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- (*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Part of AlexSoft VCL/DLL Library. //
- // All rights reserved. (c) Copyright 1998. //
- // Created by: Alex Rabichooc //
- //**************************************************************************//
- // Users of this unit must accept this disclaimer of warranty: //
- // "This unit is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, //
- // expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties //
- // of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. //
- // The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or //
- // consequential, which may result from the use of this unit." //
- // //
- // This Unit is donated to the public as public domain. //
- // //
- // This Unit can be freely used and distributed in commercial and //
- // private environments provided this notice is not modified in any way. //
- // //
- // If you do find this Unit handy and you feel guilty for using such a //
- // great product without paying someone - sorry :-) //
- // //
- // Please forward any comments or suggestions to Alex Rabichooc at: //
- // //
- // a_rabichooc@yahoo.com or alex@carmez.mldnet.com //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*)
- unit RaReport;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- Db, DBTables, QuickRpt, Qrctrls, QRactrls, ExtCtrls, DBClient, FrmDSrce;
- type
- TfmRaReport = class(TForm)
- Report: TQuickRep;
- PageFooterBand: TQRaBand;
- TitleBand: TQRBand;
- QRSysData1: TQRSysData;
- PageHeaderBand: TQRaBand;
- QRSysData2: TQRSysData;
- QRLabel3: TQRLabel;
- QRSysData3: TQRSysData;
- QRSysData4: TQRSysData;
- QRlbOrgName: TQRLabel;
- QRaSysData1: TQRSysData;
- DetailBand: TQRaBand;
- ColumnHeaderBand: TQRaBand;
- qrlbUser: TQRaLabel;
- procedure QRlbOrgNamePrint(sender: TObject; var Value: String);
- procedure ReportPreview(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure QRLabel3Print(sender: TObject; var Value: String);
- procedure qrlbUserPrint(sender: TObject; var Value: String);
- public
- procedure SetupPrinter;
- end;
- var UserName, FullUserName: string;
- implementation
- uses stdUtils, WinSpool, Printers, qrPrntr, CommDlg, RaPrevw;
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TfmRaReport.SetupPrinter;
- var ADeviceMode: PDeviceMode;
- hDevMode: HGLOBAL;
- hDevNames: HGLOBAL;
- begin
- stdUtils.GetPrinter(hDevMode, hDevNames);
- ADeviceMode := GlobalLock(hDevMode);
- try
- if ADeviceMode^.dmPaperSize = 256 then
- begin
- Report.Page.PaperSize := Custom;
- Report.Units := MM;
- Report.Page.Length := ADeviceMode^.dmPaperLength/10;
- Report.Page.Width := ADeviceMode^.dmPaperWidth/10;
- end
- else
- Report.Page.PaperSize := TQRPaperSize(ADeviceMode^.dmPaperSize);
- Report.PrinterSettings.Copies := ADeviceMode^.dmCopies;
- Report.Page.Orientation := TPrinterOrientation(ADeviceMode^.dmOrientation-1);
- finally
- GlobalUnLock(hDevMode)
- end;
- if (Owner is TForm) then
- Report.ReportTitle := (Owner as TForm).Caption;
- end;
- procedure TfmRaReport.QRlbOrgNamePrint(sender: TObject; var Value: String);
- begin
- Value := OrgName+' ('+Application.Title+')';
- end;
- procedure TfmRaReport.ReportPreview(Sender: TObject);
- function GetMaxWidth: integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to ColumnHeaderBand.ControlCount-1 do
- with ColumnHeaderBand.Controls[i] do
- if Left+Width > Result then
- Result := Left+Width;
- end;
- var AWidth: Integer;
- begin
- SetupPrinter;
- if PrinterType = ptGraphics then
- while (Report.Font.Size > 5) and
- (GetMaxWidth > DetailBand.Width) do
- begin
- Report.Font.Size := Report.Font.Size-1;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- AWidth := GetMaxWidth;
- if AWidth < QRSysData1.Width+QRSysData2.Width then
- AWidth := QRSysData1.Width+QRSysData2.Width;
- if AWidth > PageHeaderBand.Width then
- AWidth := PageHeaderBand.Width;
- QRSysData2.Left := AWidth - QRSysData2.Width;
- QRSysData3.Left := QRSysData2.Left;
- QRaSysData1.Left := (AWidth-QRaSysData1.Width) div 2;
- QRLabel3.Left := AWidth - QRLabel3.Width;
- with TfmPreview.Create(Report) do
- Show;
- end;
- procedure TfmRaReport.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Report.PrinterSettings.PrinterIndex := Printer.PrinterIndex;
- end;
- procedure TfmRaReport.QRLabel3Print(sender: TObject; var Value: String);
- begin
- Value := Format(Value, [FormatDateTime('yyy', Date)]);
- end;
- procedure TfmRaReport.qrlbUserPrint(sender: TObject; var Value: String);
- begin
- Value := '';
- if UserName <> '' then
- begin
- Value := Format('User: %s', [FullUserName]);
- end;
- end;
- end.