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- unit JwBinRES;
- interface
- {
- OH Heaven Above this was a long time comming!!!!!! Why the RTTI information is so poorly
- documented, I'll never know. It was only through scowering the Classes.pas, DsgnIntf.pas, and
- a goodly amount from TurboPower's documentation of SysTools (good product by the way) was I
- able to finally do this thing.
- Well, here's the deal. As with the "TStringResourse" and the "TBMPResourse" I was trying
- to make non-graphic ways of storing files into the executable. I realize of course I could just
- stick these in with the resource file, and the load it up from there, but the one that comes
- with delphi just doesn't cut it for me (maybe I'm just not skilled enough...) but I thought that
- since a TBitMap was stored in the DFM file, why not a zip file? Well, it was easy for the first
- two, but for just plain binary stuff that had no property edit already made, I was out-of-luck.
- I think my biggest mistake was that I was trying to do it with TStream descendants. I had such
- good luck with a file I made "TMemoryFile" that I used to read in raw files. The problem, as I have
- found out, is that they are not descendant from TPersistent. Finally I gave up with that Idea
- and went to a just plain Pointer variable wrapped up in a TPersistent class. That was the big
- secret I had a hard time to figure out.
- Well, my plans are to use this with Turbopower's abrevia (of course now that v3 is out
- I'm gonna have to scrape up some money for that...grumble....) that has a UnZip and Zip from a
- stream. So I can use my WriteToStream property, unzip it with a call to abrevia, and then
- I'm on my way.
- }
- // Version History
- // Num Date Notes
- // 1.00 August 1, 1999 Initial Release
- // Created By:
- // Joseph Wilcock
- // Coockoo@hotmail.com
- // http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RedmondAve/coockoo/
- uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, DsgnIntf;
- type
- TJwMemoryDataProperty = Class( TPropertyEditor )
- public
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; Override;
- Function GetValue: String; Override;
- Procedure Edit; Override;
- End;
- TJwMemoryData = Class( TPersistent )
- Private
- FData: Pointer;
- FFileSize: Longint;
- FOrgFileName: AnsiString;
- FOnFailToRead: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnFailToWrite: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnFailToDelete: TNotifyEvent;
- private
- Procedure FillData( aSize: LongInt; aData: Pointer );
- function GetSize: LongInt;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value: String);
- Protected
- Procedure DefineProperties( Filer: TFiler ); Override;
- Procedure ReadData( Stream: TStream ); Virtual;
- Procedure WriteData( Stream: TStream ); Virtual;
- Public
- Constructor Create;
- Destructor Destroy; Override;
- Procedure Clear;
- Procedure LoadFromFile( const FileName: String ); Virtual;
- Procedure Assign( Source: TPersistent ); Override;
- Procedure SaveToFile( const FileName: String ); Virtual;
- Procedure SaveToStream( Stream: TStream );
- published
- Property FileName: String Read FOrgFileName Write SetFileName;
- Property CurrentSize: LongInt Read GetSize;
- Property OnFailToRead: TNotifyEvent Read FOnFailToRead Write FOnFailToRead;
- Property OnFailToWrite: TNotifyEvent Read FOnFailToWrite Write FOnFailToWrite;
- Property OnFailToDelete: TNotifyEvent Read FOnFailToDelete Write FOnFailToDelete;
- End;
- TJwBinRes = Class( TComponent )
- Private
- FFileData: TJwMemoryData;
- FTagName: String;
- private
- function GetOriginalFileName: String;
- procedure SetTagName(const Value: String);
- Procedure SetjwMemoryData( Value: TJwMemoryData );
- function GetOnFailToDelete: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetOnFailToRead: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetOnFailToWrite: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetOnFailToDelete(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
- procedure SetOnFailToRead(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
- procedure SetOnFailToWrite(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
- Public
- Procedure SaveToStream( Stream: TStream );
- Procedure SaveThroughStream( const FileName: String );
- Procedure SaveToFile( const FileName: String );
- Constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); Override;
- Destructor Destroy; Override;
- Published
- Property FileData: TJwMemoryData Read FFileData Write SetjwMemoryData;
- Property TagName: String Read FTagName Write SetTagName;
- Property OriginalFileName: String Read GetOriginalFileName;
- Property OnFailToRead: TNotifyEvent Read GetOnFailToRead Write SetOnFailToRead;
- Property OnFailToWrite: TNotifyEvent Read GetOnFailToWrite Write SetOnFailToWrite;
- Property OnFailToDelete: TNotifyEvent Read GetOnFailToDelete Write SetOnFailToDelete;
- End;
- Procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses Dialogs;
- Procedure Register;
- Begin
- RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo( TJwMemoryData ), TJwBinRes, '', TJwMemoryDataProperty );
- RegisterComponents( 'JwTools', [ TJwBinRes ] );
- End;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Function TJwMemoryDataProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [ paDialog ];
- End;
- Function TJwMemoryDataProperty.GetValue: String;
- Begin
- If TJwMemoryData( GetOrdValue ).CurrentSize=0 Then
- Result := '<No Data>'
- Else
- Result := '<Data Loaded>';
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryDataProperty.Edit;
- Var
- NewData: TJwMemoryData;
- Begin
- NewData := TJwMemoryData.Create;
- With TOpenDialog.Create( Nil ) Do
- Begin
- If Execute Then
- NewData.LoadFromFile( FileName );
- Free;
- End;
- SetOrdValue( LongInt( NewData ) );
- Modified;
- NewData.Free;
- End;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.Clear;
- Begin
- If FFileSize > 0 Then
- Begin
- FreeMem( FData, FFileSize );
- FFileSize := 0;
- FOrgFileName := '';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.FillData( aSize: LongInt; aData: Pointer );
- Begin
- Self.Clear;
- If aSize > 0 Then
- Begin
- FFileSize := aSize;
- GetMem( FData, FFileSize );
- Move( aData^, FData^, FFileSize );
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.Assign( Source: TPersistent );
- Begin
- If Source = Nil Then
- Self.Clear
- Else
- begin
- If Source Is TJwMemoryData Then
- FillData( TJwMemoryData( Source ).FFileSize, TJwMemoryData( Source ).FData )
- Else
- Inherited Assign( Source );
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.LoadFromFile( const FileName: String );
- var
- FromF: File;
- OrgFileMode, NumRead: LongInt;
- Begin
- Self.Clear;
- OrgFileMode := FileMode;
- FileMode := 0;
- try
- If FileExists( FileName ) Then
- Begin
- Assignfile( FromF, FileName );
- Reset( FromF, 1 );
- try
- If FileSize( FromF ) > 0 Then
- Begin
- FFileSize := FileSize( FromF );
- GetMem( FData, FFileSize );
- BlockRead( FromF, FData^, FFileSize, NumRead );
- if ( NumRead < FFileSize ) and Assigned( FOnFailToRead ) then
- FOnFailToRead( Self.GetOwner );
- End;
- finally
- CloseFile( FromF );
- end;
- End;
- finally
- FileMode := OrgFileMode;
- end;
- FOrgFileName := ExtractFileName( FileName );
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.SaveToFile( const FileName: String );
- Var
- ToF: File;
- OrgFileMode, NumWritten: LongInt;
- Begin
- OrgFileMode := FileMode;
- FileMode := 2;
- try
- if FileExists( FileName ) then
- begin
- try
- DeleteFile( FileName );
- except end;
- end;
- if Not( FileExists( FileName ) ) then
- begin
- AssignFile( ToF, FileName );
- ReWrite( ToF, 1 );
- try
- BlockWrite( ToF, FData^, FFileSize, NumWritten );
- if ( NumWritten < FFileSize ) and Assigned( FOnFailToWrite ) then
- FOnFailToWrite( Self.GetOwner );
- finally
- CloseFile( ToF );
- end;
- end
- else if Assigned( FOnFailToDelete ) then
- FOnFailToDelete( Self.GetOwner );
- finally
- FileMode := OrgFileMode;
- end;
- End;
- procedure TJwMemoryData.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- if Assigned( Stream ) then
- Stream.WriteBuffer( FData^, FFileSize );
- end;
- function TJwMemoryData.GetSize: LongInt;
- begin
- Result := FFileSize;
- end;
- procedure TJwMemoryData.SetFileName(const Value: String);
- begin
- FOrgFileName := Value;
- end;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.WriteData( Stream: TStream );
- Begin
- Stream.Write( FFileSize, SizeOf( FFileSize ) );
- Stream.Write( FData^, FFileSize );
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.ReadData( Stream: TStream );
- Begin
- Clear;
- Stream.Read( FFileSize, SizeOf( FFileSize ) );
- If FFileSize > 0 Then
- Begin
- GetMem( FData, FFileSize );
- Stream.Read( FData^, FFileSize );
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TJwMemoryData.DefineProperties( Filer: TFiler );
- Begin
- Inherited DefineProperties( Filer );
- Filer.DefineBinaryProperty( 'jwBinData', ReadData, WriteData, FFileSize > 0 );
- End;
- Constructor TJwMemoryData.Create;
- begin
- Inherited Create;
- fFileSize := 0;
- FOrgFileName := '';
- end;
- Destructor TJwMemoryData.destroy;
- Begin
- Clear;
- Inherited destroy;
- End;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Procedure TJwBinRes.SaveToFile( const FileName: String );
- Begin
- FFileData.SaveToFile( FileName );
- End;
- Procedure TJwBinRes.SetjwMemoryData( Value: TJwMemoryData );
- Begin
- FFileData.Assign( Value );
- End;
- Constructor TJwBinRes.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
- Begin
- Inherited Create( AOwner );
- FFileData := TJwMemoryData.Create;
- End;
- Destructor TJwBinRes.Destroy;
- Begin
- FFileData.Free;
- Inherited Destroy;
- End;
- function TJwBinRes.GetOnFailToDelete: TNotifyEvent;
- begin
- Result := FFileData.FOnFailToDelete;
- end;
- function TJwBinRes.GetOnFailToRead: TNotifyEvent;
- begin
- Result := FFileData.FOnFailToRead;
- end;
- function TJwBinRes.GetOnFailToWrite: TNotifyEvent;
- begin
- Result := FFileData.FOnFailToWrite;
- end;
- procedure TJwBinRes.SetOnFailToDelete(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
- begin
- FFileData.FOnFailToDelete := Value;
- end;
- procedure TJwBinRes.SetOnFailToRead(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
- begin
- FFileData.FOnFailToRead := Value;
- end;
- procedure TJwBinRes.SetOnFailToWrite(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
- begin
- FFileData.FOnFailToWrite := Value;
- end;
- procedure TJwBinRes.SaveThroughStream(const FileName: String);
- var
- outStream: TFileStream;
- begin
- outStream := TFileStream.Create( FileName, fmCreate );
- try
- FFileData.SaveToStream( outStream );
- finally
- outStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TJwBinRes.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- FFileData.SaveToStream( Stream );
- end;
- procedure TJwBinRes.SetTagName(const Value: String);
- begin
- FTagName := Value;
- end;
- function TJwBinRes.GetOriginalFileName: String;
- begin
- Result := FFileData.FOrgFileName;
- end;
- end.