README.TXT for Volga Component Library 2.0 - Released November, 2000
Volga Component Library is Copyright (C) 2000, Vlasova Olga. All rights reserved.
More downloads and support are on
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Updates
3.0 Install and Uninstall
4.0 Demo application
5.0 License Agreement
******* Volga Component Library contains TVolgaDBGrid, TVolgaDBEdit, *******
******* TVolgaCalendar, TVolgaPeriod, TVolgaFindEdit for Delphi 4,5,6 *******
TVolgaDBGrid is improved DBGrid and fully replaces standart TDBGrid. Column button style of TVolgaDBGrid may be:
- cbsCombo - dropdown list of predefined text items from property PickList, with corresponding values in PickValues;
- cbsLookup - dropdown list from lookup table; you don't need to create new calculated or lookup field in viewing table;
- cbsCalendar - dropdown calendar for date field, used TVolgaCalendar;
- cbsCheck - check box in grid cell;
- cbsEllipsis - custom dialog is called;
- cbsNone - simple edit cell.
Other features: can edit calculated fields, title cells as buttons, long text as hint...
TVolgaDBEdit replaces TDBEdit, TDBComboBox, TDBLookupCombo, TDBLookupTree andTDBDatePicker in one component. TVolgaDBEdit may be DB-aware and non DB-aware. It has following dialog styles:
vdsEdit - simple edit box;
vdsCustomDlg - simple edit box with [...] button for custom dialog call;
vdsCombo - dropdown list with predefined Items and corresponding Values;
vdsLookup - dropdown list with lookup Items from lookuptable;
vdsCalendar - dropdown calendar for date editing;
vdsTree - dropdown treeview filled from lookup table.
TVolgaDBEdit supports ENTER and Up/Down keys for navigating between several TVolgaTable components and Space key to drop dropdown list.
TVolgaCalendar - component for date choice from calendar. It contains full calendar for one month with buttons for change date.You may change current month, current year, select month directly from dropdown list of months (by clicking on month name), select today date (by clicking on today panel) or select date from calendar.
TVolgaPeriod is component for change period (range) of date. It can turns over months, quarters, half years and whole years. Start and end date of current range are saved in properties. Kind of turned range may be changed at run time from popup menu.
TVolgaFindEdit is component for incremental searching or filtering data in linked dataset.
See for news, updates and additions.
To install Volga Component Library unzip in any folder, in Delphi IDE choose menu "File. Open...", then find runtime package VolgaPDx.dpk, then click button Compile. After this move VolgaPDx.bpl to Windows system folder. Then open design time package dVolgaPDx.dpk and click button Install. Add path in Environment to folder with Volga components.
To uninstall Volga Component Library in IDE choose menu "Component. Install packages", then find line "Volga component Library" and click button "Remove". Then delete folder with component and demo.
Volga component library has demo application with full source code, exe-file and sample datatbase in Volga format. This application uses freeware VolgaDB Engine light edition. Please download it from page for compile demo application. See how small may be an application with database support!
Volga component Library is freeware and includes full source code.