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- JwPackage - v1.02
- When I started learning how to do components, I really did start with
- a Corriolis book and a few "stupid" ideas. Namely, the TSmilie and the TLinez.
- (I actually started using the TLinez because I didn't like the behavior of the
- TBevel--And I was able to get a nice 3-D look out of it...). Then I started
- moving on to making components that actually solved a problem of some sort. At
- first I was working as if I wasn't sure if I was going to be "backwards compatable"
- with Delphi 1 and Delphi 3-5, but over time it became ridiculous. Also, I was
- unsure if I was going to use each one over another, so I did actually duplicate
- a lot of code between each unit--it took me some time to decide on a "Package"
- solution. But I have actually used many of these components in my software, so
- I hope other might find them useful. I packed the "register" unit here so that if
- there is any one that is "undesired" (you know, I would LOVE for someone to use
- my JwSmile in some sort of application--even as an easter egg...) just comment it
- out here, and your done.
- Here's a breif overview of what I did and what I was thinking:
- JwAutAbt:
- This is a non-visual component to encapsulate an "About" box. At the time, I was
- attempting to meet a ISO900X standard, so I added lotsa of info.
- JwBinRES:
- I really never liked Res files and there are some cases where it's much easier to
- just drop a extra file into a component so it can just be included into the DFM file.
- That was exactly what I did with the BMPRes and such, but for the longest time I couldn't
- figure out how. Now this component will not only take ANY file even if it is binary
- and allow it to be converted to a TMemoryStream. PERFECT for the Abrevia unit and
- zip files (that's from Turbo Power if you didn't know--it ain't cheap either!)
- JwBmpRes:
- I never liked the idea of dropping components just to set the component to VISIBLE=False.
- It just seemed too sloppy for me. So I created this non-visual component that just stored
- the TGraphic, since Delphi came with all sorts of component editors for that sort of thing
- already.
- JwByPs:
- One programmer who worked for me needed to have a checkbox that had a behavior that would
- allow him to prevent a "Click" even tho it was enabled. The exact reason escapes me right
- now, but it made sence then. You must admit, ENABLED=FALSE on TWinControls behave very
- differently.
- JwFshCl:
- I kept seeing these CD Menus that had static labels that behaved like url links--they
- "Flared" out when the mouse was over it. I really liked the idea, since you can always
- add an event to a TLabel, but how's the user going to know it has that behavior? By
- having this event, the user has some sort of signal. I used this 3-Staged event
- behavior on a lot of cases.
- Jwfshpn:
- I did this one just like the JwFshCl except on a TPanel so I could create an ActiveX
- control to import into Access. I did it, but I wasn't able to make it work with the
- Access reports...ah well.
- JwLabel:
- This is just a TLabel, but with total access to the font itself. I didn't really want
- to mess to much with it, so I added some.. fixes.. to make a rotated font in the window.
- JwLinez:
- I think in every example or book on Components starts with the drawing of a line. I
- actually started using this in apps to created a sort of 3-D effect.
- JwPopbtn:
- This one didn't turn out that well, but it was supposed to "Popup" whenever the mouse
- was over the component. It was a bit messy with "unexpected" or "random" events.
- JwRotPan:
- This just made a JwLabel for a TPanel. Again, for ActiveX stuff.
- Jwrtfsh:
- This is a Combination of JwLabel and JwFshCl.
- jwShellBrowseFolder:
- This is a browse for folder using the call to SHBrowseForFolder. Unfortunatly, it doesn't
- work exactly as I wanted. I need more research into the whole conversion of C++ to Delphi.
- JwSmile:
- You know, I just wanted to know if I could do it.
- JwStgPnl:
- I wanted a 3-staged button, or at least a panel that had three states that I could
- test easily. It could be easily done in code, but I figured that I should make it into
- a component.
- JwStrRes:
- Much like the BinRes and BmpRes, this is a non-visual component to store text.
- JwWrpbtn:
- I really wanted to have a button that had some of the behaviors of the TLabel, so I
- created a TLabel that had the painting behaviors of the TButton. Again, this didn't work
- out as close as I would have liked.
- I give this source as freeware with no assurances or warentees involved. Use at your own risk.
- Anyone can use this code for any project you wish, however I humbly request that my name and email
- address be given somewhere in the credits.
- My contact info is:
- Joseph Wilcock
- Coockoo@hotmail.com
- http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RedmondAve/coockoo/
- PS: When you read the comments in the source, please remember that I did these over
- a great span of time--I've changed my styles and "Programming Superstions" since.