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- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Resource strings for TVolgaCalendar, TVolgaDBGrid, TVolgaDBEdit
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright ⌐ 2000, Olga Vlasova, Russia
- // http://volgatable.chat.ru
- // E-mail: volgatable@chat.ru
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unit VolDBConst;
- interface
- resourcestring
- V_PREVYEAR = 'Previous year';
- V_PREVMON = 'Previous month';
- V_NEXTYEAR = 'Next year';
- V_NEXTMON = 'Next month';
- V_PUSHMON = 'Click to change month';
- V_TODAY = 'Today is ';
- V_PUSHTODAY = 'Click to select today';
- V_DELETEROWS = 'Delete selected records ?';
- V_DELETEONEROW = 'Delete record ?';
- V_LOOKUPSOURCEERROR = 'Lookup Dataset cannot be equal to Source DataSet';
- V_SHORTYEAR = ' y.';
- V_LONGYEAR = ' year';
- V_KINDMON = 'Month';
- V_KINDQUART = 'Quarter';
- V_KINDHALF = 'Half Year';
- V_KINDYEAR = 'Whole year';
- implementation
- end.