes, den);
- FYear := god;
- Month := mes; {Γ√τ√Γασ≥± SetMonth}
- end;
- procedure TVolgaPeriod.BeforeChanged;
- begin
- if assigned(FBeforeChange) then FBeforeChange(Self);
- end;
- end.