home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- delete from user where user='grant_user' or user='grant_user2'
- delete from db where user='grant_user'
- delete from tables_priv
- delete from columns_priv
- lock tables mysql.user write
- flush privileges
- unlock tables
- drop database grant_test
- Error in execute: Can't drop database 'grant_test'. Database doesn't exist
- create database grant_test
- Connecting grant_user
- Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- grant select on *.* to grant_user@localhost
- set password FOR grant_user2@localhost = password('test')
- Error in execute: Can't find any matching row in the user table
- set password FOR grant_user=password('test')
- Connecting grant_user
- Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' (Using password: NO)
- set password FOR grant_user=''
- Connecting grant_user
- select * from mysql.user where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_user Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N
- select * from mysql.db where user = 'grant_user'
- grant select on *.* to grant_user@localhost,grant_user@localhost
- insert into mysql.user (host,user) values ('error','grant_user')
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'mysql'
- update mysql.user set host='error' WHERE user='grant_user'
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'mysql'
- create table grant_test.test (a int,b int)
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- grant select on *.* to grant_user2@localhost
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' (Using password: NO)
- revoke select on grant_test.test from grant_user@opt_host
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host 'opt_host'
- revoke select on grant_test.* from grant_user@opt_host
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host 'opt_host'
- revoke select on *.* from grant_user
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host '%'
- grant select on grant_test.not_exists to grant_user
- Error in execute: Table 'grant_test.not_exists' doesn't exist
- grant FILE on grant_test.test to grant_user
- Error in execute: Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command. Please consult the manual which privileges can be used.
- grant select on *.* to wrong___________user_name
- Error in execute: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
- grant select on grant_test.* to wrong___________user_name
- Error in execute: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
- grant select on grant_test.test to grant_user with grant option
- Error in execute: grant command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- set password FOR ''@''=''
- Error in execute: You are using MySQL as an anonymous users and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords
- set password FOR root@localhost = password('test')
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'mysql'
- revoke select on *.* from grant_user@localhost
- grant create on *.* to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- create table grant_test.test (a int,b int)
- grant select(c) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- Error in execute: Unknown column 'c' in 'test'
- revoke select(c) on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host 'localhost' on table 'test'
- grant select on grant_test.test to wrong___________user_name
- Error in execute: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
- INSERT INTO grant_test.test values (2,0)
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to grant_user@localhost
- REVOKE INSERT on *.* from grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- INSERT INTO grant_test.test values (1,0)
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant INSERT on *.* to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- INSERT INTO grant_test.test values (2,0)
- select count(*) from grant_test.test
- 1
- revoke SELECT on *.* from grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(*) from grant_test.test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- INSERT INTO grant_test.test values (3,0)
- grant SELECT on *.* to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(*) from grant_test.test
- 2
- revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* from grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- delete from user where user='grant_user'
- flush privileges
- delete from user where user='grant_user'
- flush privileges
- grant select on grant_test.* to grant_user@localhost
- select * from mysql.user where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_user N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
- select * from mysql.db where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_test grant_user Y N N N N N N N N N
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(*) from grant_test.test
- 2
- select * from mysql.user where user = 'grant_user'
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'mysql'
- insert into grant_test.test values (4,0)
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- update grant_test.test set a=1
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- delete from grant_test.test
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- create table grant_test.test2 (a int)
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- ALTER TABLE grant_test.test add c int
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- CREATE INDEX dummy ON grant_test.test (a)
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- drop table grant_test.test
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- grant ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.* to grant_user2@localhost
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' (Using password: NO)
- grant ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.* to grant_user@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION
- Connecting grant_user
- insert into grant_test.test values (5,0)
- REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on * from grant_user@localhost
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host 'localhost'
- REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* from grant_user@localhost
- REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.* from grant_user@localhost
- REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.* from grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- insert into grant_test.test values (6,0)
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- REVOKE GRANT OPTION on grant_test.* from grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- grant ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.* to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select * from mysql.user where user = 'grant_user'
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'mysql'
- insert into grant_test.test values (7,0)
- update grant_test.test set a=3 where a=2
- delete from grant_test.test where a=3
- create table grant_test.test2 (a int not null)
- alter table grant_test.test2 add b int
- create index dummy on grant_test.test2 (a)
- drop table grant_test.test2
- show tables
- insert into mysql.user (host,user) values ('error','grant_user',0)
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'mysql'
- revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.* from grant_user@localhost
- select * from mysql.user where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_user N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
- select * from mysql.db where user = 'grant_user'
- Connecting grant_user
- Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- grant create on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- create table grant_test.test2 (a int not null)
- show tables
- test2
- show columns from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- show keys from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- show columns from test2
- a int(11) 0
- show keys from test2
- select * from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant insert on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- show tables
- test
- test2
- insert into grant_test.test values (8,0)
- update grant_test.test set b=1
- Error in execute: update command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant update on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- update grant_test.test set b=2
- delete from grant_test.test
- Error in execute: delete command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant delete on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- delete from grant_test.test where a=1
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'a' in table 'test'
- update grant_test.test set b=3 where b=1
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- update grant_test.test set b=b+1
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- select * from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant select on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- delete from grant_test.test where a=1
- update grant_test.test set b=2 where b=1
- update grant_test.test set b=b+1
- select count(*) from test
- 3
- create table grant_test.test3 (a int)
- Error in execute: create command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test3'
- alter table grant_test.test2 add c int
- Error in execute: alter command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- grant alter on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- alter table grant_test.test2 add c int
- create index dummy ON grant_test.test (a)
- Error in execute: index command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant index on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- create index dummy ON grant_test.test2 (a)
- insert into test2 SELECT a,a from test
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- grant insert on test2 to grant_user@localhost
- Error in execute: Table 'mysql.test2' doesn't exist
- grant insert(a) on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- insert into test2 SELECT a,a from test
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'c' in table 'test2'
- grant insert(c) on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- insert into test2 SELECT a,a from test
- select count(*) from test2,test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- select count(*) from test,test2
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- replace into test2 SELECT a from test
- Error in execute: update command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- grant update on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- replace into test2 SELECT a,a from test
- Error in execute: delete command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- grant DELETE on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost
- replace into test2 SELECT a,a from test
- insert into test (a) SELECT a from test2
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- drop table grant_test.test2
- Error in execute: drop command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- grant select on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost with grant option
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- grant drop on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost with grant option
- grant drop on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost with grant option
- grant select on grant_test.test2 to grant_user@localhost with grant option
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test2'
- drop table grant_test.test2
- create database grant_test
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- drop database grant_test
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' to database 'grant_test'
- flush tables
- Error in execute: Access denied for user: 'grant_user@localhost' (Using password: NO)
- flush privileges
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 grant_user@localhost Update,Delete,Create,Drop,Grant,Index,Alter Insert
- localhost grant_test grant_user test root@localhost Select,Insert,Update,Delete
- revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.test2 from grant_user@localhost
- revoke GRANT OPTION on grant_test.test2 from grant_user@localhost
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- select count(a) from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- delete from grant_test.test where a=2
- Error in execute: delete command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- delete from grant_test.test where A=2
- Error in execute: delete command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- update test set b=5 where b>0
- Error in execute: update command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant update(b),delete on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- revoke update(a) on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host 'localhost' on table 'test'
- delete from grant_test.test where a=2
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'a' in table 'test'
- update test set b=5 where b>0
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- grant select(a),select(b) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- delete from grant_test.test where a=2
- delete from grant_test.test where A=2
- update test set b=5 where b>0
- update test set a=11 where b>5
- Error in execute: update command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'a' in table 'test'
- select a,A from test
- 8 8
- 5 5
- 7 7
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- localhost grant_test grant_user test root@localhost Delete Select,Update
- revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- revoke GRANT OPTION on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- Error in execute: There is no such grant defined for user 'grant_user' on host 'localhost' on table 'test'
- grant select(a) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- show columns from test
- a int(11) YES NULL select
- b int(11) YES NULL
- grant insert (b), update (b) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- select count(a) from test
- 3
- select count(skr.a) from test as skr
- 3
- select count(a) from test where a > 5
- 2
- insert into test (b) values (5)
- insert into test (b) values (a)
- update test set b=3 where a > 0
- select * from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- select b from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- select a from test where b > 0
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- insert into test (a) values (10)
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'a' in table 'test'
- insert into test (b) values (b)
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- insert into test (a,b) values (1,5)
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'a' in table 'test'
- insert into test (b) values (1),(b)
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- update test set b=3 where b > 0
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- localhost grant_test grant_user test root@localhost Select,Insert,Update
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Column_name, Column_priv from mysql.columns_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test b Insert,Update
- localhost grant_test grant_user test a Select
- revoke select(a), update (b) on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- localhost grant_test grant_user test root@localhost Insert
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Column_name, Column_priv from mysql.columns_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test b Insert
- select count(a) from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- update test set b=4
- Error in execute: update command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant select(a,b), update (a,b) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- select count(a),count(b) from test where a+b > 0
- 3 3
- insert into test (b) values (9)
- update test set b=6 where b > 0
- flush privileges
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- localhost grant_test grant_user test root@localhost Select,Insert,Update
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Column_name, Column_priv from mysql.columns_priv
- localhost grant_test grant_user test b Select,Insert,Update
- localhost grant_test grant_user test a Select,Update
- insert into test (a,b) values (12,12)
- Error in execute: insert command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'a' in table 'test'
- grant insert on grant_test.* to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- insert into test (a,b) values (13,13)
- revoke select(b) on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- update test set b=5 where a=2
- grant select on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- 4
- revoke select(b) on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- 4
- revoke select on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- grant select(a) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for column 'b' in table 'test'
- grant select on *.* to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- 4
- revoke select on *.* from grant_user@localhost
- grant select(b) on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost
- Connecting grant_user
- select count(a) from test where a+b > 0
- 4
- select * from mysql.db where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_test grant_user N Y N N N N N N N N
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- localhost grant_test grant_user test root@localhost Select,Insert,Update
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Column_name, Column_priv from mysql.columns_priv where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_test grant_user test b Select,Insert,Update
- localhost grant_test grant_user test a Select,Update
- revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.test from grant_user@localhost
- select count(a) from test
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'test'
- select * from mysql.user
- Error in execute: select command denied to user: 'grant_user@localhost' for table 'user'
- select * from mysql.db where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_test grant_user N Y N N N N N N N N
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv from mysql.tables_priv where user = 'grant_user'
- localhost grant_test grant_user test2 root@localhost Grant,Index,Alter
- select Host, Db, User, Table_name, Column_name, Column_priv from mysql.columns_priv where user = 'grant_user'
- delete from user where user='grant_user'
- flush privileges
- grant ALL PRIVILEGES on grant_test.test to grant_user@localhost identified by 'dummy', grant_user@ identified by 'dummy2'
- Connecting grant_user
- grant SELECT on grant_test.* to grant_user@localhost identified by ''
- Connecting grant_user
- drop database grant_test
- delete from user where user='grant_user'
- delete from db where user='grant_user'
- delete from tables_priv
- delete from columns_priv
- flush privileges
- end of test