61336 ERROR 108- unable to connect to SMTP server.
61337 ERROR 109- invalid SMTP server response.
61338 ERROR 110- SMTP mail error
61339 ERROR 111- SMTP network error.
61340 Your 30 day trial period has expired. You will need to register the software if you intend to continue using it.
61341 Running script file "
61343 FTP operation complete.
61344 Upload cancelled- no files require update.
61346 ERROR 2- attempt made to auto-publish non existent project.
61347 503 Login with USER and PASS first
61348 551 BUSY
61349 503 user already logged in
61350 230 OK
61351 530 Access denied
61352 331 Password required for
61353 List of available Commands:
61354 214 OK
61355 220 Hi from GDIdb
61356 System state
61357 200 OK
61358 There was an error when attempting to listen on socket
61359 .Try setting a new network control port.
61360 550
61361 Publish operation complete.
61362 ERROR 118- ignore or retry function encountered outside of an error handler.
61363 Unable to change to project specified in command line. Check project name.
61364 ERROR 119- an error occurred whilst communicating with HTTP server.
61366 ERROR 120- unable to allocate memory.
61367 GDIdb runtime encoded 5XX99
61368 ERROR 121- script file not encoded.
61369 GDIdb is busy. Are you sure you want to quit?
61370 Right-click to edit script, double-click to run
61372 Enter GDIdb script input value
61373 Double-click filename to edit
61374 Only view files that have changed since last upload
61375 Add edited files to GDIdb changed files upload list
61376 Edit selected file
61377 Enter path to script editor executable
61378 Enter path to list file viewer executable
61379 Enter path to web browser executable
61380 Browse for file
61381 GDIdb claims process priority over other software
61382 GDIdb runs at normal priority
61383 GDIdb only uses idle processor time
61384 If cleared, only File/Exit will shut program down
61385 GDIdb program window will not appear when program is started
61386 Hidden GDIdb window will become visible on project errors
61387 Log all project actions to log file
61388 Enter time in the format hh:mm
61389 Add time to schedule
61390 Remove selected time from schedule
61391 Auto-Publish times
61392 Select the name of your Internet connection
61393 Enter the logon name provided by your ISP
61394 Enter the password for your Internet account
61395 Number of times GDIdb will attempt to connect if line busy
61396 Auto-publish GDIdb project to pre-set schedule
61397 Select project to be published
61398 Enable r/c server (changes will not take effect until program is restarted)
61399 Server port (changes will not take effect until program is restarted)
61401 Visit GDIdb homepage
61402 Only show log entries for project errors
61403 Only show log entries for last 5 days
61404 GDIdb event log
61405 Delete GDIdb log file
61406 GDIdb project name
61407 Enter your user name (supplied with registration code)
61408 Enter your registration key
61409 Enter your web server host name or IP address
61410 Enter the port on which your web server accepts FTP connections
61411 Enter your web server FTP upload username
61412 Enter your web server FTP upload password
61413 Enter the path to the directory where GDIdb will upload the files
61414 Execute a script on all project error conditions
61415 Enter path to project error handler script
61416 Enter path to project database (optional)
61417 Run a GDIdb script file before connecting to the Internet
61418 Enter path to script file
61419 Connect to Internet
61420 Run a GDIdb script file after connecting to the Internet
61421 FTP script output files to web server
61422 Execute a DOS/Windows command
61423 Enter executable file name
61424 Connect via a proxy or firewall
61425 Enter proxy server or firewall hostname (or IP address)
61426 Enter port on which proxy server accepts FTP connections
61427 Enter number of upload attempts before GDIdb halts with an error
61428 Enter pause time between re-attempted uploads
61429 Project scripts window will show scripts in this directory
61430 Project scripts will generate HTML files in this local directory
61431 Delete files generated by previous script when script is run
61432 Generate script debug listing
61433 Halt with an error if ampersand character found.
61434 Browse for directory
61435 Enter the size of the data in your largest database field (in Kb)
61436 Select if your database does not support a scrolling database cursor (ORACLE)
61437 Let GDIdb try and decide what to do
61438 Don't allow GDIdb to use the cursor library (may run faster)
61439 Only upload files that have changed since the last upload
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61444 GDIdb can start the next upload where the previous (failed) upload left off
61445 Upload all files generated by script
61446 an unnamed file
61447 Delete files from web server that no longer appear on web site
61448 Halt with an error if upload file cannot be opened
61449 Upload all files in local HTML directory (will not upload sub-directories)
61450 User must have a username
61451 User must have a password
61452 Delete user from the system?
61453 Enter username for new remote user
61454 Enter password for new remote user
61455 GDIdb remote users (password not displayed)
61456 Add new user to the system
61457 &Hide
61458 Remove selected user from the system
61459 Invalid project name
61460 Select project script directory
61461 Select project HTML directory
61462 Clear this checkbox to prevent more than 1 copy of GDIdb running at once
61463 Unable to create socket
61464 Unable to connect to server
61465 Unable to open file on local machine
61466 File error
61467 Network error
61468 Logon failed
61469 Not connected to server!
61470 Enter your FTP account name (if any)
61471 Check if passive mode FTP transfers are required
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61477 Enter your proxy or firewall username (if any)
61478 Enter your proxy or firewall password (if any)
61479 Leave firewall type set to None if you are using a direct Internet connection
61480 ERROR 20- nesting of FTP sessions not allowed
61481 ERROR 122- unable to create directory.
61482 ERROR 123- illegal code in argument.
61483 If you select "Upload changed-only GDIdb output files"\nand "Delete old files from web server" you must also\nselect "Delete old HTML files when script is run".\n\nSelect now?