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C/C++ Source or Header
210 lines
#include "config.h"
#ifndef _FILEFORM_H_
#define _FILEFORM_H_
// stored in file:
// exehead (around 34k)
// firstheader (as of 4/17/01, 32 bytes)
// datablock (at least 512 bytes if CRC enabled)
// CRC (optional - 4 bytes)
// stored in datablock, at firstheader.header_ptr:
// (if install)
// header
// sections
// entries
// string table
// (if uninstall)
// uninstall_header
// entries
// string table
// maximum install types. note that this should not exceed 31, ever.
#define MAX_INST_TYPES 8
EW_INVALID_OPCODE, // zero is invalid. useful for catching errors. (otherwise an all zeroes instruction does nothing, which is
// easily ignored.
EW_NOP, // Nop, do nothing: 1, [advance amount]
EW_UPDATETEXT, // Update status text: 1 [update str]
EW_SETOUTPUTDIR, // Set output dir: 1,[new directory]
EW_EXTRACTFILE, // File to extract: 4,[overwriteflag, output filename, compressed filedata, filedatetimehigh, filedatetimelow]
// overwriteflag: 0x1 = no. 0x0=force, 0x2=try, 0x3=if date is newer
EW_EXECUTE, // Execute program: 2,[complete command line,waitflag]
EW_SHELLEXEC, // ShellExecute program: 4, [shell action, complete commandline, parameters, showwindow]
EW_REGISTERDLL, // Register DLL: 3,[DLL file name, string ptr of function to call, text to put in display]
EW_INSTNETSCAPE, // Install Netscape Plug-in: 5, [DLL file name without path, isuninstall, compressed filedata, filedatetimehigh, filedatetimelow]
EW_WRITEREG, // Write Registry value: 5, [RootKey(int),KeyName,ItemName,ItemData,typelen]
// typelen=1 for str, 2 for dword, 3 for binary
EW_DELREG, // DeleteRegValue/DeleteRegKey: 4, [root key(int), KeyName, ValueName, delkeyonlyifempty]. ValueName is -1 if delete key
EW_WRITEINI, // Write INI String: 4, [Section, Name, Value, INI File]
EW_CREATESHORTCUT, // Make Shortcut: 5, [link file, target file, parameters, icon file, iconindex|show mode<<8|hotkey<<16]
EW_DELETEFILE, // Delete File: 2, [filename, rebootok]
EW_FINDWINDOW, // FindWindow: 5, [whattodo,window class,string for whattodo, use_title, jumpamount]
// whattodo: 0: close window, and wait. 1: close window, and resume.
// 2: prompt user to close window, and display text in parm 3, 3=jump jumpamount
EW_MESSAGEBOX, // MessageBox: 4,[MB_flags,text,retv,moveonretv]
EW_RMDIR, // RMDir: 2 [path, recursiveflag]
EW_COPYFILES, // CopyFiles: 2 [source mask, destination location]
EW_SLEEP, // Sleep: 1 [sleep time in milliseconds]
EW_BRINGTOFRONT, // BringToFront: 0
EW_HIDEWINDOW, // HideWindow: 0
EW_IFFILEEXISTS, // IfFileExists: 3, [file name, jump amount if exists, jump amount if not exists]
EW_RENAME, // Rename: 3 [old, new, rebootok]
EW_SETFILEATTRIBUTES, // SetFileAttributes: 2 [filename, attributes]
EW_ABORT, // Abort: 1 [status]
EW_CHDETAILSVIEW, // SetDetailsView: 1 [0: hide, 1: show]
EW_SETWINDOWCLOSE, // SetWindowClose: 1 [0: no window close at end, 1: window close at end]
EW_IFERRORS, // IfErrors: 3 [jump if error, jump if not error, new_erflag]
EW_ASSIGNVAR, // Assign: 3 [variable (0-9) to assign, string to assign, maxlen]
EW_READREGSTR, // ReadRegStr: 4 [output, rootkey(int), keyname, itemname]
EW_READINISTR, // ReadINIStr: 4 [output, section, name, ini_file]
EW_STRCMP, // StrCmp: 4 [str1, str2, jump_if_equal, jump_if_not_equal] (case-insensitive)
EW_GETPARENT, // GetParentDir 2 [output, input]
EW_CALL, // Call: 2 [start offset, end offset]
EW_GETFULLDLLPATH, // GetFullDllPath: 2 [output, dll name]
EW_COMPAREDLLS, // CompareDLLVersions 5 [dll1, dll2, jumpif1newer, jumpif2newer, [ver_low]]
// if dll2&0x80000000 then dll1 is the low dword of version, [4] is the high dword
EW_COMPAREFILETIMES, // CompareFileTImes 5 [file1, file2, jumpif1newer, jumpif2newer, [time_low]]
// if file2&0x80000000 then file1 is the low dword of time, [4] is the high dword
typedef struct
int flags; // &1=CRC, &2=uninstall, &4=silent
int siginfo; // FH_SIG
int nsinst[3]; // FH_INT1,FH_INT2,FH_INT3 (That's "NullSoftInst")
// these point to the header+sections+entries+stringtable in the datablock
int length_of_header;
int header_ptr;
// this specifies the length of all the data (including the firstheader and CRC)
int length_of_all_following_data;
} firstheader;
typedef struct
// all these _ptr ones are in the string table.
int name_ptr; // name of installer
int caption_ptr; // name of installer + " Setup" or whatever.
int text_ptr; // directory page text
int componenttext_ptr; // component page text
int licensetext_ptr; // license page text
int licensedata_ptr; // license text
int install_directory_ptr; // default install dir.
int install_reg_rootkey, install_reg_key_ptr, install_reg_value_ptr;
int install_types_ptr[MAX_INST_TYPES]; // -1 if not used. can describe as lite, normal, full, etc.
int no_custom_instmode_flag;
int num_sections; // total number of sections
int num_entries; // total number of entries
int uninstall_exe_name_ptr; // names executable for uninstaller
int uninstdata_offset; // -1 if no uninst data.
int uninstexehead_iconoffset; // offset in exe head that the icon is in (for replacing)
int bg_color1, bg_color2, bg_textcolor;
int lb_bg, lb_fg;
// .on* calls
int code_onInit[2];
int code_onInstSuccess[2];
int code_onInstFailed[2];
int code_onUserAbort[2];
int code_onVerifyInstDir[2];
// additional flags
char silent_install, auto_close, show_details, no_show_dirpage;
} header;
typedef struct
int name_ptr;
int uninstalltext_ptr;
int num_entries; // entries used
int code[2];
int bg_color1, bg_color2, bg_textcolor;
int lb_bg, lb_fg;
} uninstall_header;
typedef struct
int name_ptr; // '' for non-optional components
int default_state; // bits 0-3 set for each of the different install_types, if any.
int code[2];
int size_kb;
} section;
typedef struct
int which;
int offsets[MAX_ENTRY_OFFSETS]; // count and meaning of offsets depend on 'which'
} entry;
#define FH_FLAGS_MASK 7
#define FH_FLAGS_CRC 1
// neato surprise signature that goes in firstheader. :)
#define FH_INT1 0x6C6C754E
#define FH_INT2 0x74666F53
#define FH_INT3 0x74736E49
// amount of bmp/ico in resource to skip (apparently the first 20/22 bytes can be different)
#define BMP_HDRSKIP 20
#define ICO_HDRSKIP 22
// the following are only used/implemented in exehead, not makensis.
int isheader(firstheader *h); // returns 0 on not header, length_of_datablock on success
// returns nonzero on error
// returns 0 on success
// on success, m_header will be set to a pointer that should eventually be GlobalFree()'d.
// (or m_uninstheader)
int loadHeaders(void);
extern HANDLE g_db_hFile;
extern int g_db_offset;
char *GetStringFromStringTab(int offs);
int GetCompressedDataFromDataBlock(int offset, HANDLE hFileOut);
int GetCompressedDataFromDataBlockToMemory(int offset, char *out, int out_len);
#endif //_FILEFORM_H_