# this SQL statement retrieves all of the jobs in the database.
# the only reason it does this is so that the ?recordsetsize?
# variable will contain the total number of jobs in the database.
&sql("SELECT * FROM Jobs")
The Job database currently contains ?recordsetsize?
<FONT SIZE="-1">
(Updated from database on ?gdidbdate? at ?gdidbtime?)
# loop through each of the categories, creating category
# pages (by calling subroutine "jobcategory") and
# links to them from this page.
&getdata("SELECT * FROM Categories")
&print("Generating category ?JobCategory?")
&sql("SELECT * FROM Jobs WHERE (((Jobs.JCatKey)=?JobcatKey?))")
# do the hyperlink to the job category page
<FONT SIZE="-2">(?recordsetsize?)</FONT> <A HREF="cat?rownumber[-1]?.html" onMouseover="window.status='View Jobs in category ?JobCategory[-1]?';return true">?JobCategory[-1]?</A><BR>