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- <MixVibes Config>
- //
- // x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
- //
- //
- // x,y coordinates inside the window in pixels
- // w field width in pixels
- // h field height in pixels
- // font font number (0 to 5)
- // opt option (depend of the field)
- // ct color for text or border in RGB(red,green,blue)
- // cb color for backgound in RGB(red,green,blue)
- // co other color in RGB(red,green,blue) (depend of the field)
- // tooltips tooltips
- //
- // BITMAP definition
- // option 0 : normal
- // 1 : fill surface
- // if transparent_color the bitmap is drawn transparently
- //
- // width not used yet
- // height not used yet
- //
- // x y width height option transparent_color file
- // for example :
- //:BITMAP 0 0 0 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "wall.bmp"
- //
- // TEXT definition
- // if color = -1 for no color
- // x y w h nofont color border Text
- // for example :
- // :TEXT 134 202 40 16 0 RGB(160,160,160) "out"
- //
- // BORDER definition
- // if color = -1 for no color
- // x y w h color border color back
- // for example :
- //:BORDER 2 28 200 80 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(120,150,96)
- // interface description
- :NAME "Mixvibes Standard skin"
- :THEME "Standard"
- :AUTHOR "YannL"
- :VERSION "1.0"
- :DATECREATED "01/03/2001"
- :DATELASTMODIFIED "11/03/2001"
- :WEB "www.rezopeople.com"
- :EMAIL "contact@rezopeople.com"
- :COMMENT MixVibes Copyright (C) 1999-2001
- // Main Window
- // size for the first exec N/A nb Channels
- // x y w h at start ct cb N/A N/A
- //if x==-1 then horizontal centered
- //if y==-1 then vertical centered
- //if w==-1 then full screen
- //
- :MAIN -1 -1 -1 -1 50 2
- // N/A N/A N/A N/A option font ct cb N/A N/A
- :MEDIABASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
- :SEQUENCER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
- // style 0= normal
- // 1= bold
- // 2= italic
- // 3= bold+italic
- //
- // you can define up to 7 fonts (FONT0 to FONT6)
- //
- // fonts size style name
- :FONT0 8 0 "Arial" // font normal
- :FONT1 7 2 "Verdana" // small
- :FONT2 16 1 "Verdana" // large
- :FONT3 8 1 "Verdana" // counter
- :FONT4 18 1 "Arial" // title
- :FONT5 10 1 "Arial" // Crossfader
- // position colors
- // x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
- :CROSSFADER 0 0 488 100 0 0 RGB(160,160,160) RGB(145,45,45)
- :BITMAP 0 0 488 100 1 "crossback.bmp"
- :CROSSVOL 89 16 300 45 #14 0 RGB(105,41,30) RGB(145,45,45) RGB(128, 128, 128)
- :AUTOMATCHA 12 25 37 27 0 6 "Auto Beat Matching A = B"
- :AUTOMATCHB 430 25 37 27 0 6 "Auto Beat Matching B = A"
- // ***************
- // description for mixer
- // channel
- //mixer N/A N/A seph sepv option N/A ct cb co N/A
- // option 1 : screw
- :MIXER 0 0 10 7 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(10,10,10)
- // channel pos channel
- // x y width height opt N/A ct cb co N/A
- // option 1 : border
- :CHANNEL 8 8 487 312 1 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10)
- // description for channels
- :BITMAP 0 0 487 312 0 "mvfreeback.bmp"
- :BORDER 131 11 242 82 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0)
- // for all controls except rotary knobs
- // ct= color for text or border
- // cb= color for background
- // for rotary knobs (bass, mid, treb, jog, out)
- // ct= border color for internal circle
- // cb= background color for internal circle
- // co= background color for external circle
- // position colors
- // x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
- :CH 468 0 26 26 0 2 RGB(180,140,140) RGB(164,59,50) RGB(250,250,250) "channel number"
- :SLAVE 25 62 16 20 0 0 RGB(250,250,250) RGB(192,78,60) "slave"
- :OUT 62 52 45 45 0 0 RGB(80,80,80) RGB(240,152,0) RGB(80,70, 4) "OUT"
- :NAME 135 15 178 26 #20 0 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "NAME"
- :TIME 180 40 100 24 0 2 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "TIME"
- :DUR 140 50 40 20 0 3 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "DURATION"
- :TEXT 130 70 48 16 0 RGB(160,0,0) "TRACK"
- :TRACK 180 70 36 14 0 0 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "TRACK"
- :TEXT 330 30 40 12 0 RGB(192,0,0) "PITCH"
- :BORDER 330 30 40 16 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0)
- :PITCH 330 30 40 12 #3 0 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "speed"
- :TEXT 333 42 40 40 0 RGB(192,0,0) "PITCH"
- :TEXT 336 70 40 12 0 RGB(160,0,0) "BPM"
- :BPM 330 58 40 14 0 0 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "BPM"
- :PLAYBAR 140 80 220 12 0 0 RGB(160,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(220,0,0)
- :BACK 139 119 32 32 0 "backward"
- :FWD 171 119 33 32 0 "forward"
- //:TEXT 139 104 66 15 0 RGB(128,128,128) "POS Spin"
- // tack up/down
- :TRACKSPIN 71 119 66 32 #10 "track spin"
- //:TEXT 71 104 66 15 0 RGB(128,128,128) "TRACK Spin"
- :PLAYPAUSE 208 119 62 58 0 "Play (ENTER)"
- :STATE 210 104 11 11 0 "play state"
- :CUE 277 119 62 58 0 "Cue (BACKSPACE)"
- // options for slider :VOL :PAN :PITCHBEND
- // #00 horizontal
- // #01 vertical
- // #02 vectorized
- // #04 variable channel
- // #10 tick line
- // #20 tick line + center
- // #30 3 ticks
- // #40 1 center Tick
- //O:option 2=vue meter 1=vertical 0=horizontal
- //TTT: needle height (default 90% window height)
- //AA: angle (default=120 degree)
- //SS: needle width (default= 1)
- :LEVEL 304 217 168 41 #01780202 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(70,17,11) "level"
- :VOL 440 60 20 100 0 0 RGB(123,43,35) RGB(170,62,51) RGB(234, 34, 34)
- :PAN 354 265 78 18 0 0 RGB(163,66,56) RGB(176,66,54) RGB(234, 34, 34)
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUALIZER
- // x y w h font color text
- :BASS 75 226 40 40 0 0 RGB(92,20,0) RGB(194,67,63) RGB(90,80,80)
- :MID 128 226 40 40 0 0 RGB(92,20,0) RGB(194,67,63) RGB(90,80,80)
- :TREB 182 226 40 40 0 0 RGB(92,20,0) RGB(194,67,63) RGB(90,80,80)
- // -- EQUALIZER END --
- // option for pitch button
- // 0 horizontal
- // 1 vertical
- //:BORDER 99 274 102 122 RGB(100,100,100)
- :PITCHBUTTON 360 119 66 32 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,128)
- :PITCHBEND 382 20 18 80 0 1 RGB(87,29,28) RGB(157,52,46) "pitch bend"
- // option for pitch
- // #01 No border
- // #02 No Spin
- // #04 No read only
- // #08 No Arrows keys
- // #10 Spin align left
- :PITCHRESET 368 156 16 16 "reset pitch"
- //
- // define all bitmaps in mixvibes for button and sliders
- //
- :BMDirectory "mvfreeskin" // define in which realtive path bitmaps are (ex. "\Program Files\Mixvibes Pro\Bitmap\")
- // Bitmap File name
- // OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) Transparency color
- // RGB(x,x,x)
- :BMCue "cue.bmp" "cueon.bmp" // button cue
- :BMCueSet "cueset.bmp" "cueseton.bmp" // button cue when you can set the cue point
- :BMPlayPause "play.bmp" "playon.bmp" // play/pause button
- //
- // sliders bitmap
- //
- // no focus focus
- :BMSliderVe "slider1.bmp" "slider1.bmp" //RGB(255,0,0) // pan
- :BMSliderHo "sliderpan.bmp" "sliderpan.bmp" // volume
- :BMSliderCross "xfader.bmp" "xfader.bmp" RGB(145,45,45) // cross volume
- :BMBack "frw.bmp" "frw_on.bmp"
- :BMUp "ffw.bmp" "ffw_on.bmp"
- :BMTrkDn "trackdown.bmp" "trackdown_on.bmp"
- :BMTrkUp "trackup.bmp" "trackup_on.bmp"
- :BMPitchReset "reset.bmp" "reseton.bmp"
- :BMPitch+ "pitchd.bmp" "pitchdon.bmp"
- :BMPitch- "pitchu.bmp" "pitchuon.bmp"
- :BMVueMeter "vuemeter1.bmp" "vuemeter1on.bmp"