Chip 2001 October
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Text File
661 lines
//;--- InspForm resources ------------------------------------------------------
S53059 = 'Object inspector';
//;--- EditorForm resources ----------------------------------------------------
S53060 = 'Text editor';
S53061 = 'Insert expression';
S53062 = 'Insert data field';
S53063 = 'Word wrap';
S53064 = 'Show/hide script';
//;--- FRDesignerForm resources ------------------------------------------------
S53080 = 'Designer';
S53081 = 'Rectangle';
S53082 = 'Standard';
S53083 = 'Text';
S53084 = 'Objects';
S53085 = 'Alignment';
S53086 = 'Tools';
S53087 = 'New report';
S53088 = 'Open report';
S53089 = 'Save report';
S53090 = 'Preview report';
S53091 = 'Cut';
S53092 = 'Copy';
S53093 = 'Paste';
S53094 = 'Undo last action';
S53095 = 'Redo cancelled action';
S53096 = 'Bring to front';
S53097 = 'Send to back';
S53098 = 'Select all';
S53099 = 'Add page';
S53100 = 'Remove page';
S53101 = 'Page options';
S53102 = 'Grid';
S53103 = 'Grid align';
S53104 = 'Fit to grid';
S53105 = 'Close';
S53106 = 'Close designer';
S53107 = 'Left align';
S53108 = 'Right align';
S53109 = 'Center align';
S53110 = 'Normal text / 90 degrees';
S53111 = 'Vertical center';
S53112 = 'Top align';
S53113 = 'Bottom align';
S53114 = 'Width align';
S53115 = 'Bold';
S53116 = 'Italic';
S53117 = 'Underline';
S53118 = 'Font color';
S53119 = 'Conditional highlightning';
S53120 = 'Font size';
S53121 = 'Font name';
S53122 = 'Top frame line';
S53123 = 'Left frame line';
S53124 = 'Bottom frame line';
S53125 = 'Right frame line';
S53126 = 'All frame lines';
S53127 = 'No frame';
S53128 = 'Background color';
S53129 = 'Frame color';
S53130 = 'Frame width';
S53131 = 'Frame width';
S53132 = 'Select object';
S53133 = 'Insert rectangle object';
S53134 = 'Insert band';
S53135 = 'Insert picture';
S53136 = 'Insert subreport';
S53137 = 'Draw lines';
S53138 = 'Align left edges';
S53139 = 'Align horizontal centers';
S53140 = 'Center horizontally in window';
S53141 = 'Space equally, horizontally';
S53142 = 'Align right edges';
S53143 = 'Align tops';
S53144 = 'Align vertical centers';
S53145 = 'Center vertically in window';
S53146 = 'Space equally, vertically';
S53147 = 'Align bottoms';
S53148 = 'C&ut';
S53149 = '&Copy';
S53150 = '&Paste';
S53151 = '&Delete';
S53152 = 'Select &all';
S53153 = '&Edit...';
S53154 = '&File';
S53155 = '&New...';
S53156 = '&Open...';
S53157 = '&Save';
S53158 = '&Data dictionary...';
S53159 = '&Report options...';
S53160 = '&Page options...';
S53161 = 'Pre&view';
S53162 = 'E&xit';
S53163 = '&Edit';
S53164 = '&Undo';
S53165 = '&Redo';
S53166 = 'C&ut';
S53167 = '&Copy';
S53168 = '&Paste';
S53169 = '&Delete';
S53170 = '&Select all';
S53171 = '&Edit...';
S53172 = '&Add page';
S53173 = '&Remove page';
S53174 = 'Bring to &front';
S53175 = 'Send to &back';
S53176 = '&Tools';
S53177 = '&Toolbars';
S53178 = 'Too&ls';
S53179 = '&Options...';
S53180 = '&Rectangle';
S53181 = '&Standard';
S53182 = '&Text';
S53183 = '&Objects';
S53184 = 'Object &Inspector';
S53185 = '&Alignment palette';
S53186 = 'Too&ls';
S53187 = '&About...';
S53188 = 'Save &as...';
S53189 = '&Help contents';
S53190 = 'Help &tool';
S53191 = 'Line style';
S53192 = 'Add dialog &form';
S53193 = 'Add dialog form';
//;--- RestrictionsForm resources ----------------------------------------------
S53260 = 'Object''s restrictions';
S53261 = 'Don''t edit &memo';
S53262 = 'Don''t edit &script';
S53263 = 'Don''t edit &contents';
S53264 = 'Don''t mo&dify';
S53265 = 'Don''t change si&ze';
S53266 = 'Don''t mo&ve';
S53267 = 'Don''t de&lete';
//;--- DesOptionsForm resources ------------------------------------------------
S53280 = 'Options';
S53281 = 'Designer';
S53282 = 'Grid';
S53283 = 'Drawing objects';
S53284 = 'Report units';
S53285 = 'Grid size';
S53286 = '&Show grid';
S53287 = 'Align to &grid';
S53288 = 'Colored &buttons';
S53289 = '&4 pixels';
S53290 = '&8 pixels';
S53291 = '&18 pixels (5mm)';
S53293 = 'Show object &contents when moving or resizing';
S53294 = '&Pixels';
S53295 = '&MM';
S53296 = '&Inches';
S53297 = 'Other';
S53298 = '&Editing after insert';
S53299 = 'Show band &titles';
S53300 = 'Page position';
S53301 = 'Cente&r';
S53302 = 'Le&ft';
S53303 = 'Rig&ht';
S53304 = 'Editor';
S53305 = 'Text editor';
S53306 = '&Use object''s font settings';
S53307 = 'Use &fixed setting:';
S53308 = 'Font name:';
S53309 = 'Size:';
S53310 = 'Script editor';
S53311 = 'Localized property names';
//;--- TemplForm resources -----------------------------------------------------
S53318 = 'New report';
S53319 = 'Description';
//;--- TemplNewForm resources --------------------------------------------------
S53320 = 'New report template';
S53321 = '&Comment';
S53322 = 'Icon';
S53323 = '&File...';
//;--- DictForm resources ------------------------------------------------------
S53340 = 'Data dictionary';
S53341 = 'Variables';
S53342 = 'Field aliases';
S53343 = 'Band datasources';
S53344 = 'Va&riables';
S53345 = 'Va&lues';
S53346 = 'E&xpression';
S53347 = 'New category';
S53348 = 'New variable';
S53349 = 'Edit';
S53350 = 'Delete';
S53351 = 'Edit list';
S53352 = 'Datasets and fields';
S53353 = 'All datasets';
S53354 = '&Appearance';
S53355 = 'A&lias';
S53356 = 'E&xclude field from list';
S53357 = 'Datasources';
S53358 = 'All datasources';
S53359 = '&Save...';
//;--- VaredForm resources -----------------------------------------------------
S53360 = 'Variables list';
S53361 = '&Categories and variables';
//;--- DocOptForm resources ----------------------------------------------------
S53370 = 'Report options';
S53371 = 'Printer';
S53372 = '&Select when report loaded';
S53373 = 'Other';
S53374 = '&Two-pass report';
//;--- PgoptForm resources -----------------------------------------------------
S53390 = 'Page options';
S53391 = 'Paper';
S53392 = 'Orientation';
S53393 = '&Portrait';
S53394 = '&Landscape';
S53395 = 'Size';
S53396 = '&Width, mm';
S53397 = '&Height, mm';
S53398 = 'Margins';
S53399 = 'Page margins';
S53400 = '&Left, mm';
S53401 = '&Top, mm';
S53402 = '&Right, mm';
S53403 = '&Bottom, mm';
S53404 = '&Stretch to print area';
S53405 = 'Options';
S53406 = 'Options';
S53407 = '&Print to previous page';
S53408 = 'Columns';
S53409 = '&Number';
S53410 = '&Column gap, mm';
S53411 = 'Source';
S53412 = 'Paper source';
S53413 = '&Unlimited height';
//;--- FmtForm resources -------------------------------------------------------
S53420 = 'Variable formatting';
S53421 = 'Variable format';
S53422 = '&Decimal digits';
S53423 = 'Decimal &separator';
S53424 = 'Custom &format';
//;--- VarForm resources -------------------------------------------------------
S53440 = 'Variables';
S53441 = '&Category:';
//;--- FieldsForm resources ----------------------------------------------------
S53450 = 'Insert data field';
//;--- GEditorForm resources ---------------------------------------------------
S53460 = 'Picture';
S53461 = '&Stretch';
S53462 = '&Load...';
S53463 = '&Clear';
S53464 = '&Memo';
//;--- BandEditorForm resources ------------------------------------------------
S53480 = 'Band data source';
S53481 = '&Data source';
S53482 = '&Record count';
//;--- VBandEditorForm resources ------------------------------------------------
S53485 = 'Band data sources';
S53486 = 'Bands';
S53487 = 'Data source';
S53488 = '&Record count';
//;--- GroupEditorForm resources -----------------------------------------------
S53490 = 'Group';
S53491 = '&Condition';
S53492 = 'Insert data field';
//;--- BandTypesForm resources -------------------------------------------------
S53510 = 'Insert new band';
S53511 = 'Band type';
//;--- HilightForm resources ---------------------------------------------------
S53520 = 'Conditional highlightning';
S53521 = '&Condition';
S53522 = 'Font';
S53523 = 'C&olor...';
S53524 = '&Bold';
S53525 = '&Italic';
S53526 = '&Underline';
S53527 = 'Background';
S53528 = 'Co&lor...';
S53529 = '&Transparent';
S53530 = 'Ot&her';
//;--- AboutForm resources -----------------------------------------------------
S53540 = 'About FastReport';
//;--- OleForm resources -------------------------------------------------------
S53550 = 'OLE object';
S53551 = '&Insert...';
S53552 = '&Edit...';
S53553 = '&Close';
//;--- RichForm resources ------------------------------------------------------
S53560 = 'Rich Edit';
S53561 = 'Open...';
S53562 = 'Save...';
S53563 = 'Undo';
S53564 = 'Bold';
S53565 = 'Italic';
S53566 = 'Left align';
S53567 = 'Center align';
S53568 = 'Right align';
S53569 = 'Underline';
S53570 = 'List';
S53571 = 'Font';
S53572 = 'Cancel';
S53573 = 'Save and exit';
S53574 = 'Var';
S53575 = 'Insert expression';
S53576 = 'Font';
S53577 = 'Font size';
//;--- ChartForm resources -----------------------------------------------------
S53590 = 'Chart object';
S53591 = 'Type';
S53592 = 'Data';
S53593 = 'Type';
S53594 = 'Object name';
S53595 = 'Options';
S53596 = '&3D';
S53597 = '&Single';
S53598 = 'Show &legend';
S53599 = 'Show &axis';
S53600 = 'Show &marks';
S53601 = 'Multi-colo&r';
S53602 = 'For &legend';
S53603 = 'For &values';
S53604 = 'Marks';
S53605 = 'Style';
S53606 = 'Value';
S53607 = 'Percent';
S53608 = 'Label';
S53609 = 'Label and Percent';
S53610 = 'Label and Value';
S53611 = 'Top10 group';
S53612 = '&Show top';
S53613 = 'La&bel';
S53614 = 'values';
//;--- InsertFieldsForm resources ----------------------------------------------
S53630 = 'Insert fields';
S53631 = '&Available tables';
S53632 = 'Placement';
S53633 = '&Horizontal';
S53634 = '&Vertical';
S53635 = '&Include headers';
S53636 = 'Include &bands';
//;--- BarCodeForm resources ---------------------------------------------------
S53650 = 'Barcode editor';
S53651 = '&Code';
S53652 = '&Type of barcode';
S53653 = 'Options';
S53654 = 'Check&sum';
S53655 = '&Human readable';
S53656 = 'Insert expression';
S53657 = 'Insert variable';
S53658 = 'Rotation';
S53659 = '&Zoom:';
//;--- RoundRectForm resources -------------------------------------------------
S53670 = 'Property editor';
S53671 = 'Sample :';
S53672 = '&Expression...';
S53673 = '&DB field...';
S53674 = '&Gradian';
S53675 = '&Shadow width';
S53676 = 'Color';
S53677 = '&Curve';
S53678 = '&Framed zone';
S53679 = 'End Color';
S53680 = 'Begin color';
S53681 = '&Style';
S53682 = 'Vertical,Horizontal,Elliptic,Rectangle,Horiz._Center,Vert._Center';
S53683 = 'Click here to define the shadow color or gradian colors';
//;--- ExprForm resources ------------------------------------------------------
S53700 = 'Expression builder';
S53701 = 'Expression';
S53702 = 'Insert';
S53703 = '&Data field...';
S53704 = '&Variable...';
S53705 = '&Function...';
//;--- FuncForm resources ------------------------------------------------------
S53720 = 'Available functions';
//;--- FuncArgForm resources ---------------------------------------------------
S53730 = 'Function arguments';
S53731 = 'Argument';
//;--- AttrForm resources ------------------------------------------------------
S53740 = 'Object tag';
//;--- Strings resources -------------------------------------------------------
SRemovePg = 'Remove this page?';
SConfirm = 'Confirm';
SPaper1 = 'A4 210 x 297 mm';
SPaper2 = 'B5 182 x 257 mm';
SPaper3 = 'Letter, 8 1/2 x 11"';
SPaper4 = 'Legal, 8 1/2 x 14"';
SPaper5 = 'Executive, 7 1/4 x 10 1/2"';
SPaper6 = 'A0 840 x 1188 mm';
SPaper7 = 'A1 594 x 840 mm';
SPaper8 = 'A2 420 x 594 mm';
SPaper9 = 'A3 297 x 420 mm';
SPaper10 = 'A5 148 x 210 mm';
SPaper11 = 'A6 105 x 148 mm';
SPaper12 = 'A7 74 x 105 mm';
SPaper13 = 'A8 52 x 74 mm';
SPaper14 = 'A9 37 x 52 mm';
SPaper15 = 'B0 1030 x 1456 mm';
SPaper16 = 'B1 728 x 1030 mm';
SPaper17 = 'B10 32 x 45 mm';
SPaper18 = 'B2 515 x 728 mm';
SPaper19 = 'B3 364 x 515 mm';
SPaper20 = 'B4 257 x 364 mm';
SPaper21 = 'B6 128 x 182 mm';
SPaper22 = 'B7 91 x 128 mm';
SPaper23 = 'B8 64 x 91 mm';
SPaper24 = 'B9 45 x 64 mm';
SPaper25 = 'C5 Envelope, 162 x 229 mm';
SPaper26 = '#10 Envelope, 4 1/8 x 9 1/2"';
SPaper27 = 'DL Envelope, 110 x 220 mm';
SPaper28 = 'Folio, 8 1/2 x 13"';
SPaper29 = 'Ledger, 17 x 11"';
SPaper30 = 'Tabloid, 11 x 17"';
SSystemVariables = 'System variables';
SVar1 = 'Page#';
SVar2 = 'Expression';
SVar3 = 'Date';
SVar4 = 'Time';
SVar5 = 'Line#';
SVar6 = 'Line through#';
SVar7 = 'Column#';
SVar8 = 'Current line#';
SVar9 = 'TotalPages';
SStretched = 'Stretched';
SVarFormat = 'Variable format...';
SWordWrap = 'Word wrap';
SWordBreak = '';
SFormNewPage = 'Force new page';
SPrintIfSubsetEmpty = 'Print if detail empty';
SBreaked = 'Breaked';
SPictureCenter = 'Center picture';
SKeepAspectRatio = 'Keep aspect ratio';
SFormFile = 'FastReport form';
STemplFile = 'FastReport template';
SDictFile = 'FastReport dictionary';
SPictFile = 'Picture file';
SBMPFile = 'Bitmap file';
SAllFiles = 'All files';
SInsOLEObject = 'Insert OLE object';
SInsRichObject = 'Insert RichText object';
SInsRich2Object = 'Insert RX RichText object';
SInsCheckBox = 'Insert CheckBox object';
SInsChart = 'Insert Chart object';
SInsShape = 'Insert Shape object';
SInsBarcode = 'Insert Barcode object';
SInsRoundRect = 'Insert an RoundRect with shadow area';
SSubReportOnPage = 'SubReport on page';
SPicture = '[Picture]';
STransparent = 'Transparent';
SOther = 'Other...';
SOnFirstPage = 'On first page';
SOnLastPage = 'On last page';
SRepeatHeader = 'Show on all pages';
SDesignReport = 'Design report';
SInsertFields = 'Insert DB fields';
SSaveChanges = 'Save changes';
STo = 'to';
SPixels = 'Pixels';
SMM = 'MM';
SInches = 'Inches';
SVirtualDataset = 'Virtual Dataset';
SAutoSize = 'Auto size';
SFRVariables = 'FR variables';
SClearContents = 'Clear contents';
SAllCategories = 'All functions';
SAggregateCategory = 'Aggregate';
SDateTimeCategory = 'Date and time';
SStringCategory = 'String';
SOtherCategory = 'Other';
SMathCategory = 'Math';
SBoolCategory = 'Boolean';
SIntrpCategory = 'Interpreter';
SDescriptionAVG = 'AVG(<Expression> [,BandName [,1]])/' +
'Calculates the average of <Expression> for [BandName] row given. ' +
'If [1] parameter is used, calculates average for non-visible rows too.';
SDescriptionCOUNT = 'COUNT(<BandName>)/' +
'Returns count of data-rows given in the <BandName>. ';
SDescriptionDAYOF = 'DAYOF(<Date>)/' +
'Returns day number (1..31) of given <Date>.';
SDescriptionFORMATDATETIME = 'FORMATDATETIME(<Fmt>, <DateTime>)/' +
'Converts a <DateTime> value to a string using mask in <Fmt>.';
SDescriptionFORMATFLOAT = 'FORMATFLOAT(<Fmt>, <Numeric>)/' +
'Converts a <Numeric> value to a string using mask in <Fmt>.';
SDescriptionINPUT = 'INPUT(<Caption> [,Default])/' +
'Shows dialog window with headstring <Caption> and edit box. ' +
'If [Default] parameter is set, puts this string in edit box. ' +
'After user clicks OK, returns input string.';
SDescriptionLENGTH = 'LENGTH(<String>)/' +
'Returns length of <String>.';
SDescriptionLOWERCASE = 'LOWERCASE(<String>)/' +
'Converts <String> symbols to lower case.';
SDescriptionMAX = 'MAX(<Expression> [,BandName [,1]])/' +
'Calculates the maximum of <Expression> for [BandName] row given. ' +
'If [1] parameter is used, calculates maximum for non-visible rows too.';
SDescriptionMIN = 'MIN(<Expression> [,BandName [,1]])/' +
'Calculates the minimum of <Expression> for [BandName] row given. ' +
'If [1] parameter is used, calculates minimum for non-visible rows too.';
SDescriptionMONTHOF = 'MONTHOF(<Date>)/' +
'Returns month number (1..12) of given <Date>.';
SDescriptionNAMECASE = 'NAMECASE(<String>)/' +
'Converts <String> symbols to lower case, and first symbol ' +
'is in upper case.';
SDescriptionSTRTODATE = 'STRTODATE(<String>)/' +
'Converts <String> to date.';
SDescriptionSTRTOTIME = 'STRTOTIME(<String>)/' +
'Converts <String> to time.';
SDescriptionSUM = 'SUM(<Expression> [,BandName [,1]])/' +
'Calculates the sum of <Expression> for [BandName] row given. ' +
'If [1] parameter is used, calculates sum for non-visible rows too.';
SDescriptionTRIM = 'TRIM(<String>)/' +
'Trims all heading and trailing spaces in <String> and returns ' +
'resulting string.';
SDescriptionUPPERCASE = 'UPPERCASE(<String>)/' +
'Converts <String> symbols to upper case.';
SDescriptionYEAROF = 'YEAROF(<Date>)/' +
'Returns year of given <Date>.';
SDescriptionIF = 'IF(<Expression>, <Value1>, <Value2>)/' +
'Returns <Value1>, if expression <Expression> is True; ' +
'otherwise returns <Value2>. Return value can be not only string.';
SDescriptionCOPY = 'COPY(<String>, <From>, <Count>)/' +
'Returns a substring of string.';
SDescriptionMOD = '<Value1> MOD <Value2>/' +
'Returns remainder from dividing <Value1> by <Value2>.';
SDescriptionSTR = 'STR(<Value>)/' +
'Converts number given in <Value> to a string.';
SDescriptionNOT = 'NOT <Value>/' +
'Logical ''NOT''.';
SDescriptionAND = '<Value1> AND <Value2>/' +
'Logical ''AND''.';
SDescriptionOR = '<Value1> OR <Value2>/' +
'Logical ''OR''.';
SDescriptionROUND = 'ROUND(<Value>)/' +
'Returns rounded <Value>.';
SDescriptionFRAC = 'FRAC(<Value>)/' +
'Returns fractional part of <Value>.';
SDescriptionINT = 'INT(<Value>)/' +
'Returns integer part of <Value>.';
SDescriptionTRUE = 'TRUE/' +
'Logical ''TRUE''.';
SDescriptionFALSE = 'FALSE/' +
'Logical ''FALSE''.';
SDescriptionPAGE = 'PAGE#/' +
'Returns current page number.';
SDescriptionDATE = 'DATE/' +
'Returns current date.';
SDescriptionTIME = 'TIME/' +
'Returns current time.';
SDescriptionLINE = 'LINE#/' +
'Returns current data-row number (starting at group beginning).';
'Returns current data-row number (starting at report beginning).';
SDescriptionCOLUMN = 'COLUMN#/' +
'Returns current column number.';
'Returns number of total pages in the report.';
SDescriptionMROK = 'MROK/' +
'Modal result constant.';
SDescriptionMRCancel = 'MRCANCEL/' +
'Modal result constant.';
SDescriptionCurY = 'CURY/' +
'Returns ''Y'' position (in pixels) where current band will ' +
'be shown. You can also assign value to CurY.';
SDescriptionFreeSpace = 'FREESPACE/' +
'Returns remain space on the page in pixels.';
SDescriptionFinalPass = 'FINALPASS/' +
'Returns True if report engine performs final pass.';
SDescriptionPageHeight = 'PAGEHEIGHT/' +
'Returns height of the page in pixels.';
SDescriptionPageWidth = 'PAGEWIDTH/' +
'Returns width of the page in pixels.';
SDescriptionProgress = 'PROGRESS/' +
'Value assigned to Progress will be showed in Progress window.';
SDescriptionModalResult = 'MODALRESULT/' +
'Assigning non-zero value to ModalResult will close dialog form.';
SDescriptionStopReport = 'STOPREPORT/' +
'Stops report building.';
SDescriptionNewPage = 'NEWPAGE/' +
'Starts new page.';
SDescriptionNewColumn = 'NEWCOLUMN/' +
'Starts new column.';
SDescriptionShowBand = 'SHOWBAND(<BandName>)/' +
'Shows band with name <BandName> given.';
SDescriptionINC = 'INC(<Value>)/' +
'Increments <Value>.';
SDescriptionDEC = 'DEC(<Value>)/' +
'Decrements <Value>.';
SDescriptionMAXNUM = 'MAXNUM(<Value1>, <Value2>)/' +
'Returns max of given values.';
SDescriptionMINNUM = 'MINNUM(<Value1>, <Value2>)/' +
'Returns min of given values.';
SDescriptionPOS = 'POS(<SubString>, <String>)/' +
'Returns position of substring in given string.';
SDescriptionMESSAGEBOX = 'MESSAGEBOX(<Text>, <Title>, <Buttons>)/' +
'Shows standard dialog window with title, text and buttons.';
SDescriptionFORMATTEXT = 'FORMATTEXT(<Mask>, <String>)/' +
'Applies <Mask> to given <String> and returns formatted string.';
SInformation = 'Information';
SExpressionOK = 'Expression is OK!';
STextOnly = 'Text only';
SSuppressRepeated = 'Suppress repeated values';
SDefaultBin = 'Default';
SDeleteObjects = 'This will delete all objects on this page.';
SWarning = 'Warning';
SHideZeros = 'Hide zeros';
SPrintChild = 'Print childs if invisible';
SUnderlines = 'Underlines';