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- { *************************************************************************** }
- { }
- { Audio Tools Library (Freeware) }
- { Class TWAVFile - for extracting information from WAV file header }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001 by Jurgen Faul }
- { E-mail: jfaul@gmx.de }
- { http://jfaul.de/atl }
- { }
- { Version 1.0 (31 July 2001) }
- { - Info: channel mode, sample rate, bits per sample, file size, duration }
- { }
- { *************************************************************************** }
- unit WAVFile;
- interface
- uses
- Classes, SysUtils;
- const
- { Used with ChannelModeID property }
- WAV_CM_MONO = 1; { Index for mono mode }
- WAV_CM_STEREO = 2; { Index for stereo mode }
- { Channel mode names }
- WAV_MODE: array [0..2] of string = ('Unknown', 'Mono', 'Stereo');
- type
- { Class TWAVFile }
- TWAVFile = class(TObject)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FValid: Boolean;
- FChannelModeID: Byte;
- FSampleRate: Word;
- FBitsPerSample: Byte;
- FFileSize: Cardinal;
- procedure FResetData;
- function FGetChannelMode: string;
- function FGetDuration: Double;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create; { Create object }
- function ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Load header }
- property Valid: Boolean read FValid; { True if header valid }
- property ChannelModeID: Byte read FChannelModeID; { Channel mode code }
- property ChannelMode: string read FGetChannelMode; { Channel mode name }
- property SampleRate: Word read FSampleRate; { Sample rate (hz) }
- property BitsPerSample: Byte read FBitsPerSample; { Bits per sample }
- property FileSize: Cardinal read FFileSize; { File size (bytes) }
- property Duration: Double read FGetDuration; { Duration (seconds) }
- end;
- implementation
- type
- { Real structure of WAV file header }
- WAVRecord = record
- { RIFF file header }
- RIFFHeader: array [1..4] of Char; { Must be "RIFF" }
- FileSize: Integer; { Must be "RealFileSize - 8" }
- WAVEHeader: array [1..4] of Char; { Must be "WAVE" }
- { Format information }
- FormatHeader: array [1..4] of Char; { Must be "fmt " }
- FormatSize: Integer; { Must be 16 (decimal) }
- FormatCode: Word; { Must be 1 }
- ChannelNumber: Word; { Number of channels }
- SampleRate: Integer; { Sample rate (hz) }
- BytesPerSecond: Integer; { Bytes per second }
- BytesPerSample: Word; { Bytes per Sample }
- BitsPerSample: Word; { Bits per sample }
- { Data area }
- DataHeader: array [1..4] of Char; { Must be "data" }
- DataSize: Integer; { Data size }
- end;
- { ********************* Auxiliary functions & procedures ******************** }
- function ReadWAV(const FileName: string; var WAVData: WAVRecord): Boolean;
- var
- SourceFile: file;
- Transferred: Integer;
- begin
- try
- Result := true;
- { Set read-access and open file }
- AssignFile(SourceFile, FileName);
- FileMode := 0;
- Reset(SourceFile, 1);
- { Read header }
- BlockRead(SourceFile, WAVData, 44, Transferred);
- CloseFile(SourceFile);
- { if transfer is not complete }
- if Transferred < 44 then Result := false;
- except
- { Error }
- Result := false;
- end;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function HeaderIsValid(const WAVData: WAVRecord): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := true;
- { Validation }
- if WAVData.RIFFHeader <> 'RIFF' then Result := false;
- if WAVData.WAVEHeader <> 'WAVE' then Result := false;
- if WAVData.FormatHeader <> 'fmt ' then Result := false;
- if WAVData.FormatSize <> 16 then Result := false;
- if WAVData.FormatCode <> 1 then Result := false;
- if WAVData.DataHeader <> 'data' then Result := false;
- if (WAVData.ChannelNumber <> WAV_CM_MONO) and
- (WAVData.ChannelNumber <> WAV_CM_STEREO) then Result := false;
- end;
- { ********************** Private functions & procedures ********************* }
- procedure TWAVFile.FResetData;
- begin
- FValid := false;
- FChannelModeID := 0;
- FSampleRate := 0;
- FBitsPerSample := 0;
- FFileSize := 0;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TWAVFile.FGetChannelMode: string;
- begin
- Result := WAV_MODE[FChannelModeID];
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TWAVFile.FGetDuration: Double;
- begin
- if FValid then
- Result := (FFileSize - 44) * 8 /
- FSampleRate / FBitsPerSample / FChannelModeID
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- { ********************** Public functions & procedures ********************** }
- constructor TWAVFile.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FResetData;
- end;
- { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- function TWAVFile.ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var
- WAVData: WAVRecord;
- begin
- { Reset and load header data from file to variable }
- FResetData;
- Result := ReadWAV(FileName, WAVData);
- { Process data if loaded and header valid }
- if (Result) and (HeaderIsValid(WAVData)) then
- begin
- FValid := true;
- { Fill properties with header data }
- FChannelModeID := WAVData.ChannelNumber;
- FSampleRate := WAVData.SampleRate;
- FBitsPerSample := WAVData.BitsPerSample;
- FFileSize := WAVData.FileSize + 8;
- end;
- end;
- end.