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- ; Tento soubor obsahuje makra programu PSPad pro PHP
- ;
- ; ╪ßdky zaΦφnajφcφ st°ednφkem a prßzdnΘ °ßdky jsou ignorovßny
- ;
- ; Formßt p°φkaz∙ :
- ; [jmΘno_p°φkazu | popis p°φkazu (libovoln² text)]*klßvesovß_zkratka
- ; °ßdek p°φkazu, kter² bude vlo₧en
- ; °ßdek p°φkazu, kter² bude vlo₧en ...
- ;
- ; hlaviΦka p°φkazu je uzav°ena do [], znak | slou₧φ jako odd∞lovaΦ
- ; jmΘna p°φkazu a komentß°e.
- ; * urΦuje nepovinnou klßvesovou zkratku
- ; pokud °ßdek p°φkazu obsahuje znak |, kurzor se po vlo╛enφ do
- ; textu zastavφ na tomto mφst∞
- ; pokud °ßdek p°φkazu obsahuje znak º, bude zde vlo₧en oznaΦen² text
- ;
- ; autor: ing. Jan Fiala pspad@wo.cz
- ; poslednφ revize: 12.8.2001
- ;
- [Abs | absolute value]
- abs(|mixed number);
- [Acos | arc cosine]
- acos(|float arg);
- [arsort | Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association]
- arsort(|array array);
- [Asin | arc sine]
- asin(|float arg);
- [asort | Sort an array and maintain index association]
- asort(|array array);
- [Atan | arc tangent]
- atan(|float arg);
- [basename | return file name part of path]
- basename(|string path);
- [bcadd | Add two arbitrary precision numbers.]
- bcadd(|string left operand, string right operand, int scale);
- [bccomp | Compare two arbitrary precision numbers.]
- bccomp(|string left operand, string right operand, int scale);
- [bcdiv | Divide two arbitrary precision numbers.]
- bcdiv(|string left operand, string right operand, int scale);
- [bcmod | Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number.]
- bcmod(|string left operand, string modulus, int scale);
- [bcmul | Multiply two arbitrary precision number.]
- bcmul(|string left operand, string right operand, int scale);
- [bcpow | Raise an arbitrary precision number to another.]
- bcpow(|string x, string y, int scale);
- [bcscale | Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions.]
- bcscale(|int scale);
- [bcsqrt | Get the square root of an arbitray precision number.]
- bcsqrt(|string operand, int scale);
- [bcsub | Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another.]
- bcsub(|string left operand, string right operand, int scale);
- [BinDec | binary to decimal]
- bindec(|string binary_string);
- [Ceil | round fractions up]
- ceil(|float number);
- [chdir | change directory]
- chdir(|string directory);
- [checkdate | validate a date/time]
- checkdate(|int month, int day, int year);
- [chgrp | change file group]
- chgrp(|string filename, mixed group);
- [chmod | change file mode]
- chmod(|string filename, int mode);
- [chown | change file owner]
- chown(|string filename, mixed user);
- [clearstatcache | clear file stat cache]
- clearstatcache(|void);
- [closedir | close directory handle]
- closedir(|int dir_handle);
- [copy | copy file]
- copy(|string source, string dest);
- [Cos | cosine]
- cos(|float arg);
- [count | count elements in a variable]
- count(|mixed var);
- [current | return the current element in an array]
- current(|array array);
- [date | format a local time/date]
- date(|string format, int timestamp);
- [DecBin | decimal to binary]
- decbin(|int number);
- [DecHex | decimal to hexadecimal]
- dechex(|int number);
- [DecOct | decimal to octal]
- decoct(|int number);
- [dir | directory class]
- dir(|string directory);
- [dirname | return file name part of path]
- dirname(|string path);
- [dl | load a PHP extension at runtime]
- dl(|string library);
- [each | return next key/value pair from an array]
- each(|array array);
- [end | set internal pointer of array to last element]
- |array);
- [escapeshellcmd | escape shell metacharacters]
- escapeshellcmd(|string command);
- [exec | Execute an external program]
- exec(|string command, string array, int return_var);
- [Exp | to the power of...]
- exp(|float arg);
- [fclose | close an open file pointer]
- fclose(|int fp);
- [feof | test for end-of-file on a file pointer]
- feof(|int fp);
- [fgetc | get character from file pointer]
- fgetc(|int fp);
- [fgets | get line from file pointer]
- fgets(|int fp, int length);
- [fgetss | get line from file pointer and strip HTML tags]
- fgetss(|int fp, int length);
- [file | read entire file into an array]
- file(|string filename);
- [fileatime | get last access time of file]
- fileatime(|string filename);
- [filectime | get inode modification time of file]
- filectime(|string filename);
- [filegroup | get file group]
- filegroup(|string filename);
- [fileinode | get file inode]
- fileinode(|string filename);
- [filemtime | get file modification time]
- filemtime(|string filename);
- [fileowner | get file owner]
- fileowner(|string filename);
- [fileperms | get file permissions]
- fileperms(|string filename);
- [filesize | get file size]
- filesize(|string filename);
- [filetype | get file type]
- filetype(|string filename);
- [fileumask | get file umask]
- fileumask(|int umask);
- [file_exists | Check whether a file exists.]
- file_exists(|string filename);
- [Floor | round fractions down]
- floor(|float number);
- [fopen | open file or URL]
- fopen(|string filename, string mode);
- [fpassthru | output all remaining data on a file pointer]
- fpassthru(|int fp);
- [fputs | write to a file pointer]
- fputs(|int fp, string str, int length);
- [fread | Binary-safe file read]
- fread(|int fp, int length);
- [FrenchToJD | Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count]
- frenchtojd(|int month, int day, int year);
- [fseek | seek on a file pointer]
- fseek(|int fp, int offset);
- [ftell | tell file pointer read/write position]
- ftell(|int fp);
- [fwrite | Binary-safe file write]
- fwrite(|int fp, string string, int length);
- [getallheaders | Fetch all HTTP request headers]
- getallheaders(|void);
- [getdate | get date/time information]
- getdate(|int timestamp);
- [getenv | Get the value of an environment variable.]
- getenv(|string varname);
- [GetImageSize | get the size of a GIF, JPG or PNG image]
- getimagesize(|string filename);
- [getlastmod | Get time of last page modification.]
- getlastmod(|void);
- [getmyinode | Get the inode of the current script.]
- getmyinode(|void);
- [getmypid | Get PHP's process ID.]
- getmypid(|void);
- [getmyuid | Get PHP script owner's UID.]
- getmyuid(|void);
- [getrandmax | show largest possible random value]
- getrandmax(|void );
- [get_cfg_var | Get the value of a PHP configuration option.]
- get_cfg_var(|string varname);
- [get_current_user | Get the name of the owner of the current PHP script.]
- get_current_user(|void);
- [gmdate | format a GMT/CUT date/time]
- gmdate(|string format, int timestamp);
- [gmmktime | get UNIX timestamp for a GMT date]
- gmmktime(|int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year);
- [GregorianToJD | Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count]
- gregoriantojd(|int month, int day, int year);
- [header | Send a raw HTTP header]
- header(|string string);
- [HexDec | hexadecimal to decimal]
- hexdec(|string hex_string);
- [ImageArc | draw a partial ellipse]
- imagearc(|int im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int col);
- [ImageChar | draw a character horizontally]
- imagechar(|int im, int font, int x, int y, string c, int col);
- [ImageCharUp | draw a character vertically]
- imagecharup(|int im, int font, int x, int y, string c, int col);
- [ImageColorAllocate | allocate a color for an image]
- imagecolorallocate(|int im, int red, int green, int blue);
- [ImageColorAt | get the index of the color of a pixel]
- imagecolorat(|int im, int x, int y);
- [ImageColorClosest | get the index of the closest color to the specified color]
- imagecolorclosest(|int im, int red, int green, int blue);
- [ImageColorExact | get the index of the specified color]
- imagecolorexact(|int im, int red, int green, int blue);
- [ImageColorSet | set the color for the specified palette index]
- imagecolorset(|int im, int index, int red, int green, int blue);
- [ImageColorsForIndex | get the colors for an index]
- imagecolorsforindex(|int im, int index);
- [ImageColorsTotal | find out the number of colors in an image's palette]
- imagecolorstotal(|int im);
- [ImageColorTransparent | define a color as transparent]
- imagecolortransparent(|int im, int col);
- [ImageCopyResized | copy and resize part of an image]
- imagecopyresized(|int dst_im, int src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH);
- [ImageCreate | create a new image]
- imagecreate(|int x_size, int y_size);
- [ImageCreateFromGif | create a new image from file or URL]
- imagecreatefromgif(|string filename);
- [ImageDashedLine | draw a dashed line]
- imagedashedline(|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col);
- [ImageDestroy | destroy an image]
- imagedestroy(|int im);
- [ImageFill | flood fill]
- imagefill(|int im, int x, int y, int col);
- [ImageFilledPolygon | draw a filled polygon]
- imagefilledpolygon(|int im, array points, int num_points, int col);
- [ImageFilledRectangle | draw a filled rectangle]
- imagefilledrectangle(|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col);
- [ImageFillToBorder | flood fill to specific color]
- imagefilltoborder(|int im, int x, int y, int border, int col);
- [ImageFontHeight | get font height]
- imagefontheight(|int font);
- [ImageFontWidth | get font width]
- imagefontwidth(|int font);
- [ImageGif | output image to browser or file]
- imagegif(|int im, string filename);
- [ImageInterlace | enable or disable interlace]
- imageinterlace(|int im, int interlace);
- [ImageLine | draw a line]
- imageline(|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col);
- [ImageLoadFont | load a new font]
- imageloadfont(|string file);
- [ImagePolygon | draw a polygon]
- imagepolygon(|int im, int points, int num_points, int col);
- [ImageRectangle | draw a rectangle]
- imagerectangle(|int im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col);
- [ImageSetPixel | set a single pixel]
- imagesetpixel(|int im, int x, int y, int col);
- [ImageString | draw a string horizontally]
- imagestring(|int im, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col);
- [ImageStringUp | draw a string vertically]
- imagestringup(|int im, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col);
- [ImageSX | get image width]
- imagesx(|int im);
- [ImageSY | get image height]
- imagesy(|int im);
- [ImageTTFText | write text to the image using a TrueType fonts]
- imagettftext(|int im, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int col, string fontfile, string text);
- [is_dir | tells whether the filename is a directory]
- is_dir(|string filename);
- [is_executable | tells whether the filename is executable]
- is_executable(|string filename);
- [is_file | tells whether the filename is a regular file]
- is_file(|string filename);
- [is_link | tells whether the filename is a symbolic link]
- is_link(|string filename);
- [is_readable | tells whether the filename is readable]
- is_readable(|string filename);
- [is_writeable | tells whether the filename is writeable]
- is_writeable(|string filename);
- [JDDayOfWeek | Returns the day of the week]
- jddayofweek(|int julianday, int mode);
- [JDMonthname | Returns a month name]
- jdmonthname(|int julianday, int mode);
- [JDToFrench | Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar]
- jdtofrench(|int month, int day, int year);
- [JDToGregorian | Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date]
- jdtogregorian(|int julianday);
- [JDToJewish | Converts a Julian Day Count to the Jewish Calendar]
- jdtojewish(|int julianday);
- [JDToJulian | Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count]
- jdtojulian(|int julianday);
- [JewishToJD | Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count]
- jewishtojd(|int month, int day, int year);
- [JulianToJD | Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count]
- juliantojd(|int month, int day, int year);
- [key | fetch a key from an associative array]
- key(|array array);
- [ksort | Sort an array by key.]
- ksort(|array array);
- [leak | Leak memory]
- leak(|int bytes);
- [link | Create a hard link]
- link(|string target, string link);
- [linkinfo | Get information about a link]
- linkinfo(|string path);
- [list | assign variables as if they were an array]
- list(|...);
- [Log | natural logarithm]
- log(|float arg);
- [Log10 | base-10 logarithm]
- log10(|float arg);
- [mail | send mail]
- mail(|string to, string subject, string message, string additional_headers);
- [max | find highest value]
- max(|mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed argn);
- [microtime | return current UNIX timestamp with microseconds]
- microtime(|void);
- [min | find lowest value]
- min(|mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed argn);
- [mkdir | make directory]
- mkdir(|string pathname, int mode);
- [mktime | get UNIX timestamp for a date]
- mktime(|int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year);
- [mysql_affected_rows | get number of affected rows in last query]
- mysql_affected_rows(|int link_identifier );
- [mysql_close | close MySQL connection]
- mysql_close(|int link_identifier );
- [mysql_connect | open MySQL server connection]
- mysql_connect(|string hostname , string username , string password );
- [mysql_create_db | create MySQL database]
- mysql_create_db(|string database name, int link_identifier );
- [mysql_data_seek | move internal row pointer]
- mysql_data_seek(|int result_identifier, int row_number);
- [mysql_dbname | get current MySQL database name]
- mysql_dbname(|string result, int i);
- [mysql_db_query | send MySQL query]
- mysql_db_query(|string database, string query, int link_identifier);
- [mysql_drop_db | drop (delete) MySQL database]
- mysql_drop_db(|string database_name, int link_identifier );
- [mysql_errno | returns error number of last mysql call]
- mysql_errno(|);
- [mysql_error | returns error message of last mysql call]
- mysql_error(|);
- [mysql_fetch_array | fetch row as array]
- mysql_fetch_array(|int result);
- [mysql_fetch_field | get field information]
- mysql_fetch_field(|int result, int field_offset );
- [mysql_fetch_lengths | get max data size of output columns]
- mysql_fetch_lengths(|int result);
- [mysql_fetch_object | fetch row as object]
- mysql_fetch_object(|int result);
- [mysql_fetch_row | get row as enumerated array]
- mysql_fetch_row(|int result);
- [mysql_field_flags | get field flags]
- mysql_field_flags(|string result, int field_offset);
- [mysql_field_len | get field length]
- mysql_field_len(|string result, int field_offset);
- [mysql_field_name | get field name]
- mysql_field_name(|string result, int i);
- [mysql_field_seek | set field offset]
- mysql_field_seek(|int result, int field_offset);
- [mysql_field_table | get table name for field]
- mysql_field_table(|int result, int field_offset);
- [mysql_field_type | get field type]
- mysql_field_type(|string result, int field_offset);
- [mysql_free_result | free result memory]
- mysql_free_result(|int result);
- [mysql_insert_id | get generated id from last INSERT]
- mysql_insert_id(|void);
- [mysql_list_dbs | list MySQL databases on server]
- mysql_list_dbs(|void);
- [mysql_list_fields | list result fields]
- mysql_list_fields(|string database, string tablename);
- [mysql_list_tables | list tables in a MySQL database]
- mysql_list_tables(|string database);
- [mysql_num_fields | get number of fields in result]
- mysql_num_fields(|int result);
- [mysql_num_rows | get number of rows in result]
- mysql_num_rows(|string result);
- [mysql_pconnect | open persistent MySQL connection]
- mysql_pconnect(|string hostname , string username , string password );
- [mysql_query | send MySQL query]
- mysql_query(|string query, int link_identifier );
- [mysql_result | get result data]
- mysql_result(|int result, int row, mixed field);
- [mysql_select_db | select MySQL database]
- mysql_select_db(|string database_name, int link_identifier );
- [mysql_tablename | get table name of field]
- mysql_tablename(|int result, int i);
- [next | advance the internal array pointer]
- next(|array array);
- [OctDec | octal to decimal]
- octdec(|string octal_string);
- [opendir | open directory handle]
- opendir(|string path);
- [passthru | Execute an external program and display raw output]
- passthru(|string command, int return_var);
- [pclose | close process file pointer]
- pclose(|int fp);
- [phpinfo | Output lots of PHP information.]
- phpinfo(|void);
- [phpversion | Get the current PHP version.]
- phpversion(|void);
- [pi | get value of pi]
- pi(|void );
- [popen | open process file pointer]
- popen(|string command, string mode);
- [pos | return the current element in an array]
- pos(|array array);
- [pow | exponential expression]
- pow(|float base, float exp);
- [prev | rewind internal array pointer]
- prev(|array array);
- [putenv | Set the value of an environment variable.]
- putenv(|string setting);
- [rand | generate a random value]
- rand(|void );
- [readdir | read entry from directory handle]
- readdir(|int dir_handle);
- [readfile | output a file]
- readfile(|string filename);
- [readlink | Return the target of a symbolic link]
- readlink(|string path);
- [rename | rename a file]
- rename(|string oldname, string newname);
- [reset | set internal pointer of array to first element]
- |array);
- [rewind | rewind the position of a file pointer]
- rewind(|int fp);
- [rewinddir | rewind directory handle]
- rewinddir(|int dir_handle);
- [rmdir | remove directory]
- rmdir(|string dirname);
- [round | Rounds a float.]
- round(|double val);
- [rsort | Sort an array in reverse order]
- rsort(|array array);
- [setcookie | Send a cookie]
- setcookie(|string name, string value, int expire, string path, string domain, int secure);
- [set_time_limit | limit execution time]
- set_time_limit(|int seconds);
- [Sin | sine]
- sin(|float arg);
- [sizeof | get size of array]
- sizeof(|array array);
- [sleep | Delay execution]
- sleep(|int seconds);
- [sort | Sort an array]
- sort(|array array);
- [Sqrt | square root]
- sqrt(|float arg);
- [srand | seed the random number generator]
- srand(|int seed);
- [stat | give information about a file]
- stat(|string filename);
- [symlink | Create a symbolic link]
- symlink(|string target, string link);
- [system | Execute an external program and display output]
- system(|string command, int return_var);
- [Tan | tangent]
- tan(|float arg);
- [tempnam | create unique file name]
- tempnam(|string dir, string prefix);
- [time | return current UNIX timestamp]
- time(|void);
- [touch | set modification time of file]
- touch(|string filename, int time);
- [umask | changes the current umask]
- umask(|int mask);
- [uniqid | generate a unique id]
- uniqid(|string prefix);
- [unlink | Delete a file]
- unlink(|string filename);
- [usleep | Delay execution in microseconds]
- usleep(|int micro_seconds);
- [virtual | Perform an Apache sub-request]
- virtual(|string filename);