home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- If someone wants to help me to translate into another language,
- please translate this file into your language and send it me at
- anton@apdo.com. Thanks!
- Notes:
- You must change only the word inside the ('), 'xxxx'
- for example
- the line:
- c_en_Not_a_valid_Drive_ID = 'Not a valid Drive ID';
- would be in Spanish:
- c_en_Not_a_valid_Drive_ID = 'No es una Unidad Vßlida';
- If the original sentence has 20 characters, the traduced must be 20 chars,
- If it is not posible, as the example above, the put the minimum chars posible.
- If you must put the character ('), please put ('#39')
- Thanks!
- c_en_Not_a_valid_Drive_ID = 'Not a valid Drive ID';
- c_en_There_is_no_disk_in_Drive = 'There is no disk in Drive ';
- c_en_or_Drive = 'or Drive ';
- c_en_is_not_ready = ' is not ready';
- c_en_Name = 'Name';
- c_en_Type = 'Type';
- c_en_Ext = 'Extension';
- c_en_Path = 'Path';
- c_en_Size_Bytes = 'Size(Bytes)';
- c_en_Created = 'Created';
- c_en_Modified = 'Modified';
- c_en_Accessed = 'Accessed';
- c_en_Attributes = 'Attributes';
- c_en_Unknown = 'Unknown';
- c_en_Not_exist = 'Not Exist';
- c_en_Removable_Disk = 'Removable Disk';
- c_en_Fixed_Disk = 'Fixed Disk';
- c_en_Network_Disk = 'Network Disk';
- c_en_CDROM = 'CD-ROM';
- c_en_RAM_Disk = 'RAM Disk';
- c_en_Instant_Preview = 'Instant Preview';
- c_en_FileName = 'FileName';
- c_en_Extension = 'Extension';
- c_en_Autonumber = 'Autonumber';
- c_en_More_Options = 'More Options';
- c_en_Undo = 'Undo';
- c_en_Rename = 'Rename';
- c_en_Info = 'Info';
- c_en_File_Mask = 'File Mask';
- c_en_Replace_With = 'Replace With';
- c_en_Replace_Text = 'Replace Text';
- c_en_With_This_New_Text = 'With this new Text';
- c_en_Match_Case_In_Searching_Text = 'Match Case In Searching Text';
- c_en_Left_Crop = 'Left Crop';
- c_en_Right_Crop = 'Right Crop';
- c_en_Insert_Before = 'Insert Before';
- c_en_Insert_After = 'Insert After';
- c_en_No_Case_Changes = 'No Case Changes';
- c_en_Upper_Case = 'Upper Case';
- c_en_Lower_Case = 'Lower Case';
- c_en_First_Letter_Up = 'First Letter Up';
- c_en_First_Letter_Low = 'First Letter Low';
- c_en_No_Changes = 'No Changes';
- c_en_Before_FileName = 'Before Filename';
- c_en_After_Filename = 'After Filename';
- c_en_Start_At = 'Start At';
- c_en_Increment = 'Increment';
- c_en_ZeroFill = 'ZeroFill';
- c_en_Start_Maximized = 'Start Maximized';
- c_en_Remember_Last_Path = 'Remember Last Path';
- c_en_Path = 'By Path';
- c_en_Remember_Program_Position_Size = 'Remember Program Position and Size';
- c_en_Set_Default_Values = 'Set Default Values';
- c_en_Lupas_Remame_From_Here = 'Lupas Rename from Here';
- c_en_Add_Lupas_Rename_From_Here_To_Shell = 'Add "' + c_en_Lupas_Remame_From_Here + '" To S&hell';
- c_en_Remove_Lupas_Rename_From_Here_From_Shell = 'Remove "' + c_en_Lupas_Remame_From_Here + '" from S&hell';
- c_en_Press_Double_Click = 'Press Double Click';
- c_en_Inside_This_Text = 'Inside This Text';
- c_en_To_Refresh_the_Preview = 'To Refresh the Preview';
- c_en_Window = 'Window';
- c_en_Preview_Window = 'Preview Window';
- c_en_This_is_The_Preview_Windows = 'This is The Preview Windows';
- c_en_Where_you_can_view_the = 'Where you can view the';
- c_en_Result_of_your_request = 'Result of your request.';
- c_en_Press_the_Right_Button_to_see = 'Press the Right Button to see';
- c_en_the_Options_Menu_available = 'the Options Menu available.';
- c_en_You_can_Save_this_Preview = 'You can Save this Preview';
- c_en_Window_or_Make_a_Batch_File = 'Window, or Make a Batch File,';
- c_en_or_Save_Your_current_Options = 'or Save Your current Options...';
- c_en_etc_etc_etc = '...';
- c_en_This_is_a_Hidden_File_Rename_it = 'This is a Hidden File. Rename it?';
- c_en_The_selected_file = 'The selected file';
- c_en_already_exist_OverWrite = 'already exist. OverWrite?';
- c_en_File = 'File';
- c_en_Saved = 'Saved';
- c_en_An_Error_Ocurred_with_the_selected_file = 'An Error Ocurred with the selected file';
- c_en_Make_a_UNDO_BAT_File = '&Make a UNDO .BAT File';
- c_en_Save_Preview_to_TXT_file = 'Save Preview to .TXT File';
- c_en_Make_a_BAT_File = 'Make a .BAT File';
- c_en_Open_LR_Options_from_INI = 'Open LR Options from .INI';
- c_en_Save_LR_Options_to_INI = 'Save LR Options to .INI';
- c_en_Options = 'Options';
- c_en_Recurse_Directories = 'Recursive Directories';
- c_en_Refresh = 'Refresh';
- c_en_view_folders = 'View Folders';
- c_en_view_files = 'View Files';
- c_en_work_with_folders = 'Work with Folders';
- c_en_files = 'Files';
- c_en_This_option_only_works = 'This option only works when the "View Folders" is not activated.';
- c_en_Language = 'Language';
- c_en_These_Files_have_not_been_renamed = 'These Files have not been Renamed:';
- c_en_Errors_While_Renaming_Files = 'Errors While Renaming Files';
- c_en_Manual = 'Manual';