home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Part of AlexSoft VCL/DLL Library. //
- // All rights reserved. (c) Copyright 1998. //
- // Created by: Alex Rabichooc //
- //**************************************************************************//
- // Users of this unit must accept this disclaimer of warranty: //
- // "This unit is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, //
- // expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties //
- // of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. //
- // The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or //
- // consequential, which may result from the use of this unit." //
- // //
- // This Unit is donated to the public as public domain. //
- // //
- // This Unit can be freely used and distributed in commercial and //
- // private environments provided this notice is not modified in any way. //
- // //
- // If you do find this Unit handy and you feel guilty for using such a //
- // great product without paying someone - sorry :-) //
- // //
- // Please forward any comments or suggestions to Alex Rabichooc at: //
- // //
- // a_rabichooc@yahoo.com or alex@carmez.mldnet.com //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*)
- unit dbtools;
- interface
- uses db, Classes, Controls, dialogs, SysUtils, dbGrids, DBForms, dbTables, DBSearch;
- procedure DoEditButtonClick(Field: TField; AOwner: TComponent);
- function ShowDate(AField: TField; Sender: TWinControl):Integer;
- function ShowSpr(AField: TField; AOwner: TComponent): Integer;
- function ShowMemo(AField: TField; AOwner: TComponent):Integer;
- function ShowImage(AField: TField; AOwner: TComponent):Integer;
- function ValidData(AField: TField): Boolean;
- procedure GetLookUpText(Sender: TField; var Text: String; DisplayText: Boolean);
- procedure SetLookUpText(Sender: TField; const Text: String);
- function IsLookUpField(AField: TField): Boolean;
- procedure SetFieldAttributes(Field: TField);
- function DBSearch(DataSet: TDataSet; AFields: TList; AField: TField;
- AOwner: TComponent; AKind: TSearchKind = skNormal): boolean;
- function InitDBForm(DataSet: TDataSet; Field: TField; AOwner: TComponent): Integer;
- procedure ReplaceField(AField: TField);
- function GetMasterSource(DataSet: TDataSet): TDataSource;
- procedure GetReplaceParams(AField: TField;
- var KeyField, LKeyField: TField;
- var LDataSet: TDataSet);
- procedure BindParams(DataSet: TDataSet; Query: TQuery);
- type
- TSender = class
- public
- class procedure GetFieldText(Sender: TField; var Text: String; DisplayText: Boolean);
- class procedure SetFieldText(Sender: TField; const Text: String);
- class procedure ValidateData(Sender: TField);
- end;
- TSenderClass = class of TSender;
- implementation
- uses Windows, Graphics, StdUtils, FrmDSrce, dbConsts,
- dbBoxGrd, Mask, Forms, grids, fmClndr, dbClient, dbPanel, fmSearch,
- MemoEdit, {$IFDEF PROFI}ImagEdit{$ELSE}ImgEdt{$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF VER120}
- {$IFNDEF VER110},ADOdb
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER140},Variants, MaskUtils
- {$ENDIF};
- procedure BindParams(DataSet: TDataSet; Query: TQuery);
- var
- I: Integer;
- Old: Boolean;
- Param: TParam;
- PName: string;
- Field: TField;
- Value: Variant;
- begin
- if (DataSet = nil) or (Query = nil) then
- Exit;
- with Query do
- begin
- for I := 0 to Params.Count - 1 do
- begin
- Param := Params[I];
- PName := Param.Name;
- Old := CompareText(Copy(PName, 1, 4), 'OLD_') = 0;
- if Old then System.Delete(PName, 1, 4);
- Field := DataSet.FindField(PName);
- if not Assigned(Field) then Continue;
- if Old then Param.AssignFieldValue(Field, Field.OldValue) else
- begin
- Value := Field.NewValue;
- if VarIsEmpty(Value) then Value := Field.OldValue;
- Param.AssignFieldValue(Field, Value);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function DBSearch(DataSet: TDataSet; AFields: TList; AField: TField;
- AOwner: TComponent; AKind: TSearchKind = skNormal): boolean;
- var Frm: TForm;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if DataSet = nil then
- exit;
- Frm := TSearchForm.CreateWithDataSet(AOwner, DataSet, AFields, AField);
- if Frm.HandleAllocated then
- try
- if AKind <> skNormal then
- with Frm as TSearchForm do
- begin
- ckExtendedSearch.Checked := True;
- if AKind = skContext then
- ckContext.Checked := True;
- end;
- Result := Frm.ShowModal = mrOK;
- finally
- Frm.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function InitDBForm(DataSet: TDataSet; Field: TField; AOwner: TComponent): Integer;
- const MinWidth = 340;
- var AWidth, AHeight: Integer;
- Form: TDBForm;
- FormClass: TDBFormClass;
- FieldP: ^TField;
- procedure ChangePanelBounds;
- var ALeft, ATop: Integer;
- begin
- with Form as TDefaultForm do
- if (AWidth <> ClientWidth) or (AHeight <> ClientHeight) then
- begin
- ALeft := Left - (AWidth-Width) div 2;
- ATop := Top-(AHeight-Height) div 2;
- if ALeft < 0 then ALeft := 0;
- if ATop < 0 then ATop := 0;
- SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- try
- if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- FormClass := GetFormClass(DataSet);
- if FormClass = nil then
- begin
- FormClass := TDefaultForm;
- end;
- Form := FindCreateForm(FormClass, GetFormCaption(DataSet), AOwner) as TDBForm;
- if Form is TDBForm then
- with Form as TDBForm do
- begin
- FieldP := @ParentField;
- FieldP^ := Field;
- end;
- if Form is TDefaultForm then
- with Form as TDefaultForm do
- if DataSource.DataSet = nil then
- begin
- //DbPanel.Box.CreateMode := cmManual;
- DataSource.DataSet := DataSet;
- if GetMasterSource(DataSet) <> nil then
- DBPanel.Orientation := orHorizontal;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- //SendMessage(DBPanel.Handle, CN_STYLECHANGED, 0, 0);
- AWidth := DbPanel.ActualWidth+Width-ClientWidth;
- if AWidth > Screen.Width then AWidth := Screen.Width;
- if AWidth < MinWidth then AWidth := MinWidth;
- if DbPanel.Box.Visible then
- begin
- Width := AWidth;
- DbPanel.Box.RefreshFields;
- DbPanel.StoreFields := True;
- DbPanel.BoxHeight := DbPanel.Box.ActualHeight + DbPanel.Box.OriginY;
- AWidth := DbPanel.ActualWidth+Width-ClientWidth;
- end;
- AHeight := DbPanel.ActualHeight+paTop.Height+paBottom.Height+
- Height-ClientHeight;
- if AHeight > Screen.Height then
- AHeight := Screen.Height;
- //if DbPanel.Box.Visible and DbPanel.Grid.Visible then
- Inc(AHeight, 3);
- if not DbPanel.Box.Visible then
- DbPanel.PanelStyle := psGrid;
- ChangePanelBounds;
- end;
- if IsModalForm(DataSet) or (GetFormCaption(DataSet) = '') then
- Result := Form.ShowModal
- else
- begin
- Form.Show;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoEditButtonClick(Field: TField; AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- if Field <> nil then
- with Field do
- begin
- case DataType of
- ftMemo, ftFmtMemo:
- ShowMemo(Field, AOwner);
- ftGraphic, ftTypedBinary, ftBlob:
- ShowImage(Field, AOwner);
- {$IFNDEF VER110}
- ftDataSet:
- InitDBForm((Field as TDataSetField).NestedDataSet, nil, AOwner);
- {$ENDIF}
- ftDate, ftDateTime:
- if AOwner is TWinControl then
- ShowDate(Field, AOwner as TWinControl)
- else
- ShowSpr(Field, AOwner);
- else
- ShowSpr(Field, AOwner);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ShowDate(AField: TField; Sender: TWinControl):Integer;
- begin
- Result := ord(CreateCalendar(AField, Sender));
- end;
- procedure GetReplaceParams(AField: TField;
- var KeyField, LKeyField: TField;
- var LDataSet: TDataSet);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- LDataSet := nil;
- LKeyField := nil;
- KeyField := nil;
- if AField <> nil then
- begin
- if IsLookUpField(AField) then
- begin
- KeyField := AField.DataSet.FindField(AField.KeyFields);
- LDataSet := AField.LookupDataSet;
- if LDataSet <> nil then
- LKeyField := LDataSet.FindField(AField.LookUpKeyFields);
- end
- else
- for i := 0 to AField.DataSet.FieldCount-1 do
- with AField.DataSet.Fields[i] do
- if UpperCase(KeyFields) = UpperCase(AField.FieldName) then
- begin
- KeyField := AField.DataSet.FindField(KeyFields);
- LDataSet := LookupDataSet;
- if LDataSet <> nil then
- LKeyField := LDataSet.FindField(LookUpKeyFields);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReplaceField(AField: TField);
- var KeyField, LKeyField, ResultField: TField;
- LDataSet: TDataSet;
- AValue: Variant;
- begin
- GetReplaceParams(AField, KeyField, LKeyField, LDataSet);
- if (LDataSet <> nil) and (LKeyField <> nil) and (KeyField <> nil) and
- KeyField.CanModify and KeyField.DataSet.Active then
- begin
- with AField.DataSet do
- begin
- AValue := LKeyField.Value;
- if not (AField.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then
- if IsEmpty then
- Insert
- else
- Edit;
- KeyField.Value := AValue;
- if AField.FieldKind = fkLookUp then
- begin
- ResultField := LDataSet.FindField(AField.LookupResultField);
- if ResultField <> nil then
- AField.Value := ResultField.Value;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ShowSpr(AField: TField; AOwner: TComponent): Integer;
- var KeyField, LKeyField: TField;
- LDataSet: TDataSet;
- begin
- try
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- Result := -1;
- GetReplaceParams(AField, KeyField, LKeyField, LDataSet);
- if (LDataSet <> nil) and (LKeyField <> nil) and (KeyField <> nil) then
- begin
- if AOwner is TInplaceEdit then
- AOwner := (AOwner as TInplaceEdit).Owner;
- Result := InitDBForm(LDataSet, AField, AOwner);
- end;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- function ShowMemo(AField: TField; AOwner: TComponent):Integer;
- var Form: TForm;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if AField <> nil then
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- try
- Form := TMemoEditor.CreateWithField(AOwner, AField);
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- try
- Form.ShowModal;
- Result := 1;
- finally
- Form.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ShowImage(AField: TField; AOwner: TComponent):Integer;
- var Form: TForm;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if AField <> nil then
- begin
- with AField.DataSet do
- if (State = dsInsert) and not Modified then
- Exit
- else
- CheckBrowseMode;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- try
- Form := TImageEditor.CreateWithField(AOwner, AField);
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- try
- Form.ShowModal;
- Result := 1;
- finally
- Form.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ValidData(AField: TField): Boolean;
- var KeyField, LKeyField: TField;
- LDataSet: TDataSet;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- LDataSet := nil;
- LKeyField := nil;
- KeyField := nil;
- if (AField <> nil) and (AField.DataSet <> nil) and (AField.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then
- begin
- if AField.FieldKind = fkLookUp then
- begin
- KeyField := AField.DataSet.FindField(AField.KeyFields);
- LDataSet := AField.LookupDataSet;
- if LDataSet <> nil then
- LKeyField := LDataSet.FindField(AField.LookUpKeyFields);
- end
- else
- for i := 0 to AField.DataSet.FieldCount-1 do
- with AField.DataSet.Fields[i] do
- if UpperCase(KeyFields) = UpperCase(AField.FieldName) then
- begin
- KeyField := AField.DataSet.FindField(KeyFields);
- LDataSet := LookupDataSet;
- if LDataSet <> nil then
- LKeyField := LDataSet.FindField(LookUpKeyFields);
- break;
- end;
- if (LDataSet <> nil) and (LKeyField <> nil) and
- (KeyField <> nil) and AField.DataSet.Active then
- begin
- Result := LDataSet.Locate(LKeyField.FieldName, KeyField.Value, []);
- if Result then
- for i := 0 to AField.DataSet.FieldCount-1 do
- with AField.DataSet.Fields[i] do
- if (UpperCase(KeyFields) = UpperCase(AField.FieldName)) and
- (LookUpDataSet <> nil) and
- (AField.DataSet.Fields[i]<> AField) then
- Value :=
- LookUpDataSet.Lookup(LookUpKeyFields, AField.Value, LookupResultField)
- end
- end;
- end;
- procedure GetLookUpText(Sender: TField; var Text: String; DisplayText: Boolean);
- var Result: Variant;
- AField: TField;
- begin
- AField := Sender.DataSet.FindField(Sender.KeyFields);
- if AField <> nil then
- begin
- Result := AField.Value;
- With Sender do
- if (LookUpDataSet <> nil) and LookUpDataSet.Active then
- Result := LookUpDataSet.Lookup(LookUpKeyFields, Result, LookUpResultField);
- Text := VarToStr(Result);
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetLookUpText(Sender: TField; const Text: String);
- var Result: Variant;
- AField: TField;
- begin
- AField := Sender.DataSet.FindField(Sender.KeyFields);
- if (AField <> nil) and
- (Sender.DataSet <> nil) and
- Sender.DataSet.Active then
- begin
- Result := Text;
- With Sender do
- if LookUpDataSet <> nil then
- Result := LookUpDataSet.Lookup(LookUpResultField, Result, LookUpKeyFields);
- AField.Value := Result;
- end;
- end;
- function IsLookUpField(AField: TField): Boolean;
- begin
- with AField do
- Result :=
- (AField <> nil) and ((FieldKind = fkLookUp) or (LookUpDataSet <> nil));
- end;
- procedure SetFieldAttributes(Field: TField);
- var AField, KeyField, LKeyField: TField;
- LDataSet: TDataSet;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if (Field <> nil) then
- begin
- if (Field.FieldKind = fkData) and
- not Assigned(Field.OnValidate) and
- {not (csLoading in Field.ComponentState) and}
- not (csDesigning in Field.ComponentState) then
- begin
- //******************************??????????????????
- LDataSet := nil;
- LKeyField := nil;
- KeyField := nil;
- for i := 0 to Field.DataSet.FieldCount-1 do
- with Field.DataSet.Fields[i] do
- if UpperCase(KeyFields) = UpperCase(Field.FieldName) then
- begin
- KeyField := Field.DataSet.FindField(KeyFields);
- LDataSet := LookupDataSet;
- if LDataSet <> nil then
- LKeyField := LDataSet.FindField(LookUpKeyFields);
- break;
- end;
- if (LDataSet <> nil) and (LKeyField <> nil) and
- (KeyField <> nil) and Field.DataSet.Active then
- //******************************??????????????????
- Field.OnValidate := TSenderClass.ValidateData;
- end;
- if (Field is TNumericField) then
- begin
- Field.DisplayWidth := Length((Field as TNumericField).DisplayFormat);
- if Field.DisplayWidth < Length((Field as TNumericField).EditFormat) then
- Field.DisplayWidth := Length((Field as TNumericField).EditFormat);
- end
- else
- if Field.EditMaskPtr = '' then
- Field.DisplayWidth := -1
- else
- Field.DisplayWidth := Length(FormatMaskText(Field.EditMaskPtr, ''));
- if (Field.FieldKind = fkData) and (Field.LookUpDataSet <> nil) then
- begin
- if not Assigned(Field.OnGetText) and
- not Assigned(Field.OnSetText) and
- {not (csLoading in Field.ComponentState) and}
- not (csDesigning in Field.ComponentState) then
- begin
- Field.OnGetText := TSenderClass.GetFieldText;
- Field.OnSetText := TSenderClass.SetFieldText;
- end;
- AField := Field.LookUpDataSet.FindField(Field.LookUpResultField);
- if AField <> nil then
- begin
- if Field.EditMaskPtr = '' then
- Field.EditMask := AField.EditMaskPtr;
- if (Field.DisplayWidth = Field.Size) or (Field.Size = 0) then
- begin
- Field.DisplayWidth := AField.DisplayWidth;
- Field.Alignment := AField.Alignment;
- end;
- if Field.EditMaskPtr <> '' then
- Field.DisplayWidth := Length(FormatMaskText(Field.EditMaskPtr, ''));
- if (AField is TNumericField) then
- begin
- Field.DisplayWidth := Length((AField as TNumericField).DisplayFormat);
- if Field.DisplayWidth < Length((AField as TNumericField).EditFormat) then
- Field.DisplayWidth := Length((AField as TNumericField).EditFormat);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- if (@Field.OnGetText = @TSenderClass.GetFieldText) and
- (@Field.OnSetText = @TSenderClass.SetFieldText) then
- begin
- Field.OnSetText := nil;
- Field.OnGetText := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function GetMasterSource(DataSet: TDataSet): TDataSource;
- {$IFNDEF VER110}
- var i: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if DataSet <> nil then
- begin
- {$IFNDEF VER120}
- {$IFNDEF VER110}
- if DataSet is TADOTable then
- Result := (DataSet as TADOTable).MasterSource
- else
- if DataSet is TADOQuery then
- Result := (DataSet as TADOQuery).DataSource
- else
- if DataSet is TADODataSet then
- Result := (DataSet as TADODataSet).DataSource
- else
- if DataSet is TADOStoredProc then
- Result := (DataSet as TADOStoredProc).DataSource
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- if DataSet is TTable then
- Result := (DataSet as TTable).MasterSource
- else
- if DataSet is TQuery then
- Result := (DataSet as TQuery).DataSource
- else
- if DataSet is TClientDataSet then
- begin
- Result := (DataSet as TClientDataSet).MasterSource;
- end;
- {$IFNDEF VER110}
- if not Assigned(Result) then
- if DataSet is TClientDataSet then
- begin
- if ((DataSet as TClientDataSet).DataSetField <> nil) and
- ((DataSet as TClientDataSet).DataSetField.DataSet <> nil) then
- with (DataSet as TClientDataSet).DataSetField.DataSet.Owner do
- for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
- if (Components[i] is TDataSource) and
- ((Components[i] as TDataSource).DataSet =
- (DataSet as TClientDataSet).DataSetField.DataSet) then
- begin
- Result := Components[i] as TDataSource;
- break;
- end;
- end
- else
- if DataSet is TNestedTable then
- begin
- if ((DataSet as TNestedTable).DataSetField <> nil) and
- ((DataSet as TNestedTable).DataSetField.DataSet <> nil) then
- with (DataSet as TNestedTable).DataSetField.DataSet.Owner do
- for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
- if (Components[i] is TDataSource) and
- ((Components[i] as TDataSource).DataSet =
- (DataSet as TNestedTable).DataSetField.DataSet) then
- begin
- Result := Components[i] as TDataSource;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {TSender}
- class procedure TSender.GetFieldText(Sender: TField; var Text: String;
- DisplayText: Boolean);
- begin
- GetLookUpText(Sender, Text, DisplayText);
- end;
- class procedure TSender.SetFieldText(Sender: TField; const Text: String);
- begin
- SetLookUpText(Sender, Text);
- end;
- class procedure TSender.ValidateData(Sender: TField);
- begin
- if not ValidData(Sender) then
- if Sender.IsNULL and not Sender.Required then
- begin
- MessageDlg(SRecordNotFound, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
- end
- else
- Raise EDataBaseError.Create(SRecordNotFound);
- end;
- end.