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Text File  |  2000-10-20  |  70.8 KB  |  1,974 lines

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  1118.                 Left = 160
  1119.                 Top = 28
  1120.                 Width = 50
  1121.                 Height = 21
  1122.                 TabOrder = 2
  1123.                 OnExit = ApplyBtnClick
  1124.                 OnKeyPress = PropertyKeyPress
  1125.               end
  1126.               object GeneralHeightEdit: TEdit
  1127.                 Left = 160
  1128.                 Top = 60
  1129.                 Width = 50
  1130.                 Height = 21
  1131.                 TabOrder = 3
  1132.                 OnExit = ApplyBtnClick
  1133.                 OnKeyPress = PropertyKeyPress
  1134.               end
  1135.             end
  1136.             object GroupBox2: TGroupBox
  1137.               Left = 5
  1138.               Top = 106
  1139.               Width = 229
  1140.               Height = 73
  1141.               Caption = 'Extended Style'
  1142.               TabOrder = 1
  1143.               object GeneralNonPrintingCheck: TCheckBox
  1144.                 Left = 16
  1145.                 Top = 24
  1146.                 Width = 97
  1147.                 Height = 17
  1148.                 Caption = '&Non-Printing'
  1149.                 TabOrder = 0
  1150.                 OnClick = ApplyBtnClick
  1151.               end
  1152.               object GeneralLockedCheck: TCheckBox
  1153.                 Left = 16
  1154.                 Top = 48
  1155.                 Width = 97
  1156.                 Height = 17
  1157.                 Caption = '&Locked'
  1158.                 TabOrder = 1
  1159.                 OnClick = ApplyBtnClick
  1160.               end
  1161.             end
  1162.             object ApplyBtn: TBitBtn
  1163.               Left = 93
  1164.               Top = 240
  1165.               Width = 52
  1166.               Height = 25
  1167.               Caption = '&Apply'
  1168.               Default = True
  1169.               TabOrder = 2
  1170.               Visible = False
  1171.               OnClick = ApplyBtnClick
  1172.               NumGlyphs = 2
  1173.             end
  1174.           end
  1175.           object TextSheet: TTabSheet
  1176.             Caption = 'Text'
  1177.             object GroupBox8: TGroupBox
  1178.               Left = 4
  1179.               Top = 4
  1180.               Width = 234
  1181.               Height = 266
  1182.               HelpContext = 106
  1183.               Caption = 'Choose how to display the text...'
  1184.               TabOrder = 1
  1185.               object Label17: TLabel
  1186.                 Left = 72
  1187.                 Top = 184
  1188.                 Width = 76
  1189.                 Height = 13
  1190.                 Alignment = taCenter
  1191.                 Caption = 'digits, starting at'
  1192.               end
  1193.               object VarTextBtn: TBitBtn
  1194.                 Left = 150
  1195.                 Top = 133
  1196.                 Width = 75
  1197.                 Height = 25
  1198.                 Caption = '&Edit...'
  1199.                 Enabled = False
  1200.                 TabOrder = 4
  1201.                 OnClick = VarTextBtnClick
  1202.               end
  1203.               object CounterLengthEdit: TEdit
  1204.                 Left = 24
  1205.                 Top = 180
  1206.                 Width = 41
  1207.                 Height = 21
  1208.                 Enabled = False
  1209.                 TabOrder = 6
  1210.                 OnExit = ApplyBtnClick
  1211.                 OnKeyPress = PropertyKeyPress
  1212.               end
  1213.               object CounterRadio: TRadioButton
  1214.                 Left = 8
  1215.                 Top = 160
  1216.                 Width = 193
  1217.                 Height = 17
  1218.                 Caption = 'Use a &counter with a minimum of '
  1219.                 TabOrder = 5
  1220.                 OnClick = TextRadiosClick
  1221.               end
  1222.               object VarTextRadio: TRadioButton
  1223.                 Left = 8
  1224.                 Top = 136
  1225.                 Width = 113
  1226.                 Height = 17
  1227.                 Caption = 'Specify a &list of text'
  1228.                 TabOrder = 3
  1229.                 OnClick = TextRadiosClick
  1230.               end
  1231.               object DBRadio: TRadioButton
  1232.                 Left = 8
  1233.                 Top = 208
  1234.                 Width = 161
  1235.                 Height = 17
  1236.                 Caption = 'Use a field from a &database'
  1237.                 TabOrder = 8
  1238.                 OnClick = TextRadiosClick
  1239.               end
  1240.               object CounterStartEdit: TEdit
  1241.                 Left = 168
  1242.                 Top = 180
  1243.                 Width = 57
  1244.                 Height = 21
  1245.                 Enabled = False
  1246.                 TabOrder = 7
  1247.                 OnExit = ApplyBtnClick
  1248.                 OnKeyPress = PropertyKeyPress
  1249.               end
  1250.               object TextMemo: TMemo
  1251.                 Left = 11
  1252.                 Top = 44
  1253.                 Width = 212
  1254.                 Height = 61
  1255.                 ScrollBars = ssVertical
  1256.                 TabOrder = 1
  1257.                 OnChange = ApplyBtnClick
  1258.                 OnExit = ApplyBtnClick
  1259.               end
  1260.               object SingleTextRadio: TRadioButton
  1261.                 Left = 8
  1262.                 Top = 20
  1263.                 Width = 209
  1264.                 Height = 17
  1265.                 Caption = 'Specify the &same text for all elements'
  1266.                 Checked = True
  1267.                 TabOrder = 0
  1268.                 TabStop = True
  1269.                 OnClick = TextRadiosClick
  1270.               end
  1271.               object PickTextBtn: TBitBtn
  1272.                 Left = 15
  1273.                 Top = 109
  1274.                 Width = 100
  1275.                 Height = 20
  1276.                 Caption = '&Pick Text'
  1277.                 TabOrder = 2
  1278.                 OnClick = PickTextBtnClick
  1279.               end
  1280.               object DBFieldCombo: TComboBox
  1281.                 Left = 13
  1282.                 Top = 229
  1283.                 Width = 212
  1284.                 Height = 21
  1285.                 Style = csDropDownList
  1286.                 ItemHeight = 0
  1287.                 TabOrder = 9
  1288.                 OnChange = ApplyBtnClick
  1289.               end
  1290.               object DBFileBtn: TBitBtn
  1291.                 Left = 174
  1292.                 Top = 208
  1293.                 Width = 51
  1294.                 Height = 17
  1295.                 Caption = 'DB File...'
  1296.                 TabOrder = 10
  1297.                 OnClick = LinkedDBFileMIClick
  1298.               end
  1299.               object SymbolBtn: TBitBtn
  1300.                 Left = 120
  1301.                 Top = 109
  1302.                 Width = 100
  1303.                 Height = 20
  1304.                 Caption = '&Symbol'
  1305.                 TabOrder = 11
  1306.                 OnClick = SymbolBtnClick
  1307.               end
  1308.             end
  1309.             object VarTextList: TListBox
  1310.               Left = 24
  1311.               Top = 256
  1312.               Width = 201
  1313.               Height = 25
  1314.               ItemHeight = 13
  1315.               TabOrder = 0
  1316.               Visible = False
  1317.             end
  1318.           end
  1319.           object TextPropSheet: TTabSheet
  1320.             HelpContext = 107
  1321.             Caption = 'Text Properties'
  1322.             object Label8: TLabel
  1323.               Left = 88
  1324.               Top = 44
  1325.               Width = 51
  1326.               Height = 13
  1327.               Caption = 'Text &Color:'
  1328.               FocusControl = TextColorFGCombo
  1329.             end
  1330.             object Label9: TLabel
  1331.               Left = 88
  1332.               Top = 72
  1333.               Width = 69
  1334.               Height = 13
  1335.               Caption = '&Shadow Color:'
  1336.               FocusControl = TextColorBGCombo
  1337.             end
  1338.             object Label12: TLabel
  1339.               Left = 4
  1340.               Top = 104
  1341.               Width = 23
  1342.               Height = 13
  1343.               Caption = 'Style'
  1344.             end
  1345.             object Label11: TLabel
  1346.               Left = 117
  1347.               Top = 204
  1348.               Width = 43
  1349.               Height = 13
  1350.               Caption = 'Rotation:'
  1351.             end
  1352.             object TextFontCombo: TFontComboBox
  1353.               Left = 4
  1354.               Top = 9
  1355.               Width = 149
  1356.               Height = 22
  1357.               Items.Strings = (
  1358.                 'Abadi MT Condensed Light'
  1359.                 'Arial'
  1360.                 'Arial Black'
  1361.                 'Arial Narrow'
  1362.                 'Beesknees ITC'
  1363.                 'Book Antiqua'
  1364.                 'Bradley Hand ITC'
  1365.                 'Calisto MT'
  1366.                 'Century Gothic'
  1367.                 'Challenge Extra Bold'
  1368.                 'Comic Sans MS'
  1369.                 'Copperplate Gothic Bold'
  1370.                 'Copperplate Gothic Light'
  1371.                 'Courier'
  1372.                 'Courier New'
  1373.                 'Curlz MT'
  1374.                 'Elephant'
  1375.                 'Eras Bold ITC'
  1376.                 'Eras Demi ITC'
  1377.                 'Eras Light ITC'
  1378.                 'Eras Medium ITC'
  1379.                 'Eras Ultra ITC'
  1380.                 'Fixedsys'
  1381.                 'Franklin Gothic Book'
  1382.                 'Georgia Ref'
  1383.                 'GrenobleLH'
  1384.                 'Haettenschweiler'
  1385.                 'HM Phonetic'
  1386.                 'Impact'
  1387.                 'Juice ITC'
  1388.                 'Lucida Console'
  1389.                 'Lucida Handwriting'
  1390.                 'Lucida Sans'
  1391.                 'Lucida Sans Unicode'
  1392.                 'Marlett'
  1393.                 'Matisse ITC'
  1394.                 'Mediascape OSD Icon'
  1395.                 'Mistral'
  1396.                 'Modern'
  1397.                 'Money'
  1398.                 'MS Gothic'
  1399.                 'MS LineDraw'
  1400.                 'MS Reference 1'
  1401.                 'MS Reference 2'
  1402.                 'MS Sans Serif'
  1403.                 'MS Serif'
  1404.                 'MT Extra'
  1405.                 'News Gothic MT'
  1406.                 'OCR A Extended'
  1407.                 'RefSpecialty'
  1408.                 'Rockwell'
  1409.                 'Rockwell Extra Bold'
  1410.                 'Small Fonts'
  1411.                 'Snap ITC'
  1412.                 'Symbol'
  1413.                 'Symbol'
  1414.                 'System'
  1415.                 'Tahoma'
  1416.                 'Tempus Sans ITC'
  1417.                 'Terminal'
  1418.                 'Times New Roman'
  1419.                 'Trebuchet MS'
  1420.                 'Verdana'
  1421.                 'Verdana Ref'
  1422.                 'Viner Hand ITC'
  1423.                 'Webdings'
  1424.                 'Westminster'
  1425.                 'Wide Latin'
  1426.                 'Wingdings'
  1427.                 'Wingdings 2')
  1428.               TabOrder = 0
  1429.               OnChange = ApplyBtnClick
  1430.               TTOnly = False
  1431.               SymbolOnly = False
  1432.               UseItemFont = False
  1433.             end
  1434.             object TextFontSizeCombo: TComboBox
  1435.               Left = 162
  1436.               Top = 10
  1437.               Width = 56
  1438.               Height = 21
  1439.               ItemHeight = 13
  1440.               TabOrder = 1
  1441.               OnChange = ApplyBtnClick
  1442.               Items.Strings = (
  1443.                 '6'
  1444.                 '8'
  1445.                 '10'
  1446.                 '12'
  1447.                 '14'
  1448.                 '16'
  1449.                 '18'
  1450.                 '20'
  1451.                 '22'
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  1455.                 '30'
  1456.                 '32'
  1457.                 '34'
  1458.                 '36'
  1459.                 '38'
  1460.                 '40'
  1461.                 '42'
  1462.                 '44'
  1463.                 '46'
  1464.                 '48'
  1465.                 '')
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  1467.             object TextColorBGCombo: TFnpComboColor
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  1472.               ItemHeight = 16
  1473.               TabOrder = 7
  1474.               OnChange = ApplyBtnClick
  1475.             end
  1476.             object TextColorFGCombo: TFnpComboColor
  1477.               Left = 162
  1478.               Top = 37
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  1480.               Height = 22
  1481.               ItemHeight = 16
  1482.               TabOrder = 6
  1483.               OnChange = ApplyBtnClick
  1484.             end
  1485.             object BoldCheck: TCheckBox
  1486.               Left = 8
  1487.               Top = 40
  1488.               Width = 75
  1489.               Height = 17
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  1491.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  1492.               Font.Color = clWindowText
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  1495.               Font.Style = [fsBold]
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  1497.               TabOrder = 2
  1498.               OnClick = ApplyBtnClick
  1499.             end
  1500.             object UnderlineCheck: TCheckBox
  1501.               Left = 8
  1502.               Top = 69
  1503.               Width = 75
  1504.               Height = 17
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  1507.               Font.Color = clWindowText
  1508.               Font.Height = -11
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  1512.               TabOrder = 3
  1513.               OnClick = ApplyBtnClick
  1514.             end
  1515.             object StrikeoutCheck: TCheckBox
  1516.               Left = 8
  1517.               Top = 84
  1518.               Width = 75
  1519.               Height = 17
  1520.               Caption = '&Strikeout'
  1521.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  1522.               Font.Color = clWindowText
  1523.               Font.Height = -11
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  1529.             end
  1530.             object ItalicCheck: TCheckBox
  1531.               Left = 8
  1532.               Top = 55
  1533.               Width = 75
  1534.               Height = 17
  1535.               Caption = '&Italic'
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  1537.               Font.Color = clWindowText
  1538.               Font.Height = -11
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  1544.             end
  1545.             object TextStyleCombo: TComboBox
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  1549.               Height = 21
  1550.               Style = csDropDownList
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  1554.             end
  1555.             object TextParam1Combo: TComboBox
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  1558.               Width = 113
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  1560.               Style = csDropDownList
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  1576.             end
  1577.             object TextParam2Combo: TComboBox
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  1581.               Height = 21
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  1638.                   '9'
  1639.                   '10')
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  1656.                   '-5'
  1657.                   '-4'
  1658.                   '-3'
  1659.                   '-2'
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  1661.                   '0'
  1662.                   '1'
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  1665.                   '4'
  1666.                   '5'
  1667.                   '6'
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  1669.                   '8'
  1670.                   '9'
  1671.                   '10')
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  1696.             object TextParam1Label: TStaticText
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  1733.                 '&Center'
  1734.                 '&Right')
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  1760.               Left = 108
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  1767.             object Label3: TLabel
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  1783.                 'Horizontal ( - )'
  1784.                 'Vertical ( | )'
  1785.                 'Slanted Up ( / )'
  1786.                 'Slanted Down ( \ )')
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  1799.                 '&Normal'
  1800.                 '&Filled'
  1801.                 '&Shadow')
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  1819.               ItemHeight = 16
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  1824.               Left = 8
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  1834.                 '2'
  1835.                 '3'
  1836.                 '4'
  1837.                 '5'
  1838.                 '6')
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  1878.               object Label14: TLabel
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  1911.                 object PicColorDepthLabel: TLabel
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  1940.             object GraphicPictureBtn: TBitBtn
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  1948.             end
  1949.           end
  1950.           object OleSheet: TTabSheet
  1951.             HelpContext = 112
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  1953.             object OleObjectBtn: TBitBtn
  1954.               Left = 3
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  1958.               Caption = '&Edit Object...'
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  1962.           end
  1963.         end
  1964.       end
  1965.     end
  1966.   end
  1967.   object StatusBar: TStatusBar
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  1971.     Height = 19
  1972.     Panels = <
  1973.       i