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- Norton AntiVirus Intelligent Updater
- Installation Instructions
- Copyright 1997-2001 Symantec Corporation
- All rights reserved
- Intelligent Updater
- ===================
- This program automatically updates Norton AntiVirus with the latest
- virus definitions. It automatically searches for Norton AntiVirus on
- your computer and updates the necessary files.
- This document includes installation instructions for the following
- platforms:
- I. Norton AntiVirus 4.0 & 5.0 for Windows 95
- II. Norton AntiVirus 2000 (6.0) and 2001 for Windows 95/98/2000
- III. Norton AntiVirus 7.x Corporate Edition
- IV. Norton AntiVirus 3.0 and 4.0 for DOS / Windows 3.1x
- V. NT Tools, NT Scanner and Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows NT
- VI. Norton AntiVirus 4.0 and 5.0 for Windows NT
- VII. Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for NetWare
- VIII. Norton AntiVirus Network Manager
- IX. Norton AntiVirus Network Manager for Win95 and WinNT
- X. Norton System Center
- XI. Norton AntiVirus for NT Server, DEC Alpha version
- XII. Norton AntiVirus for OS/2
- XIII. Norton AntiVirus for Internet Email Gateways
- XIV. Norton AntiVirus for Firewalls
- XV. Norton AntiVirus for Lotus Notes for AS/400
- It also includes instructions and resources for manual updates.
- XVI. Installing Virus Definition Files Manually
- XVII. Intelligent Updater File List
- XVIII. Virus Definition CD information
- =====================================================================
- Installation Files and Disk Sets
- =====================================================================
- The Intelligent Updater installation disks or CD contains several
- executable files. The filenames change from week to week. They show
- the month (mm) and day (dd) that the definitions were released.
- Filename: Description:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- mmddI32.EXE Intelligent Updater (v4.0) updates
- - Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows 95/98
- - Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows 95/98
- mmddI321.EXE Multiple-file, floppy disk version of mmddI32.EXE
- and (above). Copy these files into the same
- mmddI322.ZIP directory and run mmddI321.EXE, or run it from a
- floppy drive.
- mmddN16.EXE Intelligent Updater (v1.7) updates
- - Norton AntiVirus for Netware
- mmddN161.EXE Multi-file, floppy disk version of mmddN16.EXE
- and (above). Copy these files into the same
- mmddN162.ZIP directory and run mmddN161.EXE, or run it from a
- floppy drive.
- mmddI16.EXE Intelligent Updater (v1.7) updates
- - Norton AntiVirus for DOS and Windows 3.1x
- - Norton AntiVirus v2 for Windows 95
- - Norton AntiVirus v2 for Windows NT
- - NT Tools
- - NT Scanner
- mmddI161.EXE Multi-file, floppy disk version of mmddI16.EXE
- mmddI162.ZIP (above). Copy these files into the same
- and directory and run mmddI161.EXE, or run it from a
- mmddI163.ZIP floppy drive.
- mmddX86.EXE Intelligent Updater (v2.03) updates
- - Norton AntiVirus 3.0 & 4.0 for DOS/Windows
- - Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows 95
- - Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows 95/98
- - Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows 95/98
- - Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows NT
- - Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows NT
- - Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows NT
- - Norton AntiVirus for NetWare
- - pcANYWHERE 32, 7.5 for Windows NT
- - Norton Utilities 3.0 for Windows 95/98
- - Norton NT Tools
- - Norton Utilities 2.0 for Windows NT
- This is a large file for administrators who update
- multiple versions of Norton AntiVirus. For more
- information, refer to the .txt files that come
- with this program. It is not available on floppy
- disk.
- mmddA32.ZIP This is a zip file that contains the definitions
- for Norton AntiVirus for NT Server, DEC Alpha
- version.
- as400.ZIP This is a zip file that contains the definitions for
- Norton AntiVirus for Lotus Notes for AS/400.
- =====================================================================
- I. Norton AntiVirus 4.0 & 5.0 for Windows 95
- =====================================================================
- 1. Run the file mmddI32.EXE (or mmddI321.EXE if using the
- multi-file, floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the
- definition set. For example, the filename would be 1231I32.EXE
- for the December 31 definition set.
- 2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- =====================================================================
- II. Norton AntiVirus 2000 (6.0) and 2001 for Windows 95/98/2000
- =====================================================================
- 1. Run the file mmddI32.EXE (or mmddI321.EXE if using the
- multi-file, floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the
- definition set. For example, the filename would be 1231I32.EXE
- for the December 31 definition set.
- 2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- =====================================================================
- III. Norton AntiVirus 7.x Corporate Edition
- =====================================================================
- 1. Run the file mmddx86.EXE (or mmddx861.EXE if using the
- multi-file, floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the
- definition set. For example, the filename would be 1231x86.EXE
- for the December 31 definition set.
- 2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- =====================================================================
- IV. Norton AntiVirus 3.0 and 4.0 for DOS / Windows 3.1x
- =====================================================================
- IMPORTANT! Check the Norton AntiVirus version first
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Check the date of the Norton AntiVirus executable files (NAV.EXE,
- NAVW.EXE) to see if they are earlier than June 1, 1996. If they are,
- update them with the UPDATEME.EXE patch.
- This patch is available on the Symantec FTP site (ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/...),
- the Symantec Web site (http://www.symantec.com/nav/index_updates.html),
- CompuServe, or America Online. You can also call Customer Service
- at (800) 441-7234 to order a disk set.
- These new virus definitions are not compatible with older versions
- of Norton AntiVirus, and may cause them to report false virus
- detections.
- Download or copy the patch file to a temporary directory and run it
- to extract the necessary files. Then follow the directions in the
- READ.ME file. This patch contains the April 1997 virus definition
- set. After applying this patch, you must update the virus definition
- set.
- Updating NAV 3.0/4.0 virus definition files using Windows 3.1x
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Run the file mmddI16.EXE (or mmddI161.EXE if using the multi-file
- floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the definition
- set. For example, the filename would be 1231I16.EXE for the
- December 31 definition set.
- 2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- 3. Start Norton AntiVirus and scan your drive before you reboot
- your computer to activate the new virus definitions and rebuild
- critical files.
- 4. Restart your computer so that Auto-Protect uses the new
- definitions.
- Updating NAV 3.0/4.0 virus definition files using DOS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. If you are running Windows, exit to DOS. To do this, select Exit
- from the File menu.
- 2. Make sure you have a temporary directory on your system that you
- can use to unload the virus definitions. Set this directory in
- DOS using the SET command. For example, type SET TEMP=C:\TEMP if
- the temporary directory is C:\TEMP.
- 3. Run the file mmddI16.EXE (or mmddI161.EXE if using the multi-file
- floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the definition
- set. For example, the filename would be 1231I16.EXE for the
- December 31 definition set.
- 4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- 5. Start Norton AntiVirus and scan your drive before you reboot
- your computer to activate the new virus definitions and rebuild
- critical files.
- 6. Restart your computer so that Auto-Protect uses the new
- definitions.
- Troubleshooting
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- If the VIRSCAN.ZIP files are not deleted after a failed or
- cancelled attempt at updating the virus definitions, they can cause
- errors when running the Intelligent Updater program. To prevent
- these types of errors, make sure that the temporary directory is
- empty before starting the update.
- =====================================================================
- V. NT Tools, NT Scanner and Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows NT
- =====================================================================
- 1. Run the file mmddI16.EXE (or mmddI161.EXE if using the multi-file
- floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the definition
- set. For example, the filename would be 1231I16.EXE for the
- December 31 definition set.
- 2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- 3. Start Norton AntiVirus and scan your drive before you reboot
- your computer to activate the new virus definitions and rebuild
- critical files.
- 4. Restart your computer so that Auto-Protect uses the new
- definitions.
- =====================================================================
- VI. Norton AntiVirus 4.0 & 5.0 for Windows NT
- =====================================================================
- 1. Run the file mmddI32.EXE (or mmddI321.EXE if using the multi-file
- floppy disk set). The mmdd represents the date of the definition
- set. For example, the filename would be 1231I32.EXE for the
- December 31 definition set.
- 2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- =====================================================================
- VII. Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for NetWare
- =====================================================================
- 1. On a workstation connected to the network, map a drive letter to
- the volume and directory where Norton AntiVirus for Netware is
- installed. You must have read and write access to the mapped
- drive.
- 2. Disable the Norton AntiVirus for NetWare NLM. To do this, select
- DISABLE NLM from the Tools menu in the Norton AntiVirus for
- NetWare Windows configuration window. Or, you can press F3 at the
- NAVNLM server console screen.
- 3. At a DOS prompt, change to the directory that contains the
- Intelligent Updater file. Type mmddN16.EXE [path] (or
- mmddN161.EXE [path] if you are updating from a floppy disk) where
- the [path] is the location you mapped in step 1. The mmdd
- represents the date of the definition set. For example, the
- filename would be 1231I16.EXE for the December 31 definition set.
- 4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- 5. Enable the Norton AntiVirus for NetWare NLM. Choose ENABLE NLM
- from the Tools menu in the Norton AntiVirus for NetWare Windows
- configuration window. Or, press F2 at the NAVNLM server console
- screen.
- 6. If you created a temporary drive mapping, delete it.
- =====================================================================
- VIII. Norton AntiVirus Network Manager
- =====================================================================
- IMPORTANT! Check the Norton AntiVirus version first
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Check the date of the Norton AntiVirus Network Manager executable
- file (NAVNET.EXE) to see if it is earlier than June 1, 1996. If it
- is, you must update it with the UPDATEME.EXE patch before installing
- these definitions. These new virus definitions are not compatible
- with older versions of Norton AntiVirus, and may cause it to report
- false virus detections.
- This patch is available on the Symantec FTP site (ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/...),
- the Symantec Web site (http://www.symantec.com/nav/index_updates.html),
- CompuServe, or America Online. You can also call Customer Service
- at (800) 441-7234 to order a disk set.
- Download or copy the UPDATEME.EXE patch file to a temporary
- directory. The network files must exist in your local directory or
- the UPDATEME.EXE patch will not extract the network files. Copy
- NAVNET.EXE and NAVNETW.EXE to your local NAV directory. Then run
- UPDATEME.EXE to extract the files. The complete directions are
- explained in the READ.ME file.
- After updating Norton AntiVirus Network Manager, recreate your .NNS
- files using the new _DEFAULT.NNS as a template. For more information
- on recreating .NNS files, order FaxBack #913024 from our free
- FaxBack service at (541) 984-2490, option 2.
- The NAV 3.11 patch contains the April 1997 virus definition set. You
- must apply the latest virus definition set update after completing
- the program update.
- Updating Norton AntiVirus Network Manager virus definitions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. On a workstation connected to the network, map a drive letter to
- the volume and directory where Norton AntiVirus Network Manager
- is installed. You must have read and write access to the mapped
- drive.
- 2. At a DOS prompt, change to the directory that contains the
- Intelligent Updater file.
- 3. Type mmddI16.EXE [path] (or mmddI161.EXE [path] if using the
- multi-disk floppy disk set) where the [path] is the location of
- the Norton AntiVirus Network Manager that you just mapped. The
- mmdd represents the date of the definition set. For example, the
- filename would be 1231I16.EXE for the December 31 definition set.
- 4. Follow the instructions on screen.
- 5. Start Norton AntiVirus from the Norton AntiVirus Network Manager
- directory and scan the Norton AntiVirus Network Manager directory
- to activate the new virus definitions and rebuild critical files.
- To do this, type NAV from the Norton AntiVirus Network Manager
- directory.
- =====================================================================
- IX. Norton AntiVirus Network Manager for Win95 and WinNT
- =====================================================================
- Installing the definitions for Network Manager involves three steps.
- 1. Find the directory where virus definitions are stored.
- 2. Copy the appropriate Intelligent Updater program to that
- directory.
- 3. Run the Intelligent Updater program using the /dump command to
- extract the appropriate files.
- Locating the Definitions Directory
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Find the .NNS file that Norton AntiVirus uses to distribute
- files. To find out which .NNS file the network uses, check the
- network login script. If it uses a customized .NNS file, the
- login script will specify the location of that file. If not,
- search the login script for the location of the NAVCHECK.EXE and
- NAV32UP.EXE distribution files. The default .NNS file
- (_DEFLT32.NNS) will be in the directory containing NAVCHECK.EXE
- and NAV32UP.EXE.
- 2. Look in the .NNS file for the parameter that points to the virus
- definitions directory.
- * In NavNet32 v2.0, the parameter "NAVDefDir" points to
- the definitions.
- * In NavNet32 v4.x, the parameter "NAVDefDir95" points to the
- Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95 definitions. The parameter
- "NAVDefDirNTWKS" points to the Norton AntiVirus for NT
- workstation definitions, and "NAVDefDirNTSRV" points to the
- Norton AntiVirus for NT server definitions.
- 3. Note the definitions directory to be updated.
- Updating Definitions for Norton AntiVirus 4.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Map a drive letter to the network volume and directory containing
- the definitions to be updated. You must have WRITE access to the
- mapped drive.
- 2. Copy (do not Move) the mmddI32.EXE file to the mapped network
- definitions directory. The mmdd represents the date of the
- definition set. For example, the filename would be 1231I32.EXE
- for the December 31 definition set.
- 3. Open a command line session (DOS box) and change to the mapped
- drive containing the older definitions and the new Intelligent
- Updater program.
- 4. To update definitions type mmddI32 /DUMP
- 5. Delete mmddI32.EXE from the definitions directory.
- =====================================================================
- X. Norton System Center
- =====================================================================
- See the Norton System Center documentation for instructions on
- distributing virus definitions with Central LiveUpdate. To
- distribute virus definition updates without Central LiveUpdate:
- 1. Download the latest version of Intelligent Updater (v4.0).
- 2. Copy Intelligent Updater to the definitions folder of your NSC
- installation. By default the location is the
- \NSC Repository\Products\NAV\Defs\Intel or Alpha folder.
- 3. To avoid changing the job every time you update the definitions,
- rename the Intelligent Updater file as NEWDEFS.EXE and set the
- job to run this file. Otherwise you will always have to modify
- the job to use the correct file name.
- 4. Start Norton System Center and run your virus definitions rollout
- job. For more information on setting up NSC jobs, see your NSC
- documentation.
- Whenever you want to distribute updated virus definitions, download
- a new Intelligent Updater, copy it to the source distribution
- folder, rename it NEWDEFS.EXE, and rerun the job.
- =====================================================================
- XI. Norton AntiVirus for NT Server, DEC Alpha version
- =====================================================================
- 1. Download the file mmddA32.ZIP.
- 2. Unzip this file into the Incoming directory:
- \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs\Incoming
- 3. Norton AntiVirus will automatically begin using the new
- definitions.
- =====================================================================
- XII. Norton AntiVirus for OS/2
- =====================================================================
- 1. Download the file mmddO32.ZIP.
- 2. Unzip this file into the Incoming directory:
- 3. Norton AntiVirus will automatically begin using the new
- definitions.
- =====================================================================
- XIII. Norton AntiVirus Internet Email Gateways
- =====================================================================
- IMPORTANT! It is highly recommended that you update this product
- With Live Update. If you must use the Intelligent updater then follow
- these instructions carefully.
- 1. Go to the Start menu and select "settings\control panel".
- Select "services". Find "NAV for Internet Email Gateways" in the
- service list and select it, then select the "stop" button. Select
- "yes" when asked to confirm.
- 2. From a command prompt type "mmddX86.EXE /ieg". Remember the
- the "mmdd" represents the date of the definition set so it will
- change. For example, the filename would be 1231X86.EXE
- for the December 31 definition set.
- 3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- 4. When Intelligent Updater finishes installing the definitions,
- Select the "start" button to start the service again.
- =====================================================================
- XIV. Norton AntiVirus Firewalls
- =====================================================================
- IMPORTANT! It is highly recommended that you update this product
- With Live Update. If you must use the Intelligent updater then follow
- these instructions carefully.
- 1. Go to the Start menu and select "settings\control panel".
- Select "services". Find "NAV for Firewalls" in the
- service list and select it, then select the "stop" button. Select
- "yes" when asked to confirm.
- 2. From a command prompt type "mmddX86.EXE /fw". Remember the
- the "mmdd" represents the date of the definition set so it will
- change. For example, the filename would be 1231X86.EXE
- 3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- 4. When Intelligent Updater finishes installing the definitions,
- Select the "start" button to start the service again.
- =====================================================================
- XV. Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Lotus Notes for AS/400
- =====================================================================
- 1. Download the file as400.zip to a PC that is able to connect to
- the AS400 server.
- 2. Unzip this file to a temporary location on the PC.
- 3. From the temporary location on the PC, use FTP to connect to the
- AS400 server. Log in as QSECOFR, or a user that has *ALLOBJ
- authority.
- 4. Change to Binary transfer mode.
- 5. Put the files into the Incoming directory:
- 6. From the AS/400 console issue the command:
- to change the owner of all the files to QNOTES.
- 7. Norton AntiVirus will automatically begin using the new definitions
- within 10 minutes.
- =====================================================================
- XVI. Installing Virus Definition Files Manually
- =====================================================================
- If you do not want Intelligent Updater to install the new virus
- definitions for you automatically, you can use the /DUMP command to
- extract the virus definition files, then copy the appropriate files
- to the virus definitions folder.
- Installing Virus Definition Files Manually
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Copy the Intelligent Updater program (mmddI16.EXE, mmddI161.EXE,
- mmddI32.EXE, or mmddN16.EXE) to an empty, temporary folder.
- 2. Launch the Intelligent Updater program using the /DUMP command.
- This will extract all the virus definitions to the folder. For
- example, type mmddI32.EXE /DUMP to extract the files. The mmdd
- represents the date of the definition set. For example, the
- filename would be 1231I32.EXE for the December 31 definition set.
- 3. Copy the files to the virus definition folder. If you are using
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 or 5.0 for Windows 95 / Windows NT Server &
- Workstation, copy the files to this location:
- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs\Incoming\
- NOTE: Copy the file ZDONE.DAT last. This file signals Norton
- AntiVirus that the definition set has been completely loaded. If
- it is not loaded last, it may cause errors.
- 4. Refer to the Intelligent Updater File List below for information
- on which files to copy into the Norton AntiVirus folder.
- =====================================================================
- XVII. Intelligent Updater File List
- =====================================================================
- Norton AntiVirus 3.0 for DOS/Windows
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for DOS/Windows
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 & 5.0 for Windows 95/NT Server & NT Workstation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows NT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for NetWare
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton AntiVirus Internet Scanner for Windows 3.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Norton AntiVirus Scanner for Windows NT, Norton NT Tools and
- Internet Scanner for Windows 95
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- =====================================================================
- XVIII. Virus Definitions CD
- =====================================================================
- The Virus Definitions CD contains the following files. We have
- separated them into various directories which are listed below.
- 1. All of the Intelligent Updater packages.
- \VIRUSDEF\ALPHA mmddA32.ZIP Dec Alpha Definitions .ZIP
- file. Unzip the contents of this file
- into \Program files\Common Files\
- Symantec Shared\Virusdefs\Incoming
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\OS2 mmddO32.ZIP Os/2 Definitions .ZIP file.
- Unzip the contents of this file into
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\DOSWIN16 mmddI16.EXE Intelligent Updater (v1.7)
- This package will update:
- Norton AntiVirus for DOS/Windows 3.1x
- Norton AntiVirus v2 for Windows 95
- Norton AntiVirus v2 for Windows NT
- NT Tools
- NT Scanner
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\DOSWIN16\DISK1 Multi-file, floppy disk version of
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\DOSWIN16\DISK2 mmddI16.EXE. Copy these files onto
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\DOSWIN16\DISK3 separate floppy disks and run
- mmddi161.exe.
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\NETWARE mmddN16.EXE Intelligent Updater (v1.7)
- This package will update:
- Norton AntiVirus for Netware
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\NAVCORP NAVUP.EXE definition file for NAV
- Corporate edition.
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\NETWARE\DISK1 Multi-file, floppy disk version of
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\NETWARE\DISK2 mmddN16.EXE. Copy these files onto
- separate floppy disks and run
- mmddN161.exe.
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\WIN32 mmddI32.EXE Intelligent Updater (v4.0)
- This package will update:
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows 95/98
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\WIN32\DISK1 Multi-file, floppy disk version of
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\WIN32\DISK2 mmddI32.EXE. Copy these files onto
- separate floppy disks and run
- mmddI321.exe.
- \VIRUSDEF\X86\ mmddX86.EXE Intelligent Updater (v2.0)
- This package will update:
- Norton AntiVirus 3.0 & 4.0 for
- DOS/Windows
- Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows 95
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton AntiVirus 2.0 for Windows NT
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows NT
- Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows NT
- Norton AntiVirus for NetWare
- pcANYWHERE 32, 7.5 for Windows NT
- Norton Utilities 3.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton NT Tools
- Norton Utilities 2.0 for Windows NT
- 2. Virus definitions for Live Update Administrator.
- \VIRUSDEF\LUADMIN mmddyy.trx Live Update Administrator
- Virus Definitions package. To use this
- file, click the custom tab, select
- browse and locate this file \virusdef\
- luadmin\mmddyy.trx", select the
- "automatically delete obsolete custom
- updates" checkbox and then select
- Merge to add these definitions to your
- Live Update Server.
- *IMPORTANT* This process will take approximately
- 1/2 - 1 hour and will not display any
- status during this time. Please be
- patient, your system has not crashed.
- 3. Miscellaneous information about SARC and the technologies we produce.
- \SARC Various instructional videos and
- documents that explain what SARC provides
- to our customers.